HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Approve Minutes of 12-20-18 meeting Page 1 of 10 Item 4.a. ENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT January 3, 2019 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: DECEMBER 20, 2018 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Attached are the draft minutes of the above Board meeting. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE:Provide Exceptional Customer Service Strategy 1 - Build external customer relationships and awareness ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Minutes 12-20-18 January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 260 Page 2 of 10 ENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9AS53-A392 MINUTES* BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES A.NEJEDLY President REGULAR BOARD MEETING DA VID R. WILLIAMS President Pro Tern Board Room PAUL H.CAUSEY Thursday, December 20, 2018 MICHAEL R.MCGILL TAD J.PILECKI 1:30 p.m. DRAF1 Open Session — Board Room (Video recorded) ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Nejedly at 1:30 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll: PRESENT. Members: Causey, McGill, Pilecki, Williams, Nejedly ABSENT. Members: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. INTRODUCTIONS 1. New employees: • Ian Campbell, Utility Worker in the Operations Department, Plant Maintenance Division, effective December 3, 2018 • Joseph Hattrup, Construction Inspector in the Engineering Department, Planning and Development Services Division, effective December 3, 2018 • John Mitchell, Utility Worker in the Operations Department, Collection System Operations Division, effective December 3, 2018 BOARD ACTION: Welcomed the new employees. These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's website at centralsan.org. January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 260 Page 3 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Development Services Supervisor Paul Kelly thanked the Board for closing the last Board meeting in honor of the late Jay Nightingale. REQUESTS TO CONSIDER MATTERS OUT OF ORDER Members of the public requested Items 10 and 11 be heard out of order. CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approve the following: a. December 6, 2018 Regular Board meeting minutes b. December 10, 2018 Special Board meeting minutes C. December 13, 2018 Special Board meeting minutes 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-053 accepting grants of easement for sanitary sewer purposes as related to Job 6556 located in Lafayette; adopt Resolution No. 2018- 054 accepting a grant of easement for sanitary sewer purposes as related to Job 6589 located in Lafayette; and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder 4. Authorize the pre-selection of the following suppliers for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, District Project 7348: (1) Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. for the dewatering centrifuge system equipment in the base amount of$1,968,858; and (2) Schwing Bioset for the cake pumps equipment in the base amount of $1,973,350; and authorize the General Manager to execute contracts totaling $210,771 with Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. ($60,771) and Schwing Bioset ($150,000) for specialty services related to future equipment installation for the Project 5. Authorize the pre-selection of EnviroCare International, Inc. as the sole-source supplier for the wet scrubber air emission control equipment in the amount of $1,950,000 for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, District Project 7348; and adopt Resolution No. 2018-055 making findings and authorizing the General Manager to execute a sole-source contract with EnviroCare International, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for specialty services related to future equipment installation for the Project 6. Authorize the General Manager to execute a two-year extension, in the amount of$115,000 per year, to the existing agreement with Alliant Employee Benefits for employee benefits broker services effective January 15, 2019 through January 15, 2021 Member Pilecki requested Item 4 be removed from the consent calendar for further discussion. January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 260 Page 4 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 3 BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to adopt Items 1-3 and 5-6 on the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. In regard to Item 4, Member Pilecki provided clarification pertaining to the one bid staff received for the cake pump equipment and that the equipment bid was priced closely to the engineer's estimate. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member McGill to authorize the pre-selection of the following suppliers for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, District Project 7348: (1) Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. for the dewatering centrifuge system equipment in the base amount of$1,968,858; and (2) Schwing Bioset for the cake pumps equipment in the base amount of$1,973,350; and authorize the General Manager to execute contracts totaling $210,771 with Andritz Separation Technologies, Inc. ($60,771) and Schwing Bioset ($150,000) for specialty services related to future equipment installation for the Project. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Conduct a public hearing to consider approval of the Cordell Drive Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2017-1 in Danville, District Project 6679; adopt Resolution No. 2018-056 confirming compliance with California Constitution, Article XIIID, Section 4 (Proposition 218); adopt Resolution No. 2018-057 approving the Engineer's Report and assessments, ordering improvement, and finding the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Cordell Drive CAD No. 2017-1 participants Engineering Assistant 111 Russ Leavitt reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. Member Pilecki asked should other property owners like to connect in the future, would the property owner have to reimburse the CAD participants. Mr. Leavitt replied yes. President Nejedly opened the public hearing. There being no members of the public present to speak on the matter, the hearing was closed without public comment. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to approve the Cordell Drive CAD No. 2017-1, District Project 6679; adopt the proposed resolutions; find the project exempt from CEQA; and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with the CAD participants. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 260 Page 5 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 4 OTHER BOARD ACTION ITEMS 8. Adopt Resolution 2018-058 accepting the November 6, 2018 Consolidated Election Results BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by Member Pilecki to adopt the proposed resolution accepting the November 6, 2018 Consolidated Election Results. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 9. Receive and approve 2019 Board Committee and other assignments — President- Elect Williams Member McGill thanked staff for a productive year on the Engineering and Operations Committee. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member McGill to approve the Board Committee and other assignments for 2019 as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 10. Approve salary adjustment for General Manager Roger S. Bailey and the Fifth Amendment to the July 11, 2013 Employment Agreement, effective December 18, 2018 This item was heard immediately before Item 2. President of Central San's Local One Winston Ingram expressed the frustration of the employees represented by Local One regarding the substantial salary adjustments proposed for the General Manager and Secretary of the District. He stated that with the lengthy negotiations thatjust concluded, Local One feels that the timing of the salary increases is unfortunate and unfair to employees. He asked that the Board consider the optics of this decision and reconsider the salary adjustments. President of Central San's Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) Tim Potter stated that the MS/CG members feel that the proposals for the General Manager and Secretary of the District are outrageous with the lengthy and contentious negotiations and that the two positions received a cost of living adjustment only four months earlier. He believes that there was no justification given for these adjustments and that the General Manager's salary wage is not like other public agencies. Member Pilecki stated that every new hire at the District receives 5% merit step increases in addition to cost of living increases; both the General Manager and the Secretary of the District do not have automatic step increases and that the Board may determine when they receive those increases. Member Causey stated that he believes the numbers are comparable and that District employees are well compensated including benefits. January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 260 Page 6 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 5 Mr. Potter said that he was speaking about wages, not total compensation, and stated that he would like to review the General Manager's compensation survey. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member Causey to approve the salary adjustment for the General Manager and Fifth Amendment to his Employment Agreement effective December 18, 2018. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 11. Approve salary adjustment for Secretary of the District Katherine Young and the Second Amendment to the February 11, 2018 Employment Agreement, effective December 18, 2018 This item was heard out of order directly after Item 10 and before Item 2. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Pilecki and seconded by Member Causey to approve the salary adjustment for the Secretary of the District and Second Amendment to her Employment Agreement effective December 18, 2018. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 12. Authorize the General Manager to (1) execute a professional services contract with Kenton L. Alm, Esq., for Counsel for the District services effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020 with an option to extend the contract for two additional one-year terms; and (2) amend and extend the existing contract for legal services with Meyers Nave for three months through March 31, 2019 BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member Williams to authorize the General Manager to (1) execute a new professional services contract with Mr. Alm for Counsel for the District Services; and (2) amend and extend the existing contract for legal services with Meyers Nave, as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. General Manager Roger Bailey advised the Board that Meyers Nave will provide supplemental services and prepare succession plans in the next few months. 13. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-059 commending Counsel for the District Kenton L. Alm on his retirement from Meyers Nave effective December 31, 2018 President Nejedly expressed his gratitude for the dedication Mr. Alm has provided to the District for the past years. Member Causey thanked Mr. Alm for his respected knowledge and professional services he provides to the District. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by President Nejedly and seconded by Member McGill to adopt the proposed resolution commending Counsel for the January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 260 Page 7 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 6 District Kenton L. Alm on his retirement from Meyers Nave effective December 313 2018. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 14. Authorize the General Manager to execute (1) a professional engineering services agreement with HDR, Inc. (HDR) in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for condition assessment and predesign of the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project 7349; and (2) an as-needed agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for peer review services Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. Member Causey asked if the concept of big data was going to be used in order to operate the equipment. Mr. Petit stated that staff's goal is to use big data on every project, but an evaluation of the data would need to be completed first. Member Williams believes that the General Manager understands compliance and life cycles of District assets and will do what is best for the District in a cost-effective manner. He further stated that it would be helpful for the Board to understand the assumptions used for business case analyses. Member Pilecki stated that once the condition assessments and design criteria has been developed, the Board can provide input and decide. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Williams and seconded by Member Causey to authorize agreements with HDR, Inc. and Carollo Engineers, Inc. as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 15 General Manager Reports a. Update on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system vendor selection process Information Technology Manager John Huie presented a brief update on the status of the ERP vendor selection process. There was a discussion regarding how other agencies are using the cloud and the associated liability. BOARD ACTION: Received the update. b. Provide clarification on Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Board Goal for the General Manager regarding staffing analysis for the Engineering Department January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 260 Page 8 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 7 General Manager Roger S. Bailey asked for clarification on the goal provided to him from the Board regarding staffing analysis for the Engineering Department. Member McGill stated that he believes the District is run in a cost-effective way and that the engineering study may be premature. Members Pilecki and Williams concurred. Member Causey believes that the District needs to be prepared to recruit more employees regarding the number of future capital projects. President Nejedly stated that he does not want to micromanage staff and believes that staff will let the General Manager know when they need more employees. BOARD ACTION: Provided input to the General Manager to clarify the specified FY 2018-19 Goal and determined it was not necessary to continue with the staffing analysis. 16. General Manager—Announcements a. Announcements — December 20, 2018 None. 17. Counsel for the District Mr. Alm thanked the Board and staff for the kind comments and stated that is has been a pleasure to be associated with an organization for such a long period of time and that he is thankful he can remain involved. 18. Secretary of the District Ms. Young said now that the Board Committee appointments have been approved for 2019, she will set to work immediately with the Committee Members to finalize meeting dates for 2019. Ms. Young invited the Board Members and staff to a reception in the foyer outside of the Board Room after the meeting to celebrate Mr. Alm's retirement from Meyers Nave. 19. Board Members — Committee Minutes a. December 10, 2018 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair Causey and Member McGill b. December 11, 2018 —Administration Committee — Chair McGill and Member Williams January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 260 Page 9 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 8 BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes. 20. Board Members - Reports and Announcements Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for which the District paid their expenses. a. Member Causey • December 12, 2018 —Attended DERWA (Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)/East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Recycled Water Authority) diversion presentation to Community Meeting in San Ramon Member McGill • December 6, 2018 - Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference hosted by the City of Walnut Creek Member McGill also provided a written report covering his announcements and other meetings. Member Pilecki — No report. Member Williams - In regard to ex-parte communication, he advised that he attended an informal breakfast meeting with Board Director John Burke from Contra Costa Water District and there was minimal discussion regarding the refinery project. President Nejedly_— No report. BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements. 18. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by the Board. No requests. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS None. January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 260 Page 10 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT December 20, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes- Page 9 REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m. Adjournment was followed by a gathering in the foyer to commemorate Counsel for the District Kenton L. Alm, Esq. on his retirement from Meyers Nave. James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Katie Young Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California January 3, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 260