HomeMy WebLinkAbout14. Authorize agreement with HDR, Inc. for condition assessment and predesign of Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, DP 7349; and as-needed agreement with Carollo Engineers for peer review services Page 1 of 29 Item 14. CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2018 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE (1)A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HDR, INC. (HDR) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,590,000 FOR CONDITION ASSESSMENTAND PREDESIGN OF THE STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7349; AND (2) AN AS-NEEDED AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. (CAROLLO) I N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $300,000 FOR PEER REVIEW SERVICES SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NITIN GOEL, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PDS-ASSET MANAGEMENT REVIEWED BY: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board of Directors (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute professional engineering services agreements in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 125 of 168 Page 2 of 29 At the June 7, 2018 Board Meeting, staff presented a detailed explanation of the drivers and elements associated with the Energy Recovery and Blower Replacement Project in the current Fiscal Year(FY) 2018-19 Capital Improvement Budget (CI B). Central San's existing energy, aeration systems and secondary process are well maintained and have performed reliably for many years. Many of these facilities that were originally installed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, now require significant ongoing maintenance attention, are based on complex outdated and less energy efficient technologies, and have operational limitations such as limited turndown capabilities and redundancy. Furthermore, some of the piping systems (air and steam) are showing signs of corrosion, metal fatigue and stress, and have developed leaks. The 2017 Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) recommended renovation of the steam, aeration systems, and the associated structural, electrical and instrumentation/control systems based on their aging condition, with an improved reliable, flexible, and optimized system. However, before proceeding with any type of renovation, the existing steam piping, valves, blowers, secondary treatment process and related equipment will require a detailed assessment to determine condition, remaining life and what improvements or replacement are required, and to develop business case evaluations (BCE) on the best recommended approach for Central San. There are five individual and associated projects in the 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CI P)to address the above-mentioned issues related to energy, aeration systems, and secondary processes. Due to the inter-dependency of each project element (as seen in Attachment 1), it became apparent that these efforts should be combined at this time into a single project for the condition assessment and preliminary design concept as decisions made regarding one process area would have a direct impact and affect the other related processes. Therefore, these projects were combined to create the newly renamed project"Steam Aeration Blower Systems Renovations" (Project), DP 7349. However, it is not the intent at this time to proceed with a single project to design and construct all the elements. Phasing will be considered and evaluated with the CI P updated based on the condition assessment findings of this Project. The Board will be presented with the preliminary findings prior to moving forward with any detailed design effort. Project Elements: Condition assessment is critical and several elements (1-5) require a detailed evaluation. This Project is aimed at evaluating and coordinating the following elements (a detailed description of the Project elements can be found in Attachment 2): 1. Boiler Feedwater System: The remaining useful life of the boiler feedwater system and all of its components is not known. Also, due to lack of redundancy within the boiler feedwater system, any boiler feedwater maintenance work triggers the need to temporarily shut down major plant facilities which impacts plant operations and impacts the Operations & Maintenance budget. 2. Steam System: The existing steam system is an intricate system with complex interconnections and interdependencies between the solids treatment and handling process, waste heat, and systems connected to the secondary process aeration system. Previous capacity evaluations indicated that there may not be adequate redundancy to meet peak day steam demands due to capacity limitations as a result of boiler feedwater limitations. Thus, a detailed condition assessment of the steam system can identify system improvements, evaluate alternatives for heat recovery, and develop an energy balance. In addition, a recent auxiliary boiler shutdown revealed the development of cracks in the burner. This Project will evaluate the auxiliary boiler's useful life and its feasibility to meet steam demands. 3.Aeration Blower and Piping System: The steam-driven blowers cannot operate reliably in parallel, nor can they operate individually in parallel with the electric blower. When blowers are operated in parallel, they go into a surge condition which can lead to catastrophic failure. Each steam-driven blower is sized for peak air demands but does not have adequate turndown for low air demand conditions. The smaller electric motor driven blower is not sized to meet peak demand and cannot be operated in parallel with the December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 126 of 168 Page 3 of 29 larger steam turbine blowers. Leaks in the aeration air piping (primarily associated with the buried air headers) result in significant air losses.A condition assessment can evaluate the aeration system capacity and its remaining useful life; determine cost-effective alternatives for blower replacement and address the aeration leaks. 4. Secondary Treatment Process:A condition assessment of the secondary process consisting of the aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, associated activated sludge processes and sludge pumping, is needed to evaluate and recommend improvements (e.g. aeration system, mixed liquor flow splitter box, anaerobic selector modifications, return activated sludge/waste activated sludge (RAS/WAS) sizing and control modifications, clarifier blanket monitoring/control, etc.). If the Project is able to optimize the secondary process, Central San can avoid the future expansion of the secondary clarifier as identified in the CWMP. 5. Electrical Power Distribution System: The existing high voltage electrical system was designed for facilities that in part no longer exist and may not be optimal for existing and planned future infrastructure. Facilities and conductors will require assessment as they will likely be updated and some will need to be replaced. The condition assessments will also evaluate, update, and find new optimal ways to distribute power around the treatment plant to provide a safe, robust system in the future, determine remaining life and improvements to the electrical distribution system. Recently, the plant experienced a major feeder cable failure associated with Substation 82 and had to initiate emergency repairs; this Project will evaluate these and others feeders. 6. Future Nutrient Reduction Impacts: On April 9, 2014, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board issued Order No. R2-2014-0014, Waste Discharge Requirements for Nutrients from Municipal Wastewater Discharges to San Francisco Bay(Watershed Permit). In response to the Watershed Permit, the Publicly Owned Treatment Works are working collectively under the joint powers agency, Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA). While these requirements are well into the future, they will impact the secondary treatment processes, thus, this Project will need to consider these potential future requirements and be flexible enough to work with future regulatory requirements and water quality needs while evaluating improvements and potential upgrades. 7. Water Exchange Project: While the Water Exchange Project would be implemented as an independent project and would be funded mostly in part by other agencies, it will likely impact the secondary treatment processes, thus, this Project will need to consider the Water Exchange and its requirements and be flexible enough to address potential future water quality needs. Overall Project Approach -The Project includes a significant amount of planning, condition assessment, BCEs, and predesign work to ensure any improvements are made to meet current and future Central San needs. Evaluations will be conducted to establish design parameters for each system/process and associated equipment. See Attachment 3 for an outline of all major project elements and its drivers to be addressed. This Project will include a detailed condition assessment and predesign that will: •Assess the condition and remaining useful life of each project element • Confirm the most cost effective and reliable energy recovery and aeration system replacement or repair alternative • Prepare 10% technical and cost estimates • Prepare BCEs for all major options to support decisions As-Needed Peer Review- The Project may generate the need to make some major decisions, such as; 1)what to do with the steam system (rehabilitation, replace in kind, or convert to generate heat to power); 2) stay with steam blower or convert to electric driven blowers; 3) renovate, replace, or upgrade the electrical distribution systems; or 4)the extent of the modifications, if any, to the secondary process/activated sludge process. In addition, a"Do Nothing" alternative will be evaluated. When the Project was presented to the Board on June 7, 2018, some of the Board members expressed the desire to conduct an independent December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 127 of 168 Page 4 of 29 "Peer RevievJ' or"Value Engineering" of the decisions and BCEs being presented. To address that request, staff is proposing to hire an independent team of experts to conduct a peer review of those major decisions to make sure they are well developed and economically sound. Consultant Selection: On June 12, 2018, a Request for Proposal (RFP)was publicly advertised and four consulting engineering firms responded with qualified and responsive proposals. After evaluating the proposals based on qualifications, statement of approach, staff availability, and understanding of the project, staff invited all four consulting firms to participate in an oral interview presentation. The four consulting firms were HDR, Carollo/Black& Veatch, Brown and Caldwell, and CDM Smith. HDR ranked as the top firm and is recommended for this project. Staff selected the second ranked firm, Carollo, to be the consultant leading the peer review, but their team will include subject matter experts (SME)from other firms and academics chosen by Central San based on technical, consensus building, and constructability expertise. The scope of the HDR agreement will include the following tasks: 1) Condition Assessments, 2) Design Criteria Development and Recommended Improvements, 3) BCEs for In-Kind Repair, Replacement, and Other Alternatives, 4) BCEs for Water Exchange Alternatives, and 5) Predesign Report and Cost Estimates. CEQA Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15262 of Central San's CEQA Guidelines, since it allows for further planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which Central San has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of the tasks authorized herein to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS 1. The Board may elect not to proceed with the peer review and decline the services. The benefits of a peer review include the enhancement of the credibility of project decisions and validation of critical decisions that are recommended by an independent third party. The Peer Review team of SMEs that will be conducting the peer review workshops were chosen by Central San based on technical expertise, consensus building expertise, and constructability or project phasing. If the Board desires to conduct a peer review of this potentially large project, staff recommends that the time to conduct such effort is during the early stage, when alternatives and BCEs are prepared and presented. Therefore, staff would recommend that the peer review be included at this time. 2. The Board may elect to postpone the 10% predesign work to a future fiscal year. However, this is not recommended as this work is necessary for the public health, safety, security, and treatment plant facilities and infrastructure needs as stated in the Project. This alternative would delay the replacement of deteriorated infrastructure and would likely increase the overall cost of any project element and risk of failures at the facilities. Therefore, this alternative is not recommended. FINANCIAL IMPACTS HDR's total agreement fee for the proposed scope of work is $2.59 million, which is about 2.3% of the estimated overall total project costs considering the various condition assessments needed and identified in the CWMP and included in the 10-Year Cl P (see Attachment 3 for project and budget details). Final design services are not currently budgeted under this agreement at this time. Staff would likely not implement all the elements in a single project, but phase with multiple projects. Central San will negotiate the final design services fee with HDR once this initial phase of the Project is completed and a scope and budget is finalized and authorized by the Board. The as-needed peer review cost with Carollo is expected December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 128 of 168 Page 5 of 29 to not exceed $300,000 which comprises other experts from academia and other firms including Black& Veatch, AECOM, and Hazen and Sawyer. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this matter on December 10, 2018, and recommended approval of the agreements. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Authorize General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with HDR, I nc. in an amount not to exceed $2,590,000 for condition assessment and predesign of the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations, District Project 7349; and 2. Authorize the General Manager to execute an as-needed agreement with Carollo Engineers, I nc. in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for Peer Review Services. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 1 - Strive to achieve 100%permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce Strategy 3- Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE: Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally throughout their lifecycle, Strategy 2- Facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 1 -Augment the region's water supply, Strategy 2- Reduce reliance on non-renewable energy, Strategy 3- Encourage the review and testing of technology to optimize and modernize business operations ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Cost Estimates 2. Detailed Project Elements Descriptions 3. Project Elements and Drivers 4. Presentation December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 129 of 168 Page 6 of 29 ATTACHMENT 1 STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 7349 Project Cost Estimates DP Budget-to- CIB Total Project No. Project Name Date Pae FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 Cost Energy Recovery and 7349 Blower $300,000 168 $1,200,000 $3,713,000 $60,150,000 Replacement CIP Secondary Treatment $3,840,000 Hydraulic Improvements Secondary Clarifier CIP Mechanical $22,400,000 Replacement CIP Standby Generator $5,150,000 Expansion CIP Electrical Improvements to Sub 82 and other MCC, Substations (Part $20,000,000 of Annual Infrastructure Replacement Project Total $111,540,000 STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 7349 Energy Recovery and Blower Replacement Project Cost Estimates Phase Budget-to-Date FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 Future FYs Total Planning $300,000 $1,200,000 $1,030,000 $0 $2,530,000 Design $0 $0 $2,683,000 $3,713,000 $6,396,000 Construction $0 $0 $0 $51,224,000 $51,224,000 FY Total $300,00 $1,200,000 $3,713,000 $54,937,000 $60,150,000 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 130 of 168 Page 7 of 29 ATTACHMENT 2 DETAILED PROJECT ELEMENTS DESCRIPTIONS PROJECT ELEMENTS DESCRIPTIONS: Condition assessment is critical and several elements (1-5) require a detailed evaluation. This Project is aimed at evaluating and coordinating the following elements: 1. Boiler Feedwater System: The boiler feedwater system is from the 1970s and 1980s. The single closed loop boiler feedwater system is extensive and complex. It must meet the plant's steam generation requirements and respond to frequent varying operating conditions from all three concurrent steam generation sources: 1) the two Multiple Hearth Furnace (MHF) waste heat boilers; 2) the cogeneration waste heat boiler; and 3) the two auxiliary boilers. Due to additional steam demands, the boiler feedwater system is now operating at much higher pressure than what the system was originally designed in 1980s which results in capacity limitations. Another important fact to note is that the operating pressure of the boiler feedwater system has changed over time and not all components are rated optimally for the current operating conditions which creates some risk and safety concerns. Condition assessment needs and concerns with the Boiler Feedwater System: The remaining useful life of the boiler feedwater system and all of its components is not known. Furthermore, due to lack of redundancy within the boiler feedwater system, any boiler feedwater maintenance work triggers the need to temporarily shut down major of facilities. In one recent instance, this included shutdown of the entire boiler feedwater system, all four boilers, multiple hearth furnace (MHF), cogeneration unit, steam-driven turbine aeration blowers, and other equipment. 2. Steam System: The existing steam system is also aged and an intricate system with complex interconnections and interdependencies between the solids treatment and handling process, waste heat, and steam systems with the secondary process aeration system. Due to this complex interconnection, any upsets, shutdowns, and process variability in handling and processing the solids has a direct impact on the aeration blower's ability to produce sufficient air volume and pressure to meet the dissolved oxygen needs of the biological process. Similarly, major changes or upsets in the operation of the aeration system may impact operation of the steam system, steam generation equipment, and boiler feedwater systems. Condition assessment needs and concerns with the Steam S sy tem: Previous capacity evaluations indicated that there may not be adequate redundancy to meet peak day steam demands due to possible auxiliary boiler capacity limitations as result of existing boiler controls and/or boiler feedwater system limitations. Thus, a detailed condition assessment of the steam system can identify steam system improvements, evaluate alternatives for a new heat recovery system, and develop an energy balance. December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 131 of 168 Page 8 of 29 Attachment 2 Detailed Project Elements Descriptions Page 2 of 4 In addition, the auxiliary boilers which are required to produce steam when steam demand is not met from the cogeneration boiler and/or the MHF boilers, have aged. Following observations made during a recent shutdown revealed the development of cracks in the burner. Discoloration can also be seen from gas burning between refractory and burner plate. A condition assessment will evaluate the auxiliary boiler's useful life and its feasibility to meet steam demands. 3. Aeration Blower and Piping System: The aeration system consists of two steam turbine driven centrifugal blowers and one electric driven blower. The two steam-driven aeration blowers, installed in 1974, utilize steam from the waste heat and auxiliary boilers. The electric engine-driven blower, installed in 1983, utilizes electricity generated from the natural gas cogeneration system and/or from the electric utility PG&E. Air pressurized by these blowers is conveyed via steel piping to the aeration basins for the activated sludge biological treatment. Air produced by these blowers is also used for channel aeration of treated effluent for dissolved oxygen requirements in the discharge permit and also is piped to the pre-aeration tank for use for the aerated grit removal process. Condition assessment needs and concerns with the Aeration System: The steam-driven blowers cannot operate reliably in parallel, nor can they individually in parallel with the electric blower. Each steam-driven blower sized for peak air demands but do not have adequate turndown for low air demand conditions. Leaks in the aeration air piping (primarily associated with the buried air headers) result in significant air losses. A condition assessment can evaluate the aeration system capacity and its remaining useful life and determine cost-effective alternatives for blower replacement and addressing the aeration leaks. 4. Secondary Treatment Process: The secondary process consists of a conventional activated sludge biological treatment process with four serpentine rectangular aeration basins. Mixed liquor (a blend of primary effluent flow and returned activated sludge (RAS)) are first introduced to an anaerobic selector zone equipped with surface mixers for biological phosphorus removal. The flow then is distributed via concrete channels to the aeration tanks (referred to as AN Tanks at Central San). Air produced by the aeration blowers to each tank via air piping and then routed below the water surface where it is distributed below the tank false floor that is outfitted with ceramic disk diffusers. The false floor houses the plenum that allow air to be distributed to the process flow via the fine bubble generated by the ceramic disk diffusers. Condition assessment needs and concerns with the Secondary Treatment Process: A condition assessment of the secondary process is needed to evaluate and recommend improvements (e.g. mixed liquor flow splitter box, anaerobic selector modifications, December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 132 of 168 Page 9 of 29 Attachment 2 Detailed Project Elements Descriptions Page 3 of 4 RAS/waste activated sludge (WAS) sizing and control modifications, clarifier blanket monitoring/control, etc.). If the Project is able to optimize the secondary process, it can avoid the future expansion of the secondary clarifier as identified in past projects. The existing anaerobic selector was constructed within existing channels and is limited in its volume and retention time. In addition to potential hydraulic short-circuiting, the retention time to each aeration tank varies and may be less than optimal for an anaerobic selector. It is possible that existing tank configuration limits the effectiveness of the selector under different flow and loading conditions. The aeration air piping, diffusers, mixed liquor flow hydraulic distribution between the A/N Tanks and then to two secondary clarifier Quads will be evaluated as well as tank operating depth, process performance, RAS/WAS rates and other process controls. 5. Electrical Power Distribution System: Electrical Substation 82 (Sub 82) was installed in 1974 and the majority of the components are from the original installation. Sub 82 is the main electrical substation at Central San where PG&E is connected to the internal electric grid that feeds the plant for its electrical power needs and therefore an essential hub. There is a vast infrastructure of buried high voltage 12kV cables that distribute power between the substations and from Sub 82 to the rest of the plant, and other offices such as the Headquarter Office Building (HOB) and Plant Operations Building (POB) facilities. Most high voltage distribution cables were installed around 40 years ago. Sub 82 is also connected to the plant electrical grid system which also receives power for the co-generation system. Condition assessment needs and concerns with the Electrical Power Distribution System:The existing high voltage electrical distribution system was designed for facilities that no longer exist and may no longer be optimal for existing and planned future infrastructure. As aging electrical gears, facilities and conductors will require an assessment as they will likely be updated and some will need to be replaced. The plant recently experienced some major failure in the cabling associated with Sub 82 and had to initiate emergency repairs to resume safe and reliable operation. The condition assessment will also evaluate, update, and find new optimal ways to distribute power around the treatment plant to provide a safe robust system in the future, the remaining useful and improvement of the electrical distribution system will be assessed. 6. Future Nutrient Reduction Impacts: Nutrients in the San Francisco Bay (SF Bay) are a growing concern for the Bay Area water quality community. On April 9, 2014, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board issued Order No. R2-2014- 0014, Waste Discharge Requirements for Nutrients from Municipal Wastewater Discharges to San Francisco Bay (Watershed Permit). In response to the Watershed Permit, the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) are working collectively under the joint powers agency, Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA). Central San acknowledges the waste discharge requirements for nutrients from municipal wastewater discharges will take place in the future and possibly requiring to reduce the December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 133 of 168 Page 10 of 29 Attachment 2 Detailed Project Elements Descriptions Page 4 of 4 load in future permits. While these requirements are well into the future, they will impact the secondary treatment processes, thus, the Project will need to consider these potential future requirements and be flexible enough to work with future regulatory requirements and water quality needs while evaluating upgrades and improvements that should be done earlier. 7. Water Exchange Project: Central San is evaluating the Water Exchange Project to facilitate regional collaboration, augment water supply and maximizing resource recovery, reduce effluent loads to Suisun Bay, and overall sustainability. Upgrades will take in account Central San's plan for implementing the Water Exchange project and avoid constructing stranded assets. While this Water Exchange Project would be implemented as an independent project and would be funded mostly in part by other agencies, it could also impact the secondary treatment processes, thus, the Project will need to consider this future project and its requirements and be flexible enough to address the water quality needs while evaluating upgrades and improvements that be done earlier under this Project. December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 134 of 168 Page 11 of 29 ATTACHMENT 3 STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 7349 Project Elements and Drivers Driver(s) Element Project Elements # Replacing Aging Capacity Regulatory Sustainability and Infrastructure Limitations Compliance Energy Optimization 1 Boiler Feedwater System 2 Steam System 3 Aeration System 4 Secondary Process 5 Electrical Distribution System 6 Future Nutrient Reduction Impacts 7 Water Exchange Project December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 135 of 168 Page 12 of 29 � qw Attachment ENERGY RECOVERY AND BLOWER _ REPLACEMENT PROJECT DP 7349 Board Meeting - December 20, 2018 Jean-Marc Petit Director of Engineering & Technical Services 1115433TO,11114-7-M Y pro est / Ren001" th �s l STEAM AND AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT DP 7349 1 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 136 of 168 Page 13 of 29 PROJECT BACKGROUND • Project elements identified over past 12 years in Capital Improvement Budgets (CIB)and reaffirmed as part of Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP). • Project was introduced to the E&O Committee on May 7, 2018 and to the Board on June 7, 2018. • After Board approval, a Request for Proposal (RFP)was publicly advertised and four(4)consulting engineering firms responded. • After evaluating proposals based on qualifications, statement of approach, and staff availability, staff invited all four consulting firms to participate in an oral interview presentation. • The four consulting firms were HDR, Carollo/Black&Veatch, Brown and Caldwell, and CDM Smith. • HDR ranked as the top firm and is recommended for this project. • Staff selected the second ranked firm, Carollo,to be the consultant leading the peer review, but will include subject matter experts(SME)from other firms and academics chosen by Central San based on technical, consensus uilding, and constructability expertise. ` r 3 HDR TEAM SELECTED FOR THIS PROJECT I IL n It Holly Kennedy,PE Craig Olson,PE Mike Falk,PhD,PE Graham Bell,PhD,PE, Principal-in-Charge Project Manager Process Engineer FNACE Condition Assessment Lead Dan Sampson Doug McHaney,PE JB Neethling,PhD,PE Brian Boitano,PE Steam Lead Electrical Lead Process Lead Project Engineer I� CENTRALSAN _tea— d 2 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 137 of 168 Page 14 of 29 OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVES • Ensure employee safety • Ensure reliable operation of the steam, aeration and other related systems over next 20+years • Ensure reliable NPDES permit compliance (Current and Future) • Ensure reliable Title permit V compliance (Current and Future) • Reduce Operations and Maintenance (O&M)cost(e.g.; reduce chemical and energy usage and labor cost associated with maintenance and frequent repairs) � 5 PROJECT NEED STATEMENT 1.Central San's Energy Production and Steam & Secondary Processes are extensive, interdependent&complex. 2.Detailed condition assessments by specialized experts is key to understanding the remaining useful life of critical equipment& preparing the baseline alternative cost. 3.Through Central San's great maintenance program, facilities are still in service while already beyond their typical useful life. Need to have a strategy for addressing issues as they arise and the future needs to replace them (in-kind or not). 4.Deciding on the optimal, cost-effective heat energy recovery is an important milestone ahead of detailed alternatives analysis. 5.Project needs to balance near-term upgrades&optimization with long- term strategies (e.g. nutrient removal &water exchange). r 6 3 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 138 of 168 DRIVERS FOR STEAM AND AERATION SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT Now Primary Drivers: Condition Assessments/ Replace Aging/ Address Remaining Unreliable Assets Equipment Useful Life Redundancy 1AL JJ CENTRAL SAN Condition Assessments/ Replace Aging/ Address Remaining Unreliable Assets Equipment Useful Life Redundancy Improve Energy Optimization/ Prepare forWater Exchange/ Efficiency/ Performance/ Future Nutrient Sustainability Water Quality Removal S CENTRALSAN Page 16 of 29 ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USES AT CENTRAL SAN ARE EXTENSIVE, COMPLEX, AND INTERDEPENDENT BETWEEN LIQUID, SOLIDS, AND ENERGY SYSTEMS These critical systems are aging, becoming less reliable, impacting operational reliability and regulatory compliance, and requiring increased maintenance. SIEN N4!jERAfi1,0N,, BUOH GYSTERS , 6VATIONS, PROJECT I Movie Clip of Steam System click here. 9 CENTRAL SAN dr STEAM SYSTEM IS CRITICAL FOR THE SECONDARY PROCESS Furnace Exhaust D Waste Wet Induced ry Heat �♦ Draft Scrubber Boilers Scrubber Fan Scrubber Water to Primary Effluent Steam Piping Steam Pre-Aeration Cake Turbine Lm.ue iple Blowers -1 1Landfill gasces Electricit Waste to Plant St m A/N Tanks Standby Heat Us rs Power Boiler Potable Feeds: Facility water Boiler Feed MHF Boilers Mixed Liquor Auxiliary Water Cogen Boiler Eleco-mny Metef Cogen Boilers Channels Aux.Boilers from Grid Turbine Final Effluent Ash •• �h Handling System Natural sas mct.r �•�• ♦� Future Needs ate INutrient Exchan Removal) CENTRAL SAN 5 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 140 of 168 Page 17 of 29 CENTRAL SAN SECONDARY TREATMENT PROCESSES 1�11111akLIlU� i = . ILZ. e CENTRAL SAN D STEAM &AERATION BLOWER SYSTEMS RENOVATIONS PROJECT ELEMENTS :tT K �i :�■�r.y� a Steam Generation Boiler Feed Water i it �1 -VIA I Steam& 1 r Condensate • ,. -. . _ k., Or Piping r IL _ WAW 0 0, u jeo i 1 fliiaa i 4 }Sti it J ' Optimize Selector New Diffusers&Piping &Aeration Tank Rehab I`; Dedicated .. T,410PINMl Aerated Grit Re-Use Blower Building Blowers for New Blowers? SUB 52 Electrical Upgr . 6 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 141 of 168 Page 18 of 29 0 SECONDARY TREATMENT/ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS SUB 82 Electrical Upgrades 6 I (- Mixed Liquor y Hydraulic Splitter Box - � �Gw- Rehab Clarifiers SUB 33&34 and RAS/WAS Electrical Upgrades I :�n11111.1 lit ,., .I I� CENTRAL SAN 0 'LANNING FOR WATER EXCHANGE PROJECT ELEMENTS SUB 82 1 Electrical Upgrades \\�' ._ 20 MGD Water Exchange: Biological Nitrogen Removal(BNR)using: BAF,or membrane Bioreactors(MBR),or Tertiary w Membranes,or AquaNereda°Granular Activated Sludge+Microfiltration+Split Stream Reverse Osmosis I i 1@1111 1 41111 �� Divert 20 MGD Conventional Activated Sludge r" 14 CENTRAL SAN 7 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 142 of 168 Page 19 of 29 0 PLANNING FOR FUTURE NUTRIENT REMOVAL BACWA LEVEL 1 SUB 82 + Electrical Upgrades ti� it ❑ CEPT oil 5 95111 Seasonal Nutrient '� rig - Optimize Selector Removal:New Diffusers&Piping& i - �• Aeration Tank Rehab Re-Use Blower Building for New Blowers? SUB 52 Electrical Upgrades 0 LANNING FOR FUTURE NUTRIENT REMOVAL BACWA LEVEL SUB 82 ° Contaminated Soil Electrical Upgradis, Future Nutrient Relocation Future Clarifiers? Removal Tanks - , O New Blower ❑ Building? r, 5 00 - r CEPT 00I �f I. +fJ` Convert to Nutrient Optimize Selector Removal:New Diffusers&Piping& Aeration Tank Rehab _ Primary Expansion? Re-Use Blower Building 1-4.0111 for New Blowers? SUB 52 Electrical Upgrades 8 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 143 of 168 Page 20 of 29 PROJECT ELEMENTS TO BE EVALUATED SUB 82 Contaminated Soil Electrical Upgrades Future Nutrient Relocation Water Exchange Future Clarifiers? Removal Tanks _ Steam Generation New Boiler Feed Water O Blower s ❑O Building? Steam& Condensate Mixed Liquor Rehab Clarifiers Piping Hydraulic Add Splitter Box Generator O CEPT SUB 33&34 r\../ J u Electrical Upgrades i a .a I il, 12" New Diffusers&Piping Optimize Selector rl &Aeration Tank Rehab y . Dedicated4 rAerated Grit i Re-Use Blower Building r Primary Expansion Blowers •' for New Blowers? - SUB 52 Electrical Upgrades MAIN AREAS OF FOCUS OF PROJECT se 6 1 R Lo- 1 6 3 2 a`_ o b BOILEREEED HEAT RECOVERY STEAM AND AERATION AERATION BASINS SECONDARY ELECTRCIALAND and STEAM BLOWERS WATER SYSTEM CONDENSATE (4)ANDAIR CLARIFlERS(R)& CONTROLS PRODUCTION STEAM N COPIPINDENSTEMATE (STEAM& PIPING RAS/WAS SYSTEMS ELECTRIC) PUMPING 18 CENTRAL SAN 9 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 144 of 168 Page 21 of 29 1 1 BOILER FEED WATER SYSTEM Major Components • Ion Exchange Softeners - • Deaerator • Chemical Feed Systems • Boiler Feed Water Pumps Vulnerabilities/Concerns • Safety(Operating at higher pressure than designed pressure) • Capacity/redundancy ji,Reliability(complexity and highnumber of valves,and components) Corrosion/fatigue 19 2 I HEAT RECOVERY He STEAM PRODUCTION y Major Components ®� • Two Furnace Waste Heat Boilers • Two Auxiliary Boilers • One Cogeneration Waste Heat - Boiler Vulnerabilities/Concerns • Corrosion/Aged Equipment 'r • Reliability(complexity and high number of valves and components) • GHG(when steam from auxiliary boilers is used) 10 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 145 of 168 Page 22 of 29 3 1 STEAM & CONDENSATE PIPING SYSTEM Major Components Condensate:storage,pumping,, low and high pressure piping of • 1,500 feet of steam piping (two steam headers) • 1,500 feet of condensate piping • Over 100 major valves • Over 750 smaller valves VuinerapiIitiezy%,,vncerns �- • Safety • Corrosion/fatigue F •' • Reliability • Seismic 4 AERATION BLOWERS .z�r Major Components • Steam and Electrical Blowers/Aeration System • Valves • Mounts • Controls • Casing • Nozzle Blocks • Shell - • Bearings • Lubrication Vulnerabilities/Concerns • Complex • Parallel Operation • Turndown • Redundancy • Discharge air piping leaks 11 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 146 of 168 Page 23 of 29 5 1 AERATION BASINS & AIR PIPING Major Components "�- • Main air header between Pump& •■ -�_ — -- Blower Building and Aeration Basins • Four Aeration Basins(A/N Tanks) — tie f u • Air Disk Diffusers and Plenum • Air Distribution Piping and Control Valves Vulnerabilities/concerns _ • Air Piping Conditions 1IT Capacity/Redundancy of Activated '.` �r a rr :=_ + iiii Sludge ��— • Readiness for Future Nutrient _ Removal I'. • Corrosion/fatigue kFi • Conversion to seasonal biological nutrient removal r fig$ 23 C 1 SECONDARY TREATMENT Major Components • Secondary Clarifiers • Two quads of four tanks each, eight total • Mechanisms and drives � IITlllla llld • Mixed liquor distribution channels • RAS/WAS/Scum Pumping Vulnerabilities/Concerns • Capacity/redundancy (Wet Weather) • Hydraulic and Solids Load Distribution i - • Age and condition of mechanisms and drives �,•-t°� • Corrosion/fatigue • Seismic(sloshing) 12 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 147 of 168 Page 24 of 29 �F 71 ELECTRICAL & - CONTROLS SYSTEMS T Major Components • Substations 82,73,etc. m' • Standby generation • MCCs • Cable trays • Conductors and other electrical components Issues MCC 4MI.1361 Bhbb • Safety(arc flash) • Age and condition of ""n° e�>r electrical system M' CAI,4MI • Readiness for future '""`•'"'1M expansion MCC 3361,=2 MCC VF1,d N MCC 39311,]913 MCCITC.,176 Mcc W a,I.ah s MCC 6M:M6 6wflt55e•r Bld• NCC e1IMMMMt1,BIC3 MCC 7361.81.tM44,73UI. NYMC 53A,53M 811G 6P 7363!\�,T9Cwnh Gir,T3CFG 25 NCC 52J1.52JY. MCC 73U3 SOME CONCERNS & OPTIMIZATION OPPORTUNITIES IDENTIFIED BY STAFF 1 13 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 148 of 168 Page 25 of 29 BOILER FEED WATER VALVE REPLACEMENT TRIGGERS MAJOR PLANT COORDINATION IN 2018 ➢ Shutdown Aeration Turbines � ➢ Transition to Electric Blower ➢ Shutdown Cogen & WHB _ e� (i.e. import PG&E power) may. c' ➢ Shutdown Boilers & Boiler Feed Water System ➢ Perform Repairs ➢ Start-up All SystP- 000 CONDITION OF BELOW-GRADE AERATION PIPING NEEDS TO BE EVALUATED firr. :•- 7,7J rOF 28 i' 14 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 149 of 168 dn all- Steam Driven Boilert '_.. - Steam Piping above Feed Water PumpsrFurnace WHB Steam Piping in Tunnels Steam Driven Pumps& from SCB to Pump& Other Steam Piping in SCB Blower Building CENTRALSAN • • .,�Steam Turbine Blowers Electric Blower Oil Lubrication System - All. t � Piping,Pumps,etc.for Air Piping associated with r - Steam Turbine Blowers Electric Blower , Liter+ ,1• I II 1 � f CENTRALSAN �- •- 1 1 '-• :•. • • � •- •. .•- 1 • •: Page 27 of 29 SCOPE AND FOCUS OF THE PROJECT Yetailed Condition Confirm Identify Capacities & Assessments D- Technical Pee ConfirmReview SelectionDevelop Lifecyclem Costs for Cost and Phasing . s� Alternatives 31 CENTRALSAN MAJOR PROJECT DELIVERABLES • Tech Memo 1 - Heat to Energy: Condition Assessment of Steam, Energy and Aeration/Secondary Systems • Tech Memo 2 - EI&C: Condition Assessment of Electrical & Instrumentation Systems • Tech Memo 3 - Nutrients: Design Criteria Development & Improvements to Meet Current & Future Nutrient Regulatory Requirements • Tech Memo 4 - BCEs: Business Case Analyses for In-Kind Replacement & Other Alternatives, including do nothing • Tech Memo 5 -Water Exchange: Business Case Analysis for Water Exchange Alternatives • Tech Memo 6 - PDR: 10% Pre-Design Report for selected alternative 16 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 151 of 168 Page 28 of 29 PROJECT SCHEDULE ask NameStart Finish p79 p20 —1 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J I F I M I A Consultant Notice to Proceed 2/7119 717119 ASK 1-PROJECT MANAGEMENT 217179 313787 ASK2-CONDITION ASSESSMENT 314119 10110119 i ASK 3-DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN 411119 5114120 CRITERIA AND FEASIBLE ALTERNATIVES O MEET CURRENT AND FUTURE REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS TASK 4-BUSINESS CASE EVALUATIONS 819119 1011YA i FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ASK5-BUSINESS CASE ANALYSIS FOR 218119 10.3fd ATER EXCHANGE ALTERNATIVES ASK 6-PREDESIGN REPORT 70174120 2!25!27 ASK 7-RESPON SES TO PEER REVIEW 7129119 .31.11 Technical Engineering Peer Review `33 FORMATION OF PEER REVIEW PANEL IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS OF EXPERTISE Technical Expertise: • Steam System • Secondary Process/Aeration System • Electrical System Business Case Evaluation Expertise: • Business Case Evaluations/Alternatives LLjec, Phasing Expertise: roject phasing/packaging 41 17 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 152 of 168 Page 29 of 29 BOARD ACTIONS RECOMMENDED Staff recommends the following: • Authorize General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with HDR Inc. in an amount not to exceed $2.59 Million for the condition assessment and predesign of the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovations Project, District Project 7349; and • Authorize the General Manager to execute an as- needed agreement with Carollo Engineers Inc. in an 6aLmountnot to exceed $300,000 for peer review . `35 QUESTIONS? 18 December 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 153 of 168