HomeMy WebLinkAbouta. (Handout) Meyers Nave presentation on AB 1234 Ethics Compliance Training r
Required Ethics AB 1234
Alex J . Mog
Why Are We Here ?
California state law (AB 1234)
• Mandates ethics training
• All local elected officials or
members of legislative bodies Must receive
who receive any compensation 2 hours
or expense reimbursements of training
• And employees designated every 2 years
by the legislative body
AB 1234
I. Personal Financial Gain by Public III. Government Transparency Laws
Officials A. Economic Interest Disclosure
A. Conflicts of Interest under the Political Reform Act
Under the Political Reform Act B. Brown Act
B. Contractual Conflicts of Interest C. Public Records Act
(Gov't Code § 1090) IV. Laws Relating to Fair Processes
C. Conflicts of Interest
A. Common Law Bias Prohibitions
and Campaign Contributions
D. Conflicts of Interest B. Due Process Requirements
When Leaving Office C. Doctrine of Incompatible Offices
E. Bribery D. Incompatible Activities
E. Competitive Bidding Requirements for Public
II. Laws Regarding Claiming Contracts
Perquisites of Office F. Disqualification from Participating
A. Limitations on Receipt of Gifts in Decisions Affecting Family Members
B. Honoraria Ban (Anti-Nepotism Laws)
C. Misuse of Public Funds
D. Prohibitions Against Gifts
of Public Funds GOOD TO
E. Mass Mailing Restrictions KNOW
F. Prohibitions Against Free or Discounted
Transportation by Transportation Companies
DiegofW Oakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa rneyersnave.corn
1 . Personal Financial Gain by Public Officials
A. Conflicts of Interest under
the Political Reform Act ( PRA)
B. Contractual Conflicts of Interest ,
(Gov't Code § 1090) �
C. Conflicts of Interest
and Campaign Contributions CONFLICTj
D. Conflicts of Interest
when Leaving Office
E. Bribery
1 . Personal Public Officials
A. Conflicts of Interest under PRA — --.N
Basic Rule P 47LR S T1
• Public officials* have a disqualifying S"
conflict of interest under the
Political Reform Act of 1974 L: Jji
when a decision has a :
- Reasonably foreseeable material financial
effect on an official's economic interest
- Different from the effect on the public generally
* For purposes of this rule, a "Public official" is every member, officer,
employee or consultant of a state or local government agency
Oakland Sacramento San
Angelesrneyers nave Los Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
What is an "Economic Interest" under the PRA?
Business investments
of $2,000 or more
Business management positions
or employment in for-profit entities
Real property Interests
of $2,000 or more
Sources of income of $500 or more (within previous 12 months)
Sources of gifts of $470 or more (within previous 12 months)
Personal financial effects or finances
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
How do you determine if the "Economic Interest"
qualifies as a Conflict of Interest under the PRA?
Four-Part Test
4: Is the official "making, participating in the making, or using his or her
position to influence" the governmental decision from which the
financial effects result? `-
3: Is the effect on the official the same as
on the "public generally"?
2: Is it material?
1: Is the financial effect
"reasonably foreseeable"?
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
Angelesmeyers nave Los Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
I . Personal Financial Gain by Public Officials
Conflicts of Interest under PRA
Is the "Realistic possibility
financial effect and more than
"reasonably foreseeable?" hypothetical or
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
1 . Personal Public Officials
Conflicts of Interest under PRA
■ Q: Is it material?
2 A: Determine correct "materiality standard"
• Materiality is a measure
of "how important" it is
• Rules vary by type of interest
• In general, materiality is presumed
when the public official's financial
interest is a party to, or the subject
of, the governmental decision.
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
Conflicts of Interest under PRA
Is the effect on the
= ff official the same
as on the "'public generally-
enerally Effect on official is indistinguishable from its effect
on the public generally if:
— Significant segment of public is affected (i.e. 25% of all businesses, real
property or individuals); and
— Effect on his/her interest is not unique compared to the effect on a
significant segment (e.g., Decision would have a disproportionate effect on
development potential of official's real property or on an official's business
due to its proximity to project that is subject of the decision).
DiegoFV -MMI
rneyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa rneyersnave.corn
I . Personal Financial Gain by Public Officials
Conflicts of Interest under PRA
Is - official . participating in the
financialinfluence"" the governmental decision from
which the
Determine if the official is:
• Making a decision Official may still
• Pa rtici pati ng i n a decision participate if a n
• Usin official sitin to exemption applies
g p oo
attMmpt to influence a decision
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
1 . Personal Public Officials
A. Conflicts of Interest under PRA: Recusal
• Public official with a disqualifying interest must:
— Publicly identify interest in sufficient detail
— Recuse self from discussions or acting on matter
— Leave room, unless matter on consent agenda
7 7
May speak . public
comment on certain
pmr personal interests.
xce, '°r
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest in Contracts
: • AP • • Applies
4 -,Broadly
• Prohibits public • Applies to renewals,
officials and extensions, and oral
employees from contracts
having financial 0"• Financial interests
interests... Omm in contracts are
• In contracts... broadly construed
Made by them
in their official
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave rr' Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest in Contracts
Legislative body deemed to make all agency contracts
• Legislative body members are deemed to have
participated in making all contracts of the agency,
except where an exception applies
— Prevents the agency from entering into contract
in which a member of the agency's board or
commission has a financial interest
Employees can avoid prohibition by not
participating in the making of the contract
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Financial Gain by Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest in Contracts
Remote Interest Exceptions �
• Public official does not have 78 e
an interest in a contract if: o
v' the interest is "remote"
✓ the interest is disclosed to the legislative
body and noted in official records
✓ and the official does not vote (applies only
to multi-member bodies)
1 . Personal Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest in Contracts
Remote Interest Exceptions - Examples
- Employee or officer of non-profit - Owner/partner of a firm who
- Landlord or tenant of contracting serves as appointed member
party of unelected board or
- Salary or per diem from a commission
directly involved government - Supplier of same goods and
department services for 5 years prior to
- Engineer, geologist, architect, election/appointment
or planner employed by a - Employee of private party if:
consulting engineering or ■ 10 or more employees, and
architectural firm ■ Employed more than 3 years
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
Angelesmeyers nave Los Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest in Contracts
Non-Interest Exceptions
• Public official is deemed not interested and
may participate in making of the contract.
• Examples:
- Ownership of less than 3% of stock, constituting less than 5% of income
- Spouse of officer/employee of public agency, if the office holding
or employment has existed at least one year prior to the spouse's
- Salary or per diem from a non-directly involved government department
- Non-salaried member of non-profit, with disclosure and noting records
DiegoCPEW Oakland AV Sacramento AV San
AngelesRosa meyersnave.co,
1 . Personal Public Officials
B. Conflicts of Interest i Contracts CDO DIRETY
Consequences of Violations
• Contract is void and unenforceable pp HOT PASS Gd, DO NOT GOLLECT $200
- Payments made to the contracting party
must be returned to the public agency
- Public agency may keep benefit of the contract
• Willful violations are criminal
- Permanently disqualified from holding office
• FPPC now has jurisdiction and can issue administrative fines
- Offering section 1090 advice
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
C. Conflicts of Interest in Campaign Contributions
Basic Rule
• Public officials are disqualified from making
a decision involving a license, permit, or
entitlement for use if official accepted a DON TE
campaign contribution exceeding $250
in the preceding 12 months.
- Exception for "directly elected" officials
- Official may not accept a campaign contribution
exceeding $250 while an application is pending,
and for three months after the decision is made.
San Diego
meyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public
D. Conflicts of Interest When leaving Office
• One year ban on lobbying former agency
Lobbying • Applies to elected officials, executives,
Former and general managers
Agency • Applies only if compensated and representing another
Involving 7 • Public officials and employees are prohibited from
Prospect ive being involved in governmental decisions directly
relating to a prospective employer
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
1 . Personal Public Officials
E. Bribery
Basic Rule
• Elements of the crime
- A governmental official (elected, appointed,
employed); "anything of
- Requests, takes, or agrees to take a bribe; and value Or
- Represents that the bribe would unlawful) advantage,
p Y
influence vote decision, or opinion. present or
Representation can be express or implied. prospective"
• Must have corrupt intent that official duty
would be unlawfully influenced
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coin
Question #1
• The Board of Directors and
District Manager will beCa F Can the
rn;qr;,rt r
attending a conference and they ' District enter intJl,
want to contract with a vendor i, an agreement
with theBoard
to make District pins that theymember?
can all wear to the meeting.
• A Board member owns a
business that manufactures
decorative pins and offers to
provide the pins at a discount.
Answer to Question # 1
• No, the District cannot enter into an agreement
with the Board member's business even though
the pins will be provided at a discount.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San rneyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Question #2
• - District and SolarCity
(owned • - are Can the District
negotiating an energy
contract with
efficiency contract to SolarCity to
construct • . panels
install the
District panels?
• • : • . • members
• • Tesla stock
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
Answer to Question #2
the District most likely can enter the agreement with
SolarCity. The Board members' stock interests in Tesla is
most likely a "non-interest" for purposes of Section 1090.
— To be a "non-interest," the Board members must own
less than 3% of Tesla's shares and earn no more than 5%
of their annual income from the corporation .
• However, depending on the value of the stock, Board
members may have personal conflicts of interest under the
PRA and would be required to recuse themselves even if
the Board was able to enter into the agreement.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.conn
Question #3
Can the Board member
participate in consideration
of the contract? Ar
A Consultant seeks a
contract for services 0
from the Board of A Board member received
Directors. a $300 campaign
contribution from the
consultant 3 years ago.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Answer to Question #3
• Yes , Board members are directly elected by the
voters and so the prohibition against receiving
campaign contributions does not apply.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Limitations on the receipt of gifts s
B. Honoraria ban
C. Misuse of public funds
Y1Re-� s..;i_ Assorted Party irufFes W
D. Prohibitions against gifts
of public funds
NEEGvro-nra9} A'
E . Mass mailing restrictions
F. Prohibitions against acceptance
of free or discounted transportation
by transportation companies
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
II . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
Basic Rule
Gift Limit Prohibition :
• Gifts received in excess of $50 from
Public officials
and employees...
a single source in a calendar year
must be reported
V May
• Public Officials may not accept a gift
not - pin excess of $470 from a single
source in a calendaryear.
From - •
V In excess of 1 (2018 limit) .
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
What is a Gift?
• Anything of value thatFT
provides a personal
benefit for which the r
donor does not receive UID
equivalent consideration
Includes rebates or discounts
Q--* unless given in the regular course
of business to members of the public
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
When is a Gift received?
II �
• The public official has actual
possession of the gift; or
• When the official takes any
Give it back
action exercising direction
or donate it
or control over the gift, including
to charity
discarding the gift or turning
it over to another person .
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
Numerous Exceptions
• Gifts Returned • Disaster relief provisions
• Gifts donated to charity • Travel and subsistence as
(without claiming a part of campaign activities
deduction) 0 Entrance to an event while
• Gifts from family members performing a ceremonial
• Informational material role (includes one guest)
• Inheritance
• Prizes received in a bona
fide competition
• Leave credits
f Oakland San Diego
L Los Angeles Santa
Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
Numerous Exceptions to Gift Rule
• Benefits received as a • Bona fide dating �i
guest attending a wedding relationship F
• Bereavement offerings • Acts of human
• Acts of neighborliness compassion
• Reciprocal exchanges
• Gifts from long-term,
in a social relationship close personal friends
• Personalized plaques
or trophies valued less
than $250
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave F Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
A. Gifts
Limitations on Receipt of Gifts
• Special Exceptions for Travel Payments
— Some payments are not subject to limits
and not reportable
— Others are not subject to limits but are reportable
— Travel rules are very specific; check with legal
counsel if your travel will be paid for by a third party
Diego�r Los Angeles Santa
Oakland Sacramento San
meyers nave
'■ - ■
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
B. Honoraria Ban
Basic Rule
Elected officials, district managers, :
and the district counsel, may not
accept any payment for:
➢ Giving a speech,
➢ Publishing an article, or
➢ Attending a public or private conference, convention,
meeting, social event, meal, or similar gathering.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave F L—! Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
B. Honoraria Ban
Exceptions Donated to agency
general fund
Returned Made directly
honorarium to a bona fide
Bona fide business
(teaching, practicing racticin Campaign
law, banking, contributions
medicine) ( but must be
reported )
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
C. Misuse of Public Funds
Basic Rule
• Public officials and employees may not use
public resources for any private gain
— Whether financial or political
• Government cannot expend
resources to promote a partisan `n -BALLOT y '
position in an election campaign meaning,definition,explanation...
— But it can educate about
ballot measures
Diego-19 fPV Oakland Sacramento San meyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
D. Gifts of Public Funds
Constitutional Prohibition
Public agencies may not
make gifts of • • funds -,
L I lk�
• An expenditure is not a Legislative body's
gift if it serves a public purpose, determination of
even if it benefits a public purpose is
a private party given deference if
consistent with
agency's purpose
Oakland ■ San Diego
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
E. Mass Mailing Prohibition
Basic Rule Mass
„ ,, i
• A mass mailing s., mailings
— A tangible item sent or delivered
may not
be sent at
— To 200 or more people within
a calendar month public
— That "features" an elected official by: expense
• Including the photograph or signature, or
• Singling out the official by the manner of display of name or
office in the layout, such as headlines, captions, type size, or
type color
— For which the costs of design, production, and printing exceed
$50 and are paid with public monies
��W P",fFV Oaklan Sacramento San Diego
meyers I nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
11 . Laws Relating to Claiming Perquisites of Office
F. Acceptance of Free or Discounted Travel
From Travel Companies
• California Constitution prohibits
public officers ( not all employees)
from accepting free
p g passes or
discounts from a transportation
• Acceptance automatically forfeits
his/her office
• Prohibition does not apply to discounts
offered to the general public
�9 f Oakland Sacramento San
rneyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coin
Question #4
• Your neighbor is going on UU-cU _ .
vacation and gives you two r
tickets to the Warriors game .
Face value on each ticket is $200.
Can you accept the tickets ?
DiegoOakland Sacramento San meyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Answer to Question #4
• Yes, the combined value of the tickets is less than $470.
— Assuming your neighbor has not given you
any other gifts such that you have received
more than $470 from him in the calendar year,
you can accept the tickets.
— However, as the gift is in excess of $S0, you will
need to disclose the gift.
Question #5
• Board member has campaign
t-shirts made by a screen
printing business that is located •�
5 minutes from the District's
main office .
• District staff offers to pick up the
t-shirts and return them to the May district staff
Board member during regular retrieve the
t-shirts ?
business hours.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San meyers nave 7 Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Answer to Question #5
• No, utilizing District staff time to obtain campaign
t-shirts would constitute a misuse of public
— Public officials are prohibited from using public
resources for private political gain .
111 , Government Transparency Laws
A. Economic interest disclosure
under the Political Reform Act
B. Brown Act C. Public Records Act
m, r
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.com
111 . Government Transparency Laws
Public Policy Considerations
• Economic Interest Disclosure
— The people have a right to know public officials' economic
interests that may affect their official decisions
• Right to access/information
— The people have a right to access information that enables
them to monitor the functioning of government.
• Brown Act
— The people have a right to be informed about the conduct
of public business, and for legislative body deliberations and
actions to be conducted openly (unless an exception applies).
Sacramento0" f Oakland San Diego
rneyers nave Fr- L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
111 . Government Transparency Laws
A. Economic Interest Disclosure
Under the Political Reform Act �HE ��' ��
..r 1"-}MS�11 RlMTAl1�1l�L�JlFII
• A Form 700 must be filed
ry���rl�a iYJIT��-W
4 +ate h�
by public officials including -��
.i Ia,.,.W V.. wrrrr wr ICY
.rteµlama�those listed listed in an agency's -�-
Conflict of Interest Code It's a public document!
• Filed upon taking office, leaving
office, and on an annual basis
• Requires disclosure of personal
financial interests
DiegoOakland Sacramento San rneyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
111 , Government Transparency Laws
Form 700
Key Points Statement of
Economic Interests
• Not required to list
primary home Form 700
AFlu Nii Lh--cUMrnr
• Remember to list
spouse/domestic AmavarlobhcanMeFFACweb5rte,
■ Farm 7M in€WM farm 0i
partner income ftfffVf3Crj9rA;hhk`jbrFxm
4n riam%u i74F•Srrrarvrt a CR 7617+
r..,hAd, F Acku airs ago.
Fag her A&w 4v I i W OeW FOr•7 PO 27T'7FF2
raYpFry r7�iiY?.`,...,-h4wb,r w�l�pct■�
OaklandSacramento San Diego
■ a ! Angeles
111 . Government Transparency Laws
RaIph M. Brown Act
Government Code sections 5495o et seq. IES pen & Public V
L �
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 . Government Transparency Laws
,, Brown Act
Open Meeting Requirements 4
• Of Legislative Bodies...
• Shall be open and public a�hb
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 , Government Transparency Laws
Legislative Bodies
What is a What is not a
legislative body? legislative body?
Governing • hoc
body committee
of less than a
Appointed quorum
9 Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act Definition of "Meetings"
• A congregation of a majority of the members at the
same time and place to hear, discuss, or deliberate
on an item of business within the agency's subject
matter jurisdiction
• Exceptions :
- Conferences - Individual contacts
- Community meetings - Standing committees
- Social or ceremonial - Meetings of other
occasions legislative bodies
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act—Avoiding "Serial Meetings"
• Majority may not, outside
a meeting, use a series of
communications to discuss,
deliberate, or take action
on any item of business
- Does not prevent employees and officials from
engaging in separate conversations outside
of a meeting provided that the comments or
positions of the other officials are not
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act—Avoiding "Serial Meetings"
Hub and spoke
Astaff member the hub
communicates with members
of a legislative body (the spokes)
one-by-one for input on a proposed
action and in the process reveals
members' positions to other members
in advance of the meeting.
DiegoFEW�9 C Oakland Sacramento San rneyers nave rrLos Angeles Santa '■ meyersnave.conn
111 , Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act—Avoiding "Serial Meetings"
Daisy Chain - .
Member A contacts Member B.
Member B contacts Member C.
Member C contacts Member D
and so on, until a quorum has
discussed, deliberated or taken
action on an item within the legislative
body's subject matter jurisdiction .
DiegoFEW _Wf Oakland Sacramento San rneyers nave L Los Angeles Santa '■ meyersnave.conn
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act—Avoiding "Serial Meetings"
Exa m p I es 5pra:Monday,lour 06,2016 11:40 PM
T.3o ld Tmmplr.
Subject Re-R OT-Cu mT-prteace and ronftdarstlal
a1>e B
a�Let Inp lapsyyreena you arc free m nik wnh Emla by phone stout NsE m a i l s 'app Hillary lido-yvuhatl me nedearlythis WeekspZdwtry
yeas to seheduJe a Lore and aav Beat to you and family acb Gpldstahe
asThe ipho-speaks matry lenguagq
aaa>On Jun 3,2076,at 1D�53,bDnaw TfumpJr, wrote'
aaaa Thanks Rob I appreclale that.I am on the mad at the moment 6utperhaps IJ�n speak m Fmin flrst.Seems 7—
Informal nature o f email
yije I-bas-al rl il'S-hat yw yy I Ipve x especlaly latef la dee a.mrMr.COUId wn ya a call ryrit takig rreit wae
communication is ripe ;e,5; tp nmylPhp+
»>Gnjua 3,21716,at 10.36 a1yl,Rabfaid5toroe wro[e:
»aaa Goad momisag
ra Emin just called and asked me tP contact you with someNing very�nteresmg.
o r i n a d ve rte nt B row n Act thehewn khe a NMensm.twtth !ether Arae tManwao n2ntheiriNary an her dato pip h[Ie
Trump umpalgn wkh some plfrcial dpcunren[sand INvrma[kin Nat would Inerimina[e Hillary and her dealings wnn
Prm•am would by very useful to your%thef
sa ihli�i OLrbyilY very hhol Ieyel and arrr Wi mfwm Ui Wt�part 0 Russia acrd to gpve'nment'a a p—Inc
Mr.Trump helped along b/Aru and Emin.
violations �'.�'what do you think b the Les way m handle this Information and would be aole ra spfak To Emla about n
I can a tip send this H.P m y„pr Father Meow,rola it h r,nra sere2lire:o wa urea m sem a m ypu nr
�a sub W'Mi
»>Thla lynorte speaks ma-y languages
aa�Thtae-mad hrea ge,%nit any artv.hmMta to It,are for The 5Me use or the Intended nrnpeiits,and may contain
mnfidentiat at p.TMelted infumaGon-My unauthorhed retie w,use,iscbp re or distrihution of&-nad in ge
or hs.al taehments is pmhlhlted-If you are not the Inte riled r ylpirns,sk'm wntaot these or by'ph email aM
destroy all cpvles of:hc original menage.Pleau nv[c psi nrry'rkwx vrvrynlons presented�n[F.is emal are solery x^nu
he autl,aram do m[necesaarity represent those of the emu perry f iriatty,aad,ae the mmparry ucea:vue protection,
the reowent s1+puId d¢d this email ind any attWrmenfs faa the Prc._of vimses.The company acceptsIiahllty
for any damage nused by any Ylms trandmrtted by this rnral
Sacramento San Diego
meyers a Los AngelesRosa meyersnave.coi-n
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B, Brown Actv
Closed• discussions . confidential
• Required to publicly report certain actions
taken in closedsession
Permissible ClosedSession • •
• Real estate negotiations Personnel
• Pending or threatened Labor negotiations
litigation Public security
• Initiation of litigation
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act SPECIAL
May take action only MEETING
on items on posted agenda
• Posting requirements :
- Regular meetings
• Exceptions
must be posted 72 - Emergency
hours before meeting - Urgency 4 need for
- Special meetings must immediate action
p g
be posted 24 hours came to agency's
before meeting attention after
posting the agenda
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown
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111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act
Public Participation Rights
Regular meetings must provide
an opportunity for the public to
speak regarding any matter within
the body's jurisdiction
- Legislative body may briefly discuss
these items and refer matters to staff,
but cannot take action
• Public can address the legislative body on matters on the
agenda before or during consideration of the item
Diego�9 C Oakland Sacramento San
rneyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
111 . Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown
Public Participation
right - �►
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 , Government Transparency Laws
B. Brown Act
• SB 1436
_ r
• Requires an oral report in
open session summarizing ' -
the recommendation to , . .
adjust the compensation
of any "local agency
executive" before action
is taken .
DiegoOakland Sacramento San meyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coin
Question #6
The : • . • establishes a standing
committee of three of its seven
members, which meets monthlyti
A fourth Board • ' �r +
to attend these meetings and
participate .
1. May she attend .
2. Is this a Brown
� Act violation? �
� r '
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
Answer to Question #6
Yes she may attend an open and noticed meeting
of a standing committee of the District IF:
v' She attends only as an observer
v' And does not participate in the deliberations
How does it become a violation?
➢ Attending the standing committee is not a violation
of the Brown Act.
➢ However, if she participates in the discussions then
it would be a violation .
• A Board member e-mails a f
newspaper article pertaining
to an upcoming agenda item
to the other 4 Board members.
• The Board member indicates that
she supports the agenda item
based on the article and three Was this a Brown
members respond back to the Act violation ?
email and indicate that they also
support the item and that the
information was very helpful .
DiegoAMMER CPV Oakland Sacramento San
meyers nave L —1 Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Answer to Question #7
• Yes , the Board members participated in a discussion
of an item within the jurisdiction of the body that
was not noticed, open or public.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San meyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Question #8
• During public comment for
items not listed on the agenda,
a speaker requests that the
Board write a letter of support
on behalf of his cause. Is this a Brown
• The Board proceeds to vote Act violation ?
on writing the letter and it
passes unanimously.
Answer to Question #8
• Yes , the Board has taken action on an item that was
not noticed on the agenda .
➢ Before taking action, the Board
should have directed staff to put
the item on the agenda for a future
Board meeting for consideration/action .
111 . Government Transparency Laws
C. Public Records Act
Trans • ,
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
111 . Government Transparency Laws
C. Public Records Act
Basic Rule
• All non-exempt, state and local government agency records
in any form or medium are subject to public inspection
during office hours or copying upon payment of duplication
Record • Any tangible thing containing information relating
i ' i to the conduct of the public's business prepared,
owned, used, or retained by any state or local
broadly agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.
SacramentoOakland San Diego
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111 , Government Transparency Laws
C. Public Records Act
Duty to Assist Requestors
• Agencies are required to
— Assist requestors with identifying -
records and information that _
are responsive to requestse
or to the purpose of the requests
- Describe the information technology and physical
location in which the records exist
- Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis
for denying access to the records or information sought.
PFW Oakland Sacramento San
rneyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
111 . Government Transparency Laws
C. Public Records Act
Exemptions -
• Draftsk -
• Pending litigation - -
• Personnel records - ` ` - ---
• Medical, dental, and other insurance records
• Closed session minutes and legal memoranda
and other materials distributed in a closed session
• Records protected by the attorney-client privilege
DiegoAV AVOakland Sacramento San rneyers nave L Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
111 . Government Transparency Laws
C. Public Records Act
HOT Issues
• Emails and text messages about public business on personal
phones, devices, or accounts
» Cal . Supreme Court held that these records are subject
to disclosure in response to a Public Records Act request.
(City of San Jose et al. v. Superior Court)
• Accidental release of privileged documents OOPS!
does not waive the privilege r J.
» Recent decision by the CA Supreme Court
(Ardon v. City of Los Angeles) �--
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coin
Question #9
• Over the course of several years,
two Board members exchanged
� r�
emails about a properties in the 4
District with numerous delinquent ► "" "" �,'
payment issues. They exchanged
no other emails.
How should the
• All the emails were sent to and District respond.
from their private email accounts,
which the Board members use
for District business.
• A member of the public asks the District for
all emails between the two Board members.
DiegoPOW -W
�9 C Oakland Sacramento San
rneyers nave L Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Answer to Question #9
• The Supreme Court has decided that emails about
public business exchanged between private email
addresses on private devices are public records.
• City of San Jose v. Superior Court
( March 2, 2017, S218066)
IV. Laws Relating to Fair Processes
A. Common law bias prohibitions
B. Due process requirements
C. Doctrine of Incompatible Offices
D. Incompatible Activities
E. Disqualification from participating
in decisions affecting family
members (anti-nepotism laws)
F. Competitive bidding requirements
for public contracts
IV. Laws
to Fair Processes
A. Common law Bias Prohibition
• Elements:
- A public officer...
- Must exercise the powers conferred on him or
her with disinterested skill, zeal, and diligence,
and primarily for the benefit of the public
❖ One cannot be tempted by personal
or pecuniary interests
❖ Applies to non-financial interests
❖ Disqualifies one from participating
SacramentoOakland San Diego
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
IV, Laws
to Fair Processes
B. Due Process Requirements
• Applies only to "quasi-judicial"
matters i .e. those involving the
application of existing rules to a '
specific set of facts)
• "Procedural due process" gives those
with a property interest a right to :
- Notice and opportunity to be heard by
- A fair and impartial decision maker
DiegoAMMER CPMW Oakland Sacramento San meyers nave pff- L Los Angeles Santa '■ meyersnave.conn
IV, Laws Relating to Fair
C. Doctrine of Incompatible Offices
• Government Code § 1099
• Elements
- A person may not hold two 6
public offices simultaneously
- If the potential for conflict or overlap in the
functions or responsibilities in the office exist
• Forfeiture of first office
• Often requires individual analysis of specific offices
• Common law rule often overridden by statute
IV, Laws
to Fair Processes
D. Anti-Nepotism Laws and Policies
• Disqualification from participating
in decisions affecting family
members (anti-nepotism laws) rana
- Political Reform Act requires Rt `l
recusal when decisions have uncle
:l ' t5t•
a material impact on one'souslnirothe �4sr
spouse or dependent children .
— Common law bias will require
recusal in many cases.
Diego_19 CPEW Oakland Sacramento San
meyers nave r L _1 Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.corn
IV, Laws
to Fair Processes
E. Competitive Bidding Requirements
• Public works projects above a certain amount
must be awarded to lowest responsible bidder
- Generally, applies only to construction projects
l 341 417 J ?ra f;' 2f5
4,554 '�+•
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
meyers a Los AngelesRosa meyersnave.coi-n
IV, Laws
to Fair Processes
Competitive Bidding Requirements
Not to protect bidders
Guards against favoritism,
fraud, and corruption
J Prevents waste of public funds
Seeks to obtain best economic
result for the public
DiegoOakland Sacramento San
meyers nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coi-n
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
rn e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rosa meyersnave.coin
Question #10
• A Board member's best friend
is applying for a District grant
program . ,
• There are limited funds and `-
the District received dozens .
of applications. Can the Board
• The Board member knows that
member participate
in the decision to
his best friend will be very upset
i �
award the grant.f he does not vote for his application
and it could affect their relationship.
DiegoOakland Sacramento San meyers nave Los Angeles Santa '■ - ■
Answer to Question # 10
It depends.
• If, despite his personal relationship, the Board
member can exercise his powers with disinterested
skill, zeal, and diligence, and primarily for the benefit
of the public, then he may participate in the decision .
• If the Board member believes that his personal
relationship would affect his ability to exercise his
duties impartially, then he may have a common law
conflict of interest and should recuse himself.
Question #11
A member of the Board of Directors
is ' • to the i • . • of Supervisors.
May the Board
member serve
both I I
Oakland Sacramento San Diego
m e y e r s nave Los Angeles Santa Rasa meyersnave.coin
Answer to Question # 11
• No, these are incompatible offices.
! There is a possibility of a significant clash
of duties between the two offices.
! Upon being sworn into the Board of Supervisors,
the Board member will be deemed to have
forfeited his position on the District's Board
of Directors.
Questions ?
1 . Contact your District Counsel or District
Manager/Executive Director
2 . For Political Reform Act & Section 1090 advice
and counsel, consider consulting FPPC.