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Engineering & Operations MINUTES 11-05-18
Page 2 of 70 CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9AS53-4392 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES A.NEJEDLY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA President SANITARY DISTRICT vAVIVR, WILLIAAIIS President Pro Tem ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS PAUL H.CAUSEY COMMITTEE MICHAEL R MCGILL TAD J.PILECKI MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 FAX. (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Monday, November 5, 2018 9:00 a.m. 2"a Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Mike McGill Guests: Sanjay Reddy, Carollo Engineers, Inc. (left after Item 3.b.) Lloyd Slezak, Brown and Caldwell (left after Item 3.c.) Staff.' Katie Young, Secretary of the District Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left during Item 4.a.) Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer Nate Morales, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.) Chathura Abeyrathna, Associate Engineer (left after Item 4.a.) Amanda Schmidt, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. 2. Public Comments November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 180 of 254 Page 3 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 2 No public comments. Chair Causey announced that Mr. Petit had requested that Item 5 be heard out of order as the first item of business. 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board Agenda items proceeded immediately after Item 5 concluded. a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of$668,600 to Con J Franke Electric, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Plant Control System Input and Output (1/O) Replacement Project— Phase 1, Filter Plant, District Project 7339; consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize up to a 15-percent contingency Member McGill noted that the Position Papers in the agenda packet included more alternatives and justification for discussion, as staff was requested to do, and that he appreciated this effort. Chair Causey added that since many projects seemingly sit idle from the Board's perspective until they come up for award, it would be helpful for the Board to have some background information to reflect upon when considering the projects. Mr. Petit indicated that one suggestion would be to attach an executive summary providing a detailed background summary for certain projects. Member Causey stated that it is confusing when so many projects are combined, making it difficult for the Board to oversee whether the projects are on budget and track the sources of funds. He stated it would be more helpful to collapse the different budgets into one. Staff will evaluate improvements in combining future projects, especially when bundling multiple construction projects into one, for economy of scale. Senior Engineer Nate Morales reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. In response to a question from Member McGill, Mr. Morales said the manufacturer stopped supporting the hardware and software for the outdated programmable logic controllers (PLC) approximately five years ago. He said the PLCs are critical; therefore, as replacements are made, the 1/0 cards that are still in working order will be saved as backup inventory to use as spare parts, since not all 1/0 cards are being replaced as part of this project. Mr. Morales stated that as-builts (record drawings) have been a major challenge, and it has only gotten worse with upgrades. Some existing November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 181 of 254 Page 4 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 3 drawings are out of date or, sometimes, there are no drawings at all, which makes maintenance very difficult. Consequently, one of the project objectives is to create and have more accurate as-built documentation as part of the scope, following the replacement of the 1/0 and PLC with new equipment. Chair Causey and Member McGill inquired how the project is tied back to asset management and what is being done differently going forward with regard to more accurate record drawings. Mr. Morales answered that staff has been supported by the Engineering CAD (computer-aided design) team and has a vested interest from the maintenance staff to mark up changes as they are made for the CAD team to update. Mr. Petit added that the District is requiring digitized record drawings from contractors and staff is now linking these drawings to the new CMMS (computer maintenance management system). Mr. Lopez stated, for example, that ten years ago the responsibility was mainly placed on the contractor and drawings were not always received or in the desired format, or accurate. Lately, staff has been using both the contractors and consultants to prepare accurate drawings and staff is ensuring the information is received. Chair Causey suggested that if changes are coming from staff and not the contractor that a procedure to ensure that information is getting updated should be in place. Mr. Morales stated that staff is now diligently updating drawings when changes are implemented. Mr. Morales continued the presentation, noting that this is a pilot project and the first wholesale change of PLC equipment. Therefore, staff is making a point to ensure it is establishing a sound design to carry out for the other systems. Mr. Morales provided the Committee with an example of an actual PLC and 1/0 cards for context. The new system will have a redundant power supply; the current system has no redundancy. Mr. Petit stated that the project received great bid results. Mr. Lopez added that the top three contractors are familiar with Central San and are currently on site with other projects. Member McGill asked why there were so many bidders compared to other projects. Mr. Lopez opined that it could be due to the time of year, staff outreach, and being provided a detailed set of plans. Mr. Morales added that since the scope of work is primarily electrical, electrical contractors were able to bid as a prime contractor. Chair Causey inquired about the $170,000 pre-purchase of PLC equipment that was done last December. Mr. Morales replied that pre- purchase was for equipment necessary for this project (which consists of approximately 10% of the total 1/0 cards being replaced). Chair Causey November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 182 of 254 Page 5 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 4 then asked if the next phase will cost 10 times the amount of this project. Mr. Morales answered that it would be less. Mr. Lopez clarified that this project was not intended to replace all the cards, only to capture the outliers. It is estimated that$10 million would be needed to replace the rest of the outdated equipment. That future cost is captured in the current Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan as part of large projects (i.e. facility improvements to the Solids Handling, Filter Plant, Influent Pump Station, etc.). Member McGill asked if the new cards are compatible with those that remain; Mr. Morales stated they are compatible with the addition of a special card and software. Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the financial aspects of the project, the additive bid items, the request for 15% contingency, and clarified an inquiry on a preconstruction estimate line item. Member McGill recommended approval, Chair Causey concurred. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. b.* Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of$10,064,000 to C. Overaa & Company, the lowest responsive bidder for the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project 7351; consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); authorize up to a 10-percent contingency; and authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. to increase the original $850,000 cost ceiling by $725,000 for construction support services Senior Engineer Craig Mizutani reviewed an updated presentation (attached). Mr. Petit introduced Sanjay Reddy from Carollo Engineers (Carollo), project consultant, and Mr. Lopez introduced Associate Engineer Amanda Schmidt, project manager for the V.w Housen and Associates contract, under which the Concord Main Metering Station portion was designed. Mr. Petit stated the Concord Main Metering Station was designed under a separate project, but it was brought into this project's construction effort. The metering station scope was bid as an alternative bid item, as it needs to be agreed upon with the City of Concord and the cost must be tracked separately. The metering station bid was $404,000 but will include other November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 183 of 254 Page 6 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 5 project costs, such as construction management, and will then be split 50% with the City. The cost split will be approximately$305,000 each. Chair Causey inquired what the project number was for the metering station task. Mr. Lopez replied it is currently under the Pump Station Upgrades Project, but Mr. Petit indicated that staff will create a separate project number to track costs. Mr. Petit advised that part of the Outfall Improvements Project-Phase 7 (Outfall Project) will be included with this project. The rest of the Outfall Project cannot be completed this fiscal year due to construction sequencing and the need for some structure renovation by this project before the flow can be diverted from the Outfall pipe. He said the budget to complete the Outfall Project will require reallocations next year. As part of the careful review process during the annual budget cycle, Mr. Petit noted that some projects may be accelerated, while others may be delayed. Those decisions are balanced judgment calls based on the engineers'professional opinions as the projects progress. Member McGill noted that delays do not necessarily result in higher costs, as illustrated by the 1/0 project just presented. Mr. Lopez added that, for cost effectiveness, Carollo's contract was used to also evaluate a few of the other treatment plant projects while Carollo was already on site, thus providing staff with valuable and timely information for refurbishments needed without having to administer another RFP process. This was done for the Odor Control equipment that is failing and for the Pre-Aeration Tanks used to remove the grit. Mr. Lopez continued the presentation, mentioning the constraints in doing work on the Outfall Project due to the influent structure gate. He responded to various questions from the Committee regarding the remaining elements of the Outfall Project, namely timing, scope of work, corrosion assumptions, and the conditions to use the alternate discharge location to Walnut Creek, as defined in the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit. Mr. Lopez further advised that two elements were not included in this project— the grit system and Structure D. The grit system will be a future project and Structure D will be completed during the Outfall phase project. Mr. Petit also said that staff used this opportunity to inspect during the assessment, but always intended the grit system to be a separate project. Chair Causey asked what the consolidated budget meant (a staff recommendation included in the revised presentation). Mr. Lopez replied November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 184 of 254 Page 7 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 6 the budgets shown would be combined to track as one project, as staff has been requested to do in prior meetings. A spirited discussion of budget allocation and reconciliation followed, after which the Committee recommended the project for Board for approval. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. C.* Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $844,000 with Brown and Caldwell for design of the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, District Project 7328 Mr. Petit introduced Lloyd Slezak from Brown and Caldwell and then proceeded with an overview of the scope and an updated project presentation (attached). In response to a questionnaire staff received via email from Chair Causey, to which staff responded prior to the meeting, attention was drawn to a new "Needs vs. Wants"slide, which Mr. Petit stated can be subjective. Tasks and their drivers were listed, with columns selecting need or want, and, lastly, the risks associated with not doing the task. Overall, the six tasks listed were all deemed needed, with two tasks (5 and 6) having dual- selection, with the want being to create a plant of the future. Mr. Petit concluded that he would like Brown and Caldwell to add alternatives with costs that can be brought back to the Board. Member McGill stated he was impressed with what staff has done with the furnaces, looking at what could be done to gain additional equipment life, and requested that staff continue to do the same with other items, such as this project, and supported the inclusion of the two alternatives. Member McGill recommended approval, Chair Causey concurred. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. 4. Other Items a. Receive update on Headworks Screening Upgrade, District Project 7327 Mr. Lopez introduced Associate Engineer Chathura Abeyrathna who provided an update on the washer/compactor issue encountered in the Headworks project previously reported to the Committee. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 185 of 254 Page 8 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 7 Mr. Abeyrathna provided a brief overview of the Headworks screening and handling system addressed with the project. He added that since the presentation was created, the schedule has improved. The new improved washer/compactor equipment was delivered, and it is anticipated the new unit will be installed and operating this week. Mr. Petit noted that the District refused to accept the product without improvements made and that Vulcan, the manufacturer, is paying for all the modifications. The Committee had no questions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. b. Receive Capital Projects Division Quarterly Report (July to September) on capital projects, active consultant contracts, change order log, and schedule of bids and awards Mr. Lopez advised that the report was a typical quarterly update, noting that contract dates were added to the as-needed contracts report as previously requested. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. C. Receive list of future agenda items There was a request to receive Committee packets earlier and a discussion about the scheduling of next year's Committee meetings. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff. 5.* Announcements The following item was heard out of order immediately after Public Comments. a. Mr. Petit announced that before the other agenda items were heard, he wanted to provide an overview of the Good Management Practices portion of his presentation given at an ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies) Conference in Napa last month (attached). The overview included a refresher on reasoning for the creation a Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CLAMP) (e.g. confirm future projects, estimate project cost, timing and clarity, scheduling, conducting assessments, and CWMP drivers). November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 186 of 254 Page 9 of 70 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes November 5, 2018 Page 8 Mr. Petit drew the Committee's attention to Central San's CLAMP and the projects that are currently in design as part of the plan, adding that some projects have been completed, and others are in various stages of design or construction. Sometimes these CLAMP projects have been bundled together for cost effectiveness. He concluded his announcement by presenting a table from the CLAMP Technical Executive Summary' listing the various treatment plant capital projects and their drivers, including those projects recommended for award on this agenda. 6. Future Scheduled Meetings a. Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. 7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. In response to the announcement presentation by Mr. Petit, Member McGill suggested that staff provide an update on the Treatment Plant Projects and Drivers listed in the CLAMP Technical Executive Summary and Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan for discussion. 8. Adjournment— at 11:07 a.m. *Attachment 1 Referenced on page 32 in the May 2017 CWMP Technical Executive Summary. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 187 of 254 Page 10 of 70 Item 3.b. (Handout) � MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 Engineering and Operations Committee ' November 5, 2018 Nancy Molina � Capital Projects Associate Engineer Edgar J. Lopez Capital Projects Division Manager /Al !17 PROJECT OVERVIEW The Project focuses on the rehabilitation and replacement of concrete structures and mechanical equipment associated with preliminary and primary treatment process areas. General Summary of Scope of Work: Structure rehabilitation by concrete and epoxy coatings; Replacement of flight rails and supports on the PSTs; Gate and piping replacement; Odor control tower rehabilitation; Grout injection to eliminate leaks; Safety improvements related to the structures and equipment replacement; and Concord Main Metering Station upgrades. 01,2 1 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 188 of 254 Page 11 of 70 LOCATION OF PROJECT ELEMENTS EVALUATED AT THE TREATMENT PLANT {it '-'' p &nKUv 1A —`IL Prei 1459*rWillk.)Tor" _ , E Kffid*Qft ENV Wei i C6,Mrr!C*,l i SmLo rt 0 ww W W4?$'P!- HisuhloU rp „ u ,5 5Gs OAU LOCATION OF CONCORD METER STATION t, 41 t� e 3a�. s r' g6.. ry ill r 4 2 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 189 of 254 Page 12 of 70 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE BASE AND ADDITIVE BID ITEMS • Base Bid $ 9)5207000 • Additive Bid Items • 1 - Concord Meter Station $ 850,000 • 2 - Other Structures $ 1 ,100,000 Total: $11 ,470,000 ti r ■ X r BID RESULTS ATTACHMENT 2 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATION DISTRICT PROJECT 7357 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NCS-- 7351 ND_OF ADDENDA= 2 DATE/TIME.OCT013ER 30,201012 PM PROJECT NAME: MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS PROJECT MANAGER= NANCY MOLINA PROJECT LOCATION- 5010 IMHOFF PLACE.MARTINEZ,CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S EST_: 50.520,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 C.Overaa&Company $8,741,000 Richmond,California W_M_Lyles Co- $9420000 Fresno,California ' Myers&Sans Construction,LLC $95941425 Sacraments Califemia ' 3 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 190 of 254 Page 13 of 70 C. OVERAA & COMPANY BID BASE AND ADDITIVE BID ITEMS Base Bid $ 87411000 Additive Bid Items: 1 - Concord Meter Station $ 4041000 2 - Other Structures $ 919,000 Total Contract Amount: $10,064,000 a r TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET ATTACHMENT 3 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 POST-BID.+PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE %of No Item Description AmOLIMS Construction Cost 1.CONSTRUCTION a.Construction Contract-Base Bid $8,741,0€10 b.Additive Bid 1*((concord Metering Station) $4{14,000 c_Additive Bid 2(Structures) $919,000 b.10%Contingency 51,004,000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION 3'11.--j-=CjC 100% 2-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a.District Forces -Construction Management,Engineering $444,040 -Plant Operations Division Support $154,000 -Engineering Coordination $144,040 -Record Documentation $54,040 b.Consultants -Carollo Engineers,Inc.Construction Support $725;040 .and Specialty Inspection -Construction Inspection(Existing Agreement) $225,040 -V-W-Hansen3 000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION MANAGE F;I=NT 51,725.000 3-PREBID EXPENDITURES a.Construction Repair Costs $797,000 b.Consultant Fees $854,000 c.Central San Engineering and Operatiorts Costs28$ 1,000 SUBTOTAL-PREBID EXPENDITURES S1,908.c.:�_l 1?r': 4 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST X14.19;,[70i; City of ConoDrd-.o rei mburse 50% *50%to be reimbursed by the City of Concord $ ti 4 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 191 of 254 Page 14 of 70 FINANCIAL IMPACT FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Total QP# -Eroject Name BudgCt Budget Budget Estimated Budget 7351 Mechanical&Concrete S4,300,000 33,000,000 $0 87,399.000 7355 Odor Conti-DI Upgrades-Phase 1 $244,000 $824;000 S1.500,000 S2,568,000 7353 Outfall Improvements-Phase 7 $100:000 S2,240,000 $839:000 83,179,000 8436 Pump Station Upgrades. Phase 1 159,000 $500.000 $D $650.000 C I B Contingency $400,000 $600;000 $D S1.000.000 'Includes past budgets Total $145697p000 PROJECT ELEMENTS FOR THE ODOR CONTROL PROJECT AL la 11 Wk"Sd6r,-" ks HM00*1 Dl�M F,rrwp Dwmwwn ON"W:.M: mrp GeVme#A*n Tvkt I Pnmwp Mwt aw" P 5� C"W pro 72'F%Rpo, WW'5404KY fbk* L3 Fmmirp '4 HMO#aft 0GU • Needed spring of 2019 prior to summer months je(.�%O,L November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 192 of 254 Page 15 of 70 OUTFALL PH. 7 IMPROVEMENTS UPDATV • Project is needed for regulatory compliance. • Proceeding with both permits and design. • Construction of some of the structures under this Project. • Can not be constructed in FY 2019-2020 due to: Influent structure gate replacements and repairs. Primary Sedimentation Tank repairs and effluent channel work. Construction scheduled for FY 2020-21 . Budget will be revised and no impacts to overall CIP budget anticipated. �" 11 PROJECT ELEMENTS IMPACTING OUTFALL PH. 7 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT F la 11 F*GL-"Tanks G Frrwt Dwpb"�arwtirl ; c M1 *Pn�?Sys Trkt _ I Pnmrt EMuwe Cha" ilii! X rook* h _ }GM .o t `3 Fmmw HWMWh0GU Needed prior to Outfall for Operations coordination 12 6 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 193 of 254 Page 16 of 70 ELEMENTS INCLUDED FOR THIS TWO YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT oe 12• a e FI , I '•� t'L ]a1 Wk"A /tib G Fnnwe DsMaw obm: Frm�6@*nv9 WnTrft 2 a P—we DWI chouN1 WW GAIry fb"I _ &4 S'0' ' t3 NM"OM H 4 WU SC9j • r. Not including Grit System—Future Project Structure D has to be completed during Outfall Ph.7 Project 13 BOARD ACTIONS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following- Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA-, Award a construction contract in the amount of$10,064,000 for the construction of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovation, DP 73517 to C. Overaa &Company, the lowest responsive bidder-, Authorize the General Manager to execute Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a ten-percent contract contingency-, Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement to increase the cost ceiling by $725,000 with Carollo for construction support services; and Authorize the General Manager to consolidate and transfer the project budgets to fund the construction of the project. r: 14 7 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 194 of 254 Page 17 of 70 QUESTIONS? ` 15 8 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 195 of 254 Page 18 of 70 Item 3.c. (Handout) i I� ;q INFLUENT PUMP ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7325 e � v Engineering and Operations Committee - - November 5, 2018 '.urs'.,sJ-S:="nom•. .. Nancy Molina, ' Capital Projects Associate Engineer - i- Edgar J. Lopez Capital Projects Division Manager PROJECT NEEDS OVERVIEW The Project focuses on following main scope areas: Replacement of the Influent Pump Station Variable Frequency Drives (VF Ds) Upgrade electrical feed and MCC to comply with NFPA 70 E (arc flash) Update Controls and PLCs Add a sixth Influent Pump Evaluate and implement, if cost effective, redundancy and resiliency of operation during an internal flooding scenario Evaluate and implement, if cost effective, an optimization of the Influent Pump Station and Headworks operation to save energy and integrate with CMMS to minimize reactive maintenance using Big Data analytics 1 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 196 of 254 Page 19 of 70 PROJECT MAIN OBJECTIVES Resiliency: Reliability: Minimize disruption: Pumps will operate Modernize electrical Construction when flooded and controls sequencing Quick recovery equipment VFD/PLC from flooding Distribute the replacement events electrical loads to staging Minimize multiple reduce points of Renovation during pumps out of failure on SWGR 16 Dry weather service Add a 6t" pump to increase wet weather capacity r � Pump station Flood wAllllanq mod"f WU UWWW PLI xW Coromelffon configuration Inurnddrqundrt 3 LOCATION OF PROJECT �' 1 hlil+ltl 1fi a SWAM 1A 4 4 PMNI IM a Ph�'f��l$9rS C1414IFf�� p d Prnivy So*mw#j&m Tano sr -Crr1d' 'P# s v H3 SWO"D 5 n WIGS CW . ` 15 SCS OCU 4 2 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 197 of 254 Page 20 of 70 INFLUENT PUMP STATION I Influent l t • 1 Gallery with Five • / Provision Pump No.6 5 DRY WEATHER PUMPING OPERATION -.•.,.. .._._r. a .. >e I• •..,.r• I I I I I i �f Err= Red Indicates equipment in Service w Q Green Indicates equipment in Ready Standby Mode 3 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 198 of 254 Page 21 of 70 WET WEATHER PUMPING OPERATION ............. } ll� _ Red Indicates equipment in Service Green Indicates equipment in Ready Standby Mode -0 kh, a. PUMP NO. 6 SIZING ON PWWF CAPACITY BYPASS TO BASINS Primary 170 mgd 170 mgd ,..■,v„� Bypass 96 mgd 130 mgd Tota 1 266 mgd 300 mgd t•ag TO BASINS IL .26 6 1�0 e}. Ipa Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption �i '40-eM r 4 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 199 of 254 Page 22 of 70 PUMP OPERATION WHEN FLOODED — SUBMERSIBLE OPTION Submersible pump •. . 11 HP,40 MGD • motors limited 250 HP c INFLUENT SCREENS INFLUENT DISCHARGE DIVERSION STRUCTURE PUMPS METER VAULT CHANNEL Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption PUMP OPERATION WHEN FLOODED — EXTENDED SHAFTS OPTION Motors . .likely need --•— -— —•— r MOTOR REPLACE enclosure for noise --•— -— —•— -- HOUSING MOTOR TO _EXISTING _ROOF_ would ••' ''• •---•— -•— --• BEAMS-- -- .. EXTENDED_ _ revised •---•— -•— --•— - -— � PUMP SHAFT �— Vibration building SITE require reinforcing structure 0 Single Composite INFLUENT SCREENS INFLUENT DISCHARGE DIVERSION STRUCTURE PUMPS METER VAULT CHANNEL Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 10 5 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 200 of 254 Page 23 of 70 PUMP OPERATION WHEN FLOODED — ADDITIONAL PROTECTION Isolationg • ., flooding of the dry well One pump out of service _ instead of wet wel I out of service Large p pump brings looding down quickly i nRGESI .---.— -.— PUMP ISOLATIO � �aATE INFLUENT SCREENS INFLUENT DISCHARGE DIVERSION STRUCTURE PUMPS METER VAULT CHANNEL Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption. PUMP STATION POWER DISTRIBUTION RELIABILITY TIE •' TIE • 16 1 M 1 1 1 1 C 7 700HP 400HP700HP 400HP 700 700HP6 11 No.1 ©No.2 ©No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption ell 6 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 201 of 254 Page 24 of 70 DESIGN SERVICES FOR INFLUENT PUMP ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS VFDs for Influent Pumps '10-47I e. ti WI•I• _0 Influent Pumps Influent Pumps Control NFPA 7 - STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL SAFETY IN WORKPLACE F es et'' 1 m I Ll u� • ■ 1 • i • ■ ■ SWGR 16AB k ■ ■ 1 6 1 MAINT MAINT 1 y I MODE MODE 1 SWITCH LIGHT 1 Eaton's Freedom arc-resistant Motor Control Center SWGR 16 Remote Breaker Control Panel Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption del.-I 7 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 202 of 254 Page 25 of 70 SAMPLEPLC EXISTING PLANT EXISTING PLANT NETWORK NETWORK DEVICE NETWORK RING--7'-711r MS80 M580 Plan for redundancy: both PROCESSOR PROCESSOR PLC processors and RACK RACK network pathways HOT STANDBY LINK ETHERNET 1/0 RING Separate systems to reduce ETHERNET I0RING potential failure points X80 I/O RACK X80 I/O RACK Provide security via DEVICE NETWORK RING managed switches and r consistent network design U N U N 1 d d Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 15 OPERATIONAL PUMP AND MOTOR MONITORING k� ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improve resiliency, increase reliability,and minimize disruption 8 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 203 of 254 Page 26 of 70 PUMP AND MOTOR MONITORING — PUTTING THE DATA TO WORK . -. _ interlocks) .D. PP- (trend ing/alarms) TEMPERATURE DATA • •-CURRENT DATA CMMS ConditionL (maintenance correlation) . (predictive Improve resiliency, increase reliability,and minimize disruption 1-7 BIG DATA ANALYTICS = SMART UTILITY BENEFITS iNG WTA AMYTIcs V.0 Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 1s 9 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 204 of 254 Page 27 of 70 BIG DATA = MART UTILITY BENEFITS Operational Informed Workforce efficiency decisions optimization r Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 19 OPTIMIZATION APPROACH 40 Connect business and 41 Define the 40 Choose the technology SCADA systems to create a vision and develop standards platform to perform real- time predictive analytics and integrate with CMMS Alak, -116 AM A0"-- Identify utility business Define use cases and analytics and operational user that will meet business and requirements operational needs to enable smart decision making . Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 20 10 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 205 of 254 Page 28 of 70 BIG DATA ANALYTICS CASE STUDY 1 STABLE INFLUENT PUMPING REGIME Relation between screen control CADA events and influent pumps level/ Historical correlationflow control can improve operations L analysis upstream and downstream of IPS HydraulicF_ I Influent Modeling Dampen IPS response to level ' ' ' - change in association with 'rI frequentoperation of influent screens mitigatednfluent screen cleaning can be Number of screens in operation and dampening level control current flow rates can modify wet response in association well level/flow control settings to screenwith p- • control velocity of flow through influent screens Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 21 BIG ANALYTICS CASE STUDY 2 COLLECTIONS SYSTEM: WET WEATHER FLOW PREDICTION AND MANAGEMENT r- Internet& Real-time analytic to determine the right time to start CEPT or CSO Hydraulic Modeling treatment facilities using weather forecast data, rainfall, and collection system flow data, and overall flow management model • Be on time and prepared for - mitigating high flows into a WWTP. Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 22 IF 11 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 206 of 254 Page 29 of 70 BIG DATA ANALYTICS CASE STUDY 3 INFRASTRUCTURE STABILITY Historical asset failures may assist in predicting future modes Vibration . . . L System Installation dates, materials of construction,condition data from an asset management system reflectedAsset condition can be GIS to visualize the grouping of operational asset fa i I u res performance . . SCADA and Vibration Monitoring Historical failure data to provide field parameters modes may be that could indicate end of useful life predicted by monitoring asset data. Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 23 FUTURE DEPLOYMENT TO REST OF PLANT: INVESTMENT MILESTONES WITHOUT REWORK A staged approach to implementing Smart Utility allows you to implement new technology in phases to limit rework. j PREDICTIVE AND 1 AWARENESS ANALYTICS PRESCRIPTIVE ■ ANALYTICS ■ 00 M de I ■ poolr Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption 24 12 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 207 of 254 Page 30 of 70 PROJECT APPROACH DURING DESIGN Task 1 Project Management Task 2 Pump Station Systems Task 3 VFD/MCC/PLC Replacement Planning Task 4 Construction Sequencing Task 5 Preliminary Design Task 6 Final Design&Bid Services Improve resiliency,increase reliability,and minimize disruption z 25 OVERALL PROJECT SCHEDULE Task 2018 2019 2020 2021 Quarters 4 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Design with shutdowns Design IIIIIIIIIIIINNININ Bidding in mind Award and NTP Procurement Define clear constraints Shutdown and Planning OEM Misc.and Structural and in bid documents mechanical Switchgear Modifications Guide contractor Feeder Re-distribution Control System Programming through safe sequence PLC Installations of shutdowns MCC Replacement Vibrations Monitoring Installations Shutdown planning Pump 6 and VFD Pump Iand VFD early in construction Pump 2 and VFD Pump 3and VFD Be efficient: Take Pump 4and VFD advantage of schedule Wet Weather Hold Pump 5 and VFD Project Closeout w 13 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 208 of 254 Page 31 of 70 PROJECT BUDGET The agreement cost ceiling is $844,000, which includes preliminary design, final design, and bidding assistance services. This agreement also includes the two optional tasks (optimization task for$34,000, and resiliency task for$44,000) described above. This agreement will be funded under the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, DP 7328, listed in the Fiscal Year(FY) 2018-19 Capital Improvement Budget(CIB) on page 178 with a total estimated project budget of$4,748,000. A transfer of$200,000 from the CIB Contingency will be required to fund this project. The additional funds are required to include the optimization and resiliency tasks, staff time, and additional PLCs design for the facility. The construction of the added PLC work will be paid for by the future budget for the Plant Control Systems 1/0 Replacement Project- Phase 1, Filter Plant, DP 7339, listed in the FY 2018-19 CIB on page 181 with a total estimated project budget of$4,342,000. ENGINEER'S SELECTION On August 31, 2018, a Request for Proposal (RFP)was publicly advertised on Central San's website and PlanetBids. Five (5) consulting engineering firms responded with qualified and responsive proposals.After evaluating the proposals based on qualifications, statement of approach, staff availability, and understanding of the project, staff invited the top three scoring consulting firms to participate in an oral interview. The three consulting engineering firms were Black and Veatch, Brown and Caldwell (B&C), and Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. Based on the combined score of the RFP and interview, B&C ranked as the top firm and is recommended for this project. 1_TSLL uar•+ 14 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 209 of 254 Page 32 of 70 "NEEDS VS. WANTS Wants vs Needs:Influent Pumps and VFD Replacement Drivers Sustainability, Resiliency, Item Scope Aging Asset Regulatory Capacity Optimization Needed Wants Risk of Not Doing Overflow due to Pump Failing to Operate following a VFD Failure 1 Replace VFDs Reliability Risk of overflow Impact Firm capacity Pump station used all 5 available pumps during last winter wet 2 Add 6th Pump Reliability Risk of overflow Impact Firm capacity weather.No reducdancy in case of pump failure Update and Needed to meet NFPA 70E 3 Replace MCCs Older MCC Arc Flash Part of the project 7304 PLC Upgrades Replace Aging More 1/0 points to X 4 JPLC Obsolete Devices monitor on new VFDs The influent PS is one of the three major power consumption process at the treatment plant.Optimizing the PS operation in Optimizing the concert with the headworks operations and incorporating the data operation of the in the CMMS will bring the plant into the new world of Big data and influent pumping plant optimization.Afirst step towards the plant of the future. station will provide a X more reliable operation and Improve plant Alternative Scope maximize the use of operation and 1:Operation the pumps to operate optimize power 5 Optimization their BEP. consumption A major leak due to pipe or a volute failure could flood the drywell and render the PS inoperable and would cause overflow and Alternative Scope significant damageto the equipment. 2:Evaluate Flooding due to Resiliency under internal 6 lFlooding I lRisk of overflow I lleaks/failure f� BOARD ACTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Brown and Caldwell in an amount not to exceed $844,000 under the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, District Project 7328. 1_TSLL uar•+ 15 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 210 of 254 Page 33 of 70 QUESTIONS b- 4k 4, L ^t 16 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 211 of 254 Page 34 of 70 Item 5.a. (Handout) ACEC CALIFORNIA'S ANNUAL STRATEGIC SUMMIT, NAPA, CA OCTOBER 11 , 2018 SESSION #1 WATER CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY -.�--. --. - _ DISTRICT _-� -_ Jean-Marc Petit, P.E. - Director of Engineering and Technical Services A`�T` AGENDA Who is Central San Good Management Practices: Strategic Plan Looking at the Future: Central San Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Updating Tools for Best Practices: Program Management Information System: PMIS - eBuilder Collection System Hydraulic Model: InfoWorks Collection System Risk Assessment and Management Tool: InfoMaster Computerized Maintenance Management System: CMMS City Works Geographic Information System: ESRI GIS Pipe Inspection Management Software: IT Pipes CCTV Active Applied Research Program 1 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 212 of 254 1 Page 35 of 70 WHO IS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (CENTRALSAN) -i��.-ate{',.• a`-- - Via■ a.4 rj� e wool pass, r IM 0-0 _ f r � � Via►*►8. °'�.. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA r4:lYi.I Zi Ii•I.1• I r"rhsIFw-U Anllrxrl .. •I� r rn r,.rldll Q 13 ANN" sI oft OJP& I_i�9�';A,h17i� II I F r L H,a, '-.4h - � P-lil�llp °I. Harlrrard LlwFmro-rc ii I r 7� IAMI w r I I il•„ F Irno t 1� November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 213 of 254 2 Page 36 of 70 . Q Pumping Stat`ans [J Serwir*Area rn59 :`r —,Y Riitl Sb urg Ssw�tr Syrst4m- r s Interceplar Una(�,24"� I ar#i nelz Trunis Lina 7i]' 24") Force Main I Ru[ V ` � f�SpCyht Outfall Concord OA Wain Lft °t x y 3 aHi ii L^A1 G-i IJ}Y'Jfi'.x�i.d.YJ L A; Z LM1+44k• C reek r ,+ dfa i� o - 24 •�� kl a i5 ISI O rag r [9 rti ani-61P J I • TIS��°: � r� n r ALAM&ZP r California � n DETAIL - _ ,•w. AREA CENTRAL SAN TODAY • 145 sq. Mile Service Area • 1,540 Mile Sewer System • Our Headquarters, Board Room,and Treatment Plant are in MartinezClyde Martinez • Collection System Operations are in Walnut Creek Pacheco Concord • Treat Flow from Concord and Clayton 0 by Contract Pie83ant Hill • laytnn Plant: Orinda Walnut geek Lafayette • Treats an average of 32 million gallons a day(MGD) `1a1° �Moraga 0 • Plant rated for 53.4 MGD dry weather Danville and 270 MGD WW ! • Produces 80%of Energy Needed ' Ramon • 20 Years of Total Compliance with • NPDES Permit SOUthern San Ramon • Produces 580 Million Gallons of Recycled Water Annually November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 214 of 254 3 Page 37 of 70 OUR SERVICES • Wastewater Y4 Collection �!a • Wastewater . Treatment • Recycled Water Services F �X. Y� • Household .M r F Hazardous Waste Collection y` T TREATMENT PLANT , ` r � 1 r , °ICY _ - — 4q ilk r, d r November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 215 of 254 4 Page 38 of 70 PrLly San 91.11MUH Beir LJ W M hrishyog dp M -Concord pilikMKI will C rl'p 113 1% YfAlnuk 4:r*pa F1 !j 1 4 a I , t 11 1 '+ Lrlars5lc cerkeley Grinda tialL Oa k1a nd Smri FrN illads E'rde 1, jmr", llftt lluddffg. 7nswar■PUM am Wkw raluiiilwi Call" M pllifflAv�md Pu- S!M.%im Cj7.C.Wa C.&&*A&m rq�Orolwa,t C4�CSQftlmlWll1j jjjgM Otpatown C%am r mlidnomirm i I Na--t rs- 11 1t l3nivim :, ir�&A I7 niiiniis nwd-ru Vhvw*aidr willodw jW noir,i Ir 3 M kby I I Orimillm Cmmii.. P-*w whyllmi ki sa.w.rww C -h QVft 14 VW FIA FA"L.,w I&A 14'w WkVIMP 5 Cu d"uwtW 15 RIMES:" im 931 A4 mul*nh m Crid jr.1 Mz,,5sn 0 Bkp:o i r4 r.I'mid Nvi Lh 10. Ellin Rr 7 Iribmtzran I AW 16mft rizimri LTE MM& n y 14Aa 1; %Vnmr trireh —W nil NwIllm o-%e 0 Alwl; IR 1r rWildw IQ F b.5 1,-Kid kq 11. Law YY idir Pumping Stationg HOUSE HOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION = WHO DO WE SERVE? Kill]1.711 JA Rj 01111*1 A 4[0 1 1.14:1 0191M9.110 14 1 The HMprVamser vices are poidjor by rnembersof the cornmunilies on the niop at right as part of their sewer service �: �� e, charge.Parfner5hipagreemefits befwm CCC59.MVSD.Cbrr�ord, AL Ciq)don.and Son Ramon Vorsouthern area)emure thol all central county residents have access to these seMces. Pleasam Hill a CLVW Min ut Creek Orin r 4 Alamo -N a mof-aga Darrvdle Ilia, n Raglan gyp riY 4 Eligible communkles Cincludes un1rKoqmraW areas) LOCdtiOn 01 FadillY November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 216 of 254 Page 39 of 70 WHAT DO WE TAKE? What Can You Bring to the Household Hazardous Waste Favi liW. I Household products Household cleaning products Garden-core and Other Batteries B leach post-control produ0% i Cooking oils and qruse FILjorescent bulbs&oompact UquEd cleaners 4 Resficides (large qua ntitle8,as from a fluorescent lights(CTLs! UpMlstery.rug cleaners a Herbicides turkey fryer) Mercury 1hernnostat switches. Oven cleaners 4 Fertilizers Propane tanks(5 gallon or Grouts 1u lking Fumfiure PDlishes lest) Pool chemicals Tub&the d-ea ners Paint and paint-related Personal care products products Mercury fever ihormometers Latex&oil-based paints Fingema-il polish&re ver lip Wood stain&vamishes i Hair oare products r L • Paint remover,'paint thinner& Plerfurnes&cdbgnes solvents 4 Au motive products Free to , Motof ine or oil 7t4 GasThe fall illy hReina Rein Room stocked with items Woupt in a Antifreeze for dlspml that are S0111 In useable coilaltIon.Ttle inventory - 8fake fluid often includes painL wood stain,garden produds and a wide - Transmission fluid vat"of dea risers--and they're all free to fa-dlfty usm!The Solvents Reose,Room Is open Monday-5alurday.9 axn,-3:30 p.m. Car batleries Car cleaning prod U el S CENTRAL SAN'S RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM (RETAIL AND WHOLESALE) The District also owns a �� +} recycled water distribution P111sturg r hinr Im rr L system called "Zone 1 --,-a k I i I I• P TT�$ In 2017, the District sold F� W.&IMUL 213.9 Million gallons of recycled water. AIMMO Do WWTP uses about 1 .5 Erna'_W**COVA WOW D"" lion 4.n MGD of recycled water. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 217 of 254 Page 4Oof7O Page 41 of 70 VISION, MISSION, VALUES . k weldalady-rrtMPIWWe.41 Wpanslhlr OUR mfssroN OUP VALUES .ik! COMMkIlWky Prindples { aPIKW +{ z fir STRATEGIC PLAN E FISCAL YEAR 201:9-20 STRATEGIC PLASTRATEC31C ��. PLAN FI SCA L YEA 2018-20 GOALS ProvLde exceptional custonner service and inafntaln an exceLlent reputation In the — conintu nity F Y Strive to meet regulatory req ul re ments Be a fiscally responslbLe and effectI a wastewater Utility Recrultr devetop,and retain a h1gnty trained and safe workforce 9 M a Fn#a In a rellable Infrastructure Embrace teehnotogy,€nnovatlanr and environmental su st a Inability November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 219 of 254 8 Page 42 of 70 LOOKING AT THE FUTURE CENTRAL SAN COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN (CWMP) IS A CRITICAL LONG RANGE PLANNING DOCUMENT FOR MAINTAINING A HIGH LEVEL OF SERVICE, ESTABLISHING LONG-TERM FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE POLICIES FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, AND PROVIDING A CLEAR DIRECTION FOR CENTRAL SAN. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet-Page 220 of 254 9 Page 43 of 70 THIS PROJECT COORDINATED SEVERAL MAJOR MASTER PLANNING EFFORTS -------1 r------------------ . . ModelSystem System Mastel,- Plant Master Asset Comprehensive Wastewater Master .•- - nn Plan THE CWMP IS A COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENT R Assessed Evaluated eviewed Past Term&Future Reports �Process/Energy -• Optimizations Ilk Developed New Determined Evaluated& Dynamic Regulatory Selected Hydraulic Model Scenarios Alternatives Evaluated Developed Evaluated Flows 2 Process 0-Year Loads Capacities Comprehensive J L Plan f Performed ift Evaluated Prepared Updated Condition Hydraulic p Assessments Capacities 10-Year CIP* *Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 221 of 254 10 Page 44 of 70 THIS CWMP PROVIDES CENTRAL SAN WITH A TOOL FOR A CLEAR DIRECTION V ..Confirmed future CIP Projects, Estimated Costs, and Site Layouts rovides Clarity to CIP Project Inter-Dependencies& Priorities JCoordinates Pr• - - -•- --• Confirmed O&M/Energy Management Strategies—Develop EnergyJ Policy JAccelerated Condition Assessments/Implement - Plan Aligned with Strategic Goals CWMP MAJOR DRIVERS Drivers Descriptions WL_ __M" W& A 1 Aging Infrastructure Maintain performance and reliability of existing assets to ensure reliable treatment of wastewater Increase capacity and redundancy of existing facilities to 2 Capacity accommodate wastewater flows(wet weather)and loads. Projects that would be required to accommodate planned growth are not included in the CIP. Reliably comply with regulatory requirements that are designed 3 Regulatory to protect human health and the environment&Plan for anticipated future regulatory requirements Minimize life-cycle costs,maximize benefits,and achieve 4 Sustainability economic stability through optimization,resiliency,resource recovery,and energy projects November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 222 of 254 11 Page 45 of 70 CWMP GOALS AND LOS CWMP Goals Levels of Service(LOS) Strive to meet regulatory requirements Always work to complywith local:state and federal regulatory requirements. Critical facilities will be on-line within prescribed targets after catastrophic events(e.g.. sudden failures:earthquakes.floods.fire:acts of terrorism:etc.). Work to improve sanitary sewer overflow(SSG)occurrence rate of no more than 3.5 SSOs per 100 miles per year. Be a fiscally sound and effective water sector utility Develop a cost effective program to maximize recycle water in coordination with water agencies.The program must have a benefiVcosts ratio of at least one or greater within 15 ears. 2 Develop a program that maximizes energy efficiency and self-sufficiencythathas a Energy Policy BP 27 benefit+costs ratio of at least one or greater within 5 years. Develop long-term resource recovery projects that have a benefiVcosts ratio of at least 0 Coft raft one or greater within 5 years. Provide exeeptionaI customer service " Limit Odors to within the fence line of the treatment plantfacility. MN4.OLICY Provide recycled water(e.g.,residentialfill stations and commercial hydrants)aligned with service area customers'demands. Develop a process for assessing customer satisfaction.expectations for District services.and desire for general information. 3 Develop a public education outreach program that provides pollution prevention education and is aligned with the customer's desire for general information. Projects should reduce adverse impacts on the public and the environmentthrough sustainable practices that minimize waste.maximize resource recovery:and embrace innovation. �.�^.�...� Respond to emergency calls in less than 20 minutes during Districtworking hours and less han 40 minutes during non-wDrking hours. CWMP EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES Public Outreach Summary Technical Executive Summary 17- 1 T ri r,I SA N awls.I_ -- r C SUMMARY �.�.-.'.-..may.���...-j.�e.•` vwx-* !-4iG-Pd.�s#W--eT-W mak-._lti--da/•-sFF�1-!e!i _ �;,. TTf•IR�ia�m a.a�.4� -1=_�..r 1 I WASTEWATER M AS TER K AN A-eww� M�fi.r���.lra.�Vie•k..f._ November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 223 of 254 12 Page 46 of 70 COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS { DESCRIPTION OF SEWER SYSTEM • 145 square mile service area • Large collection system • Over 1,540 miles of gravity sewers • 37,000 pipe segments Asset Value=>$2.9 Billion • 31,000 manholes • Pipe Diameters: 4" — 102" $826 M • Oldest Pipe: 1913 (105 years old) Clay $888 M • Pipe Materials: Concrete, Clay, Plastic, and Metal Metallic Concrete • 19 Pumping Stations $162M $974M Million(M) ,. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 224 of 254 13 Page 47 of 70 SEWER REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW System is Aging — Optimized Pipe Conditions Rehabilitation & range from Good to Replacement Forecast a Very Bad Condition }4 x:n �4 w �,; - ; �� r_ Forecasted CIP. • 64% of pipes are — —$99M in 5 years <50 years old — —$720M in 20 years • CCTV'd 90% of pipes: Forecast will be • 2%-"Very Bad" � updated routinely for Developed Data- CIP updates . Supported Risk Model InfoMaster®to r Confirm Sewer Needs W ■...ti as Uses ESRI backbone Uses LOF and COF to =mow 1 ,cug ,. calculate ri k s dill .................. ` • LOF based on District ' FORGA YNR II IIS -- CCTV and cleaning data 100-YEAR SEWER REHABILITATION & REPLACEMENT FORECAST Period Cost($M) Mileage 0 •• 38 5-10 Years $180 42 80,000,000 10-20 Years $441 184 70,000,000 20-30 Years $724 281 60,000,000 30-50 Years $1,156 403 s0000,000 50-75 Years $575 206 a, o0 'FqCL 75-100 Years $808 276 30,000,000 20,0 00,000 10,000,000 0o "I � r- o m tD m Ul 00 r4 r-• o ro L , rq 1-f-IW � :- � m ko m N U1 00 rl � r- rJ IN r-A nP rn rn en M 191, Id, d U11 W1 W) to to kn ko P-. � fl, c; W W 9) M Ch a) = d C) vA epi e-4 C C] O r C3 C1 Q O C 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-d ri ri ri H H Forecast Year CA November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 225 of 254 14 Page 48 of 70 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS { Jk, A OVERVIEW OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CWMP IDENTIFIED NEEDS UmUiRm Cf Wiffm W Waiur Syne n • 1$'rn'r'"rinn'� hrt�n':Keri Ilrrlt:.7 t R _" P• w DpputAsK ��7Fi�rl�u�e � •'"+ pk'0 `' * Ftislur�Enera� largC ',r63 KAXk Z io ',r ++ Baume Yrh Dts[J mgv 4pRfAri!efllMMIOld 4i'dbThf H*wk 4ary and uU31 aw ffim tar '*+r Raf�tailrry tnr rpt�lrhe�+-her DN and ME kff h"at+xr and FCaxce Fcoxrr�r do# F she Casts rig ftlaww Aptw'' co qwt Scbolk 9o-Ad#mow d AgN hdraEaLic'ure Pdrrq Raw,-, , Page 49 of 70 TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS OVERVIEW ��r.u«.r+rkl,SrldJrc f1�1 �r1iM[Irrr aEf:�.4i41+�'I' �`7 3rlrSirllN+�t-I�I F I•-._pb."whor iiiw.�nm M-Z§ •.,.r MAg-".rerr 1.4,y ��."I.r�ti xn®,,:w},a.r,.nx..vs wy_�._..�.__.i:,iitiiro�,.:c.ri.rrr�a����r nwa%a awn rr la++mfih._.e.UT*. i •..�.a r..., ,.�......,r... r.n AwMh 4#w-v rr.Az;�+t�w W rs r�!in L*04M F..&M*4.:nr,ti+i�.rw...r:n l{s.�,j,:...e..r• ., 1 Nom!aa#a N*MWEE C [hrrlor .M%wFwL AN PeP 0 No F'W06� ■ I h hiiYi9ilwtupaqd ■ FM41mm hY�PgFF- i VjrIw L..i0r�.-kTui Ml OAMEMA dm Ir a+rp u114 CAW r1bFpaiiW rid rRR'm'q.ti+nsiandift3a i•rte M+ooknos Seas dR. wkb-Fnrtira�Yrnr4 a1�4Cnnr1 H..+ lei nil' NVU I nzmklppk udwPmga 30Pckown i�.raa' ■ Y�lil.lwl a3,r.+..-+,�,.�.�.I a M-NW-*b6.Wft�+r...1 �.,e3 ma..FFAM imL r��w o..,,e■ pMhdo Yr..*pb-E.r•-I-T., I.,r..W tigIFloll-lva-lF--h' Ir.earlrr.rwOKrrrrr re>rl�ralr�rll�r�t MND �J.F���dI I4F4i�F.F lnl4li*�w�� 0ppMO1dkn 4F+n.-Y..vr?. rdffl old'01 1 f iii.nhomillon hnpwmmm�se c'"i`may mpin}a nn'r c�.nrm oirrr�im R's7vinSr�.r�diAmAmim"aaii ii.11 ilrarrir si.R.t anrrai Yr��.��Y ruin/,rd nr^ ri.vr r five irrin i- �lrla�,rirwi,��iaA:�M mImpo Odk4pi 1ti Mei pW Ir!*A$&*W**W WM Matta r== *11MIRM"IR1*1 ern'RME M•)-00 iM OLIN I OF-- •.owdAhopppnnnd F Odw.6 V'rt+M"M r MA M&tir PA*M*;? !5 INEINMEMINIME INWIMMEM niar SAWS"M7M trir.MWyd�Yr�r• iai'111rNP4 ditMrE1' �ii+M iv r'+ blrp#Ierl�filFfl R' rir{Wl 1ppnri �FYdn�rriiwi Yii'I.'pi�l r w"Ek-0111001M �I1QI��IR1 _ mi Ali 13 10'AM M*p it 00mwbf.4I4�4M wIr*010�40104Hiirbf P1hi OF CZ f�� A� i A� nWiF M dw ni � tmm hn n�. ■ ni"_- � Pmwm%orn ' ■r91Wp.0k.4brn PAW R.IRW31V&%V l C"UWrO,ftpp Fnic We rwiFA f-rFFLw-V TO iiPFM WRM Irl I&MOtdW WARMI AM 0-- 18ndpw*r SIA ROOM 0 LMIMMM,liPn4 I! •Ih�dR���lYi ti irloFrrl f.i�if hw- 1 - 9= ti NIS r" 4110- 16 A& 4P_ - MAJOR TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS OVERVIEW BY PHASE AND DRIVERS 0 0KwwQftUwft Upgrndu we, umf-a&!RfiaaQ 1&4 2 :� ++'1h SW09 3Lr.r-lt Upyodu l 0 1*aLrrwmI.Plarfl Urg"t r* ] d ;wAkhtm,I Plsti,n? l 2 3&"4h Applind Fbacnardr$WwQwNkN y Irrfl#rM 1ri[iadl 11t�r�cial In xxn,rrrrldrulfr T 2 0e oima kgprai nrrnirrrts'Phw 2 t¢4 ]� QMhrit Cnrlb *111QvaI�orW MCD g Tp *1'frtrar.rrrlbrrr 91 ] 0 pumt $yr,!Um 0 Roobwmv, 1 WGAnlnud hMiaV.juvbxq I9pipXwrIIMY#P brn Jmiln[' 000t 0 IRLWVgWWerk OWE P4 � rye, Frn Prarrl�c'iun Sl,�li�ri.Ptldr�ll.'?'n d �y1�') o ftsm C*nd:'Owen�1'[�+rr+MLLi.,Up:V& ] r LJe 14�{F}Y�I�Ibn rrr�T� L1I 0 0 4�-r,"1 ]. *Walnut CraokrGeayw CnM*11 avAg I~••-r..hah "••{2 hYbtwMrw Fkw Uw*pwffl qp UV Ds"Qc;KA Upwod" go ftuwy[x,prlwn Pmt *TrNtrnan;Plan 5MM Imp1•e1 0) 06 1 Keo;,s"Srlisr=u•� L PIb rr 1WI r I04lrl frpntition U fl#v 04 tomm[aryf Soprttii::Uww" # lancivalrya L'eryrgyl Demos n 04D Nbuftmom r nye UpyaWn l 0 iakl:,Fcmrhnnurg B-dklurg Ro*f R4plryr mn[ ar-10 kyomwwou U4'It¢=mAra Ir-,vcrran-wts (D 040 SacarrdWY 7wMmmt KFhK&Frpne+www 0 Wodnicr.Az*D:4nwrf[of Lrriad I'p": 0,Q0 14W[P 5r I Plant Qw.o .,a Law Offm Irmpn:Nsrr.mi } d elrx a F+elth Yhd:+ih I> wxer mm-.1ffpvwmwo O*,,aids r1s idU FMM Ira- 5,@ 3 1 4 P*alAr Iind Eror$y Vp"44 TWIN*Iftlomww"04 1OHMS g FOO My knMwwrionls $OWFWy ii*IrMPt+aorrlrrrrs 06 Pla<It rr SIdtip$naniaa Upgiadur, DOT bv*"wywtb• 40 1 � � 5irohef�fl$�pil Pill plr�5beron hk hrfrfLFWrr. I l F� r Lslrnl 7� Aging h*4stnKturii: oPhase 1(0 Lo 5 years) *^UV DqwIlwcuxi lt.plo rrwnL Phase 1(5 t*10 years) # TruetrnOl Mad SC-;D,;lmplavuri-w-IG Regula#aryr Pl $4 10 t0 U rf crrrleni!Flam Arojecirs arm'Tbiwr Lrrmrs 00e, November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 227 of 254 16 Page 50 of 70 RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2017=2037 10.REC°DMME N DECD 1130 TAL IMIPR OVEMENT PLAN TFs Caudal Inrlrr uw nisnl Pn{{IP}MIILWrvRea 0 R*BilEner 111311, 1mprnYarsrnl p,rnTirn 1 n ,}'rk. ri-a Mhgtor I'LLn'L ra mmanelfrl i;vnj&-ke www rjl&q}nyd rite rctr;,X,U-7 arm I- l�ratmtrn:P1int 1385fs Mil1#?1 w131-icuon Sksiitm(9419 Mi lion1 3.R?etd[kt4Wmr M Mil ion', {,amaraJ lime ai—r,+s I$',.M116ac1 A 9411 Lmkw4uiy'F'uhas kWurrJrd'inLludwr vd s1 FdrwrtjfiwJ prD)Ku DAat 4irit nae cwrtmly dwlwdtd In Vit Ga.Thrsi.Wurr unhr�lsU`'pivImLla a1*xarraL Lo an aJJiL�al$9$d m4l1 6m5v rd thr$1,8 81 Fan Ce,al v+rrth ppm-irnali'v#SQJ m,l,an drlay br w11h.n!hs"A.10,Fmarx'rr &ear kh+a+prcVel%,.ara der!rrted to r-- t pvF.sn4al unurlrin PvLwu 1'W',1aL1ur3 m-rd W.lwF Nmujxkb asparlarl ie h+eeeltraulral In i*x&,al',rr5 aneh an thw hAnr+ ®Traidilwlll.Rdp1"fS. wh"3als of 1st,"vd maLwr CLi'1467Jun Ey3Ltlln R e eyr l ftl WA I r..r C.cnmal In-orn-ee-mmits it a zJ;11-Yrsr 211"J least eizi hV-J"TcTram 1 .�........ 1.. s• C*rsgrlll 4nprwarrar:t CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 'he Campxhenc ve"'Tla:tewntrr l,Aectar den eno3mpaccac a 8".&billion 016 ooiiere;:6-yearoapital improverromprogrmn (LIP)forthe cnllaclio-cyctem a dteatment plam,with 1373 million of rsoital improvamcma within the fimtte ymra.Thane mhort-ta-m end long-term i v tma,u in oursyatemc align w ith our mica o to always p-otaat pu68ic haakh a d the—insnm M and maintain the excellent aamioe 1—la our a tarnem eexpeat fmm Ce'--ra So, n a .■ o MIN io est 6eacn treos a Q NrbdAeW r-rrr._ may# a—adrr.r. mow. .. "`J ialirwm�nssoirw 1=. it� wAw..n 1 tlirrirc��r.rlrar Ori tri��� �. 1 'r.rea rrrure�.r.�a.r.rrlw. rdya r.r...,.. � i.i �aErOIIWrA �Nw.ndfin C Cy'.-r 10-YEAP C_IP Z E ft CIP General Improvements Ge..erd knpre;a rr-nt: Re yded Water Continge—y Re yded Water C—&MP-g S24.03,CCC S'9.OuC,CCC 526,123,CCG },ppp,[708 1. 1. Tatal 10-yeer CIF$972,653,000 Tdd 2U-yaer CIP S1,803,474,01} November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 228 of 254 17 Page 51 of 70 PROPOSED 10-YEAR CIP $873M OF IMPROVEMENTS IDENTIFIED (in'000) Shown in 2016 Dollars FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 Treatment Plant $18,045 $18,707 $50,502 $48,611 $46,182 $56,523 $51,636 $23,375 $34,950 $37,392 Solids Improvements Phases 2&3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,190 $20,190 $20,190 (Digesters+FBI) Collection System $18,492 $17,180 $35,752 $38,000 $39,440 $36,759 $38,293 $41,739 $41,985 $45,703 Recycled Water $460 $540 $1,210 $5,771 $5,771 $125 $1,647 $9,099 $125 $125 .. $4,277 $2,912 $3,456 $1,943 $3,298 $4,173 $1,798 $2,798 $1,798 $2,570 .:. $1,$)0 $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $42,774 $40,839 $92,920 $96,325 $96,691 1 $99,580 $95,374 $99,201 $101,048 $107,980 $1200000,000 - $i00,0o0,0a0 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 So r a a v M ■General Improvements rr RecIed Water Solids Improvements Phase 2&3 IDIgesters+FBI) ■Treatment Plant Collection System 1104_.-9_7 I'm I WASTEWATER SUPPLY VS. RECYCLED WATER DEMAND November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 229 of 254 18 Page 52 of 70 RECYCLED WATER USES ko" rF1 Treatment Plant Suisun Bay Discharge Water Exchange Project Plant Filter Plant Advanced =' - utility & Treatment ,{ Water Clearwell Facilities Martinez Zone 1 .•� Refineries Recycled *+* � Water ■'�'3ar■■■■■■■r■r■■ �� _ Ai • Concord ontra Costa Water Reuse District/Saalta Clara •, Project Valley Water District w —, Xz . top, Water Exchange WATER DIVERSIONS a�. e � � Y. R x� Treatment r, Plant Suisun Bay Discharge m � Plant Filter Plant Advanced utility & Treatment Water Clearwell Facilities .,,,, ".,., Martinez Zone 1 ,.•'� Refineries Recycled � � .••�� Water ■■■■■...■■■■■■■■■ j Diablo Other {. Country Diversions? Club Diversion -.. Concord Contra Costa Water Reuse District/Santa Clara Project Valley Water District Water Exchange E .'11 21910- November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 230 of 254 19 Page 53 of 70 CENTRAL SAN, CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT & SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT EXCHANGE CONCEPT Martinez Refineries �i T GASy 1 22 TAFY � Transfer-Bethany Pipeline zz raFv; Zz TAFy � (proposed) Santa Clara Volley (f Water District CCWD Expanded Los Vaqueros *TAFY=thousand acre-feet per year ' CURRENT COMMITMENTS e Plant Utility Water Zone 1 • Concord Community Reuse Project (Naval Weapon Station) — Will Serve Letter Diablo Country Club Satellite Water Recycling Facility (SWRF Demonstration Project) Memorandums of Understanding (MOUsj: Moraga Country Club SWRF Water Exchange Board support letter in December 2017 MOU with CCWD and SCVWD in development .4. November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 231 of 254 20 Page 54 of 70 WATER AVAILABILITY CHALLENGES FOR SUPPLYING WATER TC FUTURE PROJECTS includingTitle 22 CHALLENGE Concord Flow Community Variability L Reuse Project LL (CCRP) Fool'wl A I Water Exchange (Ref ineries)• L: -W f i UPDATING TOOLS FOR BEST P 1. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: PMIS -EBUILDER 2. COLLECTION SYSTEM HYDRAULIC MODEL: INFOWORKS - '- 3. COLLECTION SYSTEM RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT TOOL: INFOMASTER - 4. COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: CMMS CITY WORKS 5. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM: ESRI GIS 6. PIPE INSPECTION MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE: IT PIPES CCTV November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 232 of 254 21 Page 55 of 70 Asset Lifecycle Cityworks Empgwering GIS .xra Maintain Acq •Comp a ter Ized Dispose Buildw Mailltenance Program ManagementManagement System(CMMS� Information System(PMIS) Operate •Supervisory Control anti Data Acquisitiori(SCADA) syste rn TR1 i- rWlrfrLl+ - Soda Why Now? CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan en�mpa^es.a$1..8 billion(2016 dollars)?(}year capital improvement proAgram (CIP)for the collection system and treatment plant;with$873 million of capital improvements within tf�e first ten years.These ehort-term and Ion-term investrraerrt:in our system:align with our mi.s-lon to always protect public health and the environment and maintain the excellent rervice levels our customers expect from Central Sar. • year implementationschedule $120.000.000 $100.000.000 .000 $MODO.000 so 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2025 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 ■Treatment Plant 0 Collection Sy5tern Recycled Water 0 General Improvements November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 233 of 254 22 Page 56 of 70 Existing Concerns Many projects in varied stages Too many spreadsheet duplications Reports are time consuming Communication between divisions and departments Efficiency — Not everyone uses same tools Manual data entry and lots of paperwork Unable to get speedy project status snap shots (% completion or financials) Difficult to determine encumbrances Purpose The PMIS system will provide: Tools for program, project, and construction management Visibility into program and individual project performances Streamline project management functions and processes Interactively organize and report information about the projects in the CIB, CIP, and 20-year planning horizon This will enable management to: Track program and project status View program performance on a continual basis Monitor work so that it is delivered on-time and on-budget November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 234 of 254 23 Page 57 of 70 Users of PInformation .. itall . . _ Division —441 Planning& Divisions' Asset Project Management Managers Program Groups Management Information Syste m .ccounMExecutive anagement . Te am F Board o Directors MOBILE Bringing e-Builder on the job site will saves time for the construction Apple°iOS° manager and staff and • View documents and workflows in the field Android TM • Address or start action items Daily Inspection Reports with photos Take photos and attach to forms • Redline PDF drawings and photos, as-builts Any e-Builder form can be mobile enabled • View documents while offline 7 1 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 235 of 254 24 Page 58 of 70 PMIS and ERP S FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Wwr.1- Phase 1.Program Training,Review, Management Adoption Phase 2.Config PM Training,Review, &CM Adoption Phase 3.Roll-Out PM Training&Start-Up &CM Preliminary ERP Schedule GFOA Needs Assessment ERP Selection&RFP � "Implementation years t r: -- 1 Integration with Fistem a ERP see System c 5V (CCCSD FTP site) (cloud-based) Integration configured during Phase 1(Program Management) One-directional integration on five-points: 1. Projects&contracts 2. Any changes to(1) 3. Expenditures 4. Updating to paid status 5. Vendors list . November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 236 of 254 25 Page 59 of 70 Rebuilding the Replaced all desktop and web GIS systems with Esri ArcGIS platform Migrated our GIS data into an industry-standard data model Implemented data quality validation tools Refreshed data from 3rdparties Standardized identification and naming for all assets GIS=Centric sset Management Ir_' 4 s 1CM lnMasbee Oftyworks Hydraulic Capacity Risk Model Asset Model Prioritized Capital Plan Management ri ArcGIS Geodatabases and Map Services CCTV Inspection/ Condition Assessment Enterprise Resource Document Planning(ERP) Portal for ArcGIS,Geocortex Management •Permitting Record Drawings •Accounting Completed Permits •Land Use Easement Documents •Financial Asset Management Documents • Land development Information � I November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 237 of 254 26 Page 60 of 70 Cityworks Replaces Accela & Mainsaver Citywarks . • Relies on GIS for asset e;':•P registry CONNECTING OSupports both horizontal COMMUNITY • f assets (sewer collection/water W"vM*-%W mW ww m4rop-b,— gai 0 + � distribution) and vertical r assets (treatment plants, ' pumping stations, general facilities) Web interface Mobile apps (iOS, Android) Collection System Implementation Completion • Collection System "go live" since late September 2016 Data migration of historic sewer and fleet work orders PM schedules "seeded" and triggered Printed paper schedules/maps for October work orders 100% mobile since November sir .. . .. ..- November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 238 of 254 27 Page 61 of 70 Cityworks in the Field - Collection Systems -111 to F40 I Treatment Plant Implementation Ongoing • Treatment Plant "Go Live" since late January 2017 Maintenance shops use mixture of Pads and desktops to access Cityworks November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 239 of 254 28 Page 62 of 70 Cityworks for Treatment Plant tem. lopmt bmdm..ftnp�•4hw Mhip IiiiiiiiiiiiiPiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiii PhimoRp CbiiiiiiiJs4 hai fh +wi.._�...a.ye�..r•-....,..v.... �` ..--- . IIM,f•iii :ae_�Ri�.A Le�p`ieei a '`'• .�..,r eT lam.hi!<■:x •■� iIleell ^tih■e�eF �Y � 4.: - ...• ri•i iF! r_aee.Yq l.Lav :eekL 1_ :.. -All IM V;;M '�4PR tea_ :AI, 1_a+wY�! :8 a�, 'ems erT =ice I_IIIRi Fl•- =a IeRi■.ar■1116 �e�Ila.!l Yeet tnaen asLsr+�ria■ Ye Fes! L I`I-u Lef F:.T r- 7 1_j e_Ehev}�te•Iuf+1Fi IaC IYk■i �-a�•i•• .R#_FRr•-x�-__ e.u..e -Y sau-e W ri+ VAIN ^_lT 41rLa-e rr'•e'� ala+8e ..._..r -V �_ .:.r�R T,x.^� R _...e.aa e-F:eu - • 140 :3 1■1.11141rlii LY .�`,e� - .. � aaa '.• �:iL; 'e�F-Fl:Y-rF e..r.l+:Fd.:M n^i.i. '!✓.T _ '_ yir4�� YIF r �I eRYii 9■4�r•kae_aeY laa. i:aaY IY�SaY..■i 4■ ■If■ .. 44 ee.a a^� o _. f ••-�+� a S 1-I■ Ys��I,�+c�F+a:ril�:;44 .� �k#'aW�_ _ x_�. +I.+R��_ _� -■`R� 1rt 11N'I fir_ +� eal.a••enR�s4e•,la.,, ::Q'7c �e-4 Faar•-F*w r1S�-n.. -LT`.� , rsa Ira-� -.�-li� rF� :w.++N• rvA�++3.Re I4ei.•+pr r_ ,r.i.�.r��:.. ,...r -- I = L'b :�. x:yi�R4.:y s-r F`L O■�`9■_ u .�:. ... a a�_x`a Em Lmm"w Y .a •ee_geee'_ • �F LJLL � ' -T ..,, Y_-1. 1..ed IH71MT 1114 e 00 - F7 �.-y aa..e.4..e�+a-v'4 i. F:�a! NSf",J■!a iYflr i4c w.. eee_ti�� • Y.i - `� ¢.� � R� feel� L�r1='.�-�:W:� eeeee_ev.�_e_�_ae•ee.e v-•e _�.-_ e-ny !� � .�::. am `� wr �..��-� RFyIF FT•l ATS:.Igrr Yk■e 6b�irw.r _ - ..,..1��.. '�` wa,cr T+war R r .� #r■r�--. ■�a�r_ IW Via■ as eFL�:'aCt Ll:y'f � 5I>iL''[•YSIY ��r+a■+::+ ..._.,.s_.�:. ��'-� e y� +erwr+ :`..., .. _at.ati rar:z�:a lA r - �1 li°.TF i'aa xi:�`-•a CORM k.P K._V s #sea - •� Rix. u.E mod 1!!Rw Rk1 .® YR` LFf!•'4"TIRY lY•>!�f® +3e i L C� R�sir v.�au` I-ar:ynR� :.JIr■rr F! :,_ ��.` ..�fY- �I .��,� ■I.el +�a144±�� id� y41F exp_ I�,^-I..e. re � ..-,,.� a 4. Cityworks/GIS Information Access Closed Work Order Labor Hours by Shop i<enlyni[antra{o%W €PIs-Last 12 P onth,4 1000 5.7rh ary FiIsl ki C.nm[Ihvre Yvi VM R PQ M W*i+ M Q It 1d11 "1L l•U 'ILa 1111 11 �131 Ye I.R latr 11 Ve-:. Jk.I.r J� ieF�3 - r Uh idL* +a ILM ll g ii. A h LM LE •Y YYI 1Mv1� � ' � 41.11111 'S e4 W:la 4M d.- �.u. :. �:.a�.a Y.a.r •alYle•�.4�,i , p '' i ■ ! iprdYl Cl�fr11 C1T�Gd1•R L:a-R-:+R a. u :.. ,4 e 'Q bA �, M�4Y ■iL lm I� lae le••.-n a-e L ■ IF ■ t w i Closed Work Order Labor Hours M x r:., d n W404 gum IFI-1 OM 115111ft I" Corrective . fsi4i rte.R�' `! 9 fY ! 1 1• 1.1 9:. 1r 1# ■ 14fa-m-NO-r4 0.051 .r% d^ -r4 ,•'C% 19F0_4 Jw, :4W5 Fa791 fMll1- h'k 1 :k � tiw e esl.Pr4 �arrrrl S. OE 0]12112017 Page 2 of 2 �ry'r�reti 1.JB Lar I 1 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 240 of 254 29 Page 63 of 70 ITpipes Replaces WinCan & Granite XP CSO using ITpipes since late February 2017 All CSO inspections accessible on Will be migrating all historic Wincan & GraniteXP data into new ITpipes system ITpipes in Action r WL Ahk jw Y 1 R ' November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 241 of 254 30 Page 64 of 70 Collection System Hydraulic Capacity Modeling • InnovyzeO InfoWorks ICMOIA 4 SE with ArcG IS --- - • Uses GIS collection system tow,"piping network data and land "Wow- use data Supports the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Evaluate needs by new and L-T �n future developments Risk Assessment and Capital Planning • InnovyzeO InfoMaster'5 Consumes data from various sources GIS asset data (including condition assessments) Cityworks maintenance history InfoWorks hydraulic model Other GIS reference data (soil types, nearby facilities) • Calculates Business Risk Exposure (BRE) for assets When will assets need to be replaced? • How much will replacement cost? ..'amp Wr November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 242 of 254 31 Page 65 of 70 Calculating Collection System Assets -I Probability Consequence Business Risk of - of Failure Exposure .O . . Hydraulic •High Velocities Hydraulic *Capacity Model *Bottlenecks Model •Blockages/Overflows Risk Class Example Capital Action IF- GIS *Age Hospitals,Schools,Etc. treme F High Prioritarty Operational InfrastructureCritical Facilities D• *Material •Industry High Standard Priority in CIP/Biannual GIS Reference *Soil Type *Population Density Operational Frequency Data •Railroads/Fault Lines Data •Street Paving Medium Low Priority in CIP/1 in 5 Years Operational Frequency AMS&Work *Pipe Failure History C. *Traffic Disruption Low 1 in 10 Years Operational Frequency • •Repairs/Lining Impacts *Community Relations Negligible Wait for a problem to arise D-- *Proximity to creeks and Modeling Impacts Various techniques water bodies Risk-Based Long=Term Collection System Capital Improvement Prioritization Period Cost($M) Mileage + — LD 0-5 Years $99 rA 5-10 Years $180 42 i,s,o•,., = f s+� I,- 10-20 Years $441 184 r InldWsin PtW a 6PILFT _°4 V 20-30 Years $724 281 + I 30-50 Years $1,156 403 50-75 Years $575 206 r s ..., 75-100 Years $808 276 1 -- 1 �111i IIIIfI��J��llllll � � f z�, P rY rv,f. T rv: .,.e.., ` r� �...._ :°°.a..t. ,e.-.in."v",�'u�'v7li-f..mi vur�,-la.7e.:�.°...,+.. .;.•,a.i - A�rv,v 0. +N M M1'r4 P3 T4+i N#4 M Ii f+t Po N IL N N N N i4 h POreust Year d November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 243 of 254 32 Page 66 of 70 AFr Active Applied Research Program .eT _ at Central San 1 5 _ _ -Moll l Recent Applied Research Efforts F Zeolite-Anammox Centrifuge Ultraviolet Pilot Pilot Transmittance Objectives: Evaluate Objectives: Test new Objectives: Investigate feasibility for main- technology for higher decreasing UVT trend & stream nutrient removal dewatered cake solids identify UVT of different Lead: Regulatory Lead:Operations/ wastewater streams Compliance Control Systems Lead: Planning November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 244 of 254 33 Page 67 of 70 Recent Applied Research Efforts M - h'• Filter Capacity Caustic Addition Sludge Testing Pilot Screening Objectives: Evaluate Objective: Determine Objectives: Remove process capacity& caustic system design plastics from sludge to t performance of existing criteria for scrubber pH reduce HCI furnace filter plant control &reduce HCI emissions Lead: Planning furnace emissions Lead:Capital Projects Lead: Regulatory Compliance : Current Applied Research Efforts M z r f A j F..'. �.. Wet Scrubber/ Lime Selector Air Pollution Reduction Evaluation/SRT Control Pilot Testing Control Objectives:Confirm Objectives: Reduce Objectives: Improve performance& furnace loading, secondary treatment, design criteria, reduce operations& more consistent evaluate boiler maintenance costs sludge volume index bypass performance (SVI), reduce bulking, &scrubber water increase treatment& - •,,, potential impacts filter capacity November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 245 of 254 34 Page 68 of 70 A Look Ahead at Applied Research - Possible Nutrient Removal Pilots Lff ,. .. ,Oslo . � i' a1�A� c;yam �Q4 �Fafk wetlF� Nere a 12 chis Membrane Aerated Bioreactors Aerobic Granular Sludge • Enhance nutrient removal treatment • Innovative nutrient removal process that capacity of existing tanks reduces energy needs&does not require • Possibly reduce plant expansion needs external carbon addition • Membranes in anaerobic zone deliver • Sequencing batch reactors integrated into oxygen to a biofilm attached to the existing continuous flow reactors membrane surface • Completing feasibility report for pilot, • Completing feasibility report for pilot considering inter-agency pilot options rr. A Look Ahead at Applied Research - Solids Handling ?01 i , (0 4 Olt t WE&RF HYPOWERS Project Innovative BioEnergy Project • Awarded$1.2M DOE grant in Dec. 2016 • Led by Resource Recovery Program • Emerging hydrothermal resource recovery Manager process(converts wastewater solids to • Reduce operations&maintenance costs, biofuel, renewable gas,fertilizers,etc.) strive for net zero energy and demonstrate • Phase 1: Pilot Planning/Design/Permitting readiness of new technology • Phase 2:3 ton per day pilot • Solicit interested bioenergy companies • Collaboration with WE&RF, PNNL,Genifuel, interested in partnership opportunities to Merrick,Tesoro, MicroBio Engineering, produce renewable energy and process a SoCal Gas,Utility Advisory Panel,&Others portion of the wastewater solids '00 November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 246 of 254 35 Page 69 of 70 A Look Ahead at Applied Research - CollectionSystem Inspections L000 f F F Large Diameter Pipe Inspections Force Main Inspections • Cutting edge inspection technologies Pressure transient monitoring,acoustic (laser scanning,3-D HD Cameras,sonar,etc.) leak detection,electromagnetic • Over 76 miles of large-diameter sewers from Over 21 miles of force main up to 30" 24"to 102"diameter(mostly reinforced diameter(concrete,ferrous,plastic pipe concrete pipe,over 50%are>50 years old) materials) • Inspections prioritized by risk score Inspections prioritized by criticality • Update condition scores,investigate Update condition scores,investigate corrosion and sediment,defects,etc. corrosion,defects,etc. A LOOK AHEAD AT APPLIED RESEARCH/PLANNING - SEWER MODELS InfbMasterro low fgauioati 4[+xletd - W W Continue to Pilot& optimize Test Smart Manhole Covers InfoMaster Risk Model • Monitor surcharge in key areas • Update sewer degradation model of collection system • Update sewer replacement plan • Investigate/validate InfoWorks • Investigate software improvements model predictions (e.g. new GIS layers) November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 247 of 254 36 Page 70 of 70 Thank Jean-Marc Petit, RE, Director of Engineering and Technical Services } Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff PI. Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 229-7112 Impetit(aDcentralsan.org r_ November 15, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 248 of 254 37