HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a (Handout) ACEC Operations and Management Best Practices Presentation Item 5.a. (Handout) ACEC C ALIFORNIA’S A NNUAL S TRATEGIC S UMMIT, N APA, CA O CTOBER 11, 2018 S ESSION#1 W ATER C ENTRAL C ONTRA C OSTA S ANITARY D ISTRICT Jean-Marc Petit, P.E. Director of Engineering and Technical Services A GENDA Θ Who is Central San Θ Good Management Practices: Strategic Plan Θ Looking at the Future: Θ Central San Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Θ Updating Tools for Best Practices: Θ Program Management Information System: PMIS -eBuilder Θ Collection System Hydraulic Model: InfoWorks Θ Collection System Risk Assessment and Management Tool: InfoMaster Θ Computerized Maintenance Management System: CMMS City Works Θ Geographic Information System: ESRI GIS Θ Pipe Inspection Management Software: IT Pipes CCTV Θ Active Applied Research Program 1 W HOIS C ENTRAL C ONTRA C OSTA S ANITARY D ISTRICT (C ENTRAL S AN) S AN F RANCISCO B AY A REA 2 S ERVICE A REA C ENTRAL S AN T ODAY Θ 145 sq. Mile Service Area Θ 1,540 Mile Sewer System Θ Our Headquarters, Board Room, and Treatment Plant are in Martinez Θ Collection System Operations are in Walnut Creek Θ Treat Flow from Concord and Clayton by Contract Plant: •Treats an average of 32million gallons a day (MGD) •Plant rated for 53.4 MGD dry weather and 270 MGD WW •Produces 80%of Energy Needed •20Years of Total Compliance with NPDES Permit •Produces 580Million Gallons of Recycled Water Annually 3 O UR S ERVICES Θ Wastewater Collection Θ Wastewater Treatment Θ Recycled Water Services Θ Household Hazardous Waste Collection T REATMENT P LANT 4 H OUSE H OLD H AZARDOUS W ASTE C OLLECTION-W HODOWESERVE? 5 W HATDOWETAKE? C ENTRAL S AN’S R ECYCLED W ATER P ROGRAM (R ETAILAND W HOLESALE) Θ The District also owns a recycled water distribution system called “Zone 1”. Θ In 2017, the District sold 213.9 Million gallons of recycled water. Θ WWTP uses about 1.5 MGD of recycled water. 6 O UR A NNUAL B UDGET G OOD M ANAGEMENT P RACTICE C ENTRAL S AN S TRATEGIC P LAN 7 S TRATEGIC P LAN 8 L OOKINGATTHE F UTURE C ENTRAL S AN C OMPREHENSIVE W ASTEWATER M ASTER P LAN T HE C OMPREHENSIVE W ASTEWATER M ASTER P LAN(CWMP)ISACRITICALLONG RANGEPLANNINGDOCUMENTFOR MAINTAININGAHIGHLEVELOFSERVICE, ESTABLISHINGLONG-TERMFISCALLY RESPONSIBLEPOLICIESFOROUR CUSTOMERS,ANDPROVIDINGACLEAR DIRECTIONFOR C ENTRAL S AN. 9 T HIS P ROJECT C OORDINATED S EVERAL M AJOR M ASTER P LANNING E FFORTS Dynamic Collection Treatment Recycled Collection SystemMaster PlantMaster Water System Plan Plan Model Comprehensive Asset WastewaterMaster Management Plan T HE CWMP ISA C OMPREHENSIVE D OCUMENT AssessedNearEvaluated ReviewedPast Term&FutureProcess/Energy Reports NeedsOptimizations DeterminedEvaluated& DevelopedNew RegulatorySelected Dynamic ScenariosAlternatives HydraulicModel Developed Evaluated EvaluatedFlows 20Year Process &Loads Comprehensive Capacities Plan Prepared PerformedEvaluated Updated ConditionHydraulic AssessmentsCapacities 10YearCIP* *CapitalImprovementPlan(CIP) 10 T HIS CWMP P ROVIDES C ENTRAL S ANWITH A T OOLFORA C LEAR D IRECTION ConfirmedfutureCIPProjects,EstimatedCosts,andSiteLayouts ProvidesClaritytoCIPProjectInterDependencies&Priorities CoordinatesProjectSchedules&Predesign/PilotingNeeds ConfirmedO&M/EnergyManagementStrategiesΑ5ĻǝĻƌƚƦEnergy Policy AcceleratedConditionAssessments/ImplementAssetMgmt.Plan AlignedwithStrategicGoals CWMP M AJOR D RIVERS DriversDescriptions Maintainperformanceandreliabilityofexistingassetstoensure 1AgingInfrastructure reliabletreatmentofwastewater Increasecapacityandredundancyofexistingfacilitiesto accommodatewastewaterflows(wetweather)andloads. 2Capacity Projectsthatwouldberequiredtoaccommodateplanned growtharenotincludedintheCIP. Reliablycomplywithregulatoryrequirementsthataredesigned toprotecthumanhealthandtheenvironment&Planfor 3Regulatory anticipatedfutureregulatoryrequirements Minimizelifecyclecosts,maximizebenefits,andachieve economicstabilitythroughoptimization,resiliency,resource 4Sustainability recovery,andenergyprojects 11 CWMP G OALSAND LOS EnergyPolicyBP27 CWMP E XECUTIVE S UMMARIES Public Outreach Summary Technical Executive Summary 12 C OLLECTION S YSTEM MASTER P LAN F INDINGS AND R ECOMMENDATIONS D ESCRIPTIONOF S EWER S YSTEM Θ 145 square mile service area Θ Large collection system Θ Over 1,540 miles of gravity sewers Θ 37,000 pipe segments Asset Value = >$2.9 Billion Θ 31,000 manholes Plastic Θ Pipe Diameters: 4” –102” $826M Clay Θ Oldest Pipe: 1913 (105 years old) $888M Θ Pipe Materials: Concrete, Clay, Plastic, and Metal Metallic Concrete $162M $974M Θ 19 Pumping Stations Million (M) 13 S EWER R EPLACEMENTAND R EHABILITATIONPROGRAM O VERVIEW Optimized System is Aging – Rehabilitation & Pipe Conditions Replacement Forecast range from Good to Very Bad Condition •Forecasted CIP: –~$99Min 5 years Θ 64% of pipes are –~$720Min 20 years < 50 years old •Forecast will be Θ CCTV’d 90% of pipes: updated routinely for Θ 2% -“Very Bad” Developed Data- CIP updates Supported Risk Model InfoMaster® to Confirm Sewer Needs Θ Uses ESRI backbone Θ Uses LOF and COF to calculate risk Θ LOF based on District CCTV and cleaning data 100-Y EAR S EWER R EHABILITATION& R EPLACEMENT F ORECAST PeriodCost($M)Mileage 05Years$99 38 510Years$180 42 1020Years$441 184 2030Years$724 281 3050Years$1,156 403 5075Years$575 206 75100Years$808 276 14 W ASTEWATER T REATMENT P LANT M ASTER P LAN F INDINGSAND R ECOMMENDATIONS O VERVIEWOF W ASTEWATER T REATMENT P LANT CWMP I DENTIFIED N EEDS 15 M AJOR T REATMENT P LANT P ROJECTS O VERVIEW BY P HASEAND D RIVERS 16 R ECOMMENDED C APITAL I MPROVEMENT P LAN 2017-2037 C APITAL I MPROVEMENT P LAN 17 P ROPOSED 10-Y EAR CIP $873M OF I MPROVEMENTS I DENTIFIED (InͷЉЉЉ) Shownin2016DollarsFY17/18FY18/19FY19/20FY20/21FY21/22FY22/23FY23/24FY24/25FY25/26FY26/27 TreatmentPlant$18,045$18,707$50,502$48,611$46,182$56,523$51,636$23,375$34,950$37,392 SolidsImprovementsPhases2&3 $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$20,190$20,190$20,190 (Digesters+FBI) CollectionSystem$18,492$17,180$35,752$38,000$39,440$36,759$38,293$41,739$41,985$45,703 RecycledWater$460$540$1,210$5,771$5,771$125$1,647$9,099$125$125 GeneralImprovements$4,277$2,912$3,456$1,943$3,298$4,173$1,798$2,798$1,798$2,570 CIPProgramContingency$1,500$1,500$2,000$2,000$2,000$2,000$2,000$2,000$2,000$2,000 TotalCIP$42,774$40,839$92,920$96,325$96,691$99,580$95,374$99,201$101,048$107,980 W ASTEWATER S UPPLYVS. R ECYCLED W ATER D EMAND 18 R ECYCLED W ATER U SES Treatment SuisunBayDischarge Plant Brine WaterExchangeProject PlantFilterPlantAdvanced Utility&Treatment WaterClearwellFacilities Martinez Zone1 Refineries Recycled Water Concord ContraCostaWater Reuse District/SantaClara Project ValleyWaterDistrict WaterExchange W ATER D IVERSIONS Treatment SuisunBayDischarge Plant Brine PlantFilterPlantAdvanced Utility&Treatment WaterClearwellFacilities Martinez Zone1 Refineries Recycled Water DiabloOther CountryDiversions? Club Diversion Concord ContraCostaWater Reuse District/SantaClara Project ValleyWaterDistrict WaterExchange 19 C ENTRAL S AN, C ONTRA C OSTA W ATER D ISTRICT& S ANTA C LARA V ALLEY W ATER D ISTRICT E XCHANGE C ONCEPT Martinez Refineries 22TAFY TransferBethany Pipeline (proposed) 22TAFY CCWD Expanded LosVaqueros *TAFY=thousandacrefeetperyear C URRENT C OMMITMENTS Θ Plant Utility Water Θ Zone 1 Θ Concord Community Reuse Project (Naval Weapon Station) –Will Serve Letter Θ Diablo Country Club Satellite Water Recycling Facility (SWRF Demonstration Project) Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs): Θ Moraga Country Club SWRF Θ Water Exchange Θ Board support letter in December 2017 Θ MOU with CCWD and SCVWD in development 20 W ATER A VAILABILITY C HALLENGES F OR S UPPLYING W ATER T O F UTURE P ROJECTS Title22 including CHALLENGE Concord Flow Community Variability ReuseProject (CCRP) CHALLENGE Water ReducedFlow Exchange from (Refineries) Diversions U PDATING T OOLSFOR B EST P RACTICES: 1. P ROGRAM M ANAGEMENT I NFORMATION S YSTEM: PMIS -E B UILDER 2. C OLLECTION S YSTEM H YDRAULIC M ODEL: I NFO W ORKS 3. C OLLECTION S YSTEM R ISK A SSESSMENTAND M ANAGEMENT T OOL: I NFO M ASTER 4. C OMPUTERIZED M AINTENANCE M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM: CMMS C ITY W ORKS 5. G EOGRAPHIC I NFORMATION S YSTEM: ESRI GIS 6. P IPE I NSPECTION M ANAGEMENT S OFTWARE: IT P IPES CCTV 21 Asset Lifecycle MaintainAcquire/ Dispose Θ/ƚƒƦǒƷĻƩźǩĻķ Maintenance ΘtƩƚŭƩğƒ Management Management System(CMMS) Information System(PMIS) Operate Θ{ǒƦĻƩǝźƭƚƩǤControland DataAcquisition(SCADA) system Why Now? Twoyearimplementationschedule 22 Existing Concerns Θ Many projects in varied stages Θ Too many spreadsheet duplications Θ Reports are time consuming Θ Communication between divisions and departments Θ Efficiency –Not everyone uses same tools Θ Manual data entry and lots of paperwork Θ Unable to get speedy project status snap shots (% completion or financials) Θ Difficult to determine encumbrances Purpose Θ The PMIS system will provide: Θ Tools for program, project, and construction management Θ Visibility into program and individual project performances Θ Streamline project management functions and processes Θ Interactively organize and report information about the projects in the CIB, CIP, and 20-year planning horizon Θ This will enable management to: Θ Track program and project status Θ View program performance on a continual basis Θ Monitor work so that it is delivered on-time and on-budget 23 Users of Project Information Capital Projects Division OtherPlanning& 5źǝźƭźƚƓƭ͸Asset ProjectManagement ManagersGroups Program Management Information System Executive Finance& Management Accounting Team Boardof Directors M OBILE BringingeBuilderonthejobsite ®® will savestimefortheconstruction AppleiOS and managerandstaff Android™ Θ View documents and workflows in the field Θ Address or start action items Θ Daily Inspection Reports with photos Θ Take photos and attach to forms Θ Redline PDF drawings and photos, as-builts Θ Any e-Builder form can be mobile enabled Θ View documents while offline 24 PMIS and ERP Schedules FY201718FY201819 AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan Phase1.ProgramTraining,Review, ManagementAdoption Phase2.ConfigPMTraining,Review, &CMAdoption Phase3.RollOutPMTraining&StartUp &CM PreliminaryERPSchedule GFOANeeds Assessment ERPSelection&RFP ERP Implementation 2-4 years Integration with Financial System (cloudbased) (CCCSDFTPsite) (CCCSDserver) IntegrationconfiguredduringPhase1(ProgramManagement) Onedirectionalintegrationonfivepoints: 1.Projects&contracts 2.Anychangesto(1) 3.Expenditures 4.Updatingtopaidstatus 5.Vendorslist 25 Rebuilding the GIS Θ Replaced all desktop and web GIS systems with Esri ArcGIS platform Θ Migrated our GIS data into an industry-standard data model Θ Implemented data quality validation tools rd Θ Refreshed data from 3parties Θ Standardized identification and naming for all assets GIS-Centric Asset Management Asset RiskModel HydraulicCapacity Management PrioritizedCapitalPlan Model ArcGIS GeodatabasesandMapServices CCTVInspection/ ConditionAssessment EnterpriseResource Document PortalforArcGIS,Geocortex Planning(ERP) Management •RecordDrawings •Permitting •CompletedPermits •Accounting •EasementDocuments •LandUse •AssetManagement •Financial Documents •Landdevelopment Information 26 Cityworks Replaces Accela& Mainsaver Θ Relies on GIS for asset registry Θ Supports both horizontal assets (sewer collection/water distribution) and vertical assets (treatment plants, pumping stations, general facilities) Θ Web interface Θ Mobile apps (iOS, Android) Collection System Implementation Completion Θ Collection System “go live” since late September 2016 Θ Data migration of historic sewer and fleet work orders Θ PM schedules “seeded” and triggered Θ Printed paper schedules/maps for October work orders Θ 100% mobile since November 27 Cityworks in the Field -Collection Systems Treatment Plant Implementation Ongoing Θ Treatment Plant “Go Live” since late January 2017 Θ Maintenance shops use mixture of iPads and desktops to access Cityworks 28 Cityworks for Treatment Plant Cityworks/GIS Improves Information Access 29 ITpipes Replaces WinCan& Granite XP Θ CSO using ITpipes since late February 2017 Θ All CSO inspections accessible on Θ Will be migrating all historic Wincan& GraniteXPdata into new ITpipes system ITpipes in Action 30 Collection System Hydraulic Capacity Modeling ®® Θ InnovyzeInfoWorks ICM SE with ArcGIS Θ Uses GIS collection system piping network data and land use data Θ Supports the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Θ Evaluate needs by new and future developments Risk Assessment and Capital Planning ®® Θ InnovyzeInfoMaster Θ Consumes data from various sources Θ GIS asset data (including condition assessments) Θ Cityworks maintenance history Θ InfoWorkshydraulic model Θ Other GIS reference data (soil types, nearby facilities) Θ Calculates Business Risk Exposure (BRE) for assets Θ When will assets need to be replaced? Θ How much will replacement cost? 31 Calculating Risk for Collection System Assets ProbabilityProbabilityConsequenceConsequenceBusinessBusinessRiskRisk ofofFailureFailureofofFailureFailureExposureExposure (POF)(POF)(COF)(COF)(BRE)(BRE) ΘIźŭŷVelocitiesΘ/ğƦğĭźƷǤ HydraulicHydraulicHydraulicHydraulic RiskClassExampleCapitalAction ModelModelModelModel Θ.ƚƷƷƌĻƓĻĭƉƭΘ.ƌƚĭƉğŭĻƭΉhǝĻƩŅƌƚǞƭ HighPriorityinCIP/YearlyOperational GISGIS Extreme Θ!ŭĻΘIƚƭƦźƷğƌƭͲSchools,Etc. Frequency InfrastructureInfrastructureCriticalCriticalFacilitiesFacilities ΘağƷĻƩźğƌΘLƓķǒƭƷƩǤ DataData StandardPriorityinCIP/Biannual High OperationalFrequency Θ{ƚźƌTypeΘtƚƦǒƌğƷźƚƓDensity GISGISReferenceReferenceGISGISReferenceReference DataDataDataData LowPriorityinCIP/1in5Years ΘwğźƌƩƚğķƭΉCğǒƌƷLinesΘ{ƷƩĻĻƷPaving Medium OperationalFrequency ΘtźƦĻFailureHistoryȁƩğŅŅźĭDisruption AMSAMS&&WorkWorkCommunityCommunity Low1in10YearsOperationalFrequency OrdersOrdersImpactsImpacts ΘwĻƦğźƩƭΉ\[źƓźƓŭΘ/ƚƒƒǒƓźƷǤRelations NegligibleWaitforaproblemtoarise ΘtƩƚǣźƒźƷǤtocreeksand DeteriorizationDeteriorizationEnvironmentalEnvironmental ȐğƩźƚǒƭtechniques ModelingModelingImpactsImpacts waterbodies Risk-Based, Long-Term Collection System Capital Improvement Prioritization PeriodCost($M)Mileage 05Years$9938 510Years$18042 1020Years$441 184 2030Years$724 281 3050Years$1,156 403 5075Years$575 206 75100Years$808 276 32 Active Applied Research Program at Central San Recent Applied Research Efforts ZeoliteAnammoxCentrifugeUltraviolet PilotPilotTransmittance Objectives:Evaluate Objectives:Testnew Objectives:Investigate feasibilityformaintechnologyforhigherdecreasingUVTtrend& streamnutrientremovaldewateredcakesolidsidentifyUVTofdifferent Lead:Regulatory Lead:Operations/wastewaterstreams ComplianceControlSystems Lead:Planning 33 Recent Applied Research Efforts FilterCapacityCausticAdditionSludge TestingPilotScreening Objectives:Evaluate Objective:Determine Objectives:Remove processcapacity&causticsystemdesignplasticsfromsludgeto performanceofexistingcriteriaforscrubberpHreduceHClfurnace filterplantcontrol&reduceHClemissions Lead:Planningfurnaceemissions Lead:CapitalProjects Lead:Regulatory Compliance Current Applied Research Efforts WetScrubber/LimeSelector AirPollutionReductionEvaluation/SRT ControlPilotTestingControl Objectives:Confirm Objectives:Reduce Objectives:Improve performance&furnaceloading,secondarytreatment, designcriteria,reduceoperations&moreconsistent evaluateboilermaintenancecostssludgevolumeindex bypassperformance(SVI),reducebulking, &scrubberwaterincreasetreatment& potentialimpactsfiltercapacity 34 A Look Ahead at Applied Research – Possible Nutrient Removal Pilots MembraneAeratedBioreactorsAerobicGranularSludge •Enhancenutrientremovaltreatment•Innovativenutrientremovalprocessthat capacityofexistingtanksreducesenergyneeds&doesnotrequire •Possiblyreduceplantexpansionneedsexternalcarbonaddition •Membranesinanaerobiczonedeliver•Sequencingbatchreactorsintegratedinto oxygentoabiofilmattachedtotheexistingcontinuousflowreactors membranesurface•Completingfeasibilityreportforpilot, •Completingfeasibilityreportforpilotconsideringinteragencypilotoptions A Look Ahead at Applied Research – Solids Handling WE&RFHYPOWERSProject InnovativeBioEnergyProject •Awarded$1.2MDOEgrantinDec.2016 •LedbyResourceRecoveryProgram •Emerginghydrothermalresourcerecovery Manager process(convertswastewatersolidsto •Reduceoperations&maintenancecosts, biofuel,renewablegas,fertilizers,etc.) strivefornetzeroenergyanddemonstrate •Phase1:PilotPlanning/Design/Permitting readinessofnewtechnology •Phase2:3tonperdaypilot •Solicitinterestedbioenergycompanies •CollaborationwithWE&RF,PNNL,Genifuel, interestedinpartnershipopportunitiesto Merrick,Tesoro,MicroBioEngineering, producerenewableenergyandprocessa SoCalGas,UtilityAdvisoryPanel,&Others portionofthewastewatersolids 35 A Look Ahead at Applied Research – Collection System Inspections ForceMainInspections LargeDiameterPipeInspections •Pressuretransientmonitoring,acoustic •Cuttingedgeinspectiontechnologies leakdetection,electromagnetic (laserscanning,3DHDCameras,sonar,etc.) •Over21milesofforcemainuptoЌЉͼ •Over76milesoflargediametersewersfrom diameter(concrete,ferrous,plasticpipe ЋЍͼtoЊЉЋͼdiameter(mostlyreinforced materials) concretepipe,over50%are>50yearsold) •Inspectionsprioritizedbycriticality •Inspectionsprioritizedbyriskscore •Updateconditionscores,investigate •Updateconditionscores,investigate corrosion,defects,etc. corrosionandsediment,defects,etc. A L OOK A HEADAT A PPLIED R ESEARCH/P LANNING–S EWER M ODELS ContinuetoPilot&Optimize InfoMasterRiskModel TestSmartManholeCovers •Updatesewerdegradationmodel •Monitorsurchargeinkeyareas •Updatesewerreplacementplan ofcollectionsystem •Investigatesoftwareimprovements •Investigate/validateInfoWorks (e.g.newGISlayers) modelpredictions 36 Thank you! Jean-Marc Petit, P.E, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Pl. Martinez, CA 94553 (925) 229-7112 jmpetit@centralsan.org 37