HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.b. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $10,064,000 to C. Overaa & Company, the lowest responsive bidder for the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project 7351; consider exemption from the Californi Page 1 of 14 Item 3.b. ,,eJkCENTRAL SAN CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DRAFT MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2018 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,064,000 TO C. OVERAA& COMPANY, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7351; CONSIDER EXEMPTION FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT (CEQA);AUTHORIZE UP TO A 10-PERCENT CONTI NGENCY;AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO AMEND AN EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC. TO INCREASE THE ORIGINAL $850,000 COST CEILING BY$725,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NANCY MOLI NA, ASSOCIATE ENGI NEER ENGI NEERI NG AND TECHNI CAL SERVI CES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: CRAIG H. MIZUTANI, SENIOR ENGINEER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ISSUE On October 30, 2018, three (3) sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project (DP) 7351 (Project). The Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening.Authorization is also required for the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 10-percent contingency; and to execute an agreement amendment with Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Carollo)for an amount above the General Manager authority. BACKGROUND Mechanical and Concrete Renovations On March 1, 2018, the Board authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Carollo in an amount not to exceed $850,000 for design of this Project and for planning for the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, DP 7328. This included detailed condition assessments of the following concrete structures: Influent Pump Station, Pre-Aeration tanks, Primary treatment tanks, associated underground November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 62 Page 2 of 14 structures and tunnels, and mechanical systems for this Project. Staff and Carollo have spent the summer months coordinating and conducting tank shutdowns to facilitate inspection of these critical facilities, including assessment of the related odor control equipment and planning efforts for the replacement of the Influent Pumps variable frequency drives (VFDs). The initial findings from the assessments included more than $12 million of renovation work and included structures and concrete surfaces that have significant degradation such as spalling concrete, corroded and exposed reinforcing bars, cracking and/or leaking. Numerous gates were inspected and do not seal anymore and are recommended for replacement due to their deteriorated condition. Staff prioritized the scope to include the most critical items to be constructed under this Project in the most cost effective manner. Therefore, some of the deficiencies that were identified will be included in future capital projects. Having experienced repeated failures associated with the chain and flights on the Primary Sedimentation Tanks (PST)during the spring and summer of 2017, staff requested on August 3, 2017 that the Board authorize a construction contract change order to repair the PSTs. The work included replacement of the embedded rails on PST Nos. 1 and 2 and new chains/flights for PST Nos. 2 and 3. This Project originally included the scope of work performed under the repair; however, due to the failures, staff recommended immediate repair of the tanks prior to the 2017 wet weather season. The remainder of the scope within the PSTs will be addressed under this Project. The final Project design generally includes the following elements: • Structure rehabilitation by concrete and epoxy coatings • Replacement of flight rails and supports in the PST Nos. 3 and 4 • Gate and piping replacements • Odor control tower rehabilitation and panel repairs • Grout injection to eliminate leaks in the Primary tunnels at the West Gallery and other facilities • Safety improvements related to concrete repairs and equipment replacement A project location map is shown in Attachment 1. The existing primary facilities will operate continuously during the Project, with the majority of construction activities limited to the dry weather season, scheduled for the summer of 2019 and 2020. Bypassing flows will be required at the I nfluent Structure and the primary effluent channel to allow for gate replacements and other rehabilitation work. Many of the gates are original and have been in service for over 40 years. These gates are essential to isolate and redirect flows to allow employee safety, preventative maintenance, and are also used during emergency or wet weather operating modes. Replacing the gates during the bypass pumping is very cost effective compared to taking a multiphase approach since the bypass pumping is very complicated and can add significant costs to the Project if used for prolonged periods. The Engineer's estimate for construction of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations is $9.52 million. City of Concord (Concord) Main Metering Station The existing venturi meter was installed in 2010 and measures approximately 80 percent of the flow from Concord and the Town of Clayton. Concord owns and operates its own sewer collection system. Central San treats their flow by contract under a long-term agreement(Agreement). The flow contribution from Concord is typically 33-34 percent of the total flow to the treatment plant and they pay the cost of treatment (operations, maintenance, and capital costs)on a flow-proportional basis. Concord has, at times, expressed concerns about the accuracy of the meter. Staff initiated a study on the existing metering system, and the analysis indicates that a new magnetic flowmeter would be more accurate and require less maintenance than the existing flowmeter. Other improvements will be implemented, such as relocation of November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 62 Page 3 of 14 the sump pump discharge piping to a new tap location for better operations access and some electrical work, as well as an addition of intrusion alarm monitoring at the facility. Electrical and controls work will be done to allow better communication with Central San. I n accordance with the Agreement, Concord will reimburse half of the design and construction costs. The design was completed by V.W. Housen and Associates under the Pumping Station Upgrades Project, D P 8436. The Engineer's estimate for the Concord Main Metering Station is $850,000. This element was bid as an alternative bid item to the Project to save overhead cost and to schedule the replacement for next spring. Bid Phase Central San staff and Carollo prepared the plans and specifications for the Project. The bid documents included three bid schedules: 1)the base bid schedule, which is the basis for award and includes the Mechanical and Concrete work, 2)an additive bid schedule for the Concord Main Metering Station, and 3) an additive bid schedule for several structures at the primary area such as junction structures D, E, I nfluent Pump Station, and other structures. These structures were part of other projects (influent Pump Station and Outfall Improvements)and are within the primary process areas. Having additive bid schedules allows some flexibility regarding adding scope elements to the contract and, if prices are cost effective, it allows the Project to stay within budget. This Project was advertised on October 8 and 12, 2018. Three (3)sealed bids ranging from $8,741,000 to $9,841,425 were received and publicly opened on October 30, 2018. The Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that C. Overaa & Company (Overaa) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.A summary of bids is shown in Attachment 2. Staff recommends including the additive bid prices submitted by Overaa, which includes $404,000 for the Concord Main Metering Station and $919,000 for the junction structures and Influent Pump Station. The additive bid price for the Concord Main Metering Station is dependent on the approval by the City of Concord and the Board. The total amount of the award would be $10,064,000. Central San will administer the construction contract and provide contract management, administration, survey, office engineering, and construction coordination. Construction inspection will be provided under Central San's existing as-needed agreement with Harvest Technical Services, I nc., J N Engineering, and staff when needed. Staff is recommending to retain Carollo under an agreement amendment to include engineering services during construction such as submittal and design responses, field and progress meetings, specialty inspection for coatings, resident engineering, and records documentation. CE A Staff has concluded that this Project is exempt from CEQA under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, because it involves replacement of existing sewer facilities at substantially the same locations and with the same purpose and level of activity as the facilities being replaced. Approval of this Project will establish the Boards' independent finding that this Project is exempt from CEQA. ALT ERNAT IVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider the following alternatives: 1. Reject all bids, which is not recommended. This Project will address the deficient and aging infrastructure at the treatment plant primary structures and provide for long term reliability and operational performance of the odor control and mechanical systems. 2. Several approaches were evaluated during the planning and pre-design of this Project. This included evaluating multi-projects or phasing, rehabilitation alternatives, operational risks, construction sequencing, constraints, and upgrades. Staff selected the most cost effective approach to the renovation of these existing facilities. The work associated with this Project is scheduled to be constructed and has been November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 62 Page 4 of 14 budgeted to take place over three fiscal years. 3. Reject the bid alternative associated with the upgrades to the metering vault at Concord. Under the Agreement, both parties will be sharing equal costs for the design and the construction of the metering project. Rejection is not recommended as both parties agree on the beneficial improvements which will yield more accurate data for billing purposes. The total estimated cost for the metering project is approximately$610,000, including design, construction, staff and consultant time, and contingency. Central San and Concord are expected to pay approximately$305,000 each. 4. Reject the bid alternate for the other structures, which includes the Influent Pump Station, Structure D, and other locations. This is not recommended since this work is needed within the next two years and will be part of other projects and most likely cost more. The type of repairs are the same as the Mechanical and Concrete Project, and due to the size of rehab work, staff was able to receive competitive prices by including this alternate in the bid. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated project cost is $14,697,000, including past expenditures for the emergency change order work, planning, design, construction contract, contingency, construction management, and consultant costs as detailed in Attachment 3. This Project will span three fiscal years (2018-2020)and is being funded by the projects in the following table: Pr FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Total DP E Project Name a e Estimated imated Bud et Budget Bu d et 7351 Mechanical and Concrete $4,300,000 $3,000,000 $0 $7,300,000 7355 Odor Control Upgrades - Phase 1 $244,000 $824,000 $1,500,000 $2,568,000 7353 Outfall Improvements - Phase 7** $100,000 $2,240,000 $839,000 $3,179,000 8436 Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1 $150,000 $500,000 $0 $650,000 C I B Contingency $400,000 $600,000 $0 $1,000,000 Total $14,697,000 *Includes past budgets. **This project is critical and for regulatory compliance; however, due to several ongoing projects, the Outfall Improvements have been postponed one year and will need to be completed by 2021. The budget will be in the next Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital I mprovement Budget. n addition, the total estimated cost for the Concord Main Metering project is approximately$610,000, including design, construction, staff and consultant time, and contingency. Central San and the City of Concord are expected to pay approximately$305,000 each. The original professional engineering services agreement with Carollo was for$850,000. Staff is recommending to include $725,000 for construction support, which will bring the cost ceiling to $1,575,000 for the Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed the subject at the meeting on November 5, 2018, and recommended approval of the recommended Board actions. November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 62 Page 5 of 14 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$10,064,000 for the construction of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project 7351, to C. Overaa & Company, the lowest responsive bidder; 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to 10-percent contract contingency; and 4. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. by$725,000 to include construction support services. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 1 - Strive to achieve 100%permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce Strategy 3- Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE:Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Strategy 2- Facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map 2. Summary of Bids 3. Post Bid/P reconstruction Estimate 4. Presentation November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 62 Page 6 of 14 0 N 0 250 FEET SOUth Clarifiers o 0 0❑ 00 POD Solids ❑ 000 Conditioning 0 o Building SI du ge Control I Bldg � HOB � I oMENNEN III E�:] Primary 0 Int Sedimentation F-1 Structure EUI u Tanks works n ue MENNEN H ad e el 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 a 0 % C2 0 0 0 ,-I 0i r PROJECT AREA - L 0 AREA MAP o Central Contra Costa Attachment Y Sanitary District MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE o ' RENOVATIONS - SITE PLAN 1 o District Project 7351 1 C) r.") - November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 62 Page 7 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7351 NO. OF ADDENDA: 2 DATE/TIME: OCTOBER 30, 2018/2 PM PROJECT NAME: MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS PROJECT MANAGER: NANCY M O L I NA PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S EST.: $9,520,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE C. Overaa & Company 1 $8,741,000 Richmond, California W.M. Lyles Co. 2 $9,420,000 Fresno, California Myers & Sons Construction, LLC 3 $9,841,425 Sacramento, California BIDS OPENED BY: /s/ Katie Young DATE: October 30, 2018 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 62 Page 8 of 14 ATTACHMENT 3 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE % of No Item Description Amounts Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract- Base Bid $817415000 b. Additive Bid 1* (Concord Metering Station) $4045000 c. Additive Bid 2 (Structures) $9191000 b. 10% Contingency $1,000,000 SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION $1150641000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces -Construction Management, Engineering $4005000 -Plant Operations Division Support $1505000 -Engineering Coordination $1405000 -Record Documentation $505000 b. Consultants -Carollo Engineers, Inc. Construction Support $7251000 and Specialty Inspection -Construction Inspection (Existing Agreement) $2255000 -V.W. Housen $35,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $117255000 16% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Construction Repair Costs $7975000 b. Consultant Fees $8501000 c. Central San Engineering and Operations Costs $261,000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $1,908,000 17% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $14,6979000 *City of Concord to reimburse 50% November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 62 Page 9 of 14 Attachment 4 7.7 y MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 Engineering and Operations Committee - November 5, 2018 Nancy Molina - Capital Projects Associate Engineer r Edgar J. Lopez Capital Projects Division Manager PROJECT OVERVIEW The Project focuses on the rehabilitation and replacement of concrete structures and mechanical equipment associated with preliminary and primary treatment process areas. • General Summary of Scope of Work: Structure rehabilitation by concrete and epoxy coatings; Replacement of flight rails and supports on the PSTs; Gate and piping replacement; Odor control tower rehabilitation; Grout injection to eliminate leaks; Safety improvements related to the structures and equipment replacement; and Concord Main Metering Station upgrades. � z 1 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 62 Page 10 of 14 LOCATION OF PROJECT ELEMENTS AT THE MARTINEZ TREATMENT PLANT ,1 �,R• _ '�' Q F1 X . �--�• �Shl1�F'I 2&nKU#1A E Kffiftakt ENV Wei - f s ® f -Pn-!wy Sedwrwdikel TorYM V -s"05M Chwr l k SmLo"0"ww?2• ate= i ,: 17 _ 1 is PTNfdq r Hey�U LOCATION OF CONCORD METER STATION ��fl lI IrL F �k 1 1 y d� f 7 I. F 4 2 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 62 Page 11 of 14 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE BASE AND ADDITIVE BID ITEMS • Base Bid $ 9)5207000 • Additive Bid Items • 1 - Concord Meter Station $ 850,000 • 2 - Other Structures $ 1 ,100,000 Total: $11 ,470,000 a a l 0i., ! 2 , } BID RESULTS ATTACHMENT 2 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATION DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NCS"- 7351 ND"OF ADDENDA= 2 DATE/TIME.OCTOBER 30,201012 PM PROJECT NAME: MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS PROJECT MANAGER= NANCY MOLINA PROJECT LOCATION— 5010 IMHOFF PLACE.MARTINEZ,CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S EST": 50.520,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 C.Overaa&Company $8,741000 Richmond,California ' "M"Lyles Co- $9420000 Fresno,California ' Myers&Sans Construction,LLC $95841425 Sacraments Califemia ' 6 3 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 62 Page 12 of 14 C. OVERAA & COMPANY BID BASE AND ADDITIVE BID ITEMS Base Bid $ 87411000 Additive Bid Items: 1 - Concord Meter Station $ 4041000 2 - Other Structures $ 919,000 Total Contract Amount: $10,064,000 7. —_ TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET ATTACHMENT 3 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS DISTRICT PROJECT 7351 POST-BID.+PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE %of No Item Description AmOLIMS Construction Cost 1.CONSTRUCTION a.Construction Contract-Base Bid $8,741,0€10 b.Additive Bid 1*((Concord Metering Station) $4{14,000 c_Additive Bid 2(Structures) $919,000 b.10%Contingency 51,004,000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION 3'11.--j-=CjC 100% 2-CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a.District Forces -Construction Management,Engineering $444,040 -Plant Operations Division Support $154,000 -Engineering Coordination $144,040 -Record Documentation $54,040 b.Consultants -Carollo Engineers,Inc.Construction Support $725;040 .and Specialty Inspection -Construction Inspection(Existing Agreement) $225,040 -V-W-Hansen3 000 SUBTOTAL-CONSTRUCTION MANAGE F;I=NT 51,725.000 3-PREBID EXPENDITURES a.Construction Repair Costs $797,000 b.Consultant Fees $854,000 c.Central San Engineering and Operatiorts Costs28$ 1,000 SUBTOTAL-PREBID EXPENDITURES S1,908.C.:Cl 17% 4 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST X14.19;,[70i; City of Concord-.o rei mburse 50% *50%to be reimbursed by the City of Concord s 4 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 62 Page 13 of 14 FINANCIAL IMPACT FY 2010-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 Total QP# -Project Name BudgCt Budget Budget Estimated Budget 7351 Mechanical&Concrete S4,300,000 S 3.0 0 lr1 010 0 $0 87,300,000 7355 Odor ContrDI Upgrades-Phase 1 $244,000 $82-4..-10C, S 1.E,C,ru.G 0 0 82,568,000 7353 Outfall Improvements-Phase 7 $100:000 S2.2 49.000 $839:000 83;179;009 8436 Pump Station Upgrades. Phase 1 $150.000 $500.00c, $D $659,009 CIB Contingency $400,000 $6 0 C-1 C,C, $D S1.000.000 'Includes past budgets Total $145697p000 0 BOARD ACTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA-, Award a construction contract in the amount of$10,064,000 for the construction of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovation, DP 73517 to C. Overaa &Company, the lowest responsive bidder-, Authorize the General Manager to execute Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a ten-percent contract contingency-, Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing professional services agreement to increase the cost ceiling by $725,000 from $8507000 to $1,575,000 with Carollo for construction support services; and Authorize the General Manager to consolidate and transfer the project budgets to fund the construction of the project. 10 Awl, November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 25 of 62 Page 14 of 14 QUESTIONS? --F-W ONNO&It-ft JPWA& 11 6 November 5, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 26 of 62