HomeMy WebLinkAbout12. Adopt MOU with Management Group, effective 12-18-17 Page 1 of 33
Item 12.
2017 THROUGH DECEMBER 17, 2021
Deputy General Mgr.Ann Sasaki
for General Manager Roger S. Bailey
The Management Group ratified a successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)with the District on
August 30, 2018 and formal adoption by the Board of Directors is required.
Representatives of the Board and the Management Group bargaining team met numerous times since
April 2017 in negotiations for a successor MOU to the existing MOU which expired on December 17,
2017. The parties reached a tentative agreement that balances the needs of the District and the
employees. On September 13, 2018, the Board approved the terms of the successor MOU and directed
staff to work with the Management Group to draft the language for the final MOU.
Agreement was reached on the following items which have a financial impact:
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• Transition to CALPERS Healthcare: The District will contract with CALPERS to provide
employee health care. The District will adopt the PEMCHA minimum vesting schedule for active and
retiree healthcare. For active employees, the premium costs of the core plans, defined as Kaiser
and HealthNet SmartCare, shall be borne by the District. The retiree health benefits shall remain the
same as the current Tiers in the existing MOU.
• Wage Increase: Effective April 18, 2018, employees'wages shall be increased by 3.6%. On April
18, 2019, April 18, 2020 and April 18, 2021, employees'wages shall be adjusted by the change in
the Consumer Price Index (CPI)for all Urban Consumers (San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose)
during the most recently completed February to February time period, with a minimum of 1.75% and
a maximum of 3.75% (April 2019 and April 2020) and a minimum of 1.75% and a maximum of 3.5%
(April 2021).
• Sick Leave Incentive: Any employees hired or promoted into the Management Group on or after
December 18, 2017 shall be subjected to the following provision: Any cash-out of sick leave
accruals shall be deducted from an employee's sick leave accrual bank at time of retirement. Any
remaining balance shall be reported to Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association
(CCCERA) as retirement service credit.
Attached are both a marked-up version and clean copy of the final draft of the MOU between the District
and the Management Group.
Taking into consideration the projected savings from switching to CalPERS Healthcare, the proposed net
cost impact over the proposed term of the contract (if CPI reaches the maximum cap of 3.75% in April
2019 and April 2020 and 3.5% in April 2021) is a savings of approximately$48,500 over the term of the
This item was not reviewed by a Committee.
Adopt the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and the Management Group,
effective December 18, 2017 through December 17, 2021.
Strategic Plan re-In
GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce
Strategy 2- Enhance relationships with employees and bargaining units
1. MOU - Management Group (Strikeout)
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2. MOU - Management Group (Clean)
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ADC11 982 2012 THROUGH DECEMBER 97 7097
The Management Group is the formally recognized exclusive employee
representative for all Management Employees, excluding the General
Manager, Secretary of the District, and Unrepresented Employees Gx@
MaRagern e- t, of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The Management
Group shall represent:
Classification Salary Range
Doreetor of AdFniRistratieR M 20
DireGtOF of rcEngin M 20
HiroetBr of Planterr+�R
Op ? M 20
DoreGtOF of GelleGtien System Operations M_20
D i reetOr ofOp GtatteYS M-2 0 -
ERVOFonmontal SeNinosPlanning and Development Services
-Division Manager M -24
Capital Projects Division Manager M -24
Plant Operations Division Manager M -24
Plant Maintenance Division Manager M -24
Collection System Operations Division Manager M -24
Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division
Manager M -24
Information Technology Manager M -24
Finance Manager M -29
H imnn ReseurnGes Manager M _33
Program Manager
Purchasing and Materials Manager M -35
Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations-
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Manager M -35
The District need not fill those positions as listed above.
The Board of Directors' Representatives and the duly appointed Representatives
of the Management Group will meet and confer in good faith. The Board of
Directors, or any agent thereof, agrees that there will be no interference, restraint
or coercion against the Management Group or any employee because of his /her
group membership or group activity.
All employees of this bargaining unit, Management Group, in addition to being
governed by this Agreement, shall also be subject to the District's rules,
regulations, and policies having general applicability to employees of the District
and any subsequent rules, regulations, and policies that may be promulgated in
the future, so long as they do not conflict with this Agreement, past practices, or
the law.
Issues affecting employment which arise from members of the Management
Group concerning the interpretation or application of the District's rules,
regulations, or policies shall be discussed between the Manager, Manager's
Supervisor, and the General Manager in a good faith attempt to resolve the
issue. If they cannot reach a solution, the Board of Directors will hear the issue
and make the final decision.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect from
December 18, 2017 through December 17, 2021. pl18;2012through
DeEem ber172017
Effective April 18, 2018, employees' wages shall be adjusted by 3.6%. Effective
April 1rQ, ��, April'�1 Q, 2013, April 18, 2014, April 18, 2015, npFil 18, 2016, and-
2017, April 18, 2019 and April 18, 2020 employees' wages shall be
adjusted by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all Urban
Consumers (San Francisco/ Oakland /San Jose) during the most recently
completed February to February time period prior to the applicable April, with a
minimum of 1.752% and a maximum of 3.75&% Effective April 18, 2021, the
minimum shall be 1.75% with a maximum 3.5%.
The payment of the first wage increase back to April 18, 20182-, shall apply only
to employees still employed at the time the Board approves this MOU and
shall not impact any District obligation with respect to incentive pays, overtime,
cash -outs, or other types of pay or compensation other than wage already
provided by the District prior to Board approval, with the exception of employees'
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contribution to the employee retirement contribution rate as set forth in the
Retirement Program" section of this MOU.
Employees normally receive eye salary step increase upon satisfactory
completion of their Probationary period and a merit increase of one salary step
every twelve (12) months from the date they achieve permanent status until they
reach the top of their range.
The District shall distribute paychecks directly to the employee on the last regular
District working day of each month. However, Of the empleye e!ects,
distribution may take plaGe at the employee's written request by GOUrtesy deposit-
the Contra Costa Federal ireGdeposit to any single
fonanGial institution aGGepting eleGtreniG wore transfer frem the Federal Reserve
Employees shall be paid based on a pay period from the 18th to 17th of each
EmpleYees OR the �AMar aagocrm nt Group shall reGeive any aGress the beard
Gemnensatlon adjustments reneiyed by either I oval One er the Management
S innort/Confirlential Group (IVIS err) d firing the ni irrent 2012 round of MO
negetiatiens that is mere advaRtageous thaR GentaiRed in this agreement SUGh
as, b it net limited toe a larger wage increase er a lesser nernentage emnleyee
Hired prior Hired after Annual Maximum
to May 1, 1985 May 1, 1985 Allowance Accrual
Years Employed
0 -3 Years 10 Days 20 Days
0 -5 Years 3 -5 15 30
5 -10 5 -10 16 32
10 -15 10 -15 17 34
15 -20 15 -20 20 40
20 -25 20 -25 25 50
25 -30 25+ 30 60
30+ 35 70
The extra days accrued due to service of over five (5) years are credited to
each employee's account on his /her anniversary date.
If an employee leaves the District for any reason he /she will be paid for any
earned vacation time not used. Payment of accumulated vacation time shall
occur upon written request of the employee provided that the employee has
either used at least ten (10) vacation days during the last twelve (12) months
or has accrued sufficient vacation time to take a mandatory ten (10) days of
vacation time off within the calendar year of application.
Note the following exception to the above: payment of accumulated vacation
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time above the maximum annual accrual shall occur automatically on the
anniversary date on which the time would be lost provided that an employee has
used at least ten (10) vacation days during the last twelve (12) months.
Employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, earn fifteen (15) days of sick leave per
year. Employees hired after May 1, 1985, earn twelve (12) days of sick leave per
year. Sick leave may be used up to ten (10) days annually to attend to the health
needs of an immediate family member. Also, in the event of a death in the
employee's immediate family, the employee may be absent up to a maximum of
ten (10) days and have the time off charged to his /her sick leave account.
Unused sick leave accumulates from one year to the next. There is no maximum
limitation. The balance of unused accumulated sick leave is credited as longevity
upon retirement.
For employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, the District shall augment the above
sick leave policy with an incentive benefit using a formula crediting eighty -five 85
%)of the employee's yearly unused sick leave to an accumulating account for
that employee. For employees hired after May 1, 1985, the following schedule
shall apply:
Years of Pay-Off Credit Pay-Off Credit
Service at Termination at Retirement
0-5 0% 0%
5-10 25 25
10-25 25 35
25+ 25 40
Employees hired or promoted into the Management Group effective on or after
December 18, 2017, shall be subject to the following provision:
Any cash out of sick leave accruals shall be deducted from an employee's sick
leave accrual bank at time of retirement. Any remaining balance shall be
reported to Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA)
as retirement service credit.
Applicable until implementation of CaIPERS Health:
Current regular or probationary employees shall be provided with a choice of
three health plans. As of the date of this Agreement Tthose plans are Kaiser, a
HealthNet HMO and a HealthNet PPO. In the event these plans become
unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the parties agree to meet and
confer as soon as possible to negotiate the effects of any such change. The
premium cost of the plans shall be borne by the District. However, employees
"R;ed-after june 30, 2who select the PPO plan shall pay through payroll
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deduction the difference in premiums between the PPO plan and the highest cost
HMO plan. Employees with dual health insurance coverage may withdraw from
the District's health insurance plan and, effective the first full pay period following
Board approval of this MOU, receive a District contribution to deferred
compensation in the amount of $400 per month in lieu of enrollment in the
medical plan.
The parties agree that in the event that federal health care reform legislation
becomes effective during the term of this Agreement which calls for health or
other benefits different, or under different terms than those provided for in the
Agreement, they will immediately meet and confer for the appropriate
TIER I: Employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, shall be provided with the
continuance of medical, dental, vision and reduced life insurance plans (one -half
of life insurance provided at the time of retirement) when they retire from District
employment provided that they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an
employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement
must total 65, with a minimum requirement that the employee must be at least
age 50 and have at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at
the time of retirement. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by
the plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also
shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans.
TIER II: Employees hired after May 1, 1985 but before April 19, 2003, shall be
provided with the continuation of medical, dental, vision and reduced life
insurance plans ($10,000 policy) in force at the time of retirement provided that
they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an employee's age plus years
of service with the District at the time of requirement must total 65, with a
minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 50 and have a
minimum of ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of
retirement. Employees hired after April 18, 2003, who have reached age 55 and
have a minimum of ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the
time of retirement shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans when they
retire from District employment. The District shall continue to pay for the full cost
of an eligible retired employee's medical, dental, vision and coverage until the
employee's 65th birthday. At age 65, the retired employee shall pay the District
fifty percent (50%) of the cost to the District for the employee's medical, dental,
and vision coverage. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the
plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also
shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans with the exception that the
District shall only pay for the full cost of an eligible dependent's medical, dental
and vision plan premiums until the eligible dependent's 65th birthday. At age 65,
the eligible dependent shall pay the District fifty percent (50%) of the cost to the
District for the eligible dependent's medical, dental, and vision coverage.
TIER III: Employees hired after June 30, 2009 shall be covered by medical,
dental and vision plans when they retire from District employment provided that
they meet the "Rule of 70." Under the "Rule of 70," an employee's age plus
years of service with the District at the time of retirement must total 70, with a
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minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 55 and have at
least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of
retirement. The District shall only pay fifty percent (50%) of the premium cost
for the lowest cost medical, dental, and vision plan for the retiree and spouse.
Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the plan provider)
other than the employee' s spouse who were covered as dependents at the
time of retirement also shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans
with the exception that the employee shall pay the full cost of coverage for
those dependents. Tier III retirees and dependents are ineligible for life
Upon Implementation of CaIPERS Health:
Transition to CaIPERS Health: During the term of this MOU, the District will be
transitioning to CaIPERS Healthcare under the Unequal/PEMCHA (Public
Employees' Medical Care and Hospital Act) minimum vesting schedule.
Current regular or probationary employees hired by the District shall be provided
with health care options through CaIPERS.
Core Plans" — Effective upon the implementation of CaIPERS, the District agrees
to pay the full monthly premium cost of the Kaiser Permanente or Health Net
SmartCare plan (the "Core Plans" for active employees).
The District will pay the CaIPERS minimum required contribution amount toward
the employee's health care coverage directly to CaIPERS in accordance with
CaIPERS requirements. The District will make a contribution for the remaining
amount (that portion of the District's contribution that exceeds the CaIPERS
minimum required contribution) to the District's Section 125 cafeteria plan for
employees to allocate toward the cost of their health care benefits. If an
employee selects any other plan that is offered by CaIPERS that exceeds the
cost of either of the Core Plans, the employee must pay the difference in
premiums between the highest cost Core Plan and the plan he or she selects. If
the selected plan is less than either of the core plans, employees shall not be
reimbursed the difference.
If CaIPERS no longer offers the Core Plans that the District has designated
above, the parties agree to meet and confer to determine which plans will be
designated as Core Plans.
Employees with dual health insurance coverage may withdraw from the District's
health insurance plan and, effective the first full pay period following Board
approval of this MOU, receive a District contribution to deferred compensation in
the amount of$400 per month in lieu of enrollment in the medical plan.
Vision Coverage: District shall provide fully paid vision benefits for all employ
and qualified eligible dependents.
TIER 1Emnleyees horrerled E)FOor to May 'I 1985. shall be nrn\/1/"ed w0th the
inciron d�tthe time of retirement when they retire from District
irrJararr }cr�,r�,. +�, rnTca}r}c�,n,T cT-crTcv-rca ��.,,., p c�
nemNeyrim-reenr ��ided that they ranee' the "Rule of 65." lvnae�ttil�c�ile of. R-c." on
November 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 381 of 499
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premia ems Cer Tier 1 and II retirees U E)ep submissiep of eyndeRGe of payment to
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The r.rearam fer deop-dents of a deceased emr.loaee shall preymd fer the
e ,
seFVOGe w0th the DostroGt ( On ether thaR teFnE)erary status). eF unto! &u[Gh torne that
the snot ase remarries or Until sUch time that the dependents no Ion`ver m UaHh for
benefits a stated by the Distri
Retiree Benefits: Employees are eligible for retiree medical benefits through
CaIPERS provided that they retire from the District within 120 days of separation
from the District and begin receiving a retirement allowance from the Contra
Costa County Employee's Retirement Association.
For employees who do not meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Tiers I,
II, and III, the District will only pay the minimum employer contribution that
CaIPERS requires toward medical coverage upon retirement from the District.
The District will pay the CaIPERS minimum required contribution amount toward
a retiree's health care coverage directly to CaIPERS in accordance with
CaIPERS requirements.
For those employees that are eligible for Tier I, II, or III benefits, the District will
Pay the CaIPERS minimum required contribution amount toward the employee's
health care coverage directly to CaIPERS in accordance with CaIPERS
requirements. The District will contribute any amount that exceeds the CaIPERS
minimum required contribution, in accordance with the employees' Tier, to a
retiree-only Health Reimbursement Account.
T4e-rTIER I: Employees hired by the District prior to May 1, 1985 will be covered
by medical, dental, vision and reduced life insurance plans (one-half of the life
insurance provided at time of retirement). The District will pay more than the
minimum employer contribution that CaIPERS requires toward the cost of the
retiree's coverage, if the employee meets the "Rule of 65". The Rule of 65
requires that an employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time
of retirement total 65 with a minimum age of 50 and minimum of ten years of
continuous service. If an employee meets the Rule of 65, effective upon the
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ratification of the MOU and the implementation of CaIPERS, the District shall pay
the full monthly premium cost of the Kaiser Permanente or Health Net SmartCare
plan (the "Core Plans" for active employees). Eligible employees' qualified
dependents (as defined by the plan provider) who were covered as dependents
at the time of retirement also shall be covered by medical, vision and dental
T4erTIER II: Employees hired after May 1, 1985, will be covered by medical,
dental, vision and reduced life insurance plans ($10,000). The District will pay
more than the minimum employer contribution that CaIPERS requires, if the
employees meets the "Rule of 65". For employees hired after May1, 1985 but
before April 19, 2003 Tthe Rule of 65 requires that an employee's age plus years
of service with the District at the time of retirement total 65 with a minimum age
of 50 and minimum of ten years of continuous service. For employees hired
between April 19, 2003 and June 30, 2009 the Rule of 65 requires a minimum
age of 55 years old and a minimum of 10 years of continuous service. If an
employee meets the Rule of 65, effective upon the ratification of the MOU and
the implementation of CaIPERS, the District shall pay the full monthly premium
cost of the Kaiser Permanente or Health Net SmartCare plan (the "Core Plans"
for active employees).
At age 65, the District will pay 50% of the retiree's chosen Core Plan premium, or
the minimum employer contribution that CaIPERS requires, whichever is greater.
The District will also pay 50% of the cost of the retiree's dental and vision
coverage. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the plan
provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also shall be
covered by medical, vision and dental plans with the exception that the District
will only pay for the full cost of an eligible dependent's medical, vison and dental
plan premiums until the eligible dependent's 65th birthday.
At age 65, the District will pay 50% of a retiree's eligible dependent's core
medical, dental and vision plan premiums.
T+erIER III: Employees hired after June 30, 2009 will be covered by medical,
dental, and vision plans. The District will pay more than the minimum employer
contribution that CaIPERS requires toward the cost of the retiree's coverage, if
the employee meets the "Rule of 70". The Rule of 70 requires that an employee's
age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement total 70 with a
minimum age of 55 and minimum of ten years of continuous service. If an
employee meets the Rule of 70, the District will pay 50% of the monthly premium
cost of the retiree's chosen Core Plan, or the minimum employer contribution that
CaIPERS requires, whichever is greater and 50% of their vision premium. The
District will also pay 50% of the core medical plan premium and vision premium
for the retiree's spouse or domestic partner. The District will not pay for any
coverage for other dependents of the retiree.
The District will pay 100% of the premium cost for dental for the retiree and
spouse or domestic partner until they each reach the age of 65. At age 65, the
District will pay 50% of the cost for dental coverage for the retiree and the spouse
or domestic partner. For Tier III employees hired on or after April 18, 2013, the
District will pay 50% of the premium cost for dental coverage for the retiree and
spouse or domestic partner upon retirement.
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"Core Plans" for those retirees under the age of 65 are Kaiser Permanente and
Health Net SmartCare. For those retirees age 65 and older, the Core Plans are
Kaiser Senior Advantage and United Healthcare. If a retiree selects any other
plan that is offered by CalPERS that exceeds the cost of either of the Core Plans,
the employee must pay, in addition to their share of the monthly premium, the
difference in premiums between the highest cost Core Plan and the plan he or
she selects. If the selected plan is less than either of the core plans, retirees shall
not be reimbursed the difference.
At the time of an employee's retirement, all qualified dependents (as defined by
the plan provider) who already were dependents at the time of retirement, shall
continue to be covered by the District's medical, dental and vision plans in
accordance with the Tier I and Tier II benefits as stated above. The District shall
have no obligation to pay for coverage for more than two -party (retiree plus one)
coverage for any new and different dependent added after the date of retirement.
Medicare: The medical coverage for retirees and their eligible dependents will be
integrated with Medicare (Tier 1, II, and III) at age 65. For Tier I and II retirees,
upon submission of evidence of payment to Medicare, the District will reimburse
the retiree and/or dependent for the cost of the Medicare (Part A and/or B)
premiums. However, the District will not be responsible for any penalties or
increased costs in the Medicare premium should the employee and/or eligible
dependent not enroll in Medicare during the enrollment period surrounding
his/her 65th birthday. For Tier III, the District will not reimburse any Medicare
The District will make a contribution to a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
equal to the cost of the Medicare reimbursement based on the eligible Tier.
Survivor Benefits: Qualified dependents of a deceased employee/retiree will be
eligible for the continuance of health and dental benefits at the same level as the
retiree unless the dependents are no longer eligible under District or Ca1PERS
rules, regulations or policies.
Retirement is based upon a formula which includes the employee' s age, salary,
and years of service.
Employees are responsible for paving the full share of the normal costs
associated with the employee share as calculated by Contra Costa County
Employees Retirement Association (CCCERA).
Employees Will GORtiRue tO GORtribute to the employee GO—St Of IiViRg (COL) sh
of the retirement SyStom -c 1-1 iirorl by the CGRtro Costa County Retirement
System. IR AN" 18, 2012, employees shall GORtribute 0
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Mar I on d Tior II hongafniQ niz fit- .,hgnoun Th.. n;c2+r;,.t 12holl halwo nal
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The District shall provide a dental care program fully paid by the District. Delta
Dental shall be the dental plan provider.
All employees will be required to maintain a Long Term Disability Program.
Employees shall pay the premiums for the Long Term Disability Program.
The-premium amount previously paid by the Distrint will be innli irde d in
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emnleyeec' ^omnensa+inn
The District provides term life insurance and accidental death and
dismemberment coverage as follows:
The lesser of (a) an amount equal to two times the employee's annual
earnings, the result rounded to the next higher multiple of $1, 000 if not an
exact multiple thereof, or (b) $ 250,000.
Dependents term life insurance equals $1,500 for employee's spouse and $100
for employee's children according to attained age of 14 days or over but less
than six months, and $1,000 for children six months or over until age nineteen,
unless a full -time student less than 23 years of age and dependent upon the
employee for support.
If an employee reports +s Gafled for jury duty, he /she may take time off with pay
and not
take any monies from the court (not including mileage allowance or meal
expense) as a juror. Mileage allowance shall be kept by the employee under any
Employees who are assigned to military duty are entitled to military leave in
accordance with the provisions of applicable state laws (California Military and
Veterans Code, Section 395 et. seq.).
For the purposes of State Disability Insurance, Pregnancy Disability Leave is
effective the first date the employee is disabled. The District will require
verification from the employee's physician. E.g. If an employee's last day of work
is 9/ 1, and the baby is delivered on 10/ 1, then the effective date of Pregnancy
Disability Leave will be 9/ 1. I Igen termina+inn of the disability (generally civ
weeks ing a War delivery; eight weekfollowing a Caesarean Se^cavrr0—
er the leng �the whiGhever is longer), the ern.ployee Will Re longer be-
able to use ciGk leave, but bt will he allowed to use any aGGre�
The combination of time off for approved Pregnancy Disability Leave
and Family Medical Leave may not total more than seven months per occasion.
This requires approval of the Department Director.
The District will comply with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act
and the California Family Rights Act. The District will require an employee to
exhaust his /her sick leave prior to considering leave of absence without pay for
the purposes of family and medical leave.
All Management Group employees will receive forty (40) hours per year
administrative leave. These administrative leave hours will be credited to each
employee's account on the first day of the May pay cycle of each applicable
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There are thirteen (13) paid holidays.
All employees shall be provided $ X425 per month for use on the Cafeteria
Plan. Yearly benefits will be calculated as of January 1 of each year.
employee may elect to take the full contribution in cash. EffeEt+ve january
to the Cafeteria Plan provided that this ardditieRal amount must be used tri
reimburse eli -- ``^
ibl eter�DllaanexpeRGeSTho ad lith)nal $ 50 per
month may Rot be
token in Gash
Each manager shall have a Professional Expense Reimbursement not to exceed
3, 000 per fiscal year for their use in improving their knowledge and skills. This
allowance would be used for professional, job -related training, class, or
conference requested by the manager. It is subject to approval by the General
Manager. Travel would be limited to the U. S. and Canada unless the General
Manager and the District Board approve attending functions outside the U. S.
and Canada. The unused portion may carry over two additional fiscal years,
allowing for a maximum expenditure in any fiscal year of $9, 000.
The District grants a five percent (5%) salary increase to employees who achieve
registration or license as a Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified
Public Accountant in a position not requiring such registration or license.
The District shall pay the registration and renewal fees for all professional
registered engineers, licensed land surveyors, Certified Public Accountants, and
those employees who hold a current California Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operator's Certificate. The registration and /or certificate must be a requirement
of the employee's classification.
Employees who have 10 years or more of .ontinuous service in the District will
receive an additional two and one -half percent (2-1/2%) salary increase.
An aciamonal two ana one-nalt percent (1 Y2%) longevity pay increase (for a total
of 5%) will be granted to employees after twenty (20) years of continuous
employment with the District.
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In lieu of Social Security, the District offers a 401(a) Plan. The District's
contribution to the 401( a) Plan is an amount equal to that which normally would
have been contributed to Social Security. If, during the term of this Memorandum
of Understanding, the District is required by law to participate in the Social
Security system, the District will cease contributing to the 401( a) Plan and will
meet and confer on the change. The District also offers a Deferred
Compensation Plan. Employee participation in the Deferred Compensation Plan
is voluntary.
The employee' s terminal compensation will be contributed by the District to the
401(a) plan at termination, retirement or resignation at 100% of total
compensation, as defined in the 401(a) Plan Document under Section 5. 03 (b),
or the Internal Revenue Service maximum contribution limit, whichever is lower:
In no case will the total 401(a) contribution be in excess of Internal Revenue
Code mandated limits in force at the time of termination, retirement or
Any other outstanding vacation or sick leave and earned overtime due the
employee at the time of termination, retirement, or resignation will be calculated
and issued to the employee with the final paycheck. All unused accumulated
sick leave at the time of retirement is credited as longevity upon retirement.
It shall be the general policy of the District to continue pay to an employee under
the Salary Continuance Plan when an employee incurs a work -related injury or
illness. This plan commences if the employee qualifies for temporary disability
payments from Worker's Compensation for the disability and, if in the opinion of
the District, the disability is work -related. If the injury or illness is determined
legitimate, all of the employee's regular benefits will continue during the time this
plan is in effect.
The salary continuance will be equivalent to seventy percent (70%) of gross
salary less any Worker's Compensation payments.
The maximum period for which this plan could be used by an employee will be
six (6) months or until a stable level of disability is reached, whichever comes
The Salary Continuance Plan will commence on the fourth day after the disabled
employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness after a three -day waiting
period. However, if the injury or illness causes disability of more than twenty-one
(21) days or necessitates hospitalization, the Plan will become effective from the
first day the injured employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness. The
employee may use vacation or sick leave accrual during this waiting period.
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Those employees driving their personal vehicle on District business, including
Department Directors, shall be reimbursed by the District at the rate allowed
by the Internal Revenue Service without tax consequences.
Personal safety equipment required by the employee to perform his /her job
duties will be provided by the District. The employee will be entitled to safety
shoes and safety glasses in accordance with the applicable District policies and
The District Employee Assistance Program shall be provided by the District to the
Employees are reimbursed for their work -related use of personal cell phones,
including emergency response in accordance with Board Policy # 009,
"Manager Cell Phone Reimbursement Policy.
If any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding should be held invalid or
outside the scope of bargaining by operation of law or by the final judgment of
any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not
be affected thereby.
Entered into this 1 St day of November, 2012 2018 subject to the adoption by
the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.
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Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District
And the
Management Group
October 22, 2018
Article VI-Sick Leave
The parties agreed to interpret Article VI-Leaves (Sick Leave Incentive Benefit) of the MOU
dated December 18, 2017 through December 17, 2021 in a manner consistent with this Side
Letter Agreement.
"Employees hired or promoted into the Management Group on or after December 18, 2017
shall be subject to the following provision:
Any cash out of sick leave accruals shall be deducted from an employee's sick leave accrual
bank at time of retirement. Any remaining balance shall be reported to Contra Costa County
Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) as retirement service credit".
The parties` intent in negotiating this revision of Article VI-Sick Leave was to eliminate an
employee's receiving a cash-out payment for a portion of their sick leave balance, and also
receive service credit for these same hours.
Current Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations regarding Cash or Deferred Arrangements
(CODA) do not allow an employee the option to choose between a cash-out payment or apply
all of their sick leave balances to service credit. The MOU language as drafted is consistent with
current IRS regulations to the extent individual employees are not provided a choice of how
much sick leave would be subject to cash out.
The parties have a shared interest in allowing employees flexibility in application of sick leave
balances at the time of retirement, if these options are consistent with IRS CODA requirements
and CCCERA regulations and guidelines. To that end, if the District or the Management Group
find an alternative that shall allow for greater employee flexibility with regard to sick-leave cash
out at retirement consistent with IRS CODA requirements, the parties shall meet to discuss
these alternatives.
For the District: For the Management Group:
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The Management Group is the formally recognized exclusive employee
representative for all Management Employees, excluding the General
Manager, Secretary of the District, and Unrepresented Employees of the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The Management Group shall
Classification Salary Range
Planning and Development Services
Division Manager M -24
Capital Projects Division Manager M -24
Plant Operations Division Manager M -24
Plant Maintenance Division Manager M -24
Collection System Operations Division Manager M -24
Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division
Manager M -24
Information Technology Manager M -24
Finance Manager M -29
Program Manager M -33
Purchasing and Materials Manager M -35
Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations
Manager M -35
The District need not fill those positions as listed above.
The Board of Directors' Representatives and the duly appointed Representatives
of the Management Group will meet and confer in good faith. The Board of
Directors, or any agent thereof, agrees that there will be no interference, restraint
or coercion against the Management Group or any employee because of his /her
group membership or group activity.
All employees of this bargaining unit, Management Group, in addition to being
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governed by this Agreement, shall also be subject to the District's rules,
regulations, and policies having general applicability to employees of the District
and any subsequent rules, regulations, and policies that may be promulgated in
the future, so long as they do not conflict with this Agreement, past practices, or
the law.
Issues affecting employment which arise from members of the Management
Group concerning the interpretation or application of the District's rules,
regulations, or policies shall be discussed between the Manager, Manager's
Supervisor, and the General Manager in a good faith attempt to resolve the
issue. If they cannot reach a solution, the Board of Directors will hear the issue
and make the final decision.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect from
December 18, 2017 through December 17, 2021.
Effective April 18, 2018, employees' wages shall be adjusted by 3.6%. Effective
April 18, 2019 and April 18, 2020 employees' wages shall be adjusted by the
change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers (San
Francisco/ Oakland /San Jose) during the most recently completed February to
February time period prior to the applicable April, with a minimum of 1.75% and a
maximum of 3.75% Effective April 18, 2021, the minimum shall be 1.75% with a
maximum 3.5%.
The payment of the first wage increase back to April 18, 2018, shall apply only to
employees still employed at the time the Board approves this MOU and
shall not impact any District obligation with respect to incentive pays, overtime,
cash -outs, or other types of pay or compensation other than wage already
provided by the District prior to Board approval, with the exception of employees'
contribution to the employee retirement contribution rate as set forth in the
Retirement Program" section of this MOU.
Employees normally receive a salary step increase upon satisfactory completion
of their Probationary period and a merit increase of one salary step every twelve
(12) months from the date they achieve permanent status until they reach the top
of their range.
The District shall distribute paychecks directly to the employee on the last regular
District working day of each month.
Employees shall be paid based on a pay period from the 18th to 17th of each
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Hired prior Hired after Annual Maximum
to May 1, 1985 May 1, 1985 Allowance Accrual
Years Employed
0 -3 Years 10 Days 20 Days
0 -5 Years 3 -5 15 30
5 -10 5 -10 16 32
10 -15 10 -15 17 34
15 -20 15 -20 20 40
20 -25 20 -25 25 50
25 -30 25+ 30 60
30+ 35 70
The extra days accrued due to service of over five (5) years are credited to
each employee's account on his /her anniversary date.
If an employee leaves the District for any reason he /she will be paid for any
earned vacation time not used. Payment of accumulated vacation time shall
occur upon written request of the employee provided that the employee has
either used at least ten (10) vacation days during the last twelve (12) months
or has accrued sufficient vacation time to take a mandatory ten (10) days of
vacation time off within the calendar year of application.
Note the following exception to the above: payment of accumulated vacation
time above the maximum annual accrual shall occur automatically on the
anniversary date on which the time would be lost provided that an employee has
used at least ten (10) vacation days during the last twelve (12) months.
Employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, earn fifteen (15) days of sick leave per
year. Employees hired after May 1, 1985, earn twelve (12) days of sick leave per
year. Sick leave may be used up to ten (10) days annually to attend to the health
needs of an immediate family member. Also, in the event of a death in the
employee's immediate family, the employee may be absent up to a maximum of
ten (10) days and have the time off charged to his /her sick leave account.
Unused sick leave accumulates from one year to the next. There is no maximum
limitation. The balance of unused accumulated sick leave is credited as longevity
upon retirement.
For employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, the District shall augment the above
sick leave policy with an incentive benefit using a formula crediting eighty -five 85
%)of the employee's yearly unused sick leave to an accumulating account for
that employee. For employees hired after May 1, 1985, the following schedule
shall apply:
Years of Pay-Off Credit Pay-Off Credit
Service at Termination at Retirement
0-5 0% 0%
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5-10 25 25
10-25 25 35
25+ 25 40
Employees hired or promoted into the Management Group effective on or after
December 18, 2017, shall be subject to the following provision:
Any cash out of sick leave accruals shall be deducted from an employee's sick
leave accrual bank at time of retirement. Any remaining balance shall be
reported to Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA)
as retirement service credit.
Applicable until implementation of CaIPERS Health:
Current regular or probationary employees shall be provided with a choice of
three health plans. Those plans are Kaiser, a HealthNet HMO and a HealthNet
PPO. In the event these plans become unavailable due to unforeseen
circumstances, the parties agree to meet and confer as soon as possible to
negotiate the effects of any such change. The premium cost of the plans shall
be borne by the District. However, employees who select the PPO plan shall pay
through payroll deduction the difference in premiums between the PPO plan and
the highest cost HMO plan. Employees with dual health insurance coverage may
withdraw from the District's health insurance plan and, effective the first full pay
period following Board approval of this MOU, receive a District contribution to
deferred compensation in the amount of $400 per month in lieu of enrollment in
the medical plan.
The parties agree that in the event that federal health care reform legislation
becomes effective during the term of this Agreement which calls for health or
other benefits different, or under different terms than those provided for in the
Agreement, they will immediately meet and confer for the appropriate
TIER I: Employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, shall be provided with the
continuance of medical, dental, vision and reduced life insurance plans (one -half
of life insurance provided at the time of retirement) when they retire from District
employment provided that they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an
employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement
must total 65, with a minimum requirement that the employee must be at least
age 50 and have at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at
the time of retirement. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by
the plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also
shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans.
TIER II: Employees hired after May 1, 1985 but before April 19, 2003, shall be
provided with the continuation of medical, dental, vision and reduced life
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insurance plans ($10,000 policy) in force at the time of retirement provided that
they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an employee's age plus years
of service with the District at the time of requirement must total 65, with a
minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 50 and have a
minimum of ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of
retirement. Employees hired after April 18, 2003, who have reached age 55 and
have a minimum of ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the
time of retirement shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans when they
retire from District employment. The District shall continue to pay for the full cost
of an eligible retired employee's medical, dental, vision and coverage until the
employee's 65th birthday. At age 65, the retired employee shall pay the District
fifty percent (50%) of the cost to the District for the employee's medical, dental,
and vision coverage. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the
plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also
shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans with the exception that the
District shall only pay for the full cost of an eligible dependent's medical, dental
and vision plan premiums until the eligible dependent's 65th birthday. At age 65,
the eligible dependent shall pay the District fifty percent (50%) of the cost to the
District for the eligible dependent's medical, dental, and vision coverage.
TIER III: Employees hired after June 30, 2009 shall be covered by medical,
dental and vision plans when they retire from District employment provided that
they meet the "Rule of 70." Under the "Rule of 70," an employee's age plus
years of service with the District at the time of retirement must total 70, with a
minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 55 and have at
least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of
retirement. The District shall only pay fifty percent (50%) of the premium cost
for the lowest cost medical, dental, and vision plan for the retiree and spouse.
Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the plan provider)
other than the employee' s spouse who were covered as dependents at the
time of retirement also shall be covered by medical, dental and vision plans
with the exception that the employee shall pay the full cost of coverage for
those dependents. Tier III retirees and dependents are ineligible for life
Upon Implementation of CaIPERS Health:
Transition to CaIPERS Health: During the term of this MOU, the District will be
transitioning to CalPERS Healthcare under the Unequal/PEMCHA (Public
Employees' Medical Care and Hospital Act) minimum vesting schedule.
Current regular or probationary employees hired by the District shall be provided
with health care options through CalPERS.
Core Plans" — Effective upon the implementation of CalPERS, the District agrees
to pay the full monthly premium cost of the Kaiser Permanente or Health Net
SmartCare plan (the "Core Plans" for active employees).
The District will pay the CalPERS minimum required contribution amount toward
the employee's health care coverage directly to CalPERS in accordance with
CalPERS requirements. The District will make a contribution for the remaining
amount (that portion of the District's contribution that exceeds the CalPERS
minimum required contribution) to the District's Section 125 cafeteria plan for
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employees to allocate toward the cost of their health care benefits. If an
employee selects any other plan that is offered by CaIPERS that exceeds the
cost of either of the Core Plans, the employee must pay the difference in
premiums between the highest cost Core Plan and the plan he or she selects. If
the selected plan is less than either of the core plans, employees shall not be
reimbursed the difference.
If CaIPERS no longer offers the Core Plans that the District has designated
above, the parties agree to meet and confer to determine which plans will be
designated as Core Plans.
Employees with dual health insurance coverage may withdraw from the District's
health insurance plan and, effective the first full pay period following Board
approval of this MOU, receive a District contribution to deferred compensation in
the amount of $400 per month in lieu of enrollment in the medical plan.
Vision Coverage: District shall provide fully paid vision benefits for all employees
and qualified eligible dependents.
Retiree Benefits: Employees are eligible for retiree medical benefits through
CaIPERS provided that they retire from the District within 120 days of separation
from the District and begin receiving a retirement allowance from the Contra
Costa County Employee's Retirement Association.
For employees who do not meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in Tiers I,
II, and III, the District will only pay the minimum employer contribution that
CaIPERS requires toward medical coverage upon retirement from the District.
The District will pay the CaIPERS minimum required contribution amount toward
a retiree's health care coverage directly to CaIPERS in accordance with
CaIPERS requirements.
For those employees that are eligible for Tier I, II, or III benefits, the District will
pay the CaIPERS minimum required contribution amount toward the employee's
health care coverage directly to CaIPERS in accordance with CaIPERS
requirements. The District will contribute any amount that exceeds the CaIPERS
minimum required contribution, in accordance with the employees' Tier, to a
retiree-only Health Reimbursement Account.
TIER I: Employees hired by the District prior to May 1, 1985 will be covered by
medical, dental, vision and reduced life insurance plans (one-half of the life
insurance provided at time of retirement). The District will pay more than the
minimum employer contribution that CaIPERS requires toward the cost of the
retiree's coverage, if the employee meets the "Rule of 65". The Rule of 65
requires that an employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time
of retirement total 65 with a minimum age of 50 and minimum of ten years of
continuous service. If an employee meets the Rule of 65, effective upon the
ratification of the MOU and the implementation of CaIPERS, the District shall pay
the full monthly premium cost of the Kaiser Permanente or Health Net SmartCare
plan (the "Core Plans" for active employees). Eligible employees' qualified
dependents (as defined by the plan provider) who were covered as dependents
at the time of retirement also shall be covered by medical, vision and dental
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TIER II: Employees hired after May 1, 1985, will be covered by medical, dental,
vision and reduced life insurance plans ($10,000). The District will pay more than
the minimum employer contribution that CalPERS requires, if the employees
meets the "Rule of 65". For employees hired after May1, 1985 but before April
19, 2003 the Rule of 65 requires that an employee's age plus years of service
with the District at the time of retirement total 65 with a minimum age of 50 and
minimum of ten years of continuous service. For employees hired between April
19, 2003 and June 30, 2009 the Rule of 65 requires a minimum age of 55 years
old and a minimum of 10 years of continuous service. If an employee meets the
Rule of 65, effective upon the ratification of the MOU and the implementation of
CalPERS, the District shall pay the full monthly premium cost of the Kaiser
Permanente or Health Net SmartCare plan (the "Core Plans" for active
At age 65, the District will pay 50% of the retiree's chosen Core Plan premium, or
the minimum employer contribution that CalPERS requires, whichever is greater.
The District will also pay 50% of the cost of the retiree's dental and vision
coverage. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the plan
provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also shall be
covered by medical, vision and dental plans with the exception that the District
will only pay for the full cost of an eligible dependent's medical, vison and dental
plan premiums until the eligible dependent's 65th birthday. At age 65, the District
will pay 50% of a retiree's eligible dependent's core medical, dental and vision
plan premiums.
TIER III: Employees hired after June 30, 2009 will be covered by medical, dental,
and vision plans. The District will pay more than the minimum employer
contribution that CalPERS requires toward the cost of the retiree's coverage, if
the employee meets the "Rule of 70". The Rule of 70 requires that an employee's
age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement total 70 with a
minimum age of 55 and minimum of ten years of continuous service. If an
employee meets the Rule of 70, the District will pay 50% of the monthly premium
cost of the retiree's chosen Core Plan, or the minimum employer contribution that
CalPERS requires, whichever is greater and 50% of their vision premium. The
District will also pay 50% of the core medical plan premium and vision premium
for the retiree's spouse or domestic partner. The District will not pay for any
coverage for other dependents of the retiree.
The District will pay 100% of the premium cost for dental for the retiree and
spouse or domestic partner until they each reach the age of 65. At age 65, the
District will pay 50% of the cost for dental coverage for the retiree and the spouse
or domestic partner. For Tier III employees hired on or after April 18, 2013, the
District will pay 50% of the premium cost for dental coverage for the retiree and
spouse or domestic partner upon retirement.
"Core Plans" for those retirees under the age of 65 are Kaiser Permanente and
Health Net SmartCare. For those retirees age 65 and older, the Core Plans are
Kaiser Senior Advantage and United Healthcare. If a retiree selects any other
plan that is offered by CalPERS that exceeds the cost of either of the Core Plans,
the employee must pay, in addition to their share of the monthly premium, the
difference in premiums between the highest cost Core Plan and the plan he or
she selects. If the selected plan is less than either of the core plans, retirees shall
not be reimbursed the difference.
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At the time of an employee's retirement, all qualified dependents (as defined by
the plan provider) who already were dependents at the time of retirement, shall
continue to be covered by the District's medical, dental and vision plans in
accordance with the Tier I and Tier II benefits as stated above. The District shall
have no obligation to pay for coverage for more than two -party (retiree plus one)
coverage for any new and different dependent added after the date of retirement.
Medicare: The medical coverage for retirees and their eligible dependents will be
integrated with Medicare (Tier 1, 11, and III) at age 65. For Tier I and 11 retirees,
upon submission of evidence of payment to Medicare, the District will reimburse
the retiree and/or dependent for the cost of the Medicare (Part A and/or B)
premiums. However, the District will not be responsible for any penalties or
increased costs in the Medicare premium should the employee and/or eligible
dependent not enroll in Medicare during the enrollment period surrounding
his/her 65th birthday. For Tier III, the District will not reimburse any Medicare
The District will make a contribution to a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
equal to the cost of the Medicare reimbursement based on the eligible Tier.
Survivor Benefits: Qualified dependents of a deceased employee/retiree will be
eligible for the continuance of health and dental benefits at the same level as the
retiree unless the dependents are no longer eligible under District or CalPERS
rules, regulations or policies.
Retirement is based upon a formula which includes the employee' s age, salary,
and years of service.
Employees are responsible for paying the full share of the normal costs
associated with the employee share as calculated by Contra Costa County
Employees Retirement Association (CCCERA).
The District shall provide a dental care program fully paid by the District. Delta
Dental shall be the dental plan provider.
All employees will be required to maintain a Long Term Disability Program.
Employees shall pay the premiums for the Long Term Disability Program.
The District provides term life insurance and accidental death and
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dismemberment coverage as follows:
The lesser of (a) an amount equal to two times the employee's annual
earnings, the result rounded to the next higher multiple of $1, 000 if not an
exact multiple thereof, or (b) $ 250,000.
Dependents term life insurance equals $1,500 for employee's spouse and $100
for employee's children according to attained age of 14 days or over but less
than six months, and $1,000 for children six months or over until age nineteen,
unless a full -time student less than 23 years of age and dependent upon the
employee for support.
If an employee reports for jury duty, he /she may take time off with pay and not
take any monies from the court (not including mileage allowance or meal
expense) as a juror. Mileage allowance shall be kept by the employee under any
Employees who are assigned to military duty are entitled to military leave in
accordance with the provisions of applicable state laws (California Military and
Veterans Code, Section 395 et. seq.).
For the purposes of State Disability Insurance, Pregnancy Disability Leave is
effective the first date the employee is disabled. The District will require
verification from the employee's physician. E.g. If an employee's last day of work
is 9/ 1, and the baby is delivered on 10/ 1, then the effective date of Pregnancy
Disability Leave will be 9/ 1. The combination of time off for approved Pregnancy
Disability Leave and Family Medical Leave may not total more than seven
months per occasion. This requires approval of the Department Director.
The District will comply with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act
and the California Family Rights Act. The District will require an employee to
exhaust his /her sick leave prior to considering leave of absence without pay for
the purposes of family and medical leave.
All Management Group employees will receive forty (40) hours per year
administrative leave. These administrative leave hours will be credited to each
employee's account on the first day of the May pay cycle of each applicable
There are thirteen (13) paid holidays.
All employees shall be provided $ 425 per month for use on the Cafeteria Plan.
Yearly benefits will be calculated as of January 1 of each year. The employee
may elect to take the full contribution in cash.
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Each manager shall have a Professional Expense Reimbursement not to exceed
3, 000 per fiscal year for their use in improving their knowledge and skills. This
allowance would be used for professional, job -related training, class, or
conference requested by the manager. It is subject to approval by the General
Manager. Travel would be limited to the U. S. and Canada unless the General
Manager and the District Board approve attending functions outside the U. S.
and Canada. The unused portion may carry over two additional fiscal years,
allowing for a maximum expenditure in any fiscal year of $9, 000.
The District grants a five percent (5%) salary increase to employees who achieve
registration or license as a Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified
Public Accountant in a position not requiring such registration or license.
The District shall pay the registration and renewal fees for all professional
registered engineers, licensed land surveyors, Certified Public Accountants, and
those employees who hold a current California Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operator's Certificate. The registration and /or certificate must be a requirement
of the employee's classification.
Employees who have 10 years or more of continuous service in the District will
receive an additional two and one -half percent (2-1/2%) salary increase.
An additional two and one-half percent (2 '/2%) longevity pay increase (for a total
of 5%) will be granted to employees after twenty (20) years of continuous
employment with the District.
In lieu of Social Security, the District offers a 401(a) Plan. The District's
contribution to the 401( a) Plan is an amount equal to that which normally would
have been contributed to Social Security. If, during the term of this Memorandum
of Understanding, the District is required by law to participate in the Social
Security system, the District will cease contributing to the 401( a) Plan and will
meet and confer on the change. The District also offers a Deferred
Compensation Plan. Employee participation in the Deferred Compensation Plan
is voluntary.
The employee' s terminal compensation will be contributed by the District to the
401(a) plan at termination, retirement or resignation at 100% of total
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compensation, as defined in the 401(a) Plan Document under Section 5. 03 (b),
or the Internal Revenue Service maximum contribution limit, whichever is lower:
In no case will the total 401(a) contribution be in excess of Internal Revenue
Code mandated limits in force at the time of termination, retirement or
Any other outstanding vacation or sick leave and earned overtime due the
employee at the time of termination, retirement, or resignation will be calculated
and issued to the employee with the final paycheck. All unused accumulated
sick leave at the time of retirement is credited as longevity upon retirement.
It shall be the general policy of the District to continue pay to an employee under
the Salary Continuance Plan when an employee incurs a work -related injury or
illness. This plan commences if the employee qualifies for temporary disability
payments from Worker's Compensation for the disability and, if in the opinion of
the District, the disability is work -related. If the injury or illness is determined
legitimate, all of the employee's regular benefits will continue during the time this
plan is in effect.
The salary continuance will be equivalent to seventy percent (70%) of gross
salary less any Worker's Compensation payments.
The maximum period for which this plan could be used by an employee will be
six (6) months or until a stable level of disability is reached, whichever comes
The Salary Continuance Plan will commence on the fourth day after the disabled
employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness after a three -day waiting
period. However, if the injury or illness causes disability of more than twenty-one
(21) days or necessitates hospitalization, the Plan will become effective from the
first day the injured employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness. The
employee may use vacation or sick leave accrual during this waiting period.
Those employees driving their personal vehicle on District business, including
Department Directors, shall be reimbursed by the District at the rate allowed
by the Internal Revenue Service without tax consequences.
Personal safety equipment required by the employee to perform his /her job
duties will be provided by the District. The employee will be entitled to safety
shoes and safety glasses in accordance with the applicable District policies and
The District Employee Assistance Program shall be provided by the District to the
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Employees are reimbursed for their work -related use of personal cell phones,
including emergency response in accordance with Board Policy # 009,
"Manager Cell Phone Reimbursement Policy.
If any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding should be held invalid or
outside the scope of bargaining by operation of law or by the final judgment of
any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not
be affected thereby.
Entered into this 1 It day of November, 2018 subject to the adoption by the Board
of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.
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Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District
And the
Management Group
October 22, 2018
Article VI-Sick Leave
The parties agreed to interpret Article VI-Leaves (Sick Leave Incentive Benefit) of the MOU
dated December 18, 2017 through December 17, 2021 in a manner consistent with this Side
Letter Agreement.
"Employees hired or promoted into the Management Group on or after December 18, 2017
shall be subject to the following provision:
Any cash out of sick leave accruals shall be deducted from an employee's sick leave accrual
bank at time of retirement. Any remaining balance shall be reported to Contra Costa County
Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) as retirement service credit".
The parties` intent in negotiating this revision of Article VI-Sick Leave was to eliminate an
employee's receiving a cash-out payment for a portion of their sick leave balance, and also
receive service credit for these same hours.
Current Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations regarding Cash or Deferred Arrangements
(CODA) do not allow an employee the option to choose between a cash-out payment or apply
all of their sick leave balances to service credit. The MOU language as drafted is consistent with
current IRS regulations to the extent individual employees are not provided a choice of how
much sick leave would be subject to cash out.
The parties have a shared interest in allowing employees flexibility in application of sick leave
balances at the time of retirement, if these options are consistent with IRS CODA requirements
and CCCERA regulations and guidelines. To that end, if the District or the Management Group
find an alternative that shall allow for greater employee flexibility with regard to sick-leave cash
out at retirement consistent with IRS CODA requirements, the parties shall meet to discuss
these alternatives.
For the District: For the Management Group:
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