HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Operations MINUTES 09-17-18 Page 2 of 17 E TRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY i ■ IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, i ■s 4 ■ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES A.NEJEDLY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA President SANITARY DISTRICT DAVID R, WILLIAMS President Pro Tern ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS PAUL H.CA USEY COMMITTEE MICHAEL R.MCGILL TAD J.PILECKI MINUTES PHONE.: (925)228-9500 FAX (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Monday, September 17, 2018 9:00 a.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Member Mike McGill Member Tad Pilecki, alternate for Chair Causey Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager John Huie, Information Technology Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Superintendent (left after Item 3.c.) Nathan Hodges, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Clint Shima, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.) Damasio Zepeda, Associate Engineer (left after Item 4.c.) Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Call Meeting to Order Member McGill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 232 of 265 Page 3 of 17 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes September 17, 2018 Page 2 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a five-year Landfill Gas Sales Agreement with Bulldog Gas & Power, LLC, commencing October 1, 2018, with the option to renew annually Mr. Shima reviewed the materials included in the agenda packet and answered questions from the Committee. He shared that the price of landfill gas for the balance of 2018 and for the 2019 and 2020 periods, reflected in the presentation, is based upon projection and is in line with historical use. Member Pilecki advised that clarifying language should be added to the Position Paper to address whether there are price caps within the agreement, if there is an out to the contract should BTUs drop below a certain level, whether other alternatives need to be considered, any cost savings to Central San, and to add the word "thereafter"after the option to renew annually in the subject line. Member McGill and Member Pilecki recommended the item be brought to Board for discussion with revisions to the Position Paper to clarify the topics discussed and to include a brief presentation to the Board. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended the item be brought before the full Board for consideration, after including recommended clarifications about the agreement in the Position Paper. b.* Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of$5,665,000 to CWS Construction Group, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades and Server Room Relocation, District Projects 7362 and 8243, respectively; authorize the General Manager to execute agreements with MWA Architects, Kleinfelder, Inc., and ComputerLand; consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the General Manager to transfer up to $1 million from the Capital Program for these projects This item was heard out of order, after Item 4.c. Mr. Petit reviewed an updated presentation (attached) highlighting various components of the projects and drawing the Committee's attention to the Financial Impact section of the draft Position Paper. Mr. Lopez and Mr. Petit answered questions from the Committee on the project scope and bid details. October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 233 of 265 Page 4 of 17 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes September 17, 2018 Page 3 This project will include seismic retrofit improvements to the Plant Operations Building, including the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) and Board Room. Notably, in addition to the seismic scope, the MPR restrooms accessible by guests will be upgraded for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance, a publicly-accessible restroom will be added in the Headquarters Office Building Lobby, the new server room will be large enough to accommodate future growth, and the customer service area and permit counter will be modified to enhance the customer experience. Under the current design, the permit counter doors will be moved leaving a smaller reception desk area and will include a new kiosk for visitors. Member Pilecki advised that staff should be cognizant of any lobby/permit counter modifications and how it may impact large bid openings, pre-bid conferences, or other high attendance meetings. Mr. Lopez and Mr. Petit discussed some alternatives and assured the Committee that staff will take heed in their review. Mr. Lopez responded to a question from Member Pilecki pertaining to present fiber optic improvements in that there is a current project to upgrade the loop in the plant; however, the fiber optic scope for this new portion will be bid later as staff feels better pricing can be obtained for this specialized work under separate bid than under this contract. Mr. Petit and Mr. Lopez shared with the Committee that staff used lessons learned from past seismic projects to design and include in this project. Many of the bid items were consistent with the estimate; however, the major discrepancy was in the softer costs, such as labor, relocation, and clean-up costs. Member Pilecki and Member McGill recommended no less than a 10 contingency (as opposed to 5%). Mr. Bailey concurred with this recommendation and staff's request for a budget transfer. The Committee recommended bringing the matter to the October 18, 2018 Board meeting for approval with the following changes and clarifications: • Update Attachment 1 (location map) to show all project locations; • Identify the cost of asbestos abatement and other various project components not clearly defined; • Describe the significant cost difference between the engineer's estimate and the low bid; • Describe the Additive Bid Item 2 from CWS Construction Group, Inc. and how it compared with the alternative bid from the other bidders; • Refine the Financial Impact section for clarity and how the bid and projects tie together; and October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 234 of 265 Page 5 of 17 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes September 17, 2018 Page 4 • Modify the contingency to be at least 10%. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval at the October 18, 2018 meeting with suggested modifications to the Position Paper to clearly identify the project and financial components. C. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to purchase a replacement mass spectrometer for the Laboratory in an amount not to exceed $250,000 under the Equipment Replacement Project, District Project 7326 This item was heard after Item 3.a. Mr. Lopez introduced Laboratory Superintendent Mary Lou Esparza for questions related to the mass spectrometer equipment and reviewed the need to replace this critical piece of testing equipment. Ms. Esparza advised the Committee that the existing equipment is currently no longer in use, nor is it operational, and that a X17,000 quote was received for repairs and maintenance contract, which is not recommended by staff. The current equipment is over 11 years old, has had repeated repairs, and replacement parts are no longer readily available. She noted that this equipment typically has a 10-year life. Member Pilecki asked how long the equipment would take to procure. Mr. Lopez responded that a quotation stated up to eight weeks. Member Pilecki inquired about the item being sole-sourced, to which Mr. Lopez replied that staff intended to use an existing sole-source standardization approval for this purchase. Members McGill and Pilecki both commented that pertinent information needed to be included in the final Position Paper for Board approval, such as the existing equipment is not operational, the alternative of not replacing the spectrometer, the cost if not replaced (i.e. third-party testing or other added cost), and the use of a prior sole-source approval. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with the addition of clarifications to the Position Paper as noted. 4. Other Items a. Receive update on City of Concord reimbursement as requested by the Committee at the August 13, 2018 meeting Ms. Gemmell provided an update to the Committee about the calculations for the City of Concord reimbursement as presented in the August 13 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 235 of 265 Page 6 of 17 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes September 17, 2018 Page 5 Capital Projects Pre-Audit Report for Fiscal Year(FY) 2017-18. As the City presents its budget in May, staff provides a forecast in April each year. Capital projects and budget-actual figures are reviewed every year for projections. This past fiscal year, the flow assumption was 33%; the actual flow crept up to 34.1%. Additionally, Central San and the City are aware that there could be a I% margin of error in either direction on the meter reads due to data drift. As a result, there is a meter replacement capital project, which the City will reimburse 50% of the cost, which will address the FOG (fats, oil, and grease) that has plugged up tubes on the current meter and may be the cause of the problem. Ms. Gemmell also stated that the total FY 2017-18 City of Concord invoice for operations and maintenance and capital project reimbursement was $1.3 million below forecast. The future forecast for the next ten years will reduce the City's billing by approximately X22 million due to reductions in the capital program. It was noted that Member Pilecki, Central San's Board liaison to the City, is planning a presentation that will be distributed to the Board Members for their information and update. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. b. Discuss City of Concord's request for representation at Central San Recently, during a liaison meeting, a representative of the City of Concord mentioned a desire to have representation at Central San. Ms. Gemmell shared that she is in frequent contact with the City, and that City staff is hearing about our projects. Mr. Bailey stated that his conversations with City staff have been positive and they have expressed that they are pleased with the information being received and that the current communication has been fine. Member Pilecki asked whether anyone from the City is invited to attend a Committee meeting. Mr. Bailey responded that staff sends agendas to the City and advised staff to send a formal invitation to the next Committee meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff. C. Receive an update on Ygnacio Valley Road Project (Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 12, District Project 8435) Mr. Zepeda presented an update on the Ygnacio Valley Road project located in walnut Creek, providing an overview of some challenges encountered over the course of the construction work. During construction, it was discovered that the existing sewer was realigned by another utility (AT&T) in a manner that does not meet Central San standards. Mr. Lopez stated he directed staff to document this issue October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 236 of 265 Page 7 of 17 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes September 17, 2018 Page 6 so that this matter can be evaluated with Risk Management Administrator Shari Deutsch for reconciliation. Mr. Petit added that the project continued despite these issues so as not to delay construction. Member McGill requested that staff provide an update to the Committee on the AT&T utility realignment issue and its impact to Central San. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided input to staff. d. Receive list of future agenda items Member McGill inquired about the update requested by the Committee on the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Sewer project. Mr. Petit responded that there are two areas remaining to be paved and when the City of Pleasant Hill provides final acceptance, the project will be completed. Mr. Lopez has met with the City and anticipates providing the Committee with an update soon. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and provided input to staff. 5. Announcements a. Draft public bid announcement for the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project 7351 Mr. Lopez noted a correction to the announcement that the flowmeter location is not in the Concord North Metering Station, but rather the Concord South Metering Station. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement. 6. Future Scheduled Meetings Monday, October 8, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 5, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. 7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Member McGill requested an update on the AT&T utility realignment issue and its impact to Central San that was found during the Ygnacio Valley Road project in Walnut Creek. 8. Adjournment— at 11:07 a.m. *Attachment October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 237 of 265 Page 8 of 17 Attachment 2 Item 3.b. (Handout) POB SEISMIC UPGRADES, DP 7362 & SERVER ROOM RELOCATION, DP 8243 UPDATE Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting - September 17, 2018 Jean-Marc Petit �1 - Director of Engineering and Technical Services Edgar J. Lopez Capital Projects Division Manager AGENDA • Project Backgrounds • Recommended Design Approach • Construction Impacts • Schedule • Bid Results and Project Budget • Board Recommendations CENTRALSAN jz 1 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 238 of 265 Page 9 of 17 PLANT OPERATIONS BUILDING AND MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM SEISMIC UPGRADES Project Background: 2009 Seismic evaluation of Central San facilities 2007 California Building Code adoption Treatment Plant facilities—buildings and structures Included other Central San facilities POB (including MPR) is part of an ongoing program of seismic upgrades in the Capital Improvement Plan Completed HOB Completed Pump and Blower Building Solids Conditioning Building included for 2020 POB (and MPR) next facilities scheduled in plan 4 Other structures in future years A3 CENTRALSAN SEISMIC RETROFIT PROGRAM (10-YEAR PLAN) Core 17aU 1 1, Noma. 4 - 1. 1 roperty Ling to Fault i yup&DIOWCr EMg tQ Fait licks Bldg to Fa ull _ .nade�of U -i fi .64 mi1e3 or—3,35 POB Facility OB to Fault .80 miles or" 4 ft 1 Concord Fault is less than a mile from Central San Facilities f, 2 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 239 of 265 Page 10 of 17 POB SEISMIC UPGRADES Project Benefits: Increased safety for Operations and Maintenance staff Increased reliability for Control Room (24-hr continuous occupancy and operation) Increased protection to plant servers and Data Center Improvements to Board Room and MPR facilities, including Emergency Operations Center Project Scope: Column strengthening, steel braces, and collector beams Security improvements and ADA restrooms Floor plan modifications due to demolition work Abatement work, asbestos containing materials Cost-effective staff relocation to existing facilities and some temporary trailers V NL5 , r..` - CENTRALSAN PROJECT LOCATIONS FOSv Si . 4 r, 4 CAUa T4 T r�.4•y % 1 Y ' rf 1Y R+]G 3MVER � r: r CLQ h AREA]IAP �. I DB SEISMIC UPGRADES AI .- r• IMP SERVER ROI RELOCATION 5 Moo ■ 3 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 240 of 265 Page 11 of 17 POB SEISMIC UPGRADES • I I �F!9-----------ti a , 1 1 411411. -aw -, ptly I � i ! F p i i I r, jr--- Tr— CNN r l— 4 I ' 4.. I6.. �II' I SWI � •�I � r,rr I. s�Jl "I I Iseal — �. ---. — II YkJ npA ���, RR I I 1u41I1[� le AIII_— �.�! I I �,0> �d rIII I I II x a I 1 I £ I I I Ili I � M POD AND MPR IMPROVEMENTS 9 p 1� t L I 1 L _ rI Mm - E:- 1 f rki611 wi�fld�4'Iti-I•i �} 7 I �iTY1 vp .-....��...�-.. N kms• 5 18 i 4 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 241 of 265 Page 12 of 17 SERVER ROOM RELOCATION PROJECT Project Background: -6 s �r Server failure due to water v :� damage in existing location 4 Current location vulnerable { Pre-design work recommended g � moving room and other N improvements to address resiliency, security, and future } growth - ,. New Server Room S. y CENTRa E SERVER ROOM RELOCATION PROJECT Project Scope: New location outside, adjacent to POB (reason to combine effort with overall seismic project) Accommodate electrical needs and back-up power systems New energy efficient cooling systems and lighting Install building and security improvements to enhance resiliency Install new fiber optic and related cabling Relocate business and plant networks and IT equipment Migration plan to move IT equipment designed to minimize disruption New facilities designed with future growth in mind (i.e. expansion of network racks) 5 CENTRALSAN 5 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 242 of 265 Page 13 of 17 SERVER ROOM wglk - _ ����"•r .�ra,f,__.e Rte.�14e.i _ .... � fl'M r 1F:e/e�+ti MF��RYie'1 ��@eeeT Y•i�+b!er eeeeen—�F���.r rii r� 'wa+a��� �i—;�eF r�-eeeeeeee� �1� a�Yeieilir�ile�ellaF�•aeei eiE ���-viYi—�Cv� tii viFiYe�vii� ��` a ee�eee�va -..�x .,,.. —��S - feet�ieYa[�.! e�� nax •tea 1 y I ��eer�Yr eeaeetJ v. v"r T ==r.=4�Raii+7{tMY of �r� �yyy��f�.�.41��cY�e1v2 .. _-=1��_.-_Lw=._t—=__it-�_t=_•L� •�Ai i�aai�a�aeae eT •"��Y i�Fieirf i eP�ealeTlia M,.�.�tivYP>4eRn Pati Idea i=Y�ia—sYFei+'�i iea �iYl.!'>.e,,y+9ii�J M �tvvWYii�iYl irYleieie4� �..yF ehii eeeeT—�I�tr ��� 1 M1-etre M4rheF0+r•Pd 1f4Y:�lti �' i � I i it Y�6 idl t-Ia ii ' 9�i�Y rll�l-1iellel6 �ab_ar- e t ,ii.feeelfa�W �'i••�i.:eNiideF Y e.. _ e� .J`i� n eeeee—a eeeee—e. e. •��ry��e furl�elaerY• Seeel ipp�!•#i 94�'1 ieti#kms ' �tifA V]l ieel.plV�P5 M1if� s Am ��i��.+e SiR w"yu ieeiYr^P. id+k'�e•".r#�"e4`+ I ii.Y�rr i eel��r+l J!aen1Y v*ffi 1! :4 t.+IILY.Yd•ieln N „ 1 s�rM,fR+��9fen9`°l�MP�RI! tee• r i..r.ter'� ",di niR —_ _ _ "_ -l�fi�s HYiaH•�"�+�fl'�es tli� -}i '"1Y M]•1 L 1 qpff4ffiYE aae�e�� MKTemre`Y ya}Y�v�p.fsFwka�Y 1 e ■ J F 1 fl 11 L i — { MMMALMM r A"libi�... y _ �II■■ nm r T !l �i•0+fe it Iii! 1 � � ��4Yq tiT'Ye..•eeee eeveR �� yU44 S� „X` . fie,.I�aasr r�nll Yaeuf 1+4ti4FtP+R+/FBaG�ti l�evit —Tr G7i�VF�F�6l -14M1-1.1� ii'u�a cr+w�tl��st:ro� M a E SERVER ROOM ADDITION ,yam, �uvela.!H Id•F.]m�.�! a ya.. �/ •r,o,.• - MECH.&STORAGE OFFICE L—r WALMAY ' " = �-- 129ah _ °e SERVE R WIDM - - PEP3hrr PPOLP OPIR13 frepawY _ dau MGM 1 a i r� �- ��„ PUT" F a u V - CRANE 1'JKLel' BIW! 1 L - .-f %Zvi �L eeeeeeeeer eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee� eeeeeeeeee. eeeeeeeeer N..reHlfl�IWIL fLF11T�1L�:bR eu N^i� A1.01 5 112 6 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 243 of 265 Page 14 of 17 HOB LOBBY IMPROVEMENTS �,� IIIF 1-eP'iti fa Nor— lip AMtfrtfh.CTK:w ' '1ldl� G-nmrcit P-M.yri4�[" Y03411- 71 F. 1 i r VD.- TV 4-1 1 lvw N Rtr 4F1 NO �r -_ � 13 CENTRALSAN PROJECTIMPACTS A. IT Equipment relocation is critical, received proposals from professional IT migration services- Migration will take place at completion/acceptance of construction Specialized, experienced network equipment company B. Temporary staff relocation during construction and abatement, Several groups will be relocated to HOB or other locations Temporary office and shower trailers will be provided as needed and coordinated with the construction activities to minimize rental fees Board Room will have minimal impacts, no meetings changed MPR will be closed for several months, aiming to be available in April 2019 Control Room will have access for Operators 14 CENTRALSAN 7 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 244 of 265 Page 15 of 17 CURRENT SCHEDULE Prepare 100% Bid Documents July 2018 Bid Advertisement July/August 2018 • Bid Opening September 10, 2018 • E&O Presentation September 17, 2018 • Board Presentation and Award October 41 2018 • Construction Notice to Proceed November/December 2018 • Relocate POB Staff January 2019 • Complete Construction October 2019 4aL15 � 15 CENTRALSAN BID TABULATIONS ATTACHMENT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS BUILDING R1P )SEISMIC UPGRADES &SERVES ROOM REL ATION DISTRICT PROJECTS 73S2&;R243 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.:736218243 NO.OF ADDENDA:I DATE' ME:SEPTELIBER 10,2918..2 Ph1 PROJ ECT NAME: POB SEIaMIC UPGRADES&SERVER ROOM RE LOCATION PROJECT MANAGER-NAT-BAN HgQQE§ PROJECT LOCATIC14:1501-,4 IMHOFF PLACE.MARTINEZ.CALIFORNIA ENGINEFR'S EST.:U.800,000 No. BIDDER BID PRICE CWS Construction GiouP,kv. 5S,325.000 Novato,CA 2 Manft Cw6hKvorh.Im O181,000 Pileasanw,CA 3 SGbo Cor ructk n,Inc_ , ,Q iElk Gave.CA 5 -_ 1116 8 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 245 of 265 Page 16 of 17 PROJECT BUDGET ATTACHMENT I PLAN-r opsRA-noNs mnimmu-SEITMW LwoKAOEs &NID MlqWM ROOM MMATM CHSTFIKT PROJEM 77E3 ARD EM PORT-81D PREC 014 STRUCT10k E STI VATE CcNr B444 84 r*M 15 K.e,,,W AZ"*W 1W&W J4=L*bW smam MWOR kd purp&n ;5 V4 T 0 TAL,VQR$TFUXT9M $A.V5.-DW 0DtiqTRUCTCNMM'&GaaNT mwftw1049V40 00-imm-t 5mhxn 0 L03 camd3m WVA A0V4r%11 1140.wg W4Dtdon SIS0.0m Sw%v Wd&Kt*P 1100'm worm om CariumN $10 ON -.;�r.a w3d 1345.na 4�—Zp StATaTAL,0266TA)ALTLVC MAdt4GFkVhfT WK Dria V 6% 3 PRE6&E1CPENDfFUqE8 IP'AfnM rmSW CmIdd ltFNK1 SuSPOT.&L k;E81DEXPEhOMAES k SI M— 14 V4 A TOTAL 1r%T1hUTr0 PR133CF EQU ITAKFxffid a- L17 CENTRALSAN FINANCIAL IMPACT FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estirl)ated project cost Is$7,895,000,which includes pianning.design,bid prices,construction Maregement,conr;,ultant costs.relocation cos t5,and contingency a5 delootedin Attachment 3. Several projects have been included in the FY 2018-19 Capital I mprovernent Budget(C]B)for this work. th e b udg ets in clod e the f oil owing-, Estmimated Budaet POB Selisnnic Upgrades,DP 7362 S2,530,000 General Se c urity and Access,D P 8207 700,000 I T Develop me nt,D P 824 0 450,000 Server Room Rellocation.DP 8243 '1,83 rO 00 P ro perty and 8 uil dii ng I mp roveme rits.DP 8247 1,987,500 Total- S7,502,500 To f ul ly fund this con struction=rk,the G enerall Manage r YAII have to tran sfer$3 93.000 f rani t he F Y 2018- 19 C I B Canting en cy ac co u rpt.No B card au thorizatio n Is req ul re d f o r the G e neral Mag e to trans fer amounts under$500.000 in the Capital Program.However.to simplify the accounting process,staff reco nn nn end s that the bud g ets I iste d ab eve be r,omb inert and trac ked and er th e PC B S eisrnic U pg rad es (D P 7 362)and S e rver Doom Relocation(D P 5243).This Will req w 1 re that the General Manager transfer project budgets up to S 1 million_ CENTPALSAN October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 246 of 265 Page 17 of 17 BOARD ACTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$5,665,000 for the construction of the Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades and Server Room Relocation, respectively DP 7362 and DP 8243,to CWS Construction Group, Inc.,the lowest responsive bidder; 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering service agreement with MWA Architects in an amount up to$140,000 and Kleinfelder, Inc. in an amount up to$100,000; 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute a technical service agreement with ComputerLand for up to$130,000; 5. Authorize the General Manager to execute Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a five-percent contract contingency;and j 6. Authorize the General Manager to transfer up to$1,000,000 from the 4 Capital Program for these construction projects. 19 + ' CENTRALSAN QUESTIONS? 5 X20 Ha CENTRALSAN 10 October 4, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 247 of 265