HomeMy WebLinkAbout14. (Handout) Updated Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet and Associated Correspondence
Item 14.
October 4, 2018
Late-breaking developments in legislation required an update to the 2018 Priority
Legislation Tracking Sheet included in the posted Board packet. This update is
indicated as Item 14 on the updated Priority Tracking Sheet (Attachment 1). Lastly, the
Governor’s response in signing SB 212 has been included as an informational item
(Attachment 2).
1. Updated Legislative Tracking Sheet as of October 1, 2018
2. SB 212 Governor’s response dated September 30, 2018
Item 14.
/ĻƓƷƩğƌ {ğƓ ЋЉЊБ tƩźƚƩźƷǤ \[ĻŭźƭƌğƷźǝĻ ƩğĭƉźƓŭ {ŷĻĻƷ
Attachment 1
Industry Position Date of
Federal/ Board
AuthorLegislationAlso Known AsSummaryOrganization(s) Priority Recommended by Board Notes
Federal PresidentPresident's Protect Cuts to WateReuse - oppose Oppose 03/15/18Oppose 9/6/18 Submitted Central San input for
FY19 budget Title XVI and included an over 90% cut to the Bureau of cutsWaterReuse call to action in support of Title XVI-
requestIncrease funding WIIN Reauthorization. 3/6/18 - Call to action
for WaterSMART from $34.5M in FY17 to $3M. Title XVI is the received by WateReuse to sign onto WateReuse
and Title XVI only federal program that specifically multiagency letter by COB March 12. WateReuse
programssupports water recycling efforts. The Association is asking Congress to reject these
program has invested $692 million in direct cuts and provide at least level funding for Title XVI
federal spending while leveraging at least an in FY19. Letter deadline for House is March 16
additional $2.07 billion of local investment to and Senate is March 30.
provide a sustainable long-term reliable
supply of water for residents and businesses
in the West.
Federal Napolitano (D-H. R. 5127Water Recycling Establishes a grant program for the funding Western Recycled Water Support03/15/18Support3/6/18 In House Committee on Natural Resources:
32) Los Angeles Investment and of water recycling and reuse projects.Coalition - Support, Referred to Subcommittee on Water, Power and
area, Co-author Improvement ActWateReuse - SupportOceans. Introduced on 2/27/18. In both House
DeSaulnier (CA-Committee on Natural Resources and Committee
11)on Transportation and Infrastructure
Federal Katko (R-NY 24)H. R. 4902Drinking Water Amends the Water Infrastructure Finance CASA - SupportSupport03/15/18Support2/2/18 In House Committee on Science, Space
and Clean Water and Innovation Act of 2014; provides to state and Technology: Referred to Subcommittee on
Loansinfrastructure financing authorities additional Environment. 1/31/18 Introduced and in House
opportunities to receive loans under that Act Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure:
to support drinking water and clean water Referred to Subcommittee on Water Resources
state revolving funds to deliver water and Environment.
infrastructure to communities across the
United States.
Federal Boozman (R-S. 2364 Drinking Water Amends the Water Infrastructure Finance CASA - SupportSupport03/15/18Support1/30/18 Introduced in Senate Committee on
AR), Co-Author (Identical bill to and Clean Water and Innovation Act of 2014; provides to state Environment and Public Works
Feinstein (D-CA)H.R. 4902)Loansinfrastructure financing authorities additional
opportunities to receive loans under that Act
to support drinking water and clean water
state revolving funds to deliver water
infrastructure to communities across the
United States.
/ĻƓƷƩğƌ {ğƓ ЋЉЊБ tƩźƚƩźƷǤ \[ĻŭźƭƌğƷźǝĻ ƩğĭƉźƓŭ {ŷĻĻƷ
StateWieckowskiSB 831, Similar ADUs updateWould prohibit the imposition of any fees, Watch: CASA, ACWA, Oppose 03/15/18Watch 8/31/18 SB 831, AB 2890 has officially failed.All
bills AB 2890 including connection or capacity fees, for the CSDA on 5/3/18 bills have failed. AB 2890 In Senate. Read Second
Ting and SB construction of an accessory dwelling unit. SUPPORT: Bay Area Oppose on time and amended. Re-referred to Appropriations.
1469 Skinner The bill is attached for your review. ACWA Council (sponsor); Bay 3/15/18SB 831 6/27/18 Heard Asm Local Gov't
proposed SB 831 edits: (b) Accessory dwelling
(all three bills Area Rapid Transit Committee - remains in committee. AB 2890
units and junior accessory dwelling units permitted
are dead)(BART); California Passed Senate Governance and Finance
pursuant to this section shall not be considered by
Apartment Association; Committee and now in Senate Appropriations.
a local agency, special district, or water
California Association of 4/25/18 Author has agreed to remove language
corporation to be a new residential use for the
Realtors; California eliminating fee authority for water/ww connection
purposes of calculating fees charged for new
Building Industry and capacity charges to fall in line with last year's
development. For an accessory dwelling unit that
Association (CBIA); ADU agreement. 4/17/2018 - Central San sent
is not described in paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)
California Chamber of opposition letter to the committee to register
of subdivision (a), a local agency, special district,
Commerce; opposition to bill. CASA concerns: Eliminating fee
or water corporation may require a new or
separate utility connection directly between the
authority for one particular type of residential
accessory dwelling unit and the utility. Consistent
construction is contrary to our obligations to
with Section 66013, the connection may be
assess proportional fees under Propositions 218
subject to a connection fee or capacity charge, or
and 26. It could lead to one class of ratepayers
equivalent charge for new service that shall be
subsidizing rates for another class, which is
proportionate to the burden of the proposed
prohibited by Prop 218. Finally, CASA believes
accessory dwelling unit, based upon either its size
that there has not been sufficient time to evaluate
or the number of its plumbing fixtures, upon the
the impact of the fee restrictions agreed to in SB
water or sewer system. This fee or charge shall
1069 in 2016 and SB 229 in 2017.
not exceed the reasonable cost of providing this
StateBloomAB 2379Waste Requires that clothing made from fabric that Californians Against Support03/15/18Support6/20/18 This bill has officially failed. 6/4/18 In
Management: is more than a specified percentage of Waste - SupportAssembly. To inactive file (dormant). 4/30/18 in
Polyester polyester bear a conspicuous label stating Assembly for third reading. 4/18/18 amendments
Microfiberthat the garment sheds plastic microfibers remove recommendation to handwash the
when washed and recommending hand clothing. Some BAPPG members suggesting
washing. Prohibits a person from selling or support. 2/14/18 introduced.
offering for sale clothing made from fabric
that is more than a specified percentage
polyester that does not bear that label.
/ĻƓƷƩğƌ {ğƓ ЋЉЊБ tƩźƚƩźƷǤ \[ĻŭźƭƌğƷźǝĻ ƩğĭƉźƓŭ {ŷĻĻƷ
Would establish a new version of redevelopment agencies
StateChiuAB 3037Community CSDA - Oppose Unless Opposed Unless 05/03/18Opposed 6/8/18 This bill has officially failed.5/25/18 Held in
(re-termed redevelopment housing and infrastructure
Redevelopment Amended.AmendedUnless Assembly Appropriations Committee. 4/30/18
agencies). 1. Uses the Enhanced Infrastructure Financing
Law of 2018AmendedPassed second reading to third no amendments
District (EIFD) law as a model in many ways; however, like
former RDAs, the new redevelopment housing and
since 4/26. 4/25 passed out of Asm Local Gov't
infrastructure agencies do not require voter approval and
Committee - now on to Appropriations. 4/11
they are able to access the school/State share of the
passed out of Asm Housing and Community
property tax increment. Their access to the school/State
Development Committee. AB 1792 Fraiser spot bill
share of the property tax increment requires approval from
the California Department of Finance and will be capped at
is similar. Set for hearing on 4/25/18 in Asm Local
a yet-to-be-determined amount. 2. As with EIFDs, each
Gov't Committee.
affected taxing entity (each special district and typically the
county) within the jurisdiction of the redevelopment agency
would be given one seat on the board of the redevelopment
agency; the city creating the agency would have two seats
total; there would also be two public seats., 3. Similar to
EIFDs and former RDAs, the proposed redevelopment
housing and infrastructure agencies would require a certain
percentage of all revenue to go toward affordable housing
projects. The current draft requires 30 percent, which is
more than what EIFDs and former RDAs were required to
set aside. 4. Unlike former RDAs, the stated intent is to
keep affected taxing entities (special districts and counties)
to the amount of property tax increment diverted from the
county and special districts. The passthrough is primarily
funded with ERAF dollars.
StatePortantinoSB 1263Ocean Protection Requires the State Ocean Protection Council CASA - Sponsored LegSupport05/03/18Support
89/20/18 Chaptered - Signed by Governor. 9/6/18
Council: to adopt and implement a Statewide
To Governor for signature. 8/28/18 Passed Senate
Statewide Microplastics Strategy relating to microplastic
concurrence. 8/20-27 1-2-3 Asm Readings.
Microplastics materials that pose an emerging concern for
Passed out of Asm on 80-0 vote. 8/16/18 pulled
Strategyocean health and that includes specified
from Asm suspense file and passed out of Asm
components, to the extent funds are
Appropriations. 6/28/18 In Assembly amended and
available from bonds or other sources.
re-referred to Appropriations Committee. 6/26/18
Passed out of Asm Enviro Safety and Toxic
Materials Committee and now in Asm
Appropriations. 6/19/18 Authors amendments
from Asm Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee.
6/11/18 To Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife and
Enviro Safety & Toxic Materials Committees.
5/31/18 PASSED Senate. 5/29/18 In Senate - to
Special Consent Calendar due to lack of
opposition. 5/22/18 hearing set in Senate
/ĻƓƷƩğƌ {ğƓ ЋЉЊБ tƩźƚƩźƷǤ \[ĻŭźƭƌğƷźǝĻ ƩğĭƉźƓŭ {ŷĻĻƷ
StateTingAB 2065Local Agencies: Expands the definition of local agency to CSDA - Oppose Unless Oppose 05/03/18Oppose6/8/18 This bill has officially failed.5/25/18: Held in
surplus landinclude sewer, water, utility, and local and Amended.Assembly Appropriations Committee. 5/15/18
regional park districts, joint powers Letter signed by Central San GM to oppose.
authorities, successor agencies to former 5/2/18 In Assembly Appropriations on Suspense
redevelopment agencies, housing authorities, file. 4/16/18 Read second time and amended. Re-
and other political subdivisions of this state referred to Appropriations Committee.
and any instrumentality thereof that is
empowered to acquire and hold real
property, thereby requiring these entities to
comply with the requirements for the disposal
of surplus land.
StateDalyAB 2003Public contracts: Currently, Sanitation Districts are required to Orange County Support05/03/18Support5/16/18 Author removed bill - Orange Co.
sanitation post bid notices over a certain amount in a Sanitation District Sanitation will look to try again in 2019 Legislative
districts: noticeprint newspaper of general circulation. These sponsored legislation. Session. 5/9/18 at 1:30 heard in Asm Local
costs can be quite large, and bids for local CASA - Support, CSDA - Government Committee. Orange County San
wastewater projects generally do not come Supportestimates approximately $500,000 in savings over
from print newspaper adds. This bill would 10 years should bill pass.
instead require the notice to be published in
a manner that the district board determines
to be reasonable, which may include, but is
not limited to, newspapers, Internet Web
sites, radio, television, or other means of
mass communication.
StateMcGuireSB 929Special Districts: Requires every independent special district to CSDA - Sponsored Support05/03/18Support
119/14/18 Chaptered - Signed by the Governor.
Internet Web maintain an Internet Web site that clearly Legislation
8/28/18 to Governor for signature. 8/23/18 Central
Siteslists contact information for the special
San sent letter requesting Governor's signature.
8/22/18 Passed Senate concurrence 39-0. 8/20/18
Passed Assembly 80-0. 8/16/ In Asm for 3rd
reading from consent. 7/2/18 In Assembly. To third
reading. 6/27/18 Passed from Asm Appropriations
Committee 16-0. To consent calendar. 6/13/18 In
Assembly Appropriations Committee. 4/30/18 In
Assembly Local Gov't Committee. 4/23/18 In
Senate: Read third time. Passed on 38-0 vote to
Asm. 4/17/18 Read second time - Senate. 4/16/18
passed out of Senate Appropriations on 7-0 vote.
3/22/18 Central San Letter of Support sent - CSDA
Call to Action
StateReyesAB 2613Failure to Pay Makes an employer, or other person acting Oppose05/17/18Oppose8/31/18 This bill has officially failed. 6/28/18 This
Wages: Penaltiesindividually or as an officer, agent, or bill is likely dead, but staff will continue to monitor.
employee of another person, who fails to pay 6/4/18 In Assembly. To Inactive File. 5/29/18 In
or causes a failure to pay specified wages of Assembly for third reading. 5/11/18 Asked CASA
each employee, subject to a penalty payable to add to their bill tracking list - Watch. 5/2/18 In
to each affected employee, per pay period Assembly Committee on Appropriations: To
where the wages due are not paid on time.Suspense File.
/ĻƓƷƩğƌ {ğƓ ЋЉЊБ tƩźƚƩźƷǤ \[ĻŭźƭƌğƷźǝĻ ƩğĭƉźƓŭ {ŷĻĻƷ
StateCervantesACA 31 Public employee Prohibits an employee of a public employer CSDA - Oppose Oppose06/07/18Oppose8/31/18 This constitutional amendment has
Constitutional salaries: limitfrom receiving an annual base salary or pay officially failed. 6/21/18 To Asm Public Employees,
Amendmentrate that exceeds the salary of the Governor Retirement and Social Security Committee.
as established by the Citizens Compensation 5/24/18 Sent to print - 3 printing days. 5/23/18
Commission that is effective at the time the Introduced.
employment contract is entered.
StateJackson and SB 212Solid Waste: Establishes a pharmaceutical and sharps California Product Support06/21/18Support
149/30/18 Chaptered - Signed by the Governor.
TingPharmaceutical waste stewardship program, under which Stewardship Council -
9/8/18 Enrolled (certified then sent to Governor for
and Sharps each manufacturer of covered drugs or Sponsored Legislation
signature).8/24/18 Central San signed onto large-
Disposalsharps, as defined, in the state would be
scale coalition letter in support. 6/27/18 In
required to establish and implement, either
Assembly. Coauthors revised. Language
on its own or as part of a group of covered
amendments in Aug after summer recess. 6/26/18
manufacturers through membership in a
Passed out of Enviro Safety and Toxic Materials
pharmaceutical and sharps waste
Committee and on to Asm Appropriations
stewardship organization, a pharmaceutical
Committee. 6/19/18 Call-to-Action request from
and sharps waste stewardship program.
CPSC for 6/19 only to have support letter for Asm
Enviro Safety and Toxic Materials Committee.
Central San sent letter of support. Central San
member of CPSC. 6/19/18 - Gut and amend bill
with new language in print on this day.
Federal Transportation Clean Water Act NPDES Permit The Clean Water Act requires publicly owned CASA - Sponsored Support06/21/18Support7/3/18 Support letter included in the Board packet.
and term extensionsclean water agencies to secure a permit to Legislative Amendments6/19/18 CASA has recently made ground on this
Infrastructure discharge highly treated wastewater and issue securing support of Congressmen
Committee serve their function of protecting the Garamendi and Lowenthal to raise issue and
environment and public health. National proposed CASA amendment language. CASA
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requests call to action of Central San send letter of
(NPDES) permits expire five years from the support to Congressmember DeSaulnier in
time of issuance by either a state or USEPA. support of the amendment changes to 10-year
This five-year renewal cycle results in permit.
financial and technical burdens on local
agencies and the permitting authorities,
which must prepare and issue the permits.
Amendments of Clean Water Act, Section
402(b)(1)(B) would allow for ten (10) year
permit terms allowing adequate time to
comply with existing regulatory requirements
before imposition of new mandate(s).
Item 14.
Attachment 2