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08.b. Receive FY 2017-18 Strategic Plan Annual Report
Page 1 of 48 Item 8.b. CENTRALSAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT September 20, 2018 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: CHRISTINA GEE, MANAGEMENT ANALYST REVIEWED BY: ANN SASAKI, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 STRATEGIC PLAN ANNUAL REPORT Enclosed is Central San's Fiscal Year(FY) 2017-18 Strategic Plan Annual Report (Attachment 1), summarizing staff achievements and progress on the FY 2016-18 Strategic Plan from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. This item was reviewed by the Administration Committee during its August 21, 2018 meeting. While the report provides a comprehensive detailing of our achievements, the enclosed tri-fold highlights brochure (Attachment 2) provides a high-level summary. Hard copies of both the report and brochure will be available at the Board meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY 2017-18 Strategic Plan Annual Report 2. Summary of Achievements Tri-fold Brochure 3. PowerPoint Presentation September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 85 of 134 Page of ,d5%.CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 2017- 18 STRATEGICPLAN ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2017 June 30, 2018 A Summary of Achievements and Progress ,moi •� �- - �„� ,. ....:. „. y i+M 4Aa �' Page 3 of 48 SECOND YEAR OF CONTINUED SUCCESS MESSAGE FROM ■ On behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), I am proud to present our annual report, detailing the accomplishments and progress during Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18, the second year of our FY 2016-18 Strategic Plan. Driven by the Goals set by our Board of Directors and the guidance of the Effective Utility Management (EUM) framework, our Strategic Plan consists of the Board's 6 Goals, plus 16 Strategies and 40 Initiatives that are focused on % �A completing our Mission and addressing challenges and future opportunities. Key Performance Metrics help measure whether we have achieved our Goals. This approach allows us to strive for continuous improvement as we fulfill our role of protecting our commu- nity's health and environment. This report provides an overview of the many achievements of our dedicated and professional staff, who work to uphold Central San's Mission, Vision, and Values. Some of the highlights over the past year include the following: • Achieved 20 years of total compliance with our wastewater discharge permit; • Launched a new website to better meet the needs of our customers; • Completed an award-winning Wet Scrubber Demonstration Project, which resulted in an estimated $14M in savings for our Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project; • Executed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) to collaborate toward an innovative recycled water exchange; • Held a week-long household hazardous waste (HHW) collection drive to celebrate 20 years of the facility's operation, which resulted in our highest participation week ever; and • Hosted the third Central San Academy. We wish to acknowledge that these accomplishments would not be possible At Central San, we owe without the leadership and support of our Board and the continued it to our customers to confidence of our customers. Together, we have successfully fulfilled our feel as if we have never FY 2016-18 Strategic Plan Goals and set ourselves on a path for success as we move into the FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan. We are driven by a constant -. to . - - . our values of k 4 People, Community, Principles, Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Leadership , ndCommitment first. 2 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 87 of 134 Page 4 of 48 CENTRALSAN ABOUT Central San is a special district responsible for the collection and .� treatment of wastewater in a 182-square-mile service area, for Ma n.= ■ approximately 488,900 residents and more than 3,000 businesses. Concord We were established in 1946 and are headquartered in Martinez, %asan[HI[I about 30 miles east of San Francisco. Clayxen We,n"«,ak We operate and maintain more than 1,540 miles of sewer pipelines, Y4 LalaY.` 18 pumping stations, as well as a wastewater treatment plant that OrIndam cleans and disinfects an average of 44 million (M)gallons a day. Most of this effluent is discharged into Suisun Bay, but a portion receives further treatment to become recycled water, some of which is reused by our plant or redistributed to our customers through our Residen- Oakland San Ramon tial and Commercial Fill Stations. We have 290 budgeted full-time employees and are led by a General " Manager, a Deputy General Manager, 2 Department Directors, and Sewage collection and wastewater treatment; 13 Division Managers. HHW disposal for approximately 348,300 people Not just wastewater... Wastewater treatment and HHW disposal for 136,600 Concord and Clayton residents As part of our role as stewards of the environment, for the past 20 by contract years, we have also operated and maintained a Household Hazardous HHW disposal only Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) for about 24,000 residential and small business customers. The facility keeps more than 2M pounds Central San headquarters,treatment plant, of hazardous waste per year out of our landfills and waterways HHWCF,and Residential Recycled Water Fill through collection, recycling, or safe disposal. Station ■ Collection System Operations(CSO) We also partner with a Pharmaceutical Collection Program which headquarters offers 13 locations that collect and safely dispose of more than 12,500 pounds of unwanted drugs each year. Our Board of Directors M • JL James A. Nejedly David R. Williams Paul H. Causey Michael R. McGill Tad J. Pilecki President President Pro Tem Director Director Director 3 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 134 Page 5 of 48 OUR • VISION, CORNERSTONE OF OUR OPERATIONS The FY 2016-18 Strategic Plan draws upon the work accomplished under previous Strategic Plans and is guided in part by our Mission, Vision, and Values. In our second year of executing the Plan, we continued to optimize operations, streamline processes, and harness innovative technologies in order to manage and contain costs and provide the best service possible at responsible rates. OUR MISSION To protect public health and the environment OUR VISION . . To be a high-performance organization that provides exceptional customer service and regulatory compliance at responsible rates i OUR VALUES PEOPLE COMMUNITY *Value customers and employees *Value water sector partners *Respect each other *Foster excellent community relationships •Work as a team *Be open,transparent, and accessible *Work effectively and efficiently •Understand service level expectations *Celebrate our successes and *Build partnerships learn from our challenges PRINCIPLES LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT *Be truthful and honest *Promote a passionate and empowered workforce •Be fair, kind, and friendly •Encourage continuous growth and development •Take ownership and responsibility •Inspire dedication and top-quality results •Provide a safe and healthful environment 4 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 134 Page 6 of 48 EFFECTIVE UTILITY MANAGEMENT The Effective Utility Management (EUM) framework is 10 KEY ATTRIBUTES ' regarded as the industry standard for strategic plan- ning and performance metrics monitoring. It was put together by the Environmental Protection Agency and Product Qu- a selection of water sector associations. The framework consists of 10 "key attributes": a set of reference points intended to help effectively managed SatisfactionCustomer and high performing wastewater utilities such as ourselves keep a balanced focus on all important oper- ational areas. Employee + Leadership__, As shown on the following page, we developed each Development Strategy to align with at least 1 of the 10 EUM attrib- utes to ensure that our priorities are in line with best management practices, and all facets of our operations Operational • + are addressed. a. PerformanceFinancial Viability Infrastructure Strategy and Enterprise Resiliency Community Sustainability Effective Utility Management A Primer for Water and Wastewater U10ities ResourceWater Sustainability Ain. d~. SupportStakeholder Understandini qw and =- 5 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 90 of 134 Page 7 of 48 OUR STRATEGIC PLAN AND THE EUM ALIGNMENT OF OUR •A Goal Strategy EUM Key Attribute(s) Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness Customer Satisfaction Goal 1 — Operational Optimization Provide Exceptional Customer Service Customer Satisfaction Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration Employee and Leadership Development Strive to Achieve 100% Permit Compliance in Product Quality Goal 2 — Air, Water, Land, and Other Regulations Stakeholder Understanding and Support Strive to Meet Community Sustainability Regulatory Requirements Strive to Minimize the Number of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Goal 3 — Conduct Long Range Financial Planning Financial Viability Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Manage Costs Enterprise Resiliency Operational Optimization Ensure Adequate Staffing and Training to Employee and Leadership Development Meet Current and Future Operational Levels Goal 4 — Develop and Retain a Highly Trained Enhance Relationship with Employees and Employee and Leadership Development and Innovative Bargaining Units Stakeholder Understanding and Support Workforce Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards Employee and Leadership Development Manage Assets Optimally Throughout Their Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Lifecycle Enterprise Resiliency Goal 5 — Maintain a Reliable Facilitate Long-Term Capital Renewal and Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Infrastructure Replacement Protect District Personnel and Assets from Enterprise Resiliency Threats and Emergencies Augment the Region's Water Supply Water Resource Sustainability Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Goal 6 — Business Operations Operational Optimization Embrace Technology, Innovation,and Environmental Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy Community Sustainability Sustainability Encourage the Review and Testing of Promising Operational Optimization and Leading Technology 6 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 91 of 134 A BUSY YEAR MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Infrastructure a • Continued to meet critical infrastructure needs set forth c.. . in our Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP). • Completed the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Project, which installed about 10,000 feet of 18—to 24— inch trunk sewers. M • Completed two major treatment plant projects: the +%•+' Pump and Blower Building Seismic Upgrades and the Cogeneration Optimization Project. Recycled Water - • Negotiated an MOU with CCWD and SCVWD to investi- gate the feasibility of water and wastewater agencies Y partnering to serve industrial customers with recycled water, freeing up a commensurate supply of drinking t water. • Continued to expand service of recycled water through partnerships with the Concord Community Reuse Project Dom— and Diablo Country Club. - E Optimizations • Inducted into the Leading Utilities of the World, a global network of the most successful and innovative water 1 r and wastewater utilities. . • Presented "Optimization After Your Master Plan" at the �r California Water Environment Association (CWEA) conference. + 46' • Honored with the CWEA Research Achievement of the +' Year Award for our Wet Scrubber Demonstration pilot. • Identified improvements via an internal audit in procure- ment cards, petty cash, and payroll administration. Environmental Protection • Achieved 20 consecutive years of 100%compliance with our wastewater discharge permit. d • Increased collection of HHW by 4% (729 pounds) and ` unwanted pharmaceuticals by 7% (140,594 pounds). 4 _ „ • Reduced SSOs by 36%, from 39 to 25. ', Page 9 of 48 Ml Provide Exceptional Customer Our customers do not get to choose their sewer service provider, but that is not something we take for granted. We strive to be a utility by whom they are proud to be served and one they would choose if they could. STRATEGY 1 — Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness 1. Invest in Business Process Changes and Technologies to Effectively Increase Access to District Information and Promote Customer Care, Convenience, and Self-Service ACHIEVEMENTS • Launched a new customer website designed to showcase our programs and services in a modern and organized way. The site integrates our social media to help keep the content current and reflects the level of service and transparency that our customers have come to expect from us. • Redesigned our pollution prevention (P2) educational programs to reach more students with age-specific material that will help play a role in reducing pollution and supporting the local environment for decades to come. ON THE HORIZON • Train employees in electronic records and email management in FY 2018-19. • Consider installation of a public-use computer as part of a lobby redesign in FY 2019-20 to allow our customers to serve themselves with requests such as recalling permit records, researching employment opportunities, and reading Board documents. • Offer online permit processing, which will be available in about 2 years. Spotlight .,-'O' ENGAGEMENT 7X in Our HHWCF 20th ' new users Anniversary Collection Drive was • from flagshipOctober 16 to 21, 2017, 151 cars served with a event on •- •. communitythe 18th to host .•- s v�sitoc } ' elected officials, g�9 r�`ghest r -• cars• • • / parC�a�Pever Members.Central San Board over the same week in 2017 2. Increase Customer Understanding and Support for Key Issues Facing the District ACHIEVEMENTS • Televised important and timely Central San videos to tens of thousands of viewers, including a Fats, Oils, and Grease campaign that ran during Thanksgiving to promote the recycling of cooking oil at our HHWCF. • Increased outreach for quarterly public tours, which in turn increased participation in our tours. • Participated in community events, including Earth Day,the Joint Genome Institute Health and Safety Fair, Dose of Awareness Walk (for prescription drug disposal), and various Health Expos, providing outreach to thousands of customers. ICENTRALSAN 8 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 93 of 134 Page 10 of 48 Provide Exceptional Customer 34% INCREASE 18 COMMUNITY 4 PUBLIC IN FOLLOWERS . EVENTS WORKSHOPS ON SOCIAL ATTENDED HELD MEDIA For a total of 514 followers Informational displays at multiple To talk with concerned residents on Facebook and Twitter. events promoting our environmental about upcoming work in their messages. neighborhood. 3. Build and Maintain Relationships with Feaeral, State, and Local Elected Officials and Key Stakeholder Groups Introducing ... hhh---THE STARS OF OUR ACHIEVEMENTS • Facilitated Board Member meetings with State-elected officials, NEWEST STUDENT PROGRAM including Senators Dodd and Glazer and Assemblymember Baker. • Assisted with Board Members' City Council presentations, Southern Area Briefings, and meetings with elected officials and stakeholder representatives throughout our service area. • Honored with proclamations and certificates by federal, state, and Jul` local elected officials at our HHWCF 20th Anniversary Collection Drive As a p u blic agency,we take our flagship event. These recognitions commemorate our commitment to responsibility to educate the public keeping hazardous waste out of the environment. seriously.These Water Warriors and Pipe Protectors 4. Provide High-Quality Customer Service developed • promote • ACHIEVEMENTS educationearly program fall 2018,to get excited about • Issued two rounds of customer surveys to benchmark customer feed- their • . in helping ..• our back on programs and services. pipes and local waterways clean, by • Claimed ownership of the HHWCF Yelp page, which has a 5/5 average helping them connect • rating with 16 reviews. behavior impacts the environment. • Set up the Purchasing Requisition Ticket System to provide end-users with real-time information of requisition status and a customer satis- faction survey. The system also collects information that helps - Purchasing to prioritize workload and establish metrics to be used to improve internal customer satisfaction levels. • Held a public workshop for each collection system renovation project affecting a concentrated area. This supplements significant outreach to all impacted customers on an individual level, including phone calls, multiple notices mailed, and personal visits when needed. +�' !, - R 3 AMR- ON THE HORIZON + • Perform additional research to assess customer awareness, satisfac- tion, desire to learn more about us, and methods of best receiving information. • Offer Public Records Act training for staff, tentatively scheduled for .� winter 2018. �'• f j • Continue to grow educational programs for students. 90I_CENTRAL SAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 94 of 134 Page 11 of 48 Provide Exceptional STRATEGY 2 — Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration 1. Foster Employees' Understanding of District Operations and Their Role in Our Success ACHIEVEMENTS • Added monthly features from Safety, Human Resources (HR), and Information Technology (IT) to our employee newsletter, Lateral Connection. • Reviewed 16 Board Policies for streamlining and updating by the Board's Administration Committee. ON THE HORIZON • Launch new, modernized intranet to give our employees easier access to information and more efficient communication tools. Spotlight PROACTIVE • pp _ - r For the third consecutive year since its inception we opened our doors to the public 1 Central San Academy. We received interest from 60 people,and 39 participants came to the program.Through .. classroomgroup - activities,and open dialogue,the participants gained an i w understanding of - work we .. and the challenges we tp, - - face as an organization. 12.50A unique opportunity for our staff and Board to engage n C£ rAAL SAN AC•9'4 • _ This class,which meets once a week for six weeks, is a directly with our customers and improve our business practices through -••• -• every tA year at the level of interest we receive when we offer the • !�© course. !�"■ 2. Increase Internal Partnerships ACHIEVEMENTS • IT conducted workshops with each division District wide to inform vendor selection and process design work for the upcoming replacement of our enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, to ensure the out- come of this major project meets the needs of the entire organization. • Held 9 meetings of the IT Leadership Committee to obtain feedback from end-user representatives to confirm our technology fits our business needs. • Continued meetings of multi-divisional teams to execute projects in the CWMP and identify areas of potential applied research and development. • Began implementation of project management information system (PMIS), e-Builder°, for improved coordination to track engineering projects. • Held 6 Administrative Support Forum meetings for administrative support staff District wide to discuss issues and provide feedback on upcoming initiatives. (f CENTRAL SAN 10 2M Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 95 of 134 Page 12 of 48 • 1 Provide • •mer Service — How Are We Doing? Metric Target Performance Average onsite response time for collection system emergency calls, during working hours <20 minutes 35.25 minutes Average onsite response time for collection <30 minutes 37.75 minutes system emergency calls, after hours ' Average customer service rating for >_3.8 out of 4.0 3.96 out of 4.0 emergency calls Average customer satisfaction rating on >95% 94.25/0 o .' construction projects Average customer satisfaction rating on >95% 96% ell permit counter interactions Number of students served by >2,200 students our education programs per year 3,443 students Number of District employees attending >_50% of 100% of staff due annual customer service training all District staff for training* Number of participants on >150 participants treatment plant tours per year 262 participants Number of participants at >400 participants speaker bureau presentations per year 567 participants r/ Number of students attending citizens academy >30 participants 39 participants *Training is held once a year only for new employees hired in the previous calendar year. 100% of the 15 employees (5.5% of all District staff) who were due for the training attended. Legend Target met Performance met or exceeded the target Performance fell short of the target,which is a stretch goal because Target not met . Current and past performance is not within reach of the target, and/or /Stretch goal • Performance is affected by circumstances out of our control � r ' Target not met Performance fell short, but within reach,of the target d 110)CENTRAL SAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 96 of 134 ```' Page 13 of 48 Jill Strive • Meet • 7eq7rements Our core service is treating wastewater and returning it to the environment, whether it is discharging it into Suisun Bay or redistributing it to our customers as recycled water. We work hard to ensure that our product is safe and our operations have a minimal impact to the environment. STRATEGY 1 — Strive to Achieve 100% Permit Compliance in Air, Water, Land, and Other Regulations 1. Renew Treatment Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, which Expires on March 31, 2017 ACHIEVEMENT • This Initiative was completed during the last fiscal year, when staff successfully renewed the permit. The renewed permit was effective on June 1, 2017 and expires on May 31, 2022. 2. Meet Existing Regulations and Plan for Future Regulations ACHIEVEMENTS • Achieved 20 consecutive years of 100% compliance with our wastewater discharge permit (see below). • While we received 3 total Notices of Violation (NOVs) of our air permit for Reportable Compliance Activity from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the District has a project scheduled to resolve the issue with the installation of new wet scrubber technology. 3. Foster Relationships with Regulatory Agencies ACHIEVEMENTS • Staff actively engaged with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies to help ensure compliance with laws and regulations, including actively participating on Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Committees. • Lori Schectel, our Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager, has been elected BACWA Chair for FY 2018-19. She is the BACWA Board representative to the Summit Partners,which consists of other agencies similar to BACWA. Spotlight CONSISTENCY Perform ac F..... NationalThe • • ofClean Water1•(NACWM 1 represents public and Alk stormwater agencies nationwide and advocates on Performancelegislative, regulatory,and legal issues. Their Peak •s acknowledge excellence in permit compliance. Platinum Awardsare the highest d is award category, •• 11' compliance with permits over a consecutive five- period. achievedCentral San period fourotimes ver • will officially •- receiving the 1 Award at NACWA's Utility Leadership Conference in July 2018, •• 1 consecutive years of permit compliance,as of 117 calendar year.With this recognition, • • • of only 23 wastewater treatment acrossagencies • of 1 `CENTRALSAN 12 X2010 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 97 of 134 Page 14 of 48 Strive to Meet RegulatoryRequirements 4. Monitor and Track Proposed and Pending Legislation and Regulatory Changes That May Impact District Operations ACHIEVEMENTS We have it a made • Continued to analyze and present priority legislation to the Board for action. priority to plan for • Remained active in our knowledge-sharing professional associations to keep future regulationsto our fingers on the pulse of the industry and best represent the interests of a ensure that Central San is our stakeholders. making the right • Provided two panel presentations at the California Association of Sanitation investments for our Agencies (CASA) Conference on Communications and Engineering. customers now' nd in the future. • Emily Barnett, our Communication Services & Intergovernmental Relations Manager, is now Vice Chair of the newly-upgraded CASA Communications Jean-MarcDirector of Committee, as well as a member of the California Special Districts (CSDA) Engineering and Legislative Committee. Technical Services 5. Actively Manage Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in the Most Cost-Effective and Responsible Manner ACHIEVEMENTS • Passed the California Air Resources Board (CARB)'s verification in July 2017 with an internal verification report issued in August 2017. • Maintained calendar year 2017 GHG emissions below 25,000 metric tons of COZe. • Submitted the annual GHG emission inventory to CARB in April 2018, in addition to compiling internal monthly GHG emission inventory updates. STRATEGY 2 — Strive to Minimize the Number of SSOs 1. Complete the Collection System Scheduled Maintenance on Time and Optimize Cleaning Schedules to Improve Efficiencies ACHIEVEMENTS • Reduced SSOs by 36%, from 39 to 25. • Continued to use Cityworks° computerized maintenance management system (CMMS)to optimize cleaning schedule and eliminate the use of paper maps. • Cleaned 772 miles of sewer lines. 2. Continue the Pipeline Condition Assessment andNEW ' Cleaning Quality Assurance Program Using the System-Wide Closed-Circuit Televising (CCTV) Program ACHIEVEMENTS ' • Televised 3,557 sewer lines to record conditions and help schedule future maintenance. t. i • Performed quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) on 470 sewer lines. ' • Continued to utilize IT Pipes° software to record and consolidate CCTV recordings and data. 13 QI CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 98 of 134 FTRITEMM REGULATORY ACTIONS VIGILANT AND PROACTIVE K; Tests and Inspections • From 8,564 samples, our in-house laboratory staff either , managed or analyzed 35,000 analytes, including metals, toxic organic compounds, and conventional pollutants. • Environmental Compliance staff performed 12,888 pre- r - treatment inspections to ensure businesses are practicing proper disposal of waste into our system. Nutrient Limitations and Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) • While nutrient reduction and CECs, such as microbeads , from personal care products, are not currently part of existing regulations, we are working with other agencies ' and regulators to study whether additional treatment ° r processes will be needed in the future. • By keeping these factors in mind, we can plan to have ' enough space in the plant to accommodate removal technologies if needed. Unique Challenges • A growing service area population '. 0 Partially due to our proximity to both San Francisco r and Silicon Valley, we have seen a steady increase in our number of customers. This creates the need for r ' capacity and infrastructure upgrades to account for I w C additional wastewater and wet weather flows. .. • The only multiple hearth furnace left in California ; 0 We are working on diversifying our solids handling i , a and resource recovery options to ensure we will be ; able to handle solids reliably. In addition, we may be able to recover valuable resources from the solids, such as energy or nutrients. 1 `� 0 We are investing in modern, more efficient air pollution control equipment and are looking into additional technologies that may be required in the future. i► ' CENTRAL COklii.:l9il.�:.1MTV:.!-7L3Y:.'" : -• =93 • S•Mare 51 • •• • I Page 16 of 48 Strive to Meet Regulatorye•uirements — How Are We Doing? Metric Target Performance NPDES compliance Zero violations Zero violations Title V compliance Zero violations Three (3) violations* Recycled Water Title 22 Zero violations Zero violations compliance Sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) <3.0 spills 1.65 spills per 100 miles of pipeline per 100 miles of pipeline Spills to public water <3 1 Percent of spills >95% 87.5% <500 gallons Pipeline cleaning schedules >95% 97% completed on time On >_3% of Pipeline cleaning QA/QC pipelines cleaned on an 2.8% annual basis Pipeline cleaning QA/QC >98% 88.9% passing rate Annual source control (environmental compliance) 100% 100% inspections completed on time * The District has a project scheduled to resolve the issue with the installation of new wet scrubber technology. IW s{ � 4•i -ter _ Uwe. 15 e, ©lCENTRAL SAID September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 100 of 134 "fr Page 17 of 48 Be a Fiscally SoundandEffective Water Sector We are sensitive to the fact that our customers reside in one of the most expensive areas to live in the United States. Sewer service is a basic human need, and we strive to provide it at a responsible rate. We do this by exercising financial discipline to fund our daily operations and necessary infrastructure improvements. STRATEGY 1 — Conduct Long-Range Financial Planning 1. Ensure Rate Structure is Consistent with Cost-of-Service Principles ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed staff review of rates and fees, which found no issues. • Rates and Fees were approved by the Board on June 7, 2018. • Collected flow and square footage data for mixed-use businesses, which is now being analyzed to determine if any modifications are needed to the rate structure. ON THE HORIZON • Present new proposed mixed-use rate structure in second quarter of FY 2019-20. 2. Improve the Application and Processing of Capacity Fees for Consistency across User Classes ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed Capacity Fee Review of 60 businesses with patio dining. • New procedure to calculate patio dining capacity fees was approved by the Board in May 2018. 3. Develop a Long-Range Debt Management Policy ACHIEVEMENTS • Debt Management Policy was adopted by the Board in September 2017. • Selected PFM as our financial advisor. • Commenced work on a capital financing strategy which includes consideration of various debt types, including State Revolving Fund. • Established a pension pre-funding trust for pension and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) and funded it with $5.36M. • Fully funded the OPEB-actuarially-determined contribu- tion and paid an additional $2.5M to further fund the unfunded liability. ON THE HORIZON • Refinance existing debt to finance capital improvements. • New money bond offering targeted for first half of FY 2019-20. 11 4. Develop Alternatives for New Revenues and Funding Sources (i.e., Interagency Agreements, Services, and Recycled Water) ACHIEVEMENTS • Held meetings with Mt.View Sanitary District, City of Concord, and City of Clayton to review potential services the District could provide, such as hydraulic modeling, combining capital projects to achieve economy of scale on pricing, development of Sanitary Sewer Management Plan, and sewer service billings. `CENTRALSAN 16 2P.1,48Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 101 of 134 Page 18 of 48 SoundBe a Fiscally • STRATEGY 2 — Manage Costs 1. Perform Targeted Audits of Critical/High-Risk Functions or Processes ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed internal bottom-up risk inventory. • Conducted targeted audit work in 3 areas: procurement cards, payroll, and petty cash. • Initiated external review of Laboratory procedures. • Began scoping for work on revenue controls (completed risk assessment). • Drafted internal audit plan for FY 2018-19. ON THE HORIZON • Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for internal audit services to complete additional top-down assessment, due to the departure of the Temporary Internal Auditor. • Report the results of the Laboratory Contracting Audit. • Perform audit on revenue controls. • Switch to CaIPERS for health insurance coverage for more cost-effective employee and retiree healthcare plans, which will provide the same coverage at a reduced cost to Central San through membership in a larger risk pool. WINNER of San Francisco Bay Area and State-Wide �� � CWEA Engineering and Research- rr Research Achievement of the Year Award F . I4,1 2. Perform Optimization Studies of Treatment Plant and Field Operations to Reduce Costs ACHIEVEMENTS • Saved an estimated $14M on the Solids Handling Facility Improvements capital project through findings made by the Wet Scrubber Demonstration Pilot (see above). • Improved resiliency against ultraviolet disinfection bypass events by installing shutdown-delay timers and enhancing the outlet gate logic. • Piloted sludge blanket detectors in the primary sedimentation basins and secondary clarifiers. 17 (,CENTRAL SAID September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 102 of 134 Page 19 of 48 SoundBe a Fiscally • • Transitioned control of the furnace induced draft fan from an obsolete local controller to a modern programmable logic controller. • Enhanced furnace oxygen control by improving automatic rate control of the air ports for Hearth No. 10. • Implemented cogeneration British thermal unit control to save energy and simplify operation. • Saved $50,000 by purchasing hardware for the Input/Output Replacement Project at a discounted rate. • Streamlined and cleaned the Dynac historian server to relieve storage space. • Began utilizing Cityworks° work orders to track the Control System group's work in order to better meet deadlines, collect histories on assets, and coordinate efforts with other staff. • Repaired two rodder assemblies in house, which reduced the downtime for the vehicle from 4 weeks to 2 weeks per truck. Factoring in labor costs, we saved $8,000 per truck by doing this work in our own Vehicle Shop. In total, for two rodders, we saved $16,000 and one month of downtime for the truck. • Adopted the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA), which will be in effect on a pilot basis starting September 1, 2018. The UPCCAA will allow informal bidding procedures for construction contracts of$45,001 to $175,000. For simpler, lower-cost projects, this has the potential to significantly reduce the administrative costs of bidding and allow for faster project award, while retaining a competi- tive process and containing project costs. ON THE HORIZON • Formalize a District-wide optimizations program, including the commitment of each division to optimize at least one aspect of their operations in the upcoming fiscal year. 3. Evaluate and Implement Risk Management Practices to Minimize Loss ACHIEVEMENTS • Used lessons learned from the 2017 Winter Storms, including Miner Road sinkhole in Orinda,to identify ways to improve cost recovery. • Debriefed on the potable water contamination event which affected our Martinez offices and plant to improve future response and remedy implementation. • Handled four overflow claims at an average cost of$17,400 per overflow. Out of the four total claims, one was moderately large. Without that claim,the average cost per overflow would have been $4,700. ON THE HORIZON • Develop risk mitigation measures, quantify inherent and residual risk levels, and consider development of an enterprise risk management program, where risks can be centrally monitored. i $297,130 _ OVER 70 RISKS • IN BENEFITS ; . IDENTIFIED AND SAVINGS CATALOGUED From HR-negotiated rate These risks are candidates for internal decreases of 5%from auditing and entry into a potential Kaiser Permanente and Enterprise Risk Management program 4%from Delta Dental. for tracking. 10ENTRALSAN 18 2Q.X Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 103 of 134 Page 20 of 48 * Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector • • Metric Target Performance Standard and Poor's AAA AAA credit rating Debt service >2.Ox 8.91 coverage ratio Maintain Sewer Service Charge service affordability less than median of Target Met Bay Area agencies Actual reserves as a 100% 100% percentage of target Operating expenditures as a >90% o 94.57/ percentage of operating budget Workers' compensation <1.0 .71 experience modifier Provide modified duty for o Return to Work >g0% of occupational injuries 83.33/ Self-insurance reserves as a 100% 100% percentage of target 19 CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 104 of 134 Page 21 of 48 1 r Develop and Retain a Highly Trained and Innovative Workforce Without our staff, Central San is simply a network of pipes, buildings, and equipment. It takes a talented and resourceful workforce to perform the wide range of services we offer, and we believe in making an investment in our people to build them for success and encourage them to see their role at Central San as a career, not just a job. STRATEGY 1 — Ensure Adequate Staffing and Training to Meet Current and Future Operational Levels 1. Assess, Develop, and Implement District-Wide Training Needs ACHIEVEMENT • Continued to work on consolidating training databases, including consideration of a learning management software,to develop a system for accurate tracking of all District training, including Safety, HR, IT, Plant Operations, outside conferences, consultant trainings, and more. ON THE HORIZON • Issue RFP for a Training Coordinator.This consultant will develop and implement training plans for each business section and employee classification. 2. Develop and Train Our Future Leaders ACHIEVEMENTS • Began the second Supervisory Academy in March 2018,with 21 participating employees expected to graduate in September 2018. • Finished the second Management Leadership Academy, with 20 employees graduating in December 2017. • Paired 6 mentees with mentors for the calendar year 2018 Mentorship Program. ON THE HORIZON • Revamp the performance evaluation system for employees to be less cumbersome and more meaningful, which will increase the likelihood that performance evaluations will be completed on time and in a way which coaches employees toward growth. Spotlight MENTORSHIP As part of our succession planning efforts to train the future leaders of Central San,we offer a diverse set of leadership development opportunities to all levels of our staff. Our Mentorship Program, in its second year of operation, is the most unique in that it is project based. Mentees are paired with a mentor, usually a member of the Management Team or Executive Team,for six-month rotations. theirAs part of the program, mentees are able to do the following: • Build relationships outside their workgroup; • Complete a project within the realm of their mentor's responsibilities; • Present project t• the Executive Team and C•, • and• Gain r r • 0 Exposure to Central San leadership, a r•• 1 Experiencepublic speaking, 1 Knowledge of of our operation outside their normal • - 1, 0 A chance to explore possible career paths, 1 Project . 'I 1 A mentor • - guidance extendsbeyond • rotation. ICENTRALSAN 20 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 105 of 134 Page 22 of 48 1 STRATEGY 2 — Enhance Relationships with Employees and Bargaining Units 1. Cultivate a Positive Work Culture and Promote Teamwork ACHIEVEMENTS • Cross-divisional teams collaborated on several major projects, including the new external and internal web- sites,the HHWCF 20th Anniversary Collection Drive,the P2 Awards,the Wet Scrubber Demonstration pilot, and business process mapping in anticipation of the ERP replacement. • Recognized the CWEA San Francisco Bay Section Award winners–Sean Sullivan, Electrical and Instrumenta- tion Technician of the Year, and Bernard Martinez, Mechanical Technician of the Year, at the Plant Operations and Maintenance departmental meeting. 2. Sustain and Grow Collaborative Relationships with the Labor Bargaining Units ACHIEVEMENT • General Manager lunches with the bargaining representatives and Labor Management Committee Meetings between District and union representatives continue at the union's discretions but are currently on hold and will resume after labor negotiations. STRATEGY 3 — Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards 1. Achieve Consistent Improvement on State of California and Bay Area Industry Injury Rates ACHIEVEMENTS • Continued to identify accident causation and incorporate safety training to target identified areas. • Safety Statistics are provided to the Safety Team, who relay the information back to their departments. 2. Enhance the Safety Culture through Improved Training and Communications ACHIEVEMENTS • Began distributing the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Cal/OSHA Reporter weekly via email to all District staff. • Conducted electrical safety training in response to issues identified during capital projects construction. • Held targeted trainings based on need demonstrated by statistical review of incidents and including the following: - 0 Back Safety 0 Hand Safety 0 Slips, Trips, and Falls. 6 BROWN BAG 84 SEMINARS SAFETY . OFFERED TRAININGS MlF i� HELD Covering topics related to On 34 different topics including customer service,conflict Ergonomics, Driver Safety,and resolution,teamwork, ethics, Confined Space Training. and more. 21 �I10ENTRAL SAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 106 of 134 DEVELOPING OUR GREATEST ASSET EDUCATING, COUNSELING, COACHING Succession Planning • Our dedicated, multi-divisional members of the Succession Planning Committee identify critical functions at risk in the event of unforeseen employee departure. _ • The Committee works with Management to develop a plan to mitigate those risks, including cross-training employees and developing standard operating procedures. Leadership Academies • The second Supervisory Academy is in progress with 21 participating employees. The class includes presentations, — i- exercises, and opportunities for employees to connect with other up-and-comers at Central San. V OW, ____-_ I► • The second Management Academy was completed in 2018, with 20 graduating employees. The curriculum included trainings, discussions, and a 360-degree analysis of each N participant's leadership style. At the end of the course, participants created an individual action plan to guide them in the continuing development of their leadership skills. The Management Academy is held in alternating years with the Supervisory Academy. Coaching • The Executive Team and Management Team are offered - one-on-one coaching sessions and team-building. Other Educational Opportunities IMF • Tuition reimbursement up to a certain amount is available a for employees to further their education for the purpose of ,. •R y. ". improving their on-the-job performance. • Membership in the Toastmasters public speaking develop- ment program is reimbursed. ".= • Value-added conferences and offsite trainings are offered _ + to employees. Upon returning to work, employees often r share what they have learned with their peers. Internship Program w . • Interns are with us year round to gain on-the-'ob learnin `� _ "s with projects in almost every division. S _ CENTRAL CONTRA;..t:;1:. w:L7.N�F:.IlpL^.� ' i • i•. • • •' •. .•' • Page 24 of 48 1MF M r Develop D. Metric Target Performance Average time to fill vacancy <60 days 68 days (from request to hire) Percentage turnover rate <8.8/0* 4.8/0 at or below industry average 5 hours Average annual training hours 7. 27.4 hours per employee (averaged per employee per employee in FY 2016-17) Actual versus budgeted usage of >80% 60.3/ tuition reimbursement Performance evaluations 100% 49%** r r completed on time Employee injury and illness <7.4 lost time incident rate (BLS California Sewage 4.1 Treatment Facilities Rate) *Median of aggregate data for the employee turnover indicator for combined water/wastewater utility in 2017 American Water Works Association Utility Benchmarking. ** HR is developing an enhanced performance evaluation system which makes the process clearer. We expect to see more evaluations being completed on time as a result. 23 r ,CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 108 of 134 Page 25 of 48 Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure While we have mapped a plan to replace our assets as they reach their end of useful life, we also make an effort to rehabilitate as much of our equipment as possible to maintain its level of service, save the cost of replacement, and meet current and future regulatory requirements. STRATEGY 1 — Manage Assets Optimally throughout Their Lifecycle 1. Implement Board-Approved Recommendations from the CWMP and Condition Assessment ACHIEVEMENTS • Advertised for consultant engineering services for the Energy and Blower Replacement Project. • Launched new Treatment Plant Portal internal website for employees to easily access information and documents for plant and pump station assets, infrastructure, and related projects. • Performed condition assessments on Primary Sedimentation Tanks 1-4 and Pre-Aeration Tanks 1 and 2. ON THE HORIZON • We will be hosting a CASA Conference on Asset Management in September 2018. 2. Update the Consequence of Failure Matrices ACHIEVEMENT • This initiative was completed in FY 2016-17.As part of the CWMP,the consequence of failure scores were determined for gravity sewers, pumping stations, and forcemains, and the matrix for the plant was updated. 3. Implement the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Program ACHIEVEMENTS • Continued development of the RCM Program, which established a framework to improve maintenance efficiency and functional reliability of assets. • Completed Experience Centered Maintenance analysis (ECM) on the Primary Tanks. • Completed Defect Elimination analyses on Primary Tank equipment, which resulted in increased equip- ment integrity and reliability, with the installation of the following: 0 Low-point drains at several equipment connection points. G Predictiveand 0 Primary Tank Flight monitoring system. Preventive • Completed major work: Maintenance 0 Furnace No. 1 and No. 2 turnaround jobs. Our skilled in-house 0 3-year condenser cleaning and tube thickness test for Aeration Units 1 and 2. service teams conduct 0 Preventive maintenance (PM) and replacement of numerous valves and service equipment during a planned steam system outage. our - • billion 0 Annual maintenance on the Filter Plant's filters, Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) infrastructure system. Tank, medium voltage variable frequency drives, control system uninterrupti- This often presents problem-solving ble power supply, auxiliary boilers, Primary Sedimentation Tanks 1-4, and opportunities to our Pre-Aeration Tanks 1 and 2. staff, such as being 0 Designed and fabricated equipment for DAF Tank Center Shaft Gearboxes. unable •- rts and . to 0 Inspected outfall inclinometer. manufacture them 0 Began new Headworks screenings PM task. ourselves. Despite these challenges,our ON THE HORIZONthat treatment- service • Complete the ongoing Ultraviolet System and Primary System ECM analyses. is rarely interrupted. NRA6 SAUO 24 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 109 of 134 Page 26 of 48 Maintain a Reliable 4. Manage and Maintain Current Equipment and Vehicle Fleet to Provide Maximum Value ACHIEVEMENTS • 100% uptime for vehicles and equipment. • Fully implemented automatic vehicle location (AVL) on all District vehicles and enrolled in a program that saves us money and time on having our vehicles smog checked (see below). Spotlight LEVERAGING DIAGNOSTICS This year, we fully implemented the Verizon Network Fleet' t.11 AVIL and Maintenance Program, which offers many benefits. I �1 responseImproves efficiency of dispatching our field crews,which 77: decreases our reportsReduces fuel consumption Tracks vehicle diagnostic controlmaintenance plans,which helps .repair reduce addition,In .• throughrequirements waived by sending in the vehicle data collected per vehicle to we now11 per on our 83 vehicles, in addition to the staff time saved by • longer having to send 2 employees to drop off the vehicle, come back to CSO, and pick it up later in the day. STRATEGY 2 — Facilitate Long-Term Capital Renewal and Replacement 1. Integrate the Data from the Asset Management Program into the Analysis of Long-Term Capital Improvement Needs Based on the Board-Approved CWMP ACHIEVEMENTS • Received award from Cityworks° for Excellence in Departmental Practice for our implementation of the CMMS in the CSO and Plant Maintenance Divisions. • Completed pipeline replacements as recommended by the CWMP and in coordination with city or county paving projects. • Replaced 6.5 miles of pipeline. 2. Implement Business Case Evaluations, including Life-Cycle Cost, into Proposals for New Capital Improvement Program Projects to Determine the Most Cost-Effective Projects and Solutions for Projects That Were Not Identified in the Approved CWMP or the Capital Improvement Budget ACHIEVEMENT • Implemented business case evaluations in planning the following projects: Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Pumping Station Upgrades, Plant Energy Optimization Project, Solids Conditioning Building Chiller Replacement, and Server Room Relocation. 25 ' / QILCENTRAL$AN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 110 of 134 Page 27 of 48 GOAL 5 Maintain a Reliable STRATEGY 3 — Protect District Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies 1. Enhance Our Capability to Mitigate, Prepare, Respond, and Recover from Emergencies ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed Vital Records and Essential Vendors sections in the Continuity Plan. • Updated a portion of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan five-year update, which was approved by the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services and Federal Emergency Management Agency. • Transitioned email and Office3651 to be fully cloud based. • Retained a firm to conduct the move of IT equipment for relocation of the server room. • Received the Excellence in IT Practices Award from the Municipal Information Systems Association of California, which is comprised of public agency IT officials throughout the state.The award recognizes outstanding governance and operation practices, including budgeting, strategic planning, disaster prepara- tion and recovery, professional development and training, project management, customer satisfaction, and security. Central San was only 1 out of 5 special districts to receive the award, which recognized the last 2 years of the IT Division's constant efforts to protect our technology infrastructure. ON THE HORIZON • The new server room, including installation of new fiber, is expected to be operational in June 2019. Z. Evaivate and Implement Appropriate Improvements to Our Security Program to Meet ivew or Evolving Threats ACHIEVEMENTS • Contracted with a vendor to fly a security drone on a pilot basis, which gives us the ability to monitor areas security personnel may not be able to access as easily or quickly. • Evaluated 20 facilities and completed a District-wide Vulnerability/Security Study, the implementation of which is underway. • Completed the Security Assessment Master Plan and began implementation of recommendations, including developing a tracker. • Established the multi-divisional Security Coordination Committee, which reviews ongoing projects. • Replaced core network switch and network switches. • Enhanced water quality testing procedures at our headquarters office for the potable water provided to employees at the Martinez offices and plant. o Laboratory staff trained with CCWD on testing procedures and added E. coli and turbidity to the standard total coliform tests. o Laboratory staff now perform regular tests on 16 points throughout the campus. ON THE HORIZON • Continue implementation of Vulnerability/Security Study x - ' and Security Assessment Master Plan recommended enhancements. • Replace the air-gap tank to improve the safety of the potable water system for our Martinez campus. • Pilot a dual-factor authentication software to add an extra layer of security to the accessibility of our network through VPN. �CENTRALSAN 26 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 111 of 134 Page 28 of 48 ReliableMaintain a • Doing? Metric Target Performance Safety work orders ° ° completed on time 100/ 98/ G, Regulatory Title V work orders 100% 100% completed on time Planned treatment plant preventive maintenance >95% 88% completed on time Complete implementation of Target met in Infomaster® BY first quarter of 2017 FY 2016-17 >0.5% of assets Miles of pipeline replaced (7.6 miles per year for the 0.43% of assets � r next five years, (6.5 miles) starting in FY 2017-18) Capital expenditures as a percentage >90% 85% of capital budgeted cash flow Information systems uptime (excluding planned 100% 99.5%* maintenance) Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Zero lost data *Outage on December 31, 2017 resulting in approximately two days of partial downtime. Treatment Plant side network was unaffected and outage was during non-business hours with minimal impact. I � S� t 27 ,CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 112 of 134 Page 29 of 48 Embrace Technology, Innovation, Sustainability In today's world, technology is being developed at an unprecedented pace. We encourage our staff to test promising methods and find innovations that will help our environment, save money, and increase operational efficiencies. STRATEGY 1 — Augment the Region's Water Supply 1. Explore Partnering Opportunities (e.g., CCWD and East Bay Municipal Utility District) ACHIEVEMENT • Executed an MOU with CCWD and SCVWD to complete a preliminary feasibility evaluation of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project. • Continued working with the City of Concord to supply recycled water to their Concord Community Reuse Project, which is in development and could have the potential to provide recycled water to approximately 13,000 residential units and 8.4M square feet of commercial space over the next 30 years. ON THE HORIZON • Continue work on the preliminary feasibility evaluation for the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project. 2. Develop a Satellite Recycled Water Facilities (SWRF) Program ACHIEVEMENTS • Continued assisting with development of the Diablo Country Club's (DCC) 0.4M gallons per day SWRF Demonstration Project, including completing the California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study, holding two Open House Community Input Meetings, and supporting DCC through the initial phases of their Design-Build procurement process. ON THE HORIZON • Continue to support DCC's Design-Build procurement process. • Develop and execute the Operations and Property Transfer Agreement with DCC. • Procure a consulting firm to act as Owner's Representative to assist Central San in the oversight of the progressive design, construction, and commissioning of the project. Spotlight . Everyyear,we produce about 600M gallonsof recycled water,which can droughtsRECYCLING WATER be used in place of drinking water for irrigation and industrial needs. .-. us that water is a precious Station,-M Recent resource,which is why in 2014,we opened our Residential Recycled Water Fill • provide • to 300 gallons of -• water per • to our customers • additional cost. During the summer monthsof drought years,we give out an average of about 2.6M gallons per month. We also operate a Commercial Truck Fill Program for licensed contractors to obtain recycledwater • • • 11,140 visits were purposes grading, made to the Recycled Water tion this yearcompaction,and dust pur � Fill Sta • • Champion � This year,we thanked one of our dedicated residents with the Recycled 0, Water Champion Award. He made more than 350 trips to the Fill Station in FY 2016-17 i alone, • more : III gallons of -• water, and he is just one of the 2,335 people who have used the Fill Station since it opened. OCENTRALSAN 28 18 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 113 of 134 Page 30 of 48 Embrace Technology, Innovation, Sustainability STRATEGY 2 — Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Business Operations 1. Perform Business Process Mapping and Re-Engineering • Implemented the Intellitime° e-timekeeping system, eliminating paperwork and the associated potential for errors. The system allows employees to manage their timekeeping online, including submitting leave requests and timesheets, from a District computer, phone, or tablet. • Analyzed and documented our current business processes and assessed our readiness for a new ERP. This identified opportunities for efficiencies in the targeted areas of Accounting, Asset Management, Benefits, Budget, Community Development and Permitting, Customer Billing, HR, Payroll, Personnel Recruitment, Procure to Pay, Capital Projects Planning, Risk Management, Treasury, and Property and Land Manage- ment. • Issued an RFP for new ERP on schedule in June 2018. • Implemented Dig Smart', a ticket management software which automatically creates work orders in Cityworks°, to save time and improve the accuracy of the information being recorded for the approxi- mately 20 Underground Service Alert service requests made to CSO every day. • Completed implementation of Infoworks° hydrodynamic model and flow calibration. • Started implementation of a new PMIS, e-Builder°, for Planning and Capital Projects. • Simplified the Purchasing requisition approval process by establishing authorization levels based on supervisory position criteria, reducing the number of approval levels from 18 to 3. • Implemented automatic notifications from Purchasing to project managers to ensure contract renewals are done in a timely manner. • Began evaluating RFPs online, replacing a manual, labor-intensive process with a streamlined and fully automated process which creates reports to substantiate the evaluation committee's recommendation for award. Central San is an innovative industry leader in operational excellence and P2 programs; AR We are always looking for new - technologiesI efficiency 1 � ymeasures to provide highest level of service to our customers. Roger • - 29 Q(l.CENTRAL$AN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 114 of 134 10 Page 31 of 48 Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability ON THE HORIZON • Update Purchasing Procedures, which will be easier for staff to understand and to implement. • Leverage the feedback from the Purchasing Requisition Ticket System's internal customer satisfaction surveys to improve Purchasing's practices and customer satisfaction levels. • Implement the new ERP. Full implementation is a significant undertaking and is expected to take approxi- mately two years, with significant time needed from staff. The new ERP will modernize and optimize the way we do business, with eventual time savings in reduction of paperwork and inefficient processes, allowing staff to focus on more high-level work. • Full implementation of e-Builder° expected by July 1, 2019. • By repurposing a vacant Accountant position, a new Contracts Analyst position has been created, which will be dedicated to public works projects for more efficient contracting. STRATEGY 3 — Encourage the Review and Testing of Promising and Leading Technology 1. Expand and Improve the Use of Mobile Computing and Communication Technologies ACHIEVEMENTS • Mobile devices were deployed to the Plant Maintenance crews for efficient work order access, access to shop drawings and asset histories, and other uses. CSO and Environmental Compliance also use tablets to perform their work in the field. • Successfully piloted two new software programs to make the following processes electronic: 0 Conference room scheduling via a tablet mounted outside the conference room. 0 Sign-in log for visitors, which also takes pictures of our visitors and automatically alerts the Central San staff member that their visitor has arrived. • Implemented iAuditor application to allow safety inspections to be conducted via cellphone or tablet. • Began livestreaming Board Meetings to the lobby and web-accessible devices, allowing staff time to hear discussion on items of interest from their office. ON THE HORIZON • Install webcams in conference rooms to conduct remote interviews and meetings. 82%OF OUR ELECTRICAL 30 TABLETS ENERGY OUTFITTED 10 SMART PRODUCED E TO BOARDS IN-HOUSE TREATMENT INSTALLED IN We purchase natural gas to fuel PLANT STAFF CONFERENCE our cogeneration system. Pads allow plant maintenance ` ` ROOMS Thanks to a carbon monoxide staff to access work orders and catalyst that was installed in reference documents,such as • Utilizing touch-screen technology the system in November,we shop drawings and repair which combines a whiteboard now produce even more of our histories,on site.Our CSO • and a monitor connected to a own electrical energy relative crews and Environmental computer,smart boards are used to our total electrical load,and Compliance inspectors also to conduct more productive we expect to see this number utilize mobile devices to conduct meetings, reduce paper handouts, increase during a full year's use their work more efficiently. and hold video conference calls of the catalyst. and webinars. I. 30 � 30 18 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 115 of 134 Page 32 of 48 • 2. Continue Developing and Investing in Cost-Effective Innovation,Technology, and Applied Research and Development ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed the following pilots to inform the Solids Handling Facilities Project: 0 Wet Scrubber Demonstration Pilot. 0 Scrubber Water Treatment Pilot. • Completed Lime Reduction Bench Testing, Wet Scrubber Liquid Testing, and Scrubber Water Bench Testing. • Completed technical review of two innovative technologies:Aerobic Granular Sludge and Membrane Aerated Bioreactors. • Presented at conferences on the following topics: 0 Migrating Legacy Applications into a Model-View Controller ; ? Framework. • 0 Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Solids(HYPOWERS) Project. 0 Collection System Rehabilitation Spending. pop ON THE HORIZON • Our Scrubber Water Liquid Evaluation and Bench Testing(part of the Wet Scrubber Demonstration Pilot) pilot project abstract has been accepted for presentation at the Water Environment Federation Conference in October 2018. STRATEGY 4 — Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy 1. Explore Opportunities for Self-Generation, Conservation, and Efficiency Based on the Board-Approved CWMP ACHIEVEMENTS • Completed construction of the Cogeneration Energy Optimization Project to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions for the treatment plant. • Started Phase 1 of a multi-agency coalition to test a hydrothermal resource recovery process for solids handling at Central San (HYPOWERS Project). • Embarked on an innovative procurement process to develop a public-private partnership for the implementation of a Bioenergy Facility that would demonstrate a new solids handling technology that could postpone or eliminate the need for us to add anaerobic digestion in the treatment plant, while producing onsite renewable energy. After completing a year-long evaluation, it was determined that a suspected capacity limitation in our existing solids handling facilities was not an issue, so the procure- ment was terminated in May 2018. From this process, we learned that investing in Central San's existing facilities is the most economical approach for handling wastewater solids for the next 20+years. ON THE HORIZON • Potential energy savings performance contract, in which a vendor could develop and implement a District -wide energy savings strategy. 31 ,CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 116 of 134 MULTIAGENCY PARTNERSHIPS WORKING TOGETHER TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Central San is working with CCWD and SCVWD to supply two oil refineries in our service area with recycled water. CCWD currently serves the refineries with high-quality surface water from the Central Valley Project. In short,through this exchange,we would supply recycled water to CCWD,who would ' send it to the refineries, and the foregone CCWD supply would be provided to SCVWD.The purposes of the exchange are the following: I • be beneficial to all parties • improve water supply reliability +f • serve as an innovative example of three agencies working together to protect our resources. Jr Hydrothermal Bioenergy Pilot We are part of the HYPOWERS bioenergy project team, � ;,+`� '.- which was awarded a $1.2M Department of Energy " r' `. ` s �•.`_.r g emerging rant to test an emer inhydrothermal resource recovery process for solids handling. With water,temperature, and pressure,the process r converts sludge into biocrude oil and natural gas in less than an hour with approximately 99%conversion of organics. Central San was selected as the location for the 3 ton per day pilot project because of our proximity �[ to oil refineries, who are potential end-users of the recovered biocrude byproduct. Phase 1,which entails pilot planning, design, and permitting, has begun. Phase 2 will be the construction and operation of the pilot. + f' 1, We are proud to be a part of this multi-agency ' collaboration with the Water Environment& Reuse + Foundation, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Genifuel, Merrick& Co.,Tesoro Corporation, MicroBio _ Engineering,SoCal Gas, and others. +� c nrrucowm� ---------i iK 1 1 i ''• C•. • • •- •. .•' • Page 34 of 48 Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability— How Are We D. Metric Target Performance Total gallons of recycled water >240M gallons per year 219,093,357 gallons* . distributed to external customers Maximum Residential Recycled Water Fill Station 15 minutes <15 minutes customer wait time Gallons of recycled water � distributed at the Residential >14M gallons per year 2,447,911 gallons* �, Recycled Water Fill Station Gallons of recycled water distributed at the >4M gallons per year 796,338 gallons* , Commercial Truck Fill Program Kilowatt hours (kWh) of >18M kWh per year 20.1M kWh electricity produced (reported as a rolling average) kWh of solar power produced >200 kWh per year 282.3 kWh at CSO and HHW (reported as a rolling average) Pilot test >3 pilot tests or reviews new and promising technology per year 5 pilot tests or reviews Present research papers >3 papers per year 4 papers and findings * Dependent upon mandatory drought restrictions and weather. Y 33QI10ENTRAL$AN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 118 of 134 LOOKING AHEAD EXECUTING THE FY 2018-20 STRATEGIC PLAN Beyond "Business as Usual" Our first and foremost duty is to reliably and safely collect and treat wastewater to protect the public health of our community. To help us achieve that mission and t simultane- ously keep our rates competitive in the face of challenges, we F ,�;� operate by a few informal philosophies: r 3.ML- • Use What You Have — We apply corrective maintenance and perform studies to prolong the life of existing infrastructure as it ages and becomes unable to meet the changing regulatory needs. • Do More with Less — For the second year in a row, we have kept our operating budget flat. Simultaneously, we ► look to double our capital budget so we can sustain our infrastructure and prepare it for the future. • Don't Just Fix It; Improve It — Our Plant Maintenance staff is undergoing a culture shift, exceeding their regular maintenance tasks by also asking themselves how they M���N.«,. �, ■ , can do that work better. EiFLCIKT • Eyes on the Prize — We strive to win awards, not just to give ourselves credit where it is due, but to encourage our staff to keep doing award-winning-level work. y FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan /f -�► i 1 We designed the FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan in the spirit of the . FY 2016-18 Strategic Plan, with a focus on continuous improvement, innovation, excellence, and leveraging technology to be more efficient. A few highlighted updates made to the FY 2016-18 Plan include the following: • Adjusted metrics based upon past years' performance to + strive to meet stretch goals and challenge ourselves to do better • Added 8 more metrics to help keep us accountable, fora �� f Rti�' F -7'r new total of 58 metrics • Updated components to reflect current priorities and practices. ` As we begin our execution of the FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan, ' we look forward to proving time and time again to our customers that they are receiving the best service at responsible rates. +# Page 36 of 48 FOUNDACRONYMS DOCUMENT AVL Automatic Vehicle Location IT Information Technology BACWA Bay Area Clean Water Agencies kWh Kilowatt hour BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics M Million CARB California Air Resources Board MOU Memorandum of Understanding National Association of California Association of NACWA CASA Clean Water Agencies Sanitation Agencies NOV Notice of Violation CCTV Closed-circuit Televising NPDES National Pollutant Discharge CCWD Contra Costa Water District Elimination System CEC Constituents of Emerging Concern OPEB Other Post-Employment Benefits CMMS Computerized Maintenance P2 Pollution Prevention Management System PM Preventive Maintenance CSO Collection System Operations PMIS Project Management CWEA California Water Environment Information System Association DAF Dissolved Air Flotation QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control DCC Diablo Country Club RCM Reliability Centered Maintenance ECM Experience Centered Maintenance RFP Request for Proposal ERP Enterprise Resource Planning SCVWD Santa Clara Valley Water District EUM Effective Utility Management SSO Sanitary Sewer Overflow HHW Household Hazardous Waste SWRF Satellite Water Recycling Facility HHWCF Household Hazardous Waste Uniform Public Construction Collection Facility UPCCAA Cost Accounting Act HR Human Resources HYPOWERS Hydrothermal Processing of Wastewater Solids 35Q ml—CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 120 of 134 Page 37 of 48 r + _. y F R ti f: 1 F ii r lfi iii• '' -r - / - . ++++iiia 1 WED L. W-- CENTRAL SAN • • ��� ■ }� 5019 [MHaFF PLACE,MARTitJEZ.CA 94553-4392 ;p- CENTRALSAN.ORG _ 4 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 121 of 134 20 consecutive qecirsABOUT CENTRAL SANcompli(ince with our wosl�ewoter 1 A" E44:121112.1 • •• p• We are a special district responsible for the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA --=� SANITARY DISTRICT collection and treatment of wastewater in a visitors11,140 '' • FY 2017-18 182-square-mile service area Fill . . in Contra Costa County. STRATEGIC PLAN ANNUAL REPORT MEMIll•• 0 • - ••- Our 274 employees strive to bring you the best3. SUMMARY OF • , , customer service service at responsible rates.We pride ourselves • •• on our commitment to continuous ACHIEVEMENTS --'!!!mmmmmmmWr3i I I improvement and innovation.We are f _ -- sl�udents educoted ingoverned by a five-member Board of Directors. • Founded July 15,1946 lbs. of '' out of • Service Area:Alamo, Danville, Lafayette, • • - Moraga,Orinda, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, r` � •'� Walnut Creek; portions of San Ramon and 17,153 lbs. of Martinez;and Concord and Clayton byphdrmdceudcols collected • contract. • Population Served:488,900 residents and 3,000+ businessesproduced in house , • Pipelines of Sewer Maintained:1,500 miles • Wastewater Treated Daily:44M gallons • Recycled Water Produced Annually: 600M gallons NOT JUST WASTEWATER... We take our role as stewards of the environment seriously.We also collect household hazardous waste (HHW)and pharmaceuticals for proper PROTECTING R disposal, provide recycled water to be used for HONORS nonpotable purposes, and educate the O . Leading Utilities of the World Member community to prevent pollution at the source. • National Association of Clean Water PUBLIC Agencies Platinum 20 Award THE ENVIRONMENT FOR MORE • CA Water Environment Association INFORMATION Research Achievement of the Year Award for our Wet Scrubber September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting'Agenda Packet 1122-sof 134 Demonstration Pilot GOAL 1 Provide Exceptional At Central San, we owe it to our customers to feel as if we have never"arrived." Customer Service We are driven by a constant need to deliver value to them. • Held HHW Collection Facility 20th Anniversary Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Collection Drive,serving 907 visitors in just one week. - - • Hosted 3rd annual Central San Citizens Academy. • Launched new customer website. GOAL 3 Be a Fiscally Sound and GOAL 5 Maintain a Reliable • Redesigned pollution-prevention educational y programs to better inspire ouryouth to help support Effective Water Sector Utility Infrastructure the local environment for decades to come. • Adopted FY 2018-19 budget,keeping operating • Completed Pleasant Hill-Grayson CreekTrunk r costs flat. Sewer Project,rehabilitating 10,000 ft.of pipeline. • Performed internal audits on procurement cards, • Increased our electrical energy self-sufficiency. payroll,and petty cash processes. • Performed experience-and reliability-centered • Established pension pre-funding trust with$5.36M. maintenance to prolong the life of our assets. • Emphasized optimizations as a means of • Implemented automatic vehicle location to managing costs. improve efficiency of dispatching our field crews. v • Maintained a AAA credit rating from Standard& • Completed Security Assessment Master Plan. Poor's. • Established Security Coordination Committee. i ISaved$297130 in benefits costs through HR- GOAL 2 Strive to Meet negotiated rate decreases from medical and Regulatory dental providers. Requirements r Adopted the Uniform Public Construction Cost ■� _ • Reduced sanitary sewer overflows Accounting Act to reduce costs of bidding projects. from 39 to 25. Maintained an 8.91 debt service coverage ratio. • Cleaned 772 miles of pipeline, GOAL 6 Embrace Technology, limiting spills to 1.65 per 100 miles. t Innovation, and • Engaged actively with regulators to maintain our :. �` ` Environmental Sustainability compliance record and stay attuned to potential F �. ,� • Received Municipal Information Systems future challenges. Association of CA Excellence in IT Practices Award. Continued expansion of recycled water service through partnerships with Concord Community Reuse Project and Diablo Country Club. Executed memorandum of understanding for preliminary feasibility evaluation GOAL 4 Develop and Retain a Highly of multi-agency partnership to i Trained and Innovative ., supply recycled water to nearby Workforce refineries. 4y Amok — Completed second Management Leadership Evaluated public-private partner It '' Academy. interest in a bioenergy faci I ity. • Began second Supervisory Academy. • Saved -$14M on our project to • Paired 6 mentees in the Mentorship Program. improve our solids handling ro, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Ager1 �I0&k fefjeqgiQtobh 14 topics. facilities by piloting new technology. A 09/10/18 STRATEGIC PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 ANNUAL REPORT 41�•9� 8t �N Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2018 ANNUAL ftEPOft1 T IYY _ 7A Christina Gee NW- Management Analyst I VISION, MISSION, VALUES&GOALS 1 OURVISION TP be a high performanreorganiaatlan that provldesexeeptl...I walomer—iu and regulamrycemPliance at responsible ares OURMISSION Tap-tpubhchealthandtheenvlmnrnedt OURVALUES people Commun-gS pa.iplea LeadershivaiM .ValceauomenaM.va�veware��.ro� .eemnhn,laaa thaess[ommllmenr emPwree: Women, .Bela�nw�aeahe heBx,ird,aM -BeryeGearhother -PosteveacHknl fneM1Y eihdemlY •Vlahasauam omnuniyrelstmAPs,TaeeowmdtlPaM 'ProawteapaofonM- -@khra,eoa� •Eeopm.tranaporem re,ponvbility bc+nP>aantwoddwa tlleam MaueuiWe .Enewrage[antlmnus fiamourAalknges•BUIWpannershiPs 9rwvN aM dallopmenl •U—dsmke •Insplrededlrnionand IrvNeapxtatbna K9Guallryixsills - OURGOALS ANNE= .Provideexcep[ional cuslamertervice •Oerelop and relalna highly trained and •StHve to meet regulatory req Plremems lnnonatNawo106- •BeaB.01,suundanddr.dvewater •-11.ln ar,11A1eThrPsr,uctuae sellar utility •Embrace technPlegy,innovation and envlronmema I suswmabnuy �yw JL Effective during FY 2017-18. This version was updated for the 2018-20 Strategic Plan. ' z September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 124 of 134 1 09/10/18 EFFECTIVE UTILITY MANAGEMENT (EUM) TEN KEY ATTRIBUTES • Product Quality • Customer Satisfaction • Employee and Leadership Development - • Operational Optimization • Financial Viability • Infrastructure Strategy and Performance Effective utility Management • Enterprise Resiliency aPri—I.,W.W,and Was—Iw ,JT,I.,'e • Community Sustainability • Water Resource Sustainability • aEM Stakeholder Understanding a�_ NACWA .. i tam and Support =- 3 ' PERFORMANCE CATEGORIES Target met • Performance met or exceeded the target Target not met / Stretch goal • Performance fell short of the target • Target is a stretch goal • Current and past performance is not within reach of the target • Performance is affected by circumstances out of our control Target not met • Performance fell short, but within reach, of the target 4 ' CENTRALSAN September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 125 of 134 2 09/10/18 SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS Completed Work in Each of the 40 Initiatives and 6 Goals • Held signature event celebrating the 20th anniversary of Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility(HHWCF) • Achieved National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Platinum 20 award for 20 consecutive years of 100% compliance with our wastewater discharge permit • Reduced sanitary sewer overflows from 39 to 25 • Adopted FY 2018-19 Budget, maintaining a flat operating budget • Inducted into Leading Utilities of the World • Saved $14M through findings of the Wet Scrubber Demonstration Pilot • Negotiated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD)to investigate feasibility of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange 6 ' SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS 50 Performance Metrics — 64% Target Met/ 24% Stretch Goal Not Met / 12% Target Not Met • 3.96/4.0 average customer service rating for collection system emergency calls • 96% permit counter customer satisfaction rating • 3,443 students served by education programs • 97% of pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time • 100% of Environmental Compliance inspections completed on time • 8.91 debt service coverage ratio • 4.8% turnover rate, including retirements (4% below the industry median) • Zero lost data due to data backup and recovery systems • 5 pilot tests/reviews • 4 research papers presented 6 ' September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 126 of 134 3 09/10/18 Goal provide Exceptional Customer Service One, • Launched new customer website • Redesigned pollution prevention educational programs • Held third Central San Academy session • Supported Board presentations and meetings with stakeholders • Issued two rounds of customer surveys • 94.3% rating on construction projects - i CENTRALSAN z HHWCF 20TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION DRIVE • October 16-21, 2017 • 907 visitors: our highest participation week ever • 7x increase in new users �= • Average of 151 cars served per day ' • 67% increase in cars served over the same = week in 2017 �µ J 8 ' September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 127 of 134 4 09/10/18 Goal Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Twos • Achieved the NACWA Platinum 20 award • Staff actively involved with Bay Area Clean Water Agencies, California Association of Sanitation Agencies, and California Special Districts Association Legislative Committee • Kept GHG emissions below 25,000 metric tons of CO2e • Cleaned 772 miles of sewer pipe and limited sewer spills to 1.65 per 100 miles of pipeline CENTRAL SAN df,NViL Goal Be A Fiscally Sound and Effective Three Water Sector Utility • Board adoption of Rates and Fees on June 7, 2018 • Completed Capacity Fee Review of 60 businesses with patio dining and new procedure to calculate fees approved by the Board • Adopted Debt Management and Continuing Disclosure Board Policy • Established pension pre-funding trust and funded it with $5.359M • Performed internal audit on procurement cards, payroll, and petty cash • Emphasized optimizations as a means of managing costs • Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act in effect September 1, 2018 for potential cost savings 10 ' September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 128 of 134 5 09/10/18 Goal Develop and Retain a Highly Trained and Four, Innovative Workforce • Continued work on consolidating training tracking • Completed Management Leadership Academy • Began Supervisory Academy " • Paired 6 mentees in Mentorship Program • Collaborated in multi-divisional efforts to complete several large projects -- • Held 84 safety trainings on 34 topics .i CENTRALSAN y. Goal Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Five • Completed Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Project (10,000 feet of 18- to 24-inch trunk sewers) • Constructed Pump and Blower Building Seismic ■ Upgrades and Cogeneration Optimization Project • Performed Experience Centered Maintenance on y Primary Tank • Fully implemented automatic vehicle location • Enrolled in Bureau of Automotive Repairs Smog Program, saving $4,100/year • Achieved 100% uptime for vehicles and equipment • Established Security Coordination Committee • Received Excellence in IT Practices Award from Municipal Information Systems Association of California CENTRALSANz September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 129 of 134 6 09/10/18 Goal Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Six,& Environmental Sustainability A • Continued to expand recycled water service through partnerships with Concord Community Reuse Project and Diablo Country Club • Received California Water Environment Association Research Achievement of the Year Award for Wet Scrubber Demonstration Pilot • Executed MOU for preliminary feasibility evaluation of Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project • Began implementation of project management information system • Analyzed business processes for enterprise resource planning replacement readiness • Began using Dig Smart®for the —20 Underground Service Request alerts received every day 13 Goal Embrace Technology, Innovation, and Six Environmental Sustainability (continued) AM • Mobile devices deployed to Treatment Plant staff • Cogeneration catalyst increased electrical energy produced in house relative to total electrical load to 82% • Completed work with new technologies • Wet Scrubber Demonstration (completed) • Scrubber Water Treatment(completed) • HYPOWERS (in progress) - • Aerobic Granular Sludge(technical review completed) .� • Membrane Aerated Bioreactors (technical review completed) • Evaluated public-private partner interest in bioenergy facility 11resented at three conferences 14 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 130 of 134 7 09/10/18 ON THE HORIZON FOR FY 2018-19 •Tackle performance challenges • Continue dialogue with regulators • Enhance the performance evaluation process • Implement efficiencies to free up staff time •Work toward Refinery Recycled Water Exchange • Replace ERP software • Update intranet • Formalize Optimizations Program FY 2018-20 STRATEGIC PLAN •Beyond "Business as Usual" • Use what you have STRATEGIC • Do more with less PLAN • Don't just fix it; improve it • Eyes on the prize •Strategic Plan Update �FYZ018 20 • Adjusted pre-existing metrics • Added new metrics • Updated components to reflect current priorities and practices 16 ' September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 131 of 134 8 09/10/18 QUESTIONS? ,7 September 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 132 of 134 9