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Item 7.
Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm
General Manager District Counsel
In accordance with Board Policy No. BP 026 — Legislative Advocacy, the Board may provide direction to
staff on positions related to priority legislation.
Under BP 026 — Legislative Advocacy, when legislation has direct impact on Central San or special
significance to the Board, the General Manager will present information to the Board on priority legislation.
The Board may then provide direction as to Central San's position on the legislation.
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Staff has reviewed pending legislation and worked with member associations to identify possible direct
impacts on Central San. The process to create and pass legislation is constantly in flux; the priority
legislation presented in this Position Paper represents the most confident analysis and due diligence
research at this time. As new information becomes available, it will be presented at future Board
Attached is an updated Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet and other attachments of interest. At this
meeting, staff is recommending that the Board take action or provide direction on the priority legislation
listed on the Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet based on staff recommendations listed in the Board
Legislative Summary Table.
The Board may choose from the following positions on each piece of legislation:
• Support
• Support if Amended
• Neutral
• Oppose Unless Amended
• Oppose
This matter was not reviewed by a Board Committee.
If applicable, take one of the following actions on Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet or another legislative
1. Adopt staff recommended position(s) on the priority legislation; or
2. Adopt a different position on one or more pieces of the priority legislation; or
3. Take no action
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 1 - Build external customer relationships and awareness
1. Central San Priority Legislation Tracking Sheet
2. Title XVI background fact sheet
3. Title XVI-W1 I N reauthorization proposal
4. Central San support letter of SB 929 McGuire
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5. SB 212 Analysis from Senate Environmental Quality Committee
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Central San 2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 9/10/18
Federal/ Industry Position Date of Board
Author Legislation Also Known As Summary Organization(s) Priority Recommended by Board otes
State a List/Position Staff Direction Decision
1 Federal President President's Protect Cuts to The President's FY19 budget request WateReuse - oppose Oppose 4 03/15/18 Op 9/6/18 Submitted Central San input for
FY19 budget Title XVI and included an over 90% cut to the Bureau of cuts WaterReuse call to action in support of Title XVI-
request Increase funding Reclamation's Title XVI water reuse program WIIN Reauthorization. 3/6/18 - Call to action
for WaterSMART from $34.5M in FY17 to $3M. Title XVI is the received by WateReuse to sign onto WateReuse
and Title XVI only federal program that specifically multiagency letter by COB March 12. WateReuse
programs supports water recycling efforts. The Association is asking Congress to reject these
program has invested $692 million in direct cuts and provide at least level funding for Title XVI
federal spending while leveraging at least an in FY19. Letter deadline for House is March 16
additional $2.07 billion of local investment to and Senate is March 30.
provide a sustainable long-term reliable
supply of water for residents and businesses
in the West. 0
2 Federal Napolitano (D- H. R. 5127 Water Recycling Establishes a grant program for the funding Western Recycled Water Support 03/15/18 3/6/18 In House Committee on Natural Resources:
32) Los Angeles Investment and of water recycling and reuse projects. Coalition - Support, Referred to Subcommittee on Water, Power and
area, Co-author Improvement Act WateReuse - Support Oceans. Introduced on 2/27/18. In both House
DeSaulnier (CA- Committee on Natural Resources and Committee
11) on Transportation and Infrastructure
3 Federal Katko (R-NY 24) H. R. 4902 Drinking Water Amends the Water Infrastructure Finance CASA- Support Support 03/15/18 Support 2/2/18 In House Committee on Science, Space
and Clean Water and Innovation Act of 2014; provides to state and Technology: Referred to Subcommittee on
Loans infrastructure financing authorities additional Environment. 1/31/18 Introduced and in House
opportunities to receive loans under that Act Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure:
to support drinking water and clean water Referred to Subcommittee on Water Resources
state revolving funds to deliver water and Environment.
infrastructure to communities across the
United States.
4 Federal Boozman (R- S. 2364 Drinking Water Amends the Water Infrastructure Finance CASA- Support Support 03/15/18 Support Introduced in Senate Committee on
AR), Co-Author (Identical bill to and Clean Water and Innovation Act of 2014; provides to state Environment and Public Works
Feinstein (D-CA) H.R. 4902) Loans infrastructure financing authorities additional
opportunities to receive loans under that Act
to support drinking water and clean water
state revolving funds to deliver water
infrastructure to communities across the
United States.
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Central San 2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 9/10/18
5 State Wieckowski cry 831 Similar ADUs update Would prohibit the imposition of any fees, Watch: CASA, ACWA, Oppose 03/15/18 Watch 3/31/18 SB 831, AB 2890 has officially failed. All
bolls AB 2Qon including connection or capacity fees, for the CSDA on 5/3/18 Sills have failed. AB 2890 In Senate. Read Second
Tong and SB construction of an accessory dwelling unit. SUP_ : Bay Area Oppose on time and amended. Re-referred to Appropriations.
1469 Skinner The bill is attached for your review. ACWA Council (sponsor); Bay 3/15/18 SB 831 6/27/18 Heard Asm Local Gov't
(all three hills proposed SB 831 edits: (b)AGGessory dwelling Area Rapid Transit Committee - remains in committee. AB 2890
are dead) units and juni0F aeeessory dwelling units permitted (BART); California Passed Senate Governance and Finance
pursuant to this non+.nn shall not be ..",.,oi.JororJ by
Apartment Association; Committee and now in Senate Appropriations.
a local ge +„ , speeial, .,o,."residential+,,, „�o for the OF water California Association of 4/25/18 Author has agreed to remove language
..+o I..,.I.,+�e re ng si enti.l u e f.r t h Realtors; California eliminating fee authority for water/ww connection
PUFPoses ew
development. For an accessory dwelling unit tha Building Industry and capacity charges to fall in line with last year's
is not described in paragraph (1)or paragraph (2 Association (CBIA); ADU agreement. 4/17/2018 - Central San sent
of subdivision (a), a local agency, special district; California Chamber of opposition letter to the committee to register
or water corporation may require a new or Commerce; opposition to bill. CASA concerns: Eliminating fee
separate utility connection directly between the authority for one particular type of residential
accessory dwelling unit and the utility. Consistent construction is contrary to our obligations to
with Section 66013, the connection may be assess proportional fees under Propositions 218
subject to a connection fee or capacity charge, or and 26. It could lead to one class of ratepayers
equivalent charge for new service that shall be subsidizing rates for another class, which is
proportionate to the burden of the proposed
accessory dwelling unit, based upon either its size prohibited by Prop 218. Finally, CASA believes
or the number of its plumbing fixtures, upon the that there has not been sufficient time to evaluate
water or sewer system. This fee or charge shall the impact of the fee restrictions agreed to in SB
not exceed the reasonable cost of providing this 1069 in 2016 and SB 229 in 2017.
6 State Bloom AB 2379 Waste Requires that clothing made from fabric that Californians Against Support 03/15/18 Support 6/20/18 This bill has officially failed. 6/4/18 Ir.
Management: is more than a specified percentage of Waste - Support Assembly. To inactive file (dormant). 4/30/18 in
Polyester polyester bear a conspicuous label stating Assembly for third reading. 4/18/18 amendments
Microfiber that the garment sheds plastic microfibers remove recommendation to handwash the
when washed and reeammending hand clothing. Some BAPPG members suggesting
Wig. Prohibits a person from selling or support. 2/14/18 introduced.
offering for sale clothing made from fabric
that is more than a specified percentage
polyester that does not bear that label.
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Central San 2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 9/10/18
AB 3037 Community Would establish a new version of redevelopment agencies CSDA - Oppose Unless Opposed Unless 05/03/18 Opposed 6/8/18 This bill has officially failed. 5/25/18 Held in
(,e-termed redevelopment housing and infrastructure
agencies). 1. Uses the Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Amended. Amended Unless Assembly Appropriations Committee. 4/30/18
Law of 2018 District(EIFD)law as a model in many ways; however, like Amended Passed second reading to third no amendments
former RDAs,the new redevelopment housing and since 4/26. 4/25 passed out of Asm Local Gov't
infrastructure agencies do not require voter approval and Committee - now on to Appropriations. 4/11
they are able to access the school/State share of the
property tax increment. Their access to the school/State passed out of Asm Housing and Community
share of the property tax increment requires approval from Development Committee. AB 1792 Fraiser spot bill
the California Department of Finance and will be capped at is similar. Set for hearing on 4/25/18 in Asm Local
a yet-to-be-determined amount.2. As with EIFDs,each Gov't Committee.
affected taxing entity(each special district and typically the
county)within the jurisdiction of the redevelopment agency
would be given one seat on the board of the redevelopment
agency;the city creating the agency would have two seats
total;there would also be two public seats., 3.Similar to
EIFDs and former RDAs,the proposed redevelopment
housing and infrastructure agencies would require a certain
percentage of all revenue to go toward affordable housing
projects. The current draft requires 30 percent,which is
more than what EIFDs and former RDAs were required to
set aside.4. Unlike former RDAs,the stated intent is to
keep affected taxing entities(special districts and counties)
"whole"in terms of property tax revenue.The bill attempts
to achieve this by establishing a"passthrough"equivalent
to the amount of property tax increment diverted from the
county and special districts. The passthrough is primarily
funded with ERAF dollars.
8 State Portantino SB 1263 Ocean Protection Requires the State Ocean Protection Council CASA- Sponsored Leg Support 05/03/18 Support 9/6/18 To Governor for signature. 8/28/18 Passed
Council: to adopt and implement a Statewide Senate concurrence. 8/20-27 1-2-3 Asm
Statewide Microplastics Strategy relating to microplastic Readings. Passed out of Asm on 80-0 vote.
Microplastics materials that pose an emerging concern for 8/16/18 pulled from Asm suspense file and passer
Strategy ocean health and that includes specified out of Asm Appropriation 6/28/18 In Assembly
components, to the extent funds are amended and re-referred to Appropriations
available from bonds or other sources. Committee. )/26/18 Passed out of Asm Enviro
5atety and Toxic Materials Committee and now in
Asm Appropriations. 6/19/18 Authors
amendments from Asm Water, Parks and Wildlife
Committee. 6/11/18 To Assembly Water, Parks &
Wildlife and Enviro Safety & Toxic Materials
Committees. 5/31/18 PASSED Senate. 5/29/18 In
Senate - to Special Consent Calendar due to lack
of opposition. 5/22/18 hearing set in Senate
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Central San 2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 9/10/18
State Ting AB 2065 Local Agencies: Expands the definition of local agency to CSDA - Oppose Unless Oppose 05/03/18 Oppose 6/8/18 This bill has officially failed. 5/25/18: Held in
surplus land include sewer, water, utility, and local and Amended. Assembly Appropriations Committee. 5/15/18
regional park districts, joint powers Letter signed by Central San GM to oppose.
authorities, successor agencies to former 5/2/18 In Assembly Appropriations on Suspense
redevelopment agencies, housing authorities, file. 4/16/18 Read second time and amended. Re-
and other political subdivisions of this state referred to Appropriations Committee.
and any instrumentality thereof that is
empowered to acquire and hold real
property, thereby requiring these entities to
comply with the requirements for the disposal
of surplus land.
State Daly AB 2003 Public contracts: Currently, Sanitation Districts are required to Orange County Support 05/03/18 Support 5/16/18 Author removed bill - Orange Co.
sanitation post bid notices over a certain amount in a Sanitation District Sanitation will look to try again in 2019 Legislative
districts: notice print newspaper of general circulation. These sponsored legislation. Session. 5/9/18 at 1:30 heard in Asm Local
costs can be quite large, and bids for local CASA- Support, CSDA - Government Committee. Orange County San
wastewater projects generally do not come Support estimates approximately $500,000 in savings over
from print newspaper adds. This bill would 10 years should bill pass.
instead require the notice to be published in
a manner that the district board determines
to be reasonable, which may include, but is
not limited to, newspapers, Internet Web
sites, radio, television, or other means of
mass communication.
11 State McGuire SB 929 Special Districts: Requires every independent special district to CSDA - Sponsored Support 05/03/18 Support 8/28/18 to Governor for signature. 8/23/18 Central
Internet Web maintain an Internet Web site that clearly Legislation San sent letter requesting Governor's signature.
Sites lists contact information for the special 8/22/18 Passed Senate concurrence 39-0. 8/20/18
district. Passed Assembly 80-0. 8/16/ In Asm for 3rd
reading from consent. 7/2/18 In Assembly. To thirc
reading. 6/27/18 Passed from Asm Appronriation-
Committee 16-0. To consent calendar 6/13/18 In
Assembly Appropriations Committee. 4/30/18 In
Assembly Local Gov't Committee. 4/23/18 In
Senate: Read third time. Passed on 38-0 vote to
Asm. 4/17/18 Read second time - Senate. 4/16/18
passed out of Senate Appropriations on 7-0 vote.
3/22/18 Central San Letter of Support sent - CSDA
Call to Action
State MS AB 2613 Failure to Pay Makes an employer, or other person acting Oppose 05/17/18 Oppose oi,D i/ i o i , is bill has officially failed. 6/28/18 This
Wages: Penalties individually or as an officer, agent, or bill is likely d(-Ad but staff will cnntimip tn monitor.
employee of another person, who fails to pay 6/4/18 In Assembly. To Inactive File. 5/29/18 In
or causes a failure to pay specified wages of Assembly for third reading. 5/11/18 Asked CASA
each employee, subject to a penalty payable to add to their bill tracking list - Watch. 5/2/18 In
to each affected employee, per pay period Assembly Committee on Appropriations: To
where the wages due are not paid on time. Suspense File.
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Central San 2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 9/10/18
13 State Cervantes ACA 31 Public employee Prohibits an employee of a public employer CSDA - Oppose Oppose 06/07/18 Oppose 8/31/18 This constitutional amendment has
Constitutional salaries: limit from receiving an annual base salary or pay officially failed. 6/21/18 To Asm Public Employees,
Amendment rate that exceeds the salary of the Governor Retirement and Social Security Committee.
as established by the Citizens Compensation 5/24/18 Sent to print - 3 printing days. 5/23/18
Commission that is effective at the time the Introduced.
An" employment contract is entered. AMM
14 State Jackson and SB 212 Solid Waste: Establishes a pharmaceutical and sharps California Product Support 06/21/18 Support 9/8/18 Enrolled (certified then sent to Governor for
Ting Pharmaceutical waste stewardship program, under which Stewardship Council - signature). 8/24/18 Central San signed onto large-
and Sharps each manufacturer of covered drugs or Sponsored Legislation scale coalition letter in support. 6/27/18 In
Disposal sharps, as defined, in the state would be Assembly. Coauthors revised. Language
required to establish and implement, either amendments in Aug after summer recess. 6/26/18
on its own or as part of a group of covered Passed out of Enviro Safety and Toxic Materials
manufacturers through membership in a Committee and on to Asm Appropriations
pharmaceutical and sharps waste Committee. 6/19/18 Call-to-Action request from
stewardship organization, a pharmaceutical CPSC for 6/19 only to have support letter for Asm
and sharps waste stewardship program. Enviro Safety and Toxic Materials Committee.
Central San sent letter of support. Central San
member of CPSC. 6/19/18 - Gut and amend bill
with new language in print on this day.
15 Federal Transportation Clean Water Act NPDES Permit The Clean Water Act requires publicly owned CASA- Sponsored Support 06/21/18 Support 7/3/18 Support letter included in the Board packet.
and term extensions clean water agencies to secure a permit to Legislative Amendments 6/19/18 CASA has recently made ground on this
Infrastructure discharge highly treated wastewater and issue securing support of Congressmen
Committee serve their function of protecting the Garamendi and Lowenthal to raise issue and
environment and public health. National proposed CASA amendment language. CASA
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requests call to action of Central San send letter of
(NPDES) permits expire five years from the support to Congressmember DeSaulnier in
time of issuance by either a state or USEPA. support of the amendment changes to 10-year
This five-year renewal cycle results in permit.
financial and technical burdens on local
agencies and the permitting authorities,
which must prepare and issue the permits.
Amendments of Clean Water Act, Section
402(b)(1)(B) would allow for ten (10) year
permit terms allowing adequate time to
comply with existing regulatory requirements
before imposition of new mandate(s).
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Bureau of Reclamation
Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Grant Program
The Bureau of Reclamation's Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse grant program is a highly
successful federal cost-share program that leverages local funding to build critical water recycling
projects throughout the western states.These water recycling projects provide secure and sustainable
water supplies for communities throughout the arid West to protect the environment and sustain
local economies.With more frequent and severe droughts and changing hydrologic conditions
throughout the West,the demand for water recycling is increasing.
Title XVI Background
• Congress established the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse grant program within the
Bureau of Reclamation in 1992 as the only federal funding program solely focused on support
for western water recycling projects;
• The program provides up to 25%of project costs with a $20 million maximum for a cost-
effective 3:1 leverage ratio;
• The 2009 earmark moratorium in Congress prevented the authorization of further Title XVI
Creation of Title XVI-WIIN
• The 2016 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN)Act created a mechanism
to ensure drought-stricken western communities continued to have access to federal funding
for water recycling projects through a new competitive grant program within Title XVI (Title
• Title XVI program funding receives a single appropriations allocation and within this
appropriation,Congress allocates funding between Title XVI-WIIN and the Congressionally-
authorized Title XVI projects;
• The allocation for Congressionally-authorized Title XVI projects has been significantly higher
than the amount allocated to WIIN Title XVI projects.
Title XVI by the Numbers
• Since the program's inception in 1992,Congress has authorized 53 Title XVI recycling projects
producing more than 400,000 AF of drought-proof water supplies;
• Approximately$672 million in federal funding has been leveraged with non-federal
funding to implement more than$3.3 billion in water reuse improvements-a greater
than 3:1 leverage ratio;
• By creating drought-resistant water supplies,water recycling provides many indirect and
secondary benefits by sustaining local economies;
• There are currently 16"active"authorized Title XVI projects with a total federal cost-share of
approximately$190 million;
• There are currently 44 Title XVI-WIIN eligible projects with a total federal cost-share of
approximately$528 million (after FYI appropriations are enacted);
• The federal cost-share backlog for Title XVI-WIIN will continue to grow as more projects
become eligible;
• Federal funding for this important program must increase to match the growing demand.
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Title XVI-WIIN Reauthorization
Conceptual Legislative Proposal
Purpose and Request
To reauthorize Title XVI-WIIN at$225 million over five years.Congress established a competitive grant
program within the U.S.Bureau of Reclamation's Water Reclamation and Reuse program in the 2016
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN)Act(hereafter referred to as Title XVI-WIIN).
Congress is expected to reach the $50 million 5-year Title XVI-WIIN authorization with enactment of
the FYI Energy and Water Appropriations Act. The proposed $225 million 5-year authorization
would be off-set or"paid for" by deauthorizing inactive Title XVI projects through a process similar to
that which Congress enacted for U.S.Army Corps inactive projects in the 2014 Water Resources and
Reform Development Act.
With successive $20 million funding allocations for the Title XVI-WIIN grant program in the FY 2018
and FY 2019 Energy and Water(E&W)Appropriations measures-combined with the $10 million in
the FYI E&W spending measure-the 2016 WIIN Act's $50 million authorization level for the Title
XVI competitive grant program will be officially exhausted.Therefore,Congress will need to
reauthorize the Title XVI-WIIN program this year or next in order to ensure funding is available for
communities facing water scarcity challenges in the arid West.
Further driving the need for a Congressional WIIN reauthorization effort are the expiring
authorizations of the western water storage funds ($335 million) and the desalination program ($30
million).The two-year budget deal that Congress agreed to earlier this year increased the overall
"caps"on federal domestic discretionary funding.This has resulted in a significantly higher
allocation for the overall Title XVI program for both fiscal years 2018 and 2019.
The FY 2019 House E&W Appropriations measure provided $65 million to the Title XVI program and
the FY 2019 Senate E&W Appropriations measure provided $55 million to the Title XVI program.
After accounting for the $20 million per year for the Title XVI-WIIN program,the approximate two-
year(FYI 8 and FYI 9)funding level for the previously authorized Title XVI projects will be between
$60 million and $70 million.This means that after the FYI Title XVI grant awards are selected for the
previously authorized Title XVI projects,the federal funding backlog for the remaining
Congressionally authorized projects(currently at 16)will be approximately$190 million.
After the FY 2018 and 2019 awards are granted,the demand for the eligible Title XVI-WIIN projects
will be$528 million(federal share). However,the$528 million figure assumes a"static"Title XVI-WIIN
project eligibility level,which will not be the case as more eligible projects are expected to come
online over the next year or so. Currently,there are 44 projects that Reclamation has approved as
feasibly eligible to compete for Title XVI-WIIN funding.
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Key Elements of the Title XVI-WIIN Reauthorization Proposal
Reauthorization and Program Funding
• Reauthorize Title XVI-WIIN program at$225 million over five years
• Preserve the separate funding allocation for pre-2010 Congressionally-authorized Title XVI
projects($35 m in FYI 8)
• Allocate annual funding for the pre-2010 Congressionally-authorized Title XVI projects and
for eligible Title XVI-WIIN projects proportionate to the outstanding backlog for projects
under each portion of the Title XVI program
• Establish a mechanism for USBR to deauthorize the approximately$200 million plus in
"inactive"Congressionally-authorized Title XVI projects(see below for further details on the
proposed deauthorization provision)
Congressional Approval of Awards
• Rescind the 2016 WIIN Act provision requiring that USBR grant award determinations for
Title XVI-WIIN projects be included in subsequent Congressional E&W Appropriations
measure before USBR can officially execute them.
• Instead, require USBR to notify the House and Senate Appropriations Committees of
recommended Title XVI-WIIN awards,and if no objections are made by Committees within 30
days,USBR could then proceed with grant awards to selected recipients.
Project Selection Criteria
The reauthorization proposal would retain most of the project prioritization and criteria as
established in the 2016 WIIN Act,with all other project selection criteria established by USBR.The 2016
WIIN Act Title XVI criteria maintained in this proposal include the following:
• Projects that are likely to provide a more reliable water supply for States and local
• Projects that are likely to increase the water management flexibility and reduce impacts on
environmental resources from projects operated by Federal and Stateagencies.
• Projects that are regional in nature.
• Projects with multiple stakeholders.
• Projects that provide multiple benefits, including water supply reliability,eco-system
benefits,groundwater management and enhancements,and water quality improvements.
Project Deauthorization Mechanism
To"pay for"the$225 million total authorization funding level as proposed,the legislation would
deauthorize inactive or uninitiated Congressionally-authorized Title XVI projects,following a similar
deauthorization process Congress enacted for the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers projects in 2014.
A review of the inactive Congressionally-authorized Title XVI projects shows that approximately
$200 million could be deauthorized from projects that have never received appropriations or have
been inactive for a decade or longer.The proposed measure would establish a procedure
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administered by the USBR which would determine projects for deauthorization based upon one or
more of the following criteria:
• Projects that have never received any Title XVI funding since authorization;
• Projects that have not received Title XVI funding within the last ten fiscal years;or
• Projects that do not have completed plans and specifications and that cannot reasonably
be demonstrated as"construction ready"within 12 months.
Should a project be determined by USBR to be deauthorized based upon the above criteria,the
USBR will publish an interim list in the Federal Register,and impacted project sponsors shall have 180
days to submit information demonstrating the project's active status to USBR with a request to
revoke the deauthorization. USBR shall review submitted information and make a final
determination regarding the deauthorization list within 180 days,and publish the final list of
deauthorized projects in the Federal Register.
Title XVI Projects — Outstanding Federal Cost Share
26.5%of total
program backlog
IF 1
Congressionally —
Authorized Title XVI:
<16 projects
$528 M
WIIN Act Title XVI:
>44 Eligible Projects
73.5%of total
program backlog
Note:amounts shown reflect post FY 2018&FY 2019 USBR Award Allocation
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Protecting • 94553-4392
PHONE (925)228-9500
August 23, 2018 FAX (925)676-7211
General Manager
The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr. KENTONL ALM
for the
Governor, State of California Couns(510)808-'2000
State Capitol KATIE YOUNG
Sacramento, CA 95814 Secretary of the District
RE: Senate Bill 929 (McGuire) — Request for Signature
Dear Governor Brown:
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), I
respectfully request your signature on Senate Bill (SB) 929 (McGuire), which would require that all
special districts maintain a website. Central San, established in 1946, provides wastewater collection
and treatment services to nearly 500,000 residents and more than 3,000 businesses in the
East San Francisco Bay Area. Within its 145-square mile service area, Central San operates a
54 million gallon-per-day capacity treatment plant, 18 pumping stations, over 1,500 miles of sewer
lines, a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, 13 pharmaceutical collection bins, and
commercial and residential recycled water fill stations.
Special districts like ours provide millions of Californians with essential local services and
infrastructure. Communities form special districts when there is something the community wants, the
community wants done well, and the community wants done with local control. As local service
providers, few agencies in the state are as impactful on the day-to-day lives of Californians. SB 929
will grant the public with greater access to their services, as well as greater transparency and
accountability of the governing bodies who oversee them.
Although Central San operates and maintains a robust website affording the greatest level of
transparency to our customers, we realize not all special districts may have the same level of
information or a working website. SB 929 will help provide a standardization for special district
websites and specify the information to be incorporated on the websites. SB 929 will help provide the
public with greater access to special district services, and greater transparency and accountability of
the governing bodies who oversee them.
Specifically, SB 929 would require that, by 2020, every independent special district must have a
website. The sites will meet existing local agency website requirements including: a link to the
district's meeting agendas, Financial Transaction Reports, and Compensation Reports, as well as a
copy of the district's enterprise systems catalog. The bill will also ensure the sites contain contact
information for the district. SB 929 provides an exemption for districts that cannot comply due to
hardships such as lacking broadband access, or the necessary finances or staff to construct and
maintain a website.
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Senate Bill 929 (McGuire) - Request for Signature
August 23, 2018
Page 2
We believe that special districts are the most local form of government, and we are committed to
empowering our community to engage in its government. The increased transparency provided by
SB 929 is consistent with our district's outreach efforts, and making information more widely available
on the Internet will improve public awareness and access to special district services in our
For these reasons, Central San requests your signature on Senate Bill 929 (McGuire). Please feel
free to contact Emily Barnett at ebarnett(a-centralsan.org if you have any questions.
Ann Sasaki, P.E.
Deputy General Manager
cc: The Honorable Mike McGuire
Tom Dyer, Chief Deputy Legislative Secretary, Office of Governor Brown
Dillon Gibbons, Senior Legislative Representative, California Special Districts Association
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Senator Wieckowski, Chair
2017 - 2018 Regular
Bill No: SB 212
Author: Jackson
Version: 8/27/2018 Hearing Date: 8/31/18
Urgency: No Fiscal: Yes
Consultant: Rachel Machi Wagoner
SUBJECT: Medical waste
Existing federal law:
1. Under the Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) is authorized to oversee the safety of food,drugs, and cosmetics.
2. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, the
management of solid and hazardous wastes is regulated. In the context of
pharmaceuticals, RCRA imposes strict protocols for the collection of
controlled substances.
3. The Secure and Responsible Drug Act of 2010 eases the restrictions on the
collection of controlled substances;final regulations are currently under
development, and are expected to be published in March 2014.
Existing state law:
1) Under the California Hazardous Substances Act, the Department of Toxic
Substances Control(DTSC) is authorized to regulate hazardous materials and
wastes in accordance with RCRA.
2) Under the California Integrated Waste Management Act:
a) Requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
(CalRecycle) to implement a statewide household hazardous waste
substance information and collection program.
b) Authorizes local jurisdictions to include in their Household Hazardous
Waste Elements a program for the safe management of sharps waste.
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c) Requires pharmaceutical manufacturers that sell or distribute a medication
in California that is self-injected at home through the use of a hypodermic
needle, pen needle, intravenous needle, or any other similar device to
submit to CalRecycle a plan that describes what actions, if any, the
manufacturer supports for the safe management of sharps waste.
3) Under the Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA):
a) Requires the California Department of Public Health (DPH) to regulate the
management and handling of medical waste.
b) Defines "pharmaceuticals" as a prescription or over-the-counter human or
veterinary drug. "Pharmaceutical" does not include any pharmaceutical
that is regulated pursuant to either RCRA or the Radiation Control Law and
certain items, such as household waste, are specifically excluded from the
definition of medical waste.
c) Defines "pharmaceutical waste" as any pharmaceutical that for any reason
may no longer be sold or dispensed for use as a drug and excludes from
this definition those pharmaceuticals that still have potential value to the
generator because they are being returned to a reverse distributor for
possible manufacturer credit.
d) Specifies that waste comprised only of pharmaceuticals is biohazardous,
and is considered"medical waste."
e) Home-generated pharmaceutical waste is not defined in statute or
regulations, however, the California Department of Public Health has
viewed the consolidation and disposal of pharmaceutical waste as a public
health necessity and regulates this waste stream as medical waste.
This bill: Requires entities that sell drugs or sharps in the state to individually, or
with other entities, develop and implement a statewide home-generated drug
stewardship plan, or a home-generated sharps waste stewardship plan, or both for
the collection and proper disposal of home-generated drug and sharps waste.
Requires the Department of Resources,Recycling and Recovery(CalRecycle) to
oversee and enforce each stewardship plan (Plan). Specifically:
1) Defines "covered drug" as a drug, including a brand name or generic drug, sold,
offered for sale, or dispensed in the state in any form, including, but not limited
to, prescription and nonprescription drugs approved by the United States Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) a drug marketed as an over-the-counter drug;
and, a drug in a medical device. Exempts from the definition of a "covered
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drug" drug for veterinary use. Exempts from the definition of a "covered drug"
drugs that are used for animal medicines and dialysate drugs or other saline
solutions required to perform kidney dialysis.
2) Defines "covered product" as a covered drug or home-generated sharps waste.
3) Defines "drug" as an article recognized in the official United States
pharmacopoeia, the official national formulary, the official homeopathic
pharmacopeia of the United States, or any supplement of the formulary or those
pharmacopoeias; a substance intended for the use in the diagnosis, cure,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals; a
substance, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the
body of humans or other animals; or, a substance intended for use as a
component of any substance specified in the bill.
4) Defines a "covered entity" as a manufacturer of covered products that are sold
into the state. If there is not a manufacturer for a covered product,then the
covered entity is the distributor of the covered product sold into the state. If
there is not a manufacturer or distributor for a covered product,then the
covered entity is the owner or licensee of a trademark or brand name under
which covered products are sold into the state. If there is not a manufacturer,
distributor, or owner or licensee of trademark or brand name, then the covered
entity is the importer of the covered product into the state.
5) Defines "stewardship organization" as an organization established by a group of
covered entities to develop, implement, and administer a stewardship program.
6) Defines "stewardship plan (Plan)" as the plan for collecting and properly
managing covered products that is developed by a covered entity or stewardship
7) Defines "stewardship program" as a stewardship program for the collection,
transportation, and disposal of covered products.
8) Defines "program operator" as a covered entity, or stewardship organization on
behalf of a group of covered entities, that is responsible for operating a
stewardship program.
9) Defines "sharps" as hypodermic needles, pen needles, intravenous needles,
lancets, and other devices that are used to penetrate the skin for the delivery of
10) Establishes a process where a stewardship organization can establish a
stewardship program for covered drugs, or for home-generated sharps waste, or
for both.
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11) Requires a stewardship program for covered drugs to have specific
requirements of its program operator including the requirement of a minimum
number of collection sites; provisions for handling, transporting, and disposing
of the covered drugs; the allowance of a mail-back program; an alternative
form of collection and disposal of covered drugs if allowed under state and
federal law; provisions for the collection of covered drugs from an ultimate
user who is homeless, homebound, or disabled; provides for a service schedule
that meets the needs of a collection site so that it is serviced often enough to
avoid reaching capacity; and, demonstrated adequate funding for all
administrative and operation costs to be borne by participating covered entities.
12) Requires a stewardship program for home-generated sharps waste to be a mail-
back program; maintain an internet website and toll-free number for providing
information about the program; provide for the handling, transport, and
disposal of home-generated sharps waste; provide containers and mail-back
materials at no cost to the ultimate user; provide the sharps waste container and
mail-back materials at the point of sale to the extent allowed by law; provide
reimbursement to local agencies for disposal costs related to home-generated
sharps waste; and, demonstrate adequate funding for all administrative and
operation costs to be borne by participating covered entities.
13) Requires a covered entity, no later than April 1, 2019, to provide a list of
covered products,and a list and description of any covered products that it sells
or offers for sale in the state to the Board.
14) Requires a program operator to conduct a comprehensive education and
outreach program intended to promote participation in the stewardship
15) Requires a program operator, within six months of adoption of regulations by
CalRecycle, to submit a Plan for the establishment and implementation of a
stewardship program to CalRecycle, for approval.
16) Requires CalRecycle to approve a Plan submitted to it that meets the
requirements of this bill.
17) Requires a program operator, at least 120 days before submitting a Plan to
CalRecycle, to notify each potential authorized collector in the county or
counties in which it operates of the opportunity to serve as an authorized
18) Requires a retail pharmacy to make a reasonable effort to serve as an
authorized collector. Requires a retail pharmacy chain, if there are not at least
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five collection sites in a county, to have at least fifteen percent of its store
locations serve as authorized collectors.
19) Requires a program operator to initiate operation of an approved stewardship
program no later than 270 days after approval of the Plan by CalRecycle.
20) Requires CalRecycle to make all Plans submitted to it available to the public,
except for proprietary information in the Plan.
21) Requires a program operator, at the time it submits a Plan to CalRecycle to
submit an initial stewardship program budget for the first five calendar years of
22) Requires a program operator, on or before March 31, 2022, and each year
thereafter, to prepare and submit to CalRecycle both of the following: a written
report describing the stewardship program activities during the previous
reporting period of one year, and a written program budget for stewardship
program implementation for the upcoming calendar year.
23)Requires the program operator to keep minutes, books, and records that clearly
reflect the activities and transactions of the program operator's stewardship
program and requires the program operator to be audited by an independent
certified public accountant at least once each calendar year. Requires the
program operator to provide the audit to CalRecycle.
24) Requires each covered entity, individually or through a stewardship
organization, to pay all administrative and operational costs associated with
establishing and implementing the stewardship program, including the cost of
collecting, transporting, and disposing of covered products, as well as the
regulatory and oversight costs of CalRecycle and any other state agency
involved in this regulatory program.
25) Requires CalRecycle, on or before June 30, 2022, and at least annually
thereafter, to post on its Internet Web site a list of covered entities, stewardship
organizations, authorized collections sites, retail pharmacies, and retail
pharmacy chains in compliance with the stewardship program.
26) Requires all handling, transport, and disposal undertaken as part of a
stewardship program to comply with applicable state and federal laws,
including, but not limited to,regulations adopted by the United State Drug
Enforcement Agency (US DEA).
27) Requires CalRecycle to adopt regulations for implementation of the bill with
an effective date no later than January 1, 2021.
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28) Requires a covered entity to be in compliance with the provisions of the bill
one year from the adoption of regulations by CalRecycle.
29) Requires a stewardship plan for covered drugs or home-generated sharps waste
or both to include provisions to expand into local jurisdictions that currently
have a local drug or home-generated sharps waste stewardship program, if that
local jurisdiction repeals its local stewardship program.
30) Sets the amount of the administrative penalty CalRecycle may impose at up to
$10,000 per day for violations of the bill, except for violations that are
intentional, knowing or reckless, in which case the penalty may not exceed
$50,000 per day.
31) Provides that the bill does not apply to a drug or sharp within a jurisdiction that
is subject to a local stewardship program if that local program took effect
before April 18, 2018. Requires, if that local ordinance is repealed, covered
drugs or home-generated sharps waste to be in compliance with this bill within
270 days after the date the ordinance is repealed.
32) Provides that this bill shall preempt a local stewardship program for covered
products enacted by an ordinance that has an effective date on or after April 18,
1) Pharmaceuticals. According to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, which publishes the National Health Expenditure Projections 2012-
2022, approximately $275.9 billion in prescription drugs were predicted to be
prescribed in the US in 2014. However, 2014 expenditures were almost $100
billion more than predicted according to the IMS Institute for Healthcare
Informatics. In an April 2015 study, IMS stated that spending rose 13%, to a
total of$374 billion. After accounting for population growth and inflation, the
increase equaled 10%. A record 4.3 billion prescriptions were filled in 2014."
2) Environmental contamination. There are two general sources of pharmaceutical
contamination in the environment: human excretion and disposal. Estimates
suggest that 3 to 50% of prescriptions become waste. United States hospitals
and long-term care facilities annually flush approximately 250 million pounds of
unused pharmaceuticals down the drain.
It is unknown (if not impossible) to determine how much household
pharmaceutical waste is flushed down the toilet. However, anecdotally waste
water treatment facilities note that scraping pills off of water filtration systems is
a problem, in addition to the removal of pharmaceutical agents from the water.
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A study conducted by the United States Geological Survey from 1999-2000
sampled 139 streams across 30 states and found that 80% had measurable
concentrations of prescription and nonprescription drugs, steroids, and
reproductive hormones. Since the USGS released its report in 2002, a number
of studies have demonstrated the low-level presence of pharmaceutical agents
throughout the environment and water supply.
Recent studies have found a variety of drugs in crops, such as cholesterol
medications, caffeine, and triclosan. In a recent study, researchers found that
the anticonvulsive epilepsy drug, carbamazepine, can accumulate in crops
irrigated with recycled water and end up in the urine of produce-eaters not on
the drug. The researchers found that while the amounts of the drug in a
produce-eater's urine were four orders of magnitude lower than what is seen in
the urine of patients purposefully taking the drug, there is a possibility that
trace amounts could still have health effects in some people, such as those with
a genetic sensitivity to the drugs, pregnant women, children, and those who eat
a lot of produce, such as vegetarians.
With the growing practice of reclaiming wastewater for crop irrigation, the
produce contamination could become more common and more potent.
California, which grows a large portion of US produce, currently uses
reclaimed water for 6% of its irrigation needs.
Additionally, as California's climate continues to change and the state endures
longer droughts, recycling and reusing groundwater and surface water recharge
will become more important and ensuring contamination prevention and
removal will be more crucial.
While the human effects of pharmaceutical agents in the environment are not
fully understood,harm to aquatic organisms and ecosystems due to low levels
of pharmaceutical agents are clearly established.
Life-long exposure to ppb levels of an estrogen-based synthetic hormone
resulted in complete population failure in fish due to the males failing to
develop properly.
Mood altering drugs, such as Prozac,lead to changes in the behavior of fish,
making them easier prey.
The presence of persistent antibiotics, particularly downstream from hospitals,
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has been partially credited for the rise in resistant bacterial strains, which may
also have an indirect human impact.
3) Diversion.
a) President Bush 's Administration Recommendations. In February 2007, the
White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Health and
Human Services Agency, and the US Environmental Protection Agency
released new Federal prescription drug disposal guidelines urging
Americans to utilize pharmaceutical take-back locations because "improper
drug disposal is a prescription for environmental and societal concern."
b) SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration 's National
Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). According to the 2011
NSDUH more than six million Americans abuse prescription drugs. That
same study revealed more than 70% of people abusing prescription pain
relievers got them through friends or relatives, a statistic that includes
raiding the family medicine cabinet.
c) President Obama's Administration 's NationalDrug Control Strategy. In
2011, President Obama released a statement to Congress stating, "Every
sector of our society is affected by drug use and the consequences of drug
use. Drug use and its consequences hamper our Nation's ability to out-
educate our global competitors and increase graduation rates. It lessens the
ability of our workforce to be fully productive, and it takes the lives of too
many fellow Americans.
"Prescription drug abuse is America's fastest-growing drug problem, and
one largely fed by an unlikely source—Americans' medicine cabinets. The
passage of the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 will
save lives by providing patients with safe, environmentally sound ways to
dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.
"By taking a balanced approach to drug policy, one that emphasizes both
public health and public safety, we can help make our neighborhoods and
communities even stronger."
d) National Strategy on Preventing Prescription Drug Abuse. The Obama
administration has identified four major areas to reduce prescription drug
abuse: education, monitoring, proper medication disposal,and
enforcement. In particular, the national strategy includes action to
"develop convenient and environmentally responsible prescription drug
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disposal programs to help decrease the supply of unused prescription drugs
in the home."
4) United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulation. Prior to 2010, as a
matter of federal law, individuals who wanted to dispose of unused, unwanted,
or expired pharmaceutical controlled substances only had limited disposal
options because the federal Controlled Substances Act(21 U.S.C. Sec. 801 et
seq.)only permitted individuals to either destroy those substances themselves
(such as by flushing or discarding), surrender them to law enforcement, or
otherwise seek assistance from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
According to the DEA, these restrictions resulted in the accumulation of
pharmaceutical controlled substances in household medicine cabinets that were
available for abuse,misuse, diversion, and accidental ingestion.
In 2010, the federal Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010
(Disposal Act) was enacted, amending the Controlled Substances Act to
authorize certain individuals ("ultimate users")to deliver their pharmaceutical
controlled substances to another person for the purpose of disposal in
accordance with regulations promulgated by the US Attorney General.
In September of 2014, the DEA issued its final rule implementing the Disposal
Act and governing the secure disposal of controlled substances by registrants
and ultimate users. Those regulations have expanded the options available to
collect controlled substances from ultimate users for the purpose of disposal,
including take-back events, mail-back programs, and collection receptacle
locations and, among other things, allow authorized manufacturers,
distributors, reverse distributors, narcotic treatment programs, hospitals/clinics
with an on-site pharmacy, and retail pharmacies to voluntarily administer mail-
back programs and maintain collection receptacles.
While the changes to federal law are rather recent, there has already been a
significant pushto increase the use and availability of secure drug take-back
programs both across the nation and in this state.
For example, one major retailer, Walgreens, announced in 2016 that it has
begun to install safe medication disposal kiosks in more than 500 drugstores in
39 states and Washington, D.C. to make the disposal of medications —
including opioids and other controlled substances —easier and more
convenient while also helping to reduce the misuse of medications and the rise
in overdose deaths.
5) Medical sharps: An estimated one million Californians inject medications
outside traditional health care facilities, which generate approximately 936
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million sharps each year which then need to be properly disposed. The
numbers of patients using injectable medications will continue to grow because
it is an effective delivery method for various medications. The most common
home use of sharps is to manage diabetes. Other reasons to inject at home
include hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, infertility, migraines, allergies,
hemophilia, and medications for pets. According to statistics from CalRecycle,
43% of all self-injectors throw needles in the trash.
6) Sharps collection: Home-generated sharps waste is required to be put into an
approved sharps container before being transported out to an approved drop-off
location or via mail-back program. CalRecycle maintains the Facility
Information Toolbox(FacIT)Website, which currently lists more than 600
facilities where residents can take their home-generated sharps such as
hospitals, pharmacies, or household hazardous waste (HHW) facilities.
While disposal of sharps in landfills is illegal, there is no statewide statutory
program in place to require the management of sharps by manufacturers,
pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, or others. Current law allows for a
streamlined oversight structure for those that do wish to provide a voluntary
disposal for sharps to their customers or the general public, but there is no
mandate for them to do so. Some pharmacies and health care providers have
developed programs as a way to assist their customers and have reported some
7) Sharps collection requirements under the MWMA: CDPH has the authority to
approve locations as points of consolidation for the collection of home-
generated sharps waste, which, after collection, is transported and treated as
medical waste. An approved consolidation location is known as a "home-
generated sharps consolidation point." A home-generated sharps consolidation
point must comply with all of the following requirements: (1) All sharps waste
shall be placed in sharps containers; and, (2) sharps containers ready for
disposal shall not be held for more than seven days without the written
approval of the enforcement agency.
8) Background on take-back programs.
a) DEA Take-backprograms. The DEA's Take-Back events are a significant
piece of the White House's prescription drug abuse prevention strategy
released in 2011 by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. "Drug
Take-Back Days," which are typically administered by law enforcement in
conjunction with county health offices or other local government agencies,
are one-time events that allow for individuals to dispose of prescription or
non-prescription medications; following the collection, the pharmaceuticals
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are taken to a safe disposal site.
The DEA's seventh National Take-Back Day in October 2013 collected
324 tons of expired and unwanted medications across all 50 states. Since
the inception of the National Take-Back Day in 2010, the DEA has
collected over 3.4 million pounds ofinedicine from circulation. The next
national collection event is scheduled for April 29, 2017.
b) International take-backprograms. In 1999, British Columbia established
the "Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association" (PCPSA)to
establish a pharmaceutical drug take-back program funded by
manufacturers. Manufacturers are required to pay for the cost of collecting
and managing the program; they are not required to pay for cost of agency
oversight. Currently, over 100 companies participate in the PCPSA.
Within British Columbia, 95% of pharmacies choose to participate in the
program, accounting for over 1,000 collection sites. In 2009, the program
diverted 112,000 pounds of medication from improper disposal or abuse
for an estimated cost of$400,000.
Australia established a national collection system in place since 1998.
The European Union has required a national collection system for unused
or expired medicines since 2004.
c) Take-backprograms in the US. Locally run take-back programs are
prevalent throughout the US. A few states, such as Michigan and Maine,
have enacted laws to facilitate the collection of pharmaceutical waste at
locations such as pharmacies (MI) or to create mail-back programs for
pharmaceutical waste (ME).
Recreational marijuana is now legal in Colorado,however it remains
highly regulated at the federal level and has a high diversion potential. In
response to Colorado's recreation marijuana use statute, the Colorado
Springs Airport installed two marijuana take-back bins, providing a
location for travelers to safely and legally dispose of their marijuana.
d) SB 966Model Guidelines in CA. Under the California Integrated Waste
Management Act (SB 966, Simitian, Kuehl, Chapter 542, 2007),
CalRecycle created a model collection program for household hazardous
substances, such as pharmaceuticals, and evaluated how local programs
implemented take-back programs. Programs that followed the model
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guidelines were released from any liability associated with collecting
home-generated pharmaceuticals. The model program sunsetted on
January 1, 2013.
e) Local programs in CA. In 2010, CalRecycle identified 297 take-back
programs in California. This includes one-time take-back events,
continuous take-back programs, and mail-back programs. The majority of
these programs are funded and run by local governments, although San
Francisco has a program that is partially funded by PhRMA and Genetech.
In 2012, Alameda County passed a first in the nation Safe Drug Disposal
Ordinance (based on the British Columbian model) that requires producers
of covered drugs to operate take-back programs, including the creation,
administration, promotion, and payment of the program. The ordinance
was challenged by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America, Generic Pharmaceutical Association, and Biotechnology Industry
Organization on the basis that the ordinance violates the dormant
Commerce Clause for interstate commerce and discriminates against out-
of-county producers. In August 2013, the US District Court upheld the
ordinance, although litigation is ongoing. Several other California counties
are considering similar ordinances.
In 2010, San Francisco introduced a Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance.
However, in 2012 the city chose to instead accept$110,000 from PhRMA
and Genentech to fund a pilot project to collect data on the issue. In August
2013 the same two organizations provided another payment of$125,000 to
fund the pilot project an additional year. A separate Safe Drug Disposal
Information Ordinance was passed in May 2011 to supplement the
PhRMA-funded pilot program by requiring pharmacies that won't host a
bin to advertise those that do.
The Safe Medicine Disposal Pilot program has been well-utilized, with over
37,000 pounds collected in the first 26 months.
Following the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholding Alameda's
ordinance, San Francisco Board President David Chiu reintroduced a San
Francisco ordinance on October2l, 2014. Board President Chiu was elected
to the California State Assembly in November 2014 and Supervisor London
Breed became the author of the ordinance which was passed unanimously
and was signed by Mayor Lee on March 26, 2015 and enacted 30 days after
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In recent years numerous other local governments have either adopted or are
considering adoption of similar ordinances, including, but not limited to:
Contra Costa,Marin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa
Clara and Los Angeles.
7) Walgreens'National Retail Leadership. In 2016 Walgreens became the first
retailer to implement an ongoing national stewardship program by installing safe
medication disposal kiosks in more than 500 drugstores in 39 states and
Washington, D.C. to make the disposal of medications — including opioids and
other controlled substances—easier and more convenient while helping to
reduce the misuse of medications and the rise in overdose deaths. In a Walgreens
press release announcing the program, Richard Ashworth, Walgreens president of
pharmacy and retail operations said "Walgreens pharmacists play an important
role in counseling patients on the safe use of their medications, and now we are
leading the way in retail pharmacy's fight against prescription drug abuse."
8) Extended producer responsibility. CalRecycle defines EPR as a strategy to place
a shared responsibility for end-of-life product management on the producers, and
all entities involved in the product chain, instead of the general public; while
encouraging product design changes that minimize a negative impact on human
health and the environment at every stage of the product's lifecycle. This allows
the costs of treatment and disposal to be incorporated into the total cost of a
product. It places primary responsibility on the producer,or brand owner, who
makes design and marketing decisions. It also creates a setting for markets to
emerge that truly reflect the environmental impacts of a product, and to which
producers and consumers respond.
By shifting costs and responsibilities of product disposalto producers and others
who directly benefit, EPR provides an incentive to eliminate waste and pollution
through product design changes.
There are a number of existing, statewide EPR programs for various products,
including, but not limited to,paint, used oil, and, most recently, mattresses.
1) Purpose of Bill. According to the author, "For too long, our communities have
dealt with the impacts from improperly disposed pharmaceutical drugs and
medical sharps. The cost of inaction has been enormous to our public health,
environment, water quality, and public safety. This bill establishes an industry-
run and funded program, overseen by the state, that will ensure we provide
convenient locations for Californians to safely dispose of their unused
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prescriptions and other medical waste. This is an important step to finally getting
unused and discarded medical products out of our public spaces,municipal waste
systems, and our environment."
2) Referral to the Committee pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10. SB 212, as heard by
the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, would have defined "Home-
generated pharmaceutical waste" as a prescription or over-the-counter human or
veterinary home-generated pharmaceutical, as defined in Section 109925 of the
Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended (21 U.S.C.A. Sec.
321(g)(1)), that is a waste, as defined in Section 25124, derived from a
household, including, but not limited to, a multifamily residence or household.
The bill was amended to its current form in the Assembly. Consistent with
Senate Rule 29.10(d) the Senate Rules Committee has referred the amended bill
to the Senate Environmental Quality Committee for a hearing of the amendments.
Related/Prior Legislation
SB 1229 (Jackson and Stone, Chapter 238, Statutes of 2016) This bill provides
certain collectors that are authorized under federal law to engage in drug take-back
collection with limited protection from civil and criminal liability (or "qualified
immunity") for any injury or harm that results from a collector maintaining a
secure drug take-back bin on its premises, provided that the collector, not for
compensation, acts in good faith to take specified steps to ensure the health and
safety of consumers and employees and the proper disposal of the home-generated
pharmaceutical waste contained in the secure drug take-back bin. This qualified
immunity shall not apply in the case of personal injury or wrongful death which
results from the collector's gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct in
maintaining a secure drug take-back bin.
AB 45 (Mullin, 2016) requires CalRecycle, in consultation with affected industries,
to adopt one or more model ordinances for a comprehensive program for the
collection of HI-IW for adoption by a local jurisdiction that provides for the
residential collection and disposal of solid waste. AB 45 was discussed in the
Senate Committee on Environmental Quality, however a vote of the committee was
not taken at request of the author.
AB 2039 (Ting, 2016) proposes building on the models of the aforementioned
programs to develop EPR for home-generated medical sharps. This bill was referred
to the Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials. Hearing
was cancelled at request of the author.
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SB 1014 (Jackson,2014) establishes the Home-Generated Pharmaceutical Waste
Collection and Disposal Act. SB 1014 passed the Senate Committee on
Environmental Quality on a vote of 5 to 1. The bill was held in the Assembly
Appropriations Committee by request of the author.
AB 403 (Stone/Eggman, 2013) proposed requiring manufacturers that sell medical
sharps to establish a product stewardship plan for home-generated medical waste.
AB 403 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee by request of the
AB 333 (Wieckowski, Chapter 564, Statutes of 2013) makes various changes to the
Medical Waste Management Act.
AB 467 (Stone, Chapter 10, Statutes of 2013) creates a licensure category for a
surplus medication collection and distribution intermediary.
SB 727 (Jackson, 2013) requires a producer of a pharmaceutical sold in this state,
individually or through a stewardship organization, to submit a plan to CalRecycle
by January 1, 2015. This bill was referred to the Senate Environmental Quality
Committee. Hearing was cancelled at request of the author.
AB 1442 (Wieckowski, Chapter 689, Statutes of 2012) defines pharmaceutical
waste, exempted the waste generator from certain hauling requirements, and allowed
the waste to be transported by a common carrier in order to reduce costs for handling
expired pharmaceutical wastes.
SB 966 (Simitian/Kuehl, Chapter 542, Statutes of 2007) requires the Integrated
Waste Management Board to identify and develop model programs for the safe
disposal of household generated pharmaceutical waste.
AB 2335 (Saldana, Chapter 166, Statutes of 2006) makes various clarifying changes
to the MWMA with the aim of reducing medical waste management costs and
clarifying the complex regulatory framework.
SB 1305 (Figueroa, Chapter 64, Statutes of 2006) prohibits a person from knowingly
placing home-generated sharps waste in the commercial and residential solid waste
collection containers after September 1, 2008.
SB 1362 (Figueroa, Chapter 157, Statutes of 2004) allows a household hazardous
waste collection facility to operate as a home-generated sharps consolidation point if
certain conditions are met. The bill also allows a city or county HHW Element to
collect, treat, and dispose of household sharps.
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SB 407 (Alpert, Chapter 139, Statutes of 1999) authorizes the use of chemical
disinfection as a treatment method for certain types of laboratory-generated medical
waste if specified requirements were met.
SB 1966 (Wright, Chapter 536, Statutes of 1996) moved the management and
handling of waste pharmaceuticals under DPH and the MWMA and reestablished
fee authorities for DPH for small quantity medical waste generators.
SB 372 (Wright, Chapter 877, Statutes of 1995) makes various changes to the
MWMA, including revisions to the definition of large quantity generator, medical
waste exclusions, and storage. The bill also incorporated additional classes into the
definition of medical waste and authorized the use of high temperatures to treat
medical waste prior to disposal.
SB 1360 (Committee on Health and Human Services, Chapter 415, Statutes of 1995)
moved the MWMA to the DPH during Governor Wilson's reorganization of the
Department of Health Services to DPH and the California Environmental Protection
SOURCE: Author
Alameda County Board of Supervisors
Butte County Board of Supervisors
California Association of Environmental Health Administrators
California Cattlemen's Association
California Product Stewardship Council
California. Resource Recovery Association
California School Employees Association, AFL-CIO
California State Association of Counties
California Teamsters
Californians Against Waste
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
City of Chula Vista
City of Palo Alto
City of Santa Monica
City of Sunnyvale
City of Thousand Oaks
City of Torrance
City of West Hollywood
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Communities Against Abuse of Prescription Drugs
County Health Executives Association of California
County of Humboldt
County of Sacramento
County of Santa Clara
County of Mendocino
County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Del Notre Solid Waste Management Authority
Delta Diablo
Dublin San Ramon Public Services District
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Gallinas Watershed Council
Groundwater Resources Association of California
Heal the Bay
Las Galhnas Valley Sanitary District
League of California Cities
Long Beach Gray Panthers
Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Committee/Integrated Management
Task Force
Medical Waste Services
Mendocino Solid Waste Management Authority
Metropolitan Recycling, LLC
Monterey County Prescribe Safe Initiative
Monterey Regional Waste Management District
Mojave Desert & Mountain Recycling Authority
National Stewardship Action Council
Orange County Sanitation District
Prescribe Safe Monterey County
Riverside County Department of Waste Resources
Rural County Representatives of California
Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority
San Benito County Integrated Waste Management
San Joaquin County
Save the Bay
Shasta County
Solid Waste Association of North America
Sonoma County Waste Management Agency
Stop Waste
Surfrider Foundation
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Surfrider Foundation, Los Angeles
Upper Valley Waste Management Agency
Watershed Alliance of Marin
Western Placer Waste Management Authority
Western United Dairymen
7t Generation Advisors
Association for Accessible Medicines
Health Distributors Alliance
Lupin Pharmaceuticals
Otay Water District
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
-- END --
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