HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.a. Discuss potential 3.8-acre lease on portion of Kiewit property to County Quarry and possible development of a policy related to lease of District-owned buffer properties Page 1 of 5 Item 3.a. CENTRAL CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District September 19, 2018 TO: REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: DISCUSS POTENTIAL 3.8-ACRE LEASE ON PORTION OF KIEWIT PROPERTY TO COUNTY QUARRYAND POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF A POLICY RELATED TO LEASE OF DISTRICT-OWNED BUFFER PROPERTIES On June 7, 2018, the Board conducted a public hearing to declare the remaining 18.2 acres of the Kiewit property as unneeded for District purposes and authorized the General Manager or his designee to lease the remaining portion. Two short term two-year leases have been executed; the first, to Liedstrand Landscaping, utilizes 0.75 acres, and the second, to Bay Cities Paving & Grading, for three acres. Accounting for non-leasable areas, including the seasonal wetland area and recycled water automatic filling station, side slopes, and the runway protection zone area, there are approximately 3.8 level acres remaining for lease. Across the street at 5501 1 mhoff Drive, County Quarry operates a concrete and asphalt recycle center and sells the recycled materials as well as new aggregate, concrete and asphalt on the site. County Quarry has leased the 7.58-acre parcel for 31 years, and its current lease extends to December 31, 2022. Current lease terms provide rent at$21,648 per month to the District, which has been escalated 3% annually. The lease also provides specific terms for housekeeping of the property, including sweeping mhoff Drive to keep it well maintained, and has penalties for non-compliance. Staff was approached by County Quarry looking to expand their operations across the street and relocate the existing concrete ready-mix plant to the Kiewit property. This would allow expansion to both the concrete and asphalt operations. County Quarry is proposing to amend their existing lease terms to include the remaining 3.8 acres, which would generate approximately$10,850 per month. While the parcel is zoned heavy-industrial, consistent with this type of operation, it will require an amendment to the land use permit by Contra Costa County to outline compliance with airport, traffic, and other general requirements. With the previous land use permit efforts for the Sustainable Farm and County Quarry's existing operation, a revised land use permit is most likely a three-to four-month process. Staff recommends facilitating the process, but letting County Quarry lead the effort. Proposals for interest in leasing District buffer properties have typically come in piecemeal, and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Central San does not currently have a prioritization of criteria for buffer September 19, 2018 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 3 of 46 Page 2 of 5 properties, and leases have been treated individually looking at near-term impacts only. Direction from the Board on whether lease rates or strategic goals of environmental sustainability goals have a higher priority would assist staff in evaluating these proposals. Staff is bringing the County Quarry proposal to the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (REEP) Committee meeting as this proposal may develop beyond a short-term duration, unlike the previous two leases. While the Kiewit parcel has been declared unneeded for the next 10 years by the Board, this short- term, unneeded process is one that County Quarry has utilized with successive lease terms that has become a 31-year history. Staff is seeking input from the RE E P Committee before moving forward with this proposal and would like to receive input on both development of a policy for prioritization of criteria for District-owned buffer properties and the County Quarry proposal on the remaining 3.8 acres on Kiewit property. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE:Provide Exceptional Customer Service Strategy 1 - Build external customer relationships and awareness ATTACHMENTS: 1. Kiewit Parcel and County Quarry Site Map 2. Staking Exhibit showing Available 3.8 Acres 3. Map of District Buffer Properties September 19, 2018 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 46 P3 n 1 A Attacta t� CCC Flood Control and Water CCC Flood Control Conservation District and Watery Conservation District r,. COUNTY , �, QUARRY _ Yr ^I CCCSD k x IMHOFF DR X.� TREATMENT '� x— x— `k— X + PLANT X _X x REW Hydrant .75 �+ Ar acre 3 acres off' acres / 14.8 acres k 0010, +4000 00 00 k �.w k ■ �► ��► N k L k X — Fence / Recycled Water a) Sewer Main U), Leased Area a Potential Lease Area Potential Lease Area Gravel Road (Future) N Paved Road Buchanan Field 0- 0 125 250 Airport Runway Protection Zone L Slope (10:1) Feet LU U 0 ` CENTRALSAN Kiewit Site Plan Map CENTRALFD ■ i ■ Potential Lease Areas z September 19, 2018 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 46 Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT "A" Attachment 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT LEASE AREAS - KIEWIT BUFFER PROPERTY LEGEND WALNUT CREEK � T-BAR MARKER CHAIN LINK FENCE 0.75 Acres 3.00 Acres 0 ,� Usable � � Remainder 3.80 Acres W I h a� Lu � PARCEL"C" 0 ¢� a 91 PM 41 Cu \ o x 00 z 00 � �00 CD Existing Lease � � \ \ 14.8 Acres c o ca C� co U Y CL m \ 1 a 0 200 400Cu �� \ a a, DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SYSTEM MAP: JOB NO.: GSTJ GSTJ 13B4, 13B5, 13C4, 13C5 OM200 CD SCALE: DATE: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(APN): PARCEL NO.: CL 1" = 200' 9/7/18 159-140-051 September 19, 2018 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 46 M I x h ` u d I �6 AF New 4 40 PG&E Strip Basin B s Basin C Waterbird Way -- `� Lagiss Drying Ponds _ ¢ 7Sti-Lr. 4 M Basin X I r e A P ti; Y Clearwell Basin A North Top Soil Tf �R 9 Kiewitt North �'- Filter Plant'_ Substation m i �� } m F, Basin A Kiewitt ?` - Plant Expansion sao Garden Triangle Laub` `° r Caltrans - POD Plant 4737 - - �PJ-_ Annex HOB .,: LOf 680 w — 'ti' EL San PabloL, __ 4 47Bay J Aw 104P "Lim* y 4 jo.0.4 .910160% 11 "-4r,7,. r �oti is � � , '0 150 300 600 Yy or 4f V . ice • o _, T t' AV-- 4 4 a* ''� Feet