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Presidew Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX: (925)372-0191
Monday, August 13, 2018
9:00 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Mike McGill
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer
Carolyn Knight, GIS/CMMS Administrator (left Item 4-a.)
Ian Morales, GIS Analyst (left Item 4.a.)
Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician
1 Call Meeting to Order
Chair Ca usey called the meeting to order at 9.-00 a.m.
2. Public Comments
Mr. Lopez suggested item 4.a. be p re se n te d first; Chair Ca u sey co n c urre d.
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August 13, 2018
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3. Items for Committee Recommend tion to Board
a. Receive Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Budget Pry Audit Year-
End Status Report
This item was heard after Item 4.a.
Mr. Lopez provided an overview of the pre-audit summary included in the
agenda packet and responded to questions from the Committee.
Overall, the Capital Improvement Program spent 85% of budget last fiscal
year; receiving approximately $2 million more than expected in revenue.
Mr. Lopez stated that although the figures may represent 85% spent, the
Capital Projects Division has many construction commitments and
projects currently in progress.
Mr. Lopez responded to a question regarding the variance number
calculations. Capital projects capture carry-forward and figures are based
on how the projects are reported-7 revenues are based on actuals.
Member McGill noted the operations expenditures have been flat,
treatment plant expenditures down 27%, yet the City of Concord
reimbursements were up according to the report. Mr. Bailey responded
that the revenue numbers reflect the budget reconciled at the end of the
ye a r ve its us initial p re ctions. Chair Ca us ey re q ue s te d th a t s ta ff pro vide
an update on the City of Concord's total reimbursement.
Chair Causey recommended Board receipt of the report, Member McGill
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board receipt of
the report.
4. Other Items
a. Treatment Plant Portal website interface demonstration
This item was heard out of order, immediately after Item 2.
Ms. Knight thanked the Committee for the opportunity to demonstrate the
Treatment Plant Portal website interface and introduced GIS Analyst Ian
Morales. An overview was provided on the GeoPortal landing page which
incorporates three software portal links (Central Portal, an asset
management site; CityWorks, the maintenance management system; and
the new Treatment Plant Portal), which was then proceeded by a live
demonstration of the van*ous features and capabilities of the Treatment
Plant Portal.
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August 13, 2018
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Chair Cay asked whether financial aspects of capital projects could be
viewed. Mr. Lopez responded that maintenance costs are logged in
CityWorks,- however, the capital project costs are only captured in the
Sun Gard financial system. Mr. Petit added that the financial system is
currently being integrated with the Program Management Information
System (PMIS), which may be an option to link in the future.
Mr. Petit further added that the portal is a starting point of various
documents and information gathered and may incorporate the recent
Sludge Conditioning Building laser scan to start collecting additional data.
Mr. Morales offered that there are additional files that staff would like to
incorporate in the future as well.
Chair Causey noted how responsive the system Asx acknowledged the
work of this endea or, and congra tulate d Ms. Knigh t and her to ff.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Rece'lved the *Informafion.
b. Recelve report on Fiscal Year 2017-18 Closeout of Capital Improvement
Mr. Lopez discussed the materials included with the agenda packet,
adding that it has been past Committee request to present on projects
closed over$1 million.
Most of the I I projects closed last fiscal year were in the collection
system. The Treatment Plant Program had one project over$1 million, the
Laboratory Upgrades and Repair project. This project was larger than
originally planned and included replacing the commercial grade chiller with
a 150-ton industrial-grade roof chiller., and structural, electrical., and
mechanical improvements and modifications. Mr. Petit stated that there
remains an environmental impact due to nearby trees which drop pods
and leaves that will require routine maintenance to keep the chiller vents
clear for operation. Access to the roof is difficult; therefore., an external
stairway access should be added to a future a
project to provide of
access for maintenance.
Chair Causey inquired about the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek sewer
project not being included in the presentation. Mr. Lopez responded that
staff is awaiting response from the City of Pleasant Hill on the
reconciliation of their construction punch-list items; however, the paving,
slurry, and permit costs appear to be in order.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
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C. Receive Capital Projects Division Quarterly Report (April to June) on
Capital Projects, Active Consultant Contracts, Change Order Log, and
Schedule of Bids and Awards
The Committee reviewed the report included with the agenda materials
and Mr. Lopez responded to questions. Chair Causey inquired about the
percentages over 100% in the professional services report. Mr. Lopez
responded that it is a tracking mechanism as the General Manager
authority includes up to 115% of the original agreement amount. The
agreements reflected fall within the authorized limit.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
d. Receive list of future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and provided input to staff.
5. Announcements
a Announce Request for Proposal (RFP).for design services for the Influent
Pump Electrical Improvements, DiStri ct Project 7328
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement.
& Mr. Petit introduced two additional verbal announcements to the
(1) Ygnacio Valley Crossing P ect., Mr. Mestetsky reported that the
sewer replacement at Ygnacio Valley Crossing in Walnut Creek will
start this week, with some work occurring over the weekend and during
day and nighttime hours. Message boards are in place to notify the
public of the upcoming project requidng some traffic lane closures.
Central San has been coordinating with the City of Walnut Creek and
Caltrans. All necessary permits have been obtained. Mr. Lopez added
that excavation will be protected with trench plates andlor other
methods to reduce rough driving surfaces.
(2) Issue with Emissions Testing Consultant: Mr. Petit informed the
Committee of a recent issue with Blue Sky Environmental, Inc. (Blue
Sky), a consultant used to perform emissions testing and reports. A
to member of Blue Sky intentionally reported a false report to the
Bay Area it Quality Management District (BAA QMD) regarding an
HCL test that first showed failure, then changed laboratory data to
show a second test pass. Although staff reviewed the data submitted
with the report, staff was unaware the data provided had been altered.
An inspector from BAA QMD contacted the laboratory that had
performed the analysis and informed Central San to that the raw
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Feta did not match the result. District legal counsel is aware of the
matter and has been asked to terminate the contract with Blue Sky.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Rece'lved the announcements.
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Monday, September 17, 2018 at 9-00 a.m. (Member Pilecki will serve as
alternate for it Causey)
Monday, October 8, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, November 5, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. The Committee requested an update on the City of Concord
Reimbursement Fee.
8. Adjournment— at 10-30 a.m.
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