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President Pro Tern
PHONE: (925)228-9500
Tuesday, August 7, 2018 FAX.- (925)372-0192
8:3 0 a.m. www.centralsan.org
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services (left during Item 3.b.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager (left during Item 3.b.)
Timothy Potter, Environmental Compliance Superintendent (left after Item 3.a.)
Nancy Molina, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.a.)
Keith Brauch, Electrical Technician (left after Item 3.a.)
Russ Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III (left during Item 5.)
Adib Musawwir, Electrical Technician (left after Item 3.a.)
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
2. Public Comments
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Receive presentation regarding amendment to Resolution No. 2018-007
(adopted April 26, 2018) memorializing salary and benefits of
unrepresented at-will positions
Ms. O'Malley explained that she was informed late last week that the
Management Group had voted to remove the positions of Director of
Engineering and Technical Services and Director of Finance and
Administration from the bargaining group, effectively leaving Mr. Petit and
Mr. Leiber as unrepresented at-will employees. She said there are
currently two other unrepresented at-will employees at Central San,
herself and the Deputy General Manager. The benefits for these two
positions are set forth in Resolution No. 2018-007, which was adopted by
the Board last April. At this time, she said staff intends to bring forth at the
August 16, 2018 Board meeting a new resolution with the same benefit
levels which would include all four unrepresented at-will positions.
Mr. Potter commented that the agenda wording should have included the
names and positions of the two new unrepresented at-will employees. He
also asked why the Management Group took such an action. He noted
that the two unrepresented at-will positions covered by the existing
resolution enjoy more favorable benefits than the Management Group.
Adding the two director positions to the resolution would entitle them to the
more favorable benefits as well. Mr. Potter also asked if it was more
advantageous to negotiate via a resolution versus a memorandum of
Mr. Bailey said the vote to remove the two director positions was
originated by the Management Group and was a voluntary action on their
part. While Mr. Bailey did not request the action be taken, he said he was
in support of it. He suggested that Mr. Potter speak with the Management
Group to obtain further information.
Chair McGill stated that he was comfortable with the way the matter was
agendized for this meeting, noting that the staff recommendation was for
the Committee to provide input to staff. Board Committees can take no
action on their own (they are advisory bodies only), so providing input to
staff or a recommendation to the full Board at the Committee level is often
recommended in matters such as this. Ultimately, the action will be
decided by the full Board.
Member Williams said that it is incumbent upon the Board to provide some
way of memorializing the salary and benefits for unrepresented at-will
employees. Therefore, he said he was satisfied with the staff
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recommendation to adopt a new resolution covering all four unrepresented
at-will employees with the same benefit levels.
Mr. Bailey noted that adopting a single resolution covering all
unrepresented at-will employees is preferable to having separate
employment agreements for each of them.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board adoption of a new
resolution similar to Resolution No. 2018-007 that would cover all four
unrepresented at-will employees.
b. Review draft Position Paper to consider adopting the following three new
Board Policies and proposed resolution:
■ BP 035 — Purchasing
■ BP 035 — Informal Bidding
■ BP 035 — Delegation of Authority to General Manager
■ Resolution No. 2018- delegating claims handling authority to
the General Manager and rescinding Resolution No. 2016-046
Mr. Leiber introduced the item, explaining the rationale behind bringing forth
all three of these policies at one time. With regard to the Uniform Public
Construction Cost Account Act (UPCCAA), adopted by the Board last May
effective September 1, 2018, he mentioned that the threshold limits for
informal and formal bidding may change from time to time. In fact, there is
pending legislation that would increase the limits for informal bidding from
X45,000 to X60,000 and formal bidding from $175,000 to $200,000
beginning in 2019. Each of the policies includes language that would allow
the threshold limits to change whenever such limits are adjusted under the
Ms. Young introduced the new policy regarding delegation of authority to the
General Manager, reiterating that the rationale for doing so was to allow for
regular biennial review and to consolidate most all of the authority delegated
by the Board to the General Manager in a single document that is more
easily accessible to staff and the Board.
Member Williams said he understood the rationale behind all three
proposed policies and he was comfortable with the proposed Informal
Bidding policy and had no comment with respect to the proposed Delegation
of Authority to the General Manager policy.
With regard to the proposed Purchasing policy, however, Member Williams
prefaced his comments with the belief that Board policies should be very
high level with a minimal amount of information that is not duplicative. Staff
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should have procedures available to them to implement the Board policies.
With that in mind, he offered for discussion the following feedback with
respect to the numbered POLICY items included in the proposed
Purchasing policy:
Item 2. - Provide a fair and equitable bidding environment that fosters
competition from responsive, responsible and qualified vendors;
Member Williams asked if the last three words were needed because if a
vendor were responsive and responsible, would they not also be
Item 3. — Be transparent;
Member Williams suggested that the policy should shy away from
buzzwords, preferring instead to say something like, "Be open in all
Mr. Bailey said the word "transparent"has become more known to the
public and is universally understood. Staff wants to make sure there is
an understanding that the District's transactions are straight up and there
should be no second guessing of the processes used.
Member Williams said he is supportive of the concept of transparency
but would prefer that the wording be as clear as possible.
Item 4. — Provide a timely, effective and consistent method of procurement
of goods and services;
With regard to the word "timely,"Member Williams suggested that it was
implicit with having an effective method of procurement . . .. Thus, he
suggested it be removed.
Mr. Leiber said the issue of timeliness is one that the Purchasing staff
deals with constantly. Mr. Bailey added that being timely is part of being
effective; in this instance the word "timely"is used for emphasis.
Mr. Williams reiterated that policies should stay brief and high level. It
would be his suggestion to re-word the item to "Provide an effective
method of procurement of goods and services."
Item 5. — Provide best overall value for the supply of goods and services as
required to support the needs of District departments and divisions with due
consideration for: acquisition cost, lifetime cost of ownership, capability,
qualifications, experience, skills, timeliness and value-added services;
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Member Williams suggested that the sentence should end after "goods
and services." The remainder of the wording would be more appropriately
included in an administrative procedure.
Item 6. — Following good business and ethical practices and adhere to all
District policies and procedures,-
rocedures,Member Williams questioned the inclusion of the words "and ethical,"
stating that good business practices do not include unethical practices.
Mr. Bailey said he preferred to leave the item as written; otherwise, the
language could become unnecessarily vague.
Item 7. — Support the purchase of environmentally sustainable products and
services to the extent feasible and in coordination with purchasing
regulations, price, performance, availability and safety;
Member Williams said he would end the sentence after the word
"services,"asking when would staff purchase environmentally
sustainable products that are not the best overall value (as required by
Item 5.)?
Mr. Bailey said brevity is good, but it can leave a lot to interpretation.
Member Williams opined that the clarifying wording would be more
appropriate for the administrative procedures.
Item 8. — Balance the need for material availability with the fiscal
responsibility to effectively and responsibly manage inventory investment;
Member Williams suggested rewording this item to "Manage inventory in
a fiscally responsible manner;"
Item 10. — Encourage local purchasing when cost competitive and practical.
Member Williams suggested removing this item because "providing best
overall value"as stated in Item 5 should dictate.
With regard to the matrix attached to the proposed Purchasing policy,
Member Williams questioned the need for it on the premise that it more
appropriately belongs in an administrative procedure. It was agreed that the
first table could be included in the Purchasing administrative procedures
and the second table be included in the proposed new policy entitled
Delegation of Authority to General Manager.
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In conclusion, Member Williams said Central San has a competent General
Manager and a competent staff. He reiterated his earlier statement that
Board policies should be written at the highest level and be supported by
comprehensive administrative procedures, approved by the General
Manager, for staff's use in implementing those policies.
Chair McGill made the following observations:
• With regard to procurement card limits, he noted that the Board
authorized late last year an increase from $3,500 to $5,000 per
• The proposed Informal Bidding policy was drafted upon the advice of
District Counsel to facilitate implementation of the UPCCAA, which was
adopted by the Board earlier this year.
• With regard to future changes to threshold limits under the UPCCAA, it
was his understanding, and staff's intention, that the limits should
change whenever the legislature changes them, without the need for
additional Board action. He requested that staff provide a General
Manager announcement in a Board agenda packet whenever the
amounts change. (Member Williams agreed with this request.)
• With regard to delegating authority to the General Manager, Chair McGill
said he very much agrees with Member Williams that the Board should
be moving as much high-level authority as possible to the General
Manager because they want him to run the District.
• With regard to separating policy from procedures, Chair McGill
recognized that time is of the essence to have these new Board policies
in place prior to September 1, 2018, which is the effective date for
implementation of the UPCCAA at Central San. For this reason, he
suggested that staff present them to the Board in substantially the format
as presented at this meeting, including the changes recommended by
Member Williams, with the proviso that they be reviewed six months
after adoption to do any further fine tuning. Thereafter, the policies could
revert to the customary biennial review schedule.
Mr. Leavitt, who was present for Item 4.a. and spoke in his capacity as a
member of Toastmasters, commented that he appreciated the struggle over
whether to include or exclude certain words in the policies. He opined that
words are important and can affect the messaging. For example, a Board
that wants to be seen as a champion of the environment may want to
include such language in its policies. The same is true for mentioning
ethical practices.
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval, with the
inclusion of some or all of the changes recommended by Member
Williams to proposed BP 035 — Purchasing. The Committee further
requested that the policies, if adopted by the Board, be reviewed six
months after adoption to consider any further fine tuning.
4. Other Items
a. Receive semi-annual update on participation in Talksics Toastmasters
Mr. Leavitt reviewed the information included in the agenda material.
Chair McGill said he likes that Toastmasters provides opportunities for
staff to hone their public speaking skills when they are either presenting to
the Board or when they are representing the District to outside
organizations. He mentioned that another speaking opportunity for
Toastmasters'members may be at the beginning of the quarterly meetings
of the Contra Costa Chapter of the California Special District Association
(CCSDA) which are held on-site in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Mr. Leavitt expressed appreciation for the Committee's support.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
5. Announcements
a. Mr. Bailey announced that the new wastewater revenue refunding bonds
were recently assigned a AAA'rating by Standard & Poors (S&P). The
pricing for the new bonds should be known on August 13, 2018.
b. Mr. Bailey said he had forwarded an informational item to the Board
Members regarding a recent California Supreme Court ruling that
overturned an appellate court ruling in San Diego related to a pension
reform proposition passed by the voters in 2012. The Supreme Court
ruled that City officials failed to meet and confer with their bargaining units
before placing the proposition on the ballot.
C. Mr. Bailey also announced that staff will be adding an item to the
August 16, 2018 Board agenda regarding DERWA's (Dublin San Ramon
Services District-East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water
Authority) request to divert raw wastewater from Central San for use by
customers located south of Central San's service area. Staff will be
seeking clarification and direction from the Board.
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6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of future agenda items
Received the list and, as noted above, requested that the policies
discussed in Item 3.b. be brought back to the Committee for review six
months after adoption.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
8. Adjournment— at 9:55 a.m.
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