HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Adopt 3 new Board Policies: (1) Purchasing, (2) Informal Bidding, and (3) Delegation of Authority to General Manager Page 1 of 35
Item 3.
Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm
General Manager District Counsel
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Board approval is required for adoption of new Board policies and resolutions.
Staff has been working for some time to update Central San's existing Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Manual (last adopted in 2003)to separate the policy statements from procedures and to incorporate
industry best practices. Toward the end of that process, in May of this year, the Board adopted the Uniform
Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA)with an effective date of September 1, 2018. This
action not only affects Central San's purchasing and informal bidding practices, but it also increases
certain authority limits with respect to public works projects that are currently delegated to the General
Manager via resolution.
I n addition to conducting a comprehensive review of existing purchasing practices, staff decided to take
this opportunity to review the current General Manager authority resolution, last adopted by the Board in
2016, to incorporate the thresholds of the UPCCAA and to convert the resolution to a Board policy.
As a result of this effort, three new Board policies are being brought forth at this time for the Board's
1. B P 035 - Purchasinp. This policy would replace the policy statements included in the existing
Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual adopted in 2003.
2. BP 036 - Informal Bidding. This is a new policy on informal bidding pursuant to the UPCCAA and
delegates authority to the General Manager or his designee to award informal bid contracts. It was
developed at the suggestion of District Counsel.
3. BP 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager. This is a new policy designed to replace the
existing General Manager authority resolution last adopted in 2016. It sets forth in one document all
authorities delegated to the General Manager other than those granted in the annual Central San
Budget and new BP 036 - Informal Bidding.
Each of these new Board policies is more fully explained below.
Proposed BP 035 - Purchasinp
History of the Purchasing Policyr
On March 3, 1983, the Board adopted Chapter 2.36, Section 2.36.010 Purchasing and Materials Policy
under Title 2 —Administration of the District Code.
On October 16, 2003, the Board adopted the existing Purchasing Policy and Procedures. These were
presented to the Board in the form of Policy Statements for the Board's approval (see Attachment 1.a.
— Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Purchasing Policy Statements). The Policy Statements were
accompanied by a procedures manual that included expanded procedural explanations of pertinent
procurement topics. I n their approval, the Board delegated to the General Manager the authority to modify
the procedures manual, consistent with the Board's adopted policies, when so required to comply with
current law and address changing operational needs.
On December 15, 2011, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2011-065 delegating certain authorities to the
General Manager. As part of that resolution, the Board increased the delegated authority of the General
Manager for professional consulting services agreements and for public works contracts from $50,000 to
$100,000. At that time, staff authority for the procurement of all other goods and services was addressed
in the resolution and Purchasing Policy by adding what was the current and a past practice of delegating
authority to the General Manager as long as the amount was within the Board's adopted budget. A few
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examples include the purchase of goods, supplies, furniture, tools, and chemicals, as well as maintenance
and repair-type contracts such as hauling, facilities maintenance, software, and hardware support. Staff is
recommending that this delegated authority remain the same, as is indicated in this new policy. This
recommendation, also considered a best practice by the National Procurement Institute, will continue to
ensure the efficient and timely procurement of essential goods and non-professional services for the
operational and maintenance needs of the District.
On December 7, 2017, the Board authorized an increase to the minimum quotation limit, from $3,500 to
$5,000, which further delegated vendor selection to staff while encouraging staff to do business with local
companies. This authorization also increased the maximum single purchase limit of the District
procurement cards to $5,000.
On May 3, 2018, the Purchasing section of the District Code was amended to add a new Paragraph
reflecting the Board's adoption of the UPCCAA.
New Purchasing Polio[
The new proposed BP 035 - Purchasing(see Attachment 1)was drafted with the following goals in mind:
1. To change the existing format so that the policy is separate from the procedures;
2. To put in place a high level set of principles that reflect best practices and which are comparable to
other agencies.
Other than consolidating the policy matters into a concise Board policy document and separating such
from the procedures, there are primarily two changes to the new proposed Purchasing Policy:
1. Public works project limits: Effective September 1, 2018, solicitation requirements and contracting
authority for public works projects will change in accordance with the limits established in the UPCCAA.
The limit for informal bidding will be $45,000 and the limit for formal bidding will be $175,000. (These
threshold limits are expected to increase effective January 1, 2019 to $60,000 and $200,000, respectively,
if pending legislation is adopted.)
2. Amendments to professional consulting services agreements: Two amendment tiers are proposed
based on the value of the agreement:
i. Agreements of$1 million or less will require Board authorization when the amendment will
increase the value of the agreement more than 15% or$100,000, whichever is greater.
ii. Agreements greater than $1 million will require Board authorization when the amendment
will increase the value of the agreement more than 10% or$200,000, whichever is less.
Currently, Board authorization is required for any amendment in an amount greater than 15% of the
original agreement. Staff is recommending this change, which will eliminate the need for Board
authorization on the lower dollar amendments, but will still provide Board oversight of staff authority
on larger agreements where 15% could be an excessive amount for staff authority.
The proposed BP 035 - Purchasing has gone through a comprehensive internal review process, and has
received considerable input from all departments at the District. The areas of focus in the new policy are
legal compliance and best practices, as well as clearly communicating the District's solicitation
requirements and contracting authority to the Board and staff.
Proposed BP 036 - Informal Bidding
Adoption of an informal bidding policy is necessary in connection with the Board's recent adoption of the
UPCCAA under Ordinance No. 300. The current ordinance sets forth the option for the District to
undertake and procure contracts for projects under specified dollar limits in a manner in conformance with
the UPCCAA when doing so would be applicable and beneficial to the District. Staff is recommending
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establishment of an informal bidding policy to facilitate implementation of the UPCCAA by highlighting
important requirements concerning (1) bidding thresholds, (2) notice to contractors inviting informal bids,
and (3) rejection of bids. The California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission provides
guidance recommending an informal bidding policy. Staff and District Counsel believe that the new
proposed BP 036 - Informal Bidding (see Attachment 2) satisfies that standard.
Proposed BP 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager
I n the past, the Board has delegated authority to the General Manager via resolution, the most recent
being Resolution No. 2016-046. That resolution sets forth authorization limits for emergency powers,
claims handling, personnel actions, awards of contract, etc. as well as authority limits related to the Capital
Improvement Program. Staff is recommending that the existing General Manager authority limits, as well
as proposed public works authority limits under the UPCCAA, be consolidated into a new Board Policy
rather than a resolution. The benefits of doing so are twofold:
1. The delegation of authority limits will receive regular biennial review because all Board policies are
reviewed by staff and the Board every two years, and
2. The General Manager authority limits, other than those granted in the Central San Budget and in the
new I nformal Bidding policy, will be contained in a single document which will be more easily
accessible by staff and the Board.
None of the proposed additions and revisions increase the General Manager's current authority levels,
other than those associated with the UPCCAA. (As stated above, the threshold limits for formal and
informal bidding may change from time to time based on legislative action.) Two new sections also have
been added to the proposed policy as follows:
Contracts for Goods and Services
The General Manager is authorized to award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for
goods and services within the Board's adopted operating budget, excluding labor, provided
purchasing policy and procedures are adhered to.
Procurement Cards
The General Manager is authorized on behalf of the District to enter into credit card agreements
and administer the procurement card program on behalf of the District.
These two sections do not represent changes to current practice, but were added to specify in one
document the full range of authority delegated to the General Manager.
The proposed B P 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager is set forth in Attachment 3. Also
attached is a strikeout version comparing the existing General Manager Authority Resolution No. 2016-046
with the language in the proposed Board policy (see Attachment 3.a.).
Proposed Resolution Regarding Claims Handling
One delegation in the current General Manager Authority Resolution No. 2016-046 relates to the
allowance, compromise and settlement of claims in an amount not to exceed $50,000. 1 n accordance with
Government Code §935.4, this delegation must be adopted via ordinance or resolution. It would be
appropriate, therefore, if proposed BP 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager were to be
adopted, for the Board to adopt this claims handling authority in a new resolution (see Attachment 4)that
also rescinds all prior authorities in Resolution No. 2016-046.
A reference to the new resolution has been incorporated in BP 037 under the section entitled Claims
Handling. This way all of the Board's delegations of authority to the General Manager may be found in
one document, with the exception of those authorities granted in the Central San Budget and the new BP
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036 - Informal Bidding(if adopted)
The Board may choose not to adopt the proposed policies, or may provide other direction to staff.
The Administration Committee reviewed this matter at its August 7, 2018 meeting and
recommended adoption of all three new policies and the proposed resolution. Changes were recommended to
BP 035 - Purchasing, as more fully explained in the Committee Minutes, which have been included in the
agenda packet under Item 14.a. The Committee further requested that:
1. The policies, if adopted by the Board, be reviewed six months after adoption to consider further fine
tuning; and
2. Staff include a General Manager Announcement in a Board agenda packet whenever the legislature
has acted to change the UPCCAA threshold limits.
Adopt the following three new Board policies and proposed resolution:
BP 035 - Purchasing
• B P 036 - Informal Bidding
BP 037 - Delegation ofAuthority to General Manager
• Proposed resolution delegating claims handling authority to the General Manager and rescinding
Resolution No. 2016-046.
Strategic Plan re-In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 2- Foster employee engagement and interdepartmental collaboration
GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements
Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration
GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
Strategy 2- Manage costs
1. Proposed New BP 035 - Purchasing
1.a. 2003 Purchasing Policy Statements
2. Proposed New BP 036 - Informal Bidding
3. Proposed New BP 037 - Delegation of Authority to General Manager
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3.a. Strikeout comparing proposed BP 037 with current General Manager Authority Reso. No 2016-046
4. Proposed resolution delegating claims handling authority to General Manager
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Number: BP 035
Related Admin. Procedure AP XXX
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: August 16, 2018 DRAFT
Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration /
Purchasing & Materials Services
To receive the best value for materials, supplies, equipment, services and public works
projects, and promote free and open competition through a fair and equitable selection
process that complies with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
1. Comply with applicable federal, state and local procurement laws and
2. Provide a fair and equitable bidding environment that fosters competition from
responsive and responsible prospective contractors and vendors;
3. Be transparent;
4. Provide a timely, effective and consistent method of procurement of goods and
5. Provide best overall value for the supply of goods and services to support the
needs of District departments and divisions;
6. Follow good business practices and adhere to all District policies and
7. Perform purchasing activities with the highest ethical standards;
8. Support the purchase of cost effective and environmentally sustainable products
and services that minimize environmental impacts;
9. Manage inventory in a fiscally responsible manner;
10. Dispose of surplus, damaged, scrap, excess and obsolete material, equipment
and supplies efficiently and economically; and
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Number: BP 035
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The Administration Department's Purchasing and Materials Services Division is the
centralized procurement authority to contract for goods and services on behalf of the
District in accordance with Chapter 2.36, Section 2.36.010 of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District Code.
The General Manager and Purchasing Manager are authorized to establish and
implement procedures to support this Policy.
[Original retained by the Secretary of the District]
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Attachment 1.a.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
2003 Purchasing Policy Statements
These Policy Statements below are set forth in the Purchasing Policies and Procedures
Manual adopted by the Board on October 2, 2003. This attachment consolidates the
existing Purchasing Policy Statements into one document for easier review by the Board.
Chapter Two — Ethical Considerations
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code Section 2.36.010A states:
'It is the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's policy to perform
procurement activities in conformance with all applicable laws and with the
highest ethical standards."
Preservation of the District's reputation for the fair, honest and consistent treatment of
suppliers can best be preserved if procurement is done solely on the merits of the
transaction. All District personnel should conduct themselves in such a manner as to
foster public and Board confidence in the integrity of the District's procurement operation.
Chapter Three—Approvals and Authorizations
All signature authority must be delegated in writing and approved by the Department
Director, the District's Controller and the General Manager.
Chapter Four— Introduction to Purchasing Procedures
Procurements are not District obligations unless the procurements comply with the
guidelines, procedures and policies approved by the Board of Directors.
Chapter Five— Special Purchases and Procedures
Various types of goods and materials require special processing or approvals. The
District has established various processes and procedures to address the procurement
of specialized goods, materials and services.
Chapter Six- Recycled Product Procurement
It is the policy of the District to utilize recycled products and recyclable products when
feasible, thereby diverting materials from the solid waste stream. Emphasis shall be
placed on the purchase of products manufactured with post-consumer recycled material.
Chapter Seven — Vendor Relations and Vendor Performance
It is essential that a professional, business-like relationship of mutual trust and confidence
exist between the District and its vendors.
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Attachment 1.a.
The following concepts and processes are considered basic and fundamental to the
District's vendor relationship policy:
a. Vendors will be accorded prompt, courteous, fair and equal treatment.
b. The District will not take advantage of vendor errors.
c. Purchasing shall not make, nor be asked to make unreasonable or unnecessary
demands on vendors.
Chapter Eight— Fair and Open Competition
The District requires that competitive pricing be secured for all contracts for goods or
services greater than $3,500. This is done to ensure that the goods or services acquired
by the District are at the lowest cost to the ratepayers. The foundation for effective fair
and open competition is equal treatment of each vendor.
Subject to the provisions of "Exemptions to Competitive Pricing" in this Chapter as well
as Chapter Four— Introduction to Purchasing Procedures and Chapter Twelve — District
Projects, no department shall draft, or cause to be drafted, any Request for Quotation,
Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal in such a manner as to limit the bidding, directly
or indirectly, to any one bidder. As such, vendors will not be allowed to dictate the
specifications and thereby limit the bidding to only their company's product.
It is generally the District's policy that vendors or consultants who are paid to design part
or all of a project, write product specifications, prepare bid or proposal documents, and/or
evaluate bids or proposals, or the like, may not also participate as bidders or consultants
to sell the District the subject product or service either directly or through business
partners, associates or affiliates. The District reserves the right to waive this requirement
when the following conditions are met: (1) it is in the best interest of the District to do so
(2) District Counsel has been consulted and (3) full disclosure is made to the District's
General Manager.
It is imperative that no vendor is given an advantage over the others. Therefore, vendor
offers will be kept confidential during the quotation or bidding process. A vendor is not
entitled to know the bids of the competitors so he/she can undersell the competition.
Chapter Nine— Specification Development
All specifications shall seek to promote overall economy and functionality for the purposes
intended and to encourage competition in satisfying the District's needs and shall not be
unduly restrictive or luxurious.
In order that the District receive the best quality of goods and services at the most
advantageous price, the Purchasing Division will not issue bids for any article of a specific
brand, nor any patented apparatus or appliance, when such requirements would prevent
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Attachment 1.a.
competition on the part of dealers or manufacturers of other articles of equal value, utility
or merit. This means simply that Purchasing will not exclude competition by insisting on
a particular manufacturer's product when other products of equal quality and functionality
are available. This policy does not apply to those items upon which the District has
standardized, for those items of a proprietary nature or for those times when it is deemed
necessary or critical to match existing items.
If a specific product is required, the requisitioning department must justify in writing to the
Purchasing Manager, that the product desired has significant features that are lacking in
other goods or services marketed by competitors. Purchasing will not procure a brand or
model that differs from that specified by the requisitioning department unless the
department agrees that an "equal" unit is satisfactory. However, if it is not satisfactory,
the requisitioning department must clearly state why it is not and may be asked to justify
the rejection in writing.
Note: Specifications and drawings developed for a District construction project must be
stamped by a registered engineer licensed to work in that particular field.
Chapter Ten — Scope of Work Development
It is the District's policy that clear, complete and logical Scopes of Work are developed to
enable District consultants to understand the District's needs and aid District personnel
in the administration of the agreement.
Chapter Eleven - Quotations
It is the District's policy to seek two quotes, as possible, when the value of the goods,
services, materials, equipment and supplies is estimated to be between $3,501 and
$15,000. The quotes shall be obtained in writing, by fax, or e-mail or from a reliable price
Three quotes, as possible, will be obtained when the value of the goods, services,
materials, equipment and supplies is estimated to be greater than $15,000. The quotes
shall be in writing. (This policy does not apply to District Projects. The policy for District
Projects, is found in Chapter Twelve of this manual).
Chapter Twelve — District Projects
District Projects of $15,000 or less do not require that a formal sealed bid process be
initiated. However, a minimum of two written quotes will be obtained when the estimated
value of the procurement is greater than $3,500.
In accordance with the California Public Contract Code, District Projects with a value
greater than $15,000 require that a formal sealed bid process be initiated.
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Attachment 1.a.
Any District Project that includes consultant-provided labor requires that the prevailing
rate of per diem wages be paid for work valued at more than $1,000.
Chapter Thirteen — Request for Proposals
It is the District's policy to obtain the best available materials goods, equipment and
specialized services for the ratepayer's money and to conduct a fair and equitable
selection process that complies with Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
Chapter Fourteen — Consultant Selection
It is the District's policy to obtain the best available professional services for the
ratepayer's money and to conduct a fair and equitable selection process that complies
with Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
Chapter Fifteen — Contract and Agreement Development
Proper and adequate development of contracts and agreements is essential to protecting
the interests of the District.
Chapter Sixteen — Contract Administration
Project Managers have the responsibility for ensuring that contract requirements are
being met in a way that supports the best interests of the District.
Chapter Seventeen — Insurance and Bonds
Vendors, contractors and consultants providing services, materials or construction to the
District are required to indemnify and defend the District for claims arising from their
performance of the contract and supply proof of insurance coverage, at or greater than
District standards, to the District. The proof the District requires is usually in the form of
certificates of coverage and endorsements as provided by the contractor's insurance
broker and/or carrier. All insurance requirements made of the contractor must appear in
the contract, and in the case of a competitive bid, they should also be included in the
Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal.
Chapter Eighteen — Cost Control Methods
It is the District's policy that departments plan their purchases, issue non-restrictive
specifications and encourage competition in an effort to control costs to the District.
Chapter Nineteen — Receivin_g Procedures
Goods, supplies, equipment and materials purchased by the District are to be shipped to
the Materials Services Building (MSB) located at the Treatment Plant in Martinez, the
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility in Martinez or to the Collection System
Operations Division (CSOD) in Walnut Creek.
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Attachment 1.a.
Chapter Twenty— Payment Procedures
Invoices for goods, services, materials and equipment procured by the District will be
processed in such a manner and time as to maximize discount terms. District employees
authorized to approve invoices for payment are responsible for auditing the invoice to
insure that the District has been invoiced properly.
Chapter Twenty-Two— Surplus Equipment
Disposition of surplus District property will be accomplished through the Purchasing
Division. Property will be disposed of by the following methods:
a. Make available to other departments
b. Trade-in on new equipment.
c. Sale at public auction.
d. Sale by sealed bids.
e. Junking (using as spare parts).
f. Sale as scrap.
g. Donation to non-profit organization.
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Attachment 2
Number: BP 036
Related Admin. Procedure AP XXX
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: August 16, 2018 DRAFT
Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering/
Capital Projects
To establish a Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) Board Policy on
informal bidding pursuant to the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
(UPCCAA) (California Public Contract Code (PCC) §§22000-22045).
1. District Projects, as defined by PCC §20801, may be let to contract by the
informal procedures as set forth in the UPCCAA.
2. The Central San Board delegates the authority to award such informal bid
contracts to the General Manager or his designee.
1. District Projects of $45,000* or less may be performed by the employees of the
District by force account, by negotiated contract, or by purchase order.
2. District Projects of $175,000* or less may be let to contract by informal bidding
procedures as set forth in the UPCCAA.
a. If a District Project was let to contract by informal bidding under the
UPCCAA procedures, then Board approval is required for a change order
to the public project that would cause the total cost of the project to
exceed $175,000*.
3. District Projects of more than $175,000* must be let to contract by the formal
bidding procedures set forth in the PCC.
These limits shall be raised concurrently with changes to the UPCCAA.
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Number: BP 036
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1. Central San will maintain a list of qualified contractors, identified by categories of
work. Contractors on the list for the category of work being bid will be mailed,
faxed, or emailed a notice inviting informal bids at least 10 calendar days before
bids are due.
2. Alternatively, Central San may elect to mail, fax, or email a notice inviting
informal bids to the applicable construction trade journals specified in PCC
3. The notice inviting informal bids must describe the project in general terms and
how to obtain more detailed information about the project, and state the time and
place for the submission of bids.
1. In its discretion, Central San may reject any bids by providing written notice
pursuant to the terms of PCC §22038.
2. If a contract is awarded, it must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. If
two or more bids are the same and the lowest, Central San may accept the one it
3. If no bids are received through the formal or informal procedure, the project may
be performed by the employees of Central San by force account or negotiated
contract without further complying with the UPCCAA.
District Projects shall not be split or separated into smaller work orders or projects for
the purpose of evading the provisions of the UPCCAA requiring work to be done by
contract after formal or informal competitive bidding.
[Original retained by the Secretary of the District]
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Attachment 3
Number: BP 037
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: August 16, 2018 DRAFT
Revised: --
Initiating Dept./Div.: Board of Directors/ CENTRALSAN
Secretary of the District
The proper functioning of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ("Central San")
requires that the General Manager and his or her staff have adequate authority to carry
out both the routine and reoccurring functions as well as the emergency functions of
Central San. With the exception of the Board's delegation of authority and limitations on
staff authority through the approval and adoption of the Central San Budget as well as
Board Policy No. BP 036 — Informal Bidding, this policy consolidates and clarifies the
Board's delegation of authority to the General Manager and his or her designee and
helps to ensure the efficient operation of Central San.
The General Manager and his or her designee shall have the authority to carry out the
functions of Central San as follows:
1. General Authorization
The General Manager is authorized to execute all deeds, contracts, warrants,
releases, receipts and similar documents for and on behalf of Central San in
accordance with California Health and Safety Code §6487, including all
documents prepared and circulated as part of the public competitive bidding
process. Nothing in this Section 1 is intended to alter or eliminate any other
statutory or District Code procedural requirements which may exist.
2. Emergency Powers
a. Immediate Action in Emergencies. Pursuant to California Public Contract
Code (PCC) §22050(b)(1), the Board delegates its power to the General
Manager to take any directly-related and immediate action required by an
emergency, as defined in PCC §1102, and to procure the necessary
equipment, services, and supplies for those purposes, when the
anticipated expenditures may exceed the lower limit of the threshold
requiring bidding for a project under the amount specified by PCC
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§22032(a) (currently $45,000), without giving notice for bids to let
b. Reportinq to the Board. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
General Manager shall report to the Board not later than 7 days after the
action, or at its regularly scheduled meeting if that meeting will not occur
later than 14 days after the action, the reasons justifying why the
emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation
for bids and why the action is necessary to respond to the emergency.
C. Regular Review Required. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
Board shall initially review the emergency action as set forth in paragraph
b. above, and at least at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until
the action is terminated, to determine, by a four-fifths (4/5) vote, that there
is a need to continue the emergency action, unless the General Manager
has terminated that action prior to the Board's review of that action.
d. Termination of Emergency. Upon its review of the emergency action, the
Board shall terminate that action at the earliest possible date that
conditions warrant so that the remainder of the emergency action
necessitated by the emergency may be completed by giving notice for
bids to let contracts.
3. District Emergency Operations Plan
The General Manager is designated as the Director of Emergency Services and has
the authority set forth in Resolution No. 2010-089, or as set forth in the most recently
adopted Emergency Operations Plan resolution or as amended by state law.
4. Easement Acquisitions and Leasing Property
a. Acquisition of Easements. The General Manager is authorized to negotiate
for grants of easements or offers of dedication and, where required,
purchase easements and offers of dedication in favor of Central San. The
General Manager shall also be authorized to prepare the documentation as
may be required for recording the property rights with the County
Recorder's Office, and to take other such action as may be required to
implement the acquisition of said easements and offers of dedication. The
General Manager will provide periodic reports to the Board on such
purchases and expenditures.
However, the Board shall retain the sole power to accept by resolution any
and all easements and offers of dedication received by Central San. After
acceptance of an easement or dedication by the Board, the General
Manager shall have the authority to record said easements and offers of
dedication for the purpose of providing legal notice of Central San's
acceptance and the property rights contained therein.
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b. Rights of Entry, Etc. The General Manager is authorized to purchase or
otherwise obtain rights of entry and approve restoration agreements,
encroachment permits, real property agreements and similar documents
affecting access to or use of real property deemed necessary or prudent
for the carrying out of Central San activities. If recording of any such
documents is required to create permanent rights and legal notice with
regard to such real property matters, such documents will require Board
approval for formal acceptance and authorization to record.
C. Funding. The General Manager is authorized to fund the purchase of
easements, offers of dedication and similar real property-related rights,
provided adequate funding is included in Central San's Board-approved
Capital Improvement Budget.
d. Lease Agreements. The General Manager, in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 7.08 of the District Code, is authorized to execute
agreements relating to the leasing out of Central San property which has
been declared by the Board after a public hearing as not needed for
Central San's operations for the period covered by the lease term.
5. Use of Small Claims Court
The General Manager is authorized to file suit in Small Claims Court without
additional specific authorization by the Board to pursue civil remedies against
persons or entities for claims within general subject matter areas and where the
amount of Central San's claim (amount in controversy) does not exceed the
monetary limits of the jurisdiction of California Small Claims Court. This power
includes the power to seek judgments and any other remedies available within
the jurisdiction of Small Claims Court, and to take other administrative actions
necessary to pursue appropriate remedies in Small Claims Court, including
appearing on behalf of Central San.
6. Claims Handling
a. Rejection of Claims. The General Manager is authorized to act on behalf
of the Board pursuant to Government Code§§ 910, et seq. to reject, return
as insufficient, or return as untimely any claims against it, and to provide
any notices authorized under those statutes on behalf of Central San.
b. Settlement of Claims. Pursuant to Government Code §935.4 and
Resolution No. 2018-016, the Board delegates the authority to the General
Manager to allow, compromise or settle claims against Central San not
exceeding $50,000, with the proviso that settlements between $25,000
and $50,000 will be reported promptly to the Board as informational items
at a publicly-noticed Board meeting.
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Number: BP 037
Page 4 of 8
7. Joint Powers Agreements
The General Manager is authorized without Board approval to execute Joint
Powers Agreements and similar cooperative agreements with cities, counties,
special districts and other government entities relating to Board-approved
construction projects, such as paving or landscaping, where the funds
exchanged in the agreement do not exceed $100,000.
8. Contracts for District Projects Not Exceeding the General Manager Public
Works Delegation Limit
Pursuant to PCC §22034 (c), the General Manager's Public Works Delegation
Limit is $175,000 or the amount of the informal bid limit as established
periodically by the State of California through Statute (PCC §22032(b)) related to
the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA).
The General Manager is authorized to take such actions as are statutorily
provided to the Awarding Body for contracts for District Projects of not more than
the General Manager's Public Works Delegation Limit provided legally
appropriate bidding or procurement procedures have been undertaken.
See Exhibits A and B.
9. Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting Agreements
and Professional Engineering Agreements
a. New Agreement Authorization Limit. The General Manager is authorized
to approve and execute Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical
Consulting Agreements and Professional Engineering Agreements that do
not exceed $100,000 in total cost.
b. Agreement Amendments. The General Manager is authorized to amend
Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting Agreements
and Professional Engineering Agreements as follows:
1) Original Agreement - $1 Million or Less. For such agreements with
an original amount of $1 million or less, the amendments must be
less than the greater of 15 percent of the original agreement
amount or $100,000.
2) Original Agreement— More than $1 Million. For such agreements
with an original amount of more than $1 million, the amendments
must be less than the greater of 10 percent of the original
agreement amount or $200,000.
3) Amendments Causing Agreement Total to Exceed $100,000. An
amendment to such an agreement which did not initially require
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Number: BP 037
Page 5 of 8
Board approval may not cause the agreement to exceed the
$100,000 General Manager authorization limit without prior Board
See Exhibits A and B.
10. District Projects and Capital Improvement Program
a. Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits. The General
Manager is authorized to expend funds available within the Capital
Improvement Budget as set forth and limited by the amounts and other
limitations set forth in Exhibit A.
b. Change Orders. The General Manager is authorized to approve change
orders (cumulatively) up to the construction contract contingency budget
determined at time of award on all District Projects, limited by the
authorizations defined in Exhibit A. As a guideline, typically the contract
contingency shall not exceed 10 percent of the award amount. The
percentage may be adjusted to a lower figure for larger projects or may
be increased on projects where special circumstances are present. Such
lower or higher contingency amount will be evaluated on a case-by-case
C. Increase to Contract Contingency. Board authorization is required to
increase the contract contingency budget amount on contracts awarded
by the Board after time of award.
See Exhibits A and B.
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
The General Manager and Purchasing and Materials Manager are authorized to
award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for goods and services within
the Board's adopted operating budget, excluding labor, provided purchasing policy
and procedures are adhered to.
See Exhibit B.
12. Procurement Cards
The General Manager is authorized on behalf of Central San to enter into credit
card agreements and administer the credit card program on behalf of Central
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Number: BP 037
Page 6 of 8
13. Personnel Actions Otherwise Reserved to Board pursuant to District Code
Chapter 4
The General Manager is authorized to take the following personnel actions which
are otherwise reserved to the Board pursuant to Chapter 4 of the District Code:
a. Adds/Cancels. The addition or deletion of any permanent positions
approved in the annual budget (Section 4.04.020 of the District Code).
These deletions and additions may not exceed the number of authorized
positions and-result in an increase in Central San's annual budgeted labor
b. Classifications. The establishment of new classifications and assignment
of pay grade within the existing salary schedule, as well as any
amendments to or the abolition of classification descriptions. These
actions may not result in an increase of Central San's annual budgeted
labor costs (Sections 4.12.010 and 4.12.040 of the District Code).
C. Manager Appointments. The appointment of management-level positions
(Section 4.16.070(a) of the District Code).
14. Other Personnel Actions
The General Manager is authorized to take the following actions without Board
a. Transitional Positions: Appoint up to five (5) General Manager
"transitional positions" at any given time to backfill positions vacated due
to an extended leave of absence or as necessary to properly address
succession planning. General Manager "transitional positions" are
positions not necessarily authorized in the annual budget. The cost
associated with these appointments cannot result in an increase in Central
San's annual budget.
b. Appointments/Disciplinary Actions. Make appointments and promotions,
take disciplinary actions and take such other actions as required for the
proper operation of Central San, provided such actions are consistent with
the then current Central San personnel rules and procedures, Memoranda
of Understanding (MOU) and Board Policies.
C. Employee Recognition. Grant administrative leave for employee
recognition purposes, such as for safety awards or similar special
recognitions for undertaking Central San responsibilities outside of the
employee's existing job function. The granting of such leave will be
evaluated by the General Manager on a case-by-case basis.
d. Other Actions. Take any other actions as set forth in the Board approved
MOUs with Central San's bargaining units.
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Number: BP 037
Page 7 of 8
Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits
Action General Manager Board of
Approve Capital Improvement Plan and Budget(CIPICIB) None No limit
Transfer funds to individual project budgets $500,000 or less' No limit
Professional Consulting Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Consultant Technical Consulting Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Professional Engineering Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Transfer funds from CIB contingency account to projects not $175,000*or less Greater than$175,000*
included in the CIB per project2
Individual equipment items and equipment contingency in Up to amount specified in No limit
the Equipment Budget Equipment Budget
Individual equipment items not in the Equipment Budget $50,000 or less No limit
Authorize supplemental funds to program budgets Not applicable Sewer Construction Fund
and contingency account balance
Award construction contracts3 $175,000*or less Greater than$175,000*
Authorize Additive $175,000*or less Greater than$175,000*
construction No Board authorization
change orders Deductive No limit required
Subcontractor substitutions All substitutions unless Substitutions protested by
protested by subcontractor subcontractor
Construction project acceptance All projects Informational announcement
to the Board
Close out project All projects Memo provided to the Board at
end of fiscal year
Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program and contingency account
2 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable contingency account
3 Bid protests and rejection of all bids must go to Board with the exception of those under$175,000 and
which fall under the provisions of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
(UPCCAA) (§§ 22042 and 22042.5)
*These limits shall be raised concurrently with changes to the UPCCAA(California Public Contract Code
§§22032(a), representing the threshold above which formal bidding is required under the UPCCAA.
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Number: BP 037
Page 8 of 8
Contracting Authority Limits
Contracting Authority
Consulting Public Works
Value Goods and Services Services Projects'
> $0 GM Delegated Authority'
> $0 and <_$100,000 GM Delegated
> $100,000 Board Authorization
> $0 and <_$175,000 GM Delegated Authority
> $175,000 Board Authorization
Change Orders > $175,000 Board Authorization
Amending Agreements<_ Board Authorization
$1,000,000: >15% or$100,000, Required
whichever is greater
Amending Agreements >
$1,000,000: >10% or$200,000, Board Authorization
whichever is less Required
The Board delegates authority to the General Manager, or their designee, to award and enter into contracts for
goods and services within the Board's adopted operating budget, excluding labor, provided purchasing policy
and procedures are adhered to.
2 Board authorization is required for amendments that cause the agreement to exceed $100,000 when the
original agreement did not have prior Board authorization because it was less than or equal to $100,000.
[Original retained by the Secretary of the District]
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Attachment 3.a.
Number: BP 037
Authority: Board of Directors
Effective: August 16, 2018
Initiating Dept./Div.: Board of Directors/ CENTRALSAN
Secretary of the District
RESOLUTION(TION NOS 2015 010 AND 2016_(1�i2
\.NHCRCnC the
proper functioning of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ("Central San")
requires that the General Manager and his or her staff have adequate authority to carry
out both the routine and reoccurring functions as well as the emergency functions of
Central San;aid. With the exception of the Board's delegation of authority and
limitations in staff authority through the approval and adoption of the Central San
Budget as well as Board Policy No. BP 036 — Informal Bidding, this policy consolidates
and clarifies the Board's delegation of authority to the General Manager and his or her
designee and helps to ensure the efficient operation of Central San.
WHEREAS, On past years the Central San Board of DireGtOrS ("Board") has provided fo.r
of nenessary funntions; avid
WHEREAS, the Boarrd has also nreyirderd anid nentinues to provide both delegation of
other dOGLIrnentsSdGh as GeRtrols PLAFGhoc� DeliGy and RreGeldures and the
Budgets; and
his er her idecienee�help to eRSUrrethe effTGF n�erotien of Central Con
THEREFORE, the Board SeekS te Glarify the delegation of certain authority and hereby
resolves that the
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General Manager Autherity
ResE)1 1+i„r, 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 2 of 10
The General Manager and his or her designee shall have the authority to carry out the
functions of Central San as follows:
SeEti=G= l=. General Authorization
The General Manager is authorized to execute all deeds, contracts, warrants,
releases, receipts and similar documents for and on behalf of Central San in
accordance with California Health and Safety Code SeGtiGR §6487, including all
documents prepared and circulated as part of the public competitive bidding
process. Nothing in this Section 1 is intended to alter or eliminate any other
statutory or District Code procedural requirements which may exist.
SeEtien 2=. Emergency Powers
a. Immediate Action in Emergencies. Pursuant to California Public Contract
Code (PCC) §22050(b)(1), the Board delegates its power to the
General Manager to take any directly-related and immediate action
required by an emergency, as defined in
PCC §1102, and to procure the necessary equipment, services, and
supplies for those purposes, when the anticipated expenditures may
exceed $4-5the lower limit of the threshold requiring bidding for a project
under the amount specified by PCC §22032(a) (currently $45,000;),
without giving notice for bids to let contracts.
b. Reportinq to the Board. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
General Manager shall report to the Board not later than seven (7) days
after the action, or at its regularly scheduled meeting if that meeting will
not occur later than fourteen (14) days after the action, the reasons
justifying why the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a
competitive solicitation for bids and why the action is necessary to
respond to the emergency.
C. Regular Review Required. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
Board shall initially review the emergency action n„+ later than GeVe , day
after the aGtienas set forth in paragraph b. above, and at least at every
regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until the action is terminated, to
determine, by a four-fifths (4/5) vote, that there is a need to continue the
emergency action, unless the General Manager has terminated that action
prior to the Board's review of that action.
d. Termination of Emergency. Upon its review of the emergency action, the
Board shall terminate that action at the earliest possible date that
conditions warrant so that the remainder of the emergency action
necessitated by the emergency may be completed by giving notice for
bids to let contracts.
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Genesi Manager nu+herity
Roo. l6itiO, 2016 046
Number: BP 037
Page 3 of 10
Seetien 3: District Emergency Operations Plan
The General Manager is designated as the Director of Emergency Services and has
the authority set forth in Resolution No. 2010-089, or as set forth in the most recently
adopted Emergency Operations Plan resolution or as amended by state law.
4: Easement Acquisitions and Leasing Property
a. Acquisition of Easements The General Manager is authorized to negotiate
for grants of easements or offers of dedication and, where required,
purchase easements and 'offers of dedication in favor of Central
San. The General Manager shall also be authorized to prepare the
documentation as may be required for recording the property rights with the
County Recorder's Office, and to take other such action as may be
required to implement the acquisition of said easements and offers of
dedication. The General Manager will provide periodic reports to the Board
on such purchases and expenditures.
However, the Board shall retain the sole power to accept by resolution any
and all easements and offers of dedication received by Central San. After
acceptance of an easement or dedication by the Board, the General
Manager shall have the authority to record said easements and offers of
dedication for the purpose of providing legal notice of the DistriE;VsUentral
San . acceptance and the property rights contained therein.
b. Rights of Entry, Etc The General Manager is authorized to purchase or
otherwise obtain rights of entry and approve restoration agreements,
encroachment permits, real property agreements and similar documents
affecting access to or use of real property deemed necessary or prudent
for the carrying out of Central San activities. If recording of any such
documents is required to create permanent rights and legal notice with
regard to such real property matters, such documents will require Board
approval for formal acceptance and authorization to record.
C. I-uncaint The General Manager is authorized to fund the purchase of
easements, offers of dedication and similar real property-related rights,
provided adequate funding is included in the DiStFOGVS ventral San Board-
approved Capital Improvement Budget.
d. Lease Agreements The General Manager, in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 7.08 of the District Code, is authorized to execute
agreements relating to the leasing out of Central San property which has
been declared by the Board after a public hearing as not needed for
Central San's operations for the period covered by the lease term.
SeEtien5: Use of Small Claims Court
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General Manager nu+herity
Rosea tiOR 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 4 of 10
The General Manager is authorized to file suit in Small Claims Court without
additional specific authorization by the Board to pursue civil remedies against
persons or entities for claims within general subject matter areas and where the
amount of Central San's claim (amount in controversy) does not exceed the
monetary limits of the jurisdiction of California Small Claims Court. This power
includes the power to seek judgments and any other remedies available within
the jurisdiction of Small Claims Court, and to take other administrative actions
necessary to pursue appropriate remedies in Small Claims Court, including
appearing on behalf of Central San.
SeG#eR-6 Claims Handling
a. Rejection of Claims. The General Manager is authorized to act on behalf
of the Board pursuant to Government CodeseGtieRe 910, et seq. to
reject, return as insufficient, or return as untimely any claims against it,
and to provide any notices authorized under those statutes on behalf of
Central San.
b. Settlement of Claims. Pursuant to Government Code s0� §935.4; and
Resolution No. 2018-1, the Board delegates the authority to the General
Manager to allow, compromise or settle claims against the D;StriGtCentral
not exceeding $50,000 with the proviso that settlements between
$25,000 and $50,000 will be reported promptly to the Board as
informational items at a publicly-noticed -Board meeting.
7: Joint Powers Agreements
The General Manager is authorized without Board approval to execute Joint
Powers Agreements and similar cooperative agreements with cities, counties,
special districts and other government entities relating to Board-approved
construction projects, such as paving or landscaping, where the funds
exchanged in the agreement do not exceed $100,000.
Seetiop,8= Contracts for District Projects Not Exceeding &108the General
Manager Public Works Delegation Limit
Pursuant to PCC §22034 (c), the General Manager's Public Works Delegation
Limit is $175,000 or the amount of the informal bid limit as established
periodically by the State of California through Statute (PCC §22032(b)) related to
the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA).
The General Manager is authorized to take such actions as are statutorily
provided to the Awarding Body for contracts for District Projects of not more than
$�99�8�the General Manager's Public Works Delegation Limit provided legally
appropriate bidding or procurement procedures have been undertaken.
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General Maga er nu th„rity
Rose! t r,r, 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 5 of 10
See Exhibits A and B.
Sec4keR-9= Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting
Agreements and Professional Engineering Agreements
a. New Agreement Authorization Limit. The General Manager is authorized;
ass t forth in GeRtral Canso P Urhao� Dnlicy and Procedures section,_ to
approve and execute Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical
Consulting Agreements and Professional Engineering Agreements that do
not exceed $100,000 in total cost.
SeGtion«AmeRdrnents-to Professional Consulting Agreermi rettJ, TeGhrnoGaT
rGnoi 1ltin A roomonto and PrGfe SSOGRal Cn inoorin A reemonto
b. Agreement Amendments. The General Manager is authorized to amend
Professional Consulting Agreements, Technical Consulting Agreements
and Professional Engineering Agreements fer aFnGURtsas follows:
1) Original Agreement - $1 Million or Less. For such agreements with
an original amount of$1 million or less, the amendments must be
less than fift�the greater of 15) percent of the original
agreement amount. LL,weyer an amendment to Drefessienal
Consulting Agreement, TeGhRiGal GensuTt+ng or $100,000.
2) Original Agreement and Professional Engineerinn More than $1
Million. For such agreements with an original amount of more than
$1 million, the amendments must be less than the greater of 10
percent of the original agreement amount or $200,000.
3) Amendments Causing Agreement Total to Exceed$100,000. An
amendment to such an agreement which did not initially require
Board approval, may not cause the agreement to exceed the
$100,000 General Manager authorization limit without prior Board
See Exhibits A and B.
SeGtiy�i oonr11:10. District Projects and Capital Improvement Program
a. Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits. The General
Manager is authorized to expend funds available within the Capital
Improvement Budget as set forth and limited by the amounts and other
limitations set forth in Exhibit A.
b. Change Orders. The General Manager is authorized to approve change
orders (cumulatively) up to the construction contract contingency budget
determined at time of award on all District Projects, limited by the
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General Manager nu+herity
Rosea tiOR 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 6 of 10
authorizations defined in Part a. SoG�.-Exhibit A. As a guideline,
typically the contract contingency shall not exceed to-R410) percent of the
award amount.- The percentage may be adjusted to a lower figure for
larger projects or may be increased on projects where special
circumstances are present. -Such lower or higher contingency amount
will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
C. Increase to Contract Contingenc Board authorization is required to
increase the contract contingency budget amount on contracts awaiued
by the Boar( after time of award.
See Exhibits A and B.
co,.+� 11. Contracts for Goods and Services
The General Manager and Purchasing and Materials Manager are authorized to
award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for goods and services within
the Board's adopted operating budget, excluding labor, provided purchasing policy
and procedures are adhered to.
See Exhibit B.
12. Procurement Cards
The General Manager is authorized on behalf of Central San to enter into credit
card agreements and administer the credit card program on behalf of Central
Personnel Actions Otherwise Reserved to Board pursuant to District Code
Chapter 4
The General Manager is authorized to take the following personnel actions which
are otherwise reserved to the Board pursuant to Chapter 4 of the District Code.
a. Adds/Cancer The addition or deletion of any permanent positions
approved in the annual budget (Section 4.04.020 of the District Code).
These deletions and additions may not exceed the number of authorized
positions ana result in an increase in the DiStFiGt' Central San's annual
budgeted labor costs.
b. Classifications. The establishment of new classifications and assignment
of pay grade within the existing salary schedule, as well as any
amendments to or the abolition of classification descriptions. These
actions may not result in an increase of Central San's annual budgeted
labor costs (Sections 4.12.010 and 4.12.040 of the District Code).
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Genesi Manager Autherity
Rese161tiGR 2016 046
Number: BP 037
Page 7 of 10
C. Manager Appointments. The appointment of management-level positions
(Section 4.16.070(a) of the District Code).
Se^t�3,14. Other Personnel Actions
The General Manager is authorized to take the following actions without Board
a.a. Transitional Positions: Appoint up to five (5) General Manager
"transitional positions" at any given time to backfill positions vacated due
to an extended leave of absence or as necessary to properly address
succession planning. General Manager "transitional positions" are
positions not necessarily authorized in the annual budget. The cost
associated with these appointments cannot result in an increase in Central
San's annual budget.
.b. Appointments/Disciplinary Actions. Make appointments and
promotions, take disciplinary actions and take such other actions as
required for the proper operation of Central San, provided such actions
are consistent with the then current Central San personnel rules and
procedures, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Board Policies.
C. Employee Recognition. Grant administrative leave for employee
recognition purposes, such as for safety awards or similar special
recognitions for undertaking DistriG Central San responsibilities outside of
the employee's existing job function. The granting of such leave will be
evaluated by the General Manager on a case-by-case basis.
d. Other Actions. Take any other actions as set forth in the Board approved
MOUs with Central San's bargaining units.
August 16, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 45 of 149
Page 31 of 35
r_eRerai Manager Au+hent"
Rosoi +.,r, 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 8 of 10
S'Ghon«QeSGScion of Drier ReoolU S
resolution,As ef the effeGtove date of thms
the existing Central San Resolution Nos.
2015 010 and 2016 019 are reonindelt
PASSED AND ADOPTED this lot day of December, 20T1E,
AYES:Members: Cause„, MGG011, lei I"0 �Dilci
NOES: Members: ne
ABSENT: Members: \A/illiamo
Tail I Dile&
President of the Beard of DioreGtorc ^+
C i int., of Centra Costa,, Stat ' ornia
Elaine R. Boeh �`
9entral GentFa Costa Sanita �i�TrGt
State of CalifOFRia
KeRtO R L. Alm, Esq.
Ge rnoel for the Dnstrint
[Original retained by the Secretary of the District]
August 16, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 46 of 149
Page 32 of 35
General Manager Autherity
ResE)1 1t'E)R 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 9 of 10
Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits
Action General Manager Board of
Approve Capital Improvement Plan and Budget(CIP/CIB) None No limit
Authorize Capital Program budgets Alone No limit
Transfer funds to individual project budgets $500,000 or lessNo limit
Professional Consulting Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Consultant Technical Consulting Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Professional€ng-.Engineering Services $100,000 or less Greater than$100,000
Transfer funds from CIB contingency account to projects not $400175,000*or Greater than$40175,000*
included in the CIB less per project2
Individual equipment items and equipment contingency in Up to amount specified in Above arnount Spedfied in
the Equipment Budget Equipment Budget EquipmeRt Budget-No limit
Individual equipment items not in the Equipment Budget $50,000 or less (-4eater $tin 00ONo limit
Authorize supplemental funds to program budgets Not applicable Sewer Construction Fund
and contingency account balance
Award construction contracts3 $x00175,000*or less Greater than$100175,000*
Authorize Additive $x00175,000*or less Greater than$1-00175,000*
construction No Board authorization
change orders Deductive No limit required
Subcontractor substitutions All substitutions unless Substitutions protested by
protested by subcontractor subcontractor
Construction project acceptance All projects Informational announcement
to the Board
Close out project All projects Memo provided to the Board at
end of€Xfiscal year
Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program and contingency account
2 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable contingency account
3 Bid protests and rejection of all bids must go to Board Fegardless of dellar aMOURtwith the exception of
those under$175,000 and which fall under the provisions of the California Uniform Public Construction
Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA) (§§ 22042 and 22042.5)
*These limits shall be raised concurrently with changes to the UPCCAA(California Public Contract Code
§22032(a)), representing the threshold above which formal bidding is required under the UPCCAA.
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General Manager nu+herity
RosE)i +.,r, 2016_046
Number: BP 037
Page 10 of 10
Contracting Authority Limits
Contracting Authority
Consulting Public Works
Value Goods and Services Services Projects'
> $0 GM Delegated Authority'
> $0 and <_$100,000 GM Delegated
> $100,000 Board Authorization
> $0 and <_$175,000 GM Delegated Authority
> $175,000 Board Authorization
Change Orders > $175,000 Board Authorization
Amending Agreements <_
$1,000,000: >15%or$100,000, Board Authorization
whichever is greater 2 Required
Amending Agreements >
$1,000,000: >10%or$200,000, Board Authorization
whichever is less Required
' The Board delegates authority to the General Manager, or their designee, to award and enter into contracts for
goods and services within the Board's adopted operating budget, excluding labor, provided purchasing policy
and procedures are adhered to.
2 Board authorization is required for amendments that cause the agreement to exceed $100,000 when the
original agreement did not have prior Board authorization because it was less than or equal to $100,000.
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Page 34 of 35
Attachment 4
WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 935.4, the Board of Directors may
authorize via resolution an employee of Central San to allow, compromise, or settle a
claim against Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central) San if the amount to be
paid pursuant to the allowance, compromise or settlement exceeds $50,000; and
WHEREAS, Government Code Section 935.4 further provides that such a resolution
may provide that upon written order of that employee, a warrant may be issued in the
amount for which a claim has been allowed, compromised or settled up to the $50,000
limitation stated above; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interests of Central San to delegate the
above authority to the General Manager.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District (Central San):
1. THAT the Board delegates authority to the General Manager to allow,
compromise or settle claims against Central San not exceeding $50,000; and
2. THAT the General Manager may authorize payment of any such claims up to the
stated limit; and
3. THAT as of the effective date of this resolution, the existing Central San
Resolution No. 2016-046 is hereby rescinded.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2018 by the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
James A. Nejedly
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
August 16, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 49 of 149
Page 35 of 35
Resolution No. 2018-016
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Page 2 of 4
Katie Young
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to Form:
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
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