HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. Authorize advertisement for bids re Server Room Relocation (DP 8243) and Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades (DP 7362) Page 1 of 12 Item 9. CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 2018 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEMENTTO RECEIVE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SERVER ROOM RELOCATION, DISTRICT PROJECT 8243, AND PLANT OPERATIONS BUILDING SEISMIC UPGRADES, DISTRICT PROJECT 7362 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NATHAN HODGES, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & TECHNICAL SERVICES C Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE On July 9, 2018, the Engineering and Operations Committee recommended to include this subject as an action to be determined by the Board of Directors (Board). BACKGROUND On July 21, 2016, the Board authorized a preliminary design agreement with Pacific Design Group (PDG). PDG produced a pre-design report documenting the recommended features for a new server room and assisted Central San staff in selecting the future server room location. Analyzing options for the new server room and developing criteria to anticipate future Central San IT needs took significant effort and time. At the completion of the pre-design, PDG relocated its local office out of state, and both staff and PDG concluded that it was in the best interest to end their pre-design agreement. Staff recommended to perform detailed design of the server room under a new agreement with an architectural firm that would be July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 39 of 111 Page 2 of 12 designing the Plant Operations Building (POB) Seismic, Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), Board Room, and Headquarters Office Building (HOB) Lobby renovations. After receiving several competitive proposals, the Board authorized an agreement with MWA Architects, Inc. (MWA)to complete detailed design for a number of projects including the Server Room Relocation, District Project (DP) 8243, POB Seismic Upgrades (DP 7362), Property and Building Improvements (DP 8247), and General Security and Access (DP 8207). These projects included improvements to address security, safety, and resiliency of these building areas, as well as to the HOB Lobby. The safety and security elements of the projects has been coordinated with the findings of the comprehensive security study performed by Central San's Risk Management group in 2016. Detailed design for the Server Room Relocation and POB Seismic Upgrades Projects has been completed. These projects are listed as critical priority in the Capital Improvement Budget (Cl B) as they address safety concerns and facility vulnerabilities. The current location of the server room, in the basement of POB, has already been affected by water damage and is vulnerable to numerous utilities located above the ceiling and possible flooding within the tunnels from nearby process equipment. The POB is vulnerable to structural damage in the event of an earthquake that would affect staff safety and operations of the treatment plant. As part of the POB Seismic Upgrades Project, and to take advantage of the extensive seismic work, the MPR will be renovated to improve public access and restrooms. The Server Room Relocation Project will construct a new data center/server room outside of the elevated level of POB. New fiber optic cables will also be installed for both the business and plant control system networks. Because of the critical nature of relocating network equipment and to minimize the impact on plant operations, staff will include the actual migration of existing equipment under a separate agreement with a company that specializes in computer networks. Approval for professional migration services will be presented to the Board at the time of Award. The POB Seismic Upgrades Project will make seismic strengthening improvements similar to those upgrades already done for the HOB and the Pump and Blower Building at the Martinez campus. Also, security improvements will be made to the MPR to ensure that unauthorized access to the treatment plant does not occur. Other improvements include public accessible American with Disabilities Act restrooms, use of recycled water for toilets for the MPR and HOB Lobby, and cost-effective building modifications related to construction activities. This construction project also requires relocating some of POB staff into temporary office trailers for portions of the project due to the extensive amount of welding and demolition work associated with asbestos and lead paint abatement. A majority of staff will be relocated to existing facilities, such as HOB, Annex Building, and other locations throughout the Martinez campus. Relocating staff out of the building will allow the contractor to efficiently access areas and install the seismic strengthening components. The plant control room operators will remain in the building, and the contractor will provide safe access and protection during construction. Because both the Server Room Relocation and POB Seismic Upgrades Projects take place in the same building, the projects will be bid and constructed as a single project. Combining these projects is more cost effective and quicker to construct compared to constructing two separate projects and impacting Operations. Staff estimates a six to eight month duration for construction; however, sequencing plays a major role and parts of POB (MPR, locker rooms, and administrative area)will be made available as work progresses in order to keep costs low and minimize impacts to the public and Operations. As for the Board Room and adjacent Caucus room, there will be minimal impacts related to seismic retrofitting and staff anticipates that the construction can be performed without having to change future Board meeting dates or location. Lastly, as part of the Property and Building Improvements Project and for security and restroom needs, a new public restroom will be added to the HOB Lobby, and restrooms July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 40 of 111 Page 3 of 12 adjacent to the Board Room will be renovated to include recycled water and building code modifications. The renovation to the HOB Lobby will be sequenced to start after the POB seismic upgrades are completed to avoid impacts to our customers and visitors. Staff plans on publicly advertising this project on August 3 and 8, 2018. October 4, 2018, is the scheduled Board meeting to award the construction contract. CEQA Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) since it involves minor alterations to existing, public facilities. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. No Board action is required at this time. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could direct staff to bid these projects separately, which is not recommended as costs and impacts will increase with two separate bids and potentially different contractors. The Board could direct staff to delay bidding the project to a later date, which is not recommended since the project has been designed to address safety, security, resiliency, and public facility improvements. The Board could provide direction to staff with other alternatives. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated cost for the Server Room Relocation and POB Seismic Upgrades Projects is approximately$5.9 million. As presented in this position paper, several C I B project elements have been combined for bidding and construction purposes. This work is budgeted under the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget for the Capital Improvement Program with the following available funds: 1. General Security and Access, DP 8207 ................... $ 500,000 2. Property and Building Improvements, DP 8247........ $1,000,000 3. Server Room Relocation, DP 8243........................... $1,835,000 4. POB Seismic Upgrades, DP 7362............................ $2.530.000 Total Estimated Costs: $5,865,000 The Engineer's estimate for construction is $4.8 million. More information and detailed costs will be presented to the Board at the time of Award. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee recommended this subject at its July 9, 2018 meeting. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Authorize the advertisement to receive bids for construction of the Server Room Relocation, District Project 8243, and Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades, District Project 7362. July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 41 of 111 Page 4 of 12 Strategic Plan re-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 1 - Strive to achieve 100%permit compliance in air, water, land, and other regulations GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility Strategy 2- Manage costs GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce Strategy 3- Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE: Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure Strategy 3- Protect District personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX: Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 1 -Augment the region's water supply ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 42 of 111 Page 5 of 12 4 SERVER ROOM RELOCATION, DP 8243; POB SEISMIC UPGRADES, DP 7362; AUTHORIZATION TO BID m t Ed ar J. Lo ez �. g p Capital Projects Division Manager Board Meeting July 19, 2018 AGENDA KEY MAP • Project Backgrounds ARFAOFW W —— • Recommended Design x; Approach I Ii 4_ u i • Construction Impacts I -- _ • Schedule and Estimated Costsiu — ` ' �Iu Ai .'„ A90 OF WORK L_- 1 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 43 of 111 Page 6 of 12 PLANT OPERATIONS BUILDING (POB) AND MULTI-PURPOSE Room (MPR) SEISMIC UPGRADES Project Background: 2009 Seismic evaluation of Central San facilities • 2007 California Building Code adoption • Treatment Plant facilities—buildings and structures POB (including MPR) is part of an ongoing program of seismic upgrades in the Capital Improvement Plan • Completed Headquarters Office Building (HOB) • Completed Pump and Blower Building • Solids Conditioning Building included for 2020 • POB (and MPR) next facilities scheduled in plan • Other structures in future years - ` 3 SEISMIC RETROFIT PROGRAM Concord Fault operty I.,ine tc Fault '� l3 mites w—7D9& �1 k'«ill.' Blower Bldg to Fl vlt lids Bldg to Paull --miler m--d.Ot;-i A ,64 miles or--3,354 A POB Facility H to Fault .80 miles or 4,214 R Concord Fault is less than a mile from Central San Facilities I,4 CENTRALSAN 2 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 44 of 111 Page 7 of 12 POB SEISMIC UPGRADES TAT• -- �— A.—— ��� !•lam � — — CENTRALSAN SCOPE OF PROJECT EY MAP 1 RREA OF WORK e — P 1. POB Seismic Retrofits F 7 © - includes Operations LP=L Offices, Board Room, MPR, and Control f 0 Room { . 2. Security and ADA L Improvements s (Restrooms)for MPR 'il and HOB Lobby -hA 0.wORR �j Ij6 CENTRALSAN 3 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 45 of 111 Page 8 of 12 MPR LAYOUT MODIFICATIONS i Project Scope for MPR: 1. ADAAccessible Restrooms -- Q, (Men) i 2. ADAAccessible Restrooms 'o (Women) 3. Isolation of Corridor from Plant - Operation Area (Security) oz 4. New Public Entrance with • — Rain Canopy(Public Access) 5. Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Equipment Storage W17 o©o * Restrooms will be plumbed for recycled water 4 I � CENTRALSAN OVERALL PROJECT BENEFITS AND SCOPE Project Benefits: • Increased safety for Plant Operations and Maintenance staff • Increased reliability for Control Room (24-hr continuous occupancy and operation) • Increased reliability and protection to plant Information Technology(IT) Servers and Data Center • Safety Improvements to Board Room and MPR facilities, including Emergency Operations Center • General Security Improvements and Accessibility to ADA compliant public restrooms in MPR and HOB Lobby Project Scope: • Column strengthening, steel braces, and collector beams • Security improvements and ADA restrooms • New Data Center/Server Room • Floorplan modifications resulting from demolition work • Abatement work, asbestos containing materials • Cost-effective staff relocation to existing facilities and few temporary trailers 4 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 46 of 111 Page 9 of 12 SERVER ROOM PROJECT LOCATION AREA OF WORK CCCSP SERVER ROOM n 50191M HOFi PLACE MARTINUCAUS53 ..'�� Rb.,. • 95 WSMMAL SET � 3.26.7018 New Server Room 203739,01 TITLE SHEET d G1.01 9 SERVER ROOM RELOCATION PROJECT Project Background: _ • Server failure due to water y damage in existing location 's • Current location vulnerable • Pre-design work recommended moving room and other —j improvements to address resiliency, security, and future growth 0. 'A� . - .. 5 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 47 of 111 Page 10 of 12 SERVER ROOM RELOCATION PROJECT Project Scope: • New location outside adjacent to POB (reason to combine effort with overall seismic project) • Accommodate electrical needs and back-up power systems • New energy efficient cooling systems and lighting • Install building and security improvements to enhance resiliency • Install new fiber optic and related cabling • Relocate business and plant networks and equipment • Migration plan to move IT equipment designed to minimize disruption • New facilities designed with future growth in mind (i.e. expansion of network racks) CENTRALSAN . : _ PROJECT IMPACTS A. Server Room - Equipment relocation is critical, received proposals from professional IT migration services: • Migration will take place at completion/acceptance of construction • Specialized, experienced network equipment company B. POD Seismic and Other Improvements-Temporary staff relocation during construction and abatement: • Several groups will be relocated to HOB or other available existing office locations • Few temporary office trailers and one restroom trailer will be provided and coordinated with the construction activities to minimize rental fees - Board Room will have minimal impacts, no impact on meetings excepted • MPR will be closed for several months, aiming to be available in April 2019 • Control Room will maintain access for Operators CENTRALSAN 6 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 48 of 111 Page 11 of 12 CURRENT SCHEDULE • Prepare 100% Bid Documents July 2018 • Bid August 2018 •Award October 2018 • Construction Notice to Proceed November 2018 • Relocate POB Staff December 2018 • Complete Construction August 2019 13 CENTRALSAN PROJECT COST ESTIMATES FY 2018 -19 Capital Improvement Budget* 1. General Security and Access, DP 8207 $ 0.50 M 2. Property and Building Improvements, DP 8247** $ 1.00 M 3. Server Room Relocation, DP 8243 $ 1.835 M 4. POB Seismic Upgrades, DP 7362 2.53 M Total Combined Estimated Costs: $ 5.865 M (including relocation) Engineer's Estimate for Construction is $4.8 M *Includes Budget to Date **DP 8247 has a higher budget in the CIB but will be used for other Property and Building Improvements CENTRALSAN 7 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 49 of 111 Page 12 of 12 BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS •Authorize the Advertisement to receive bids for the Server Room Relocation, DP 8243, and the Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades, DP 7362. 15 -Q CENTRALSAN- QUESTIONS? CENTRALSAN -� - 8 July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 50 of 111