HomeMy WebLinkAbout04. Adopt revisions to BP No. 025 - Naming of District Facilities Page 1 of 4 Item 4. CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 2018 SUBJECT: ADOPT PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY NO. BP 025 - NAMING OF DISTRICT FACILITIES SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT DISTRICT Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE Board approval is required for revisions to Board Policies. Revisions are proposed for Board Policy No. B P 025 - Naming of District Facilities. BACKGROUND All Board Policies are reviewed by staff at least every two years, after which they are brought before a Board Committee for review. If no changes are recommended either by staff or the Committee, Board Policies are returned to the queue for review in another two years. However, if revisions are recommended, Board Policies are brought to the full Board for consideration. In this case, staff has recommended a couple of changes to B P 025 - Naming of District Facilities, and the Administration Committee has concurred. The proposed changes merely clarify that facilities may be named in honor of exemplary public service rendered by an individual ora community organization. July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 111 Page 2 of 4 A strikeout version of the policy indicating the proposed revisions to the existing policy is attached. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board may provide other direction to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACTS None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed the proposed changes to BP 025 at its meeting on July 10, 2018 and recommended Board adoption. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Adopt proposed changes to Board Policy No. BP 025 - Naming of District Facilities Strategic Plan re-In GOAL TWO: Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements Strategy 3- Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations related to District administration ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed BP 025- Naming of District Facilities (in strikeout) July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 111 Page 3 of 4 Number: BP 025 Authority: Board of Directors =- Effective: July 21, 2016 Revised: + ► Reviewed: � �� � * Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration ORG BOARD POLICY NAMING OF DISTRICT FACILITIES PURPOSE To set forth policy and criteria for the naming or dedication of District facilities. POLICY Periodically the Board of Directors may wish to consider naming one of 4-the District facilities in honor of exemplary public service rendered by an individual or community organization. Criteria and Eligibility 1. District facilities may be named in honor of individuals or community organizations that have made exceptional contributions to the District or demonstrated commitment to the industry, including one or more of the following: o Extraordinary public service as an elected official; o Extraordinary public service as a District employee; o Extraordinary public service as a community volunteer; o Extraordinary contribution to foundations/organizations which directly support the District's mission. 2. Particular consideration should be given to the following: o The period of time during which the individual served; o The number of people that directly or indirectly benefitted from the individual's service; o The extent to which the actions of the individual improved: the lives of those affected by the service, and/or the environment. July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 111 Page 4 of 4 Number: BP 025 NAMING OF DISTRICT FACILITIES Page 2of2 3. No person who is currently running for elected office or who is serving as an elected official of the District will be eligible for nomination during such service. 4. A nomination of a deceased individual may be considered no sooner than one year after the individual's death. 5. Recognition by naming may be bestowed upon an individual organizatio for one District facility only. 6. No facility shall be named after an individual who has been convicted of a felony. If a person for whom a facility has been named is, in the future, convicted of a felony, their name will be removed from that facility. 7. Naming requests may be originated by a Board Member or submitted through the General Manager for consideration by the Board. 8. Any requests to name a District facility after an individual will be presented to the Administration Committee for review and recommendation prior to scheduling for Board action. 9. Any and all recommendations for naming a District facility must be decided by the full Board. Final action on any recommendation requires a four-fifths vote of the Board. 10. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to rename buildings or facilities that have already been officially named. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] July 19, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 111