HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 06-20-18 Page 2 of 5
PHONE: (925)218-9500
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Wednesday, JUI'le Zt}, 20 1$ www.centrrrlsrrn.org
2:UQ p.m.
2"° Floor Conference Froom
5019 Imhoff Plage
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Jim Nejedly
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration present for Item 3.a.)
Melody La6ella, Program Manager
Neil Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager (present for Item 3.a)
Lori Schectel, Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Paul Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager
Steve Sauter, Field Operations Superintendent
Clint 5hima, Senior Engineer present for Item 3.a.)
Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order of 2:44 p.m.
2. Public Comments
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planni�ng Corrmittee Minutes
June 20, 2018
Page 2
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the Gari Manager to purchase
electrical generation from Community Choice Aggregation, IVICE, at I I-Ight,
Green 50 Percent renewable service level
Mr. Shima reviewed the Position Paper provided in the a-aenda materials.
Chair Causey asked how Contra Costa County was involved. Ms. Sasaki
stated that the County joined MCE and, since Central San is located within the
County, Central San must opt out if they choose.
Member Nejedly recommended Board approval. Chair Causey concurred.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
4. Other Items
a. Rec&ve update on the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) - East
Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DEW A) Raw
Wastewater Diversion Request
Ms. LaFella provided the Committee with the following three updates:
1) Central San staff and DSR SD staff continue to work together to resolve
technical issues. A diversion location has been agreed to and staff will
be pursuing an evaluation of the low-flow pumping capacity at the San
Ramon Pump Station to ensure that Central San's pumping equipment
will not be harmed during the diversion.
2) On the morning of Tuesday, June 19, 2018, Central San staff met with
the City of San Ramon's City Manager and Director of Public Works to
explain the District's commitments and goals for recycled water and
introduced the temporary diversion request by DEA at the San
Ramon Pumping Station. City of San Ramon staff expressed their
concem about the pump station's reliability and the need to engage with
the City and the neighbors before the project or even any of the
preliminary work (such as land surveying) is started. Public outreach will
be done through a community meeting led by Central San staff DSRSD
staff also presented information on DER WA's future peak im'gation
demands versus DSRSD's wastewater supply through 2022, which
showed a 5 million gallons per day shortfall of DSRSD wastewater
supply in 2022 as the DERWA agencies continue connecting new
recycled water demand.
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Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
June 20, 2018
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3) A DSRSD-Central San Liaison Committee Meeting was held on the
morning of June 20, 2018, which included Board Member McGill, two
Board members from DSRSD, and the General Managers and key staff
from both agencies. Several topics were discussed, including the
progress and next steps on the diversion project. The plan is to have
the diversion in place for the 2019 summer irrigation season. Mr. Petit
indicated that a schedule will be put together for the project. Ms.
LaBella concluded her update by expressing concern about DER WA's
recycled water demand being in excess of SRS 's available
wastewater supply and cautioned the Committee that DERWA may not
ever be able to stop relying on Central San's wastewater flow, since it
has overcommitted its recycled water.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
b. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel pro vided an update on th e most re cent me e ting for the BA C WA
included in the agenda materials and advised the Committee that the
Califomia Environmental Protection Agency will be providing a training course
on source control inspection at Central San from July 26-27, 2018.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive report on California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA)
Private Sewer Lateral Survey
Mr. Seitz provided the Committee with a presentation on the CASA private
sewer lateral survey included in the agenda materials.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
d Receive list of future agenda items
Chair Cay asked if the AgLary tislCoCo San Sustainable Farm quarterly
update was going to come to the Committee before going to the Board.
Mr. Bailey said the quarterly report will be provided to the Committee. He also
advised that a follow-up item from the last Board discussion will be brought to
the full Board at the July 5 meeting and will include a spreadsheet of the status
of each accomplishment.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and provided input to staff.
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June 20, 2018
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5. Announcements
a, Mrs. Young introduced new Senior A dministra ti ve Te chnician A coelia Berumen
who recently joined the Secretary of the District's office.
6. Future scheduled meetings
a. Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 2-00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 15r, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.
Wed n esd ay, September 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. - Chair Causey will be absent.
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
8. Adjournment- at 2:58 p.m.
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