Prciidenr Pre)Tem
Thursday, May 17, 2018 MICHAEL R AICGILL
1:30 p.m. TAD J PILECXI
Open Session -- Board Room
(Video recorded)
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Nejedly at
1:39 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll.-
oll:PRESENT: Members: Causey, McGill, Pilecki, Williams, Nejedly
ABSENT. Members: None
The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments.
1. Presentation by the following student winner of the Contra costa county Science &
Engineering Fair - Excellence in Water, Wastewater and Recycled Water Research
These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's
website at centralsan.org.
Book 66— Page 93
May 17, 2418 Regular Board Meeting/Minutes—Book fib-Page 94
• Srisai Nachuri, junior at Dougherty Valley High School in San Ramon -
. . . g Second
Place, Senior Division: "Photo-Assisted Reduction Catalysis and Was
. y Wastewater
!Microbial Fuel Cells"
Mr. Nachuri during provided a short presentation to the Board on his findings '
ng h►s
research of Microbial Fuel Cells.
BOARD ACTION: Received the presentation andresented the award.
2. Approve the following:
a. April 26, 2018 Special Board meeting minutesclosed session only)
b. April 26, 2018 Special Board meeting minutes
C. May 3, 2018 Regular Board meeting minutes
3. Accept the 2018 Wastewater Utility Service Capacity/Demand Report and
adopt Resolution No. 20'18-009 adopting a olio and procedures regarding
. . policy p g ding the
provision of wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal services to residential
developments with affordable housing units
4. Adopt proposed revisions to Board Polis No. BP 023 - Board
Y Ethics and Conduct
5. Set a public hearing on June 7, 2018 at 1:30 .m. to consider authorizing p thor�zing staff to
execute lease agreements for the eastern 18.2 acres of the Kiewit Property p Y
159-140-051) for a period not to exceed ten ears, and declare the property Y p party as
unneeded for the term of the lease agreements
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made b Member cause and
. Y y seconded by Member
McGill to adopt the Consent calendar as recommended. Motion passed by
unanimous vote.
6. Re-approve appointment of Ms. Twila Mullenix as a retiree
temporary Human
Resources Analyst and waive the 180-da waiting period. Re-approval 1 requested in
accordance with Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association
(CCCERA) guidelines
General Manager Roger Bailey stated that this item was approved a
pp t the March 15,
2018 Board meeting. However, it is beingbrought hack to the Board
g since the
Government Code requires that this item be approved as a stand-alone pp one ►tem an a
public agenda and not as part of the consent calendar as it had beenr
p ev►ausly.
Member Williams asked if the timing of the CaIPERS transition would
affect the 950
hours allowed per retiree if the transitionrocess were to be delayed yed longer. Human
Resources Manager Teji O'Malley stated that Ms. Mullenix'focus is solely on the
May 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 95
CalPERS transition and her time will be scheduled accordingly. She noted that the
hours reset to 960 every fiscal year.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded b
Member Pilecki to re-approve the appointment of Ms. Twila Mullenix as a
retiree temporary Human Resources Analyst and waive the 180-day waiting
period. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
7. Receive update on pending legislative matters and potential ballot propositions and
provide direction on priority legislation
This matter was taken out of order, after Item 8.b.
Communications and intergovernmental Relations Manager Emily Barnett reviewed
the material included with the agenda packet and requested direction on Item No. 12
on the 2018 Central San Priority Legislation Tracking Sheet included with the
agenda material (AB 2613).
There was discussion on Proposition 68 regarding Bonds for the Environment, Parks
and Water and Member Causey requested the Board receive a presentation on the
proposition and how it may affect the District. Mr. Bailey responded that staff has
requested a presentation.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Nejedly and seconded by
Member Pilecki to support the staff recommendation on Item No. 12 on the
2018 central San Priority Legislation Tracking Sheet. Motion passed by
unanimous vote.
8 General Manner Reports
a. Receive proposed Central San Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget for the following
funds: operations and Maintenance, Capital Improvement, Self-Insurance,
and Debt Service
Director of Finance and Administration Phil Leiber and Capital Projects
Division Manager Edgar Lopez reviewed the presentation included with the
agenda material and responded to questions from the Board Members.
There was a lengthy discussion on the unfunded pension liability and the
1 factors for the lower amounts.
Member Pilecki stated that he had several questions which he will brie9' to the
Finance Committee next week. He also requested that the Board revisit the
reserve amount for the emergency fund, currently set at$5 million. The Board
May 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 96
agreed to have staff research emergency funds and bring information back to
the Administration Committee for review.
Member Williams asked if the $31.2 million committed capital projects had all
been approved by the Board. Mr. Lopez advised that the designs have been
approved, but not the contracts for the projects.
Member Williams asked if the Board would receive more information about
the energy recovery project. Mr. Bailey advised that the E&O Committee
received a presentation and that will be presented to the full Board in June.
Member McGill inquired about the number of staff verse the number of
projects and asked what staffs main focus was during a project time period.
Mr. Lopez advised that staff is more focused on project management.
Member Pilecki suggested staff research value engineering for the upcoming
projects included in the Capital Improvement Budget. Members McGill and
Williams stated that they were not averse to value engineering, but that it
depended on the projects and timing. Member Causey stated that he was
undecided as staff has done extensive evaluation of project options during the
pre-design phase.
Mr. Bailey stated that the Board does not have to decide today on value
engineering but would like to continue the conversation regarding the projects
and staff is committed to produce an optimal design for savings.
Member Williams complimented staff on the overall budget presentation.
BOARD ACTION: Received the proposed Central San Budget for Fiscal
Year 2018-19 and provided input to staff.
b. Receive Ag Lantis 2017 Annual Report, Ag Lantis 2018 Business and Strategic
Plan, and status update related to the CoCo San Sustainable Farm Project;
and provide direction with regard to any additional information needed and
the process for future evaluation of the Project for any potential District action
Mr. Bailey advised the Board that per the terms of its lease, AgLantis is
required to submit an Annual Report on the prior year activities and a
Strategic Plan updating the Business Plan for the following three years.
These two documents were received on April 1, 2018 for the CoCo San
Sustainable Farm Project. Planning and Development Division Manager
Danea Gemmell has assessed the Annual Report with review by District
Counsel Kent Alm and provided a memo included in the packet. As it is a
comprehensive review of the Project's performance, he said there was no
presentation planned, but staff was available for questions. He added that
staff was seeking direction from the Board on the "future of the Farm"and
determination of what should be considered its first operational year.
May 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 97
Member Williams expressed his frustration regarding the Project and
suggested the first operational year date start from January 1, 2017.
Member Causey agreed with the January 1 start date and distributed a list to
the public and all Board Members of 13 items that need to be addressed and
accomplished for him to feel more comfortable with the Project. He stated that
he would like to see quarterly plans as the Project goes forward.
Mr. Alm stated that there is no requirement in the current lease that refers to a
quarterly plan.
Mr. Bailey asked what the Board would like from staff.
Member Williams suggested a table be developed with deliverables and
conditions of approval, so the Board can decide if the project is properly
funded and properly staffed and, if not, decide the next steps.
President lllejedly stated that he voted against the Project and that staff has
been dealing with it for over four years. f�fe does not believe produce will be
produced until 2024 and the homeless issue is a big concern in his opinion.
He stated that he was not a fan of the annual report and believes it is not a
good working relationship.
Member McGill stated that he was flabbergasted with all the conditions of
approval the County has demanded and asked what the best way would be to
provide potable water.
Member Causey and Member Williams agreed with giving AgLantis one more
chance to prove that the Project is viable with a start date of January 1, 2017.
Member McGill agreed. Member Causey advised that AgLantis will need to
accomplish items in years one, two and three that they have yet to
Member Pilecki stated that with all the new information and restrictions now
known from the County, he would suggest "throwing out"the lease and
starting fresh with the proposed January 1, 2017 date and add in the revised
lease agreement quarterly reports. Should AgLantis not perform the revised
lease terms, then the District can terminate the lease.
Mr. Bailey said it appeared to be the consensus of the Board to consider
Januar} 1, 2017 for the start of year one. He stated that with this date, staff
can look at the lease requirement for years one and two, after which the
Board can reassess.
Mr. Alm stated that there has been a lot of discussion at the staff level
regarding this Project and that one thing the Board needs to consider is that
the Board clarify and communicate on behalf of the District not on the behalf
of staff. He noted that the agenda today has no specific action demanded but
May 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book fib-Page 98
that staff will return at a future meeting with a decision tree and more
information t including o the full Board, includin staff's recommendation, such that the
Board provide rovide staff with direction on how they wish to proceed.
Pres jy
President Ne'edl reiterated the Board's consensus that it would like to
consider January
1, 2017 as the beginning of the first year of the Project, and
to receive a synopsis of what has been completed thus far under the lease
yno p
d that staff can provide a table for year one with the required
!�1lr. B a Eley state
accomplishments and the Board can decide whether the work completed was
Member McGill asked if an accomplishment was not completed would the
District gyve not g ice and if A Lantis would have an opportunity to correct it. Mr.
Alm responded that the would have 30 days to complete it and cure any
p y
lease defaults.
BARD ACTION: Directed staff to provide the Board with a table of
accomplishments starting from January 1, 2017.
9. General Manner--Announcements
a. Announcements— May 17, 2618
Dana Lawson to resent at BAYWORK Maintenance and Asset
1} p
Management Workshop in Napa
2 Recap of Bring a Child to Work Day held April 26, 2618
} p g
Bailey made the following additional announcement at the meeting:
Mr. y g
3} He will be out of the office May 18-24, 2018.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements,
10. Counsel for the District
No report.
11. Secretary of the District
Ms. Young announced the following upcoming Committee meetings:
Finance-- Monday, May 21 at 2:00 p.m.
Administration — Tuesday, May 29 at 8:30 a.m.
May 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 99
Ms. Young also announced the upcoming Special Board meeting (closed session
only) — May 29 at 3:00 p.m.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
12. Board Members — Committee Minutes
a. April 25, 2018 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair CauseY and
Member McGill
b. April 25, 2018 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee — Chair
Causey and President Nejedly
C. May 7, 2018 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair CauseY and
Member McGill
d. May 8, 2018 —Administration Committee — Chair McGill and
Member Williams
BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes.
13. Board Members - Reports and Announcements
Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for
which the District paid their expenses.
a. Member Cause — No report.
Member McGill
■ May 3, 2018 — Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference hosted by the
City of Martinez
Member McGX also provided a written report covering his announcements
and other meetings.
Member P ilecki
■ May 3, 2018 — Contra Costa County Mayors' Conference hosted by the
City of Martinez
Member Williams — No report.
President jed ly— No report.
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements.
May 17, 2418 Regular Board Meeting Minutes--Book 66-Page 144
14. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance
Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically
addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance
not previously approved by the Board.
No requests.
Member McGill requested information on an upcoming rule regarding breaching of personal
information. Mr. Alm stated that a bill was released regarding this issue approximately three
years ago, but he would research to see if there was an update.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:54 p.m.
Ja s A. Ne}ed ly
resident of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Katie You
Secretaryt' e t
Central Contra costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California