HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.c. Receive report on California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Private Sewer Lateral Survey C ALIFORNIA A SSOCIATIONOF S ANITATION A GENCIES(CASA) P RIVATE S EWER L ATERAL S URVEY Paul A. Seitz Division Manager Collection System Operations Division June 20, 2018 S URVEY I NTRODUCTION Θ California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Collection System Committee formed a Private Lateral Subcommittee (subcommittee) Θ Purpose of the subcommittee was to find out what are the common practices for various aspects of Private Sewer Laterals 2 1 S URVEY I NTRODUCTION Θ 41 survey questions were finalized by the subcommittee Θ Survey was sent to all 110 CASA members Θ 35% Response Rate 3 R ESPONDENT S IZE C ATEGORY %OFRESPONDENTSBYSIZECATEGORY 58% 28% 14% SMALL(0249MILES)MEDIUM(250500MILES)LARGE(>500MILES) 4 2 R ESPONDENT D EMOGRAPHICS %OFRESPONDENTSBYREGION Region1 Region9Region1 Region8 3% 10% 5% Region2 Region7 Region3 0% Region6 Region4 10% Region5 Region2 44% Region6 Region5 10% Region7 Region8 Region4 8% Region9 Region3 10% 5 R ESPONDENT S ERVICES P ROVIDED ServicesProvidedbyRespondents CollectionOnly 35% CollectionandTreatment 65% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% 6 3 O RDINANCESAND C ODES AgencieswithOrdinancesorCodesDefining OwnershipandMaintenanceResponsibilities 38% 62% WithOrdinancesWithoutOrdinances 7 B ACK W ATER O VERFLOW D EVICE(BWOD) Θ A device installed on a sewer lateral that allows sewage to be released outside of a building. Θ 95% of the respondents require BWOD’s on sewer laterals. Θ In general, BWOD’s are installed at the building connection that is located within 2 feet of the foundation. Θ BWOD’s are mandated through codes, plan review, and the permitting process. Θ Approximately, half of the agencies use their standard specifications for installation. The other agencies use the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). 8 4 O WNERSHIPAND M AINTENANCE 75% responded that the property owners Θ own the entire lateral 25% that do own laterals own only the lower Θ lateral (property line to main sewer) Maintenance practices were consistent with Θ ownership. The 25% that owns the lower lateral only maintains the lower lateral 9 R EPORTINGFOR S EWER L ATERAL S EWER S YSTEM O VERFLOW(SSO’S) Θ Half the respondents stated that they voluntarily report Private Lateral Sanitary Discharges (PLSD). There were 21 responses to this question Θ Agencies typically report less than 10 PLSD’s per year, on average Θ 10% of the total number of SSO’s in the State were attributed to laterals (info from Sewer Summit) Θ 1.5% of the total volume of SSO’s in the State were attributed to laterals (info from Sewer Summit) Θ Appears that PLSD’s are being under-reported – reporting on a voluntary basis 10 5 I NSPECTION, T ESTINGAND M AINTENANCE P ROGRAMFOR E XISTING L ATERALS Θ 25% of respondents have a program Θ Maintenance is performed when problems are encountered Θ Cost to administer program varies based on size of system –Santa Barbara .5 FTE for 254 miles of sewers ; Sacramento Area Sewer District (SASD) 197 FTE’s for 3,000 miles of sewer and 294,000 lateral connections Θ Triggers for inspection and testing are: Additional ΘЊ͵SaleofProperty Triggersfor ΘЋ͵BuildingPermit Lateral ΘЌ͵RequestofHealthDepartment Inspections 11 I NSPECTIONAND T ESTING P ROGRAMS Θ There are four methods that are used to test existing laterals: Θ Air Test Θ Hydrostatic Test Θ Smoke Test Θ CCTV Θ The testing method used will be determined based on the plumbing configuration 12 6 I NSURANCE, G RANTAND L OAN P ROGRAMS %ofAgenciesthatProvideFinancialAssistanceforLateral Replacement 27% PROVIDESFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE DOESNOTPROVIDEANY FINANCIALASSISTANCE 73% 13 I NSURANCE, G RANTAND L OAN P ROGRAMS Θ Examples of reimbursements: Offer grant reimbursement of 50% of the cost up to a maximum of $3,000 Offer grant reimbursement of 50% of the lowest of three bids received for the work Loan Programs –very few loan programs, costly to administer Insurance Programs –provided by third party 14 7 P UBLIC O UTREACH Θ 45% of respondents indicate that they conduct regular public outreach regarding sewer laterals Θ Outreach topics indicated were grease disposal, non-flushable wipe education, and emergency service contact information Θ A few respondents indicated outreach for ownership and maintenance responsibilities, but information is located on company website 15 N EXT S TEPS Θ Finalize CASA Private Sewer Lateral Survey White Paper Θ Review CASA Private Sewer Lateral Survey with CASA Collection System Committee 16 8 Questions? 17 9