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11.a. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 06-11-18
Page 1 of 13 Item II.a. CENTRALSAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT June 21, 2018 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: JUNE 11, 2018 - ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE - CHAIR CAUSEYAND MEMBER MCGILL Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service Strategy 1 - Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes of 06-11-18 Engineering & Operations Committee 2. Attachment (Handout)— Presentation on Historical Sewer Renovation Project Costs June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 115 of 156 Page 2 of 13 CENTRAL SAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9AS53-A392 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA JAMES A.NEJEDLP President SANITARY DISTRICT DAVID R, WILLIAMS President Pro Tens ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE PAUL H.CAUSEP MICHAEL R.MCGILL TAD J PILECKI MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 FAX.- (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Monday, June 11, 2018 9:00 a.m. 21d Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Mike McGill Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager Sasha Metesky, Senior Engineer Amanda Schmidt, Associate Engineer (left after 4b) 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $600,000 with R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc. to provide as-needed land surveying services for District projects Mr. Lopez provided a background on the service agreement which included an expanded scope with 3D scanning, treatment plant work, and June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 116 of 156 Page 3 of 13 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 11, 2018 Page 2 right-of-way related survey work. He stated that five proposals were received. Member McGill asked for more information on R.E.Y. Engineers. Mr. Lopez stated that they are a local survey firm that have been working with number of local public agencies including East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). All contacted references reported that they were very satisfied with R.E.Y. Engineers'services. Hourly rates and need for multiple contracts were discussed. Member McGill recommended Board approval, Chair Causey concurred. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval. 4. Other Items a.* Review historical sewer renovation project costs and the updated December 2016 California Multi-Agency CIP Benchmarking Study This item was reviewed before Item 3.a. Mr. Lopez reviewed the historical sewer renovation project costs presentation (attached). He also reviewed the 2016 Benchmarking Study and provided project cost comparisons. Compared to the industry, Central San has decreased costs of delivery, planning, design and construction management for collection system projects. There was a lengthy discussion on the type of collection system projects to be included in this tracking table, percentages of the design, construction management and delivery costs for the industry. Mr. Bailey requested an update be given to the Committee at a future meeting on the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Sewer Renovation Project. As part of the discussion about the need for this benchmarking, Chair Causey suggested that, in addition to external customers'survey satisfaction, a survey of in-house customers be taken. Mr. Bailey stated that he finds tremendous value in this study as it provides him with an understanding of the soft costs. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff. June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 117 of 156 Page 4 of 13 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 11, 2018 Page 3 b. Receive information on the Danville Sewer Renovation, Phase 3 Project — Las Lomitas Subdivision Ms. Schmidt reviewed the presentation provided in the agenda materials. There was a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of removing the existing locations of the line versus renovating the existing line and the costs associated with both. General consensus was to proceed with the staff recommended option to move sewers out of backyards to streets and re-route sewer laterals. Staff will schedule a meeting with City of Danville Engineering Department to discuss this project. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to staff. C. Report on Capital Project budget transfers Mr. Lopez reviewed the spreadsheet on Capital Project budget transfers included in the agenda materials. Chair Causey stated that he is uncomfortable with the contingency amount being low in November and advised that is why he was in favor of raising the contingency amount. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to staff. d. Receive list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items Member McGill requested the words "Future Items"be added to the parking lot title. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received and provided input to staff. 5. Announcements None. 6. Future Scheduled Meetings Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. (Special) Monday, July 9, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, August 13, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 118 of 156 Page 5 of 13 Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes June 11, 2018 Page 4 7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Chair Causey asked for a report on the conversation with Danville on the Solar Array Field. Mr. Bailey stated that there would need to be a determination if the item should be brought the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (RESP) Committee or this Committee. b. Chair Causey requested an update on the outstanding invoice with the City of Pleasant Hill for the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Sewer Renovation Project. C. Chair Causey requested information on Central San going forward with State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans. Mr. Bailey advised that the appropriate committee for such an item would be the Finance Committee. 8. Adjournment— at 11:12 a.m. *Attachment June 21, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 119 of 156 K ` E&O Committee Item 4.a. (Handout) Sewer Renovation Project r Costs Update Engineering & Operations Committee - - June 11 , 2018 Meeting Presented by: Edgar J. Lopez, PE Capital Projects Division Manager June 21, 20 and Meeti - _ ' CENTRAL SAN BACKGROUND Presented to E&O on September 6, 2016. Per California Multi-Agency CIP Benchmarking Study (2013) for Pipe Systems Projects: Design CM Delivery Industry: 22-25% 20-21 % 42-46% (Over $1 M — under $1 M) District: 24% 16% 40% (2011-2016) ` 2 " ,,, . . SEWER REPLACEMENT COSTS SEPTEMBER 2016 Item. 3. (Committee Handout) Dees n con Pm eta Ex mmldra Total COrW�loneD P]pe TBS61- GprlNrlrGti0n 1P141 ddm Fl Delivery Ccat[7CC$ Tp7p PrajllCl Grail PppfiCt NBNIi DPN Awird Y4a1 RinOrilld EngNMHng B. $uy, , Dn1Dl1g 6ngtneenrg,9unay ane Rl.0ft14May fi5anag011tMt GOEt 1eleW0ea Full Sime �RDt[ncWtlhlg RDWI !'f1 Public Re191Dna prrcWes 9u,Caw. DlaRfn9 Ao09iflgan Agpfctlon� Fxmldl.ne 1 2 3 6 5•R•0+4 e T 8=5.] 4 11k9.9 %wew ca.e „wewcwn xoreld ea.t = Ow1.lm,w fl 19%4 A LpaNO%m 91 5 IL`Nann fl SWIrut LleN$rxlr P9nrytk-Paasel 5528 19J1n-03 S $ 105,Ip0 15% $214,090 Z]% 4T3,4p7 9}% $ 1,932,900 $ 1,50;OW Walr.,[Omek Sewp R9rcr4tivna.Pnae91 5708 10 Me O1 9509 $ 210,000 is% $191AW 1]% 401,mD 35% $ LF69,W0 $ S,ST2,W0 Pleannrinl Roe11-O W.wm 5553 2D Ma 04 6flw $ 260,000 14% $196,000 11% 155.000 25% $ 1,817,143 $ 1,333,143 Sw01 gtMa 38war lm remt .Pnxa 2 555E 19 Ma 14,2 $ Mom 13% $113870 12% $ 51$000 25% $ ,000 $ 2612A V1aInit IXee59ewe Rennra5dns.Phise3 5818 Q2iu0-05 T.f00 _ 5 EA5047 1]K $'218.0.89 19M $ w- -0.. 31% $ 1'�75.OA0 S Zp83 mA No6hOm,]e Sawet Renare5tna Phale 1 6750 161u 10,500 i 11K u% S SO,00t1 111[. S 1,Mom 5 7,170.750 0-Sewer fiend .ne,POauf ST56 SS Ma 4,9W 5 21gp77 IT% $191 T6% $ 401 33% 3.H SSE $ 556 >brle Orbme ae%erRmwmionl,Pbse2 edas W-W 9,700 5 41 IA* $7 10% $ 7s% E,M2,DW 5 3567750 W.11ner C..Sewer ft-.n. 5828 03 Mg 06 7,500 $_NIAm 16% f 529s 12% $ 5 21% 2,395807 $ 2,931604 Waimt0m*8ewerfoeawalan-Peeae5 5961 3014 -07 61wo $ ]/Dpm 111% $IMAM 12% 31"m 21% 14w= $ 61m1h Orinde 66'a'er R9alauiYJOne.PMee Z.7 9868 07-J-02 3,'!00 $ 49AD9 3% $111,!1]0 9% $ 2a7P00 1Y< $ ]8A60m $ 2,498,00.0 Noah Onnda av4ar Rancveuane,Pbie9 5999 75-1rL7] 6900 5 1-09,500 14% 5195,000 1A% $ 341,550 32% $ 1-Aw 5 1,um. nimaSawlr R.--W..GTam1 ]HTS 04�1u1�0i 1,655 S SIT,WO l5% 51211,000 1]% $ 2fi],000 1T% $ 962,000 9 L292A00 yAlnu[Crvpm$cpm Rftw.aw3a,Paaw6 M92 OSM OH 9,E00 $ R97,W0 25% 3230,000 13% $ T2],WQ 37% $ L92v,W0 S 2,597,0]0 bW0lomtlf sew9r Rarmnyalt•Aw.Paaee3 9945 MA 08 G700 $ 196.000 LS% $22],000 STSG $ 422.= 32% $ L3E8,T00 $ ;750,100 550m1k 5F r ReenaA;y P4.1 5934 19 Mx-09 X390 - S 28.100 22% %S.D00 N% S 113m0 52% $ 217800 5 330.000 3eu61 f]Mde Savo Reawafians.Ph.A 5950 0}.µly.p) 1.-$ 195.057 $ 1 $ 3]9,000 2736 $ 368097 $115,070 16% S $10X09 43% 5 1,319800 $ ;9b9,000 Ls a3exr ri:novalini.P69se6 INS 381rn-09 1;200 5 2 007 % S 345900 SG% $ -180.000 $21%m 33% $ 5 351E $ 1,w7A- f i,S6}000 Pleasar4 Hie Sewn R,..y n,PIvyA7 9991 DUA u9 1$yA$ 11 577 -,N), $ 131.0m 36% 5 3,500 $711ow 22% $ 215889 59% S -9w $ 579,OW y2arnul Lreek Retwyaims,PlumT 5874 DSR U9 1FAW S -2fim $ 5 335,Do0 164 $ 1S7,om smai 0 1]% $ 561800 3171 5 I 7- $ 2, Hell OOre 9Owar Reneeelldn,Pbee Y6 5932 NfwlIV z $ 21x910 $ 5 13 OCG 3E% $ 2TIO00 $11],2071 13% 41 240 " 9251 R7 $ 1 74 Mar0nea 3eww Reneye%mu,PMu 5 595E 05J1u-kD 53 $ 259220. 5 165 8 340 66 31% $ 2 DDO _5298.000 )2% SES SE% 1 102,911 S ]747,517 Oaeh Seer Rene.abns,Able 1 595] 5, $ 323800 $ 16],0]0 `l $ 4 3Z% $ 52si,m7 11% $ ]41 411 $ 910MO $ 7 Lala -PleaeeM HA RaeQ TfuM 5ewu 5991 9srwy-11 6,599$ 259AIX1 $ 259800 ]3% $ $3](1,000 15K $ 549,a7p 1911 $ SWO 1 800 Sou10 CMnd03evn Renovallme Pne.e 5 5969 l►8la-fi 1;000$ 383800 $ 15k�0 S 53 30% S IE $7511,000 14% $ '1E9 G04 41% 5 119000 7 56E OW Lehr elle Sewer RlHOra0]rrl,Paeu] 59W 164-11 li $ 407800 $ im." $ 519, 0 26% $ 35,009 $I201n0 11% $ ]33890 33% $ 1, 5 ]]29.680 N Geek Renwalbns.fY0u8 5002 03-3uh11 30000$ 287800 $ 62,000 $ 329,000 21% $ 19AM $185m0 12% $ 918,[00 33% $ ;54mm $ 2AG2,700 HINDI Or Se%alRMaalai00s.PM4 5978 17-W 41 14,400 5 190 ao0 5 S1.- $ Sx- S !72.1100 - S 257000 52HOR10 SG% $ TS],OW d2% 5 1,60] $ "-.- 21 ,56x000 uLCreek Renwa6pna,FSOee9 &101 116wf11 ]0 $ 31],000 $ 150,000 $ 412,000 ZI% $ 38,1320 $291m0 f3% $ ]84809 33% $ Z, $ ; OW LelayM[e Sewer Rmaealnm,Plrese 6 8401 23Mpr-13 8,300$ 31x,909 $ 125,090 $ 301,000 32% $ 95,1100 $234AM 15% $ T35m0 li% $ 1,519,500 $ 2,284$W Cffibb3ane.RenoyaLme,Pheee2 5H1e 41-13,13 1 EW E90.QW $ 155,OW $ 133,W0 $ 558,W0 22% $ 11gW0 $392,OW lfi% $ 950AW 38M1 $ 1�193AW $ 3,M3AW 1x01'1 Or Sewer MZ WW..T. Ulf 37-Awl 7,EOp 30.10810 $ 92800 $ 183,000 $ 995,000 20% $ m0 $424 21% $ 919m0 45% $ IAK= $ 2, Wa91uL Creek RenweWn5,lTeee l0 &113 03111.14 8.500$ 420.L006 183.000 $ 118040 5 751m0 26% $ M03D 5130.000 lfa% 5 I.aLoa0 44% 5 z871.000 $ 3.852800 Lata elm Sewer Rmw,li,n.Phase 9 612, 23' .15 8600$ 360.090 1T0AD0 S 95,000 $ 505,090 164 $ 45,!100 9380,900 ulK 9R,094 4". $ ;111,2[0 S 3,199,200 MalTnex5�yr 9emya0m.Pbae4 8415 091,115 sxQ$ 42.000 115 S T 625,000 24K $ 355,900 $361,9011 SS% 5 1,00!,000 39% $ 2,560000 $ 1,561,000 lagyMtr Sewer Renwal9n,V..30 m2ma 1TMea-1 s,797 5 37]000 $ li 9 511879 11K 5 56,5.00 $845,770 18% 3 902,900 3i% $ x510,099 5 3!ai,DW NCM orimm 5-RMw911Pl.Aha366 6125 umlar-15 e,]W$ 900 $ 6580E $ 65pW 5 SlgDf0 22K $ 600[9 54g0,OW 20% 5 910,400 42% 5 ?.307,570 5 3,212.500 R+ 8,316 -' $ 952_131 $ 22x]14 $951p32 &g;1m $ I,T3;854 S z]54,9{O h.14e 101185E 5 yYars9,14] 9 500,2]4 Idlt 51321 5329335 164 5 229.611 49'� 5 :09c.,}6] i 253:W]A Indum Ayeaaefor FW5yslems Pmkc15(f MwitIA9en CIA&nchl rkirg5cay.MnualUpOrt dpdited20I3.Table03-Garld $ 1,060,QOt1 5 1,060803 1,Pa6es)9a1d 3P1 5 360,907 5 760.010 SLC 7a:lCanslrvnimCnu:wn:taction rantrPct,change Aden,atllrry reracatbn.antl[wsOwRlau fiYaden[T br[es[✓-501 Totil Prry1[S 0211,5,7 Ir jw.D.A,and 7wntrwqul 0Lry8�ra,p snut2rK ude Row. W98t Outreaefi Ind iMer0.$encl•pOwtlirorlen wal rw1 includddn CArtu183bn1914ndIA,RPer4865. Wlees are ndEatl�aaed ler 1n9a1:ee1 erl-d 00 wM7y26 L�411py1fMRTt15�Lb[amntry�E,l®•10IS ArofC1[qrp 1In11 fp 19L. I- ` 3 CENTRALSAN SEWER REPLACEMENT COSTS UPDATED Central San geWeNe3nGvation Proiect Casts LNM n Cqt Pry EOd E TW"c"'t "' T-M Pmiwt Plp. Total Pr.Jea 0e[Ivery Coe[(rCCI Tm•I P.w.c[Cost Cort per Foot Proax!Nana P of AxaN 1yr R•.a0a'a[ad Engln.xing d T^t•2' RlpM oa riay Lomtructlon It_ de.Fun Tama 1`reew era¢�[ (kol ineiudhg In.NINd No. IV) ItibBC Rexuena 9prce/ aa�V Fagn9a.%ag S-V and 111aW9 Marug--CPal InSpecnen] c Row? {snciumng Waning aegdNl[ien wmlin ReWJ ] � 552.1•e; 6 1(9.81 1126r9re1 5 _�Ase.91 T.W s �.Nea 11 a Fe[unn 91 1 i0. -0 5.000 N. nfa S iep,ppp 16% M 3232.-0 23% 5 319 •M 5 612A- 5 1.35%-0 Sm 2 LPL Snwx.lieronslvn.:*nsn2 S1B8 19A,01 7000 a Na S 700900 Xr76 97 16% 5 x37 96% 5 1.291A00 5 5291 ewerRKo•.aior--.xab yip eem.U11 2tr.0 } 1q]66 iya no $ 1W,o60 Na $tux" 5 11x a0o $ 1,t5a.am 5 Ls65,UA 5156 Na iya la $ n/a SIW.6W 13% i 216,.6 27% 5 1,xw,e6o S 1.s3o5m S., 5 waupa95 gw.9rRMxnu.n.ri0ntt sa26 19-1wW3 SAW Na Ne 5 365.000 26% eft 5111000 21'b 5 •T16 5 1R3]A00 5 1.9]SA00 51W 6 wenn❑vet Sewer Maalox.Ptaee 2 674 200 5566 nfa 216.600 1115 nh COv 19% i AN An 5 1188.060 5 51 3216 FrkraM H21 Rmd Eaa Mprwwrs8 5064 2DMa¢d 6,666 nfa rya nfa $ 266,066 15X n/a $19p6- 11X $ AK,- 29% $ 1,91},1/3 5 2,214- $9T9 Na rya nla $ 1YA no $754,0 Six i s18,0o0 ]5d 5 xA9ee- S xA1 5106 titian o 3aatlrRR+dilfar 5618 1974-05 11399 NI a nfe 5 SWAW 23% eft 500 12% 5 500 29% 5 B,90BA90 3 a 5319 rr.rt Crcx• rRma�]cre,P7em] 6908 02-j.r s 7,100 Na 5 185,060 5 tl9,600 1595p00 ],tl66 5293 s.rx Rr. e,H=oot xqs- Na rya no 5 ss% nh $,SS,C6e i s�AW $ s3sA- $ 3,1-,cm Sx9s 130ww9k 9wxr RerexeWe.Plppt S,w x6-01 e,9- Na e!. nfa S 11% nfa 51910, 16% i a..0- im 5 1.3e.5 5 1ds0.5`A 533, 1 Nari Pi7d1 a.6e7 Rmnrw.,ne.Pmee1 6&93 06x196 9.19. Na no, 5 ato.w 1.% mA 1076 5 25% 5 2 2300 S 1561 5398 rrw Chet SewarMal.lnre,A2ami elle 1,966 nfa n+. nfa $ 2e1,v60 nfa $x9s,00o $ 83eaM $ ,,]95,6!0 $ 2.93%-6 $311 cora cla.i s..ar Rrwama,Plans sw9 rns- Na eta RA $ 1e- ,AX S AM Sl10.6- tm $ 31a11n 21% 5 1Aso coo $ lxopn 5x1, Hp6t p8b ax99 Rprga9l'ge,pbw 21 5M 1074x191 3.399 Na a nfa S 19.900 M i /32.0, 5171-8 9% 5 310369 12% 5 1.0"JAW 5 2995M 5635 1 NaF Pinta Shia 17xateWe.P.raee9 58&9 OLM99 6x00 nfa 5 [19.`30 u% 5 2$00 ",6- 1l% 5 500 am S 1.99 006 8 5225 seax Rxmmms.Ftxm1 6916 .unI x,656 Na Na no, S 5 52x0.0- $ ae1,000 $ 9523- 5 L3000 $ml 79 wd c1 tsever^--- ,fn3..0 WB 9,a- Na ry. nh $ 1Sx $ 33].000 sim m u% $ 5009- 25% S 1.9,0300 S ?Am 5215 Cem'+e PoWaTv9� ani ntiaMb.EkN WNrR 59Fa.50F8 06-1rrv9B 6.150 Na14. nh, 5 29,0 11% 5 5290 15.000 1816 5 51%0 )TF 5 1.3,300 5 9133, S3% 2[IAmirea Sena•17cm:mma.Ham2 m7A 63-ruS6l 7,1605 II6,d66 S 14,666 nh S 20e.000 Lis S .16,666 .,1500 11x i -MX0 ,Sk 1,596306 S 202,600 5]67 I -Tr1oB Na ry: Na S S x0.15- SM.-0 $ 33sp00 5 13399- $ Lnm Sw6 23 S0rT 9nrNe 5exa Ranwaiiw6.PnP115 5965 07- 16,'10 nfa rya Na S [wom 15% ala 6U7XW 17% i x333- 12% 5 1329.390 S L7rA.7- 5361 21 On!•i!e-Z�MN,+ u-S±asn 2 5861 19fAn-09 1300 • IV, nfe 18.900 22% 0%a5 1 s2% S 2175 3 525. x5 Sam.[3nma x•.e•kev.aium.P+rne a 6966 -•Ma 11,560 5 256,000 S 126,006 nh S 17%066 x13 S x19.000 5213,C- 16t S 596,000 a3% 5 1,]]9.666 S 06A0- 526 1re,wm seer roevnam,:xms -0 5 xN.M 5 Ism t" S 5 aa3'M M 5 x013- 5 x.161,on Sn9 5065 06 3.500 5 l33A- 5 55.990 nfa i 1333, 3815 5 3399 57f 000 21% i 2N.000 99% 5 ]1553- 5 519.000 5333 2B wd+n Peed SegerMa:ewePPteeetl 5891 06 ISO-S 26]000 0- S 31.0 1lK 151066 606 1a% 'S 58 a1% 1 5].066 S 3216 2.H.11 r,:;;r keram vn a xe mat ay.6 I,$ xx;mo 5 9s,o0o n/a 5 39x,6 5 n..0 Saat�00 3 •1ssW $ 921. 5 1anLtm Sem 30 Nadlrru Seaw�s[Os.Plus.] 695@ Vi .30 5,356 5 199,326 5 91,395 nfa $ 396,595 31% 5 130.666 5]9$669 a,Y $ S rES 589% 5 1,192,9[2 5 L]a- 5399 310wea= 06 to 5.900 5 333.000 5 161.,0 nfe S e90A- 32% 5 x19.000 52006 13% 5 ,52300 aY% S 1.530340 5 1.25100 5923 3]L -geeativa Rad Tana^ewer 6991 OSMa 11 5609 S 259000 259.ON113% 5 6000 600 1576 5 569 23]9.-6 S 516} 000$ eo0 5 xw-6 no S 5 51sg0ov 5 lte3 $ A- 5 x,we oho $xn 1eR t]nnv -----,eqm] 0 Boo 5 -0 $ x-,880 nfa S 513.0- ]6% S $210au 11% i 739 3x0: 5 .-%- 5 3.178,6x1 $191 Wyr sSPwa Se�allWag7ae.ProeeB 5942 01-1111 10000 5 261M 5 62099 nh 5 3293 21% [9.099 5255.000 1276 S 51x3- ]a% 5 1.M8 5 2.06 700 5198 NwT C�Ysa lenerRsvnwn,Pbaea 6876 x]43 12 i0 e00$ 290,666 5 6x,666 5 a0Ro60 5 e7a,0- 25,6. $10000 3 161 $ 1.801300 5 21%kcm 5110 3 .M,1 L1wt5ewfr Rerionvtma,Ro¢e9 5-065 2]•1xn13 I1, $ 3]],066 $ x50.666 nh $ 0]2,066 21% S a%- $192,OC6 1R $ ]K- ];S $ 2,256,e- 5 18ia ae.er Rrwaa.�.vlrowa aloe 719 -16 x.300 5 x76,0 $ !25m nfa $ M,m 333 S %.WO 5235.0, 1586 i ,3 Rli 5 1.Se9M 5 7.7¢5.500 539, 9lelao&ea ebat 1-Psgee 7 5818 jl-K+131 11800 S 298.000 MAN 5 119900 5 558.0w 22% 5 129 M. 000 16% 5 9 a8% 2193,900 5 3 5302 wm Urw.^.exer Rem.aure.P.eeee Ball ,,100 5 300.006 5 92,000 5 ..,000 5 995,v00 5 '1,-0 $ex1,00o S 618,-0 $ x,091.800 5 2.8x1-0 $]61 65-5 9mo- 5 BBo S 298,-8 S 1513- > 5 $<x0.-0 16% i L18U 5 6x13- 5 3ASxn» Sea, N"r-�eeRet..aw+u 9 1 .1 t );ear-t5 B.W0 5 3%m S 1w,WO 5 nm S 995.000 M 5 55.000 53 .0- IS% 5 PBS= gay. 5 ].1N.0- 5 P.M= 5371 13 Me-,Sone•Rem+•ame.Pwew i Bass 09n 15 8.109 5 GI.M I]5000 " 5 626.000 213 355.000 $35.600 15% 5 I.wy= 39% 8 2,5603602 ]561,000 SI18 ea Lala>rbe Sow.Renxrehnc.AFam 16 .25 17-39 9,6-$ 33},6- 64,6- $ 31},6- 21X $ 59,6- a 666 ]EIL $ %2p- 39% $ 2,M-2 5 3x6;7166 $392 =5 Nxm onrda 5aear RanmeiBre,Hwa a Baxs -5 l-.M 5 1553, S note S 5[0.x99 21% 5 =0.000 596r5p10 m% i F18.0W •tx 5 x,301.5- 5 3.rZ.- 5391 d w0.0`800-rq.).extra.P166511 0177 06M=n23 7,1003 Tt. 5 17] Ulm 5 1073. i6% 5 1 190 cco 11% i 82 2T% 3AB.900 5 1,82 5127 aT lahsnOn Sewa Rxa:elcrc,nFoae l l Ba29 x8ma919 B,e-.S 362,000 5 196,0- 50,6- S 539,9- 111¢ 5 81.0- $xx],C60 18% i 157300 25X ],x52360 5 L36km 5520 9.x1 6x.5 BOo 5 s3,000 S x0.0- $ $ ss,006 S n0- 11% 5 iu,-o xix. 5 3,31ae0o 5 •.eraun Sm1 MWl1 Ps9x 8ewrRrpnax.Ptpy t2 8x96 11s-TH38 9.990 5 359000 5 100.000 5 85.099 $ 5353, 15% 5 F5.000 5 500 9% 5 865.500 N% 5. 3,6695- 5 5 Sd/t 9rir53e aexa]etxR.eirre.PneeeB 8x99 91JAn-18 w S 860.,6 S 99.M S 55.990 5 505.0- 13% 6 45900 -0 1016 8 23% 5 6.0- S 5530 S L max Rxanb.rs,An=ae 72 5x25 Cbla- 8,966$ 124AN S Mom S 4-06 S 1SS,660 iaX S 35,6- $380,6- 1276 $ !05368 21X 5 3,1}33- S aA1�6W SeSl xex anna.leww Rxrmwra,mue6 9w5 s-5 000 $ 9g66o S 660 5 99x,660 15X S S3S0.-o wX i stxo21 2Fx 5 3A9xeoo $ 4,33Fpn Ss7A 6xwaPeuhwYla few Wl slam: 8329 $ BF3 Y 5192.467 $ '2�811Am'$ ;313ef47 SIW mwr.m.md>,Ma x-KIPP,,eW,x inlerca fro me[rawin Pret..v=re ea[., C: 93x1165P Marap rar m e*2015 ss Buhl lrxaleitt TC(-r..I Cananxeon(cu:,xavvnien wndan.r=xden.utility reb Wn..kxwwxSien,.cern leroesIa01 fow Prged oemry iAudes b-.nd[answreon 9.are¢ement.heir-1-99.A- All costs are HOS adjusted For inflation, Pultic Ornreed�eM.�xereaenty coxdinaem xaa nd�ntlueN r,realatiw of W-rr meraen. es arc aemwed Far inAe[wn. Jlme 11.2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet-Page 6 of 23 1 ni x ` 4 ' CENTRALSAN PROJECT COSTS COMPARISONS Per Updated California Multi-Agency CIP Benchmarking Study (2016) Design CM Delivery Industry: (Over $1 M — under $1 M) 2013: 22-25% 20-21 % 42-46% 2016: 25-27% 22-23% 47-50% District: 2011 -2016 24% 16% 40% 2013-2018 20% 14% 34% ` 5 140, SEWER REPLACEMENT COST UPDATED Central San geWeNe3nGvation Proied Casts bM n Cqt Pry Std E To"Cal57rudlOn Twal Proi.rt Plp. Total ProJoct OHlwy Coe[[rCCI 7mal P.o¢.c1 Cm[ Cort Per Foot ..spr A9).cl Nana P °t AnraN Ya Rand Engi-ringd T^1.1' RlpMoa riay Lomtructlon Jlnclude.Full Tama 1`ree.a a�a.ce=r1 (ko41ne1udlnp In.NINd No. iv) W68t ReHMeIH 9prye/ pl9�flp E4bn5a4M�5urvey and IR6597 Manapam.nl Cwt nlSpecllpn] c Row? {NCluding 11re*11ng .epONl[ien wn,lin R098J ] � 552.1.4; 6 1(9.81 111sr9,81 5 _�Ase.91 t.W s �.Nea tl a Ferunn 9l 1 Lgie gy.yR .u.�01...t 54a6 i0. -00 5.000 N. nf. S 849000 16% M 3%32..0 2]% 5 319'00 •➢16 5 852=f 5 1.23%000 SM Z LeL Snwx.lieronslvn.:*nsn2 S.BB 19A-01 ?.ON V, rw. Na S 200900 N% rh97 16% 5 43MW S6% 5 1.t4fm 5 imm 52S1 ager Rrraalor--.1- m" ]tri 2 Mw rv. Na S 160,060 Na $2[gLaO 5 !1x,400 5 1,t5a.am 5 Ls6s,UA 5156 Na N. Va S M+ 5369.ro9 ux i a1R590 ax% 5 !,x1,960 S W 5165 5 waupa55 g1.5rRMxnu.n.rtehft 5428 154193 5A00 V. N. 4f. S 365,000 26% 4f. 5111000 21% 5 aux 5 lm5 1.541 Saw 6Wv o k Sewer.0.+aa.c'a.Ptaee 2 674 2041 sS. nfa110.000 1515 nh609 11% i 4N 35z 5 1188.060 5 51 3216 P sa Hil Rmd Eaa Mp�ww�s8 5064 1DMa¢d 6,666 nfa rv. Na $ 166,066 14X Na $15[6. 1N $ Aw. 194 $ 1,,1.10" 3 $ 1,133,143 Isim N= N. Va $ ux nfa $x44909 Six i x19,999 294 5 5,0x,960 S x,9 SM wan oSBatlrRR+dilfar 5948 19241"5 11.000 NIa nfe S 500D9 i3% 6. 500 12% 5 500 29% 5 3,SOBAoO S 4sm= 5319 iMtCrcx• rRma�.cre,PSem] 6808 01-iurv05 7,100 Na 5 185,060 5 tl9,600 1595'00 ;tlw 5293 s.rx Rrl a,P1aua1 Iq9 Na N. no $ 115 nh Sxas- S 5�A99 5 s3s,96o 5 3,1 z Sx9s 130wa9k 9wxr Rer4xeW4.P.ppS 5560 x941 4.900 4f= N. nfa S 115 nfa 51579x0 16% i a95.0R 397 5 1,243.559 $ 1450.554 5335 131Nari Pird.9.%er.2mRr.9.Me.Pmee 2 5&93 06-x196 9.'Ma NanaC�aa.Bawer nh 5 -tow I1.1m. . d]6 1056 5 29 5 2 2A001 1%7 S398 Ra4Rn..ce,Alvmi M26 9,900 N. n+. N. $ 241,v00 N $x94999 $ 83eam $ x,]9ym9 $ 2,89%.6 $311 vara na.a s.wrRrwataa,Plans 596. 454n N. N. n/a S x49960 5095 S 30.600 53]0.000 Six $ 31915n 255 5 1Afio,990 $ 1x0nt2 5x15 Hp61 L16rb SI+W Rargaal'gp,P3Wa Z 1 5960 1074w593 3.500 Na a nfa 5 49.900 3% i 632.000 5771000 99G i 3D7'[9 11% 5 1.986Ap1 5 2A86.000 5635 k7 Nog Pinta Sexa.aevreUee.Pnaee 9 58&3 M7.4.0 6100 ph 5 t19.m u% 11 1 500 15% 5 500 32% S 1.09 000 8 5225 seaerfrmmmms.Ftxmt 6976 0ra9/ x,656 N. N= nh S 5 $u0.696 $ 444,966 5 942090 5 Ls� • e 59 wd:1445 sever^------,fra..9 59ts 9,¢00 Na N. nh S 1 F S 337.000 5]30.000 5266 $ 5099. 355 S 4..N= S ?Ax S255 Cem NW 7v a4i ntiaNb.EF.N WNil4 594a.5049 O6-1nrv98 64% N. 14. nf. 5 294,800 21% 5 5200 w15.000 1856 5 515.!00 )m 5 1.m" 5 Lgl3A00 SM 21 IAmire Sane•170.:..4.Pl 2 SNA 63-[u148 7,100 5 II6,d66 S 94,066 nh S 204.000 i3x .16,066 m,6m 115 i 4m'66 55k i.sm 06 S 2'61,600 Sf67 r1_ N. al. Na $ S 60.660 Sm1..9 $ 34x'00 5 1Aa $ Lnf S_13 S9uA[I-54x4 Ranwaigr6.9x9119 5965 m- x5,]96 nfa Na Na S 195,006 15% ala 6R7A30 17% i 4xL_ 11% 5 1321.590 S LFA.706 5361 24 Nn 1b2 5861 1904x-09 1300IV• nh 48.900 S2K ]OIL 5 1 SM S 213 5 3 525. x5£'0...[3x.4 x•.e•kev.aium.P+�ne t 6966 N.M. 11,500 5 156,666 S 120.6. n1. S 17%060 2m $ t69,000 $219,.9 161 S 590'. a3% $ 1,8]9.666 S L86AOm 526 Lrerwm seer roevnam,:tnmfi ado 5 xm,6m 5 %,mo N. S S aa0.6ov 5x5.666 u% f 566.955 3yx 5 601,900 5 x.wa on Sna 3,500 5 l32A00 S 75.000 nfa 5 135,000 38% $ 3A00 57fm0 21% i 2NA00 59% 5 365AW 5 5x5.000 5333 2a wd+a Peed Seger sena;alo.ePPren 7 5891 06 11,m5 16]000 m0 S 315.006 1SK 157066 060 13% 's SB 31% 1 5].066 S 3216 21 H.11 r,:;;r keram vn a ae mat .,.6 ;6m 5 xx;mo 5 66,000 0 5 x94906 5 x.069 Soat�o9 3 •15x00 5 95x,4!4 5 14x44. Sem 30 Na61ilex.Seaw�s[ris.Plus.] 695@ Vi .111 5,356 5 199,326 5 6x,355 nfa $ 346,595 31% 5 130.666 5]9$666 35Y $ S rES 589% 5 1,192,9[2 5 Lw_ 5389 310w0+=-',e•w R.wpl�a.Pr9get 5860 05 to 5.900 S 333.000t %61.000 'AS 45''00 129E $ Ng.Om 52006 IS% 5 5a2A00 a5% 8 1.50= 5 2.252.000 542A 3]L -geeativa Rad Tnan^ewer 6961 05Ma 11 5600 S 159000 259..6 13% 5 6000 000 1516 5 569 2A]9..SI S 5163 090 5 990 5 %4660 nh S S Sxsg66v 5 5 x,s6eo6o $xn Lxe osxsSa -----,pgmi 6 690 5 000 $ 106.090 nfa S 513.090 ]6% S $229au 11% $ 79) 35% 5 ,%sfim 5 x.118,645 $151 590201-1111 10000 5 261 $ 62060 nh 5 329Am 21% N.060 5155.000 INS 5 514 83% S 1.548,1'0 5 2.06 700 5108 NwT C�Ysa SarerRavnwn,Pbaee Ma x]45 12 ¢4400$ 290.6. S ".mS ^tW 421,660 1%,m6 $'m 3 151 $ 1.Bo3A00 5 2x69..9 5199 3 .In1LM.5ewlr Renalrtma,Roae9 5-065 21.11x12 I1, $ 355,9- $ 350.6. nh $ 0]2,9. 21% $ 36,6. $291,CC6 1R $ ]61,965 ];S $ 2,256,9. $ 3,050,950 525] L.ia ae.er Raw.aaw.vlrowa 9404 71+nx-13 8.3m 5 576,000 5 1x5.000 4f= S 605A00 325 S %.000 62 H.Om 15% 5395 9i.db 8ewvr Raamlva.Psgye2 5810 11-K+n 11800 S 298.00o mm 5 17590o 5 SS8.IX9 22% 5 129009 OOP 1656 5302 wm Uiw.^.exer Rwv.aura.P.eeee flat, S,.90 5 2mt" S 91,090 S .93,009 S 495,.0 S V.- 5.x4.696 619,960 $ "1.9m S 2,8x%.9 $m 4600 5 4x0.0. 5 600 S t44609 S 151'90 28+L $ S.M0. 36% Lm5 6x1'99 5 3,95%9» 5455 4]LaNBSa�eeRearwau.59ae89 1 .4t 7S. 't5 B.SW 5 3%m0 S 1wm 5 96,000 S 605,000 m 5 45.000 S3�.000 18% "S= gay. 5 Z.Im.2m 5 3. 5321 13 Me•8•er3xe•Pem+•ame.P�wwt Bass m8 15 8.100 5 42x.Dm 125.0 m0 5 626.9. . 355.000 594.600 16% 1.005.600 39% 8 2,569A. S ]561'60 3178 4a La1ae1m 6owm Renrrehnc.AFnm 16 .25 13 Mar ld 9,6m$ 313,6. S 116,6. S 64,6. $ 313,6. 2. S 59,6. a m6 ]!IL %2,606 39% $ 1,510'. 5 3417;7166 $391 .5 N_onrda 5axrr RanmeiBre,Ptr.a6 84xs 60 5 '160,990 5 65A00 S 44609 S 5[0.660 91% 5 40.000 546r 1054 F19.0w •m 5 x,302.509 5 3.51%x. 5301 d .0.01100 5rga)eebe.'166511 0422 (NM=nit 7,1003 30LOW 5 17] 19,600 S 127,600 ms 5 S 190.Om IS% 82 2T% 3AD.QN 5 1,82 5422 47 L4fas Sawa•F1ma:etcrc,x304415 B.OP x8ma919 B,em.3 362,000 S tm,Om s4,m0 S SIP," 151¢ 5 m.Om 53'ss,66v 10% 85.'00 255 a,a52'm 5 kW' 5520 6435 4wo 5 660 5 x3,000 S x0.999 5 5 ss,006 5 9009 115 iu,9ao xix. 5 3,a1a,9oo 5 •.wl� Sms M.1M Cw988ewrRrpnaq.P4gw. 12 9.95 11s-7H38 9.000 5 359000 5 199.000 5 %5.960 5 535.000 15% 5 F5.000 5 500 9% 885.$00 N% 5. 9,669560 5 5M. Sd/r CriNe`,arae 4ae.R.alrre.PneeeB a499 91JAn-18 9m 5 860.600 6 90.8. S SS.Om 5 505.9. 13% 5 45900 6m 1616 8 13% 5 6.0(p S 5530 S L Saaxftaanbes,An=ae 52 605 [11Ayr19 5.906$ 124AN S Mom S 49606 S 155,600 iaX S SS,dm $380,6. 1Na !75'60 21X 5 3,1}3,E60 S a'1�6W 545! ae4[ww SewwRw.mwra,mue6 6M6 sm 5 060 5 99.000 S 009 5 49x,666 lax S Su9609 wX s.xpn a9x 5 3A9xp90 $ a,93F,un SsxA 4nwa�e uhnl.arw l.Rsa..4s: 9,325 3 sot,ma S 1a45s �i5,A63 i 99%+6'+ X811?x 5 3.xljaq 1195 mw r.m.md>, x06 n1PP,,ewnr9.lnt.rcaPton,060[rcwln PrwRn=rcna[., C: 494116tP n..,w a.3+.r 5a m 2018 5:5 OW •S,Praxc 1L5 5 050A. $ 19Aa0�' ._ _S Fex0.999 S 9x44011 iC(-Tq.l Cnnsenaeon(nM:,aevudien W.44x1!'Moes IC5o1 fow Prgea oemnr!x444.,b_and[answceonrare¢e_.ban rlt-W.Adw. All 66su are not adjusted For inflation, Pultic Ontreed�eM ortereaerny condinaum xaa nd�nrineN r,realatiwn ox MdwAra merann. es arc aeluwM M1nAetwn. Jlme 11.2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet-Page 6 of 23 3 n1 x ` 6 Ae( RO CENTLSAN 0- ' ... . . . SEWER REPLACEMENT COSTS UPDATED 9501000 % 1493rkJo f443)000 919? 4J41 45% ?031 fklo 2.r950)000 1,1811000 44° r71f000 x5 ,000 985,000 46% 21124r200 3.r 1091-200 1,0071000 9° 2r560,,000 3.r567)000 9621000 Fb 10,V V V x47 ,000 910,000 4 ° f. 0 ,b00 31272500 822,000 7° 100. ,000 x5,000 8541000 25% 14b , 00 4r 6)000 722,000 ?. 18,000 41040,000 8651500 4° 09fb00 4x55,000 870,000 ° 116f000 4x1-000 8451000 7° 117f600 4101 ,600 8421000 4° r491000 4x4,000 611,088 1J0941f49 2552,586 _ 19L CENTs ' R ■ a QUESTIONS / COMMENTS CENTRALSAN I $