HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Amend agreement with V.W.Housen & Assoc. under the Pump Station Upgrades Project, DP 8436 Page 1 of 7
Item 6.
Roger S. Bailey
General Manager
Board of Directors' (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute an amendment to
a professional engineering services agreement for amounts greater than 15-percent of the original
agreement amount.
In 2015, Capital Projects initiated an evaluation of the Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations at
the request of Operations due to several deficiencies with the standby power engine driven systems,
electrical and instrumentation concerns, and other equipment identified for near term replacement. The
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most impactful item identified was replacement of the 1,000-horsepower Waukesha diesel engines (circa
1959) at both stations. The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) identified several structural,
mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation improvements needed at the Martinez, Fairview, Maltby, and
Flush Kleen Pump Stations. These stations have multiple concerns, including reliability of existing
equipment and infrastructure, corrosion, are prone to flooding, and have some pumping capacity
limitations. Central San staff decided to package these stations with Moraga and Orinda Crossroads to
form one all-encompassing pumping station project, which has been included in the current Capital
Improvement Budget (CI B)titled Pump Station Upgrades, District Project 8436 (Project).
On July 20, 2017, the Board authorized the General Manager to execute an agreement with V.W. Housen
and Associates (VW HA)for the predesign of the Project at a cost not to exceed $780,000.
The predesign work consisted of numerous field investigations, workshops, meetings (with Operations,
Maintenance, and Capital Projects staff), facility tours, and other important efforts to comprehensively
evaluate and recommend solutions. The preliminary design included seven elements: Moraga and Orinda
Crossroads "All Electric" Option Evaluation; Hydraulic Analysis; Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls
(I&C)Assessment; Evaluation to Eliminate Fairview Pump Station; Corrosion Assessment; Heating,
Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)Assessment; and Flood Risk Assessment. Project delivery
options and construction sequencing were also included in the preliminary design. These elements form
the basis of design for the Project.
The following is a summary of the predesign work and the recommendations for final design.
Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations
Moraga Pump Station, originally installed in 1959, is located in a residential area of Moraga. Orinda
Crossroads Pump Station is located in downtown Orinda next to Theater Square. These stations were
installed at the same time and are nearly identical in design and features. They have gone through several
upgrades, with the most recent renovation in 2000. The stations consist of three dry weather electric
pumps and two wet weather diesel engine driven pumps. Central San staff identified the need to replace
the Waukesha diesel engine (circa 1959) and hired VW HA to assist in the project and prepare a basis of
design report with options to replace the engine and other station improvements. During the Basis of
Design phase, it was determined that an "all-electric" option warranted consideration prior to committing to
replacement of the Waukesha engine and engine controls, generator installation, and other capital
The Preliminary Design Report(PDR), completed in February 2018, includes an "all-electric" evaluation
that includes the following alternatives at both stations: Option 1: Keep Engines; Option 2:All-Electric; and
Option 3: All-Electric Hybrid. The All-Electric Hybrid Option implements the "all-electric" option by installing
one electric wet weather pump under the initial project but defers the replacement of the 20-year old
Caterpillar diesel engine/pump with the second electric wet weather pump to a future project.
Option 2 (All-Electric) is the preferred option at both stations for multiple reasons: it minimizes future
requirements associated with escalating Bay Area Quality Management District (BAAQMD) regulations for
diesel engines, it eliminates additional foreseeable wet weather pumping future upgrades and improves
pumping transitions and low flow operations. The conversion to all electric pumping was implemented
successfully at Lower Orinda Pump Station in 2003. To increase resiliency, the dry weather pumps will be
replaced with drypit submersible pumps.
Electrical improvements include a new generator sized to pump buildout peak wet weather flows (PW W F),
new PG&E service, motor control center, configuration of breakers to allow for operator servicing, and
implementing ArcFlash safety requirements.Additional surge protection is necessary and requires larger
surge tanks and associated piping. HVAC needs will be addressed; there have been instances where
electrical equipment has overheated.
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The corrosion assessment identified particular piping that needs to be rehabilitated or replaced within the
station. I n January 2018 at Moraga Pump Station, a leak was detected in a spool pipe between the wetwell
and Caterpillar diesel wet weather pump.An immediate repair was completed as a change order on a
capital project.
At Moraga Pump Station, grinders will be installed to address the ongoing maintenance caused by rags.
Flush Kleen Pump Station
Flush Kleen Pump Station is one of Central San's oldest pump stations, originally built in 1950. Certain
electrical, instrumentation and controls equipment are obsolete and replacement parts cannot be obtained
from manufacturers. The Electrical, I&C assessment recommended replacing the standby power
generator, automatic transfer switch, electrical service, and power distribution.
It is recommended to install two new drypit submersible constant speed pumps. The new pumps will allow
buildout PWW F to be pumped through a single forcemain and will allow for larger solids to be passed at
low flows. Drypit submersible pumps will provide increased resiliency at the station. It is recommended to
replace piping and valves located in the drywell. The corrosion assessment recommended replacing 6-
inch discharge piping exiting the valve vault wall and investigating the extent of lead paint found on the wall
of the drywell and within the station.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)Architecture Assessment and Security
A SCADA architecture assessment was a recommendation from the Preliminary Design Report and will
be completed in the final design scope of work. The SCADA assessment includes an evaluation of the
existing overall architecture including the pump station programmable logic controllers and their integration
with the SCADA control system at the wastewater treatment plant. This assessment will be completed for
all stations and recommendations will be implemented in the final design of Moraga, Orinda Crossroads,
and Flush Kleen Pump Stations.
Central San recently completed a security assessment of all facilities. Recommendations such as access
control, intrusion detection, and surveillance will be included in the final design of Moraga, Orinda
Crossroads, and Flush Kleen Pump Stations.
Flood Protection Evaluation: Orinda Cross Road Pumping Station
During the preliminary design phase of the Pump Station Upgrades Project, a flood risk assessment was
performed for the six pump station sites included in the Project. The flood risk assessment includes
information on the purpose and scope of the assessment, regulatory requirements, sea level rise
estimates, findings, and flood protection and sea level rise protection recommendations for each station,
where applicable. The assessment concluded that the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station is located within a
100-year flood area but is not tidally influenced or susceptible to sea level rise. The assessment indicates
that the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station could experience flooding from San Pablo Creek. Just
southeast of the pump station, the San Pablo Creek has been encroached by a concrete box culvert with
inadequate capacity to convey the entire one-percent annual chance of flood.As a result, flood waters
back up and begin to pond in the lowest area under the California State Route 24 overcrossing resulting in
ponding at the pump station.
A key subconsultant to VW HA, HDR, I nc. will be tasked to verify that the effective Federal Emergency
Management Agency(FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map along San Pablo Creek in the vicinity of the
Orinda Crossroads Pump Station is modeled appropriately and mapped accurately based upon the
modeling results. The work performed will include data collection and hydraulic model/mapping review.
The findings and recommended next steps will be presented and discussed at a future meeting.
Recommended next steps may include guidance to proceed forward with flood protection; or
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recommended model revisions necessary to update the hydraulic model to revise mapping; or guidance to
submit a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)to FEMA for a proposed change.
The predesign also evaluated the three pumps stations located in Martinez: Martinez, Fairview, and
Maltby Pump Stations.
Final design for these three pump stations will be started in two years. Martinez Pump Station is at the site
of the former City of Martinez wastewater treatment plant. It is the first station that pumps in a chain (to
Fairview and then to Maltby)to the Central San wastewater treatment plant.
Some mechanical and electrical improvements are recommended at the Martinez Pump Station. However,
the predesign recommends the construction of new pump stations for Fairview and Maltby. For the
Fairview site, the new station would require the acquisition of a portion of a parcel owned by the City of
Martinez (former right-of-way). These alternatives would increase reliability and improve resiliency and are
more favorable for construction. Central San staff feels that land acquisition is critical to moving forward
with an alternative and design work.
For the Maltby site, the construction of a new pump station would require the acquisition of a portion of a
parcel to the north, currently owned and occupied by Rethink Green. Central San believes the site may be
contaminated since it was used in the past for storage of wood products. Properties on other sides of the
station are less desirable due to previous use or topography. Central San staff feel that additional
information about the availability and suitability of the Rethink Green property is needed before moving
forward with design.
The land acquisition presentation and discussion will be taken to the Real Estate, Environmental and
Planning Committee.
Concord Main Metering Station
The existing venturi meter was installed in 2010 and measures 80-percent of the flow from the City of
Concord (City). The City has at times expressed concerns about the accuracy of the meter. Staff initiated
a study on the existing metering system and the analysis indicates that a new magnetic flowmeter would be
more accurate and require less maintenance than the existing flowmeter. The sump pump discharge piping
will also be relocated to a new tap location for better operations access. I ntrusion monitoring at the facility
and a SCADA alarm will be updated to allow better communication with Central San operations staff. The
City has agreed to reimburse half of the design costs and staff will be seeking a cost sharing agreement
with the City for construction.
Central San staff is recommending phasing the design and construction into two phases under two
separate projects to accommodate Central San operations staffing, as well as much of the critical work at
the station impacting operations will occur in the dry weather season.
Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations are in the greatest need of upgrade, are top priority, and
will be done under Phase 1. Design for Moraga, Orinda Crossroads, and Flush Kleen Pump Stations is
scheduled to be 12 months in duration, starting in July 2018. Also based on the similarities between the
Moraga and Orinda Crossroads Pump Stations and locations of those stations, staff plan to construct the
Moraga, Orinda Crossroads, and Flush Kleen Pump Stations under one project.
Central San staff feels more information is needed to move forward with the final design at the Martinez,
Fairview, and Maltby Pump Stations. Because the operation of Martinez Pump Station is so integral to
those stations, staff plans to construct these pump stations together under Phase 2. This will allow time for
land acquisition to determine the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) needs prior to the start of
design. Staff plans to come back to the Board with a contract amendment with VW HA to design the
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Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby Pump Stations in 2019.
At its July 20, 2017 meeting, the Board independently found that the agreement with this vendor was
exempt from CEQA under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it allowed for further
planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which Central San has not approved, adopted, or
funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Central San
will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of
the tasks authorized herein to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation.
An alternative would be to postpone the design or design each station improvement as separate projects,
which is not recommended due to the project drivers and design complications previously noted above,
and the associated increase in overall project costs in implementing multiple projects over a long period of
Although the proposed Cl B and current budget have adequate cash funding for the final design, it is
anticipated that Central San will most likely request bond financing to construct these improvements. This
decision will be presented at a future Board Meeting and no action is required at this time.
The VW HA final design services for the Project Phase 1 is estimated at$2.2 million. The total VW HA
agreement cost ceiling is estimated at$2.98 million ($780,000 for pre-design, and $2.2 million for final
design), which is approximately 11-percent of the $27.2 million total estimated project cost for Project
Phase 1 and the Concord Metering, as detailed in Attachment 1.
The Project is listed in the Fiscal Year(FY) 2017-18 CI B on page 131 with an estimated budget of
$450,000 for planning, $2,596,000 for design, and $30,389,000 in construction. The final design will span
this fiscal year and next fiscal year. The Project Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be detailed, updated, and
included in the FY 2018-19 C I B.
The Financial Impact Table was not included since no budget transfer is required to fund this Project.
There are adequate funds within the current and following year Cl B for the design of the Phase 1 Project.
The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this agreement amendment at the April 25, 2018
meeting and recommended approval to include final design services for the Pump Station Upgrades
Authorize the General Manager to amend the existing V.W. Housen and Associates Agreement,
Agreement 045460, in an amount not to exceed $2.2 million for the Pump Stations Upgrades Project,
District Project 8436, Phase 1 Scope of Work.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 1 - Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness, Strategy 2- Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration
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GOAL FIVE:Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure
Strategy 2- Facilitate Long-term Capital Renewal and Replacement, Strategy 3- Protect District Personnel and
Assets from Threats and Emergencies
1. Estimated Capital Costs
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Attachment 1
Pump Stations Upgrades Project - Phase 1
District Project 8436
Estimated Capital Costs of Recommended Improvements
Estimated Estimated Total
Pump Stations Construction Cost Project Cost
Flush Kleen Pump Station $1,292,000 $1,816,000
Moraga Pump Station $9,023,000 $12,684,000
Orinda Cross Road Pump Station $7,997,000 $11,240,000
Concord Main Metering Vault Improvements (*) $720,000 $950,000
Total Project Cost $19,032,000 $26,690,000
Security Improvements $150,000 $210,000
Pump Stations SCADA Architecture Improvements $200,000 $280,000
Total Project Cost $19,382,000 $27,180,000
(*) Cost to be shared 50-percent with City Concord per Agreement
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