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Item 5.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
May 3, 2018
JULY 1, 2016 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2017
Attached please find a completed Internal Audit Report on Petty Cash. The internal audit was presented
to the Finance Committee on April 24, 2018 given the subject matter of the audit, and the Finance
Committee's charter to address:
• Appropriate levels of internal controls
• Oversee proper use of financial resources
• Review expenditures
The audit reviewed petty cash transactions for Fiscal Year(FY) 2016-17, and four months of the current
FY 2017-18. The format of the report is the standard that will be used for subsequent internal audit
reports, and includes:
• Audit Objective
• Background
• Audit Scope and Limitations
• Methodology
• Summary
• Findings; including Recommendation and Management's Response/Action Plan
The six findings related to this internal audit are documented in the report, as well as actions that
management of the relevant area (Finance) have committed to take in response to the findings.
The Finance Committee reviewed the report at its meeting on April 24, 2018 and recommended Board
receipt. The Internal Audit Report is being presented to the Board of Directors for information and
Two additional internal audit reports are planned for delivery to the Board during the current fiscal year, as
well as adoption of an internal audit plan for FY 2018-19.
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GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 2- Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration
GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
Strategy 2- Manage Costs
GOAL SIX. Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability
Strategy 2- Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Business Operations
1. FY 2017 Internal Audit-Petty Cash
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DATE: February 13, 2018
TO: Phil Leiber— Director of Finance and Administration
Thea Vassallo — Finance Manager
CC: Finance Committee
Board of Directors
FROM: Theresa Nidetz, Internal Auditor
Enclosed is our report on the audit of Petty Cash Controls. We have reviewed
management's response to our recommendations and have included them in the audit
The actions taken and/or planned are responsive to the recommendations in the report.
We request that you provide quarterly status reports on the implementation progress of
the recommendations. The Internal Audit department will contact you or your designee
near the end of each quarter to request your response.
Your response and updates on the status of the recommendations can be documented
in the "Audit Findings and Recommendations Tracker" that is required until all actions
have been implemented. A link to the Tracker will be shared with you and your team.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (925) 229-7321.
Theresa P. Nidetz
Internal Auditor
Add'I cc: Roger Bailey— General Manager
Ann Sasaki — Deputy General Manager
Todd Smithey— Finance Administrator
Chris Thomas — Finance Administrator
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Audit Objective The objective of the audit was to identify and assess the design and operating
effectiveness of internal controls over the use of petty cash funds.The audit
period and scope encompassed petty cash reimbursements made and recorded
to the General Ledger between July 1, 2016 and October 31, 2017.
Background Central San has three petty cash funds with a total imprest balance of$3,200
and located at: HOB (Martinez)for$1,400; POD (Martinez)for$1,000; and CSO
(Walnut Creek)for$800. Each petty cash fund is maintained by a designated
employee. For the sixteen-month period from July 1, 2016 through October 31,
2017, petty cash transactions were as follows:
Petty Number of Total Fund Petty Cash Average
Cash Disbursements Disbursed Imprest Turnover in 16 Transactions
Location Made Balance months per Month
POD 90 $ 3,654.29 $ 800 4.6 times 6
CSO 84 $ 3,105.92 $1,000 3.1 times 5
HOB 309 $10,556.27 $1,400 7.5 times 19
Total 483 $17,316.48 1 $3,200 1 5.4 times average 30
A formal petty cash reimbursement procedure (AP-103) exists as well as
standard forms for requesting travel and non-travel related expense
reimbursements. Typical reimbursements include: local training and
professional association fees and dues, mileage and travel expenses for District
business, supplies, and food and beverage for department or division events and
Board meetings.
Disbursements from petty cash cannot exceed $90 and transactions must not be
split to circumvent that limit. Amounts greater than $90 must be submitted on a
Payment Authorization form, Mileage Form, or Travel Expense Form and
reimbursed by check issued through the Accounts Payable process.
Audit Scope & The scope of this audit focused on the processes and controls over petty cash
Limitations funds and did not include a review or assessment of controls over Purchasing,
Accounts Payable or P-Card transactions.
Methodology The audit was performed using the following methods:
• Interviewed team members and observed the processes within the
scope of the audit
• Reviewed policies, guidelines and procedures
• Selected and tested samples for each of the processes
• Reported on audit results and discussed recommendations
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Summary Based on Internal Audit's assessment of petty cash procedures and sampling of
transactions, controls need to be improved to ensure that petty cash
disbursements are accurate, properly authorized, compliant with District
procedures, and properly recorded.
Audit observations and recommendations were made regarding the following:
• Revision of AP-103 Petty Cash Reimbursement Procedure
• Segregation of Duties
• Periodic Independent Verifications of Petty Cash Funds
• Finance/Accounting Review of Petty Cash Replenishments
• Recording Petty Cash Transactions in the General Ledger
• Supporting Documentation for Petty Cash Disbursements
Finding 1: Administrative Procedure (AP-103) Needs to be Revised
Internal Audit reviewed Procedure AP-103 Petty Cash Reimbursements dated
September 1, 2015 for clarity and completeness. Clarification is needed
regarding certain requirements and controls to ensure consistency with other
District procedures such as AP-008 Travel Expense Reimbursement Procedure. In
addition, some procedures described in AP-103 do not reflect current practices.
Internal Audit provided the Finance/Accounting team with proposed revisions to
AP-103, including additional wording regarding supporting documentation for
petty cash requests/vouchers, changing the procedure to reflect current review
and approval of petty cash logs, using a standard Petty Cash Log/Replenishment
Form, and referencing Travel Expense Reimbursement Procedure AP-008.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
The Finance Manager will revise AP-103 based on Internal Audit's
recommendations and will post the revised AP-103 on Central San's intranet.
The procedure will be reviewed by Finance/Accounting at least every two years
to ensure it reflects current District practices and requirements. A standard Petty
Cash Log/Replenishment Form will also be implemented.
Target Date:June 30, 2018 for AP-103 revision;January 18, 2018 for
implementation of the standard Petty Cash Log/Replenishment Form
Finding 2: Segregation of Duties
Duties over petty cash are not adequately segregated as follows:
a) The petty cash custodian for the HOB petty cash fund who is an Accounting
Technician is also responsible for inputting the petty cash transactions to the
General Ledger system and processing the check that replenishes the HOB
petty cash fund.
b) In testing a sample of petty cash vouchers, we noted that some of the
vouchers were approved by the petty cash custodians (CSO and POD)
because they have an approval limit of$90.
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While the risk of errors or unauthorized transactions may be minimized by a
supervisory-level review of all petty cash replenishment packages, as noted in
Finding 4, we recommend that:
a) The approved Petty Cash replenishment package be routed for processing to
an Accounting staff member who does not have access to petty cash funds.
b) Petty Cash reimbursement requests be approved by someone with approval
authority other than the Petty Cash custodian.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
a) An Accounting Technician who does not have access to Petty Cash funds will
post the petty cash entries to the General Ledger for POD, CSO and HOB.
Target Date: January 18, 2018
b) Petty Cash custodians will be reminded that they should not sign/approve
petty cash reimbursement requests. Training will be provided to all petty
cash custodians to review the risks and required controls.
Target Date: March 31, 2018
Finding 3: Lack of Independent Verification and Count of Petty Cash
Procedure AP-103 requires that "at least two unannounced audits per year of the
petty cash funds will take place by the Accounting Office to ensure compliance
with the petty cash procedures and generally accepted accounting principles."
Independent verifications and counts were not performed as stipulated in AP-
103. For POD and CSO,the two most recent verifications were done in July 2015
and July 2016. For HOB,the two most recent verifications were done in May
2016 and August 2017.
Independent unannounced verifications of petty cash funds should be
performed regularly.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
The unannounced independent verifications of Petty Cash funds will be
calendared and will be performed by an independent member of the Accounting
team.The Finance Administrator will be responsible for ensuring that the
verifications are performed as scheduled. Based on historical petty cash activity,
the CSO and POD funds will be verified at least once per year and the HOB fund
will be verified at least twice per year. The verification form will be revised to
include approval and final sign-off by the Finance Administrator. Management
will revise procedure AP-103 to reflect the new procedure.
Target Date:June 30, 2018
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Finding 4: Finance/Accounting Review of Petty Cash Replenishments
AP-103 stipulates that "Accounts Payable person reviews Petty Cash package
and submits it to the Finance Administrator or Controller for approval."
While the review and validation of the petty cash log and replenishment form is
done by each fund custodian's immediate supervisor, approval by Finance is
not being performed. In addition,the Accounts Payable person does not
review the replenishment packages for accuracy and completeness when
inputting the transactions from the Petty Cash log to create the journal entries
and A/P entry.
An independent review for accuracy and completeness should be performed by
Finance/Accounting and evidenced on the Petty Cash Log/ Replenishment form.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
The Finance Manager will revise AP-103 to reflect the review and approval by
the department/division approving official and to delete the section regarding
review/approval by the Finance Administrator or Controller. In addition, a
procedure will be implemented for Accounting to match amounts reported on
the Petty Cash logs to supporting vouchers when processing the petty cash
journal entries and A/P entry. A standard Petty Cash Log/Replenishment Form
will be implemented and will include sign-offs by the department/division
approver and by Accounting.
Target Date: June 30, 2018 for AP-103 revision;January 18, 2018 for
implementation of standard Petty Cash Log/Replenishment Form
Finding 5: Recording Petty Cash Transactions in the General Ledger
a) Transactions are sometimes combined into one journal entry described as
"Petty Cash Reimbursement" even though the disbursements did not pertain
to the same employee, date or event. The reason for this practice is that the
current GL system does not allow for automated GL entry uploading from
Excel or other formats,thus, requiring manual input of each item on the
petty cash log,which is inefficient.
b) Current administrative procedures do not provide guidelines as to how
certain types of expenditures should be recorded in the GL. Meals and
refreshments for staff and Board meetings and employee recognition
presentations were recorded as "miscellaneous" or"operating supplies".
Mileage reimbursements and other transportation costs were recorded as
"training", "communications", "supplies", or"miscellaneous" GL accounts,
depending on the purpose of the trip. However, these costs were
sometimes recorded to the Mileage Reimbursement GL account.
a) As management develops the requirements for a new ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) solution,the ability to automate processing of
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accounting entries using data from spreadsheets and other sources should
be a required functionality.
b) For consistency, administrative procedures AP-103 Petty Cash
Reimbursements and AP-101 Food and Beverage Procedure need to include
wording to clarify how expenses should be coded and recorded.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
a) A new accounting system /ERP would facilitate the inputting and processing
of petty cash transactions, particularly one that has data uploading
capabilities from spreadsheets to the GL. In the meantime, petty cash
disbursements will continue to be combined when possible and reported as
"Petty Cash Reimbursement."
b) The Finance Manager will revise AP-103 and AP-101 to provide guidelines on
how certain expenditures should be coded based on the business purpose.
Target Date: Estimated implementation of ERP- December 31, 2020; Revision of
AP-103 and AP-101 —June 30, 2018.
Finding 6: Supporting Documentation for Disbursements
• Mileage reimbursements are not always supported by mileage calculations
such as Google MapsTM or details of trip origination and destination. These
details are required under AP-008 Travel Expense Procedure for
reimbursement of miles driven in employees' personal automobiles.
• Training and professional association meeting expenses do not always have
supporting documentation such event flyer/registration information with
event description, location and date.
• Petty Cash requests/vouchers are not always signed-off by the requester
when the requester designates another employee to obtain the cash on
his/her behalf.
To ensure consistency and completeness of documentation for reimbursements,
AP-103 should be revised to include wording on what constitutes proper
supporting documentation—in line with other District expense procedures.
The employee who requested the funds should sign-off on the voucher as
authorization and acknowledgment that someone else will obtain the cash on
his/her behalf.
Management's Response/Action Plan:
The Finance Manager will revise AP-103 to clarify what is acceptable supporting
documentation and to reference other related expense procedures. AP-103 will
be revised to stipulate that the person requesting to be reimbursed sign-off on
the petty cash voucher if he/she designates another employee to obtain the
cash. The Petty Cash request/voucher form will be revised to include signature
lines for requestor, delegation of receipt, and approver.
Target Date: June 30, 2018
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