HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering & Operations MINUTES 03-13-18 Page 2 of 8
Presiddent Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX.- (925)372-0192
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 www.centralsan.org
9:00 a.m.
21d Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Mike McGill
Dan Lopez, Black and Veatch
Mari E. Garza-Bird, Black and Veatch
Roger Parra, Degenkolb Engineers
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Neil Meyer, Plant Maintenance Division Manager
Lori Schectel, Environmental & Reg. Compliance Division Manager
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer
Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer
Clint Shima, Senior Engineer
Rita Cheng, Associate Engineer
Amanda Schmidt, Associate Engineer (left after item 3.c.)
Keith Gellerman, Assistant Engineer (left after item 3.c.)
William Grant, Assistant Engineer
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1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Public Comments
Mr. Lopez requested item 3.c. be presented first.
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of$109,200 to Greentech Industry, Inc., the lowest responsive
bidder for the Property and Building Improvements-Phase1, District
Project 8247; consider exemption from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize up to a 15-percent contingency
Mr. Lopez reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
Chair Causey asked what type of lab work was done in Bay 1. Ms.
Schectel responded that general testing for source control is completed in
Bay 1. Mr. Petit stated that the lab work for source control is not the typical
work done in our plant laboratory and there's also facilities used for
cleaning tools and testing equipment. Mr. Lopez provided the Committee
with photos of the existing Bay 2 facilities that will be relocated to Bay 1.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of$1,834,000 to W.M. Lyles Co., the lowest responsive bidder for
the Treatment Plant Piping Renovations, Phase 9, District Project 7330;
consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
and authorize up to a 20-percent contingency
Mr. Lopez reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials. He
advised that the District received one bid below engineer's estimate of
$2.5 million.
Chair Causey asked if this project included the water system upgrades.
Mr. Lopez responded that the project included upgrades to the domestic
water air gap tank, a new chlorine residual analyzer, test ports throughout
the plant, and upgrading and replacing some of the backflow preventers
throughout the facility. The main objective for the water system upgrades
is security and reliability of the system.
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Chair Causey inquired about the funds for the potable water system
requested from the Board. Mr. Lopez stated that staff is planning to use
the $800,000 authorized for this project but couldn't yet provide an
updated budget for the water upgrades since the schedule of values from
the contractor has not been received. Mr. Petit stated that staff knows the
cost of the design, but once staff receives the schedule of value, staff can
track and identify the money in the budget and can report back to the
Committee at closeout or another time.
Member McGill asked the reasoning behind the 20% contingency amount.
Mr. Petit responded that the contingency amount is 20% in case of urgent
treatment plant repairs encountered during the project.
Chair Causey asked how staff tracks change orders from an asset
management perspective. Mr. Lopez stated that staff has revised the
change order process and is currently drafting procedures along with
Maintenance and the Asset Management groups.
Chair Causey asked to include a recommendation for the Board to close
District Project 7314 since it is no longer needed. Mr. Lopez stated that in
the past acceptance or closure of projects went through the Board, but
under the current delegation the General Manager has the authority to
close a project and it will be reported to the Committee and the full Board
as information only.
Chair Causey stated that it shows transparency when making a statement
about closing a project. Mr. Bailey stated that staff would add information
about the project closing in the position paper presented to the Board.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
C. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of$2,742,234 to Precision Engineering, Inc., the lowest
responsive bidder for the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 12, District
Project 8446, consider exemption from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize up to a 15-percent contingency
This matter was heard out of order, immediately after Item 2.
Mr. Lopez reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials. He
stated that Central San coordination efforts for projects starts with city,
county and utility Planning. He stated that Central San shares information
and works to coordinate, specific requirements and standards, and shares
survey and utility information, if possible.
Chair Causey suggested that a face-to-face meeting should be standard
at the final design phase and suggested to change the policy to include
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this meeting before a bid opening and before construction. Mr. Lopez
stated that staff does attempt to have these meetings; however, some
agencies do not have the time or already have a great working
relationship and understanding of the proposed activities. Staff invites the
cities or county routinely and takes the time to meet when the invitation is
accepted. This is done during the design, pre-bid, pre-construction
meeting, and during all construction progress meetings (typically
Mr. Lopez reviewed the Lafayette Phase 12 project with the Committee,
noting that the District received three bids and Precision Engineering was
the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at $2,732,234. Staff did an
excellent job in contacting potential bidders and trying to get bidders for
the project. Precision Engineering has worked for Central San in the past
and completed work successfully.
Member McGill asked if part of the contingency is not only to cover this
specific project, but can be used for other collection system projects
added to the contract. Mr. Lopez stated that the contingency budget is
used for the project and for additional sites requested by CSO to respond
to urgent sewer repair or replacement work.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
d. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to include
final design services in the existing professional engineering services
agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation for the Solids Handling
Facility Improvements — Phase 1, District Project 7348, at an additional
cost not to exceed $5.9 million
Mr. Petit reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
Member McGill asked if air permit violations similar to those that have
occurred recently will continue in the future. Mr. Petit replied that it is likely
that we will continue to experience Reportable Compliance Activities
(RCA) which may lead to additional violations until the scrubber is fully
replaced. Staff is working with the Bay Area Air Quality Maintenance
District (BAAQMD) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9
to come up with a plan to prevent future violations.
Chair Causey asked about the cost of the five pilots. Mr. Petit answered
$1,149,000 in total for the pilots.
Mr. Petit advised that a new scrubber will ensure compliance with existing
and near-term sewage sludge incineration regulations. The pilot test for
the scrubber also confirmed what and how the District would meet
potential future air permit regulations.
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Member McGill asked for further explanation of Rule 11-18. Mr. Petit
indicated that this new rule is not specifically targeted at just incineration.
Ms. Cheng explained that BAAQMD Regulation 11, Rule 18: Reduction of
Risk from Air Toxic Emissions at Existing Facilities (Rule 11-18) was
adopted in November 2017 to ensure that the emissions of toxic air
contaminants from existing facilities do not pose an unacceptable health
risk to people living and working nearby. In 2019, BAAQMD will began
conducting a site-specific health risk assessment (HRA) for Central San's
treatment plant to quantitate its health risk. If the HRA indicates that the
treatment plant's cancer risk is greater than 1 in a million or non-cancer
index is greater than 1, Central San will be required to implement risk
reduction measures to reduce treatment plant risk within five years after
BAAQMD's approval of the Risk Reduction Plan. Risk reduction
measures may include upgrades to the scrubber system, modification of
stack height, operational changes, and/or Best Available Retrofit Control
Technology for Toxics on significant sources identified in the HRA. For
planning purposes, Central San is working with Black & Veatch to
complete an internal baseline HRA using the most current emission,
meteorological, and dispersion modeling data available.
Member McGill asked about the 50% expenditure rule. Mr. Petit stated
that it is for the life of the non-exempt equipment and it is the original
construction cost adjusted for current value and is counted from the first
day of construction. Staff has kept track of the cost to date and added all
non-exempt items.
Mr. Petit reviewed in detail the eight recommended improvements from
the pre-design effort: Sludge Blending Improvements, Sludge Dewatering
Improvements, Furnace Improvements, Seismic Improvement
Recommendations, Air Pollution Control Improvements, Ash Handling and
Loadout System Improvements, Emergency Sludge Loadout
Improvements, and Electrical and Controls Improvements.
Mr. Petit stated that Black & Veatch created a 3D design of the facilities
which will improve collaboration and design accuracy.
Roger Parra from Degenkolb Engineers provided the seismic analysis
results for the Solids Conditioning Building seismic deficiencies and
furnace deficiencies and the strengthening scheme for those deficiencies.
Member McGill asked what the condition of the soil was underneath the
Solids Conditioning Building. Mr. Parra answered that the soil was in good
condition; the building has a deep basement and the bad soil was
excavated at the time it was constructed.
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Chair Causey asked how much work is necessary to improve the
Emergency Sludge Loadout Building and asked if staff could evaluate the
amount of work and only perform what is necessary since the building has
hardly been used.
Mr. Petit stated that staff could have future discussions on different
degrees of improvement to bring the Emergency Sludge Loading Facility
to safe and reliable operational status. He suggested that one option
would be to add an optional bid item for the Emergency Sludge Loadout
Building Improvements so that should there be additional funds and time,
the improvements could be done.
Chair Causey questioned the budgeted amount for this project. Mr. Petit
presented an updated table to explain the project budgets and changes.
This table will be included in the Position Paper.
Chair Causey asked how this project would affect Operations &
Maintenance (O&M) costs. Mr. Bailey stated that the proposed Fiscal Year
2018-19 Capital Improvements Budget (CIB) will state the O&M impacts
but believes there will be a lot of savings with this completed project. An
item addressing O&M impacts will be included in the Position Paper.
Mr. Leiber stated that this year staff is enhancing the CIB to comply with
the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) requirements to be
eligible to receive an award and that every Capital project will address
impacts, if any, to the O&M.
Mr. Petit provided the anticipated design and construction schedule with
the Procurement Phase: from January 2018-August 2019; Design Phase:
April 2018-October 2019; and the Bid & Construction Phase: October
2019-December 2022.
Member McGill asked if the District was already in the procurement phase.
Mr. Petit stated that there has been preliminary design work and research
regarding specifications of equipment.
Mr. Petit provided an anticipated updated cash flow for the project from FY
2017-18 to FY 2022-23.
Chair Causey requested an itemized list of the total cost of the project
included in the Position Paper to the Board.
Chair Causey stated that he generally agreed but questioned if the $5.9
million included all of the design phase. Mr. Petit stated that the budgeted
contract includes all the necessary tasks to be performed by the
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Chair Causey asked if the District has adequate staff to complete the
project. Mr. Petit responded yes, with the assistance of Black & Veatch.
Member McGill stated that he appreciates staff's effort and said that they
have done an excellent job on this project and recommended Board
approval. Chair Causey agreed but requested that a presentation on this
item be given to the full Board at the time the item is presented for
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
4. Other Items
a. Report on Capital Project budget transfers [Continued from February 20,
This Item was not discussed due to time constraints.
b. Receive list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items
This Item was not discussed due to time constraints.
5. Announcements
a. Ms. Young reminded the Committee Members that the final Pump Station
Tour is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
MORday, May 14, 2018 of 9:00 a.m.
Member Causey stated that he had a conflict with this date and Ms. Young
stated that she would reschedule a different date in May. [The date was
subsequently changed to May 7 at 9:00 a.m.]
Monday, June 11, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
8. Adjournment— at 11:25 a.m.
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