HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $109,200 to Greentech Industry, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Property and Building Improvements-Phase 1, District Project 8247Item 3.a. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER DRAFT M E E T ING D AT E:MA R C H 13, 2018 S UB J E C T: R E V I E W D R A F T P O S I T I O N PA P E R TO AWA R D A C O NS T R UC T I O N C O NT R A C T I N T HE A MO UNT O F $109,200 TO G R E E NT E C H I ND US T RY, I NC ., T HE L O W E S T R E S P O NS I V E B I D D E R F O R T HE P R O P E RT Y A ND B UI L D I NG I MP R O V E ME NT S-P HA S E 1, D I S T R I C T P R O J E C T 8247; C O NS I D E R E X E MP T I O N F R O M T HE C A L I F O R NI A E NV I R O NME NTA L Q UA L I T Y A C T (C E Q A); A ND A UT HO R I Z E UP TO A 15-P E R C E NT C O NT I NG E NC Y S UB M I T T E D B Y: C R A I G MI Z UTA NI , S E NI O R E NG I NE E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: E NG I NE E R I NG A ND T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S- C A P I TA L P R O J E C T S RE V IE WE D B Y:E D G A R J . L O P E Z , C A P I TA L P R O J E C T S D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R J E A N-MA R C P E T I T, D I R E C TO R O F E NG I NE E R I NG A ND T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S IS S UE On February 9, 2018, four sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Property and Building Improvements - Phase 1, District Project 8247 (Project). T he Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to Submittal requirements. B AC K G RO UND T he Project is under the General Improvements Program within the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to enhance Central San’s property through needed building improvements and replacement work. T his is a multiyear project that is intended to improve the safety, serviceability, maintainability, usability, and repair the interior and exterior of Central San’s properties, excluding treatment plant facilities. T he work generally consists of interior modifications, a new lab workspace, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking lot upgrades at Bay 1 of the 4737 Imhoff Place Warehouse Building, which is a commercial building partially occupied by Central San with the remaining space rented to businesses, as identified in Attachment 1. T he current phase of the Project is to support the Environmental Compliance Group in Bay 1 and relocate the Laboratory to allow for the rental of the connected Bay Nos. 2 and 11. T he Right-of-Way Group has identified that the rental of Bay Nos. 2 and 11 could generate between $3,200 to $4,000 in monthly rent March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 3 of 87 Page 1 of 11 based current rental rates for similar spaces. Central San staff prepared the plans and specifications for the Project. T he engineers estimated the construction to be under $100,000. T his project was advertised on January 8 and January 11, 2018. Four (4) sealed bids ranging from $109,200 to $158,000 were received and publicly opened on February 9, 2018. T he Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Greentech Industry, Inc. (Greentech) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. References were provided for Greentech and staff received satisfactory feedback. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. Central San will administer the construction contract and provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering, and submittal review. Consultant inspection will be used to supplement staff on an as-needed basis. CE QA: Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (C EQ A) under Central San’s C EQ A Guidelines Section 15301 since it involves minor alterations to existing public facilities involving no expansion of use. Approval of this project will establish the Board's independent finding that this project is exempt from C EQ A. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS T he work can also be performed in-house by Central San staff, but this is not recommended as Central San does not have the staff and resources required to complete the project in a timely manner and this work will take away from ongoing duties. Another alternative would be to reject all bids, which is not recommended. F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S Approximately $205,300, including design, bid price, contingency, and construction management. T he Project is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 C IB on page 184 with a total estimated project budget of $400,000 for this fiscal year. F inancial Impact Table:Amount x F unds budgeted this F Y 2017-18 for this project $400,000 o F unds taken f rom current F Y 2017-18 C I B contingency $ 0 F unds transferred from current F Y 2017-18 projects : o a. Updated forecast; estimated savings from project available $ 0 o b. Acceleration of f unds f or project that is budgeted in f uture year $ 0 o c. C ombined project scope f or bidding purposes: D P $ 0 o d. P otential future year budget impact (May be mitigated through (1) savings from close-outs of current year projects; (2) reprioritizing future year projects; (3) cost savings on f uture year projects) $ 0 Total Current Year C ost $400,000 C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T he Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this project at the meeting on March 13, 2018, and recommended award of the project. RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 4 of 87 Page 2 of 11 Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the project is exempt from CE QA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $109,200 for the construction of the Property and Building Improvements - Phase 1, District Project 8247, to Greentech Industry, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; and 3. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 15-percent contingency. G O A L S I X: Embrace Technology, I nnovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2 - Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Business Operations AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. P roject L ocation Map 2. S ummary of B ids 3. P ost-B id/P reconstruction E stimate 4. P resentation 5. (Handout) P hoto 1 6. (Handout) P hoto 2 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 5 of 87 Page 3 of 11 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 6 of 87 Page 4 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 PROPERTY AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 8247 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 8247 NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 DATE/TIME: FEBRUARY 9, 2018/2:00 PM PROJECT NAME: PROPERTY AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS – PHASE 1 PROJECT MANAGER: CRAIG MIZUTANI PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $85,000 ($80,000-$95,000) NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Greentech Industry, Inc. Concord, California $109,200 2 J-Walt Construction, Inc. Woodland, California $138,000 3 B. Bros. Construction, Inc. San Leandro, California $155,650 4 CWS Construction Group, Inc. Novato, California $158,000 BIDS OPENED BY: /s/ Donna M. Anderson DATE: February 9, 2018 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 7 of 87 Page 5 of 11 ATTACHMENT 3 PROPERTY AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 8247 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE No. Item Description Amounts % of Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $109,200 b. 15% Contingency $16,400 c. Permits $2,000 SUBTOTAL – CONSTRUCTION COST $127,600 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management $15,000 - Inspection $20,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $35,000 27% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering (Design, Survey, Drafting) $42,700 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $42,700 33% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $205,300 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 8 of 87 Page 6 of 11 1 PROPERTY AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1, DISTRICT PROJECT 8247 Presented by Edgar J. Lopez, PE Capital Projects Division Manager and Craig Mizutani, PE Senior Engineer Engineering & Operations Committee March 13, 2018 Meeting PROPERTY AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS •Purpose: Protect and enhance Central San's property through needed building improvements and replacement work •Scope: The work generally consists of building modifications, a new lab workspace, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Parking lot upgrades •The project is located at Bay 1 of the 4737 Imhoff Place Warehouse Building which is a commercial building partially used by Central San with the remaining space rented to businesses •FY 2017/18 Budget $400,000, spent ~$42,700 to date •Remaining budget for Headquarters Office Building lobby improvements March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 9 of 87 Page 7 of 11 2 PROJECT LOCATION Filter Plant PROJECT BUDGET No. Item Description Amounts % of Construction Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $109,200 b. 15% Contingency $16,400 c. Permits $2,000 SUBTOTAL – CONSTRUCTION COST $127,600 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management $15,000 - Inspector $20,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $35,000 27% 3.PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering (Design, Survey, Drafting) $42,700 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $42,700 33% 4.TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $205,300 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 10 of 87 Page 8 of 11 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION •Staff recommends the following: •Award a construction contract in the amount of $109,200 for the construction of the Property and Building Improvements, Phase 1, District Project 8247, to Greentech Industry, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; •Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; and •Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 15-percent contingency. QUESTIONS? March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 11 of 87 Page 9 of 11 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 12 of 87 Page 10 of 11 March 13, 2018 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 13 of 87 Page 11 of 11