HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-01-18 CENTRALSAN • • • • • MINUTES* BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JA.-1/ES A.NEJEDLY REGULAR BOARD MEETING President DAVID R. WILLIAMS Pre.sidetu Pro Tem Board Room PAUL H.CAUSEY Thursday, March 1, 2018 MICHAEL R.AICGILL 1:30 p.m. TAD PILECKI Open Session - Board Room_ (Video recorded) ROLL CALL A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Nejedly at 1:30 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll- PRESENT.- Members: Causey, McGill, Pilecki, Nejedly ABSENT.• Members: Williams PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD President Nejedly stated that he received five speaker cards. He noted that three were public comment and two were regarding Item 7.b. Candace Bradley addressed the Board and requested the Board move forward with the labor negotiations and reward the hardworking employees. Duce Petagara addressed the Board stating that she is a proud employee of Central San and its highly regarded compliance program which is maintained by competent employees. She believes the employees are offering a fair contract which will help ratepayers save money and asked that the Board vote yes on the proposal provided. These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's website at centralsan.org. Book 66- Page 34 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 35 Adib Musawwir addressed the Board as a ratepayer and stated what outstanding employees Central San has and provided an example that occurred this morning when staff went above and beyond their duties with regard to a potential safety hazard. He feels disheartened with the direction negotiations are going and would like to see employees be rewarded for their performance rather than have their livelihoods diminished. He strongly encouraged the Board to change the direction of negotiations and reward the employees. REQUESTS TO CONSIDER MATTERS OUT OF ORDER None. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approve the following: a. February 15, 2018 Board meeting minutes 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2018-003 adopting Volume 1 and portions of Volume 2 of the Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCCHMP) 3. Adopt (1) Resolution of Intention No. 2018-004 to initiate formation of the Harper Lane Area Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2018-1 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements on Harper Lane, Pixie Lane, Terry Lane, Harmony Court and Bradford Place in Danville; and (2) Resolution No. 2018-005 approving the boundary for the proposed CAD 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute a professional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $850,000 with Carollo Engineers Inc. for design of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, District Project 7351 and planning for the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, District Project 7328 5. Approve a contingency project in the amount of$1,400,000 for the Recycled Water Clearwell Repairs, District Project 7365; consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and authorize a transfer of$1,400,000 within the Capital Improvement Budget 6. Award a construction contract in the amount of$3,450,940 to Cratus, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, District Project 8433; consider exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); authorize up to a 10% contingency; and authorize transfer of$968,762 in the Capital Improvement Program BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member Pilecki to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board Members present. [4-0-1; Williams absent] CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 36 REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 7. General Manager— Reports a. Receive information on wastewater supply versus recycled water demand Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. Mr. Bailey reminded the Board of the previously approved letter authorizing exploration of a water exchange program with Santa Clara Valley Water District and Contra Costa Water District. Member Pilecki stated that the next steps are beneficial in the presentation and requested an approximate variance timeline. BOARD ACTION: Received the information. b. Receive update on Dublin San Ramon Services District-East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) request to develop a Memorandum of Understanding for a pilot project to divert raw wastewater from Central San's service area for the purpose of producing recycled water to meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand Resource Recovery Program Manager Melody LaBella reviewed the presentation included with the agenda material. Member Pilecki asked if there have been recent concerns from the City of San Ramon or local residents. Mr. Bailey responded that Member Causey recently presented to the San Ramon City Council and there was expressed concern about the force main at the pump station from a Council Member as well as a resident in attendance who lives adjacent to the pump station. Mike Tognolini, DERWA Authority Manager, requested that the Board consider continuing the Memorandum of Understanding process and advised that they are working on the concerns that staff has raised and thinking that the terms could be for a couple of years or it could potentially be a long-term supply with the potential to do seasonal storage with groundwater recharging. Member Causey asked how many years the term would DERWA like. Mr. Tognolini stated that it is hard to judge but 3-5 years would be good, but if Central San is more comfortable with 2-3 years, they would abide. " Frank Mellon, EBMUD Director and DERWA representative, stated that there have been similar concerns raised by their staff and that he would like to focus on the short-term concept. He urged the Board to keep letting the process continue. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 37 Member McGill stated that there are a lot of features and factors that need evaluation, but he would be in favor of staff doing more work on this project. Member Causey stated that he does not believe Santa Clara will be ready to proceed in the next 3-5 years and that there is no reason not to fully evaluate the project, especially one that will not directly impact the ratepayers with great potential to increase Central San's recycled water portfolio. Member Pilecki gave staff a lot of credit for its concerns regarding the project but is willing to consider a pilot project to see the impacts on Central San and proceed cautiously. Mr. Bailey said that staff does not want to exclude anything at this point and requested the space and opportunity to resolve issues before making final decisions. He stated that staff needs to understand how much demand there is and work with Santa Clara and CCWD to determine if the water exchange program is a viable option. Member Nejedly agreed that a pilot program is a good idea. BOARD ACTION: Receive the update and advised staff to continue working with DERWA to evaluate a pilot project. 8. General Manager—Announcements a. Announcements — March 1, 2018 1) Recycled Water Clearwell - Dewatering, Cleaning and Repair Project 2) Travel to California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Federal Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. No further announcements were made during the meeting. BOARD ACTION: Receive the announcements. 9. Counsel for the District No report. 10. Secretary of the District Ms. Young announced the following upcoming Committee meeting: Administration— Tuesday, March 6 at 8:30 a.m. BOARD ACTION: Received the announcement. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 38 11. Board Members — Committee Minutes a. February 13, 2018 —Administration Committee — Chair McGill and Member Williams b. February 14, 2018 — Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee— Chair Causey and President Nejedly C. February 20, 2018 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair Causey and Member McGill BOARD ACTION: Receive the Committee Minutes 12. Board Members - Reports and Announcements Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for which the District paid their expenses. a. Member Causey— No report. Member McGill • February 26-28, 2018 — California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Legislative Conference in Washington DC Member McGill also provided a written report covering his announcements and other meetings. Member Pilecki — No report. Member Williams— No report. President Nejedly— No report. BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements. 13. Board Members - Requests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance Authorization to receive a stipend for meeting attendance or expense reimbursement not specifically addressed in the current Board Compensation Resolution, or authorization for conference attendance not previously approved by the Board. No requests. 14. Board Members — Other Items a. Appoint a voting delegate and alternate delegate for the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) election to be held on April 16, 2018 for one regular and one alternate special district member seat (No presentation is planned; staff will be available to answer questions) BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Causey and seconded by Member Pilecki to appoint Member McGill as Voting Delegate and Member CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 39 Williams as Alternate Voting Delegate. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board Members present. [4-0-1; Williams absent] EMERGENCY SITUATIONS None. REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7) District Counsel Kent Alm announced that a closed session would be held for Items 15 and 16. General Manager Roger S. Bailey requested that the Board review Item 16 first. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The Board recessed at 2:41 p.m. to reconvene in closed session in the Caucus Room. Closed Session (Not video recorded) CLOSED SESSION 15. Conference with labor negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: District Negotiators: • IEDA • Roger S. Bailey, General Manager • Ann K. Sasaki, Deputy General Manager • Philip R. Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration • Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager Employee Organizations: • Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local One • Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) • Management Group 16. Personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) — Performance Evaluation for following member of Executive Management Team: Secretary of the District RECESS TO OPEN SESSION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 1, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes—Book 66-Page 40 The Board recessed at 3:49 p.m. to reconvene in open session in the Board Room. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION No report— Items 15 and 16. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. t JaA. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Ka ie o Secreta Lhit Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California