HomeMy WebLinkAbout02. Adopt Volume 1 and portions of Volume 2 of Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 1 of 22
Item 2.
Roger S. Bailey
General Manager
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) has partnered with Contra Costa County, and other
public entities within the County, to update its multi jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Board must
adopt the updated Plan before the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)will grant final
approval to Central San for eligibility to receive future potential funding from the Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program.
I n November 2016, a coalition of Contra Costa County cities and special districts embarked on a planning
process to prepare for and lessen the impacts of specified natural hazards by updating the Contra Costa
County Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCCHMP). Responding to federal mandates in the Disaster Mitigation
Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390), the partnership was formed to pool resources and to create a uniform
hazard mitigation strategy that can be consistently applied to the defined planning area and used to ensure
eligibility for specified grant funding success.
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This effort is a comprehensive update to the 2012 CCCHMP. The 35-member coalition of partners
involved in this update includes unincorporated Contra Costa County, 14 city and town governments and
20 special districts. The planning area for this update was defined as the Contra Costa County
Operational Area. The result of this coordinated planning effort will be a FEMA and California Office of
Emergency Services (CaIOES) approved multi-jurisdictional, multi-hazard mitigation plan.
Central San staff served on a 13-member Hazard Mitigation Steering Committee composed of
representative stakeholders. This committee formed early in the planning process to guide the
development of the CCCHMP. In addition, citizens were asked to contribute by sharing local knowledge
of their individual area's vulnerability to natural hazards based on past occurrences. Public involvement
was solicited via a comprehensive public outreach campaign that included two rounds of public meetings,
web-based information, a questionnaire, and multiple social media updates.
The updated CCCHMP addresses the following hazards of concern:
1. Dam failure
2. Drought
3. Earthquake
4. Flood
5. Landslide
6. Severe weather
7. Tsunami
8. Wildfire
Climate change is incorporated as a summary assessment of current and anticipated impacts for each
identified hazard of concern.
With the exception of dam failure, the CCCHMP does not provide a full risk assessment of human-caused
hazards. However, brief, qualitative discussions of the following hazards of interest are included: terrorism,
cyber threats, hazardous materials release, pipeline and tank failure and airline incidents. Additionally, the
CCCHMP has been aligned with the goals, objectives and priorities of the State's multi-hazard mitigation
All participating jurisdictions have been responsible for assisting in the development of the hazard and
vulnerability assessments and the mitigation action strategies for their respective organizations. The
CCCHMP presents the accumulated information in a unified framework to ensure a comprehensive and
coordinated plan covering the entire Contra Costa County planning area. Each jurisdiction has been
responsible for the review and approval of their individual sections of the plan.
Upon adoption of Volume 1, and the referenced sections of Volume 2 of the CCCHMP, and subsequent
approval by CalOES and FEMA, Central San will maintain its eligibility to apply for grants under the Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (see Attachment 3 for additional
program information). The grant funds can be used to implement the long-term hazard mitigation
measures specified within Central San's annex of the updated plan before and after a major disaster
declaration. The CCCHMP is considered a living document such that, as awareness of additional hazards
develop, and new strategies and projects are conceived to offset or prevent losses arising from natural
disasters, the CCCHMP will be evaluated and revised regularly.
Staff has evaluated this action and concluded it is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since this plan allows forfurther planning
and feasibility studies for possible future actions which Central San has not approved, adopted or funded,
and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Central San will
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conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result the
tasks authorized herein to determine the need for any additional CEQ documentation.
The resolution (see Attachment 1) specifies that the Board is only adopting sections that apply to all
participating agencies, and Central San's own annex (see Attachment 2). The full text of these sections
are available for review in the Secretary of the District's office.
The alternative is to not adopt the updated CCCHMP, and become ineligible to apply for grants under the
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program.
Upon final approval from FEMA, Central San will maintain its eligibility to apply for grants under the Hazard
Mitigation Grant Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program.
This item was reviewed by the Administration Committee on February 13, 2018, which recommended that
the Board adopt the updated Plan.
Adopt proposed resolution adopting Volume 1 and selected sections of Volume 2 [the introduction,
Chapter 18 (the District's jurisdictional annex of part 2) and the appendices] of the Contra Costa County
Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCCHMP).
Strategic Plan re-In
GOAL THREE: Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
Strategy 2- Manage Costs
GOAL FOUR: Develop and retain a highly trained and innovative workforce
Strategy 3- Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards
GOAL FIVE: Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure
Strategy 3- Protect District Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies
1. CCCHMP Proposed Resolution
2. Central San's Annex-Chapter 18 of the CCCHMP
3. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
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WHEREAS, all of Contra Costa County has exposure to natural hazards that increase
the risk to life, property, environment and the County's economy; and
WHEREAS, pro-active mitigation of known hazards before a disaster event can reduce
or eliminate long-term risk to life and property; and
WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390) established new
requirements for pre- and post-disaster hazard mitigation programs; and
WHEREAS, a coalition of Contra Costa County public entities with like planning
objectives has been formed to pool resources and create consistent mitigation
strategies to be implemented within each partner's identified capabilities, within the
Contra Costa County Operational Area; and
WHEREAS, the coalition has completed a planning process that engages the public,
assesses the risk and vulnerability to the impacts of natural hazards, develops a
mitigation strategy consistent with a set of uniform goals and objectives, and creates a
plan for implementing, evaluating and revising this strategy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Directors of the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District ("District") as follows:
THAT it independently finds that this plan is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262;
THAT it adopts in its entirety, Volume 1 and selected sections of Volume 2 [the
introduction, Chapter 18 (the District's jurisdictional annex of part 2), and the
appendices] of the Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCCHMP); and
THAT it will use the adopted and approved portions of the CCCHMP to guide pre- and
post-disaster mitigation of the hazards identified, and
THAT it will coordinate the strategies identified in the CCCHMP with other planning
programs and mechanisms under its jurisdictional authority; and
THAT it will continue its support of the Steering Committee and continue to participate in
the Planning Partnership as described by the CCCHMP, and
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THAT it will help to promote and support the mitigation successes of all CCCHMP
Planning Partners.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of March 2018, by the Board of Directors of the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
James A. Nejedly
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Katie Young
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
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• Partner Annexes
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Draft Final
January 2018
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15.3 Development Trends.............................................................................................................................. 15-2
15.4 Capability Assessment........................................................................................................................... 15-3
15.5 Integration with Other Planning Initiatives............................................................................................ 15-9
15.6 Jurisdiction-Specific Natural Hazard Event History.............................................................................. 15-9
15.7 Jurisdiction-Specific Vulnerabilities.................................................................................................... 15-10
15.8 Hazard Risk Ranking........................................................................................................................... 15-10
15.9 Status of Previous Plan Actions........................................................................................................... 15-10
15.10 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan and Evaluation of Recommended Actions....................................... 15-12
15.11 Review and Incorporation of Resources for This Annex................................................................... 15-16
16. Antioch Unified School District................................................................................... 16-1
16.1 Hazard Mitigation Plan Point of Contact............................................................................................... 16-1
16.2 Jurisdiction Profile................................................................................................................................. 16-1
16.3 Capability Assessment........................................................................................................................... 16-1
16.4 Integration with Other Planning Initiatives............................................................................................ 16-4
16.5 Jurisdiction-Specific Natural Hazard Event History.............................................................................. 16-6
16.6 Jurisdiction-Specific Vulnerabilities...................................................................................................... 16-6
16.7 Hazard Risk Ranking............................................................................................................................. 16-6
16.8 Status of Previous Plan Actions............................................................................................................. 16-6
16.9 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan and Evaluation of Recommended Actions........................................... 16-8
16.10 Review and Incorporation of Resources for This Annex..................................................................... 16-9
17. Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District........................................................... 17-1
17.1 Hazard Mitigation Plan Point of Contact............................................................................................... 17-1
17.2 Jurisdiction Profile................................................................................................................................. 17-1
17.3 Capability Assessment........................................................................................................................... 17-3
17.4 Integration with Other Planning Initiatives............................................................................................ 17-7
17.5 Jurisdiction-Specific Natural Hazard Event History.............................................................................. 17-8
17.6 Jurisdiction-Specific Vulnerabilities...................................................................................................... 17-9
17.7 Hazard Risk Ranking............................................................................................................................. 17-9
17.8 Status of Previous Plan Actions............................................................................................................. 17-9
17.9 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan and Evaluation of Recommended Actions........................................... 17-9
17.10 Future Needs to Better Understand Risk/Vulnerability..................................................................... 17-12
17.11 Review and Incorporation of Resources for This Annex................................................................... 17-13
18. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ....................................................................... 18-1
18.1 Hazard Mitigation Plan Point of Contact............................................................................................... 18-1
18.2 Jurisdiction Profile................................................................................................................................. 18-1
18.3 Capability Assessment........................................................................................................................... 18-3
18.4 Integration with Other Planning Initiatives............................................................................................ 18-6
18.5 Jurisdiction-Specific Natural Hazard Event History.............................................................................. 18-7
18.6 Jurisdiction-Specific Vulnerabilities...................................................................................................... 18-7
18.7 Hazard Risk Ranking............................................................................................................................. 18-7
18.8 Status of Previous Plan Actions............................................................................................................. 18-7
18.9 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan and Evaluation of Recommended Actions........................................... 18-9
18.10 Additional Comments........................................................................................................................ 18-11
18.11 Review and Incorporation of Resources for This Annex................................................................... 18-12
19. Contra Costa County Fire Protection District............................................................ 19-1
19.1 Hazard Mitigation Plan Point of Contact............................................................................................... 19-1
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Primary Point of Contact Alternate Point of Contact
Shari Deutsch,Risk&Emergency Manager Ann Sasaki,Deputy General Manager
5019 Imhoff Place 5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, CA 94553 Martinez, CA 94553
Telephone: 925-229-7320 Telephone: 925-229-7131
E-mail Address: sdeutsch@centralsan.org E-mail Address: asasaki@centralsan.org
18.2.1 Overview
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District(CCCSD)receives its legal authority from the California Health and
Safety Code,Division 6,Part 1. This statute is referred to as the Sanitary District Act of 1923. CCCSD is a
Special District created in 1946 to provide wastewater collection and treatment to the residents and businesses in
the central area of Contra Costa County. Over time,the District's service area has expanded to incorporate areas
of new development and those areas where sewers have been constructed to replace septic systems. The District is
governed by a five-member elected Board of Directors. The Board of Directors assumes responsibility for the
adoption of this plan,while the General Manager will oversee its implementation.
The District currently serves approximately 463,000 residents and 3,000 businesses in 10 cities within the central
county area.
The District's headquarters and treatment plant are based in Martinez. The treatment plant is capable of treating
54 million gallons of wastewater per day and has handled up to 240 million gallons per day in wet weather. The
District's collections system operation is based in Walnut Creek which allows crews to respond to emergencies
within the service area in less than one hour. The collections system operation is responsible for the cleaning,
maintenance and repair of the District's 1,500 miles of underground pipeline and its 18 pumping stations.
The District also operates a household hazardous waste collection facility,provides recycled water to customers
for irrigation and other industrial uses, and manages a source control program with enforcement authority to
prevent pollution from entering area waters.
Funding comes primarily through annual sewer service charges, ad valorem taxes,and sewer connection permit
fees. However,the District has occasionally issued revenue bonds to finance capital improvements.
According to County and City planners,the District's service area(see Figure 18-1)is comprised of high value
land. As a result, development trends indicate higher residential densities and more compact commercial
developments. Population growth will come from lot splits,infill development, construction of in-law units and a
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2—Planning Partner Annexes
rise in multi-generational households.As a result,the District is focused on increasing the capacity of its current
collections and treatment systems rather than on construction of new pipe segments.
Sewage Cdection,wasteWater
trea menl,and HHW aoN"ion for
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WE •vljc=_
■ 1iWaslewaterbmatmentand HH4Y
collection for 135,WD residents in
Pacheor} Concord and Clayton by mntract
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•Pleasant Hilllayban ■ HHW collea5m service only
A At
■Walnut Creek CGCCSD's Headquarlers O16oe
.Lafayette ID Building,tre-atment plant,and
•Crinda HHW Calle tion Facility are
lacaied in LIartinez
■Uamga ■Danville CCCSD's Collection System
Operations Division isewer
maintenance)is based in Walnut
■San Ramon Creel
Figure 18-1. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Service Area
18.2.2 Assets
Table 18-1 summarizes the critical assets of the district and their value.
Table 18-1. Special District Assets
Asset Value
420 acres of land $17,320,568
Critical Infrastructure and Equipment
43 process structures $133,730,462
Piping throughout plant $30,345,675
1500 miles of pipe throughout the District $690,240,720
18 pump stations $32,367,843
25 tanks $66,393,796
105 vehicles $7,287,526
Total: $960,366,022
Critical Facilities
16 Process Buildings $215,973,025
12 Power Buildings $33,555,709
9 Other Buildings $41,881,664
Total: $291,410,398
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18.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
18.3.1 Planning and Regulatory Capabilities
Jurisdictions develop plans and programs and implement rules and regulations to protect and serve residents.
When effectively prepared and administered,these plans,programs and regulations can support the
implementation of mitigation actions. The following existing codes, ordinances,policies,programs or plans are
applicable to this hazard mitigation plan:
• California Department of Public Health
• California and US Environmental Protection Agencies
• California Code of Regulations
• Federal Endangered Species Act
• Clean Air Act–compliance with Title V Permit
• California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)–statutory requirement
• National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)–permit issued by the Regional Water
Quality Control Board,renewed 4/1/17
• Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems, Order#2006-003-
• Health and Safety Code–Sections 5410-5416
• Fish and Game Code–Sections 5650-5656
• Contra Costa County Operational Area Hazard Mitigation Plan—April 2012
• Capital Improvement Plan—June 2016
• Sewer System Management Plan-October 2012
• Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan—May 2017
• Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities—December 2009
18.3.2 Fiscal, Administrative and Technical Capabilities
Fiscal capability is an indicator of a jurisdiction's ability to fulfill the financial needs associated with hazard
mitigation projects.An assessment of fiscal capabilities is presented in Table 18-2. Administrative and technical
capabilities represent a jurisdiction's staffing resources for carrying out the mitigation strategy. An assessment of
administrative and technical capabilities is presented in Table 18-3.
Table 18-2. Fiscal Capability
Financial Resource Accessible or Eligible to Use?
Capital Improvements Project Funding Yes
Authority to Levy Taxes for Specific Purposes No
User Fees for Water,Sewer,Gas or Electric Service Yes
Incur Debt through General Obligation Yes
Incur Debt through Special Tax Bonds Yes
Incur Debt through Private Activity Bonds No
State-Sponsored Grant Programs Yes
Development Impact Fees for Homebuyers or Developers No
Federal Grant Programs Yes
Other No
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2—Planning Partner Annexes
Table 18-3. Administrative and Technical Capability
Staff/Personnel Resource Available? -.. -.
Planners or engineers with knowledge of land Yes Capital Projects Division, Planning Staff
development and land management practices
Engineers or professionals trained in building or Yes Engineering-Capital Projects Staff
infrastructure construction practices
Planners or engineers with an understanding of Yes Capital Projects Division, Planning Staff
natural hazards
Staff with training in benefit/cost analysis No
Surveyors Yes Engineering-Survey Staff
Personnel skilled or trained in GIS applications Yes Engineering-Asset Management Staff
Scientist familiar with natural hazards in local area No
Emergency manager Yes Administration-Risk and Emergency Manager
Grant writers No
Other No
18.3.3 Education and Outreach Capabilities
Outreach and education capability identifies the connection between government and community members, which
opens a dialogue needed for a more resilient community. An assessment of education and outreach capabilities is
presented in Table 18-4.
Table 18-4. Education and Outreach
Do you have a Public Information Officer or Communications Office? Yes
Do you have personnel skilled or trained in website development? No
Do you have hazard mitigation information available on your website? Yes
• If yes,please briefly describe Link to County Plan Site
Do you utilize social media for hazard mitigation education and outreach? No
• If yes,please briefly describe NIA
Do you have any citizen boards or commissions that address issues No
related to hazard mitigation?
• If yes,please briefly specify NIA
Do you have any other programs already in place that could be used to Yes
communicate hazard-related information?
• If yes,please briefly describe Website,Customer Newsletter, Public Meetings
Do you have any established warning systems for hazard events? Yes
• If yes,please briefly describe Public Address, Horns and Lights
18.3.4 Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change
Given the uncertainties associated with how hazard risk may change with a changing climate, a jurisdiction's
ability to track such changes and adapt as needed is an important component of the mitigation strategy. Table 18-5
summarizes the District's adaptive capacity for climate change.
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18.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Table 18-5. Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change
Technical Capacity ,
Jurisdiction-level understanding of potential climate change impacts High
Comments/Additional Information: Treatment Plant and some pumD stations are in flood zones/coastal areas.
Jurisdiction-level monitoring of climate change impacts Hi
omments/Additional Information: Treatment Plant and some pump stations are in flood zones/coastal areas.
Technical resources to assess proposed strategies for feasibility and externalities Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Engineering and Planning groups consider climate change in their work.
urisdiction-level capacity for development of greenhouse gas emissions inventory High
Comments/Additional Information: Agency is subject to the Clean Air Act, Title V permit. Inr
Capital planning and land use decisions informed by potential climate impacts Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Considered in capital planning process.
Participation in regional groups addressing climate risks Medium
Comments/Additional Information: California Water Environment Federation, National Association of Clean Water Agencies.
Implementation Capacity
Clear authority/mandate to consider climate change impacts during public decision-making processes High
Comments/Additional Information: Environmental impacts are considered in all actions.
Identified strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation efforts High
Comments/Additional Information: As required to comply with Title V permit. mm
Identified strategies for adaptation to impacts High
Comments/Additional Information: Considered in capital improvement planning.
Champions for climate action in local government departments High
Comments/Additional Information: Throughout,as protecting the environment is part of the agency's mission.
Political support for implementing climate change adaptation strategies High
Comments/Additional Information: Throughout,as protecting the environment is part of the agency's mission.
Financial resources devoted to climate change adaptation Low
Comments/Additional Information: Not separately funded,part of overall environmental planning process.
Local authority over sectors likely to be negative impacted Low
Comments/Additional Information: Authority limited to actions/programs within District operations.
[rublic Capacity
Local residents knowledge of and understanding of climate risk Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Local residents are generally aware and concerned.
Local residents support of adaptation efforts Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Local residents are generallyupportive.
Local residents'capacity to adapt to climate impacts Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Residents increased use of recycled water during drought,reduce energy usage as needed.
Local economy current capacity to adapt to climate impacts
Comments/Additional Information: Varies over time.
Local ecosystems capacity to adapt to climate impacts Medium
Comments/Additional Information: Delta and bay are sensitive,actions impacting them are highly regulated.
a. High=The capacity exists and is in use; Medium=The capacity may exist, but is not used or could use some improvement;
Low=Capacity does not exist or could use substantial improvement; Unsure=Not enough information is known to assign a rating.
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2—Planning Partner Annexes
The information on hazards,risk,vulnerability and mitigation contained in this hazard mitigation plan is based on
the best available data. Plan integration is the incorporation of this information into other relevant planning
mechanisms, such as general planning and capital facilities planning. It includes the integration of natural hazard
information and mitigation policies,principles and actions into local planning mechanisms and vice versa.
Additionally,plan integration is achieved though the involvement of key staff and community officials in
collaboratively planning for hazard mitigation.
18.4.1 Existing Integration
In the performance period since adoption of the previous hazard mitigation plan,the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District made progress on integrating hazard mitigation goals,objectives and actions into other planning
initiatives. The following plans and programs currently integrate components of the hazard mitigation strategy:
• Capital Improvement Plan—July 2016 edition; 10 year plan outlining intended capital improvements,
focused on risk reduction and environmentally sustainable operations
• Capital Improvement Budget—Annual budget reflecting the highest priority items from the Capital
Improvement Plan,includes operational optimization and reducing environmental impacts
• Sewer System Management Plan—State regulatory requirement to ensure efforts are made to reduce
risks to public health,property and the environment
• NPDES Permit—State regulatory requirement,renewed 4/1/17,issued by the Regional Water Quality
Control Board, specifies criteria for discharging treated wastewater
• CCCSD Emergency Operations Plan—September 2016, SEMS and NIMS compliant plan,reviewed
annually and updated as needed
• Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities—December 2009,used as a
planning tool for subsequent and ongoing capital needs,risk reduction and operational resilience.
Resources listed in Section 18.11 were used to provide information on hazard events and local capabilities within
the jurisdiction.
18.4.2 Opportunities for Future Integration
As this hazard mitigation plan is implemented,the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District will use information
from the plan as the best available science and data on natural hazards. The capability assessment presented in this
annex identifies codes,plans and programs that provide opportunities for integration. The area-wide and local
action plans developed for this hazard mitigation plan include actions related to plan integration, and progress on
these actions will be reported through the progress reporting process described in Volume 1.New opportunities
for integration also will be identified as part of the annual progress report. The capability assessment identified
the following plans and programs that do not currently integrate goals or recommendations of the hazard
mitigation plan but provide opportunities to do so in the future:
• Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan-20 year plan projecting long term capital needs,considers
risk reduction, operational optimization, environmentally sustainable operations and regulatory
• Physical and Natural Hazard Vulnerability AssessmentA more detailed assessment of sites with
recommendation to reduce exposure and maintain or return to normal operations after a hazard event.
• Capital Improvement Plan—Effective July 2017, 10 year plan outlining intended capital improvements,
focused on risk reduction and environmentally sustainable operations.
• CCCSD Continuity of Operations Plan–Currently under development
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18.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Table 18-6 lists past occurrences of natural hazards for which specific damage was recorded in the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District. Other hazard events that broadly affected the entire planning area,including the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District, are listed in the risk assessments in Volume 1 of this hazard mitigation plan.
Table 18-6. Natural Hazard Events
Type of Event FEMA Disaster#(if applicable) Date Damage Assessment
Severe Weather DR-4301 1/11/17 $450,000
Severe Weath NA 2/2011 $9,3&
Severe Weather NA 3/2/2009 $1,600
Severe Weath NA 2/17/2009 $1,600
Severe Weather NA 10/23/2007 $1,600
torm,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 2005-1/2006 $
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 1/1997-12/1998 $621,000
landslide INA
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 3/1/1995 $180,000
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides DR-979
Storm,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 11/19/1991 $215,000
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides DR-758 17/1986 $260,500
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 2/26/1983 $394,200
Stone,Severe Weather,Landslides NA 1/25/1983 $629,200
Storm,Severe Weather, Landslides NA 3/30/1982 $658,600
Volume 1 of this hazard mitigation plan provides complete risk assessments for each identified hazard of concern.
Noted vulnerabilities within the District include the following:
• The District is exposed to significant earthquake risk and has facilities, such as the District Building and
Treatment Plant,that would benefit from seismic retrofits.
• The Walnut Creek/Grayson Creek levee is in need of rehabilitation.
• Critical facilities and infrastructure are exposed to impacts from earthquakes, severe weather,landslide
and flood hazards.
Table 18-7 presents a local ranking for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of all hazards of concern for
which Volume 1 of this hazard mitigation plan provides complete risk assessments. This ranking summarizes how
hazards vary for this jurisdiction. As described in detail in Volume 1,the ranking process involves an assessment
of the likelihood of occurrence for each hazard, along with its potential impacts on people,property and the
Table 18-8 summarizes the actions that were recommended in the previous version of the hazard mitigation plan
and their implementation status at the time this update was prepared.
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2—Planning Partner Annexes
Table 18-7. Hazard Risk Rankin
Rank Hazard Type Risk Rating Score (Probability x Impact) Category
1 Earthquake 54 High
2 Severe weather(excluding 36 High
extreme heat)
2 Landslide 36 High
2 Flood 36 High
3 Sea level rise 14 Low
4 Drought 12 Low
4 Tsunami 12 Low
4 Wildfire 12 Low
5 Dam and levee failure 6 Low
6 Severe Weather(extreme heat) 0 None
Table 18-8. Status of Previous Plan Actions
• -• Update
• • •-
Action Item Completed •
CCCSD-1—District Building Seismic Improvements X CCCSD-3
Comment: Two buildings retrofitted since 2011
CCCSD-2—Collections System Renovations(Short Term) Ongoing X CCCSD-4
Comment: Improved or replaced 25 miles of sewer mains since 2011
CCCSD-3—Collections System Renovations(Long Term) X CCCSD-5
Comment: Priorities to be evaluated as part of Master Planning efforts
CCCSD-4—Wet Weather Bypass Improvements X
Comment: Completed Summer 2012
CCCSD-5—EBMUD Watershed Pump Stations and Force Main X CCCSD-6
Comment: Not implemented
CCCSD-6—Treatment Plant Seismic Improvements Ongoing X CCCSD-7
Comment: 1 structure completed and 1 structure in planning stages
CCCSD-7—Primary Treatment Expansion X
Comment: Completed in Spring 2016
CCCSD-B—Support County-wide initiatives identified in the 2011 Hazard Ongoing X CCCSD-9
Mitigation Plan
CCCSD-9—Continue to support the implementation,monitoring, Ongoing X CCCSD-2
maintenance,and updating of this Plan,as defined in the 2011 Hazard
Mitigation Plan
Comment: Staff continues to serve on Steering Committee
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18.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Table 18-9 lists the actions that make up the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hazard mitigation action plan.
Table 18-10 identifies the priority for each action. Table 18-11 summarizes the mitigation actions by hazard of
concern and mitigation type.
Table 18-9. Hazard Mitigation Action Plan Matrix
Applies •
new or
existing Objectives Responsible Estimated
assets Hazards Mitigated Met Agencya Cost Sources of Funding Timeline
CCCSD-1-Where appropriate(feasible and cost-effective),support retrofitting or relocation of District facilities in high hazard areas,
prioritizing structures that have experienced repetitive losses and are impacted by hazards ranked as"high"(earthquake,severe weather
excluding extreme heat, landslide,and flood).
Existing Earthquake,Severe 1,4,7,9, 12, CCCSD High HMGP, PDM, FMA Short-term
Weather, Landslide 14, 15, 17
and Flood
CCCSD-2-Actively participate in the plan maintenance protocols outlined in Volume 1 of this hazard mitigation plan
New and All hazards assessed 3,8, 16 CCCSD Low Staff Time, General Funds Short-term
Existing by this plan
CCCSD-3-Implement District building seismic improvements/retrofits
Existing Earthquake 1,2,6, 12, 13, CCCSD High Property Tax,Sewer Short-term
17 Service Changes, Debt
Financing, PDM Process
CCCSD-4-Implement the collection system renovation/retrofit(short-term)projects identified and prioritized in the District's 10-year
capital facilities plan.These projects are identified based on a needs assessment that takes into account risk reduction and
environmentally sustainable operations.
Existing Earthquake,Severe 1,2,6, 12, 13, CCCSD Low Property Tax,Sewer Short-term
Weather, Landslide, 17 Service Changes, Debt
Flood Financing, PDM Process
CCCSD-S-Implement the collection system renovation/retrofit(long-term)projects identified and prioritized in the District's 10-year
capital facilities plan.These projects are identified based on a needs assessment that takes into account risk reduction and
environmentally sustainable operations.
Existing Earthquake,Severe 1,2,6, 12, 13, CCCSD Medium Property Tax,Sewer Long-term
Weather, Landslide, 17 Service Changes, Debt
Flood Financing, PDM Process
CCCSD-6-Implement the EBMUD watershed pump stations and force main improvements/upgrade projects identified and prioritized in
the District's 10-year capital facilities plan.These projects are identified based on a needs assessment that takes into account risk
reduction and environmentally sustainable operations.
New and Earthquake,Severe 1,2,6, 13, 17 CCCSD High Property Tax,Sewer Long-term
Existing Weather, Landslide, Service Changes, Debt
Flood Financing, PDM Process
CCCSD-7-Implement treatment plant seismic improvements/retrofits
New and Earthquake 6, 12, 13, 17 CCCSD High Property Tax,Sewer Long-term
Existing Service Changes, Debt
Financing, PDM Process
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2-Planning Partner Annexes
Applies •
new or
existing Objectives Responsible Estimated
assets Hazards Mitigated Met Agencya Cost Sources of Funding Timeline
CCCSD-8-Implement the Walnut Creek/Grayson Creek Levee rehabilitation projects identified and prioritized in the District's 10-year
capital facilities plan.These projects are identified based on a needs assessment that takes into account risk reduction and
environmentally sustainable operations.
New and Earthquake,Severe 1,2,6, 10, 12, Contra Costa County Medium Property Tax,Sewer Short-term
Existing Weather, Landslide, 13, 17 Flood Control District,* Service Changes, Debt
Flood CCSD Financing, PDM Process
CCCSD-9-Support County-wide initiatives identified in the 2017 Hazard Mitigation Plan
New and Earthquake,Severe 2,3,6,8, 16, Contra Costa County*, Low Property Tax,Sewer Short-term
Existing Weather, Landslide, 17, 18 CCSD Service Changes
a. Where multiple responsible agencies are listed,an asterisk(*)identifies the lead agency.
Table 18-10. Mitigation Action Priority
Can Project Benefits Be Funded
#of Equalor Is Project Under Existing Grant
Objectiv Exceed Grant- Programs/ Implementation Pursuit
Action # es Met Benefits Costs Costs? Eligible? Budgets? Prioritya Prioritya
CCCSD-1 8 High High Yes Yes No Medium High
CCCSD-2 3 Low Low Yes No Yes High Low
CCCSD-3 6 High Medium Yes Yes Yes High Medium
CCCSD-4 6 High Medium Yes Yes Yes High Medium
CCCSD-5 6 Medium Medium Yes Yes No Medium Medium
CCCSD-6 5 High High Yes Yes No Low High
CCCSD-7 4 High High Yes Yes Yes Highb Medium
CCCSD-8 7 High Medium Yes Yes Yes High Low
CCCSD-9 7 High Low Yes L No Yes Medium Low
a. See the introduction to this volume for explanation of priorities.
b. Action may take more than 5 years to complete, but will be initiated in the short-term.
Table 18-11. Analysis of Mitigation Actions
EducationAction Addressing Hazard, by Mitigation Typea
Property and Resource Emergency � Structural Climate Capacity
Hazard Type O[Protection Awareness Protection Services Projects Resilient Building
Dam and Levee
Earthquake CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-4,5, CCCSD-4,5, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,6, CCCSD-6,9 CCCSD-9
5,7,9 5,6,7,9 9 6,7 7 7
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18.Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
. • Natural •
Property Resource Emergency Structural Cli ate
Protection Protection Services Projects Resmilient
Flood CCCSD-3,6, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-8,9 CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,4 CCCSD-3,8 CCCSD-3,8, CCCSD-9
8,9 6,8,9 5,6,8 9
Landslide CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-4,5, -3,4 CCCSD-4,5, CCCSD-9
5,6,9 5,95,6,9 6 9
Severe weather CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-8,9 CCCSD-3,4, CCCSD-4,51 CCCSD-3, 6, CCCSD-6, 8, CCCSD-9
5,6,7,8,9 5,6,7,8,
,6,7,8,9 5,6,7,8 7 7 9
a. See the introduction to this volume for explanation of mitigation types.
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is an award winning agency with a mission to protect public health and
the environment and a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. Our commitment is evident in the
District's violation-free operation,awards and recognition, expanded programs and services and its outreach and
education programs.
Mission and Strategic Goals:The mission of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is to protect public health
and the environment. The current Strategic Plan includes the following six goals:
• Provide Exceptional Customer Service
• Improve Interdepartmental Collaboration
• Be a Fiscally Sound and Effective Water Sector Utility
• Develop and Retain a Highly Trained and Innovative Workforce
• Maintain a Reliable Infrastructure
• Embrace Technology, Innovation and Environmental Sustainability
Awards: In recent years the District has received the following awards and recognitions:
National Association of Clean Water Agencies' (NACWA)Peak Performance Platinum Award for
nineteen years of violation-free operations
California Water Environment Association(CWEA)awards:
• Large Treatment Plant of the Year(Regional Award in 2016, Statewide Award in 2017)
• Large Treatment Plant of the Year for Safety(Regional Award in 2016, Statewide Award in
• Statewide awards for Gadget of the Year and Amateur Video Production,both in 2017
Expanded Services and Programs: In addition to collecting and treating wastewater,the District also:
• Operates a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
• Supports area pharmaceutical collections programs to keep drugs out of the water system
• Developed and maintains a recycled water distribution facility for the public and another facility for
construction contractors
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Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan;Volume 2—Planning Partner Annexes
• Sponsors job training by offering college-level courses in Wastewater and Water Operator Training
through a local community college
Community Education and Outreach: The District also sponsors a number of programs to educate and inform
our community about our services,our goals and our environmental stewardship. These programs include:
• Sponsorship of"Sewer Science"classes in area high schools and"Water Wizards"classes in area
elementary schools
• Sponsorship of the"Delta Discovery"program, a day cruise on the Delta that shows children how water
ecosystems work. Over 2,000 children participate in this program every year.
• Production of numerous publications and information sheets on a variety of topics including a bi-annual
newsletter sent to all households and businesses in the service area
• Speakers Bureau
• Plant Tours
• Support of the Integrated Pest Management program and Master Gardener program through the
University of California Extension
The following technical reports,plans,and regulatory mechanisms were reviewed to provide information for this
• Capital Improvement Plan—July 2017 Draft plan used to identify short-and long-term projects
• Physical and Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessment—Draft plan used to identify short-and long-
term projects
• Hazard Mitigation Plan Annex Development Tool-kit—The tool-kit was used to support the
development of this annex including past hazard events,noted vulnerabilities,risk ranking and action
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Attachment 3
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program (PDM)
What is the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program?
HMGP is authorized by Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, as amended (the Stafford Act), Title 42, United States Code (U.S.C.)5170c. The key
purpose of HMGP is to provide the opportunity to take critical mitigation measures to reduce future
loss of life and property during the reconstruction process following a disaster.
HMGP is available, when authorized under a Presidential major disaster declaration, in the Tribe or
areas of the State requested by the Governor.The amount of HMGP funding available is based upon
the estimated total Federal assistance provided by FEMA for disaster recovery under the Presidential
major disaster declaration.
Who is eligible to apply?
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding is only available to applicants that reside within a
Presidentially declared disaster area. Eligible applicants are
• State and local governments
• Indian tribes or other tribal organizations
• Certain non-profit organizations
What types of projects can be funded by the HMGP?
HMGP funds may be used to fund projects that will reduce or eliminate the losses from future
disasters. Projects must provide a long-term solution to a problem, for example, elevation of a home
to reduce the risk of flood damages as opposed to buying sandbags and pumps to fight the flood. In
addition, a project's potential savings must be more than the cost of implementing the project. Funds
may be used to protect either public or private property or to purchase property that has been
subjected to, or is in danger of, repetitive damage. Examples of projects include, but are not limited
• Acquisition of real property for willing sellers and demolition or relocation of buildings to
convert the property to open space use
• Retrofitting structures and facilities to minimize damages from high winds, earthquake,flood,
wildfire, or other natural hazards
• Elevation of flood prone structures
• Safe room construction
• Development and initial implementation of vegetative management programs
• Minor flood control projects that do not duplicate the flood prevention activities of other
Federal agencies
• Localized flood control projects, such as certain ring levees and floodwall systems, that are
designed specifically to protect critical facilities
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• Post-disaster building code related activities that support building code officials during the
reconstruction process
What are the minimum project criteria?
There are five issues you must consider when determining the eligibility of a proposed project.
• Does your project conform to your State's Hazard Mitigation Plan?
• Does your project provide a beneficial impact on the disaster area i.e. the State?
• Does your application meet the environmental requirements?
• Does your project solve a problem independently?
• Is your project cost-effective?
What is the Pre-Disaster Mitigation competitive grant program?
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) competitive grant program provides funds to State, Tribal, and
local governments for pre-disaster mitigation planning and projects primarily addressing natural
hazards. Cost-effective pre-disaster mitigation activities reduce risk to life and property from natural
hazard events before a natural disaster strikes, thus reducing overall risks to the population and
structures, while also reducing reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations. Funds will be
awarded on a competitive basis to successful applicants for mitigation planning and project
applications intended to make local governments more resistant to the pacts of future natural
Who can apply for a PDM competitive grant?
Eligible PDM competitive grant applicants include state and territorial emergency management
agencies, or a similar office of the State, District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands, Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
Federally-recognized Indian Tribal governments.
• Eligible Sub-applicants include State agencies; Federally-recognized Indian Tribal
governments; and local governments (including State recognized Indian Tribal governments
and Alaska native villages).
• Applicants can apply for PDM competitive grant funds directly to FEMA, while Sub-applicants
must apply for funds through an eligible Applicant.
• Private non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for PDM but may ask the appropriate
local government to submit an application for the proposed activity on their behalf.
What are eligible PDM projects?
Multi-hazard mitigation projects must primarily focus on natural hazards but also may
address hazards caused by non-natural forces. Funding is restricted to a maximum of
$3M Federal share per project. The following are eligible mitigation projects:
• Acquisition or relocation of hazard-prone property for conversion to open space in
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• Structural and non-structural retrofitting of existing buildings and facilities (including
designs and feasibility studies when included as part of the construction project) for
wildfire, seismic, wind or flood hazards (e.g., elevation, flood proofing, storm shutters,
hurricane clips);
• Minor structural hazard control or protection projects that may include vegetation
management, stormwater management (e.g., culverts, floodgates, retention basins),
or shoreline/landslide stabilization; and,
• Localized flood control projects, such as certain ring levees and floodwall systems,that
are designed specifically to protect critical facilities and that do not constitute a section
of a larger flood control system.
Mitigation Project Requirements
Projects should be technically feasible and ready to implement. Engineering designs for projects must
be included in the application to allow FEMA to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the
proposed project. The project cost estimate should complement the engineering design, including all
anticipated costs. FEMA has several formats that it uses in cost estimating for projects. Additionally,
other Federal agencies' approaches to project cost estimating can be used as long as the method
provides for a complete and accurate estimate. FEMA can provide technical assistance on
engineering documentation and cost estimation.
Mitigation projects also must meet the following criteria:
• Be cost-effective and substantially reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, loss, or suffering
resulting from a major disaster, consistent with 44 CFR 206.434(c)(5) and related guidance,
and have a Benefit-Cost Analysis that results in a benefit-cost ratio of 1.0 or greater;
• Be in conformance with the current FEMA-approved State hazard mitigation plan;
• Solve a problem independently or constitute a functional portion of a solution where there is
assurance that the project as a whole will be completed, consistent with 44 CFR 206.434(b)(4);
• Be in conformance with 44 CFR Part 9, Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands,
and 44 CFR Part 10, consistent with 44 CFR 206.434(c)(3);
• Not duplicate benefits available from another source for the same purpose, including
assistance that another Federal agency or program has the primary authority to provide (see
Section VII.C. Duplication of Benefits and Programs);
• Be located in a community that is participating in the NFIP if they have been identified through
the NFIP as having a Special Flood Hazard Area (a FHBM or FIRM has been issued). In
addition, the community must not be on probation, suspended or withdrawn from the NFIP;
• Meet the requirements of Federal, State, and local laws.
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