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Item 14.a.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
January 4, 2018
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
Strategic Plan Tie -In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 1 - Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness
1. REEP Committee Minutes 12-18-17
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
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President Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925) 228-9500
FAX. (925) 676-7211
Monday, December 18, 2017
9:00 a.m.
2nd Floor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul Causey
Member Tad Pilecki
Invited Guests (all guests left after Item 4. a.)
Mike Tognolini, DERWA Authority Manager
Alex Coate, General Manager, East Bay Municipal Utility District
Dan McIntyre, General Manager, Dublin San Ramon Services District
Judy Zavadil, Engineering Services Manager, Dublin San Ramon Services District
Steven Delight, Senior Engineer, Dublin San Ramon Services District
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Donna Anderson, Provisional Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left after Item 4.e.)
Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Melody LaBella, Program Manager - Resource Recovery (left after Item 4.c.)
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Paul Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager
Dan Frost, Senior Engineer (left after Item 3.a.)
Clint Shima, Senior Engineer
Justin Waples, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.a.)
Leo Gonzalez, Pumping Station Supervisor
David Wyatt, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor (left after Item 4.d.)
Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor
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Call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Item 4.a. was taken out of order to accommodate the invited guests.
2. Public Comments
3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper authorizing the General Manager to continue
waiving the volumetric fee for commercial recycled water truck fill users for
Calendar Year 2018
Mr. Waples reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet and
responded to Committee questions. He said it was prudent to continue the
waiver to incentivize usage.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
4. Other Items
a. Receive update on Dublin San Ramon Services District -East Bay Municipal
Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) request to develop a
Memorandum of Understanding for a pilot project to divert raw wastewater
from Central San's service area for the purpose of producing recycled water to
meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand
This item taken out of order immediately after Item 2.
Ms. LaBella provided an overview of the memorandum provided in the agenda
packet for this item, reviewed the schematics for Diversion Alternatives 2 and
4, and explained that DSRSD staff has suggested starting with Diversion
Alternative 4 as a pilot and working toward Diversion Alternative 2, which
would take all of Central San's dry weather wastewater flow. She then referred
to the operational and policy concerns for each alternative (attachments to the
memorandum). Staff responded to various Committee questions regarding the
two diversion alternatives.
Chair Causey asked how much wastewater flow DSRSD is requesting and
Ms. Zavadil responded they are initially asking for 1.3 million gallons per day
(MGD) from the west side of the creek for one month in the summer.
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Chair Causey asked for justification from staff as to why they do not
recommend the diversion since DSRSD is willing to pay for the treatment costs
and typically flows are low in the summer. Mr. Petit explained that Diversion
Alternative 2 would create a situation that would take the San Ramon Pump
Station offline, thus increasing the potential for overflows and odor issues; and
Diversion Alternative 4 would take 1.3 MGD of the typically 2.5 MGD dry
weather flow, leaving the station running continuously at low flow, which can
easily damage the pumps. Mr. Gonzalez referred to operational concerns
(Attachment C of the agenda packet materials for this item), emphasized that
equipment issues are unknown, and stated that restarting a pump station is a
major event.
Chair Causey stated that cost is not an issue because DSRSD confirmed
today that it will cover costs for the project. Mr. Bailey noted that staff was not
making a recommendation today, rather, it was seeking direction from the
Committee whether to continue to investigate the viability of the proposal.
Chair Causey stated his opinion that this diversion project can be done
irrespective of other projects under consideration for use of recycled water
because DSRSD confirmed today that it is willing to enter into a contract that
allows for the diversion to stop if necessary.
Mr. Petit commented that staff needs to consider other planned recycled water
commitments such as the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project with
Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), the Concord Community Reuse Project
(also known as the Concord Naval Weapons Station), the Diablo Country Club
Satellite Water Recycling Facility, etc., to determine how much recycled water
Central San can produce so it does not overcommit. Mr. Bailey added that the
recycled water exchange concept between Central San, CCWD, and Santa
Clara Valley Water District should also be considered now that letters of
support have been sent. Ms. LaBella noted her concern that DERWA's
recycled water needs may increase as well, since the DERWA agencies
continue connecting new recycled water demand, making it difficult to sever its
reliance on Central San's wastewater flow if this diversion is pursued.
Ms. Zavadil stated that Diversion Alternative 4 is an interim project that is most
easily implemented now when DSRSD needs it. She explained that they are
investigating options with other agencies, including East Bay Dischargers'
Authority (EBDA) and groundwater supply, not just Central San. She said that
the design and construction costs to put in the manholes could pay off for them
in as little as three years, which presents a very economical alternative for
Mr. Coate said the information in the agenda packet materials made it seem
as if the diversion project would no longer be considered which is why he
came today; he wanted to make Central San aware that the DERWA team
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wants to make sure Central San is not incurring any costs or risk and it does
not want to compromise Central San. In DERWA's opinion, the pilot can go
quickly and talks can continue regarding economic analyses for something
more permanent once Central San's concerns are understood. He would want
to know if it is cost effective for a short-term project and, if all decide to go
forward, take one step at a time; if it works, great, but if something that makes
Central San uncomfortable occurs and it cannot be addressed in the contract,
then the project will not go forward.
Chair Causey expressed his interest in moving forward with the project as he
believes it is a short-term solution.
Member Pilecki expressed that he is not ready to commit to a permanent
option because of his experience when San Ramon residents tried to stop the
Dougherty Valley pump station project. He would rather a pilot be done
cautiously, and then have staff come back to the Committee with a
Mr. Bailey said the San Ramon City Council Members who received Central
San's recycled water presentation echoed Member Pilecki's concerns. He said
that in exploring the pilot, an open mind should be kept. He asked the
Committee to keep the door open for the diversion conversation to continue.
He cautioned that it is important to understand all the issues before moving
forward with a permanent option; and staff is not ready to propose a
permanent option at this time.
Member Pilecki commented that the pilot suggested by Central San staff,
which would involve a temporary sump pump in manhole 11, would reveal the
conditions of other force mains and other unknowns, and added that bioxide
(the odor control and corrosion control chemical used) is more expensive than
gasoline and the need for bioxide could possibly triple. In his experience with
San Ramon, small steps would work best.
Ms. Zavadil said she is looking at doing something very simple with fewer
mechanical parts on a pilot basis.
Chair Causey said it appeared clear that the Committee would recommend
continuing to analyze the DERWA proposal, it is just a question of what level.
Member Pilecki said he would prefer that this update be presented to the full
Board to make sure there is full support before staff performs further work on
this proposed project. Chair Causey concurred.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and directed staff present the
update to the full Board for input and direction.
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b. Receive update on future renewable energy procurement
Mr. Petit explained that to understand the power demands that will be required
in the future, the bioenergy project (P3) and other projects that will change the
power needs at the plant need to be taken into consideration. Mr. Bailey
interjected that an understanding of what bioenergy offers is needed before
considering solar as a renewable energy source.
Mr. Petit added that solar energy vendors have approached Central San to
consider adding solar panels to parking lots and the headquarters office
building, and possibly leasing buffer property land for revenue, but staff
believes it best to wait until completion of the P3 project.
Member Pilecki agreed with this approach because solar is not the cheapest
energy source and gasification will be a game changer.
Chair Causey expressed amazement that while all other treatment plants are
putting in solar power, Central San is not. He said he is hopeful that a solar
portfolio is created as he does not view cogeneration as a sustainable long-
term source of power. Mr. Petit acknowledged Chair Causey's disappointment
and assured him that solar is part of the equation, just not right now. Staff will
likely be in a better position to prepare and issue a Request for Proposal within
the next six to nine months for renewable energy such as solar.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive update on the municipal service review on Mt. View Sanitary District
Mr. Bailey said that this topic was initiated by a Mt. View Sanitary District
(MVSD) Board member who approached a Central San Board Member about
it and that is why he asked Ms. Gemmell to reach out to the MVSD General
Ms. Gemmell reached out to MVSD and spoke with the Local Agency
Formation Commission (LAFCO). She said that the last LAFCO municipal
service review for the MVSD was completed in 2014 and the next one is
anticipated in 2020. She said, though it was a very positive discussion with
MVSD where she offered the possibility of Central San assistance in a variety
of areas, she believes the situation will remain as is for the foreseeable future.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
d. Receive update on future planning ideas for the Household Hazardous Waste
(HHW) Program
Mr. Wyatt reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet for this item.
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Chair Causey asked if there are any potential new types of hazardous waste.
Mr. Wyatt said none were known at this time that would dramatically affect
HHW facility capacity or cost. He added that solar cells are on the horizon but
does not recommend accepting them because they are similar to electronic
wastes, of which the HHW facility does not accept.
Regarding Chair Causey's inquiry on status of pharmaceutical growth,
Mr. Wyatt said that the County ordinance, if adopted, could reduce or eliminate
Central San's pharmaceutical collection program as manufacturers may want
to utilize our established collection sites, creating up to $35,000 savings
annually. He explained that manufacturer -sponsored pharmaceutical take -
back programs are currently in operation in Canada, Mexico and other
Mr. Wyatt recommended to continue to support product stewardship initiatives
to help control Central San costs in managing waste recycling and disposal.
There was discussion by the Committee and staff regarding how other
agencies are handling household hazardous waste, and opportunities to
partner with Dublin or San Ramon to share costs of facilities or a joint venture
with Alameda to serve those cities.
The Committee expressed interest in researching door-to-door collection for
homebound and aging populations, if the full Board was interested.
The Committee recommended that staff provide the HHW Future Planning
Ideas presentation to the full Board
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and directed staff to give the
HHW Program Future Planning Ideas presentation to the full Board at a
future Board meeting.
e. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel said that Mr. Petit attended the recent quarterly joint meeting
between BACWA and the Regional Board (SFQWCB) staff in her absence,
and that she attended the December BACWA Executive Board meeting. The
next BACWA meeting is the Annual meeting and will take place on
January 19. The meeting will have a regulatory focus with similar speakers as
last year.
Mr. Petit added that topics to be discussed at the Regional Board quarterly
meeting will be a meeting of minds between air quality and water. He
commented that the Air Board's willingness to participate is a good change.
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Chair Causey noted that recycled water should be added to topics of
discussion regarding cross -cutting issues.
Ms. Schectel reviewed current issues the BACWA Board has been discussing.
With respect to how to handle cannabis operations, she said staff is looking to
see what is being done around the counties in terms of ordinances, bans, etc.,
and that Central San will consider creating standards for pretreatment which
staff is researching. Mr. Petit indicated that he received the proposed status of
local cannabis ordinances and the permitting approach from EBMUD and
shared it with staff.
Staff and the Committee discussed a variety of topics and current issues and
what Central San and other agencies are doing, such as sea level rise and
Ms. Schectel said that Bruce Wolf of the Regional Board will be briefing his
Board at the July meeting on the second Nutrient Watershed Permit.
Mr. Petit said that a BACWA Nutrient and Optimization study conducted by
HDR and B&C is reaching the final draft stage. It presents how each member
agency, including Central San could meet levels 11 2, and 3 requirements for
nutrient reduction. The Regional Board wants every member agency to certify
they agree with the findings. He said staff has received a draft report on the
findings, as well as the proposed language of the letter that each agency will
need to sign. These documents are being reviewed now and he will bring it to
Mr. Bailey for review. Ms. Schectel noted that the Regional Board has signed a
Letter of Intent expressing that load caps will not be implemented in the next
nutrient watershed permit.
The Committee requested the BACWA regional study draft report be taken
directly to the full Board for review.
Mr. Bailey said the current watershed permit expires in 2019 and the next
permit will expire in 2024; potentially between 2024 and 2029 some actions
may need to be taken. Mr. Petit added that the Capital Improvement Budget
currently includes $10 million scheduled at the end of the decade related to
Level 1 BACWA nutrient removal; that it was added as a placeholder in
anticipation of meeting the level 1 requirement (i.e., no net loading and
optimization of existing facilities in reducing nutrient load to the Bay). He said
staff is doing an evaluation and will bring a pilot testing proposal to the
Committee in the future.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and directed staff to take the
Regional Board draft report to the full Board for review.
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Review list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items
Sewer lateral inspection and repair on sold properties - Chair Causey said
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) should have completed
its survey by the end of this year, which means the earliest this item could
come back to the Committee would be after January 2018.
Acme Fill permit contract renewal - Chair Causey said this item should come
back to the Committee no later than May 2018. Mr. Petit indicated that staff
has already met and assignments have been issued to address the questions
and concerns raised in order to meet the May 2018 deadline and issue
CoCo San Sustainable Farm - Chair Causey said he would prefer the quarterly
updates be given to the full Board, not the Committee. Member Pilecki said he
would prefer the updates come to the Committee prior to going to the full
Board so that the format of the report can be reviewed, then to the full board.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the list and provided input to staff as
noted above.
5. Announcements
Mr. Bailey announced that the Santa Clara Valley Water District will consider letter of
interest in the recycled water exchange at their next Board meeting, that Contra
Costa Water District is planning to attend the meeting, and that he will also be
Mr. Petit announced that he plans on requesting approval to attend the 2018 IFAT
Wastewater and Recycling international conference in Munich Germany. This
conference takes place every two years. In 2016, he attended that conference for the
first time and paid for his own hotel and travel expenses. The district paid for his time.
He presented his findings to the Committee and full Board who expressed support for
staff attending these types of conferences in the future.
6. Future scheduled meetings:
2018 Meeting Dates To Be Determined
7. Suggestions for future agenda items
As noted above.
8. Adjournment —at 11:11 a.m.
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