HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.a. December 12, 2017 -Administration Committee - Member McGill and Member WilliamsPage 1 of 6
Item 12.a.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
December 21, 2017
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
Strategic Plan Tie -In
GOAL ONE: Provide Exceptional Customer Service
Strategy 1 - Foster Customer Engagement and Awareness
1. Minutes of 12-12-17 Administration Committee Meeting
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Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
MIN U T E S PHONE: (925) 228-9500
FAX- (925) 676-7211
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Staff. -
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Donna Anderson, Provisional Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager (left after Item 4.c.)
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left after Item 3.c.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager (left after Item 4.c.)
Emily Barnett, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Manager (left after
Item 3.d.)
Thea Vassallo, Finance Manager (left after Item 3.c.)
Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator (left after Item 3.c.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
Chair McGill stated that the agenda items would be considered in the following
order after any Public Comments are made: Items 4.a -c, 3.a -d, followed by any
remaining items.
2. Public Comments
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President Pro Tent
MIN U T E S PHONE: (925) 228-9500
FAX- (925) 676-7211
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
8:30 a.m.
Executive Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Staff. -
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Donna Anderson, Provisional Secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager (left after Item 4.c.)
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (left after Item 3.c.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager (left after Item 4.c.)
Emily Barnett, Communications and Intergovernmental Relations Manager (left after
Item 3.d.)
Thea Vassallo, Finance Manager (left after Item 3.c.)
Todd Smithey, Finance Administrator (left after Item 3.c.)
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
Chair McGill stated that the agenda items would be considered in the following
order after any Public Comments are made: Items 4.a -c, 3.a -d, followed by any
remaining items.
2. Public Comments
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Administration Committee Minutes
December 12, 2017
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3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Approve a minor revision to the Investment Guidelines Document (IGD)
for the GASB 45 Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust adopted
September 7, 2017
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Follow-up discussion from September 12 and October 24, 2017 meetings
on proposed new Board Policy No. BP 033 - Conducting District Business
Using Personal Accounts and Devices
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
C. Follow-up discussion from October 16, 2017 meeting on draft Position
Paper recommending Board approval of (1) updated Board Policy No. BP
017 — Fiscal Reserves, and (2) authorizing the General Manager to
establish with Contra Costa County a separate investment sub -account for
the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Sub -Fund
Mr. Leiber reviewed the material included with the agenda packet, stating
that he strongly recommends adopting the proposed changes, which are
noncontroversial and clarify current practices as to the handling of the
funds and recognize some changes since the policy was first adopted,
such as establishment of the Section 115 Pension Prefunding Trust.
Mr. Leiber said the suggestion made by the Committee during the
October 16 discussion to consider separating working capital from true
reserves was incorporated in the draft Position Paper under the
Alternatives section. Staff does not believe such a change is necessary at
this time, and also noted that sufficient data is not available to assess and
develop a sound recommendation on the separation of O&M and Sewer
Construction working capital reserves. Establishment of a separate
investment sub -account, which is part of the recommended action, will
provide such data going forward, at which time this issue may be revisited
in the future.
Finally, Mr. Leiber stated that the recommendation presented by staff in
October to increase the O&M reserve from 5/12 to 6/12 of annual
budgeted operating expenditures has also been presented as an
alternative rather than a staff recommendation in the draft Position Paper.
Staff does not believe it to be a critical recommendation at this point
because on those occasions when short-term borrowing from the capital
fund is needed to cover O&M expenses due to cash flow timing, staff
tracks the funds and they are fully repaid once the next influx of cash has
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December 12, 2017
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been received. This has been past practice, and is discussed in the draft
policy. Any such short-term borrowing may have raised concerns as it
could appear as though staff is using capital funds to pay O&M expenses;
however, internally the account balances are separately maintained, and
the borrowings are repaid in a matter of months. Mr. Smithey added that
these short-term borrowings, which occur infrequently, do not affect the
capital improvement program. Mr. Leiber added that if it is important to
the Board that capital funds and O&M funds be kept fully separate,
increasing the reserve by another 1/12 of annual budgeted spending
would reduce the frequency of these short-term borrowings.
Chair McGill said he liked the idea of having two investment accounts at
the County for Capital and O&M, but he cautioned that careful
consideration be given to naming them so as not to convey an unintended
Member Williams concurred with the establishment of an additional
account, but also said he has no concerns with the current practice of
occasional short-term borrowings from the existing account.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and strongly recommended Board
approval, suggesting that any fine tuning be sorted out when the
item is presented to the full Board.
d. Discuss potential naming of the treatment plant
COMMITTEE ACTION: This item was tabled indefinitely.
4. Other Items
a. First Quarter FY 2017-18 Strategic Plan Tracking Reports
Ms. Sasaki briefly reviewed the report with the Committee Members.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the reports and provided input to
b. Receive report on employee turnover rates for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and
benchmarking studies of other agencies' turnover rates. Continued from
October 16, 2017 meeting.
Ms. O'Malley briefly reviewed the material included with the agenda
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
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December 12, 2017
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C. Receive information on Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement
Association (CCCERA) formulas for calculating employer and employee
contribution rates. Continued from October 16, 2017 meeting.
Ms. O'Malley and Mr. Smithey responded to questions from the
Committee Members.
Chair McGill asked if it would be a lot of work for staff to gather the
following additional information:
a. Looking at just retirement costs for the employer, what percentage
of payroll do employer retirement costs represent?
b. If the above does not cover unfunded liabilities, what percentage of
payroll does that represent?
C. What percent of payroll is represented by other fringe benefits,
including health care?
d. How are Other Post -Employment Retirement (OPEB) benefits
Member Williams said he too would be interested in the responses to
these questions.
Mr. Smithey said this information exists and he and Ms. O'Malley will be
glad to provide responses.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Requested that responses to the questions
posed by the Committee be brought back at a future meeting.
d. Risk Management - Loss Control Report; discuss outstanding claims and
new claims, if any
Ms. Deutsch was unable to attend the meeting so this item was tabled.
COMMITTEE ACTION: This item was tabled to a future meeting.
5. Announcements
6. Future Scheduled Meetings
a. Friday, January 12, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. (tentative, subject to change)
2018 Meeting Dates To Be Determined
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December 12, 2017
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7. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Chair McGill requested further information on a workshop held at the
recent California Public Employers Labor Relations Association
(CALPELRA) Conference in Monterey regarding maintaining retiree
healthcare benefits while reducing the contribution to Other Post -
Employment Benefits (OPEB).
b. Given the Brown Act implications associated with those occasions when
matters that come before a Board Committee may straddle two calendar
years and thus potentially risk a majority of the Board having reviewed an
item prior to it being taken to the full Board, Chair McGill suggested that
the Board may want to establish a policy where the Committee Members
remain in place until any such matters are concluded.
8. Adjournment — at 10:07 a.m.
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