HomeMy WebLinkAboutREAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING MINUTES 10-23-17Jl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District - 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez CA 94553-4392 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, October 23, 2017 9:00 a.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California CnmmittPP Chair Paul Causey Member Tad Pilecki Guest: Dr. Carolyn Phinney, AgLantis Executive Director (left after Item 3.a.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PAUL H CAUSEY President JAMES A. NEJEDLY President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. MCGILL TAD J PILECKI DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX.- (925) 676-7211 www.centralsan.org Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Elaine R. Boehme, Secretary of the District Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning & Development Services Division Manager Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager Paul Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor Anika Doria, Administrative Assistant Temp 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 2 2. Public Comments None. 3. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board a. Receive estimated schedule and budget for CoCo San Sustainable Farm AgLantis Executive Director Dr. Carolyn Phinney handed out a revised version of the estimated schedule provided in the agenda packet materials for this item (see attached). Dr. Phinney stated that she was not aware until Friday afternoon that pressure and flow of recycled water to the property was not sufficient to meet the Fire Department's requirements. Therefore, the schedule was revised to extend dates on certain affected activities to allow time to resolve the issue. She briefly described the status and issues for each of the forty activities listed on the schedule and responded to questions and comments from the Committee on the activities noted below. In response to a question from Chair Causey regarding the unresolved recycled water issue and whether it will affect the schedule for the first crops, Dr. Phinney explained that the crops to be planted just before the rainy season will not need recycled water as the crops will be watered by rainfall. In response to a question from Chair Causey regarding the length of time before mulch piles are spread, Dr. Phinney explained that the first pile placed last year was wood chips, not mulch, and that it could not be spread quickly due to the rain. She explained that wood chips are no longer accepted, that the entity donating mulch spreads it within a week after delivery, and that presently there are no piles of mulch on the property. Dr. Phinney stated that Activity 4 (Recycled Water Points of Connection) and Activity 5 (Irrigation Plan Resubmittal) are waiting on installation of fire hydrants. She said that Activity 6 (Title 22 Permit) will be done sooner but the date was pushed out to allow for completion of the fire hydrants. Dr. Phinney stated that for Activity 7 (C0A#1 Updated Site Plan) the Condition of Approval (COA) was completed last week and she displayed a copy at the meeting (see attached). In response to Chair Causey's comment regarding Activity 8 (COA#3 Compliance Application) that the County had rejected the first compliance report submitted in 2016, Dr. Phinney stated she had no information regarding that because Central San submitted the report. Later in the meeting Ms. Gemmell added that Dr. Phinney had been included in developing the compliance report and had paid a $500 deposit and submitted the application for COA#3. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 3 Chair Causey asked if Activity 9 (COA#4 Compliance Report Submittal) was an annual report. Dr. Phinney explained that the County asked that the report be submitted in packages to be assembled later. She said that once the water problem is resolved another packet will be submitted and again before the greenhouse is built. As such, it is not an annual report. She stated that the date for Activity 9 (COA#4 Compliance Report Submittal) was extended to October 1, 2020 to allow time for building the greenhouse. In response to Chair Causey's inquiry on whether Activity 11 (COA#16 Trash Enclosure Screening) required an enclosure now, Dr. Phinney explained that a permanent enclosure is not required at this time and that she anticipates the project will not produce a lot of trash, most likely a single can with a lid would be needed and would not be visible from either road. Chair Causey asked what the mention of "every three years" meant in Activity 12 (COA#17 Absorbent Materials Onsite) because the milestone year would be 2020 not 2017 as stated on the schedule. Dr. Phinney responded she did not know and referred the response to Ms. Gemmell. Chair Causey reminded Dr. Phinney that because this is an AgLantis project she or her Project Manager are expected to respond to questions about the project schedule, not staff. In response to Chair Causey's concern that there is no date on Activity 13 (COA#21 Submit elevations of temp office 30 days prior to submittal of building permit) even though many activities are dependent on the building permit, Dr. Phinney clarified that the barn is not part of the project at this time. It was included to avoid having to resubmit in the event funding for a barn were to be available in the future. Regarding Activity 14 (COA#23 30 -foot height limit; Submit elevations of all buildings 30 days prior to building permit), Dr. Phinney explained that the October 1, 2018 date is conservative, that she expects the greenhouse will be built by spring or late summer, before the rainy season; she added that the $50, 000 donation for it must be spent within two years. Chair Causey commented that various dates have been moved out compared to the dates in the schedule provided in the agenda materials. He noted that the date for Activity 15 (COA#24 Submit elevation 30 days prior to submittal of all building permits) was moved from February to October. Dr. Phinney explained that activities with dates changed to October 1, 2018 were to allow time to resolve the recycled water issue. Chair Causey asked why the water issue affected Activity 15's milestone date. Dr. Phinney explained that the Fire Department will not give approval until the water issue is resolved and nothing can be built until then because the order of the approvals was set by the County. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 4 In response to Chair Causey's question regarding contact information on signs for Activity #17 (COA#31 install temporary signs with BAA QMD rules), Dr. Phinney explained that they are using temporary signs that are installed and removed when work trucks start/stop. The signs have AgLantis contact information on them. Dr. Phinney explained that though there is an October date for Activity 18 (COA#32 Burrowing Owl Study 30 days before construction), walks on the site will be ongoing even though they do not expect owls to burrow in highly compacted soil. Regarding Activity 19 (COA#34 Submit updated Geotechnical report), Member Pilecki asked if the Flood Control District was asking for prior or post clean fill information. Ms. Gemmell explained that the County would accept the original Geotechnical report and the Soils Compaction report that was submitted for the clean fill project grading permit. Additionally, a letter from the District would be needed to certify that no additional digging or land movement has occurred since last clean fill. Additionally, some excavation on the Kiewit property had occurred during the clean fill project, but with respect to flood control levee project that it is likely that new fill will be procured and stored on the District portion of the property. Chair Causey asked if the Geotechnical report included the foundation for the greenhouse. Dr. Phinney said the greenhouse foundation was not big, that it was just pillars foundation support; however, the Geotechnical report is not complete until Ms. Gemmell writes the certification letter stating that there has not been any disturbance to the soil in the area of the site and that the previous Geotechnical report could be used. Ms. Gemmell said the Geotech and grading were submitted and she will check the status of the written letter. Regarding completion of Activity #22 (COA#35(e) install signage at Safety Zone 2/4) and Activity #23 (COA#40 install signs w/noise control requirements), Chair Causey noted he saw no signs installed. Dr. Phinney explained that due to exposure to vandalism and the cost of the signs, the signs are removable and during construction will be put up on Mondays and taken down on Fridays, with no construction on weekends. Dr. Phinney said that though Activity #25 (COA#46 Public Works - Submit improvement plans) has been pushed out to February 2018, she expects it will be completed in the next few weeks if the recycled water pressure issue is resolved. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 5 She commented that in her opinion resolving the Fire Department requirement is an issue that Central San may need to address for the Concord Naval Weapons Station property and for any future recycled water projects requiring building permit approval. Chair Causey asked if she has considered installing a pump to resolve the fire flow requirement issue. Dr. Phinney explained various options were considered but had not considered a pump and that she will ask Mike Milani of Milani & Associates, who has volunteered the engineering and site development work for the project. Ms. Gemmell added that the Central San Engineer has been looking at the model to see what can be done but there is no answer as of yet. In response to Mr. Bailey's question about who is providing recycled water to the neighboring property, County Quarry, Ms. Gemmell said Central San provides it as there is not potable water supply on Imhoff. The recycled water system was not designed for fire flow purposes. She does not know how they (County Quarry) are providing fire protection to their operation. Chair Causey asked if the Fire Marshall had considered a sprinkler system. Dr. Phinney responded she did not believe it had because the greenhouse combustibility is low, that the only wood is the kick plate, and everything else is metal and Plexiglas. Dr. Phinney noted that completion of Activities 26 through 31 are dependent on resolution of the recycled water issue. With regard to Activity #32 (Construct Access Road), Dr. Phinney stated she is waiting to get more recycled asphalt on site and hopes to have it in the next few weeks so that the road could be done over the Thanksgiving holiday. Chair Causey asked why the road was not done sooner since Central San had built the access road nine months ago. Dr. Phinney explained that recycled asphalt was considered impervious which activated C.3 requirements. Ms. Gemmell further explained that at the March 24, 2017 Public Works meeting the County announced that they were going to consider the recycled asphalt road to be impervious so the road needed to be redesigned in the improvement plans to account for these storm water requirements. Dr. Phinney noted that Activities 33 and 36 must be completed before construction of the greenhouse can begin. In response to Chair Causey's question regarding use of recycled asphalt in the greenhouse, Dr. Phinney explained that recycled asphalt will be used for the pad because of microbial issues with soil and with metal and because the recycled asphalt is at no cost. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 6 Regarding Activity 37 (Construct Greenhouse), Dr. Phinney said she hopes that they will start building this spring but there exists the possibility that other requirements could be added by the County. She set the milestone date to December 31, 2019 because she estimates the as-builts will be done by then. Dr. Phinney clarified that Activity 38 (COA#26 Submit as -built photos 30 days after construction of all buildings) was set to January 2021 in case they build the barn. Regarding Activity #39 (Install irrigation for demonstration vegetables), Chair Causey asked why it was indicated as not applicable on the schedule. Dr. Phinney said this activity was not applicable because the first crops will be watered by rainfall and no irrigation will be necessary. Dr. Phinney explained, as stated above, that Activity #40 (Plant demonstration vegetables) does not require water because the first crop to be planted in Zone 4 will go in very soon with the first rains of the season. The crops will be planted in either dry manure or mulch and will be irrigated solely with rain water. Dr. Phinney explained that the greenhouse will get recycled water and is addressed in Activity #5 but that now the fire hydrants are in a different place and the plans need to be altered. Chair Causey stated that some of the performance requirements in the Performance Agreement section of the lease agreement are not listed in the schedule, such as developing a teaching plan curriculum, providing a teaching facility and sustainable curriculum, completing a long-term Strategic Plan, and submitting performance requirements for years 4, 5 and 6, which are subject to Board approval. He said it appears as if the schedule was prepared without full consideration of the lease agreement terms. Chair Causey also stated that the prior Business Plan was inadequate and requested that a new Business Plan be provided. In response to Chair Causey's request for clarification on the timeline for providing delivery of food to the School District, Dr. Phinney explained that crops will be planted in the next couple of weeks and will be harvested in the spring of 2018. The Committee noted that several County Conditions of Approval were not listed in the schedule, specifically of concern was COA #51 on the County's land use permit and submission to Public Works of all easements. Dr. Phinney explained that Mike Milani (farm's engineer) is handling that item and that it is in the schedule as part of the other Public Works approval items. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 7 Chair Causey said he was very troubled that the schedule was changed at the last minute and commented that it demonstrates further how badly the project has been managed to date. He stated that the Committee will accept this new schedule but that Dr. Phinney needs to sign off on it instead of providing reasons for changing it. He said he would like the AgLantis project manager to meet with the Committee. Speaking on his own behalf, he said he is running out of patience. If Dr. Phinney is now the manager, she needs to regularly meet with the County. Chair Causey stated that three years have elapsed and, in his opinion, the Board may not continue to provide support for the project and may consider ending it if vegetables are not produced as scheduled. He stated that approximately $250,000 of District ratepayer funds has been expended so far on the project, and he requested that staff stop providing support to AgLantis effective immediately, stating that AgLantis should be self-supporting. Discussion took place between the Committee and staff regarding: reasons for changes to the schedule and delays in completing the project; when Dr. Phinney was able to go onto the property, when Dr. Phinney took charge of the project, and who was responsible for certain activities, etc. The Committee and staff concurred that difficulty in meeting the County's requirements, the County's preset order of approvals, gaining County authorization to proceed, and unplanned requirements such as the fire flow requirements, have all contributed to the project delays. Member Pilecki said it appears that the County never gave the green light to proceed with the project, so in his opinion the project is currently in Year 1. He asked Ms. Gemmell if, given what has transpired and the discussion at this meeting, AgLantis is in compliance with the lease agreement terms. Ms. Gemmell reiterated what she reported to the Board on July 20, 2017, that the situation is more like Year 1 now and a better estimation will most likely be able to be given by the end of this calendar year. The Committee instructed Dr. Phinney to incorporate the performance goals stated in the lease agreement in the schedule and bring back the revised schedule to the full Board on November 16, 2017, not the Committee. Additionally, the Committee requested that an updated Business Plan be prepared, as well as a quarterly report to the Committee commencing mid- January 2018 which includes an updated schedule with explanation of any variances/deviations from the schedule presented at this meeting and a one- page financial summary that includes an "Actual" column for revenues and donations received (including in-kind donations). There is no need for quarterly presentations; a written report will suffice (updated schedule and progress on tasks). Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 8 Dr. Phinney said the schedule she presented conforms with her beliefs. Mr. Bailey confirmed that staff will facilitate obtaining the requested information from Dr. Phinney in time for the item to be placed on the November 16, 2017 Board agenda. The Committee informed Dr. Phinney that she needs to provide staff, via Ms. Gemmell, her revised attachments on or before November 6 to be included on the agenda for the November 16 Board meeting and that someone from AgLantis should be present at the meeting to answer questions from the Board. There will be no need for a presentation. Dr. Phinney indicated that she would be available. The requested changes include: Short summary overview of any updates or deviations to the budget and schedule • Budget document with "Actual" column for revenues and donations received (including in-kind donations). • Modified schedule with Lease terms added o Updates to Business Plan o Development of Teaching Plan Curriculum o Goals submitted for produce donated to Schools/Food Bank o Provide a teaching facility and start curriculum o Long term Strategic Plan o Performance Requirements for Years 4, 5 and 6 The Committee requested that a copy of the minutes of this meeting be provided to Dr. Phinney. Dr. Phinney thanked staff and the Committee and left the meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and directed Dr. Phinney bring back an amended schedule and budget to the Board at the November 16, 2017 meeting. 4. Other Items a. Receive information on Central San's records retention policy for sanitary sewer overflow records subject to the Clean Water Act electronic reporting rule Ms. Schectel reviewed the information in the agenda packet materials. Chair Causey recommended that staff upload only the legally -required documents and asked that staff obtain clarification from District Counsel on Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes October 23, 2017 Page 9 what must be uploaded to the California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS) State Water Board website. Chair Causey stated that he has noticed one agency uploads not only the full report but also pictures, questions and copies of their notes, and expressed his preference that Central San staff avoid uploading any record that is not required to ensure the State does not retain it beyond the 5 -year Central San retention period. Mr. Seitz noted that for several overflows he has submitted photos because while attending training and conferences, Mr. Jim Fischer with the Water Quality Control Board instructed enrollees to include photos with the overflow reports in CIWQS. He shared that destruction of 2008 to 2013 records has not been done due to a settlement agreement with California River Watch. They will be destroyed after the settlement agreement term ends. Mr. Bailey noted that staff also needs to consider what is in the best interest of the District to determine what to upload to CIWQS. Chair Causey clarified that he is not referring to the information retained indefinitely in Central San databases, rather he is concerned with retention of paper and electronic documents. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. 5. Announcements None. 6. Future scheduled meetings: Menday, November 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m-. cn-racr Monday, November 27, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. (new date) Monday, December 18, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. 2018 Meeting Dates To Be Determined The Committee moved the November 20 Committee Meeting to November 27. 7. Suggestions for future agenda items None 8. Adjournment — at 10:55 a.m. — N21 °53'24 "E /---Wt.J. VLJ P'iZOVEMENT PLANS X02 C CC CwrSa�wSw�t Item 3,a, (Committee Handout 1 of 2) t/ ti ke � 0 0 Y ti ti CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 4 Q• Q' (4181 OR 30) .�. 01 Q N21*5J2 4 E qo' W W Q W 4q4 W 1091.62w W W W W— W W As�t Q Q. - N0% _ '` f IZA N CO f _ f Al S \ f N -� p2 / Planning Surveying & Mapping Land Development Engineering Municipal Engineering Construction Staking Construction Management / / / f Planning Surveying & Mapping Land Development Engineering Municipal Engineering Construction Staking Construction Management / *V_ Associates MILANI � mss -74- V3 'N f / / / / / / / *V_ Associates MILANI � mss -74- V3 'N f N� \ fNL i \ � a f N� ss \ 7� NLI \ N� 40k, 'cp OZ \ -7' 0 SS \ N'CP f Sc. \ 60 30 0 60 SCALE: 1 "=60' 69AIPOSIrf - Slrf - N741V �� �lPN 159-140-051 POZTION PCL"C" 91 pM 41 DESIGNED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: 2655 Stanwell Drive, SUITE 105 Concord, CA 94520 MICHAEL E. MILANI C O -C 0- S R.C.E. No. 35121 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 9-30-19 P.O.BOX 5966 Fa4/0'*VPVP.L.S. No. 5311 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12-31-17 Concord, CA 94524 Phone: (925) 674-9082 Fax: (925) 674-9279 CCCSD A PROJECT OF AgLantis CONTRA COSTA COUNTY h °' f DESIGN: MEM JOB NO: 1050 DRAWN: MEM DATE: 10/15/2017 CALIFORNIA CHECKED: KRA SCALE: DATE Q 'Of ESS/p� 0 /'1-411 EUGENE � Fac No.35121 Z ;:0 liw REVIEW COP Y 'OBJECT TO REVISION NOT FINAL THIS N017CE TO BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF MAP AND UPON AGENCYICUENT APPROVAL OF MAP NO. REVISIONS BY I APP DATE SHEET 3 OF 5 SHEETS 0 Q N 0 I ao 0 I 0 I a 0 Ln 0 C 0 1-11 a 0 Ln 0 0 i 70 Item 3.a. (Committee Handout 2 of 2) CoCo San Sustainable Farm - 5 -Year Estimated Schedule July 2017 to July 2022 Current Period: 1 Plan Duration 19 Actual Start ■%Complete PERIODS Community Education (Continuous) December 31, 2022 1 60 1 60 20% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACTTY IVI May 1, 2019 PLAN PLAN ACTUAL ACTUAL 0% Jul/ Nov/ Feb/ Aug/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ 5 addressed) June 1, 2018 START DURATION START DURATION PERCENT Oct Jan Apr May/ Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Jan/M COA#1 Updated Site Plan MILESTONE DATE PERIOD (MOS) PERIOD (MOS) COMPLETE 17 18 18 Jul 18 18 19 un 19 19 19 20 un 20 20 20 21 un 21 21 21 ar 22 1 Fundraising & In -Kind Donations (Continuous) 3 30 50% 10 COA#15 RPZ Fencing Installation July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% December 31, 2022 1 1 60 1 60 50% 0% 12 COA#17 Absorbent Materials Onsite (Every 3 years) March 31, 2017 2 Community Education (Continuous) December 31, 2022 1 60 1 60 20% I ■ ■ ' 3 Mulch Spreading (yearly) January 31, 2018 1 3 1 3 70% Recycled Water Points of Connection (include 4 August Fire comments) May 1, 2019 4 12 0% Irrigation Plan Resubmittal (comments 5 addressed) June 1, 2018 4 6 33% 6 Title 22 Permit June 1, 2018 4 6 1 0% 7 COA#1 Updated Site Plan October 31, 2017 1 4 1 2 100% 8 COA#3 Compliance Application July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 9 COA#4 Compliance Report Submittal October 1, 2020 3 30 50% 10 COA#15 RPZ Fencing Installation July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 11 COA#16 Trash Enclosure Screening October 1, 2020 11 3 0% 12 COA#17 Absorbent Materials Onsite (Every 3 years) March 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 13 COA#21 Submit elevations of temp office 30 days prior to submittal of building permit N/A 0% 14 COA#23 30 -ft height limit; Submit elevations of all buildings 30 days prior to building permit October 1, 2018 5 2 0% Page 1 CoCo San Sustainable Farm - 5 -Year Estimated Schedule July 2017 to July 2022 Current Period: 1 Plan Duration , Actual Start ■%Complete PERIODS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACTIVITY PLAN �� PLAN D�Ui�AIIC��� ACTUAL. ACTUAL D�Ui�AIIC� Jul/ Oct Nov/ Feb/ Aug/ Jan/ Jan Apr May/ Dec Mar Apr/J Jul/ Sept Oct/ Dec Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Jan/P MLESTONE DATE PMOD (MOS) PERICID (MOS) COMPLETE 17 18 18 Jul 18 18 19 un 19 19 19 20 un 20 20 20 21 un 21 21 21 ar 2: 15 COA#24 Submit elevations 30 days prior to submittal of all building permits October 1, 2018 5 2 0% 16 COA#25 Submit permanent sign program 30 days prior to submittal of building permit for signs N/A 0% 17 COA#31 Install temporary signs with BAAQMD rules July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 18 COA#32 Burrowing Owl Study 30 days before construction October 1, 2018 1 60 1 60% 19 COA#34 Submit updated geotech report (Danea Letter) April 1, 2018 2 6 0% 20 COA#35(a) Submit building plans & elevations to ALUC October 1, 2018 9 1 0% 21 COA#35(c) Submit annual report to ALUC by April 1 April 1, 2018 3 1 0% 22 COA#35(e) Install signage at Safety Zone 2/4 July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 23 COA#39 Submit indemnity agreement with County July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 24 COA#40 Install signs w/ noise control requirements July 31, 2017 1 1 1 1 100% 25 COA#46 Public Works - Submit improvement plans February 1, 2018 2 6 90% 26 COA#55/56/60/61 Public Works - Submit grading & drainage plans compliant with NPDES & C.3 February 1, 2018 2 6 90% 27 COA#59 Flood Control- Submit grading & drainage plans, if impacts FC ROW N/A 0% 28 Adv. Note (F) Submit building Plans to Fire February 1, 2018 2 6 80% Page 2 CoCo San Sustainable Farm - 5 -Year Estimated Schedule July 203.7 to July 2022 Current Period: 1 Plan Duration L Actual Start ■%Complete PERIODS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ACINITY PLAN START PLAN DURATION ACTUAL START ACTUAL DLJRAT10N PERCENT Jul/ Nov/ Feb/ Aug/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Jan/ Jul/ Oct/ Oct Jan Apr May/ Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Mar Apr/J Sept Dec Jan/N MILESTONE DATE PERIOD (MOS) PERIOD (MOS) COMPLETE 17 18 18 Jul 18 18 19 un 19 19 19 20 un 20 20 20 21 un 21 21 21 ar 22 29 Fire Dept- Added Site Improvement Plans per August letter: Fire Hydrants, etc May 1, 2018 4 6 20% 30 Fire Dept -Review March 1, 2018 2 6 75% 31 Fire Dept -Construct added Improvements per August letter October 1, 2018 5 6 0% 32 Construct Access Road July 1, 2018 4 3 0% 33 Electrical trenching (Construction service) October 1, 2018 5 3 0% 34 Construct Greenhouse Pad October 1, 2018 5 3 0% 35 Submit PG&E Application for temp power October 1, 2018 5 3 0% 36 Contra Costa County Building Review/Permit October 1, 2018 5 3 10% 37 Construct Greenhouse December 31, 2019 5 18 0% 38 COA#26 Submit as -built photos 30 days after construction of all buildings January 31, 2021 14 3 0% 39 Install irrigation for demonstration vegetables N/A 0 c 40 Plant demonstration vegetables December 31, 2017 2 1 0% Page 3