HomeMy WebLinkAboutREAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING MINUTES 09-25-17Il Central Contra Costa Sanitary District REGULAR MEETING OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, September 25, 2017 9:00 a.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California (;nmmittPP- Chair Paul Causey Member Tad Pilecki BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PAUL H. CA USEY President JAMES A. NEJEDL Y President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. MCGILL TAD J. PILECKI DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX.- (925) 676-7211 www.centralsan.org Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Melody LaBella, Program Manager Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager Dan Frost, Senior Engineer Justin Waples, Associate Engineer (left after Item 3.b.) Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor Anika Doria, Administrative Assistant Temp 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Public Comments None. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 25, 2017 Page 2 3. Other Items a. Receive an update on the Truck Fill Program Mr. Waples reviewed the information provided in the agenda packet for this item. Though the year-to-date water use of the Hydrant Program is higher in comparison to last year at this time, he said overall participation in the Hydrant Program has decreased. A discussion took place regarding possible ways to increase recycled water use, including advertising Central San's no -charge recycled water availability. Member Pilecki expressed concern that the Truck Fill Station has not been utilized since last year. Mr. Bailey said that the rationale for constructing the Truck Fill Station was sound and Central San will be ready when the next drought occurs. In response to Member Pilecki's question regarding maintenance of the Truck Fill Station, Mr. Waples stated that the facility is routinely inspected. Chair Causey inquired about the use of recycled water for the Concord Community Reuse Project (formerly known as the Concord Naval Weapons Station). Mr. Bailey explained that Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) has agreed that Central San will wholesale recycled water to CCWD who in turn will provide it to the Concord Community Reuse Project. Mr. Bailey added that recycled water may also be provided during construction phases of the project. Chair Causey requested that the Truck Fill Program statistics be combined with the Residential Fill Station quarterly update and include historical trending of the statistics. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and directed staff to combine Truck Fill Program updates with the Residential Fill Station update going forward. b. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Ms. Schectel reported that she attended the quarterly joint meeting of the Regional Water Board on August 30, 2017, the Pre -Pardee Special Executive Board meeting and Executive Board meeting on September 15. She said that BACWA held awell-attended Toxicity Workshop at Central San on September 18, and that upcoming is the Annual Pardee meeting as well as the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Estuary (RMP) and the State of the Estuary Conference in October. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 25, 2017 Page 3 Ms. Schectel reported that Central San has submitted all data required for the Nutrient Watershed Permit Group annual report due on October 1. She noted that overall findings indicate that ammonia and total nitrogen loads were the highest bay wide since permit submittal, but the increase was minimal. In response to questions from the Committee and staff regarding the data, Ms. Schectel said the report is not yet available in final form. Ms. Schectel, in response to comments and questions from the Committee regarding the Watershed Permit contributions, stated that this year the Regional Board intends to sign a letter of intent regarding future nutrient regulation and that BACWA will be providing additional funds for science, with the first portion coming from the BACWA reserves. In response to Committee comments about the current state of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and whether California will still uphold the higher standards, Ms. Schectel said she believed the more stringent standards generally will continue for California and that it is expected the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) will stay the course with the regional nutrient approach. Ms. Schectel stated that the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAA QMD) Rule 11-18 (toxic air emissions) will likely be adopted in November. Health Risk Assessments for facilities are slated to start in 2019. The rule then allows six months to prepare a draft Risk Reduction Plan and five years later will require full implementation. Member Pilecki, noting a response was not needed today, asked if the extension to five years will affect timing of capital projects. Mr. Frost commented that Rule 6-1 relating to particulates may delay or eliminate improvement projects and stated that staff is researching that now. Regarding the Mercury/PCB Permit, Ms. Schectel said there are no appreciable changes in the Tentative Order that will impact Central San. In response to a concern from Member Pilecki that permittees' may not be maintaining their amalgam equipment, Ms. LaBella responded that businesses are on a three-year inspection cycle and staff has implemented long-term downstream monitoring for mercury on some of the permits. Ms. Schectel stated that the State Water Board has drafted a policy on cannabis growth focused on potable water and water rights, in preparation for the new cannabis law that will be effective on January 1, 2018. She noted that Senior Environmental Compliance Inspector Jeff Skinner is researching source control as it relates to indoor grows and publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and he is looking to Santa Rosa for guidance. Mr. Bailey commented that it is useful to get notification of water consumption spikes from the water Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 25, 2017 Page 4 agencies to determine if a cannabis permit is needed. Ms. LaBella added that she is aware that in Colorado use of liquid fertilizers are an issue. Chair Causey requested staff bring back to the Committee information on impact related to the new Bio -cremation legislation. Chair Causey expressed the need to research the long-term effects of the EPA's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule, regarding how long they will retain electronic records submitted to them, and whether it exceeds Central San's retention policy for sewer service overflow and sampling records. Ms. Schectel said that the Regional Water Board already requires electronic reporting. Chair Causey expressed concern that the federal agency may keep records longer than the five years required by the State Water Board for sewer overflows. The Committee asked staff to bring back responses to the following questions: (a) Are Clean Water Act reporting records identified in Central San's Master Records Retention Schedule?; (b) If yes, what is the retention policy of those records?; and (c) Are records destroyed as stated in the Master Records Retention Schedule? The Committee directed staff to bring back information once the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) sewer laterals survey is complete (estimated to be completed by late October) regarding who pays for sewer lateral inspection and repairs on sold properties. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update and asked the following to be brought to the Committee at a future meeting: (1) response to questions regarding retention of EPA monitoring and reporting records, (2) Bio - cremation permitting requirements, and (3) information regarding responsibility for sewer lateral inspection and repair on sold properties. C. Receive update on the Diablo Country Club Satellite Water Recycling Facility Project Ms. LaBella reviewed the information listed in the memorandum provided in the agenda packet materials, adding that another Bay Area golf course, Sharon Heights in Menlo Park, also released a design -build Request for Proposal for a similar satellite facility as Diablo Country Club (DCC), which provides additional detail (30%) than the proposal DCC released (-5% detail), so the design -build community appears to currently be more focused on that opportunity. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes September 25, 2017 Page 5 Ms. LaBella stated that DCC recently completed a new round of sewer flow monitoring in August and found that the 21 -inch sewer line in Diablo Road had an average flow of 550, 000 gallons per day as compared to the previous monitoring efforts, which found 350,000 gallons per day of sewer flow. Regarding the environmental review process, Mr. Bailey said he recently met with DCC's Program Manager about moving up the schedule for certification of the project's environmental impact report. Mr. Bailey said he plans to meet with Danville's Town Manager regarding the issue of Central San owning and operating the satellite water recycling facility versus just operating it. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received update. 4. Announcements Mr. Bailey announced that he met with the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) General Manager and that Ms. LaBella will be scheduling athree-way meeting with the SCVWD and Contra Costa Water District Boards and Central San to continue the Memorandum of Understanding regarding water exchange. Mr. Bailey announced that interviews for the Bioenergy project have been conducted and that a final decision on the RFP will be finalized this week. 5. Future scheduled meetings: Monday, October 23, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, November 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, December 18, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Chair Causey asked to move the November 20 meeting to the 27th since it falls two days before the Thanksgiving holiday and he will not be available that week. Mr. Bailey said that depending on what agenda items are anticipated, he will consider cancelling the meeting entirely and will confirm that at a later date. 6. Suggestions for future agenda items As set forth under Item 3.b. above, the following were suggested for future discussion: a. EPA's Electronic Reporting Rule; Central San's records retention policy b. Effects of Bio -cremation legislation on Central San C. Responsibility for payment of sewer lateral inspection and repairs on sold properties 7. Adjournment — at 10:05 a.m.