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06.a. General Manager Written Announcements
Page 1 of 10 Item 6.a. 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District October 19, 2017 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: ROGER S. BAILEY- GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 19, 2017 ASSET MANAGEMENT 1) Two District Employees Co-Author Magazine Article on Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Usina Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Plant Maintenance Division Manager Neil Meyer and Senior Engineer Clint Shima coauthored with Anthony Mac Smith a recent Uptime Magazine article entitled "Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)". The article discusses a major challenge currently confronting Plant Maintenance staff and management- how to deliver cost effective and sustainable business practices based on plant performance requirements over the life cycle of assets. While it is widely recognized that a primary contributor to this challenge is a shrinking pool of newly qualified technicians to replace the retiring workforce, a second cause is the inefficient use of the skills, knowledge and experience of the technicians who are here today. The article, a copy of which is attached, describes what can be done to address this inefficiency and to focus on the optimal use of available resources. CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2) Contra Costa County Chapter of the California Special Districts Association Named Chapter of the Year for Second Consecutive Year The Contra Costa County Chapter of the Special Districts Association (CCSDA)was named the California Special Districts Association (CSDA)chapter of the year for 2017. This is the second consecutive year that CCSDA has received this award. The award was presented at the closing breakfast of the CSDA Annual Conference held in Monterey in September and accepted by chapter Vice President Stan Caldwell. Itis provided for efforts to serve the needs of special districts in the County, and for having a large number of members and meeting attendees. Attendance at chapter meetings has been high and scheduled speakers have been very popular draw. For example, the chapter recently received a presentation on Central San's Citizens Academy presented by Senior Administrative Technician Christina Gee that was well received. The chapter meetings have been held quarterly in Central San's Multi-Purpose Room for about three years. Board Member Michael McGill is the representative at the meetings for Central San, with Board Member Dave Williams as the alternate. Executive Assistant Suzette Crayton generates the agenda and minutes for the meetings. October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 37 Page 2 of 10 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS-QUARTERLY UPDATE 3) General Manager Authorized Contracts,Agreements, Etc. -Third Quarter 2017 The Board has delegated various authorities to the General Manager via resolution, including the authority to enter into certain agreements and contracts on behalf of the District. Additionally, the Board has requested an announcement when construction projects have been accepted, which occurs when the Notice of Completion is recorded with the County Recorder's Office. Also, the Board has requested notification of certain legal claim settlements. Below is a recap of each of these items for the period July 1 through September 30, 2017: Professional consulting agreements*between$50,000 and$100,000 Agreement Amendment Company Date No. (YIN) Name Description Total 5/25/17 045204 No Woodard & Hydraulic modeling $85,000 Curran, Inc. support 6/06/17 045248 No Woodard & Concord Naval $95,662 Curran, Inc. Weapons Station redevelopment planning 8/31/17 045434 No McMillen District-wide $85,000 Jacobs construction support Associates 8/21/17 045439 No Carollo I nfomaster support $85,000 Engineers, I nc. 8/21/17 045505 No CDM Smith P3 advisory services $97,900 *All other contracts that are not`professional services"or"District Projects"such as maintenance services, equipment, chemicals, and supplies, do not require Board approval regardless of dollar amount. The Board approves the annual budget which includes the expenses that come from these contracts, so these contracts are not included in this report as they have historically been within staff authority. Construction contracts awarded under$100,000 Date Project Project Contractor Total No. None. Construction projects accepted Date I Project Project No. Contractor 7/3/17 Plant Control System UPS Replacement 6171* D.W. Nicholson Corporation * Project budgeted under Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement(District Project No. 7326) Legal claim settlements between$25,000 and$50,000 Date Type of Claimant Description Total Claim None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Uptime Magazine Article-Optimizing Proactive Maintenance Using RCM (Oct/Nov 2017) October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 37 p C u Li Ii i7ri IE for reliability leaders and asset managers OG , • Y v uptimemagazinex e ^ ' a b rj Page 4 of 10 d reliability development ° _ e n n pp��a �0 " 40 VV "e © a fade � • ne �� � �i � o~ $ �rfJ ^ � r nA ago � f, 4 O � � �Q� •, � � J •1 j i e • D.� d S I� - o R4:0A&CT11WE' r o ao 0 a a I. NTE,NANCE o USING J Q o Anthony M (Mac) Smith, Neil Meyer, Clint Shima 8 uptime oct/nov 17 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 26 of 37 no •'•� "�"�""'��• �� �a qr 46 •`, tl' far+:.': � • �,� � ,� 'C ���,it r '•S��r. �� yC�;� `! f -;�''. • V i ��"� ,rT - 1! • '.,,{{ it t411 v4P - IV f� • f r u f. hT 40 we qp • • F �. oct/nov J uptime 9 ori Page 6 of 10 THE CRITICALITY ISSUE During 2017,Central San piloted an RCM Department of Defense sponsored book titled, approach on two systems as part of an overarch- "Reliability-Centered Maintenance;'coauthored A major challenge currently confronting ing asset management implementation plan.The by two members of the original UA team,Stan- plant staff and management is how to deliver plan is part of the strategic goals,with clear line of ley Nowlan and Howard Heap.In the 1980s,the cost-effective and sustainable business practices sight objectives from vision and mission to success RCM process was widely introduced to industry based on plant performance requirements over measures. and several RCM books were written,most notably the lifecycle of the assets.This can be especially The objective of this pilot is to establish a by Anthony(Mac)Smith and John Moubray.(See challenging when it comes to recruiting and re- framework for Central San to improve mainte- References for these publications.) taining skilled technicians who can operate and nance efficiency and functional reliability of assets. maintain an industrial complex.While itis recog- The project aligns with its strategic plan,specif- these four features: summary,the RCM methodology is basically nized that a primary cause for this challenge is ically to: these a shrinking pool of newly qualified technicians 1. Preserve Function; to replace the retiring workforce,a second and „Be a fiscally sound and effective water sec- 2. How Are Functions Defeated(failure modes)? substantial cause is the inefficient allocation of for utility,to develop and retain a highly trained 3. What Are the Failure Mode Priorities? resources that are here TODAY.What can be done and innovative workforce,and to maintain a 4. For the High Priority Failure Modes: to address this inefficiency?This article suggests reliable infrastructure' Define applicable task candidates, a ready solution exists when you stop to recog- Select the most effective(i.e.,least costly) nize that not everything in your plants is of equal RCM ORIGIN one. importance to achieving your objectives.Think return on investment(ROI).How can you iden- Historically,RCM was invented in the 1960s tify those systems and equipment that are most by a United Airlines(UA)team headed by then THE CLASSICAL RCM PROCESS responsible(think critical)for the loss of ROI?In Vice President,Maintenance Planning Tom Mat- Today,virtually all RCM practitioners incorpo- the operations and maintenance(O&M)world,the teson. It was in response to a serious concern rate the four features in their analysis work.The selective application of reliability-centered main- about operating maintenance costs for the new "classical"descriptor was bestowed by the Electric tenance(RCM)to your plants can optimize the 747"jumbo jet"airplane.The team's creative ap- Power Research Institute for the specific form of use of available resources.This article describes a proach first addressed defining the airplane's analysis used by Mac Smith in his facilitation work real-world application of RCM to focus the optimal systems,then called functionally significant items because it follows as closely as possible to the use of your available resources. (FSIs),and then mandating that the functions of original UA creation(see Reference#1). flight critical FSIs be preserved.Only then did the Classical RCM has a 7-step system analysis team turn to determining which specific compo- protocol as shown in Table 1.This was formulated "How can you nent failure modes could defeat those functions. years ago via a trial and error process to assure it This new step in the maintenance decision world captured all the salient features used by the UA identify those provided a logical focus on where to specify creators.These seven steps also form the basis for maintenance actions that could prevent or miti- the RCM WorkSaver software that was introduced systems a n d gate the loss of flight critical FSIs(and,by the way, in the late 1990s.Today,it is the only known soft- also revealed that many of the then maintenance ware devoted completely to the 7-step system equipment that a re actions on the operating jet fleets were totally un- analysis.These seven steps also were the basis for necessary or ineffective).The obvious outcome of the project reported in this article. this logic also identified the equipment in non- Step 1 in Table 1 is used to select the 80/20 most responsible critical FSIs,thus introducing the potential for "bad actor"systems in a plant or facility and is cost-effective run to failure(RTF)decisions. the industrial equivalent of the FSI used by the (think critical) for The team's solution was so successful that it UA team.(More details on the"Selecting System became the standard for defining the preventive Criticality"process follows in a separate section.) the loss of R01 T' maintenance(PM)program for virtually all new Steps 2 and 3 assure the classical process clear- commercial airplanes.The details of that solu- ly identified and recorded in the software the tion were first recorded publicly in the 1978 U.S. boundaries for the critical 80/20 systems,then the PLANT BACKGROUND Since 1946,Central Contra Costa Sanitary PROCESS District(Central San)has been providing safe and Step 1:System Selection-agreement on system priorities reliable wastewater collection and treatment for Step 2:System Boundary Definition residents in central Contra Costa County,Califor nia.Today,Central San serves over 481,600 resi- Step 3:System Description and Functional Block Diagram-what is in the box dents and 3,000 businesses in 147 square miles. Step 4:System Functions and Functional Failures-agreement on functions Its services include a complex treatment plant, Step 5:Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA)-hope to strategy,predictable day 19 pump stations,recycled water for parks and Step 6:Logic(Decision)Tree Analysis(LTA)-what is important as opposed to everything is golf courses,operation of a household hazardous important waste collection facility and running a sophisticat- ed water quality laboratory. Step 7:Task Selection-select the best appropriate practice 10 uptime oct/nov 17 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 28 of 37 Page 7 of 10 Central San RCM Facilitators THE TEAM RCM Champion A successful RCM project requires two or- Maintenance Division Manager-Neil Meyer ganizational considerations.First,since the RCM Senior Engineer-ClintShimo process is relatively new to most organizations,an Maintenance Planner-Matthew Mahoney RCM project requires leadership and facilitation by someone who is well versed in the basic RCM AMS Group methodology.This person must be a good teacher Mac Smith who can explain the details of the 7-step system analysis and all the ground rules associated with Central San RCM Team Maintenance Division Manager-Neil Meyer CBM Consultant JMS Software its application. Shift Supervisor Operators-David Clayton Jack Nicholas NickJize Second,it requires the commitment of a ded- Senior Operator-Nick Hansen Joe Saba icated team of highly qualified technicians who Maintenance Technician 111-David Wellner know the equipment and plant systems and how Maintenance Technician II-Brian Walters they operate together to produce the product.The Electrical Technician-Adib Musawwir Central San PdM Team team must share their personal expertise as they Instrument Technician-Tim Francis CBM Analysts are almost always the exclusive source of the data Maintenance Planner-Matthew Mahoney Electrical Technician-AdibMusawwir to"fill in"the q uestions a nd the format of the anal- Senior Engineer-Clint Shima (Electrical) yses'steps.This team also needs a leader who is Maintenance Planner-Glen Bradley respected by the team members and can assume (Lubrication/Vibration Analysis) the role of the RCM champion for this and subse- quent RCM projects.Figure 1 shows the A-Team organization that produced the results discussed in this article. components inside and finally the functional block vented or mitigated.Step 6 takes the criticality diagram and description for the selected system. issues to the failure mode level and characterizes SELECTING SYSTEM CRITICALITY The four features of the RCM process are cap- whether it is the source of a safety or environmen- As previously suggested,a major issue today tured in the analyses performed in Steps 4,5,6 tal,outage,or hidden failure,with the default is- is how to best utilize the limited plant resources and 7.Step 4 is crucial to a successful project as it sue being an insignificant failure.(The upcoming that are usually available.One could further sug- is the step that captures what the selected system section on"Selecting Component Failure Mode gest that not all plant assets are equally import- does and must preserve so it will not experience Criticality"describes this assignment process in ant in achieving the plant's mission and goals.So, a functional failure.Step 5 combines information detail.)Step 7 then addresses the failure modes how can you identify those assets most critical to from Steps 2 and 3 and with Step 4,specifically with a critical label as the culprits needing a real- those goals?In the O&M world,criticality is most pinpoints the failure modes that should be pre- istic PM task. Count of WOs by System 250 200 150 100 50 0 e a�ice etas��°a e Q`gat°cQ�seaFPt`'Da oc,P`rbS�c 0\e�ac�e ell fid, P\c\�0\0�c•P qs�,�a.;.� CSS�,°.aS15 e\e tree\\Sd;�eP`t J,ta\0,mp SCIS\et"eeco JL�te�\cv\Q`Fly�aot�\aow\ad� cv-e Fed°ct`Qz�ow\ Qp'0\a��\��v\�\c\ '01, 0�d dpe ��` �4 °", a t (, Se eC,e F°e S St l \a� o \ `r R`F `o'�° o Ste`cecea� \oc Qo S\o eoeta" e Qo S\o \c Pareto Chart(Above)Depicts Number of WOs by System in the Plant 0 20/80 Systems Figure 2:Pareto diagram oct/nov 17 uptime 11 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 29 of 37 Page 8 of 10 commonly associated with costs and system avail- Failure Mode ability.So,what parameters can be used to best measure this? Step 1 in the Classical RCM process directly addresses this question by illustrating a factual (1)Evident approach that will identify the bad actor sys- tems in the plant.It does this by employing the Undernormal Pareto diagram technique to rank,from worst to conditions,do the least,the individual plant system contributors to •'- one of these rather easily measured parameters: something has corrective maintenance work order(WO)counts, corrective maintenance costs(labor plus materi- als),or unplanned downtimes.All three are usu- ally assessed over a previous 24-month period.In YES (2)Safety or Environmental NO the study for the Central Contra Costa Sanitation • District treatment plant,the prior 24-month WO counts history was used for each of the 33 systems Does this failure mode Hidden failure that comprise the treatment plant.The resultingc use a safety or (Return to •' ic tree to Pareto diagram is shown in Figure 2.Looking back nvironmental ascertain if the failure over some 60 Classical RCM projects,the pattern shown in Figure 2 ALWAYS existed.One can rather easily determine by visual inspection just which systems are doing the least good to the plant. Also,as a rule,it had been common to see the dia- gram reflect either an 80/20 or 70/30 pattern(80% YES NO of WOs occur in 20%of the systems,etc.).In this (3)Outage study,the top two bad actor systems,dewatering and steam generation,were initially selected for Does this failure mode the two pilot studies.Within those system boundresult in full or partial - aries,several subsystems existed,so the same data outage of theplant? was used to select the worst subsystems in each for the details conducted in Steps 2 to 7 of the 7-step system analysis process. SELECTING COMPONENT FAILURE YES NO • MODE CRITICALITY Steps 4 and 5 in the 7-Step Classical RCM sys- Minor to insignificant tem analysis process provide the details for how • economic problem the selected system or subsystem can develop component failures that may degrade or eliminate the system's functions.Step 5 is one of the most detailed steps in the analysis process as it system- atically addresses each component inside the sys- tem and lists specific failure modes that could do Figur—Decision logic tree this(some of which may have already occurred in the plant's WO records). The next step in the criticality discovery chain takes place in Step 6,shown in Figure 3.The deci- modes pass to Step 7 for assignment of a PM task or subsystem.The final analysis in Step 7 is to then sion logic tree passes each failure mode listed in that will hopefully eliminate or mitigate their oc- compare for each failure mode in Step 5 the cur- Step 5,one by one,through this three question currence.The Cfailure modes become candidates rent PM action versus the RCM recommended PM "Yes or No tree"which pinpoints the nature of the for a run to failure(RTF)decision that delays any action.This comparison is shown in the upcoming failure mode consequence.A"Yes"answer serves expenditure of resources until it is convenient and section,"Analysis Results-Task Comparisons" to identify the role of the failure mode in creating cost-effective to do so.However,such RTF deci- Notice that this process between the Step a safety,outage and/or hidden failure condition sions are subjected to a sanity checklist in Step 7 1 and Step 6 analyses has defined two levels of (coded with the letter A,B and/or D),with the de- that first must be considered.For example,redun- criticality decisions:system and component failure fault condition being a failure mode that has little dancy is lost,so this would be a risk that should mode.This provides a detailed road map for where to no impact on system performance or criticality not be taken.The results of Step 6 and 7 then be- the maintenance resource can be effectively ap- (coded with the letter Q.The A,B and D failure come the recommended PM tasks for the system plied-no more guessing at it! 12 uptime oct/nov 17 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 37 Page 9 of 10 Table 2-Statistics from RCM System Analysis Profile RCM Systems Analysis Profile Centrifuge Subsystem Waste Heat Boiler Subsystems Subsystem Functions 6 7 Subsystem Functional Failures 9 11 Components in Subsystem Boundary 16 25 Failure Modes Analyzed 46 63 Critical 29(63%) 28(44%) Non-Critical 17(37%) 35(56%) Hidden 13(28%) 7(11%) PM Tasks Specified(includes Run to Failure) 62 70 Active PM Tasks 53 58 Items of Interest 30 16 ANALYSIS RESULTS- needs to be addressed via preventive main- 70 PM tasks for the waste heat boiler subsystem SUBSYSTEM PROFILES tenance or other corrective actions. Notice have been assigned to the appropriate category that on average,every component had about descriptors shown in Table 3.The final analysis in After the final step in the RCM 7-step system three failure modes per component and the Step 7 also assigned current PM tasks to each ap- analysis process for each subsystem,typically 50 clear majority of them(63%and 44%)are crit- propriate failure mode in the study to obtain the to 60 pages of detailed information have been re- ical,that is"A"and/or"B"categories from Step comparison statistics. corded in the RCM software as the final report.The 6.It is those failure modes that made these S/ CATEGORY I:Referring back to the Pareto team's action at the end of Step 7 is to summarize Ss critical in the first place. Also, notice that diagram in Figure 2,the two subsystems in the a group of statistics that provide an overview of some of them are hidden from the operators study came from the#1 and#2 bad actor systems, both the content of this report and the highlights (23%and 11%).In comparison to many other dewatering and steam,respectively.Thus,before of the findings.Table 2 presents the statistics for studies,these percentages are low. the study was done,it was known that these two this RCM system analysis profile.This profile con- FROM STEP 7-Active PM Tasks Specified:No- subsystems would likely need some major over- tains information that is very descriptive with the tice that some failure modes have more than haul in their PM programs.The data in Category I details the team has examined and discussed. one active PM task specified.The introduction reflects that expectation.In the centrifuge subsys- Here are some observations. of predictive maintenance(PdM)technology tem,not one current PM task was recommended and tasks specific to the hidden characteristic to stay completely"as is;'and in the waste heat • FROM STEP 4 - System/Subsystem (S/S) may be the reason. boiler subsystem,only 16 percent were recom- Functions and Functional Failures:Each S/S is mended for retention. commonly thought to have one,maybe two, All this information represents input from CATEGORY II AND III:Given the results for functions.They usually have more than two to the team's technicians.It involved collective team Category I,it is not surprising to see the results in fully perform their intended role.Such is the agreement,with frequent discussions and addi- these two categories! case here. Also, notice there are more func- tional research to accumulate all the data over CATEGORY II:The results for both subsys- tional failures than functions;this is because a about a staggered 20 day,seven hours per day, tems are larger at 34 percent each than the aver- S/S may have more than one way not to do its period. age numbers most frequently seen in many other complete job(e.g.,it would not stop altogeth- studies and provide a very valuable lesson learned er,but is in a degraded mode). ANALYSIS RESULTS- for the team.What these statistics made visible is • FROM STEPS 2 AND 3 - S/S Components: TASK COMPARISONS that while a current PM task is generally the right The numbers here are about average, but thing to do,it is not clearly stated or written just many S/Ss do have numbers that are two In Table 3,another very important part of the what specific actions need to be done.For exam- times or larger. analysis shows a comparison between the current ple,the task may be,inspect the widget quarterly, • FROM STEPS 5 AND 6-Failure Modes Ana- PM task program and the PM task program rec- but no details are provided on just what to in- Iyzed:This is the heart of the analysis'findings ommended by the Classical RCM study.There are spect,measure,clean,tighten,etc.,or record for because a)it is the failure mode that causes all six different comparison categories shown.The the file.The term for these missing details in such a the trouble,and b) it is the failure mode that 62 PM tasks for the centrifuge subsystem and the task is"tribal knowledge"In other words,to assure ProgramTable 3-Current and Recommended PM Task PM Task Comparison(By Flure Mode) Centrifuge Subsystem Waste Heat Boiler Subsystems I RCM Task=Current Task 0(0%) 11 (16%) II RCM Task=Modified Current Task 21 (34%) 24(34%) III RCM Specifies Task,No Current Task Exists 29(47%) 24(34%) IV RCM Specifies Task,Current Specifies Different Task 3(5%) 0(0%) V RCM Specifies RTF,Current Task Exists 1 (1%) 0(0%) VI RCM Specifies RTF,No CurrentTask Exists 8(13%) 11 (16%) oct/nov 17 uptime 13 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 37 Page 10 of 10 the PM is properly accomplished,an organization Upgrade the selected PM tasks in the existing manifest a problem that may cause one or more relies only on the knowledge and thoroughness program to eliminate tribal knowledge as the serious consequences to the plant.To date,there of an individual technician to do a complete job basic procedure or modus operandi; have been some previously unknown"finds"that without spelling out what that is.The problems Add PM tasks to many components that cur- needed immediate corrective actions. with using tribal knowledge are:a)the tribe is rently have no coverage to prevent possible retiring and all the details of the task procedure failure modes; Defect Elimination(DE) are walking out the door with them;b)the tribe Better knowledge of the assets and how they The methodology and rationale for including takes vacations,sick leave,etc.;or c)the tribe has can fail; DE in addition to root cause analysis(RCA)is to a new memberwho is not totallyfamiliar with the Need to progressively replace the large per- eliminate known defects caused by aging,wear widget.This tribal knowledge problem is common centage of time-directed intrusive (TDI) and tear,careless or poorly executed work hab- and without RCM,tends to go unnoticed. PM tasks with nonintrusive PM technology its,changed operating conditions requiring more CATEGORY III:This is often called the"ho- available with predictive maintenance (PBM) robust components,or inadequate replacement hum crasher"category!In the centrifuge subsys- methodology. parts that don't meet current stress levels present tem,nearly half(47%)of the failure modes cur- in an asset.DE analysis meetings typically can be rently receive no PM and in the waste heat boiler Other significant findings include: completed in a day because they deal with known subsystem,one third of the failure modes receive defects. no PM.Basically,this situation is why these two Several items of interest(IOIs)were identified; systems are at the top of the bad actor list and Emphasis on the importance to integrate with Root Cause Analysis(RCA) generate a large amount of corrective mainte- a computerized maintenance management nance activity.They also are the culprits behind system(CMMS); An in-depth investigation of why a specific failure unintended large resource expenditures,since New and updated standard operating proce- occurred is more the result of an actual failure that corrective maintenance can be ten times the cost dures(SOPS); had very large consequences(e.g.,shutdowns, of a PM taskthat could have prevented them.The Fault,cause,action codes; safety,regulatory violations,etc.)and less about knowledge obtained from the Category III data,if Update asset attributes; a clear understanding of the"why"question not acted upon,can easily reduce your reactive costs Review spares and warehouse inventory; being satisfactorily ascertained.In a way,RCA may by 50 percent or more. Metrics. be considered a special form of DE coupled with CATEGORY IV AND V:No special meaning the large consequence situation. or value in this study.However,in other studies, OTHER STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS Category V has seen data in the 10 percent to 20 percent range,which signifies that PM resources Figure 2 suggests a broader issue that the These three methods are the subject are being wasted on failure modes that are of little 20/80 systems also may be harboring a few failure of a future Uptime article. consequence. modes that could be serious(i.e.,"showstopper") CATEGORY VI:This category indicates that disruptions to the plant.Three additional meth- without any formal RCM decision process,the ods were examined to address such a possibility. REFERENCES current PM program is not wasting resources on The following three methods typically take 4 to 8 1. Nowlan,F.Stanley and Heap,Howard F."Reliability-Centered some small percentage of the failure modes.In hours per system to flush them out. Maintenance" Alexandria: National Technical Information other words,you lucked out,but did not realize it Services.Report No.AD/A066-579,December 29,1978. until you did this RCM study. RiskThreshold Identification(RTI) 2• Smith,Anthony M."Reliability-Centered Maintenance:Dallas: McGraw Hill,1992. While not 100 percent bulletproof,the idea here is 3. Smith,Anthony M.and Hinchcliffe,Glenn."RCM-Gateway to SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS World Class Maintenance"Waltham:Butterworth-Heinemann, to have special brainstorming sessions with your 2003. Both subsystems in Pilots#1 and#2 reflect subject matter experts(SMEs)who must list the 4. Moubray, John."Reliability-Centered Maintenance, RCM II° the need for four very important,beneficial ac- functions of a selected system and then list their Second Edition.Norwalk:Industrial Press,1997. tions: experiences on where specific components could internationallyAnthony Mac Smith is an Neil Meyers is the r7mi, Clint Shima leads the Division� . _ expert+in the application Manager at Central Contra i group a of Classic al RCM.His Costa Sanitary.Neil has Costa Sanitary District. engineering career spans .x providing27 years of diversified Clinthas 16years over 55 years including experience in engineering, of experience in the 24 years with GE For operations and wastewater industry, the past 30 years,he has maintenance of water and previously managing the concentrated on g and wastewater facilities and systems.He has held design and construction of numerous capital author/coauthoreducation.He is the projectsplant known books on RCM. systems operation,project management and system.His professional experience includes work specialized maintenance technologies. on cogeneration,ultraviolet disinfection and multiple hearth incinerators. 14 uptime oct/nov 17 October 19, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 37