HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.c. Review draft Position Paper to consider authorizing the General Manager to execute a construction contract change order up to $160,000 with K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. for the sewer replacement at the Ygnacio Valley Road/Lacassie Avenue EasementPage 1 of 4 Item 3.c. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER � DRAFT MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 SUBJECT: REVI EW DRAFT POSITI ON PAPER TO CONSI DER AUTHORIZI NG THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER UP TO $160,000 WITH K.J. WOODS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE SEWER REPLACEMENT AT THE YGNACI O VALLEY ROAD/LACASSI E AVENUE EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: TOM GODSEY, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES - CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER J EAN-MARC PETIT, DI RECTOR OF ENGI NEERI NG AND TECHNI CAL SERVICES ISSUE Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager to execute a construction contract change order in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND The existing 370 -foot long 10 -inch diameter sewer in the easement from Ygnacio Valley Road to Lacassie Road in Walnut Creek was built in 1949. In 2009, the replacement of an adjoining retaining wall allowed Central San to replace a 185 -foot length of the deteriorated sewer with a new 12 -inch high-density polyethylene pipe. The remaining 185 -feet of 10 -inch clay pipe that extends into Ygnacio Valley Road remained and needs to be replaced within the next five to 10 -year timeframe. The existing sewer segment has several deficiencies and replacement is complicated due to all the utilities, structures, and Ygnacio Valley Road being a major arterial roadway. Furthermore, the project is located near the Highway 24/680 off ramp and right across from the Walnut Creek BART Station. This is an opportune time to complete the pipe renovation and minimize disruption for the affected property owners and the public. In addition, this work would be completed before the sidewalk restoration and repaving of Ygnacio Valley Road. The development project (Vaya) has constructed the large five story wood frame for the new building and has removed the majority of landscaping on Central San's easement. They are also going to replace much September 12, 2017 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 21 of 56 Page 2 of 4 of the curb and sidewalk frontage along Ygnacio Valley Road. Another development project (Walnut Creek Village Parking Garage) is planning to construct a covered parking lot and a new condominium building at the BART parking lot (similar to the Pleasant Hill Bart project completed several years ago). All these developments will be connecting to our sewer system and have paid, or will be paying, their associated permit and capacity fees. CE A Staff has concluded that this sewer project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15302, because it involves replacement of existing sewer facilities at substantially the same locations and with the same purpose and level of activity as the facilities being replaced. Any capacity increases are for non -growth inducing, wet weather or maintenance purposes. This sewer project also is exempt under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. This certainty is based on Central San's past experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this nature, the relatively short distances involved, and Central San's impact -limiting construction specifications. These specifications are standardized general and special conditions that are made part of the sewer project bid documents to address environmental considerations, such as protecting trees and riparian areas, as well as compliance with applicable federal, state, county, district, municipal and local laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations. Approval of this change order will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this sewer project is exempt from CEQA. ALT ERNATIVES/CONSIDERAT IONS nitially, Central San proposed to work with the Vaya developer to include the sewer replacement within the scope of the development and reimburse them; however, the costs were higher than anticipated and we elected not to include the work. The Vaya development will be connecting to the sewer downstream of the proposed sewer work. Two contractors are currently doing sewer pipe rehabilitation and replacement construction projects for Central San. Central San staff requested a proposal from both - Cratus, Inc. (Walnut Creek Phase 11 contractor) and K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. (Lafayette Phase 11 and Martinez Phase 5 contractor). Staff received a proposal from K.J . Woods Construction, Inc. and Cratus, Inc. chose not to propose since they were committed to other projects. An alternative would be not to do the construction work as a change order and include the sewer replacement in a future collection system renovation project, which is not recommended. Staff believes the work would be more costly due to restoration at the Vaya development and the street moratorium requirements on Ygnacio Valley Road. Central San could be required to do additional paving (maximum curb to curb), which would be very costly. In addition, the Walnut Creek Village Parking Garage developer has agreed in writing to participate 25 - percent of the sewer project cost. FINANCIAL IM PACTS The cost for the construction work is expected to reach up to $200,000, which includes contractor costs, contingency, staff time, city permit, and testing. The change order work is estimated to cost approximately $160,000. The funding for this change order work will be paid for by the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations Project - Phase 12, District Project 8435, which is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 Capital Improvements Budget on page 130 with a FY budget of $1,000,000. September 12, 2017 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 22 of 56 Page 3 of 4 COMMUNITY OUTREACH The nearby businesses, residents, and City of Walnut Creek will be notified prior to the construction work. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at the September 12, 2017 meeting and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Authorize the General Manager to execute a construction contract change order up to $160,000 with K.J . Woods Construction, I nc. for the sewer replacement at the Ygnacio Valley Road/Lacassie Avenue Easement in the City of Walnut Creek. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map September 12, 2017 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 23 of 56 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 YGNACIO VALLY ROAD/LACASSIE AVENUE EASEMENT PROJECT LOCATION MAP WALNUT CREEKGIC1 1/p��-�-�.� BART STATION ��`�'P DETAIL AREA z 75B1 -M110 I \ .00 75B 1-M79 Z 75B1- 77 75B1 -RI$ pr 75B1 -W .9 0 Z � G�PG�O � t� 5B1 -RD LACASSIE AVE 7581-M75 7561-M73 Q Manhole I Reducer 0 Rodding Inle3 t N Wye 0 40 80 Sewer Main Feet Central Contra Costa Sewer Easement Attachment Sanitary District Ygnacio Valley Road 1 Protecting Public Health and the Environment Walnut Creek September 12, 2017 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 24 of 56