HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.a. (Handout) Lettuce RestaurantBOWIE & SCHAFFER
Attorneys at Law
August 15, 2017
Via Hand Delivery
Members of the Board of Directors
Contra Costa County Central Sanitary District
1500 Imhoff Drive
Martinez, CA
Item 7.a.
Telephone (925) 939-5300
Facsimile (925) 609-9670
Eric a,bowieschafferlaw.com
Re: Lettuce Restaurant - 1632 Locust Street Walnut Creek, CA
Dear Members of the Board of Directors:
This office represents Lettuce Restaurant of Walnut Creek. I am also personally the
principal owner of the building at the intersection of Locust Street and Civic Drive in which the
Restaurant is located. The Restaurant address is 1632 Locust Street.
Lettuce Restaurant is owned and operated by Bahman Tehrani. The Restaurant has
operated from the subject building at the same address for approximately the last 8 years.
Throughout its existence, the Restaurant has offered a wide variety of salads, coupled with
sandwiches. It supplements that basic menu with soups, a variety of soft and fruit drinks, and an
occasional hot dish. The Restaurant has proven to be very popular - to the point that Mr. Tehrani
approached me for additional space from which to operate.
The existing Restaurant from inception has occupied approximately 2,500 square feet at
the Northwest corner of the building. The proposed expansion space represents a bit more than
1,400 square feet. A principal purpose of the expansion is to accommodate a catering service,
with some expansion seating. It is noteworthy that the expanded space will not result in an
increase in the Restaurant kitchen size or the number and/or variety of fixtures; the expansion
space is already fully equipped with ADA complaint restrooms. The expansion space will only
add a "prep" sink and a hand sink. Obviously, the menu will not change.
I have owned the subject building since 1991. It was totally reconstructed during 1992
and the current Lettuce Restaurant space was then placed in service as a restaurant. The original
tenant was Strings, the pasta restaurant. It was originally a company store, converted ultimately
to a franchise. A grease trap was installed as a part of the original tenant improvement package -
and that still exists and operates today. It would be fair to say that Strings had a greater impact
on sewer facilities than does Lettuce at present - or even as expanded.
Mr. Tehrani has submitted for a building permit to build out the proposed expansion
space. The City of Walnut Creek has suspended processing pending CCCSD approvals.
CCCSD staff has advised Mr. Tehrani that he must pay a "one-time" sewer impact fee of
approximately $40,000 - and install a 1,000 gallon capacity grease trap. The impact fee is far too
expensive to be borne by this modest restaurant expansion; more importantly, it would appear to
bear no relationship to any real impact caused by an expansion in space with no correlative
expansion in facilities requiring sewer hook-ups. Additionally, the grease trap requirement could
never be met without tearing up the property parking lot - which is not leased to Mr. Tehrani;
would require a closure of the Restaurant for a substantial period of time during construction;
would be inordinately expensive; and certainly cannot be actually required by operations since
there have been no problems with the existing grease trap for more than 20 years - to my best
I have reviewed the applicable standards for the District grease interceptor program. That
program appears (properly) to require a case-by-case analysis of requirements evaluated under a
series of objective criteria. It would appear rather clear that Lettuce Restaurant has operated
without difficulty under the existing conditions of a grease trap and a regular pick-up and
maintenance program for many years. A much more intensive restaurant use from the standpoint
of sewer impact existed on site with the same facility and monitoring program for more than 15
years. There is literally no reason to impose additional requirements for grease interception
when the existing use with no material additional impact has finctioned properly.
I understand that the District believes an impact fee to be appropriate to reimburse costs
associated with real demands on sewer facilities. A flat fee based upon expansion space is
completely unjustified, however. As with the case involving grease interception, any fee must
bear a relationship to actual impacts based on objective criteria. Lettuce Restaurant operations
have a modest impact on sewer facilities when compared with other types of restaurants. The
expansion has no increase in the kitchen area or facilities for food preparation. Two small sinks -
only one of which is for "prep" related to salads - hardly justify a $40,000 charge. To put this in
perspective, the Restaurant would have to set aside the gross proceeds from 10 lunches a day for
a year simply to pay the impact fee - with no monies to pay for the labor and materials involved,
general overhead, rent, and other sewer and utilities fees as well as the myriad of other costs that
must be paid by any small business operation. One would assume that the regular rates charged
by the District and payable by its customers already compensate for the "impact" in any case.
I am certain that you all understand how competitive the restaurant business is.
Restaurant operators work very long hours and are the quintessential "small business".
Restaurants such as Lettuce employ staff, provide a service, and are hardly the scale of business
that can easily pass through costs to customers and patrons. Charges such as the one-time impact
fee can literally prevent a small business from ever getting underway. In the case of Lettuce, it
simply cannot afford the expansion space that it truly needs.
I would request that no additional requirement relative to a grease trap be imposed on
Lettuce. The existing grease trap is adequate and the monitoring and removal of grease is
managed regularly and successfully. There is literally no objective need for any change or
increase in capacity. I would further suggest that the impact fee is grossly unfair in application.
While it is conceivable that some minor increase in sewer usage may occur by reason of the
addition of small "prep" and hand sinks, the kitchen size and facilities - and even the restroom
facilities -will remain unchanged. A waiver of the fee in this instance is appropriate.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Very truly your ,
David J. Bow
1. History/Ownership:
Bahman Tehrani has owned and operated Lettuce Restaurant at its current location for approximately 9
years. The prior tenant was Strings, a Pasta Restaurant - for approximately 15 years.
2. Restaurant Concept:
Lettuce currently rates approximately 40% of patrons as "take-out". This is significant because the
added expansion space is designed for catering and "take-out" - hence the ongoing use of existing
facilities with essentially no material addition which might otherwise impact sewer usage.
3. Materials Used:
There has never been a fryer in the restaurant. Main ingredients are Boneless, skinless Chicken, Tuna
and Shrimp. All Dressings are proprietary and served on the side. Only vegetable oil is used.
4. Grease Trap:
Since 1991, it is believed that no problems have existed with respect to the existing grease trap capacity.
Lettuce certainly has had no issues in 9 years of operation. A contracted restaurant service routinely
pumps out and removes grease from the trap. There is no reason whatsoever to require any change in
existing conditions or capacity.
5. Prior Usage of the Expansion Space:
The expansion space previously served a retail use. With no new cooking facilities placed either in the
expansion space or the original restaurant space, the impact of the expansion is no greater than the pre-
existing use of the same premises.
6. "Buy -in" to System:
The Building is existing and fees of all kinds have been paid for many years. There is no justification for a
"buy -in" to the existing system since there is also no material increase in use.