HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-16-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD OCTOBER. 26, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif- ornia, on October 26, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After comment by Member Gibbs and discussion by Board Members, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1972, be approved after making the following correction: Under "VIII. REPORTS, ACTING GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER" in para- graph e. insert "and Mr. G. A. Horstkotte" after "Operations". Motion changing Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 1972, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None None. None. None. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES IV. HEARINGS V. BIDS VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES The Board Members and staff reviewed and discussed the proposed draft District Ordinance on disposal sites with Board Members making certain re- visions and amendments. President Allan invited comments from persons in the audience. Mr. David Levy, Attorney for the City of Concord, addressed the Board. Mr. Levy noted that the position of the City of Concord,on the matter pre- viously presented to the Board,had not changed. He st*��-.ed the matter was of serious concern to the City of Coucori and that, .Lo his opinion, the action and approach adopted by the Boa,,- of Supervisors on October 24, 1972, regarding solid waste disposal sites was good. Mx. Levy indicated that the City Council would have to now officially inform the Board of Supervisors of the City of Concord's position on the matter. Discussion followed be- tween Board Members and Mr. Levy. Mr. Frank Burger, .11echtel Corporation, and engineering consultant to Acme Fill Corporation, addressed the Board. Mr. Burger reviewed briefly solid waste recycling operations being conducted at the Acme Fill site. Regarding the proposed District Ordinance, he stated Mr. George Gordon, Attorney representing Acme Fill Corporation, had previously presented the position of Acme Fill. He requested that the Board deter definitive action to permit sufficient time to review the draft ordinance and prepare comments. Member Boneysteele commented that the Sanitary District was indeed fortu- nate that private enterprise had exercised foresight in providing residents of Central Contra Costa County with an adequate disposal site. He noted that other surrounding communities were not as fortunate. Discussion fol- lowed regarding the activities of the District's Advisory Committee on !" Solid Waste Recycling and responsibilities that the District may have to assume in this field. In response to query by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager --Chief Engineer, Mr. Levy suggested the District consider a joint exercise of powers agree- ment between the District, City of Concord and Mt. View and Rodeo Sanitary Districts regarding the Acme Fill disposal site. Board Members, Mr. Dalton and Mr. Levy discussed the suggestion made by Mr. Levy, after which it was the consensus of the Board that staff pre- pare the draft ordinance, as amended by the Board, for review at the Novem- ber 2, 1972, meeting. At this November 2 meeting, the Board intends no de- finitive action. In the interval, staff was requested to explore the matter of a joint exercise of powers agreement, at a meeting to be arranged by Mr. Levy, with officials of the City of Concord. At 9:47 o'clock P.M., President Allan recessed the Adjourned Regular meeting. At 9:58 o'clock P.M,, President Allan reconvened the Adjourned Regular meeting. Staff was requested to place all interested parties on the District's mailing list to receive the agenda for meetings and appropriate documents. K 2. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, presented a brief status report on Local Improvement District No. 50, indicating that the City of Martinez was adhering to its planned schedule for rezoning action. _, TREATMENT PLANT MODIFICATION Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported staff had met with the District's engineering consultant firms and had devised a tentative construction schedule for the expanded treatment and water reclamation plant. Copies of the tentative schedule were provided Board Members. Discussion followed. 4. WALNUT CREEK DEVELOPMENT AGENCY After discussion regarding scheduling, item was continued to first meeting in December, 1972. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO EMPLOY PATENT ATTORNEY FOR DISTRICT ADVANCED TEST TREATMENT FACILITY Board Members and staff reviewed correspondence from Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, retaining Mr. Ernest M. Anderson, Eckhoff, Hoppe, Slick, Mitchell and Anderson, 235 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California, as Patent Attorney for the District. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that ease- ments from: Grantor Job No. Parcel No. Mabel E. Kuss 2154 6 Edward Kurzadrowski, et ux 2154 22, A & B Emile J. Lallement, et ux 2229 2 Jeffrey W. Baus, et ux 2222 1 Leo Rolandelli, et ux 2222 2 Anthony R. Cianciarulo, et ux 2222 3 be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell,-Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3 n 2, AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH PROPOSED SEWERING AREA 49, CAMELLIA LANE, FOR FORMATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 55 IN 1973 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Jack Best, Office Engineer, and discussion with Board Members re- viewing a map of the proposed area, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that. authorization to proceed with P.S.A. 49, Camellia Lane, for formation of Local Improvement District No. 55 in 1973, be approved. Car- ried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Al -an NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 3. AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXTENSION OF THE BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD SEWER SYSTEM Utilizing a map of the area, Mr. Dalton, Acting General -Chief Engineer, explained the current design of the Bollinger Canyon Road sewer system in- dicating funds expended were recoverable through watershed charges. Discus- sion followed with concern being expressed that the current design of the system, having a perforated 4-inch line for drainage placed above the 8-inch sewer line, may result in drainage infiltration. After comment that staff should confer with the District's financial consultant, Bartle Wells and Associates prior to the construction phase, and after explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, that an estimated $5,000.00 was needed to prepare necessary plans and specifications, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization of $5,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund to prepare plans and specifications for extension of the Bollinger Canyon Road sewer system be. approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Member: Mitchell ABSENT: Members: None 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR $72,272.00 FOR RELOCATION OF JET FUEL LINE, TREATMENT PLANT After explanation by Mr. Dalton -,,Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authori- zation of $72,272.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for relocation of a jet fuel line at the Treatment Plant be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4 C� 5. AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL $8,000.00 FOR SPECIAL SERVICE CHARGE STUDY After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and discussion by Board Members regarding a toxic waste program to be established by the District and estimated annual revenue to be generated through the special service charge, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization of an additional $8,000.00 from the Sewer. Construction Fund for the Special Service Charge Study, be approved. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 6. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF REPRESENTATIVES TO ATTEND REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL_ II SEMINAR, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 1, 1972 — - After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authori- zation for Mr. Dalton and Secretary Davis to attend the Refuse Collection and Disposal II seminar in San Francisco on November 30 - December 1, 1972, be approved and that registration fees and transportation be authorized. Car- ried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 7. RESOLUTION NO. 72-54, A RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, JANUARY 1973 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolu- tion No..72-54 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT:. Members: None 8. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA a. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 51 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 72-55, A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 (2) RESOLUTION NO. 72-56, A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR BONDS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 5 l\ (3) RESOLUTION NO. 72-57, A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS AND APPROVING OFFICIAL NOTICE AND STATEMENT OF SALE OF BONDS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, that due to change in ownership of one parcel, the District would be obligated to accept assessment in the amount of $425.00, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Resolution No. 72-55,%solution No. 72-56, and Resolution No. 72-57, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 9. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan In response to query, Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, presented a brief report on the Contra Costa County Health Planning Association. VIII. REPORTS COMMITTEES 1.. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING Member Boneysteele, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, presented a report on the activities of the Committee. He indicated the Committee ex- pected to complete their report after the first of next year. Member Boneysteele requested staff to prepare appropriate certificates of apprecia- tion for the individuals that participated on the Committee. 2. BAY AREA SEWER SERVICE AGENCY Member Gibbs, Member of the Executive Committee of BASSA, presented a report on recent activities of BASSA. ACTING GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER 1. Mr. Dalton presented to Board Members, correspondence from Mr. Peter Aguirre, 3626 Happy Valley Glen Road, Lafayette, California, asking for tax relief. After discussion by Board Members, staff was requested to prepare an appropriate reply. 2. Mr. Dalton reported sewer line relocation on Rahn Court, Walnut Creek, had commenced. Discussion followed. 3. Mr. Dalton reported staff was contemplating maximum utilization of 8 1/2-inch by 11-inch stationary vice legal size. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff adopt such administrative procedures in the interest of conserving materials. 4. Mr. Dalton and Mir. Jack Best, Office Engineer, reported that the District's current copying machine was inadequate and that staff was renting a different type of machine on a trial basis. Discussion followed with Board Members indicating staff should consider leasing copying equipment after re- viewing the different types of equipment on the market. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Bohn was not present at the meeting. SECRETARY i M r. Davis reported on the following: 1. The District had received a copy of a press release from the Calif- ornia Association of Sanitation Agencies regarding Proposition 14. 2. He had attended the Board of Supervisors' meeting of October 24, 1972, regarding solid waste disposal sites. 3. The District had received correspondence from Lafayette Garbage Disposal and Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. requesting rate increases effective January 1, 1973. 4. Financial status of the pilot plant project. REPORT BY MR. DAVID NILES, SUPERINTENDENT OF PLANT OPERATIONS Mr. Niles presented a report on the recent Water Pollution Control Federation Conference held October 6-14, 1972, in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. G. A. Horstkotte and Mr. Niles represented the District along with Dr. Denny Parker, Brown and Caldwell, engineering consultant firm for the District. Mr. Niles stated the District's special report on activities at the Treatment Plant was presented by Dr. Parker and was well received by the conferees. Board Members indicated their pleasure for a task well done. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 11:06 o'clock P.M., President Allan declared an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter, At 11:14 o'clock P.M., President Allan reconvened the Adjourned Regular Meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 11:15 o'clock P.M., President Allan adjourned the Adjourned Regular Meeting. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA. COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 2, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After comment by Member Mitchell and discussion by Board Members, it was the consensus of the Board to continue the item, "II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES", 1 to the meeting of November 16, 1972. In the interval, the Secretary was re- quested to revise the Minutes of October 26 1972 in accordance with - q , guidance provided by Board Members. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:05 o'clock P.M., President Allan declared an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. At 8:48 o'clock P.M., President Allan reconvened the Regular Meeting. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the ex- panditures, as reviewed by the Expenditure Committee, and as submitted by the Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1598 to 1625, inclusive, Running Ex- pense Vouchers Numbers 15316 to 15466, inclusive, Payroll vouchers Numbers 2315 to 2429, inclusive, Local Improvement District No. 50 Construction fund vouchers Nos. 161 to 164, inclusive, and Local Improvement District No. 51 Construction fund vouchers Nos. 22 and 23. Carried.•by.:the fbllowing vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: none ABSENT: Members: None None. None. IV. HEARINGS V. BIDS VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. STUDY SESSION - DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, recommended that the Board Members accept the draft District ordinance, dated October 31, 1972, as presented by staff, and establish a future date on which the hearing on the draft ordinance would be held. In the interval, staff would have the opportunity to meet with all interested parties in an attempt to resolve contro- versial items and the interested parties would have an opportunity to review the draft ordinance and prepare appropriate response for the hearing date. After discussion by Board Members and staff, and acknowledgement of communication from the City of Concord on the matter, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the draft District ordinance dated October 31, 1972, be accepted for consideration for adoption by the Board at a hearing to be scheduled for January 18, 1973. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan _ NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None President Allan acknowledged Mr. George Gordon, Attorney, representing Acme Fill Corporation, in the audience. Mr. Gordon acknowledged the Board's action on scheduling a hearing date and welcomed the opportunity to review and discuss the draft ordinance with the District. He noted the County's general plan on solid waste disposal sites was scheduled for presentation to the County Planning Commission on January 16, 1973. He indicated that, while he had not seen the County's final general plan, the intervening inter- val may permit opportunity to resolve any conflicts that may exist between the County's plan and the intent of the District's draft ordinance. Board Members discussed Mr. Gordon's comments with Member Mitchell reporting that he had attended the recent meeting of the County's Planning Commission wherein the draft of the County's general plan on refuse disposal had been presented. He stated he had presented to the Planning Commission a report on activities of the Sanitary District in the field of solid waste management and the District's interest in protecting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Central Contra Costa County. Discussion followed regarding Member Mitchell's comments and the concept of the County's general plan with interest being expressed in road access to the Acme Fill disposal site. While Mr. Gordon reviewed previous plans by the County to provide a northerly access route to the Acme Fill site, Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, noted that current County plans envisaged a southerly access route to the disposal site from the freeway frontage road at the District's treatment plant facility. 2 2. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 J Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported that action by the City of Martinez regarding rezoning of property was on schedule. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported progress on final settlement of the contract with the District's contractor was proceeding although there were some legal questions yet to be resolved. 3. HOLDING BASIN, SCHEDULE II After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General diaaager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization for $91.58 from the Sewer Construction fund for final settlement of the cost for the Holding Basin, Schedule II, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 1. CONSENT ITEMS from: VII. NEW BUSINESS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that easements Grantor Job No. Parcel No. J. Michael Transchel, et ux LID 54-1 16 Joseph F. DeLong, et al 2154 12 be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2. CLAIM OF MELANIE M. ROOF IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,908.27 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and discussion by Board 2-:embers of the staff memorandui; it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the claim of Melanie M. Roof be referred to the District's insurance carrier with District obligation in the matter not to exceed $1,000.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None ,i 3. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC AT A COST OF $200.00 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, discussion by Board Members, and upon the recommendation of Mr. Dalton, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that acceptance of an easement, District Sewering Project 1926, Parcel 3, from Pacific Gas and Electric be approved at a cost to the District of $200.00 from Sewer Construction fund. ( ,/ Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4. AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL $26,500.00 FOR WATERSHED STUDIES AND ENGINEERING WORK Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained the request for additional authorization of funds was predicated primarily for administrative purposes and that all funds authorized were eventually recoverable through Water- shed charges. Board Members and staff discussed the matter with interest being expressed that further expenditure of funds of this nature be deferred until the District's financial consultant, Bartle Wells and Associates, could report. After further discussion and explanation by Mr. Dalton, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization of an additional $26,500.00 from the Sewer Construction fund for Watershed Studies and Engineering Work be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 5. REQUEST OF ORINDA/MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR RATE INCREASE, EFFECTIVE_ JANUARY 1, 1973 6. REQUEST OF LAFAYETTE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., FOR RATE INCREASE, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1973 The Board acknowledged receipt of correspondence from Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service and Lafayette Garbage Disposal Service requesting a rate increase effective January 1, 1973. After discussion by Board Members and staff, the Board tentatively scheduled a public hearing to be held on December 7, 1972, to consider the rate increase re- quest. Staff was requested to provide appropriate information and recommendations to permit a study session by the Board at the meeting of November 30, 1972. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF $36,190.00 FOR COMBINED SLUDGE PROCESSING PROJECT After explanation by Mr. Niles, Superintendent of Plant Operations, and discussion by Board Members, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by :Member ,'Mitchell, that authorization of $36,190.00 from the Sewer Construction fund for the Combined Sludge Processing Project be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4 8. INFOIRXATION a. CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained that the corres- pondence from ABAG referred to a project proposed by the City of Concord requesting grant funds to construct a pumping station and an interceptor line to be connected to the District's plant and outfall line. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed various ramifications of the proposal, including its relationship to the County's Water Quality Study and its possible impact upon the District in the interim per- iod. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff prepare a communication for the President's signature indicating District approval of the City's project subject to certain prescribed conditions. b. CORRESPONDENCE FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY WATER AGENCY Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, length and expressed views regarding the Costa County Water Agency. Mr. Bohn was for perusal by the Board. �.. c. OTHER CORRESPONDENCE Counsel for the District, discussed at correspondence received from the Contra requested to prepare certain documents Board Members noted correspondence received from the Shell Oil Company dated October 26, 1972. 9. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. 10. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that, effective this date, sick leave for Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, be term- inated and that Mr. Horstkotte resume his regular duties as General Manager -Chief Engineer. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan 5 VIII. REPORTS 1. COMMITTEES a. PERSONNEL Member Mitchell, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, reported that the Committee had met regarding administrative procedures to be followed to facili- tate selection of personnel who had taken written examinations. After discussion, staff was provided Board guidance in the manner of screening of applicants for District positions. b. NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR CITY OF CONCORD Member Mitchell, member of the Negotiating Committee, reported that the Committee had received a copy of the final report by the City of Concord's con- sultant firm concerning possible consolidation of sewage treatment facilities or annexation to the District. Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, reported that staff had been in con- sultation with the officials of the City of Concord and that staff's effort was oriented toward development of a memorandum of understanding which may result in a contractual form of agreement between Concord and the District. Member Mitchell cautioned staff that it should not be aggressive in seeking early annexation of the City of Concord. Discussion followed with staff indicating it would review the matter in further detail regarding its discussions with officials of the City of Concord. c. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING Member Boneysteele, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, noted Board Members had a copy of the Minutes of the most recent meeting. He indicated that as his schedule precluded his attendance at the next meeting on November 8, 1972, Mr. Robert R. Grinstead, Vice Chairman of the Committee, would preside and that Member Rustigian had agreed to attend as a representative of the Board. d. BAY AREA SETWER SERVICE AGENCY Member Gibbs, Member of the Executive Committee of BASSA, reported that the agency was attempting to employ the services of a consultant firm. He indicated that the Trustees of BASSA were still in an organizational phase and that employ- ment of a general manager would probably be several months in the future. Member Gibbs stated one of the major concerns for officials of BASSA was to become intimate with present planning for the Bay Area regarding water pol- lution. N. 2. GENERAL MANAGER --CHIEF ENGINEER ' Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, acting for Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported the following: a. Recommended the Board Members authorize a charge of $4.00 for each copy for the District`s book on Standard Specifications. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that a charge of $4.00 per copy for the District's Standard Specifications be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None b. Requested authorization for Mr. David Niles, Superintendent of Plant F Operations, to attend a sludge disposal seminar sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency in Anaheim, California, November 13-15, 1972. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization for Mr. Niles to attend the sludge disposal seminar in Anaheim, California, November 13-15, 1972, be approved and that Mr. Niles be authorized registration fees, per diem, and transportation. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None M ABSENT: Members: None c. Placement of the sewer line in Rahn Court, Walnut Creek, was completed but the overall project was not complete. d. The District's Advanced Treatment Test Facility had been shut down because modification to the City of Concord's incinerator was necessary. He indicated the cost of converting Concord's incinerator would approximate $7,000.00 to the District, however, such cost was recoverable through grant funds. e. Noted the Board Members had received copies of correspondence from: Special Counsel for the District, Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, dated October 31, 1972; Mt. View Sanitary District, dated October 31, 1972; and correspondence by staff to the State Water Resources Control Board. f. Receipt of correspondence from Hacienda Homes,_Inc., Orinda, California, a copy of which was provided Board Members. Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, reported that Hacienda Homes, Inc. was desirous of obtaining sewage service from the District. He stated part of the area to be served was presently within the District, however, the Board had previously held a public hearing on this general area and had received majority protest to annexation. In response to the request of Hacienda Homes, Inc., Mr. Dalton requested funds to provide staff preliminary engineering studies for severing the area. Discussion followed with staff being directed to advise Hacienda Homes, Inc., that their request for sewage service will be considered when the District has received petitions from a majority of the property.owners requesting local improvement proceedings and annexation to the District from properties not now within the District. Staff was requested to advise Hacienda Homes, Inc., of administrative procedures for the submission of petitions. 7 g. A meeting before the Local Agency Formation Commission which he had attended regarding sewering the Muir Oaks area. He stated LAFCO had rejected the protest to District Annexation 35 on the basis that the annexation was complete and LAFCO had no further jurisdiction. 3. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Bohn reported on the current and projected activities as visualized by Air. Ernest M. Anderson, Patent Counsel, insofar as they relate to the District and its treatment and water reclamation plant expansion project. He indicated that, according to Mr. Anderson, there were several patentable items that should be clarified. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, discussed the matter including the relationship and responsibilities of the District's engineering consultant firm, Brown and Caldwell, in designing the District's expanded plant project. It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Anderson and Dr. David Caldwell appear before the Board at its next meeting to discuss the matter. b. Mr. Bohn suggested that, in the matter of the District's proposed ordinance on disposal sites, a letter be forwarded to Mr. John Clausen, County Counsel, recommending that a sub -committee be formed from the County's newly appointed "Solid Waste Management Policy Committee" to examine the feasibility of a contract or joint exercise of powers agreement with the interested parties. Mr. Bohn suggested representation for the sub -committee should include the District, the County and the City of Concord. Board Members indicated that a cooperative approach was desirable and therefore interposed no objection to Mr. Bohn's suggestion. 4. SECRETARY None. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 11:41 o'clock P.M., President Allan adjourned the meeting. 0 $94,166,64 — 1915 Acts Bmads JOB- fecalimpovment DisxNo�N0ViVbLr ab 1972 F-1 H C,E 10 Suite. 2800, One California. St., $SOd:;IS?. /1 54fj7:?d` San. Franc.- ;�,�o, CA, 94111 Crass and Company, Inc.. 2, 900 Wilshire 1131vd,� 550,556.81 Lae Angeles, CA 9003..7 Juran & Moody, Inca 3� Municipal Bonds � $51,0,1,3o94 5�5392% St® Paul, Mlmnesot�. 55101 — - John Pestana 4. 29234 Mission Blvd. $c��a,��ad 0�3 7a0000% Hayward, CA 94544 JOB _ ckqxa. 23Y VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. City of Concord OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER November 3, 1972 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road ,I, nut Creek, California Gentlemen: CITY COUNCIL. Daniel C. Helix, Mayor Laurence B.Azevedo Daniel E. Boatwright Richard L. Holmes Thomas J. Wentling Farrel A. Stewart, City Managt In recent months we have had numerous conversations with you discussing mutual efforts to resolve water pollution requirements. Concord has been making a serious effort to arrive at a satisfactory solution to the disposal of our seller plant discharge. The introductory sentence in your letter of October 27 erroneously implies that you have previously offered to negotiate for the use of your facilities. We in the City of Concord are most anxious to work out a solution using either the plant or outfail of your district. In the past it has been �- our distinct impression that you are reluctant to negotiate unless the City of Concord annexed to your district. This :could have been unacceptable as it would have imposed upon the people of Concord your additional high tax rate in addition to paying for Concord's existing treatment plant facilities.. The tenor of your letter indicates that we can hope that rutual efforts, which up to now have proceeded very slowly, will stove very rapidly. At our last meeting we discussed the alternative of annexation. At the con- clusion of the meeting we indicated :;e will develop the land value of our plant which we now plan to .have ready in about two :reeks. In the meantir,e you promised to draft a memorandum of understanding for our review and con- sideration. As soon as you have done so, we can schedule another rieeting. Yours1'truly, ,JI�(i . Ik��vt c.sart City Managcr FAS:ob cc: State Water Resource Control Board San Francisco Bay Water Quality Control 177 Y Bc argil�- 1 nn-"tlr,on r•Illlr rGNTf70 t am vA 0 VCl nP rn 1\IrnR n r.AI I FnR ril A 0Ar;7n TGI fl: DLJ r111C r-Q0 G;znr vt. vLU bu51Ntb May 12, 1972 City of Concord Civic Center Concord, California Attention: Mr. Farrell Stewart, City Manager Gentlemen: Ia line with our previous discussions and correspondence on the matter of cooperative waste water treatment studies, we have agreed that due to the complexity of the problem, all elements which will affect the ultimate decisions should be considered concurrently. The physical, economic, legal, political and policy questions are so interfaced that they must be resolved in relation to each other. To expedite our joint studies the District Board of Directors has appointed a committee to represent the District. This committee consists of two M-mbers of the Board, District CoLmsel, Administrative Engineer and myself. This committee is prepared to meet With a similar group from Concord at your convenience. Please advise me when we can arrange such a meeting. Yours very truly, CENTtP.L CONT41A COSTA S MITARi DISTRICT G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General 113.11ager-Chief Engineer GAR: j v V1. ULL DU3111DOO 1. October 27, 1972 City of Concord Civic Center Concord, California Attention: Mr. Stewart Gentlemen: We wish to repeat our offer of immediate negotiation in the matter of consolidation of facilities. We have agreed to accept the sewage flows from other existing agencies in this sub -region and particularly that of your jurisdiction. This acceptance must obviously be based on a fair and equitable agreement which shall be subject to the review and approval of the State Water R✓sources Control Board. We are available at your convenience to firs a schedule of meetings with you for this purpose. Yours very truly, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT W. C. Dalton Acting Genaral Maaagar-Chief Engineer' :4GD: jet cc: State Water ;3zsource Control Hoard cc: San Francisco !lay Water Quality Control Board, V1. ULU Filed: November 22, 1971 City of Concord Civic Center Concord, California Attention; I-Ir. Cosmo Tedeschi Gentl—pa: With reference to the study Of consolidation of the sewage treatment facilities of Concord and this District, as directed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, we are prepared, at your convenience, to explore this matter in greater depth. However, in light of the imminent submittal of the sub -regional study by the County consultants, we would suggest another meeting on this subject around the end of November. Please advise us as to your preference for the date of the next study session. Yours Very truly, % G. A. HORSTKOTTE, JR. General I-L-Inager-Chief Engineer By W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer WC;D:jv November 16, 1972 The Honorable Edmond Linscheid, Chairman, Board of Supervisors and Members of the Board Contra Costa County Martinez, California Gentlemen: At a hearing held by the Board of Supervisors on October 17, 1972, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District made a brief series of suggestions regarding the Alternates and recommendations made in the Contra Costa County Water Quality Study. The purpose of this letter is to supplement those suggestions and to emphasize several ii-latters which per- haps have not received sufficient attention. The Regional Oualitv Control Board has previously adopted the recommended plan B-3 for planning purposes in the Central and Eastern parts of the Countv. We concur with this decision and join in recommending the same to the honor- able Board. With regard to implementation of the various plans which have been suggested, the following is pertinent: 1. CCCSD presently operates a subreqional sewage interceptor, treatment, and disposal system serving one half of the County population and said system has a perfect record of compliance with State and Regional water cTuality control standards. 2. CCCSD has planned an expansion of its facilities which will meet pending and future State and Federal water quality control standards, will be in complete conformance with the subregional recommended plan and alternates, will provide reclaimed water to supplement the existing limited source, and will be easily expanded within present planning to accommodate the first stage of the recommended sub-req- ional plan. 3. CCCSD has received and executed, on October 5, 1972, a Grant Contract in the amount of 842,800,000.00 for The Honorable Edmond Linscheid, Chairman a and Members of the Board November 16, 1972 Page 2 eligible project costs for its plant modification program, and has $2,800,000.00 approved for project implementation for reclamation facilities, and $550.000.00 in a partially complete site improvement Grant Project, all approved in conformance with regional planning. 4. CCCSD has acquired sufficient property at its Treatment Plant site to provide for the future needs of the recommended plan for all non -industrial treatment purposes. By way of further report to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, the Sanitary District advises that it has given further consideration to arrangements with other interested public agencies in the Central and Eastern portions of Contra Costa County and has instructed its staff to immediately commence discussions with repre- sentatives of each of the other effected agencies looking toward the adoption of a mutually acceptable joint powers agreement which will provide for expanding its existing agreement with the Contra Costa County Water District for the sale of reclaimed water and which will also provide adequate representation to the other Public agencies in- volved in a joint elan to handle the disposal of sewage in general accordance with plan B-3 as it now exists or may be further amended. As these discussions progress we will, of course. keep the Board of Supervisors fully informed. Very truly yours, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Donald L. Allan, President of the District Board DAL:mn John A. Bohn -ALtorne7 at Law W11. Fargo Banc Bid1'n6 Piedmont, California 94611 (415) 655-4800 November 7, 1972 The Honorable Donald L. Allan, Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 95696 Gentlemen: Guam Office Bohn Buildinod Post Office B" X Aeana, Guam 96910 You will recall that at our last meeting the question arose regarding the desirability of continuing the services of a Patent Attorney for the District and some confusion that had arisen regarding whether the District was in violation of ex- isting patents. At that time it was suggested that I should ask the Patent Attorney and a representative of Brown & Cald- well to appear before the Board to discuss these matters. In the meantime I have received a letter from Mr. Ernest M. Anderson, the Patent Attorney to whom I referred, which explains, in some detail, the service he feels should be performed. I am enclosing, herewith, a copy of this letter so that the Board may discuss the same and make the necessary decision as therein set forth. Ver ruly yours, John A. Bohn, Attorney JAB:mn Enc. VI. OLD BUSINESS 3. CARL HOPPE ROBERT H. ECKHOFF ROBcRT G. SLICK JAMES F. MITCHELL ERN EST M. ANDERSON LAW OFFICES EcxuoFF, HOPpE, SIJCY, MITCHELL & ANDBSSOA A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 2610 RUSS BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104 October 31, 1972 BRUCE H. JOHNSONSAUGH File 4663 John A. Bohn, Esq. Wells Fargo Bank Building Piedmont, California 94611 Re: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Dear Mr. Bohn: 391-7160 AREA CODE 4M This is <1 follow up to our telephone conversation of last week during which we discussed several patent matters of concern to the District. These matters come to my attention as a result of conferences I held %,,,ith Denny Parker, and as a result of my subsequent study of materials Denny gave me. The purpose of this letter is to outline a course of action for each patent matter and to estimate the approximate cost of services and disbursements. First, Denny informed me that Jack Pratt of Enviro- tech Corporation has stated his belief that one of Envirotech's patents (U. S. Patent, 3, G76, 334) covers the lime treatment process which is to be used by the District. Having read a copy of that patent it does indeed appear that this patent may cover the District's process. However, before I can properly advise the District I must obtain certain additional information about the District's system. (Denny will provide nie with that information after a few tests are complet- ed.) in addition, I must obtain from the Patent Office, the file wrapper of patent prosecution and condu(-A a study of prior art waste treatment systems. The k�stiniated cost of this project is $1, 500 to $2, 000. A second paLt.It p-ujeCt rotates to three new improve- ments incorporated in the Di t.ric1,'s system. Denny believes that each of these improvements inav be patentable and he suggests that a novelty search be conduct<:d .is to each. The approximate cost of making a novelty search, including our study of the patents uncovered, would be approximately $350 for Each improvement, or a total of about $1, 000 for all three. A third project concerns an investigation as to the rele- vance and scope of several patents issued to Dorr-Oliver, Inc. Mr. ECSI3flFF. H2OPPE, SLILY, 34rrCHRLL 8e ANDERSON Page Two October 31, 19742 Parker informs me that one or more patents issued to Dorr-Oliver covers a wastewater treatment process involving the use of lime. It is not known presently -whether any Dorr-Oliver patents cover the District's system but copies of eleven patents have been order- ed for consideration. An initial evaluation of those patents will cost approximately $500. Please let me know to what extent I may proceed with the patent projects outlined above. Very truly yours, Ernest M. Anderson EMA/lp cc: W. C. Dalton Denny S. Pa.•k(�r Y.1_• --- -111- 4. ERNEST A.WILS ON KENNETH -ONES JAMES T- MORTON RICHARD F. RAYMOND WILSOX, JONES, MORTON &¢ LY.NcH GERALD A. LASTER JEREMIAH J. LYNCH ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW CHARLES N. KIRKBRIDE 1894-1911 KIRKBRIDE S GORDON JOHN E. LYNCH PHILIP D. AS SAF 630 NORTH SAN MATEO DRIVE (J05EPH B. GORDON) 1911-1929 PEGGY L. M ELLIGOTT P. O. BOX 152 KIRKBRIDE S WILSON 1929-19.1 NORMAN W- KAVANAUGH 5HERROD 5. DAVIS THOMAS C. MORONEY LAWRENCE C.JEN5EN RICHARD G. RANDOLPH MAYER A. DANIEL SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA 94401 MICHAEL R. NAVE JOHN G.CLARK �n1 S] 3a2-3523 KIRKBRIDE, WILSON, HAR2FELD S WALLACE 1947-1961 R06FRT G.AUWBREY JAMES L.COPELAND RICHARD H. HARGROVE PHILIP H. SHECTER ANDREW C. HALL,JR. JOAN E. BRIODY OF COUNSEL ARTHUR J. HARZFELD JAMES M. WALLACE RICHARD J. OOLWIG ROBERT J. HILL ROBERT A. PRIOR PAU L E. BASYE THOMAS 5.AOAMS THEODORE H.KOBE j� Y,JR. November 1, 1972 . AA-KAPLAN (MO. ONLY) Z. .4: Mr. William Dalton � s i_ � 3 �, Acting Engineer -Manager �I � � � m ° � IZ w . ;,! Central Contra Costa Sanitary 31 District �. ae a 'e U P. 0. Box 5266 - _ ND ^' �' Walnut Creek, California 94596 I �� ° Re: Local Improvement District No. 50 Dear Bill: I received a telephone call yesterday from Jack Waltz, the City Attorney of Martinez. The sub- stance is that the City Council is highly alarmed about the inclusion of an interest charge in the assessment. He is contemplating a declaratory judgment action and a temporary restraining order. He assures me that the City is _proceeding with its hearings upon zoning adjustments, as scheduled. I told him that in the event zoning proceedings -vTere com- pleted so that the assessment proceedings could proceed on schedule, that it ,vould be worthwhile for the City administration to approach the District staff on the question of deletion of the interest charge from the assessment. He indicated some willingness to take that course, but not a course which would involve the City Council itself approaching the District Board and re- questing that the interest charge not be included. I expect to be in touch with him within the next couple of weeks concerning the inclusion of the interest charge in the assessment and the securing of a temporary restraining order in a, declaratory judgment action. Very truly yours, for WILSON, ,iJONES, � ORTON & LYNCH G.U/s c cc: John A. .Sohn, Esq . VI. OLD BUS 4. LID 50 November 16, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Status Report - Local Improvement District 50 In our discussion with Barry Whittaker, Assistant City Manager -Plan- ning Director of the City of Martinez, on November 16, 1972, he indicated that they are on schedule. The Public Hearing on change in zoning is scheduled for November 28, 1972. The Notices are being mailed to the af- fected property owners this week. The City also plans to have three one-half hour Television coverages on Channel 10 on Tuesday, November 21 at 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, November 22 at 6:00 P.M. and Friday, November 24 at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, L , . A ) S1114 fk I G A orstkotte,' Gener ager-Chief gineer GAH:eh JLB Date: J MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, &.General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS, AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT Easements offered for acceptance are as follows: No. Grantor Jo►�[bj' No. Parcel No. 2-1 3. t.Ar 0 I e Er f%r a 5. 30 1f� ep 11 F'/ Die L ®-.0- 6 CX it LM1 --- i L I t> � 7. � $ ,� I -r-i-v U-r7 v 10. CL1L-,� Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB :1 v Approved: W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer �44NV d tea' N C' C. I i.7uaK�y fi, e ly'1 �. '�4.h @i ELF j K' CZ y }� v; L1 � t1A. VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. Claim November 3, 1972 MEMOR4NDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ITIA: Go A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item PROBLEM: Claim for Damages - $29.13 s Shirlee Moser e 1770 Lilac Drive Walnut Creek, California BACKGROUND: On Thursday, September 14, 1972, our District Rod Crew was called to take care of an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival. the crew found the existing 61° line plugged 114' down from existing R.> I. front #1770 on Lilac. The stoppage consisted of roots and was cleared with no difficulty. There was some minor water damage to baseboard molding in the family room, two oval braid rugs, and two canvas paint boards. The Dis- trict crew cleaned and disinfected overflow area, "Overflow Device" has since been installed. ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refuse claim RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim, damage caused by stoppage in main sewer. Respectfully submitted, Re H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RIl'3: eh Recommendation Approved: G. A H rstkotte`, r, t Gene al Ma_Aager®Chief ineer till. NEW BUSINE: 3. November 9, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item, Request for the appointment of Richard Finch to the position of Maintenance Man I. 1. BACKGROUND: The position requested here is authorized in the 1972-1973 budget. Mr. Finch is fully qualified to fill the position. He is presently working in the Maintenance Department on a temporary basis. Pertinent data regarding Mr. Finch's capabilities was presented to the Personnel Committee, November 2, 1972. I request the appointment be made effective November 1, 1972. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Mr. Finch to the position of Maintenance Man I effective November 1, 1972. Respectfully submitted, Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RHH: jv Recommendation Approved: G. A orstko. Gene; Manager-Chie Engineer VI I . NEW BUS I NES I+ ll 4, November 10, 1972 CJ MEMORANDUM FOR: THE H01\10FABDE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRE EC10RS `CIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT; Authorization for additional $70,000.00 for ;district work in conjunction with Water Reclamation Plant de- sign and construction PROBLEM. We --request this authorization to update and adjust our accounts foi District work in conjunction with the Water Reclamation Plant Project. At the present time, we have three accounts to which we charge services per- formed by the District as requested by Brown and Caldwell and Bechtel: 1. Brown and Caldwell Treatment Plant Expansion .1973,--District District Expense 2. Bechtel Incorporated Treatment Plant Expansion 1973, District Expense 3. Treatment Plant Design, Test Facility ATTF The Water Reclamation Project is scheduled for construction in March, 1973, and it will be necessary for the District to perform further work: i.e., establish horizontal and vertical survey controls adequate for construction, and etc. Therefore, we are asking for lead money in order to do the necessary office and field work prior to and during construction. Tabulated below is the status and the additional requests for the three ac- counts: .Account Amount Previously Used as of Additional Number Authorized----- Member 30, 1972 Balance o Request 1 $ 91,694.16 2 50,000.00 $ 70,463.50 44,362.79 $21,230.66 5,6.37.21 $ e j,000.00 3 42,000.00 48,248.18 _(6,248.1A) 65,000.00 TOTAL $183,694.41 $163,074.47 $20,619.69 $70,000.00 BAU'KGROU20: The above requests cover only District expenses req-.i.irec. for .:he Water Reclamation. Pro- ect and 80% of the funds expended should be recoverable from grant funds as part of the eligible engineering. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Rc! }aectfa:.11y submitted. -- Best, JLB:ms Office Engineer Recommendation approved: =1,,t.� 1` G. A. Ho�Fstkotte, �Jr., General 1 �*.iag;er-Chief Eng:��ee-r V11 , NEW BUSIN.ES, 5 November 9, 1972 MEMORANDUM! FOR- Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA- G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT- Agenda Item 1. PROBLEM- Trunk sewer deficiencies. Request for $18,200. to make system corrections. We have replaced defective sewers in the amounts of 210' of loll, 268 of 12" and 64' of 15`° this fall. We have used up the allotted funds (45,913.,03) authorized in July. I feel that it is essential to do another 125' of 10" in the Sunnybrook, Los Arabis Road area. We are half completed here. 25' of 18" in Rheem and 50' of 15" in Burton Valley. While these additions will not complete all we hoped to do this fall, it will put us in pretty good shape for the winter. It will take about 13 days at $1,400. a day to do the work, A total of $18,200. is needed. Respectfully submitted, Robert w_. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RHH-jv Recommendation Approved- z. ". - A),() 11'0 G. A. orstkotte9 Jr. General Manager -Chief En ineer V IIL NEW BUSINESS it 6 November 8, 1972 kEMORANDUM TO, HE 'HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: C. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Garbage Franchises 1. BACKGROV10: This District franchises ;Live garbage collectors who provide service to the unincorporated area within the District and the City of Lafayette. The total population served under District franchises is approximately 127,000, (20,000 In the City of Lafayette). Until last year, rates and service levels were established on a comparison basis with other local franchising agencies. The rate study of last year was made along public utility procedural guidelines using information furnished by the accountants of the franchisees. One company did not furnish such information, and one involved segregation of costs, etc. between the District and City controlled areas. Only three companies have ser- vice areas ­Yholly within the Sanitary District and are, therefore, theoretically required to submit all company records. As a result of our detailed comprehensive rate study, current basis monthly rages, as compared to 1968, were increased as follows: Lafayette 41% to $3.45, Orinda-Moraga 27% to $3.10, Diablo 30% to $3.00, Valley 50% to $3.45 and Pleasant Hill 0% at $2.65. (Valley, Lafayette and Pleasant Hill furnish weekly garden trimming curbside pickups to all customers, and Orinda-Moraga to customers in Lafayette @ $3, 5� 2. PROBLE-Mg The major local problem in this field is lack of a coordinated solid waste management program in the central county area. Efforts by District management some years ago to establish a working relationship with other local franchising agencies met with initial, enthusiasm among other agency staff people, but failed to gain support after consideration by top-level executives. Whether another effort in this direction under today's changing conditions would be more successful or not is a matter'of individual judgement, but, in my opinion, it should be attempted at an early date. The specific problems related to the District's garbage collection franchises are: 1. The lack of uniformity of rates and levels of service under District control. 2. The increased, costs of franchise administration without related increase in franchise payments. 3. The value of annual comprehensive: rate studies as opposed 'to rate com- parison studies. Page 2 4. The genera's level. and costs of service in this area when compared to others. 5. The validity of the argument that all customers must be charged for a service, other than the basic, when such service is offered zone -wide. 6. Whether rates applied to commercial collection should be more specifically dealt with in our ordinance, and the question of District control over companies serving only commercial accounts and providing drop -box service. 7. The dependence on accounting information not easily verified. 3. DISCUSSION: Based on the information developed in last year's studies, there does not appear to be any real reason why the District could not adopt a single base rate for all franchises. Considering the complexities of present customer billings, there does not seem to be any reason why customers cannot individually have the option of additional services, including garden trimmings pickup. The question of backyard or curbside pickup for either garbage or trimmings could be customized with a differential in rates for those who so desire. The garbage in- dustry is a service industry with captive customers and, in my opinion, those customers should be given as wide a range of choices as reasonable within the economic limits of public jurisdictional control. The need for and value of an annual rate study to determine rate of return on investment and operational profit margins for each franchisee is questionable in my opinion, unless it is a very simple updating process. Periodic evalua- tions of individual companies, particularly if comparative rates or requests are out of line is certainly appropriate, but if a uniform base rate and uniform options are adopted, such studies would probably only be necessary for inefficient operators. District costs related to garbage franchises and solid waste have pyramided in the past two years. Previously, franchisee fees covered expenditures in this field, but it is doubtful that they now represent 20% of the salaries devoted to this subject. We can, of course, add these to the District general administrative costs (and taxes) but since the incorporated areas except Lafayette are presum- a.b_y paying such costs separately to Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Concord, and Walnut Creed., it would seem more equitable to add them only to our garbage franchise areas, 4:, RECOMM XDAT1ONS 1. Begin consideration of rate adjustments only alfte.r requests for changes have been received from all franchisees and so advise franchisees. Tf any franchisee does not furnish requested information by prescribed date, in.form him that it will not be considered for a year. 2. Compare rates within District against each other and against other ior_al agencies before undertaking any comprehensive individual rate studies. 3. Bring levels of service availability within District into alignment and hold public hearings or. proposed cha ages before rate considerations. 0 Page Three 4. Cons-_i.der revenue requirements to meet expenses and t'.Ile inc ceases J_n franchise payments necessary to carry the solid waste program without using sewer-orientee revelries. We should consider a percentage of gross revenue related to Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill frauchises. 5. Suggest a joint study on garbage franchising to the other public agemcies in the Central County area. Respectfully submitted, W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer Approved: G, A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer V11. NrW BUSINESS 7. November 10, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Quit Claw Deed to Moraga Enterprises, Inc. - Job 2201 PROBLEM: Our existing easement lies within the proposed Subdivision 4049. Four buildings are planned over our sewer line. BACKGROUND: In order to construct the buildings, it is necessary to re- locate a portion of our sewer line lying within the boundaries of Sub- division 4049. The sewer line being re-routed has been paralleled by a new trunk sewer, but we chose to keep it available for emergencies rather than abandon it. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, /JackL. Best, e Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: G. A. Horstkote,r. Gen al Manager -Chi. Engineer VII. NEW BUSINESS n $ .,and 9. November .10, 1972 MEMORANDUM FORg THE HONORABLE MEMBERS Or THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA-. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT. Consent to dedication of 'public Roads and drainage easements Job 2201. PROBLEM- Subdivision 4049 must have the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Consent to Dedication for Public Roads and drainage easements of those portions of the District's easements which will be within the roads and drainage easements shown on the map of said subdivision before they can file the subdivision map in the County Recorder's Office. BACKGROUND. Checked with our attorney, Jim Carniato. lie says O.K. to exegete consent document (short foreman) RE=O 5MNDATION g Approval Respectfully submitted, E i Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB ones Recommendation. approved: G. Hors otte, Jr , Gene Manager -Chi Engineer VxI. NEW BUSINESS 10. November 10, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Consent to Dedication of Public Roads - Job 2197 PROBLEM: Subdivision 3833 must have Central Contra Costa Sanitary District consent to Dedication for Public Roads of those portions of the Districts easements which lie within the roads shown on the map of said sub -division before they can file the sub -division map in the County Re- corder's Office. BACKGROUND: Checked with our attorney, Jim Carniato. He says O.K. to execute consent documents. (short form) RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, /Ja�c�kL. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: G. A— Horstkotte, Jl? Gener 1 Manager-Chie Engineer Rom• November 10, 1972 ME,'40RANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstk.otte, Jr., General. Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Approval, of the State Personnel Board Agreement: at a Cost. of $3,400.00 At the District Board's 22-73 Budget Session, the staff presented a number of requestsfar internal personnel promotions and adjustments for the Board's consideration. The Board of Directors indicated they would not consider this request,.or any similar change, until after we had another State Classification and Salary Survey.. We contacted the State Cooperative Personnel Services and they have sent the enclosed copy of the Agreement for the Board's approval and signature. They indicated, in their cover letter, that they would not be able to begin this project until May of 1973, and they would expect to have a comprehensive report ready by August 1973. We recommend execution of the State Agreement. WCAO)��-�°z� nv;��3 W. C. Dalton Administrative Engi-.e.at WCD:ms JLB Encl. Aparoved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chien Engineer AGREEMENT THIS AGRUEEMENT, made and entered into this day of , , by and between the STATE PERSONNEL BOARD, througb its duly appointed qualified, and acting xasciitive Officer;, party of the first paTT, hereinafter called the Board, and The CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITART DISTRICT , party of the second part, hereinafter called -the DISTRICT WITNESSETH: That the parties, for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations hereinafter expressed, hereby agree as follows: 1. In consideratioL of the payment by the DISTRICT to the Beard of the sum hereinafter prescribed in Schedule A. the Board does hereby agues to perform those technical personnel services hereinafter set forth, pursuant to the authority contained in Section 18707, Govern- ment Code. 2. The Board shall A. Prepare a classification plan covering employees of the DISTRICT B. Prepare a compensation plan for those classes of positions recommended by the Board. In performing the services incident to the preparation of a classifi- cation plan, the Board shall: (1) Make job analyses of all positions agreed to between the parties, prepare appropriate class specifications, and allocate all positions to their proper classifications. T/C - 1 12/70 (2) Prepare such rules and regulations as may be necessary to administer the classification plan. (3) When requested, advise and assist the in technical matters of personnel administration. DISTRICT In performing the services incident to the preparation of a compensa- tion plan for the classified service of the Board shall: DISTRICT the (1) Prepare salary range recommendations for all classes of positions in the DISTRICTS service. (2) Perform all necessary technical work in connection with the above function. (3) Prepare guidelines necessary for the administration of the compen- sation plan in the DISTRICT Schedule A In consideration of the performance of the above functions by the Board, the DTSTRTr.T agrees to reimburse the Board for all direct expense of performance and reasonably proportionate shares of the indirect expense and overhead expense as required by State Administrative Manual, Sections 8755- 8755.1, provided that the reimbursable costs shall not exceed $ 3,400 If additional services are requested of the Board, costing in excess of such amount, this agreement shall be suitably amended in writing by mutual consent of the parties in order to provide the additional funds. In addition, the DISTRICT agrees to cooperate fully and to furnish such clerical help and materials as may be necessary to the proper performance of the above -mentioned services. T/C - 2 12/70 The Board shall, from time to time, submit invoices covering services rendered, and the DISTRICT agrees to pay such invoic:as within sixty (50) days following receipt thereof,. This agreement may be ta. ji ina-ted by either party hereto upon thirty (30) clays written notice prior to the date of termination. STATE PERSONNEL BOARD By Executive Officer CENTRAL CONTRA-:�O�S.T TRYY DT. TRTC1° By� T/C e 3 12/ 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA RONALD REAGAN, Governor CALIFORNIA STATE PERSONNEL BOARD COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES 1217 H Street 714 W. Olympic Blvd. Sacramento 95814 Los Angeles 90015 Mr. Jack Best Office Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P.O. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, California. 94596 Dear Mr. Best i N Sacramento, California October 30, 1972 . a I I 1­1�.�i. Iifs =��:� AC151 Mao � — O --II A Is o ~a I * In response to your recent request, this letter contains a work plan and cost estimate for a comprehensive classification and salary study for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Cooperative Personnel Services is a unit of the State Personnel Board which provides technical personnel services at cost to local govern- ment agencies. In conducting the survey for your agency, we would generally follow the procedures outlined in the attached'Steps in a Classification and Salary Survey, up to and including the submission of a comprehensive survey report. The end result of this survey would be written recommendations on the classification of positions and the assignment of classes to salary ranges. We would not make organization or staffing recommendations. It is our understanding that the survey would cover approximately 110 positions in approximately 40 classes. We would plan to interview approximately 40% of the employees in the various positions. Class specifications would be prepared for all classes. We estimate that the classification and salary survey can be completed for a cost not to exceed $3,400. This figure is a firm, maximum amount for work up to and including the submission and presentation of a com- prehensive report of our findings. It also includes the cost of a salary recommendation for your General Manager - Chief Engineer position. This cost estimate does not include the cost of an employee review period and the preparation of a final report. If you desire a review period and final report, we can provide them on an additional, actual cost basis. This cost will vary depending upon the number and nature of "appeals" and the procedure used to respond to them. While it is difficult to make a firm cost estimate at this time, in our judgment the additional cost should be approximately.$600. Mr. Jack Best -2- October 30, 1972 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District According to our present work schedule, we could begin the project in May 1973, with a comprehensive report ready in August 1973. We are required to enter into contract with agencies of local government for whom we provide service. If you wish to have us provide the survey as indicated, please execute the enclosed contracts and return them to Cooperative Personnel Services. Should you have further questions regarding the proposed survey, please feel free to call me at (916) 445-3494. A ,/ Ve WFS : j g Ear.. . S fornia Manager California State Personnel Board Cooperative Personnel Services IM A 'CLASS] FICATION AMID SkLARY SURVE:Y These are the steps noimaliy followed by Cooperu;'.ve Personnel Services in performing a classi- fication and salary survey for an agency of local government. —Local conditions may indicate need foF chrdnge�' to meet thv, regin'Tementz of a porliculm- jurisdicHon, m PiIREUMINAIRY MFETINGS Three lypss of preliminary meetings, care normcl.,,, cold. At the option of the local jurisdiction, these may be preceded by a letter to all persons involved which describes our organization and the purpose: and procedures of th,-., survey, if desired, we would prepare a draft of such n letter for issuance by the administiwive authoiiiy of the. jurisdiction. A preliminary iriceting witfi the, administrative --,?off oil the jurisdiction is held to explain the methods of the survey and to discuss their role hi the conduct of the survey. phis discussion assists in identifying existing classification and salary policies of the jurisdiction and specific areor, for attention in the mudy, and considera?.qcn of such subjects as the sources of salary information to be considered in the survey. Meetings with representatives of employee orj,-Ilnizcttions or other employee representatives are held to discuss the purpose and procedures of the survey and to receive their comments on subjects '?hat relate to the survey. Meetings with all avoilobie empioyevs are nele to inform them of the purpose and procer,ures of the survey and to distribute job description forms on which the employees are asked to describe their duties and responsibilities. Mhon completed, these forms are reviewed by supervisors and administrators and one copy is sent to Cooperative Personnel Services. In these meetings We encourage discussion Of our survey methods and standards and indicate that any employee may request u member of our foaff to meet and tans with him. ci GATHERING JOB INFORMATION After reviewing the job description forms, th,survey staff interviews many employees to verify job information and to obtain c good understunding of representative jobs. The exact number of interviews depends on the kinds of 'obs involved and the questions they present. Normally, it is desirable for us to meet and ;elk to at least a third of the employees. We interview any employee who requests an inte:-iow, employees whose duties are unc leor or uncertain, those in newly established positions, sand some in each kind of work Vane. le: also interview supervisory and odrnin�istrotive .,unsonnel to clarify our understanding of jobs and of the organizatior x CLASSIFICATIOM OF POSMONS Based on thorough job knowledge, the next step is to group positions into classes: When their duties and responsibilities a-c -sufficiently similar so that they can be given the same title. When the same minimum qualifications anti t:ie same tests of fitness can I oe required. When the same salary standards can be applied with equii-y. The classification process involves comparison and ranking of position,; on the basis (if their duties and responsibilities. CPS-Sacto (9'68) Steps in a Classification and Salary Survey -3- n CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY REPORT A comprehensive report of the survey findings and recommendations is prepared. The survey staff is available to present and discuss this report with the administration and the governing board. The report contains: An explanation of the purposes and objectives of a classification and pay plan, and suggestions on its administration and maintenance. Discussion and comments on areas of change or potential disagreement. Class specifications and a list assigning each position to a class, Salary survey data, class relationship charts, and salary recommendations. A method of converting to the new schedule if the recommended salary schedule differs from the one in use. An estimole of the cosh of adopting classification and salary recommendations. is REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS With the agreement of the local governing board, the report is made available for review by employees, employee representatives, and supervisory and administrative staff. Opportunity is given for employees to raise questions in writing. The survey staff reviews all comments received. As appropriate, the survey staff may meet with administrators, employee representatives, or individual employees for further discussion of survey recommendations. This step gives the survey staff an opportunity, to make further studies or reevaluations. n HNAL REPORT Upon completion of the review of recommendations, the staff prepares final comments and recommends any necessary changes in the survey report. Cooperative Personnel Services then issues a final report to the governing body. CPS-Sacto (9'68) Paue 3 . ALIFORMIA STATE PERSONNEL BO A Cooperative Personnel Services INSTRUCTIONS For the Completion of Standard Form Contracts and Resolutions Authorizing ?pork to be Performed by Cooperative Personnel Services Resolution Frovidihorization of the Contract and AuThority Ste„ If you �7ish Tv enter into a co'S trac'T with The State Personnel B(ds`rd, Two zlem,Esws in addition to the signed ca t 'act are r6,'Csiaived LAP our .'segal division, These e1rs (1) an action of yuuz, govephing boats zpproving the enter!ng Atenvvrsc into a contract forthe ��erfo��� r:;c,cv of E-echo`,caX, bav€ pavy onnel servicea ; and provided a sample of V, (2) an action of your governing bua= & au°3;hovADg a person. Board to KgR the c ovtvact in their behalf,. Resolution. Certified copies of.both these actions (ov they. may be combined into one action) ius ttached to Wh cc 7 r of the contrnc O Wea se refer to the other si.d.p. of this form for sample resolutian. Number of Co aies and Signature of Standard Form Contracts Cities and Count Les ; Return four copies each bearing orig5 nal signature of the person authorized to sign for the city or aountya We Fil..;l, return pane copy c;f t'hc �ixvcyutE€,d contract to, you for your files School Dig T&M; Return dive copies each bearing original, siguasur of the persona authorized to sign for the schcol district, We mill oaturn two copies: of the e ec uZe contTzct to yc uy distri.c o Corrections or Changes ,any additions, deletions, or changes in the printed contract roust be initialed on each copy by the person authorized by your governing board to sign the contract. Return of Executed Contract After your agency has affixed the authorized signature and attached the required certified copies of gOVLrning board actions, send I M contract; to us. They will then be signed by the Executive Officer of the State Personnel Board. Certain contracts also require approval of the State Department of, Finance® Upon final execution, we will return a signed cosy or cosies to you for your, files. SAMPLE 'RESOL J S I CANT Exoarp t from the minutes of the s��_xae -of�ai ®.�ad��� mse ti-nv held _ - !���.ca On the recosmilandatlon of it Was DIOV d by (n.Fime and and sal=onded by g�� tit lei that be authorized to enter into and si,gu an agreament with the State O Ca.l,i.fa nia California State :Persoranal Baiiard, Cooperative Personnel Services Div3,sioxi, ue the purpose of performing ra position classification arad/car sa.la survey fear.the de a r 2�� � title of Va.�diction r_g The motion was carried, as i.ndirated Ayes Noes Absent 1 certify that his is a true cope of a portio-n of the minutes at -shy; „ - exact legal, tit.. of governing bodyw of the � � ,��_� _�_ �, e.x Ti `;ji-D t E1e 0 Ia-01sdicfi scan .=rt da-ted .�.��a41t�a d=��,���ea�. J—•,�.�. Name and title of Board Secretary — or other authorized person.) ategh*A**hhikzk**A a.ira`s****sih,` r,;" 'shAY& ; Essential elements of the required Resolution are: (1) Exact legal titles and exact dates. (2) Statement authorizing tr.s agreement between the Governing Body and the State of California. (3) Brief statement of the service(s) to be performed under contract. (4) Name and title of person authorized by the Governing Body to execute the agreement. (5) Certification by the Secretary or other authorized person that a true copy of the Resolution has been provided. V11. MW J=INEbb 11. a. STATE OF CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD IISION Gil- AJVATJ-_::-2 QXJAL1'rf CONTROL (M 1015, "RESOURCES BUJLDJPIG 1416 M.:MTH STREET o SACRAMENTO 95814 Octcbs� 25, 1972 77 1 ONAL,,qEAC1 I RONAL, qEAQ" CD AIR, Governor r! i M < po ttl I—t00-- 16 � MOTICCE, TO AGIMTC13S SEEMING CCLEAM TffATFR G,�XSTs �E he SLt:-Ote 'J7atar R,:: BoL 'A,9hS�13 'LIC QC ch` 1qs to Gx5,M'L ,rha chF_�:nga 'wien-,ild Jrkava t;h wata,c pxoject prc-� a o �__3 1,6 .-1 �Xltival Zia cz-ozzit-Y lava! suffician, - to r-selt of gxo'',Ttla� Y11h � 0 p 44; i on `c; 0 bu i I a a,32 al t ozl_zl 1 0 1-1,T- b a --I:, ba axa:rcisa4 by tha loczl aganzy but tLa &A mu---Pluz V70uld bz cz1Qu1ztaa on z pxo,-c,7FVZL-1R `b-zsio �Lna ba en aL-y �111a,,Qc-n-taz­d to the laczl zgwway- Thli'� ef 'Ll-ALo Cl�wtnkgZ,� ba to -� 1,, an�chia_va;, batta:4, ',1bz1@_:,nca o�� zinticl - ip. �a­ail-ity neado va EaZta��zuL g3:,ELyA,, f t-0 gas mzntla Mvailzbla-, zlcq in �F�xa�,,-JE3 _quch au.cplu� aL I U t i a n zmd C on t ;,;l di c3 "at, a U 1, -4 -7 n I i C po W, an clean, L19 eff oc�cta,, As it relates to tha f- r9t obje--tive, 17 n c a that federal, grant funding -,A.1.1. nct I p:,Taj.�ict naeds currently identified on the Lunicipa-1 'WrIFts,4atar TraatmanL Projec�, Lists and therefore must search for Tgays "to trim costs aligible for grant support. The precedent for limi-ting grant- aid for surpIU5 capacity beyond 20 years is al:raady pxovidad for in -action 2144. Prohibition of 'aid for new independent develo __):r.ent i� also alread-y provided for. -Reducing grant aid for su::?,1L1,'B capacity acroas-than­ board in all projects was considered but rajactea by the Board in favor of 'the proposal to limit aid for aurplu.i capacity in critical air araas. Objective 2 is sought by both the 3nvironmental Protection A-ziency and the State Air Razourc�n Board as evidencad by letters from those two entities on fila with the Ste ll%_- Water Resou-_-c,,a3 Control Board. This objective would also Fvp,pgar to be with the intent of -the State Environment-a..,L 6u�ility Act of 19710 2- The proposed regulation change would leave designation of aaL.' ritic l air airacss V up to the State it Ras'curC4 5 Boar& P1-_ report identifying such ar ao prapzr d by the Airs Board staff is enclosed as Zttzcb=nt B. Mote that he last page of the attachment i entifiao �. Mee types of arers defined zs C-1, C-2, and C-3 . he d f faxanc a ba kwazn tha three aps n4s on severity one ;the air pollution in terms of oxidant concan xat one o The staf prppoaaa thzt application of the propooma new grant limitation nolicy_ ould be to the arazo del N 0 as C- - and C-a o We solicit youd testimony at a 2 timing to be tilt in Lao Angeles on DeceWjer.7o 1972o Iz efer to AtMcbmant A) Plazas oubm t wri � teT' statements TO Myo in advance of he hearing if at all pos&ble o R11 written ata taman ts xecs A Dyad will be ncorpox ted Wo h hearing record. Sincerely John Olaf Assistant Manager - MCA= Chief Grznts for Clean Watex A t achmants ATTAACHNFA13T A STATE w CALIFORNIA—THE RESOURCES AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor 5',"ATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ROOM 1015, RESOURCES BUILDING 6 NINTH STREET 0 SACRAMENTO 95814 YOT7.CE OF PROPOSED CzERLYGES TO SECT1,10,-S 2144 OF CLEM, IMMER GPk'IT PROGRAM REGULRMIUYS NOTICE IS Z2-_,R1K8Y GIVZKY that the St-rl�'-_e eater Resources Control Board, pursurzuft -to the autho.rity vcstad by Sections 7058 and 13976(h) of the Water Code, and to implement, interpat, or make specific Chapter 8 of Division 7 of the Uater Code, proposes to amend Section 2144 of Subchapter 2,, Chapter 3, Title 23 of the Califo,niia Administrative Code to raafl;, as fallaws,_, 112 144 Wastewater treatment projects shall be designed to accommodate normal anticipated growth 'baosel uP8!a Oeund -Planni-R9T 'Airzteriz and euk-ren-t pspulatien t5senda7 88-4nA da eg aphie Prejeetirenar and se-und engineering and eeensmi,-_ pvineiples® consistent 7j,7ith applicable land use and oep�Iati�qn_p2licies_, Except as provided in the last paragraph of this sectiqs2_2 '��-Ihe eligible project cost-" hwgavauF shall -generally be limited as follows (where "x" means that capacity needed to serve existing development within the p_�­opos,,sd sarvice area), - (a) Treatment plant - the cost of that plant or addition which would not increase "x" beyond the capaci.,11---y indicated in the following table: Total Eligible Existing "X" 1 mgd or less -------------- 4�0 31X14 2 ingd 305 NIX It 3 mgd ----------------------- .'j (), IJ ifX IN 4 mgd----------------------- 2�5 11x11 5 mg,44 or creata Z ----------- 2.0 11XII or beyond the ca?acitY pl:oiecced 20 years hence, whichaver is rest--icti.va, e;,ccep.- that aooronria-M--ly das-Lqned headwork facilit-,ias 'to accomY7,o(�­a'!-.e Zaasonable foreca-.-t. a.xpansion 3"".all ba considered an eligibla project cost cor;jpom�ent. ko) ln"_-erceotors and the cosl%z of that facility V"hich vould not incraasa bayond the capaciCy indicated in ,.he following tabla 5 Mgt or lazz; - 5 Mgd or gxwat r ----------- is Bona xaotric iva o Total Eligible `�-w 1 I`' Lv `l, Ste. `� t 3 A U 0) U tr 2 A JOa" costs of facility capacity in anclon of the capacity limitationo in (a) and Jb) Wave although Wligibla would will not he provisos to accommudats xcess vy infiltration that can ba Cornactas by MOX0 KOALA mzznvcapacity tax More inflltrmtion ahzll 5a lim tal to f ov z that can a During thozz fiscal YzzXa that GXQVP III Projacts, Zoe not zlig ble for grans PzrWWPMWon' zpzw y AsIUM in lass B tha c saxiz zpylis t to lass A intaxnaptaxa oball ba eligible for grant mzAa WnQz an a p roratz b asM which serve ampanzion of amiating communities in accartance �7��withthe pxoMiosSs of � � � shi o awstirJno Gr`:Ls`-1t:7 will not be made z;lviailFl1ble for projects to Ozxve new inlap.ynC` ant Rnc1 pollu- tion problem io of o zxxi«` ing impoxUncs, In the lattax came, grant pans o pnon �3� 11 be MlaxminM in ascon d,ance with the axon Sona of ZO auction axcep`s is zt costs of facility wbovD although inalig Nle nill he alcula ` ad on a pxoyatz basis,. facil tiaz too nwaza WcMwO nova, j, nexally should not ba . 'wp?noa 02 G _ v I 'op3xa e TVA Pwavizion in not intan4ad to control aavalopi ank P"t, az y but 1z nacn 3 eoy can is the limitad funds ZVOIa; la to ooTract polrsyticn PToblamzo curnan t mv, by Mat title ile nhich his y 4 a asic a s ed Ail, gouuzca a3v)cialad with b v no tM data niiwiwatad C i dS S ioracwt abill be bnoad on cunX,aMt Man - It 'an! ci Finince 2=1042a iYOTICE Is AD-90, rzavv- wy panson intawanad may pxeaant vtztzmantz ax orguranto ozally or in nwiting xelavant to the action pxopowi at a havring to bw held on Thursday, Decabbax 7, 1972, at 10 a.m.; Room 1138, 107 Bwoav--a,;�my, Loo Angslus, colifaxnia 90012< Ma BOW; watwx ROZOUXcez Control Bowd, UPC -(A, mcion OK at the WWc, W wy Waywykad perzon, way thwaaftaw zRopt thn nbow pxopnonlo aubatznVally zo zbove wt forth vithout fuXthar noWca'' Wted, Octobar 25, 1972 S-�RAOE 'IDATESl RISCUMBS CUTMOL TGARD, hill Brandly EwcuOva Officw (J ATTACED=T B Air .Resources Board IDENTIFICATION OF CRITICAL AREAS OF CONCERN REGARDING URBAN DEVELOPMENT September 20, 1972 The Air Resources Board, in reviewing environmental impact statements for projects which are planning a net increase in capacity to accommodate increased population, is concerned with projects proposed in areas where there is difficulty in achieving air quality standards. The standard of primary concern in urban areas is the oxidant standard. The federal air quality standard for oxidant is .08 ppm as an -hourly average. In 1970 levels approximately eight times the standard were reached in the South Coast Air Basin. Oxidant results from photochemical reactions involving oxides of nitrogen and organic gases. The major source of these pollutants is the motor vehicle and emissions are generally in proportion to the number of people. Thus increased population results in increased air pollutant emissions and makes achievement of the oxidant standard more difficult. The Air Resources Board has divided the State into eleven air basins (Figure 1). An air basin is an area of common air pollution problems. Emissions of pollutants in one part of a basin influence air quality in other parts of the basin. The degree of influence one part of a basin has on other parts of the basin depends on many factors including topog- raphy and a number of meteorological variables. The State has developed an implementation plan for achieving air quality standards in each air basin in the State. The plan for control of oxidant depends largely on reduction in emissions from motor vehicles through addition of emission control syste-ms, changes to a lower polluting fuel and a reduction in number of vehicle miles driven. Some of the control strategies proposed will be difficult to carry out. Federal law requires achievement of the oxidant standard by 1975 with a possible extension to 1977. The Air Resources Board does not project complete achievement of the oxidant standard in the South Coast, San Francisco Bay Area, or Sacramento Valley Air Basins by 1975. If the Board is able 0 to accomplish all of the reductions it proposed, them achieve- ment of the oxidant standard is expected in 1977 ir_ the -2- Sacramento Valley and San Francisco Bay Area.. Air ;basins However, if a 20% reduction in motor vehicle use and other control strategies are not accomplished, the standards may not be achieved in these two areas by 1.977o Achievement of the oxidant standard in the South Coast Basic is not expected by 1980, even with all of the control ,strategies proposed. Within the South Coast, San Francisco Bay Area, and Sacramento Air Basins, the Board is most concerned with additional development in areas in or near where high oxidant levels have been reported. Figure 2 shows areas of oxidant levels equal to or above the federal. standard in 1970 and. 197.1. o The areas sho';,Yn represent these for which there was air quality data and presumes that air quality in the area sur_z-ounding the station' is similar to that measu ed at the station. There are about 85 air monitoring stations in the State that measure oxidant. It is possible that.the.axidant standard was equalled or exceeded' in other urban areas. of the State where oxidant was not monitored, .In reviewing environmental impact statements for projects planning for increased capacity to accommodate increased population, the Air Resources Board is most concerned with projects in the South Coast, :San ;Francisco Bay Area, and Sacramento Valley Air Basins that may delay achievement of air quality standards. In addition the Board is concerned with projects in or near urban areas where air quality standards were exceeded in 1970 or were likely exceeded. The degree of concern with projects -in urban areas depends largely on oxidant levels. The greater the oxidant level, the greater the concern, v i a v �� Y•RI ii' T`A SaN M♦NCI'- I.y S i S k I T O u 1 Y 0 D O C I • j� I i� f i I o L ♦ S 9 E N I f r.�n1rT 1 9�N • e r a II 1 T E X ♦ Y A AN Ball Gatti M E N D O C! N O �--� 4 L E N N wr ./L A X E ) c o l a s at y �• l Y r� AYOYrn�'� �'� T 0 L 0 RPI..-MI. �J Y l ..a ww IM hZ ��'�-Sr y ^.qA♦ L I I N E )){S /.T v O L u N N E ►MEN` W 0 r :0�0 rT�� .rdi•1104 Y EDA PO \MARI P05A } Jew � � Yn.fa \ ! • X GLANAL' .:y. SWiyr ` T� �(\ fr "`ice✓/ 1 Y O N T E N EL T� SAN Luit 0515Po� Lo. C." 1 AIR POLLUTION IN URBAN AREAS 1970 -1971 MAXIMUM HOURLY AVERAGE OXIOANT CONCENTRATIONS C — 3 0.08 TO 0.19 p p m C - 2 0.20 TO 0.29 ppm C - t 0.30 ppm & Greater 71 Te11 SANTA RARDA PR A t '-•\ _ D.nT�4r�.S# vl�.J1T u R A t D 5 A N a E R N A R 0 1 N 0 ((\` 11I• NDSL EE '54 S A a L (...111.'.'. . —j— - .....►... _"J'] C-3, 7 _r" S C, 7 i10 < I November 6, 1972 Mr. P. L. 3oneysteele Central costa County Sanitary District 1250 SPrincrbrooll-1 Road Walnut Greek, California 94596 Dear Mr. Boueysteele, VII. NEW BUSINESS :1 till ti1 1via. 1 , ll 9 0 M C C 44 3 L I 0 0 The Golden Gate Section of the Technical 1�ssOciatioa of the Pulp and Paper Industry is sponsoring a one day Western Fiber Recycling Conference to be held December 6, 1972, at H's Lordships Restaurant in Berkeley. 'The conference will be held between the hours of 10:00 a,mo and 5gO0 pm., followed by a no -host reception. On behalf of the Golden Gate Section, I wound like to invite you br your representatives to attend and take part in Our conference. We believe you would be able to contribute your own special kno�,;Iedge about various aspects of paper recycling and solid waste management, and you would also have a chance to learn, more of the technical and other aspects of the subject. Only through the free exchange of ideas by all interested grcu- e 0 �s can w2 effect fair and equitable policies and procedures in the recyclinti field it future years. One of the major aims of this conference is to (!st-abj.is,.1 C, e� communicatioa among all sectors of recycling --- consu ) tter lines of mers, wasta Collectors, waste paper dealers, pulp and paper mills, and public agencies. We respectfully invite your participation in our conference. The reg:istrat,'1ran cost is small, only $15.00, which includes lunch. Please let me knoll wolild be able to ahead and if you desire to be called upon for comments during the conference. CS 0 Sincerely yours, Edward H. Jaeger, Chairman COLDURI GATE SECTION TAPPI C/o Crown-Zellerbach Corp., Box 10 Antioch, California 94509 Novecuiber 1, `1-972 FI-MAX, EXPWOPPURE STNUIM, - Pljj)'r jp,0,jECT cccs-o Total ExpercU.tureEZl'rolT�gh June $372,819,8) EPA A-pp-zove4l Vouclu,,;: RUjj ,£p r $31fi,772,65 VUL31'71,— NO 2 Rf,oe:�ved D-j $24!,,00, 69 e Funds Rece:Lv d '-36.319!!.)l AFRA ATPP7,n--ov�!d our- lea: Funds Received 3ti,,637 o 28 �177, 17`? 88 EPA Apprave,,c', Vciuctle-c Funds Receivcd 07 GCC'8) CJI.,-�tl.v— Youcher No, 24 898-17 15,783.8J Ccs ) F ivial Cll !.Zal , Vot%clie-f" 140 B 8 817 68 94,286.15 Due CCCSD from, CCCWr, through Juue 30, 1972 k 38,05-/.41 CCCSD TOTAL COST FOR PROJECT $ 56,228.711 Equipment W,048.73 Contract #8493 _28-200-8.68 *TOTAL s3-89057-.4--1 !�,FINANCAL REPORT ON, CENTRAL CONTRA CC PERIOD A. SALARIES & WAGES B. FRINGE BENLFITS D. EQUIPMENT :. E. SUPPLIES Spent Bud et % Spent Bud et % Spent Budget 4 % Spent B, Through $51,108.00 100 $13,250.'00 100 $47,600.00 19 $2,, 30 SEP 70 is t TR $2,056.72 4 $ 534.75 4 $13,769.62 -0- .2nd QTR $49,051.28 96 $12,715.25 96 $33,830.38 71 $2,-, 31 DEC 70 $ 8,488.12 17 $2,206.91 17 $65,802.18 195 $ 1,439.25 3d QTR $40,563.16 79 10,508.34 79 1110,752.26 A 11 $ 1f 3 31 MAR 71 $6,498.41 13 $11689.59 13 $ 3,500.50 $ 678.29 4th QTR 34,064.75 66 $8,818.75 66 = 6,385.34 7 $ 6' 30 June 71 $7 091.82 14 $1,843.87 14 $ 499.72 $2,338.28 lst QTR 26,972.93 53 6,974.88 53 * 5,885.62 r ;6 30 SEP 71 $6,654.79 13 $1,730.23 13 $ 646.86 12,102.57 2d QTR 20,318.14 40 53,244.63. 40 *5,238.76 *(1,0 31 Dec. 71 $4,996.47 10 $1,299.08 10 $ 795.08 � 0 $ 776.92 3d QTR 15.321..67 30 3,945.55 30 * 4,443.68 5 *(1,81 31 Mar.72 $1,994.88 4 $ 518.67 4 -0- r0 $ 32.17 4th QTR 13,326.79 26 3,426.88 •26 * 4,443.68 5 *(1,8 1 Aprjj0junp $ 408.07 1 12,918.72 1 $ 106.10 3,320.78 1 $ 196.38 * 4,247.30 1 $ 120.00 *(195 $38,189.28 25 $9,929.22 . 25 4 CONTRA COSTA G Through $17,338.00 100 $ 5,201.00 100 $47,600.00 100 $2,77 30 SEP 70 A4.021.14 23 $1,206.34 23 $21.94 st QTR -.. _._.. __.. _ $ 4,495.32 ,_9 2nd QTR $13,316.86 77 3,994.66 77 $43,104.68 91 $2,75 31 DEC 70 4 645.45 27 1,377.88 27 $ 380.62 3d QTR $ 8,671.41 50 $ 2,616.78 50 $42,724.06 p0 $2,75 31,MAA 71 $1,600.86 9 $ 480.25 9 $ 866.42 2 -0- 4th QTR 7,070.55 41 t2,136.53 41 $41,857.64 �8 2,75' 30 June 11 $4,038.17 23 $1,046.45 20 -0- -o- lst QTR 3 032.38 � 17 $1 090.08 21 $41,857.64 8'8 $2,75u 30 SEP 71 $3,395,41 $1 018.62 20 -0- -0- 2d QTR. (.363.03) (2) $ 71.46 1 $41,857.64 818 $2,753 31 Dec. 71 $ 960.61 (6) $ 288.18 6 -0- 1 -0- 3d QTR (1,323.64) (8) ($216.72) (4) '$41,857.64 8.8 $2,753 31 Mar. 72 -0- 0 -0- 0 -0- 1 -0- 4th QTR (1,323.64) (8) ($216.72) (4) $41,857.64 8$ $2,753 Ap193")r-30 Ju -0- (1,323.64) (8) -0- ($216.72) (4) -0- $41,857.64 88 -0- $2,753 TOTAL PROJE HRU 12/31/7 T 18% $68,446.00 100 19% 18,451.00 100 89% 95,200.00 100 26% $5,55C $19,211.43 49,234.57 72 $5,325.88 13,125.12 71 $84,447.74 $10,752.26 11 1,461.19 $4,08E DOTAL PROJE T 56% 56% 94% 81% W 6130/71 $38,440.69 $30,005.31. 44 $10,386.04 $ 8,064.96 44 $89,314.38 $ 5,885.-62 6 $4,477.76 $1,07 COTAL PROJE T 80% 80% 95% ? 133% IRU 12/31/71 $54,447.96 $14,722.17 $90,756.32 $73,357.25 TOTAL PROJE T 83% $13,998.94 20 81% $ 3,728.83 20 96%, $ 4,443.68 6 ($1,80 RU 63j f,:50.;a91 $11r59S.09 17 15,146.4 $_3,104.06 17 $9095270 r $4470 7,509.4 01,95! *Includes $496.79 *Includes $149.04 *Total amount �°f funds remaining in Installation Labor Installation Fringe Proj-661-_" Biidge� of $95,200.00 *Includes $3,,260.28 Benefits (Labor *This amount decreased $1,242.00 *Total amount of ,,Installation labor *Includes $962.33 to reflect apn_roved Vouch maining in budge Installation fringe benefits f $5;550.00% _ !:-F,NANciL REPORT ON WATER RENOVA*1 PR04KCT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY D STPTCT TRIES & WAGES B. FRINGE BENEFITS D. EQUIPMENT * Q E. SUPPLIES F. TRAVEL Budget % Spent Bud et % Spent Bud et % Spent Bud et % Spent Budget $51,108.00 100 $13,250.M 100 $47,600.00 i00 $2,775.00 1f)n $ 1,095. 2 4 $ 534.75 4 $13,769.62 w`29 -0- $2,775.00 -0- 100 6.82 $49,051-.28 96 812,715.25 96 $33,830.38 �71 $1,088, 2 17 $2,206.91 17 $65,802.18 195 $ 1,439.25 52 26.7 $40,563.16 79 10,508.34 79 *10,752.26 11 $ 1,335.7-9 48 $1,061. L 13 $1,689.59 13 $ 3,500.50 $ 678.29 24 $.470.00 34,064.75' 66 $8,818-75 66 = 6,385.34 ,7 $ 657.46 24 $ 591. 2 14 $1,843.87 14 $ 499.72 $2,338.28 -0- 26,972.93 53 6,974.88 53 * 5,885.62 r 6 *$1.,072.24 19 - $ 591, 9 13 $1,730.25 13 $ 646.86 1 0 02.102.57 (3 �. -0- 20,318.14 40 5,244.63 40 *5,238.76 ;-6 *(1,030.33) (19 $ 591. 7 10 $1,299.08 10 $ 795.08 0 $ 776.92 -0- 151321.67 30 3,945.55 30 * 4,443.68 5 *(1,807.25) (33 $ 591. 8 4 $ 518.67 4 -0- �0 $ 32.17 0 -0- 13,326.79 26 3,426.88 -26 * 4,443.68 5 *(1,839.42) (3 $ 591, 7 12,918.72 1 $ 106.10 3,320.78 1 $ 196.38 * 4,247.30 1 1 $ 120.00 *(1959.42) (2 -0- f $ 591. I I I 28 25 $9,929.22 25 4 (35) CONTKA COSTA COUNT`? '44ATER DI, ICT $17,338.00 100 $ 5,201..00 100 $47,600.00 1.00 $2,775.00 100 $ I , 095. 23 k$1,206.34 23 '$ 4,495.32 �9 $21.94 0 152.75 13,316.86 77 3,994.66 77 $43,104.68 91 $2,753.06 100 J $ 942. 27 1,377.88 27 $ 380.62 .1 -0- *$352;62 $ 8,671.41 50 $ 2,616.78 50 $42,724.060 $2,753.06 100 c Y 589. 9 $ 480.25 9 $ 866.42 2 -0- $ 711 o 7,070.55 41 1 $2,136.53 41 $41,857.64 8 $2,753.06 100 $ 515 23 $1,046.45 20 -0- -0- $ 2C.8 3,032.38 17 $1,090.08 21 $41,857.64 88 $2,753.06 100 $ 494 $1 018.62 20 -0- -0- -0- (. 363.03) (2) $ 71.46 1 $41,857.64 818 $2,753.06 100 i $ 494 (6) $ 288.18 6 -0- t -0- -0- (1,323.64) (8) ($216.72) (4) $41,857.64 818 $2,753.06 100 $ 494 0 -0- 0 -0- i -0- -0- (1,323.64) (8) ($216.72) (4) $41,857.64 1 88 $2,753.06 100 $ 492 (1,323.64) (8) -0- ($216.72) (4) -0- $41,857.64 88 -0- $2,753.06 100 -0- $ 492 $68,446.00 100 19% f18,451.00 100 89% $95,200.00 100 26% $5,550.00 100 257. $2,190. 0 49,234.57 72 $5,325.88 13,125.12 71 $84,447.74 $10,752.26 11 1,461,19 $4,088.81 74 533-92 1,651. 56% 94% 81% 50% i9 $30,005.31 44 $10,386.04 $ 8,064.96 44 $89,314.38 $ 5,885:62 6 $40,477.76 $1,072.24 19 1$1,-103.79$1,086. 80% 95% 1 133% 501 16 $14,722.17 $90,756.32 $7,357.25 $1,103.7 $13,998.04 20 8n $ 3,728.83 20 96%, $ 4,443.68 r fi ($1,807.25) (33) 507. $1,086. 1 $11 595.09 17 P15,346.94 $_3,104.06 1 17 1 $90y952.70 $4 A47 .,30 r' +� �7,509.42 01,959.42 351 $1,103.7 i $1,086. $496.79 *Includes $149.04 *Total amount f funds remaining in rof-66"t" it of $95 , 200. 00 Installation Fringe $3,260.28 Benefits (Labor) *`his amount decreased $1,242.00 *Total amount of funds re - ion labor *Includes $962._3 to reflect apn_roved Vouchmaining in budget of Installation fringe benefits CONTRACT 8398 CONTRACT 8493 1. CONTRACT TOTALS GRAND TOTALS % Spent Budget % Spent Budget % Spent Budget r Spent Budget 100 $1.0,000.00 100 $110,750.00 100 $120,750.00 100 $2363-578.00 100 1 $6,637.31 66 $25,244.32 23 $31,881.63 26 $48,249.54 - 20 99 $3,362.69 34 $ 85.505.68 77 $ 88,868.37 74 $188,328.46 80 2 $2,464.36 25 $42,236.03 38 $44,700.39 3! 122 663.58 52 97 898.33 9 $ 43,269.65 39 $ 44,167.98 3j7 $ 65,664.88 28t: 43 $ 898.33 $ $34,878.90 31 $35,777.23 ' 3� t 48,614.02 21 54 -0- 0 8,390.75 8 t 8,390.75 :7 $ 17,050.86 7 -0- $30,573.08 $30,573.08 ' $ 42,346.77 54 -0- 0 $88,567.67 40 k$88,005.17 3� *$134,119.51 31 -0- $33,555.76 15 $33,555.76 13 S 44,690.23 10 54 -0- $55,011.91 25 *$54,449.41 2.j $ 89,429.28 21 -0_ 0. 25 458.87 11 $25,458.87 141 $ 33,326.42 8'.: 54 -0- _ *$29,553.04 13 *$28,990.54. 1-2 $ 56,102.86 13 -0- -0- 0 $18,581.06 8 1 $18,581.06 8-- $ 21,126.78 5' 54 -0- 0 k$10,971.98 5 *10,409.48 4r $ 34,976.08 8 0 -0- -0- 1 0 -$10,971.98 -0- 0 $10,971,98 *( 562.50) - $ 11,802.53 $ 23,173.55 3 54 0 0 0' 5 100 �10,000.00 lOfl 8110,750.00 100 $120,750.00 100 $194,759.00 100 14 $8,721.41 87 -0- -0- $ 8,721.41 *18 618.90 10 86 1,278.59 13 S110,750.00 100 $112,028.59 93 $176,140.10 90 32 *S1,841.09 13 -0- $ 1,841.09 2 $ 8,597.66 5 54 -0- 0 $110,750.00 100 $110,187.50 91 11 $-'-7,s'2.44 85 7 -0- -0- $ 3,021.60 47 -0- 0 $110,750.00 100 $110,187.50 91 $164,520-84 $ 5,105.42 3 45 -0- 0 8110,750,00 100 $110,187.50 91' $159,415.42 82 -0- -0- $ 4,414.03 2'. 45 $110,750.00 100 $110,187.50 91, $155,001.39 803 -0- 0 -0- -0- S 1,248.79 1' 45 $110,750.00 100 $110,.187.50 91, $153,752.60 79 ' -0- 0 -0- -0- -0- 0 9 7 45 -0- 0 $110,750.00 100 110,187.50 91 $153,752.60 79 7 45 A 0 -0- $110,750.00 100 -0- 110,187.50 91 -0- $153,752.60 79 100 91% $20,000.00 100 30% $221,500.00 100 36% $241,500.00 100 46% 431,337.00 loci 75 *19,664.17 898.33 9 67,480.35 154,019.65 70 $87,144.52 154,355.48 64 $198,129.68 233,207,32 54 100% 60% 4% 50 $20,562.50 -0- 0 $132;932.33 $ 88;567.67 40 $153,494.83 $88,005.17 36 '$297,217.49 $134,119.51 31 100% 87% 88% • �88% $20,562.50 $191,946.96 $2123,509.46 $380,896.96 50 100% _0_ 100% $ 29,553.04 13 100% $28,990.54 12 ij6% 50;440.04- 12 50 $20,562.50 ($562.50 0 $221,500.00 -0- 0 $242,062.50 -0- 0 $413,826.27 P 17,510.73 .4' *Includes $562.50 *Total amount of funds remaining in *This amount decreased'$1,242.00 Legal for contract budget of $221,500.00 and $241.,500..00., to reflect approved Vo#cher #1 *Total amount of fug remaining in get of $431,337,00. Kl� NEW BUSINESS NO', 570 RACE s,rREE1 - P.O. E30X 5040 . SAN JOSE, CA. 95750 - AREA CODE (408) 294-7470 November 7, COSH SA1111TARY DJSTR9GT C E: 1 E D NOV 10 '72 Admin. I!- AdmTn. Ant. Oisidct Counsel LID Mr. W, C. Dalton Acting General Manager - Chief Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Po 0. Box 5266 WaInUt Creek, CA 94596 Milint-ninc --- OPevations Permits Reference: District Sewer ing Project No, 1380 Dear Mr. Dalton: Please refer to your letter dated November 2, 1972 regarding District Sewering Project No. 1380. The newspaper article you refer to was correct in that we will not be processing agricultural products at Martinez in 1973. We shall con' to warehouse and ship canned goods at Martinez during most of 1973. If we can provide YOU wit-h additional information for your planning purposes, we would be happy to do so. Very truly yours, CC FOOD CORPORATION A. Davey Director of Operations FAD/eb VllNEW BUSINMI 11. eo Li f ;=914 f Tbolan of 'I"1"�rtinuz C4 tr -anrl-atta 'Street vtlnols California cflt -3 191 California 30,, 1972 In ths Tnttrs�t Of tb.e p,00plo ama'prop.-artles concerned, Mt tr-at the DlstrLct * Zoard o� thO,tdatro, 0 1 Contra Cost* an OqUI-Itable mathod of asse3l- thenowrV1463 1Uartima tn-T­")n--T8r$ An none rm ?147,000 tab that h,3 LID 5j ara'a for '067-Plet!"O.Ya 010 Oontactinn to ths Zau1nqp--1,nh1ut1a is now t':,,a Proposed ­;)thod for paynnent, doa3 pot aaem 1:0 be, the P-ns-.iar, USAG34' t;3 1P.8 1* Is only right tj�_qt coo pays for the ul2a of party p of As--Oi�led aacordlng &6, a u -nad to 4 , a o. t potantial at a I S ",se. -mad for fi-Irth" ts'r tie o,,�m a r opert-1,3-s as Well, ��,ropartjp. a shotild be a:!� fo. r he --nnou"n 3-4 of s Iota �,,;Ould b- ­j Ir7n S x 3 C -3 - :7 .9 ucass ,, tha C arr 01 t a D -,.Iouid b a vou will check -t-h.a Meent centr9l Spni"Inry aZSessr:wt t1_9 P"Orle 4"tedg 35n`bor 7197-m9 2o YOU W111 f1nd asse'""ed ?­'Ould be on the b9als of b 0-1 a f I -than, are Yan, igno-r'ling thl-s statenen.t, ar nztaad d's",riblation on a land zoning bc?sis? d a 0 0 v3 large you to aive d ,�.� dd ��.e`SA .n�� bs�a�� .��X ���� �i7ii (.� Wd,�eS�(�g9 ®n! .�.� !,�•,w irPl� �+r/�yRi- $YV +►•+r ��iM7 ����Fr Y7� it 3`�"?1d'v` 039 i++i1.. "v+g `v1a. �"!'►'• .Tolul zuppary x i3tagnt Cal Gantr 1 ConXl:ra Cogta IS)aIitnry D, o,ri,r,`I'� C_� MT. VIEW SANITARY DISTRICT SANITARY BOARD ZELNIO P. LINDAUER Resident ROBERT J. BARTOLONIE1 Director I ` JULIO L. "BEN" GRIFFANTI Director DANIEL H. HULT Director RAUL H. LONIELI Director OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY POST OFFICE BOX 2366 TELEPHONE (415) 228-5635 MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553 _November 13, 1972 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P. 0. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Attention: W. C. Dalton and. Ernest K. Davis Gentlemen: At their regular meeting of November 9, 1972, the Board of Directors of the Mt. View Sanitary District discussed your offer of negotiation in the matter of consolidation of facilities as contained. in your letter of October 27, 1972. EX-OFFICIO OFFICERS DAVID J. LEVY Atrornev GUENTER K.LEPTIEN Fngineer-.V.neger ROGER L. BENNETT Superintendent NiRS. JANICE WHIPPLE Secretnrv-Bookkeeper Our Directors expressed. interest in meeting with your Directors in a special meeting to discuss preliminary proposals. We wish to invite your Board and Staff to meet with us, and have tenta- tively set a meeting for 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, December 6, 1972 in the library of Las Juntas School, 4105 Pacheco Blvd., Martinez. If this meets with your approval, please let us know, and we will make firm arrangements. Very truly yours, MT. VIEW SANITARY DISTRICT Roger L. Bennett Manager RLBrjw cc David. J. Levy Leptien-Cronin-Cooper M z 0 jYj i I ib j3 < �iA J. S. CONNERY EXECUTIVE OFFICER PHONE 229-3000 EXT. 2221 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SECOND FLOOR. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MARTINEZ. CALIFORNIA 94553 November 10, 1972 Rhoda M. Owen, Secretary Valley Community Services District P. 0. Box 2206 Dublin, California 94566 Dear Mrs. Owen: COMMISSIONERS: L B. AZEVEDO, CITY COUNCILMAN', A.M. DIAS. COUNTY SUPERVISOR L. E. GROTE. CITY COUNCILMAN E. A. LINSCHEID, COUNTY sUPERVISOR S. H. WELCH, JR., PUBLIC MEMBER W. N. BOGGESS, SUPERVISOR ALTERNATE A. L. WEATHERS, COUNCILMAN ALTERNATE Reference is made to your Notice of Public Hearing on November 14, 1972 on the matter of the district Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 3 Enlargement. The notice requested comment on the subject matter. As you are aware, Local Agency Formation Commissions were recently mandated to develop and determine spheres of influence of each governmental agency within its area of concern. This commission has currently under review the recommended spheres of cities within Contra Costa County. When these spheres are adopted, it is the intent of this commission to take under consideration the spheres of influence of the several special districts within this county, including that of the Valley Community Services District. Your district will be requested to comment and recommend as to the district probable ultimate boundary line. In the attachment to your Notice of Public Hearing reference is made to "treatment of wastewater from an expanded population in areas served EBMUD water." Would you please advise this office, in order that I may appropriately advise the commission, as to the territory expected to contain this "expanded population"? This question is raised for several reasons, aside from the possible future expansion of your district boundaries. As you know, there is scheduled an incorporation election in January, 1973 of a proposed city in the San Ramon Valley. a III��I l� yG 3 3I ° o i. �o ry�o na nl n 1� CD M �ra- olyl^ n Rhoda M. Owen 2. November 10, 1972 If this proposed city, which includes almost all of the territory of your district in this county, incorporates, it will become the legal duty of this commission to determine its probable ultimate physical boundary. It is my opinion that the new city, if formed, will probably press for a voice in the decisions concerning new areas of probable expansion of urban services in the valley area. Secondly, a portion of the southern boundary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District "butt -joins" a portion of the northern boundary of your district. As such, a sewage pump station will have to be installed at, or near, your northern district boundary line. Because of the future installation of such a southern pump station, it occurred to me that another alternate might be considered although it may have been considered, to alleviate the severe sewage treatment problem of your district. Has any serious consideration been given to the possibility of having the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District serve the territory southerly to the common county line in the valley? Such a consideration, it seems, could relieve your district of considerable pressure from the damage claims filed against your district by developers because of the inability of your district to provide certain sewerage services. It is realized that, from a Eurel�r engineering review, the county line is not a 'good' line, topograph- ically, for sewage gravity flow, but sewerage pump stations are becoming quite common and are used exten- sively in this county. As you know, that portion of the common county line, artificial as it may be topographically, does exist also as a water service (EBMUD) boundary, a possible city boundary, and a school district boundary. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, as I understand it, could handle that portion of your district sewage effluent originating in this county by either Rhoda M. Owen 3. November 10, 1972 annexation of a portion of your district to the sanitary district or possibly by contract. Your district did the same thing, in effect, with the water service within this county when that portion of your district within the county was annexed to the East Bay Municipal Utility District several years ago. Very truly yours, J . %J S . CONNER Executive Of icer JSC:bgg CC. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District f Executive Offices. LAFC of Alameda County Clerk, Board of Supervisors BOARD OF DIRECTORS DON L. ALLAN. President CHARLES J. GIBHS PARKE L. AONEYSTEELE RICHARD J. MITCHELL GEORGE A. RUSTIGIAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 SPRINGEIROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. SOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 934-6727 AREA CODE 415 November 16, 1972 MEMORANDUM OF RECORD G. A. IIORSTKOTTE, JR., GeneralAlanager—Chief Engineer ERNEST K. DAVIS Secretary At the invitation of Mr. Don L. Allan, President, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a meeting was held at 8:00 o'clock P.M., November 13, 1972, at the Holiday Inn, Concord, California. Present at the meeting: Mr. Don L. Allan, President, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Mr. Daniel L. Yee, President, San Pablo Sanitary District Mr. Zelmo P. Lindauer, President, Mt. View Sanitary District Mr. U. S. (Lyss) Barbachano, President, Stege Sanitary District Mr. Sam Belleci, President, Crockett-Valona Sanitary District Mr. Sal Lopez, President, Byron Sanitary District *Mr. A. F. (Austie) Regan, Secretary, Rodeo Sanitary District Mr. E. K. Davis, Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Not present: Mr. V. J. Chastek, President, Oakley Sanitary District *NOTE: Representing Mr. Mel Marcos, President, Rodeo Sanitary District Mr. Allan, acting as temporary presiding officer, made an introductory statement wherein he stated Presidents of all sanitary districts within Contra Costa County had been invited to this meeting to consider the action taken by the Board of Supervisors on October 24, 1972, in regard to regulation of solid waste dump sites. Mr. Allan explained that the purpose of this meeting was to select three sanitary district directors to serve on the Solid Waste Management Policy Com- mittee as established by the Board of Supervisors action and also to select two staff representatives from the sanitary districts to serve on the Solid Waste Management Technical Committee. Mr. Allan noted that no formal minutes of this meeting would be taken. After presenting a brief background report on the status of solid waste management in Contra Costa County, he invited discussion. After discussion in which all present expressed their views, the fol- lowing action was taken: Memorandum of Record 2 November 16, 1972 A. ORGANIZATION Motion was made by Mr. Lindauer, seconded by Mr. Belleci, that, be it known and recognized henceforth, that there is now formally organized, "The Contra Costa Sanitary Districts President's Council". B. NOMINATIONS TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY COMMITTEE - THREE VACANCIES TO BE FILLED Mr. Lindauer placed in nomination Mr. Julio Griffanti, Director, Mt. View Sanitary District. Mr. Yee placed in nomination Mr. Daniel L. Yee, President, San Pablo Sanitary District. Mr. Allan placed in nomination Mr. Parke L. Bonneysteele, Director Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Mr. Lopez placed in nomination Mr. Earl Wetzel, Director, Byron Sanitary District. Mr. Regan placed in nomination Mr. A. F. Regan, Secretary, Rodeo Sanitary District. Motion was made by Mr. Barbachano, seconded by Mr. Lindauer that nominations be closed. Motion carried by unanimous vote. After secret written ballot, three nominees selected by majority vote were: Mr. Daniel L. Yee, President, San Pablo Sanitary District Mr. Julio Griffanti, Director, Mt. View Sanitary District Mr. Earl Wetzel, Director, Byron Sanitary District C. NOMINATIONS TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE - TWO VACANCIES TO BE FILLED Mr. Lindauer placed in nomination Mr. Al Baxter, Secretary - General Manager, Stege Sanitary District. Mr. Allan placed in nomination Mr. William C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Motion was made by Mr. Lindauer, seconded by Mr. Barbachano that nominations be closed. Motion carried by unanimous vote. As two vacancies exist and only two names were placed in nomination, by unanimous vote, nominees selected were: Mr. Al Baxter, Secretary - General Manager, Stege Sanitary District Mr. William G. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Memorandum of Record 3 November 16, 1972 D. PRESIDING OFFICER, CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICTS PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL Motion was made by Mr. Belleci, seconded by Mr. Barbachano, that Mr. Allan be acting Chairman of the President's Council until a permanent Chair- man_ is selected. Motion carried by unanimous vote. E. MEETINGS Motion was made by Mr. Barbachano, seconded by Mr. Belleci, that the Contra Costa Sanitary Districts President's Council meet regularly on a quarterly basis. Motion carried by unanimous vote. F. ADMINISTRATIVE Mr. Davis was requested to prepare a Memorandum of Record of action taken at this meeting and also to prepare a Sanitary Districts President's Council Resolution for submission to the Contra Costa County Board of Super- visors indicating that the President's Council has been formally organized and place before that body the names of the individuals selected to serve on the Solid Waste Management Policy and Technical Committees. Copies of the Memorandum of Record and the Resolution to be made available to all Contra Costa County Sanitary Districts. Mr. Lindauer stated Mt. View Sanitary District would host the next meeting. Mr. Barbachano expressed appreciation to Mr. Allan and to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for hosting the first meeting. At 11:17 o'clock P.M., Acting Chairman Allan adjourned the meeting. The next meeting to be called by Mr. Lindauer. Respectfully submitted, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5. E. K. Davis Secretary EKD:ms ADDRESS LIST OF THE CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICTS PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL Daniel L. Yee, President San Pablo Sanitary District 4422 Macdonald Avenue Richmond, California 94805 Phone: 237-5822 Zelmo P. Lindauer, President Mt. View Sanitary District P. 0. Box 2366 Martinez, California 94553 Phone: 228-5635 U. S. (Lyss) Barbachano, President Stege Sanitary District 7500 Schmidt Lane El Cerrito, California 94530 Phone: 526-8730 Don L. Allan, President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1250 Springbrook Road Walnut Creek, California 94596 Phone: 934-6727 �^ Sam Belleci, President Crockett-Valona Sanitary District 205 Virginia Street Crockett, California 94525 Phone: 787-2221 A. F. "Austie" Regan, Secretary Rodeo Sanitary District 185 Parker Avenue Rodeo, California 94572 Phone: 799-2393 Sal Lopez, President Byron Sanitary District P. 0. Box 222 Byron, California 94514 Phone: 634-4711 VIII. REPORTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1972 7:30 O'CLOCK P.M. AGENDA A. IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES B. DRAFT OUTLINE OF FINAL REPORT MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1972 The Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling met at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, California, on November 8, 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Vice Chairman Robert R. Grinstead called the meeting to order. Present at the meeting: Vice Chairman Robert R. Grinstead, Dow Chemical Corp. Secretary E. K. Davis, Secretary, CCCSD Mrs. Kris Hiller, Secretary, ECO-INFO, Inc. Mr. William Treadwell, Contra Costa County Health Dept. Mr. John O'Donnell, Industrial Relations Mgr., Glass Containers Corp. Mr. Fred Fagliano, President, Valley Disposal Service, Inc. Mr. Lee B. Hertzberg, EBMUD *Mr. George A. Rustigian, Director, CCCSD *Not an official member of the committee. AGENDA A. IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES Vice Chairman Grinstead acknowledged Mr. O'Donnell who stated he had a film he wished to present concerning the packaging industry. Mr. O'Donnell stated the film had been prepared by the Glass Containers Associa- tion for the sole purpose of ensuring that Legislative Committees would have pertinent data when they held hearings on legislation banning non -returnable containers for the State of Oregon. Mr. O'Donnell stated that the State of Oregon has adopted the legislation banning non -returnable containers and this law became e<fective October 1, 1972. The twenty minute film depicted the various types of package con- tainers used by industry to present their products and which are normally available to the consumer through normal retail outlets such as supermarket stores. As related to the new Oregon law, the basic containers regulated are those containing beer and carbonated soft drinks. These containers now require a monetary deposit at time of purchase. In relation to the total number of products utilizing non -returnable or one-way containers, the re- gulated products, beer and carbonated soft drinks, represent only 5 per cent. Products such as fruit drinks, high energy drinks, wines, powdered drinks, dairy products, vegetable juices and liquid and frozen fruit juices are not affected by the new law even though these products utilize 90-95 per cent non -returnable or one-way containers. As an example of the disparity, the tab can container used for Seven -Up is identical to that used for Nestles Tea, however only the Seven -Up container is regulated. Committee Members queried Mr. O'Donnell regarding certain aspects of the packaging industry with emphasis on glass containers. Discussion h followed with Mr. O'Donnell suggesting it was improper to discriminate against one segment of industry ;;hen the problem of solid wastewas basically universal. He stated the impact of the Oregon law would affect only 5 per cent of the solid waste being generated by the packaging industry, the remaining 95 per rent would still enter the solid waste stream. Interest was expressed by Committee Members regarding technology for the manufacture of glass and potential markets for reclaimed Gullet. Parr. O'Donnell stated industry requires 10 per cent of reclaimed glass to manufacture new glass and that it was feasible that this percentage could rise to 50 per cent if industry were so properly equipped to handle it. He indicated he was not prepared to comment on whether the local glass industry would be prepared to enter into a long term contract for the supply of Gullet He did emphasize that in any contractual agreement for supply of Gullet economics would be a primary factor. In response to opinion regarding enactment of legislation similar to the "Omnibus Container Bill", Mr. O'Donnell deferred comment suggesting Mr. Robert Vans, Western States Manager, Public Affairs, Glass Containers Manufacturing Institute, Inc., would be best qualified to reply. A copy of the "Omnibus Container Bill" was provided Mr. O'Donnell for forwarding to Mr. Vans for comment, hopefully by November 22, 1972. Mr. O'Donnell extended an invitation to Committee Members to tour his plant facilities if interested. Mr. Rustigian and Secretary Davis ex- pressed interest. Vice Chairman Grinstead expressed the appreciation of the Committee Members for Mr. O'Donnell's participation. Committee Members held preliminary discussions regarding the Com- mittee's implementation statement with primary emphasis on the legislative element. Initial discussion centered on clarifying the meaning of "legisla- tive". It was agreed that action that can be implemented by the Sanitary Distr4_ct is considered "administrative" and action that must be implemented by other governmental agencies is considered "legislative". While Committee Members expressed their views, discussed various sections of the legislative element and made tentative amendments, no de- finitive action was taken. At 10:15 o'clock P.M., Vice Chairman Grinstead adjourned the meeting. Agenda for the November 22, 1972, meeting is: A. IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES B. DRAFT OUTLINE OF FINAL REPORT