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04-21-1972 AGENDA BACKUP
MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD APRIL 6, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring - brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 6, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After comment by Member Boneysteele, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1972, be approved after making the following change: Under "VIII. REPORTS, COUNSEL FOR THE. DISTRICT", delete the last para- graph and substitute the following: "Member Boneysteele reported on a meeting in San Francisco with Senator Marks concerning continuing education for professional engineers': Motion changing Minutes of the meeting of March 16, 1972, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 111. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the expenditures, as reviewed by the Expenditure Committee and as submitted by the General Manager -Chief Engineer, be approved, reference being speci- fically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1336 to 1383, inclusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 14257 to 14412, inclusive, Payroll Vouchers Numbers 1478 to 1586, inclusive, Local Improvement District 50 Construction Fund Vouchers Numbers 147 and 148 and Local Improvement District 51 Construction Fred Vouchers Numbers 10 and 11, Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None VI. OLD BUSINESS DISTRICT REVENUE PROGRAM Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer introduced Mr. Jay McCoy of the staff and explained for the benefit of the Board Members Mr. McCoy's professional experience, the duties to which he has been assigned, and then asked Mr. McCoy to report on a survey investigation project he had conducted in relation to the District Revenue Program, Mr. McCoy explained in detail the scope of the survey investigation which encompassed: a. A field survey of ail parcels oE land within the District, b. Preparation of data cards for all parcels except improved sing1,1 lot residential property, e Determination of data on water consumption for industrial, com- mercial and governmental users d. After interpretation of the above data, appropriate charges were applied to all parcels of property to determine District revenue, e. Development of an administrative billing and posting procedure to implement the revenue program. Intcrsperced throughout Mr, McCoy's presentation, Board Members and staff posed questions and discussed various aspects of the survey investi- gation and its impact on the revenue program, after which Mr. Horstkotte commended Mr. McCoy for a fine report. In response to an inquiry from Member Gibbs, Mr. Horstkotte explained that data on water usage was related to the special service charge and not the proposed environmental quality charge. He further indicated that the District had previously elected not to levy a special service charge but that such a charge was now appropriate in order to properly allocate costs of plant operation to commercial and industrial users. Board Members and staff then discussed various aspects of imposing the environmental quality charge and the special service charge simultaneously. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, explained that determination of a special service charge was the responsibility of the General Manager -Chief Engineer and, therefore, different in concept from the environmental quality charge. In response to a question related to billing procedure, Mr. Horstkotte and Mr. Bohn explained to the Board Members the distinction between the hearing scheduled for April 13, 1972, and a hearing which would be scheduled in June, 1972. Board Members and staff then discussed various aspects of the billing procedure, particularly as it related to the environmental quality charge and the special service charge. Member Gibbs suggested that, for clarity of purpose, the environmental quality charge should be applicable to all parcels within the District and that the special service charge for designated parcels would be adjusted to reflect the environmental quality charge. After discussion, the Board Members were in agreement that the environmental quality charge would be applicable to all parcels within the District and was a matter for hearing consideration. Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, then reviewed for Board Members "Chapter 11, Fees and Charges", and the major proposed changes that had been incorporated. The first major proposal was the elective fixture charge. Board Members and staff discussed and agreed upon the advisability of re- taining the elective fixture charge after which it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the elective fixture charge be retained in the District Code as modified in the proposed draft. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2 The second major proposal to Chapter 11 is "Article 7, Environmental QuaiiLy Charge". Mr_ Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed Article 7 while uroposing various amendments to the draft. Board Members and staff discussed various aspects of the Environmental Quality Charge, including comqoal-s on accounting procedures fo,, use of depreciation. During the dis- cussion Board Members made amendments to the proposed draft. MT:. Dalton commented that, in addition to the revenue program being consideKed, the District would have Lo resort to short-term borrowing to finreice the expanded treatment plant. Board Members and staff then discua- seri the District's financial plans, after which it was moved by Member Gibl-s, aeconded by Member Rustigian, that "Chapter 11, Fees and Charges" as amended, be a matter for Board consideration at the hearing on April 13, 1972 Car - rd by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan N0ES tembers: None ABSENT: Members: None Mn-,3er Mitchell suggested that staff prepare appropriate charts and gfaphs, including costs, as aids for the hearing® Member Boneysteele commented that the decision facing the Board on April 13, 1972, is whether to proceed with expanded treatment plant project 07not If the decision is to proceed, the second matter to consider is how to allocate the. cost for the project. LOCAL LWROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 Continued to a future meeting. VII NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that ease- ments from John H. and Marian D. McCosker, Job 2113, Parcel 4, and from Ornig3as E. and Nancy N. Carlson and from Arthur R. and Evelyn D. Anderson, Job 2107, Parcel 1, be accepted at no cost to the District and their re- coviing ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteeie, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members; None NOTICE OF _COMPLETION DISTRICT SEWERTNG PROJECT 1883, WALNUT BOULEVAB1) WALNUT CREEK It was moved by Member Rusttgian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the General Manager -Chief Engineer be authorized to file Notice of Completion for District Sewering Project 1883, Walnut Boulevard, Walnut Creek. Carried by Che following vote2 AYES Members Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOESg Members None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-14 ESTABD:SHING ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR CIVILENGINEER ASSISTANT II AND RESOLTJTION NO. 72-15, APPOINTING MR. JACK H. CASE, CTVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANT 11 At the request of Member Boneystecle that the Board Members consider both Resolutions jointly, and after explanation by staff on administrative 3 procedures related to selection and placement of applicants on the eligibility list, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell,that Resolu- tion No. 72-14 and Resolution No. 72-15 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mttchcil, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER RUNNING EXPENSE AVAILABLE BALANCE FUNDS TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authoriza- tion to transfer $200,000.00 from Running Expense available balance tund to the Sewer Construction Fund balance be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 1971-1972 AUDIT Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Mr. J. S. Plourde, C.P.A., be retained to prepare the 1971-1972 Audit Report. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None CONSENT TO EXECUTION OF EASEMENT TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the President and the Secretary be authorized to execute Consent to Execution of Easement to Pacific Gas and Electric, Local Improvement District No. 2, Granger Street, Walnut Creek. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT EASEMENTS AT COST TO THE DISTRICT After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, and after response to questions from Members of the Board, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rus tigian, that payments from Sewer Con- struction funds in the amounts of $253.00 to Lee E. Stanley for easement, Parcel 1., Job 2100, and $1,200.00 to Douglas U. Gallagher for easement, Parcel 2, Joh 2100, be authorized, the easements be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mi-chell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT RE,T4EST FOR USE OF DISTRICT RIGHT OF WAY After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, and discussion between Members of the Board and staff on various aspects of the request by East Bay Municipal Utility District, it was moved by Member Mitchell, 4 seconded by Member Gibbs, that staff be authorized to negotiate with East Bay Municipal Utility District on its request for use of District right of way in the former Sacramento Northern Railroad right of way between Moraga and Lafayette. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None INFORMATION Board Members noted correspondence received from Mr. Dan Sedar, com- mented on correspondence received from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Local Agency Formation Commission, and discussed briefly correspon dence received from the Board of Supervisors, Contra Costa County. AUTHORIZATIONETEL..2p FOR ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT DISTRICT SEWER NG PROJECT 1977, SAN RAMON CREEK WALNUT CREEK After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer and staff that the Flood Control District had revised their estimate on costs to complete District Sewering Project 1977, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorizPtion in the amount of $41,800.00 from the Sewer Construction Funds for additional deposit to the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District for District Sewering Project 1977, San Ramon Creek, Walnut Creek, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-16 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS AND PROVIDING CERTAIN ASSURANCES After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolu- tion No. 72-16 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Member Mitchell made inquiry regarding the California Association of Sanitation Agencies' meeting scheduled for April 28-29, 1972, at Ramada inn, Fresno, California Board Members and staff discussed method of reimburse- ment for those attending the meeting, after which it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Gibbs, that individuals attending the meeting be authorized expenses, transportation and registration fees c Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rust -Lean and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Staff was directed Lo make reservations for those attending Member Mitchell suggested staff prepare a Standard District form for itemization of expenses which could be filed with the District. 5 Member Boneysteelcinquired from Mr, Bohn, Counsel for the District, the status of a proposed District ordinance to prohibit soft -water regenera- tion discharges. Mr. Bohn requested guidance on Che specific intent of the Board Members. After discussion by Board Members and staff, and explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, as to the necessity for such an ordinance, it was the consensus of the Board Members ihat Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, prepare a District Ordinance which would prohibit soft water regeneration discharges except at specific places designated by the District and that all dischargers would have to be licensed by Lhe District. Item to be continued. President Allan inquired from Mr. Bohn, Counsel For Lhe District, the Sanitary District presently had authority to adopt an ordinance prohibiting use of non -returnable bottles. Mr. Bohn, Board Members and staff then discussed various aspects of the field of solid waste management as it pertains to the District. Mr. Bohn suggested the District may wish to consider revising ecrtain sections of the District Code that relate to solid waste management. VIII REPORTS COMMITTEES Member Boneysteele reported on the April 5, 1972, meeting of the Ad- visory Committee for Solid Waste Recycling. Member Boneysteele stated the Advisory Committee had under consideration: a, A proposal for an industrial recycling complex at the Acme Fill site after study by a consultant. b Establishment of neighborhood recycling centers with agency spon- sorship of conscientious objectors and providing transportation arid equip- ment. c. Establishing a committee position on the SPUR report. Member Boneysteele stated the next meeting is scheduled for April 25, 1972, and Member Gibbs indicated he would attend. Board Members and staff then discussed various aspects of the District's solid waste management program with Members Boneysteele and Mitchell advo- cating the District explore the matter further. Member Gibbs, as Chairman, reported on a meeting of the District's Water Reclamation Negotiating Committee which met to hear a report by the District's consultant. Chairman Gibbs commented on various aspects of Bechtel_ Corporations' report and discussion followed. Board Members re- quested a copy of the Bechtel. report. The next meeting of the Negotiating Committee is scheduled for April 10, 1972, at /:30 o'clock P.M., at the District Offices. GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization for Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, to attend a Water Quality Symposium being sponsored by the Water Quality Research Council, in Washington, D.C., on April 18-19, 1972. Mr. Horstkotte stated his present schedule precluded his attendance, It was 6 moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Mr. Dalton be authori%nd to attend and that authorization for per diem in the amount of $32.00, transportation and registration fees be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Mr. Horstkotte stated thaL the California Water Pollution Control Association is having its annual conference May 2-6, 1912, at Lake Taho. Mr. Horstkotte recommended that five members of the staff be authorizeG to attend the conference. Mr. Horstkotte further noted that staff atten- dance during this period would conflict with the regularly scheduled Board Meeting for May 4, 1972. After discussion, it was agreed that the Board Meeting scheduled for May 4 would be held on May 10, 1972. It was then moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authori- zation for per diem in the amount of $32.00, transportation and registra- tion fees be approved for the five staff personnel attending the four day conference. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte and discussion by t-iaNT and Members of the Board, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization to increase the monthly Petty Cash Fund from $300.00 to $500.00 be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Bohn reported receipt of a check in the amount of $5,851.50 as a result of the Western Pipe litigation. SECRETARY Mr. Davis reported on several matters of an administrative nature, some of which action has not yet been completed. Item to be continued and subsequent reports to be made. ADJOURNMENT At 11:40 o'clock P.M., President Allan adjourned the regular meeting to 8:00 o'clock P.M., April 13, 1972, in Room 215, Las Lomas High School, 1460 South Main Street, Walnut Creek, California, 7 April 21, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr,,, General Manager -Chief Eagineer SUBJECT Authorization to Hire Harry Wharton Temporary Painter's Helper,at $4,04 per Hour 1„ PROBLEM Floyd Wharton, Plant Maintenance Nan, (painter) will start painting again on Monday, April 24th at the District Office The build- ing contractor has released two of the offices for painting and expects to have the Accounting office available for painting by Monday morning. Floyd indicated that he needed a painter's helper and since we do not have anyone that is qualified he suggested that since his brother (61 yrs old) has worked with him in the past on snail outside jobs that he would be willing to help us at this time. 20 RECOMMENDATION: We recommend the above approval with the understanding that It be limited to expedite finishing of the painting in the main office. Respectfully submitted, /7 /', / 2 /Jack L. Best //,/ i Office Engineer TLB eh Recommendation approved: r_,--------,» 71 G. A torstkotte, Jr., GenerEl Manager -Chief Engineer April 21, 1972 MEMOtANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr, General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT? Authorization toAccept 0,000.00 deposit from developers for District negotiation of.right o way acquisition private job No 2113, Orinda Area 10 PROBLEM: Mr. James Orsco and Mr. Jbhn McCosker are joint developers of a property requiring a main line gewer extension. The main line sewer ex tension requires the acquisition of an easementacross a downstream property. 2 BACKGRMUNM All of the easements for Job No 2113 have been secured except one. By letter dated April 18, 1972, Mr, Orosco advised the District that Mr. Krenz, owner of the property in question, has refused all attempts of Mr. Orosco and Nr. McCosker to siva the easement, Therefore, Mr. Orosco and Mr. McCosker have requested the District take the necessary action to obtain the required easement. The District will require a $1,000.00 deposit from the parties in question and with the Board's approval, will proceed with the negotiation of said easement. In the event Mr. Nrenz refuses the District's attempts to sign the easement condemnation will be required 3. ALTERNATIVE: Deny request, 4, RECOMMENDATIONApprove request, accept $1,000.00 deposit and proceed with negotiations, Respectfully submitted. rcz • ,27 JLB ms AEG Recommendation approved: eitt141 (3/, A; Horstkotte, Jr°, eel'al Manager -Chi nef .6, ineer Jac*. L. 3est, Office Engineer April 20, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: TUE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF T BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A, Horstkotte, Jr„ General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Rescind April 6 1972 Authorizatioa for Additional Deposit in the Amount of $41,800u00, to Flood Control District for District Sewering Project 1997, San Ramon Creek Walnut Creek 1. PROBLEM We have been_ advised by the Flood Control District that the Corps of Engineers has decided not to construct the San Ramon Creek channel improvements this year. The Flood Control District has melzuested taat the Corps of Engineers refund all deposits Including our original deposit of $48,000.00 (authorized by Board on January 6, 1972) and a deposit of ad- ditional funds will not be required; Therefore the authorization for an additional deposit of $41,800.00 sbouid be rescinded, 2, BACKGROUND g At a duly held meeting of the Board of Directors. April 6 1972, the Board authorized an additional deposit of $41,800,00 be made to the Flood Cont -fol District to cover their revised estimate of the costs to complete District Sewering Pro!ject 1997, 3. RECOMENDATIOM Rescind April 6, 1972, Authorization for an additional deposit, in the amount of $41,800 00, to Flood Control District for District Seweriug Project 1997, San Ramon Creek, 'Walnut Creek. Respectfully submitted, Cc; Jack L. Best, Office Engineer ax:rns AEG Recommendation approved: G. A4 4orstkot„ J 6, Genera .Managal-:-Chief ?agineer April 19, 1972 MEKORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MMIVERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA G. A. Horstkotta,Jr., General Mauager-Chi,ef Engineer SUBJECT Execution of agreement with State for the Relocation of Facilities near State Route 68O, Diablo Road Interchange. 1, PROBLEM: The States widening of Route 680 through Danville conflicts with, one of our sewerlines. 2. BACKGROUND; The State is,submitting the accompanying utilities agreement for your approval. 3. RECOMMENDATION?, Execute said agreement. Respectfully submitted, JLB:ms Recommendation approved: Jack, L Best, Office Engiueer G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager-Chie Engineer April 19, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR2 Members of the Board of Directors Go A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Authorization of 0,000. for Engineering for Job 2-1-38 4"77 Pacheco Area PROBLEM A section of old line serving watershed 24 North is becoming overloaded - 2. BACKGROUND Approximately 880 feet of old 8-4ndh line remains to be paralleled as part of our watershed 24 North trunk plan. This section of line must be paraneied before more connections are allowed. A 200 unit development is presently under construction. The normal WS fees should cover construction and incidentals. 3 RECOMMENDATIONSg Approve 0000. authorization for engineeriag and right of way so that the •developer can construct the line before con- necting his tract Recommendation Approved G. Af I', General, JT.1,13'jv orstkotte, Jr. Manager -Chief En,ineer Respectfully submitted, ------- ' Jack L. Best Office Engineer April 18, 1972 mEmoaANDuyi FOR HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General.Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Industrial Safety Conference' . 1. BACKGROUND: The Fourth Annual Contra Costa Industrial Safety Conference will be held at the Concord Ian on May 3, 1972. The close vicinity of the Conference provides the opportunity for maximum exposure for operating personnel of a very important aspct to treatment plant operation. 2 RECOMMENDATION: That seven employees be authorized to attend this Conference and the sum of $38050 be.authorized for registration-. Respectfully submitted, c.4 • D. G. Niles Superintendent of Plant Operations Recommendation Approved: z_orstkotte, Jr( eral Hanager-Cllie Engineer Dati:KR To: ct:c4rri,R,A...©()(sT2\ ,NEounfindzu rrirLr 111:Th' M P. BOX 95, CONCORD, CAUFORMA 94520 Fncicsed is z check for the Fun registration fee ($5.50 per person, induding Iuncheon). MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO C. C. A. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CONFEIENCE) nroll the following persons in the FOURTH ANNUAL INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CC..)NrE.RENCE to be hekl etribc-i +t)lfriceicd inn (pro y 0FATTF,31 CONTHA CCSLQ COMPANY iLiki Go,orgc ITZ;IT,,TS 31-T.A,771 Name IT' 7 - •bok qoad ADDRESS ; 'rc"trIiorta 7)i.597 B. Smith 'Name Orrin, Lawson 1 -.Ay TY: OPE;.-LIT: OiLU Titie Title AsSit cohno.-TIVIarsivlilk; 0,6-0 711-1'-'51Ent-4/4CE Lamm CORPoRAT1ON Title -fd 'T(r)r- F-Thd _--1 inASGrfoYa Plittshuzy, WaniKs UnItgd Moho 3'100 emvomtion rp, Stader 'HE FOURTH ANNUAL CON"fl : IL7-II7\7 [11: - Y1`7-1( -11LF ni) Li .71--J17.1] b LI )1,1rviL g SESSION P2IEFERENCE6 (Circie Session Nurnbar4 7 2 3 4 5 a 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 (6 1-'43117fRriep, ,C.,4S'V.A A ki Ltd ttl!" ArifitiqrIltar • Fri :1:71-1: I -r piL7.\LT7(- r Erl LO S ID) A. JV. /A If 11C)/2 CC Lii\] LO ) Mr15Z'N7.,LO APUBLK-'1, SEAVNYCI AND EINT:3©15,1i0 Division o -F Industri& Safety State of Caiifornia Northern California lndustria Safety Society American Society of Safety Engineers San Francisco Chapter U27f[J-1 .1131,9,11] CIOTLA /ACE -A 1[Mal.ETralF.AL 5AY CON[er'ra[alt.-. P. 0. dOX 95, CONCORD, CA 94520 Pittsburg lidlustria Association Sc,F,qy (rnut Northern Caflfornia Association of Inclus?rial Nurses Counci of Richmond lnduVu-nies Contra Costa County 11-!nalth Drrvirtmnnt East By Chapter National Safety Cound Miller Printing pituthurg, CA preAentinn tot sublets with i practical orientmtion, directed to the small ,,orloyer and rythrf persons concerned with employee safety in industry, mercantile 44n1on*, government. edwation and profeftilonal act;vities. The it-_on(furQqvAt striv,,, In transmit knowledge that will assist individuals and c()mpanY% 10,r3ve ,cident prevention records. n!ail 7-i REGiSTRATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY ANNOUNCEMENTS - General Chairman, Elwood Trimpey, Manager Stauffer Chemical Company - Richmond KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Warren Boggess, Supe,vsor 4th District, Contra Costa County :IS - 10:30 SWAP SHOP SESSIONS Session 1 Session 2 STATIC ELECTRICITY. 2, Li01,!ue demonstration on how this unseen hazard can cause acL- Alvin Loards - Trq Instructor (Mime Safety ) U.S. Bureau of Reno, Nevada NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS vs ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. Are nuclear power generating plants safe for the environment? Lois Walker (Mrs,), Communications Specialist General tric Company - San Jose 10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 - 12:30 SWAP SHOP SESSIONS Session 3 ARE YOU A PRO OR AN AMATEUR? Do your safety meetings suffer from tired blood? This talk accompanied by visual aids will show you a way to spark interest in your meetings. Albert Louie, Safety Cordinator Napa State Hospital, Imola Session 4 OSHA. Men in the field. What are the target industry people finding? How are they being received? Do you have any questions relative to the Federal program? David M. Valoff, Senior Safety Engineer (OSHA - DIS) Fresno 12:30 - 2:00 LUNCH FEDERAL AND STATE CODES. Where are we and where are we going? George A. Sherman, Assistant Chief Division of Industrial Safety San Francisco 2:00 - 4:30 SWAP SHOP SESSIONS Session 5 Session 6 HOW TO FALL OFF A LADDER SUCCESSFULLY. A talk with visual aids on how to fall off a ladder. Vincent R. Greco, Maintenance Superintendent Dow Chemical Company - Pittsburg NCISE ABATEMENT AND HEARING CONSERVATION. A talk with visual aids by a recognized authority on noise control. Stan Judd, ";---cf Environmental Engineer Standard Oil Company - San Francisco RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW! Return the form on the other side with your check. April 18 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONO2LABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ViA G A. Horstkotte, Jr, - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Operator Certification 10 BACXGRO-2ND: The following employees of Central Coatis. Costa Sanitary 6istrict Water Pollution Control Plant have successfully passed their respective grades as Water Pollution Control Operators: Y:c2owe1l Grade IV - Mr, McDowell 'is presently employed as Assistant Plant Operator and has been with the District for 18 months. Theodore Bo Smith - Grade IV - Mr. Smith is presently employed as Assistant .Flant Operator and has been with the District for 2 years. .1 Keith Packwood - Grade IV - Nr. Packwood is presently employed on a permanent intermittent appointment as a Laboratory Technician and has been with the District for 1 year and 10 months. The California Water Pollution Control Association Certification, Program is at the present time a voluntary program. Each of these men have attended classes and expended their awn time and effort preparing for this examination- This Certification Program has been accepted by the California State Water Resources Board as meeting their requirements that any .trdatment facility receiving State approval must be operated:fry qualified personnel. 2. RECOMMENDATION) These ge=.-emen will be in the audience for the April 21, 1972, meeting sad it is respectfully recreates that their Cerzlificate be presented to then at this tine Respectfully submitted, ge D. G. Niles Superintendent •of Plant Operations Recommendation Approve11 J1I *f Gg 7 r C o Horstkotte Gcnera2 -Z.anager -Chief' ngineer iiGN;kr April 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE EEMBERp OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIAGa A. horstkotte, Jr. SUBJECT:. A.uthorization to appoint James Green to Piant Maintenance Foreman (Bspze 53-C) 1. BACKGROUND: jasper Green, Plant Maintenance hAn (Range 49) has been working as assistant to Douglas Wald for 18 nnnths, assuming Plant Maintenance Foreman duties when requiredi.e. vacation, sick leave, and is presently olutking in this position. Mr. Green is.a1So directing and perfprming the nore,tamplex maintenance required in the operation of a Power Generation Plant; fuel -operated engines and instrumentation. 2 RECOMMENDATION: Appointnent of Janes Green to Plant Maintenaace Foreman by Resolution of the Board of Directors. Respectfully submitted, D. G. Wiles Superintendent of Plant Operations Recommendation Approved ,t t ? p„, 04 A, Horstkotte, Jr,) 'nerai Amager -Chief Engineer DGN:kr April 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA SUBJECT: . G. Ar Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer Authorization to appoint Chester Grahn to Plant Maintenance Man (Range 47-A) 1. BACKGROUNDg M. Grab n has been working as AssIstant'Plant Operator for one year with the -District. Mr. Grdhn came to the District with several years experience in the heayy,equipment field and has exhibited the skills requii-ecL i.e. welding, machinery and elec- trical maintenance of the Plant Maintenance Man position. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint of Chester Gran to Plant Maintenance Man by Resolution of the Board of Directors. Respectfully submitted, D. G. Niles Superintendent of Plant Operations Recommendation Approved: 76 ,fr nff Horstkotte, Geral Manager -Chief Engineer DC4N:kr April 18, 1972 XEMORANDUK FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ViA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr, General ivianager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Acceptance of easements at no cost to the District, Job 1924, Pleasant Hill area. 1. PROBLEM: Accept easements at no cost to District. 2. BACKGROUND: The following easements offered for acceptance were recorded by Financial Title Company prior to Board acceptance and are hereby pubmitted for acceptance and re-recording, Grantor Job Area Floriaa Fiora, et al 1924 Pleasant Hill Felix Valenzaao, et al liTi PleasanL Hill E. Pordan, et ux Pleasant Hill Fred Bugnatto, et ux 1924 Pleasant Hill 4. RECONEE NDATTON: Accept easements at no cost to District. Respectfully submitted, JLB ms AEG Recommendation approved:' • Horstkotte, Jr eral Manager -Chief Engineer Jack L. Best, Office Engineer '�1 iPF 4nA+' nate -vacs?, April 17. 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. liorstkotte, Jr., - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to Appoint Dale Ohda and. James Ruetenik Engineering Aid I at Range 34 ($700 - $771) 1. BACKGROUND: Received Board approval to hire Engineering Aid I on February 17, 1972. After holding written and oral examinations and establishing the eligible list for Engineering Aid I the positions were offered to Dale Ohda and James Ruetenik. Also, on February 17, 1972, the Board authorized temporary employment of three Engineering Aids. Mr. Ohda, Mr. Simonson and Mr. Paty were appointed to this temporary position. As indicated above, Mr. Ohda came in No. 1 on the examination, Mr. Simonson did not pass the written examination and he terminated his employment with the District. Nr. Paty passed N o . 9 en the examination and we propose to retain hire in this temporary Engineering Aid I position as long as he is needed. The max- imum period of temporary employment is twelve months. The Personnel Committee has approved this appointment be submitted to the entire Board of Directors on April 21, 1972. 2. RECONNENDATIO : Appointment of Dale Ohda and James Ruetenik by resolu- tion of the Board of Directors, effective May 1, 1972. Recommendation Approved: G. A. Hors tkotte , Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer Jif : eh Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer April 14, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: C. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Project Application for the Water j` Qiamation Plant and Financial Plan 1. PROBLEM: In order for the District to meet the Project Application for the Water Reclamation Plant, it will be necessary for the District to adopt the Environmental Quality Charge and Financial Plan. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Your early attention to this May 1, 1972, deadline will be greatly appreciated to meet our critical time period in view of the need for additional funds in the near future, i.e., $4,DCC,CCC. for our share of the project cost plus the cost of short term borrowing which requires a legal authorization for up to $15,000,000. in short-term bonds or notes and the interest thereby assumed, I recommend that the Environmental Quality Charge be adopted as presented ($2.00 and 0.50 per month) and that the tax rate reduction be 1,(/per $100. in 1972-73 and the financial plan be adjusted to 1973 conditions. CAH j v Re p ctfully submitted, G. A. hors tkot to , Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer April 12, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE- bEMBERS IN? TRH BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: •G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization from Sewer Construction Fund of $2,000000 for District Sewering Rrojact 2121 (Engineering study for right of way, East Bay Municipal Utility District) 1. BACKGROUND: At the April 6 1972, Boardpeeting, the staff was directed to proceed with the negotiati9ns with East Bay Municipal Utility District regarding the exchange of Sanitary District right of way'for the installation of a parallel 27" sewer line paralleling our line E-15 near the entrance to St. Mary's College. 2. PROBLEM The engineering study and negotiations will cost an estimated $2,G00.00 3. PZCONMENDATION: Approve $2,000000 authorization. Respectfully submitted, (7-7/ Jack L, Best, Office Engineer JLB ms Recommendation approved: 1 A'c- ,5 ;)L9\ /A' HorsLotce Jr. ne al Manager -Chief ngkneer