HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A IGULAR OF THE DISTRICT BOARD U.NTRA1, CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUD FEBRUARY 17, 1972 Tic Distoxr (clitral Contra Costa Sanitary Di.strr:.ct cem,vened in a ggirl: Se 1-101 at ts4.-1_4r place of meeting located 1250 Springbrook 14,71.1ut Crk. CounLy of, Contra Costa, State of Califoxnie, OD Februa-iy 171 ,rYitUi!k The meeting was ti1I to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: BoneysLee1,3, G;hbr,, Mitchell and A.,_.aq ABSENT: Member: Rustigian ILI APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was md by ?[ember Gibbs ir1d y i4..7_,!,;_wr Mitchell, ti: Oinutes the meeting riT: VcLruary 3, 19P, F n P,aer making the F.Gliarging chonges Under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 43-5 ASSESSMENT, AYCEL 43-5-24-6, RE: ROBERT HUNTWORK COMPLAINT", the penultimate parngrnph ;fl.joAl read: "Mr. Bohn, Counsej for the DistrIct, stated that he would discuss the matter 1 dnnlit with Mr. 'a on Meirn, Gibbs stated thrd:, in his opix.fo, and it was ttv,. ocusensus of the Boa3:0,9 the Wiitrict was cntittcd another assessment and that paymlent fu Chis assessment should be resolved by the two property 0!,ilte,!: 5tivolved-" And tio(ler nvq. NEW BUSTNYSS, NATTERS FROM THE FLOOR"9thc following shall Ive. added: tha;-., on bchalT uf the Diztrict, he had atiiended the Bay A_Jcce,ifo1luLLoi Spon at Stauturd Reseal:7h institute oq .1,2nuafy 26, 1972, and h. joJnt igc_,cti,olf; of they CotTnir; Water and Environtal Com- mittee add Lhe Biy ATca Lee _Rae of ladustrial Azsociations on Janua-ry 28, 19722 in Oakland. ,41:d mov,34 by 1,1Plaber Gibbs, second2d by Mcnaber ??olieysteele Oiat Mbmber he onthuexf,A mileage expenec fo.c attending he Lwo Neetjngt,. Carld by roklo-.11,og voLe° Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mtt.chc111, Rur;Ligia-. and Allan NOW- Mambers! None ABSMT: Mbutbeys None" An 1_1!..(e2: "VaJL, PWL'OVS, GENERAL MANAGER CHIEF ENGINEER', the penultimate lv,cn,,raph -fear.]: "Mr, Horstkotte E-tat:3;1 staft 'Li' mads to ri,;_t a Disrl,ct Ordinance pro- hibiting soft water reP,7,,neti,on (onsideratioa of the Board." Motion changing Minutes of the () the following vote: s by AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell Tid Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the Minutes of February 9, 1972, be approved after making the following changes: Under "IV. HEARINGS", the sixth paragraph '1 read: "Mr. Louis Repetto of Lafayette Garbage ,111,:d the members of the audience that pickup of garden trimmings at the curb wouid be completed by 2:00 o'clock P.M." And there shall be added to the tenth paragraph the following: ,-,c1 stated that rates in Palo Alto were $2.00 per month and, therefore, much cheaper." Motion Niuul-r', of the meeting of February 9, 1972, carried by the following vo AYES: Members: Bontele, Gibbn, ntLchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian None. None. None. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES IV. HEARINGS V. BIDS VI. OLD BUSINESS ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROCEDURES Board Members, staff, Mr. John Bohn, Counsel for the DisLc Mr. Jerry Laster, representing Mr. Ernest A. Wilson, Special Counsel for thc District, and Mr. Gene Green, from the County Health Department, discusscti at length District procedures for establishing Proposed Sewering Are;ic A,'s) and for establishing Local Improvement Districts. In response to y y President A1Mr. Laster stated that, in the event the County thlii Department has ;ed a Health Officer's Certi- ficate of Necessi;y, r rol;--fifths majority J-1,2 Board is necessary to overrule a majority T-ntest. Mr. Laster furtlu.:: indicated that any action taken by the Board 1. discretionary. Mr. Bohn, Coo1 for the District, presented to the Board Members and staff for discission a pron.yed notice to be sent to property owners alerting them that a P.' A. is to be jOrWt'il Mr. Bohn indicated adoption of a notice procedure would facilitate staff 21,gineering efforts and permit early noti- fication to Board Members of P.Sd\,i1 being formed. 2 Board Members and staff then discussed with Mr. G-7ceo the feasibility of adopting a contractual form which was to be Tecordab r.o replace petitions signed by property owners requesting sewer servjc. Mr. Bohn was requested prepare such a form. Board Movh,-,rs tind staff discussed Board policy on holding preliminary !Ic-Irings on JL.D. Miwbc, Gibbs indicated that, if a health problem is d to exist, holdiiig a prelim;nary hearing is redundant. Member Mitchell .,tated he is hesitant to omi; vrliminary hearings because they are informa- ional to the public. After furthn.a: dIsr311bioll, cr. Horstkotte requested authorization to rucc_!A with P.SwAo'n 29, Y1 'A for formation of L.I.D.'s in 1972. With thc,cp ric undrAsi:Aading that the County ,Health Department would i/ui' issue tetTo-ca,y pcIffilts forieptic tariks within/the District without ffivri-A ,5ud Jith the staff u.,dr'rstrqding that Board poli.ey on establishiag L,T,D. IJA:w-caures hi noL 1,een rhapied, it was moved by Aowber Mitchell seconded by MP.ber Gibbs, that ailLhorization be granted to to proceed wjAh 2SAs 29, a ,nd 94 for the formation of L.I.D.'s in 11'172 Carried by the to11otli),3 vote, AYYS. Gthbn, Mitchell and Allan Nonc AUS.NNT; Nnmber: Itostigi,a SEWER SZKVIGE CHARGE INVESTIGATION AND REVIEW OF ESTABLISHED SOURCES OF REVENUE Utilizing charts and memorandum prosanied to the Born -El Mewbers, Mr. Horstkotte explained the scope and impact of proposed seI,Ticn charges upon property owners within the area previously se)ected tor sewer charge invesi:igt.rion- Discus2ion followed, after which Di_strict tinu,--as or revenue were ascossed, Member Boneysteele stated that the purpose nk depredation is for r2co;mry of plant, not replacement, and that actioli shonld r.ak,21n Lo rervcct tMs la the State of California Health and Safety Code. Tt wasthe consensus of the Board Mr. Horstkotte would apprise the State Watn,: Rrouiccs ConLrol Board o.F prob1t nd that a proposal for legislative actou would be suggested ior considerai-ion by the California Associatic of Snnitation Agcrcies. Board Members and staff then discussr,ei the fixture mulLiple ':barge and the elective fixts charge and their (Ipplicatlo. M TIors'ckotte stated the sewer servicc charge was the critical and outlined a proposed schedule of necessary steps Lo permit its implementation. Mc. Horstkot/e stated that adoption of the service chE,c':.e would permit the District foolc. fl-xibility in its financing programn, consensu ol flBoaid that staff may consider applyirT a 25 per cent (000 per ye;_tr) dby chaIge to all unimproved parcels ur land, it was agreed that th.2 3nard oould review the entire District revtluue program at a meeting un March 8, 1972. ADDITIONAL INCURANGE COVERAGE FOR DISTRICT EMPLOYEES AND BOARD 1\rc.131iRS After n,-!)2:-.Ation TIorilcrt, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved y BonysLePle, secr,,," by Member Mitchell, thL additional life insurance coverage :or Director, Generpl Nanager-Chiei hrlf7;ileer, and Counsel for the District br, incl:cased to $25,000.00; for Department Managers, be increased to $15,000,M, Dila for all other District employees, be inc-reoed to $10,000.00. Cenrivd by ih following vote: AYES: MembersBoncysveele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Membc,1:s None ABSENT: Merobal- Rustigian 3 RBATE RECOVi&V Board and staff he desirability of extending current Fate jobs or to adh- o0 blanket five-year extension. It was moed by Member Mitchell, sonded by Member Boneysteele, that Distric Crs:H, the Board .rxtend th ebate 'ceco,?y period of all i1rrent jobs for until ';;'ebruary Li, 197i. Crried by the follog AYES 340F.S! ABSENT: T4=-_,6Lers- i-icorr-!; Boneysteie, C;Ibbs, Mitchell ,a No,,e VII. NEW BUSINESS r111_11V.NT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF j\,. DTS-RICT NO. 12 Aft explanation by ;-ir, Ceneral Manager -Chief Engineer, it -, moved by Member GITAN, sex,,Aded by 14,91-wx Mitchell, that the President :-.1d Secretary be duhOizd t.0,xecili'e Agreement with ti'. C;Ly of Pleasant 11 on Assessment Districc No 12, City or Pleasant Hill. Carried loy the '.11lowing vote: AYES: N0Es! (5,;1„,b,W,chr,-,11J and AlLoi Monc • Member; Rustigian ; OFk? -f,,,r1T;Aw 1N ,11Jf. Oir !':/90.84 fiLu assucance by ir. Horstkotte, General Manage,-Cnief Engineer, that cies for overflow of sewage lines are budgeted, it was moved by Member Gibbs, st.,--led by Member Mitchell, that the claim of Mr. Norman S. Wright, Jr., in the biaount of $790.84, be paid following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: M,bers: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Cieobers: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian AWrWLZATION 1-.W! $15 0O0.00 FG:t SOIL INVESTIGATION BECHTEL TREATMENT PLANT EXPION 1972 P. -NO AUWORTZATIai leOR BECMX!, :=20RATION TO PROCEED WITH ..THWORIC 1-1IGN ONLY Oi! 300 13Ei. GMT ON COIATRACT After explaoii;on iv Mr. 140,:_tc., (eneral Manager -Chief Engineer, it -as moved by Mea) -T seconded by Michell, that authorization of $15,000.00 from Seucc Constrtirtion Funds for soLi liestigation, Trretment Plant Expansion 1972, be apprw--d and tbpi- authorization to Bechtel Corporation to proceed with earthwork dr,., only o per cent on their contract be granted. Carried by the foliowing you,. AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR ORAL AND WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS FOR ENGINEERING AID I AND AUTHORIZATION TO EMPLOY THREE TEWORARY ENGIW:1P,ING AIDS I AT $4.04 PER HOUR After explanation by Mr. 1ur-4t;fo, General '1.-.Liager-Chief Engineer, and indication that the maximum period tempora)y cloyment was twelve months, it was moved by :-_,qfLL,G.bbs, second by Member B.J--ysteele, that al7.riza- tion to call for oral -,d written examinations for Engineering Aid 1 be approved and chat authori7.atioa io c.,loy three temporary Engineering Aids I at a rate of $4.04 per hour be trted. Carried by ihc Mlowing vote: AYES: Members. Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Membeis: None ABSENT: Member: Pustigian 4 AUTHORIZATION OF 100.00 FOR 1972 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP IN INT;,J3W.Y1,2NAL ASSOCIATION ON WATER POLLUTION RESEARCH Aftcr discussion by ]tolia Members and Mr. Horstkotte, it was mu0 by Member Mitchell, seconded by Membn.' Boneysteele, that authorization (1 $100.00 for a 1972 Associate MAT,mbrship in the International AssocialArni on Water Pollutien Research f,r17 Ex. Horstkotte be approved. Carried by the followiAg AVES: Members° floaeystr'ale, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian PAYMENT OF REBATE RECOVERY BALANCE ON Jon G57 Aftal eplaLion by if dis-Llisu with Board Members, it was moved by Mltchn11, seLond,A by Memb:Ir Boneysteele, that authorization in the amount of $36M2 from Se.warY7 Construction Funds, be ped ;:c cpacel all future Yebata oil Job 657. Carried by Ole following votc-!: AYES: Membe,:v Boneystle, Gibbs, Mli-,chell aud Aflan NOES: Membell None ABSENT: Member: Rustigi,lq INFORMATION NORTH BAY WATER ADVISORY COUNCIL NEWS BULLETIN OF FEBRUARY 10,1972 Board Members, staff and 1,x. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed the contents of the New Bulletin and the procedures for nominaiALL a selection committee and Board of Tcmtecs for flASSA. Mr. Bohn remiested Boa-J_d !!-uidance on supporting an amendunut to legislature on BASSA. It w,ls Oac con- sensus of the Board that the Di Lr? not npvose action to wend 3ASSA 1Rgis- lature. After furtke.i: djgcussiou, staff was directed have ;) feIrzesentetivp of the District At the. NoTi:h 1iy Woter Advisory Covlci.l. lueeti.pg on March 17, 1972. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION C SANITATION AGENCIES LETTER OF FEBRUARY 10 1972 After discussion by Boa't-d 1+21:kers And stalf, it was moved by Membev Mitchell, seconded by ikuber Grbbs, thaL Members and staff ai:c11.dimg the Legislative Sea: iitd CASA Legilative Committee Meting nSacrnwieticu, California, on Mal:al 1, 1972, be antiaortzed miloage and expenscs. CotTiod by the following vci.e: AYES: Members: Boneysie.lrl, Gibbs, Mitchell and Alia“ NOES: ilemhers: Nonc ABSENT: Member: Rustigl.an President Allart rmd Member Boneysteele indica„ted they would attcnd ths meeting. MembersGibbs-and lAtcholl indicated tbey would be unablc to attend. REeORT Ov lq,;STERN REGIONAL CuNE1=ENU ON "REEOURCE RECOVERY INDUSTRY'S APPROACH" After a brief repo -0: by Secretary- Dv1 who at,.endPd 7 -he Conle,romce, staff was directed to make copies ot the wriLion cr,porL.ovailabl.e co sic members of the Advisory Committee on solid waste LecyclIT,g. OaD1liA0C1r, 85 RELATING TO GARBAGE SERVICE moved by lieobl,r Gibbs, set.adc0 by ram70t,r onyntne1. . that Oz.iinAncc g), bc_lreinafter set forth, hr adop..ed. Gavrid by the -Collowing vote AYESMctirbers BoDcycLeele, Gibbs, Mii:chell and All?..n NOT Nevbers! None ABSENT Member; Ruqtigian J ORDINANCE 85 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 12-122, 12-123, AND 12-124 OF THE CODE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RELATING TO GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES SECTION 1: Section 12-122 of the Code of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-122. Mwi_mum rates for garbage collections: (1) The rates to be charged in all zones shall be established as follows: (a) single family dvieililip; u.;t iui comianrcial establishments shall be entitled to one collection each week ai a rate fixed for the first container collected; ilti-family dwelling units shall be entitled to one collection each week at a rate fixed for each dwelling unit; (c) each additional container collected at the same time on a regular monthly schedule, except for multi -family dwelling units, shall be charged at an additional container fixed rate, except that in Zone 1 (Orinda-Moraga Disposal) for Lafayette residential customers only, in Zone 2 (Lniayette Garbage Disposal), in Zone 3 (Pleasant Hill -Bay Shore Disposal) and in Zow, (Valley Disposal), single family dwelling units in addition to the one coilorilon per week, shall be entitled to one garden trimmings collection picked up at the curb each week and three major trash pick ups per year al ;, kiwcd fatt._ below: (d) each additional collection each week on a regular monthly schedule for multi -family dwelling units shall be charged at a fixed rate shown below; (e) each additional container collected at the same time on a non - regular schedule 3holl 11.1- charged for each pick up at- an additional container fixed rate; (f) bulk collections shall be charged for cr2ch pi( -1, up on the basis of cubic yards and fractions thereof collectcd. (2) Except as provided in Sections 12-123 and 12-124, the maximum rates which shall be charged for Zonc 1 (Orinda Moraga Disposal) and each classification of customer and service provided are hcleby fixed as follows: RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY 1st Can w/1 wkly 5 Garden Enxil Each Addl /? ii Trimmings Each Addl Addl Can 1st Each Addl Container Year Zone Can Pickup Can Reg Non-Regul Coll Reg Non -Regular 6/1/1971 1 3.10 1.70 .85 2.65 .40 2.65 * 3/1/1972 1 3.45 1.70 .85 1st Year 6/1/1971 i 3.80 COMMERCIAL Each Addl P;ach AddlCan u1k. Per Cu Yd Can Re A __Non Reguiar Per Pickup 1.50 .75 2-30 * For residential customers of City of Lafayette only (3) as provided in SectTonc 12-123 and 12-1249 the mA%imum rates which shall be charged for Zone,2 (J,oiyettn. Disposal) and each classificat:Lon of customer ld service provided a-J.e i!eby fixed as follows RESIDENTIAL. ivi(ULTT-FA/dITLY 1st Can w/1 wkly Garden Each Each Addl 1st Trimmings Each Addl Addl Can 1st Each Addl Contaiaer Year Zone Can Pickup Can Reg. Non -Regular Col Coll Reg. Non -Regular 1/1/1972 to 3/1/1972 2 3.35 3/1/1972 2 1/1/1973 2 3.60 1.80 .90 2.50 .30 2.50 3.0 1_80 .90 2.50 .30 2.50 1.90 .95 2.65 .30 2.65 COMMERCIAL lst Each Addl Each Addl Can Bulk Per Cu Yd Year Zonr, Can Can Reg Non -Regular Per Pickup 1/1/19;2 2 4.10 1.60 .80 2.45 1/1/1973 2 4.40 1.10 .85 2.60 (4) Rxcept as provided 4.7a Section 12-123 and 12-124, the maximum rates wh1r°11 hall be charged for: Zone 3 (Pleasant 11111 -Bay Shore),Zone 4 (Valley Disposal) aed Zoile 5 (Diablo Dispo3a1); and LL-at-th classification of customel- and sc=cvice provided are hereby fixed as follows: RESIDENTIAL 'MULTI -FAMILY . 'Ir.!: Can w/1 wkly Garden Each Each Addl lst Trimmings Each Addl Addl Can lst Each Addl Container Zone Can Pickup Can Reg Non -Regular Coll Coll Reg Non -Regular 3 2.65 1.30 .65 1.80 .30 1.80 4 3.45 1.50 .75 2.05 .35 2.05 5 3.00 1.50 .75 2.05 .35 2.05 COMMERCIAL lst Each Add]. Each Addl Can Bulk Per Cu Yd Zone Can Can Re Non -Regular Per Pickup 3 3.00 1.20 .60 1.80 4 346 1.50 .75 2.05 5 3./15 1.50 .75 °SECTION 2: Section 12-123 of the Co ti- oi ;rhe Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 12-123. Maximum residential rates where special conditions exist. In each Zone where a special truck is required for collection bece_use of (1) the condition of a roadway, (2) the degree of inc3ine, (3) the condition of a driveway, or (4) the distance of sves wheire a container is kept froin the street, the maximum basic residential rate for one col3ectIon o wcck of 12 g Jons o Jess is: (1) for Zone 1 (Orinda-Morage Disposal) where the laRximioul re is $' 60 ;-1 month; (2) for Zone 2 (Lafayette Disposel) the maximum rat.: for 19/2 $0.,90 and for 1973 is $525 a ool)tb; (3) for Zone 3 (Pleasant Hill-Bayshore) where the maximum rate is $3.60 a month; (4) for Zone 4 (Valley Disposal) 3-11,1 Zone 5 (Diablo Disposal) where the maximum rate is $4.15 a month. SECTION 3: Section 12-124 of the Code of the Central Contra Cosa Sanitary District is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 12-124. Minimum rates for special collections. it The minimum rate for each special collection requested by a customer is: (1) for Zone 1 (Orinda-Moraga Disposal) where the minimum rate is $4.60; (2) for Zone 2 (Lafayette Disposal) where the minimum rate for 1972 is $4.90 and for 1973 is $5.25; (3) for Zone 3 (Pleasant Hill-Bayshore) where the minimum rate is $3.60; (4) for Zone 4 (Valley Disposal) and Zone 5 (Diablo Disposal) where the minimum rate is $4.15. a SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in Central Contra Costa Sanitary fli:;LEAct and shall be effective upon expiration of the week of publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 17th day of February, 1972, to become effective except when prohibit:20 by p...ico regplatImns it:sued undnl. authority of the United States Government, 11' the voLP, Lo wit: AYES: Members: Bnneyst2ele Gibbs, Mitchell and Alio-it NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Rustigian President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNFD Secretary of he District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 9 CLAIM OF MR. F. HOEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $100.14 It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the claim of Mr. F. Hoey in the amount of $100.14, be paid following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR. THOMAS KLAUS RE: WARFORD MESA UNIT NO. 2 SUB- DIVISION 2470, ORINDA Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained that Mr. Klaus had inquired if certain conditions of an unsigned 1967 contract between the District and T. J. Bettes Co., now inbank-,,uptc,y, still prevailed concerning Warford Mesa, Unit No. 2, Subdivision 2470, Orinda. Mr. Horstkotte stated that the subdivider had installed a sewer line with aLtendaqt pumping facilities to permit development of the property. After such install;:iioa, it was proposed that the District would assume maintenance and opetati.on oi the system for an annual charge to be levied against each piece oi property. PC the sewer line with attendant pumping facilities has not been placed in operation or maintained since installation in 1967, Mr. Horstkotte recom- mended thai: staff be authorized to negotiate new terms and conditions und,r which District woold assume responsibility for maintenance and operation of the system. It was tha consensus of the Board that Mr. Horstkotteis recommendation be accepted. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 Resolution No, 28 (1972 Series), A Resolution App-v'ouing Change L the lolladaries of Assessment District, Local Improve -went District No. 50, adopted by the City Couctci1 of the City of Martinez on February 16, 1972; was lepoz;od received aitd al -Herod filed. RESOLUTION NO. 72-7 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1877, AS AMENDED A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVE- MENTS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 After explanation by Mr, Laster, representing Mr. Ernest Wilson CounsT for Local Improvement District No. 50, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 72-7, previovsly adupted on January 20, 1972, be readopted. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, MItchell and Allan NOES: Members; None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian AATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Member Boneysteele suggested a staff administrative procedure on cor- respondence being sent to Board Members. 10 VIII. REPORTS COMMITTEES Members BoPeysteele and Mitchell stated the Personnel Committee had nothing to report, However, Member Mitchell noted the agenda for th February 17, 1972, meeting contained two matters on personnel. 11:1111.):i..7 Mitchell reqursted staff to advise the Personnel Committee on all proposed personnel maters prior to placement on the agenda. GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. HoKstkoLte reported in detaiL on his recent visit to Washington, D.C. on DistrLct matters aad prominent individuals of government contacted. n N" Mr. Horstkotte stated Dr. Dean of the E.P.A. planned a visit to the Bay Area on March 16 and 17, 1972. Dr. Dean has expressed an interest in partial government financing of the District's Advanced Treatment Test Facility and would like to meet individual Members of tLe Bod After discu3nion, it was atceed thot r. Horstkotte would attempt to arrange a dinncI with Dr. Dean on MPVCII 17 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. Mr. Horstkotte reported Lhat the Martinez pump stations were now opera- tional, operating on a test basis. He indicated that it was planned that District personnel man tho installation after one week sliu that, subsequently, the installation would revert to a twenty-four hour automatic operation. In response to a query fro.a. Member Mitchell, Mr. ael-!Aotce explauned that approvsl of grant funds at the State level assured approval at the Federal level- Furthd.r, while the need for denitrification by industry is currently del'atable, in MY Horstkotte's opinion nutri,.nt removal will be necessary by 1976 COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT M..Rohn repor!-ed Bol.fd Members on the current status of the Aikell vu. Sanitary Distri,cv litigation. Mr. Bohn stated the case will be appealed regardless of daeision. Mr. James Camia;:o introduced Mr. Robert Wentz, Trademark Homes, Inc. Mr. Carniato explained that Mr. Wentz was requesting Disixict authority to pave over a District easement on St. Mary's Road, Moraga. After further explanationby Mr. Carniato, it was no -tied by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Counsel for the Dist:ricL be authorized to prepare an agreement for execution by the Secretary authorizing Trademark Homes, Inc. to pave over the District eosemrut under coA-Lain terms and condi- tions to be prescribed. Carried by the following vote; AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell ad Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Rustigian ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LETTER FROM MR. fORGE President Allan read to the Board Maiobr,rs M. Trokke's letter of February 15, 1972, expressing his personal gratitude to the Bo,ird Mombrs for adopting a Reso- lution of Appreciation for faithful service upon his rant retirement. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 10:49 o'clock P.M., the Tueeting was adjourned by President March 2, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr, t A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Request for execution by the District of a Consent and Dedication of Public Roads, Oak Road, Orinda Area 1, PROBLEM: Portion of our existing easement (Job 1255 Parcel 4) to be In County Road, 2, BACKGROUND: Mr, Jack E. Pryde granted this District an. easement in May 1966 He Is now in the process of filing a Parcel Map and is requesting Subordination of a portion of our easement to that portion which he is deeding to the County. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute said Consent and Dedication, This is Contra Costa County's policy, prior to agproval of Parcel Maps. JLB:ms AEG Recommendation approved )-2,) 7 A. Horstkotte„, 3 neral Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, ,Jack L. Best, Office Engineer February 29, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G„ A Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT ATTF Modifications The ATTF has been in operation for three mnths. The present facility is operating as a three stage system with 2.5 ingd physical -chemical, (ph 11.0-11,5) .5 mgd nitrification and n5 mgd denitrification. This mode of operation has been effectively producing an effluent quality of Suspended solids mg/L Turbidity J.T.U. Total organic carbon, mg/L Ammonia, as N, mg/L Nitrate, as N mg/L Phosphorus, as P mg/L Raw Sewage 200 101 17 Final Effluent 18 6 19 09 23 (sec, eff) 009 8 0.9 There has also been considerable work carried out in solids handling, con- centration and separation, It has been demonstrated to date that, two stage centrifugation can separate lime sludges from the organic sludges- Typical annalytical data from two stage centrifugation is as follows; 1st Stag_t Total solids recovery 65% Organics 40% Calcium carbonate 85% Phosphate inerts 0% Magnesium 30-60% Sludges from this first stage would be suitable for recalcination and lime enrichment through air classification Further work is 7)1anned on digestion of SeCOEC: stage sludges. Bdr, of Directors -2- 2/2172 The operation of the ATTF has indicated the desirability for the following modifications (1) Increase nitrification process (2) Miodity denitrification system for increase flaw from .5 of 1 mgd and improved nitrogen gas stri2ping (3) $2000.00 5,100.00 Provide electrical modifications for additional centrifuges 800,00 (4) Iustrumentation, flow measurement and process control 2,700.00 (5) Miscellaneous material and supplies $00.00 $11,400.00 Tax 570.00 Total . $11,970.00 These modifications will enable the development of further design criteria, through higher ioadiags in the ATTF Biological processes and increased solids work. It is requested that the sum of $12,000„00 be authorticed rwit the, sewer con- struction fund to carry out the above work, Dageh acieci OTC j(1 rovedr,' A. Rorstkott e Jr. , General Iviazager-Chief :Sngineer Respectfully submitted, ; David 2. Niles Superjntendent,of Operations February 29, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Ho rs tko t to , General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Report of Alameda County Comprehensive Health Planning Council Workshop Meeting on Saturday, February 26, 1972. 1. The undersigned attended subject meeting as an observer. Two members of the District Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling (Mr. Robert Grinstead and Mrs. Kris Hiller) also attended. 2. The workshop meeting was advertised to the public for the purpose of pre- senting re -senting four regional plans for solid waste management for consideration by the Alameda Health Planning Council who in turn would make recommendation to the County as to which plan to adopt. 3. Attendance at the meeting approximated 120 persons. 4. Mr. Leonard Steffanelli, Public Affairs Officer, California Refuse Removal Council and also President of Sunset Scavenger Company, San Francisco, reported for private enterprise. He indicated that the Refuse Council supported a re- gional cnncept for the Bay Area on solid waste management, but emphasized that private enterprise desired full participation with government in any approach to be adopted. Mr. Steffanelli stated private enterprise had been doing a satisfactory job in the Bay Area and that it had the financial resources to develop additional facilities if required. He further indicated that sanitary landfill was the most practical method for disposal of solid waste and that it will be with us for the foreseeable future. Mr. Steffanelli stated that four major disposal sites were available in the Bay Area (San Mateo, Alameda, Acme Fill and Napa) and that these sites could handle Bay Area solid waste for the next 150 years. Lastly, he stated that the most economical method for disposal and to exploit the potentials of recycling was to concentrate solid waste in large masses. 5. Mr. Peter Vardy, Consulting Engineer to Kaiser Sand and Gravel, reported on a regional plan to dispose of Bay Area solid waste near Livermore in a 775 acre site. Mr. Vardy estimated that 50 million tons of refuse coilld be absorbed in the Kaiser site and would have a 45-80 year capacity. Mr. Vardy indicated that any regional plan must be: Economical, technically feasible, and politically and socially acceptable. The latter point is the most difficult to overcome. Page 2 6. Mr. John H. Plumb, Secretary, E. B. M. U. D. reported on the E. B. M. U. D. Solid Waste Committee Report. Mr. Plumb did not present a regional plan for disposal of solid waste. Rather, Mr. Plumb focussed on E. B. M. U. D. being the agency responsible for administering a regional plan. Mr. Plumb indicated that the Board of E. B. M. U. D. desired public response on the question of whether E. B. M. U. D. should go into solid waste disposal. In fact, he encouraged the public to respond either by letter to the E. B. M. U. D. Board or by attending its meetings. Mr. Plumb stressed that only E. B. M. U. D. has the authority to manage a regional plan involving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. 7. Mr. Hans A. Feibusch, President, Environmental Impace Planning Corporation and a Commissioner on BCDC presented the details of the SPUR report for regional disposal of solid waste to the islands of the delta. Mr. Feibusch indicated a 100 ton demonstration program to determine the feasibility of the SPUR plan would require 3 years. 8. Senator Nicholas Petri joined the meeting and made a presentation on his senate bill calling for development of a 100 year land use plan. In fact, his presentation was oriented to generate public support for his bill. 9. Supervisor Fred Cooper, Alameda, addressed the meeting and indicated Federal and State governments should take action to generate markets for recycling of solid waste. Mr. Cooper indicated his support and interest in the problems the people in the audience were addressing. 10. It appeared to the undersigned that subject meeting was primarily oriented toward eliciting public response. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary Forward: G. A. Hors tkotte , Jr., General Manager, -Chief Engineer EKD : ms • ----- February 29 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR; Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Aanager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT Sewer Construction authorizations PROBLEM; Sewer Construction authorizations are needed for District expense (engineering, survey, etc.) for the following Project Acacia Dr., Orinda, D.S.F. 1926 Broadway -Newell, Walnut Creek, D.S.P. 2009 LS. 33 No., So. Maiu-Newell, Walnut Creek, D.S.P 2015 TILS 33 No., San Ramon Creek to Danville Blvd., WaiDut Creek, D.S.P. 2016 LS. 29 So., Rudgear Rd., Walnut Creek D.S.P. 2100 Inspection of outfall Line Diffusers Nichols Study (County Sanitation District 7-A) * To close authorization DC°jy Approved By: Horstkotte, eral Yanager-Chief Eng4inee-: Total Dorothea Cady Administrative Accountant Amount Requested $ 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000,00 4,000.00 5,000.00 1,495.00* 444.87* $19,93987 MEMORANDUM FOR; VI SU3JECT: February 29, 1972 The Honorable Members of the 3oatd o Directors G. A. Eorstkotte Jr., General. Manager—Chief Engineer Agenda Item 1, PROBLEM; Overflow He Marcus 3310 Geneva Street Martinez, California 2 BACKGROUNDg On Saturday, February 5, 19 was called tcrrelieve an overflow at the Upon arrival, the crew found the 6" exis plugged 135downstream from RI in front wye on F street. The stoppage consisted no difficulty. 229-2590 72, the District on call crew address mentioned above. ting sewer line in the street of. #3320 Geneva Street toward o grease and was cleared with There was no damage inside building as sewer water came out of cleanout. Cleaned and disinfected area.. 3, ALTERNATIVESg Pay Claim, refuse claim 4. RECOMMENDATION: This claim from Ernie's sewer service comes and 1 recommend it be paid. Approved By:, /6/1/1' N -N 411 Norstkotte, Jr ,,eral Manager—Chief Engineer Robert H. Hinson Superintendent of Field Operations to $16.00 r • • tss cP-Ixeri 07V P :7 7e K-71,1:01' -71,0( It -1211'Z e7)77' p 77-.Gc J' r7o 42, • ;( fI 4•1#1 00 • elit-rouu -rs (v?--(7.?-rfr p77 -re -v --TrY31 (v7142 44?.7?-eryx77- rst xo ;) yrePt--727,1/1 z t'i"t 12-r14'19,4 hcy7 97 43-74--,o--% -vta/it 1-17-tV-) 7 L. / 'r 771 r/11,1 0/F.s, ERNIEll SEWER SERVICE 119 DiMlorio Way tilARTINEZ, aGlNt.itiA 94553 Pions 22$1042 h 9324923 ATiU a"ti r.�._ V. t► 7/0 � i, 1 N A M`Ey A r;.' T. off; .2-3_1*— f -ar • �1(i1l) Nvhd.",L iu.)�iglSL"3 :\:3 3857 Furrr-or-OR 4EL ER STARTING DATE • I ORDER TAKEN BY JE p f DAY WORK [ c" int,€ r t es I.Ii� I .! 1 i -- ----_-___. . ....___-_-..,..,,—...,..;,,—„,.._-______. i1 hit/ Pie 1 TAX DATE. COMPL.j1 FL: WORK QRDEPED SY signature TOTALAMOUNT $ E] No one home D Total amount 64.4e [ Total billing to for above work: or be mailed after I hereby acknowledge the sattsac:cry .ompletion of the above described wcr c. completion of work