HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 20, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Selion at its regular place of meeting lucated at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State oi California, on January 20, 1972, at 0;00 o'clock P.M. The meeting wts called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigiti Find Allan ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of japuary 17, 1972, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. None. None. IV. HEARINGS V. BIDS VI. OLD BUSINESS FINANCIAL PLAN FOR WATER RECLAMATION PLANT Mt. Horstkotte, General Manai6er-ChieC Filgineer, sated that the financial plan had been independently studied by Brown and Caldwell, Mr. William Dalton, AdminisrI:ative Engineer and staff, arid the conclusions reached are in general agreemeaL Mr. Horstkotte then asked Mr_ Dalton to explain the plan, Mr. Dalton stated the new plan received by the Board Members was a reline ment of the basic plan submitted to the State Water Quality Control Board. he explained that cash flow was the major problem because the Disc/ict would haw to finance a major portion of the plant during the construction peiiod hcforc grant funds would be received. To accomplish this, the District will have to borrow $15,000,000.00 on a short term basis, Mr. Dalton thcn revirwod the plan in detail, after which a discussion betwPnn sLaff and Board Mc.mbers on altetna tive methods of financing the ,f,rlamation plant occurred. Member Mitchell suggested that the staff should reevaluate current District sources of revenue as an adjunct to the financial plan and to ensure that the monetary burden is equitably distributed. Mr. Hotstkotte indicated this would be done and then explained that the imposition of a sewer service charge was practically mandatory in order to receive grist funds. Further discussion followed after which Member Mitchell stated the 1)sLilct should be prepared to implement the financial plan as soon as possible. The iLeffl wag continued VII. NEW BUSINESS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rusttgian that easements from Lawrence J. Gomez, Jr., L.I.D. 49-2, Parcel 2 R-1, Neil Vi Wende, Job 2078, the Safecare Co., Inc., Job 2037, and Walnut Creek Psychto:Lric Hospital, Job X2060, be accepted at no cost to the District and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-5, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARY SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT EMPLOYEES After explanation. by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution No 72-5 hn adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES; Members: Boneystecle, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: iiimbers; None RESOLUTION NO. 72-6 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1876 AS AMENDED "A RESOLUTION APPROVING MAP OF PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT", LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, iL was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, fiat Resolution No. 72-6 be adopted. Calcried by the following vote: AYES Membe-1:s; Boneysteele, Clbbs, Mitchell, Rustigian aid Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-7 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1877, AS AMENDED, "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS", LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 After explanation by Mr. liorstkoLte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution No. 72-7 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan. NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-8 A RESOLUTION RE UESTING,CONSENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MARTINEZ TO A CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 ASStSSMENT DISTRICT, After explanaLion by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it ,ilas moved by Neinher Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution No. 77-8 be adopicd. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boiteysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian aad Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2 Member Mitchell stated that, prior to the Board meeting with the City Council of Martinez and the public hearing to held on assessments, he desired the staff to present a review of L.I.1) Nu. 50 for the benefit of the Board Members. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 43-5 ASSESSMENT, PARCLL 43-5-24-6, RE: ROBERT HUNTWORK COMPLAINT Continued to meeting of February 3, 1972, due to illness of counsel for Mr. Huntwork. AUTHORIZATION OF AN INITIAL $20,000.00 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR SEWER SERVICE CHARGE INVESTIGATION • Member Mitchell requested Mr. Horstkotte to present his rationale on the sewer service charge. Mr. Horstkotte stated that Ps a practical matter, im- posing a sewer charge based on usage was complicated earl difficult to admini-r... The ideal approach was to establish a basic uniform service charge which would be applicable to all property within the District. Board Members and staff discussed the philosophical rationale nit levying a sever service charge on property not connected to the sewer system_ Member Mitchell suggested perhaps a better name would he "cnvironmental quPli_ty charge". Mr. Horstkotic sLai-ed that the financi 0- 1 I !1.1000rnitted to the State contained provisiolm; ToI" a scwo.r service chr.vge, Pad i_hat, If the Board adopts this type of charge, it must be implemented by July 1, 1972. Board Members and staff then discussed the scope of the proposed sewer service charge investigation. Mr. Hol-ilforte explained that it would be necessary to conduct field surveys in order to develop data to ipply the charge and that he anticipated iotl authorization of $50,000.00 would be required to complete the task. Y‘,.;r Mitchell suggested that perhaps a map survey would be adequate. Meober Uilihrl suggested that a preliminary survey indicaUng revenue to be generated oy applying the sewer service charge to alternPiivo types of property would be sattsfacLoly. Alto!' furthec Jiscussion and explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization in the amount of $5,000.00 from ihe Sewer Construction Fund for Sewer Service Charge Investi- gation be approved. Such investigation to be a detailed field survey confined to a limited area selecrod by the General Manager -Chief Engineer, and a report made to the Board Mcmbeis at the meeting of February 17, 1972. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ASY,NT: Members: None ::LAIM Or MLINA E. WAKE IN THE AMOUNT OF $61.90 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte and staff, it moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the claim of Melina E. Wake, in the amount of $61.90, be paid following receipt of signed Release iv Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Booey-;Leele, Gihbo, Mitchell, Rusriglan and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None CLAIM OF LYTY S. DIGNS5 IN THE AMOUNT OF $391.00 After explanation by MI, ilorstIoLte and staff, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the claim of Lyle S. Digness, 3 in the amount of $391.00, be paid following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYNS: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, MiLchell, Rostigian aid Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TQ PAY JOHN A. BOHN FOR SERVICES RENDERED RE DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1997 CONDEMNATIONS, $1,750.00 After explanation by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Mr. Bohn be paid $1,750.00 for services rendered re District Sewering Project 1997 condemnations. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members! None ABSENT: Members: None CORRESPONDENCE FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY COUNCIL OF CHURCHES AND THE PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION LEAGUE - CO -CONVENORS Member Boneysteele suggested that Board Member attendance at the County Citizen Participation Meeting was an individual matter. The Board Members were in Pgreement. AUTHORIZATION IN TnE AMOUNT OF $50.00 TO SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RAILWAY FOR PREPARATION OF LICENSE DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1642, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51, PARCEL A It was moved by Amber Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, thaL payment in t1i7,, amount of $A.00 to Sacramento Northern Railway for preparation of license be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs. Mitchell, Rustigian and A11.an NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Mr. Borstkotte introduced Mr. Donald McCormick of the County Bureau, Contra CosLa Times, Presideta Alla invited Mr. McCormick to address the Board. Mr. McCormick xcqucsZ2,1 that the Board authorize the District staff to distribute to the Contra Costa Times all doLuments, reports and supporting data made available to the Members for use at Board meetings. He then distri- buted several examples of agenda packages made available to the press from other agencies. Individual Board Members expressed dwir views on the ad-Osab-Mity of acceeding to Mr. McCormick's request and the impact such action might have on communications between the staff and the Board Members. After discussion between Board Members, staff and Mr. McCormick and, after clarification of type of data desired, it was the consensus of the Board that the staff be authorized to distribute to the press, at the time of each meeting, the data requested by Mr. McCormick. Such authorization will be reviewed as matter of policy in gay, 1972. VIII. REPORTS COMMITTEES Mather Boneysteele provided Board Members with additional background intormation on the Advisoty Committee for Solid WashRo_cycling. Discussion followed. 4 GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER AUTHORIZATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1 000.00 FOR HEATER Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, requested authorization in the amount of $1,000.00 to install a heater for the Board Room. The heating installation would be added to the Offire Building Expansion 1972 project. After discussion between Board Members and staff, it wa moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization in the emount of $1,000.00 from Sewer Construction funds for installation of a heater for the Board Room be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Member.Boneyst_eele, Gibbs, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Member: Mitchell ABSENT: Members: None CALL FOR ORAL EXAMINATION FOR MAINTENANCE MAN I Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained the present custodian for the District Offices has submitted his resignation. Mr, Horstkotte requested authorization to conduct oral examinations to fill this position and, after selection, the individual would be bonded. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization to call for oral examinations for Maintenance Man I and bonding be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Aliau NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None President Allan suggested that on personnel matters, staff should ensure that Personnel Committee be briefed prior to meetings. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN LNVESTICATLON FOR SEWER REPLACEMENT, HACIENDAWAY, ORINDA After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, and assurance from Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, that action to replace the sewer line on Hacienda Way, Orinda, would not jeopardize current liti- gation involving the District, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by I'Member Boneysteele, that authorization to proceed with design investigation for sewer replacement, Hacienda Way, Orinda, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None IX. ADJOURNMENT At 10:15 o'clock P.14., the meeting was adjonrned by President Allan. 5 0 February 2, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr, G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Joint Meeting of Bay Counties Water and Environmental Committee and Bay Area Leagite of Industrial_ Associations, January 28, 1972 la The undersigned attended subject meeting as an observer. The program was "Seminar on Sewerage" for the Bay -Delta Region. Speakers were Mr. John H. Plumb, Secretary, EBMUD, Mr, Fred H. Dierker, Executive Officer of State Regional Quality Control Board and Mr. Jerome B. Gilbert, Executive officer, State Water Resources Control Board. 2, Mr, Plumb spoke on the background, scope, plans and procedures for imple- mentation of BASSA. Mr. Plumb's remarks were basically informational to the two organizations. No new information concerning BASSA was presented which was not previously available to the Board. However, the undersigned was interested to learn how, after prodding from the State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards and being disenchanted with the Kaiser Study, twenty to twenty-five bay area dischargers got together under EBMUD (Plumb) and wrote the legislation for BASSA and got Mr. Knox to introduce it in Sacramento, Mx. Plumb stated that it was the intent of the BASSA legislation that only elected officials of agencies treating and discharging waste water were eligible to serve on BASSA's 21 member Board of Trustees. Language clarifying this intent would be introduced in Sacramento. Er. Plumb further stated that to assist the BASSA Board, a 19 man Technical Advisory Committee would be formed. Representatives of this advisory committee would serve for four years and would include individuals from the Regional Water Quality Board, the Environmental Protective Agency, ABAG, BCDC, and three scientists (biology and oceanography) from the public. In response to a question, Mr, Plumb stated that a law has been passed in Sacramento permitting agency dischargers to promulgate industrial waste dis- charge ordinances. He speculated that all agencies would do this and that such ordinances would be quite rigid. 3. 1r. Dierker spoke on the status of sub -regional studies and the final basin plan for the bay region. Ha stated that 14 sub -regional studies are currently underway covering 99 of the waste water generated in the State. Tota] cost for the studies is $1,800,000,00 with the San Francisco study amounting to $1,000 000.000 Mr. Dierker stated that originally the San Francisco Basin Plan was to be completed by July 1973, when it would super -cede the current Interim Plan. However, current schedules call for a draft report by January 1974, followed by hearings and review with the final basin plan completed by July 1974. 2 The State Water Resources Board is primarily respoAsible'for the development of the Basin Plan and has as its overall managenent team, Mra Ray Walsh and staff representatives from ABAG and the Regional Watei QualiV.Control Board° However, it is anticipated that development of the plan will be turned over to BASSA when it becomes operative, Mr, Dierker stated that the State and Regional Boards have adopted the concept of Stage 1 in the Kaiser Study, however, the concept of Stages 11 and ITT has not been adopted. 4 Mr, Gilbert spoke on policies and programs of the State Water Resources Control Board with particular reference to the Bay -Delta region He stated that the State Board has adopted 16 Interim Plans and that California may be the only State to qualify under the Muskie and Blatnick bills. Mr. Gilbert stressed the importance of California moving rapidly ahead.in the field o environmental protection so as to provide leadership in the de- velopment standards and trends. Mr. Gilbert stated he visualizes BASSA as a utility type organization be- cause it not only plans but can build and operate facilities, Further, he considers it essential that BASSA be formed soonest because it should be in- volved in the development of the Basin Plan. La conclusion, he stressed that it was necessary that action be taken now and facilities built because the field is dynamic and he cautioned, the State Water Resources Control Board would be moving fast. EKD'oms . Forwarded: Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary if" I HorstKotte Jr. 4, General Manager -Chief Engineer February 1, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: SUBJECT Mr, G. A. Horstkotte, Jr,, General Manager -Chief Engineer Meeting of the Board of Directors, EoBoMoU.D. January 25, 1972 1. The undersigned attended subject meeting as an observer. Scheduled to appear before the E.B0M,U.D. Board was Mr, Frank Mn Stead and Mr. Rans A. Feibusch who authored the SoP,UoR, report on "A Solid Wastes Management System for the Bay Region", 2. Prior to the appearance of the above gentlemen, Mr. John Plumb, Secretary for EoB,M.U.D. summarized correspondence received from individuals and companies praising the initiative and encouraging the E,BoMoU,D, Board to adopt an active role in a regional solid waste management disposal program. Among the correspondence received were letters from Alameda Supervisor Fred Fo Cooper Ralph M. Parsons Co,, and Physics International Co. 3. Mr. Stead and Mr, Feibusch made a thirty minute presentation utilizing charts and graphs of the SoPoU,Ro report on "A Solid Wastes Management System for the Bay Region", Highlights of the presentation were: a. Individual agency approach to environmental problems must be abandoned, What must be adopted is a program oriented to ''manage- ment of the life support system", bo New concepts for solid waste management must be adopted, the basic one which is highestLuile .ferligoltd-waste for recycling", c A demonstration program of 100 tons solid waste disposal is planned to indicate the feasibility of the SPUR. report. H.P.A. has indicated interest in the project particularly in regard to sludge disposal.. do The major 'logjam" to solving the problem of solid waste manage- ment is too many governmental bodies and jurisdictions all oriented for a single purpose. A regional agency must be formed which would have the authority for planning, implementing and.operating a regional solid waste management program. E.B,M.U.D. is in a unique position. It currently is involved with solving the problems of pure water, liquid wastes, and solid waste disposal (sludge). in addition, it is a major landowner. For these reasons, it is three jumps ahead of any new agency", 4. Mr, Roland F. Kelley, Vice President, Ralph M. Parsons Co. of Los Angeles addressed the.E.B.M.U.D. Board and related experiences his firm had encountered in solid waste management. Mr® Kelley advised the Board that: A good public relations program was essential; the initial program should be modest in seope and there are no easy solutions to solid waste management, 2 5. A representative from Easley and Brassy Corporation, Brisbane, addressed the Board. He stated his firm had thirty years experi,eace in solid waste disposal was well qualifLed in this fields and wouid like an opportunity to talk with the EaBsivitU,D„ Committee before tiaey submitted their final report. 6. President Krueger of the E.B,M,U.D. Board stated the sub -committee of the E,B.11.U.D, Board exploring the question of solid waste management had further investigations to make before reporting to the entire Board, Ha further stated that he did not anticipate.a decision on the matter for some time, Respectfully submitted; EKD ms Forwarded: Li e Horstkotte, Jr,, oral Manager -Chief Engineer E. K. Davis, Secretary FILE COPY Filed: January 31, 1972 • MgM(XiWDIT:, :20Rrwcb1f. ticlalbaro ut thQ :Bourd of Dirc!coro VLA C. AD KortAkotte, Jr. Gclir.!ral Monaccr-Chief Engineer SU3JECT.g Ectebliahad Sel:vic(J8 of Ravenuc As directs 1 have r(4viewed the major existing sources (7) revi2nue cf the :"Aatrfct excpt taxes. 1 have not includd ecualizatioa charses which, in my opiaion, need no adjustment and are not signLficant, ncr :-_ayc 1 stdied f?,ngineering and inspection fees which are being reviewed sspara.zely. 1 have f,ncluded a recommendation on the proposed unf.versal Service or Environmental Quality Charge, Dm to the press. of timQ and work ;pad, this revm and f.tc ri?.commendons are sdimitted in less deail-th'an past. studies and must be zegar&ad as prliminary. Its submittal in this form is to seek dio- cz:ssion and suidance fro the Board in those areas judged to be deficient or worhy of expansion. W. C Dalton Admthistrativ,...2 Engineer Approved 3y G G, A. Horst:,:otze,Jr General Manzger-Chief ETA.iner "AlCD: v r,SMAT:N has been resardc6 as a 'ouy-1,1' Te.yr:2;1t oI.epresent Lhe paymer (acuity achieved by plcoperties within he District: Since Jaxi7ary 1, 1967, hs charge has been $250 per acre except in Orinda and Moraga SYM 2roce in rt rc3x acialnr-;t wY.lue acre within th3 reslf:s f,n iccumulaive ttal of 025 in 1970-71A bond azs rate is ac' u: of of tilt fisurc,1 o 77Q1rewni: total major capital improvement costo disrege the se-asides and surpluses from the running expense bua3et f=ansfc7Irred CJni-,;truc4on z-.7ad the investment and accumulation of several MI=OUE of dollars of sewer (:onst'rLIctio2, funds which should be inchxled in th'e present taXpayro'uiLy The staff recommendation is to increase the ana,z;Aation therge sufficLently zo avoid another increase for many years and Aake one unifom charge throughout the enti-,ce potential servide area, Ne :ecoinmene that the new uniform charge b $400 per acre effective July 1D 1972- FIXTURE CHAAGE This care formerly desi nated as the "Connect,ion Charge" was the 3ub:j'ect of r. otudy following submittal of the Brown end Caldwell Report in January, 1967, At Cme, only minor changes were reconmz,n&ld and edoptTx: (on Jon. 1, 1955) C:14 ti u unIA fixture charseo elro, vitually unchL.ntj(xl 7.1953 recommended changee were for 1967 to 1972 only.. .We iad sc.du1ed Stage 5A fur 1972 and knew a review of rEanue would D62 nc'tef,sary, Sta1 5 viar; mated by Brown and Caldwell to coot $3,815,300 which would Ilave appreciated to about $5,000,000 by 1972. S:age 5A as now :planned wilL cost about $8,000,000 but will overlap the old Stages 5 and 6 In addition to 5i, at $3,0009000, we must plan for 5B at $3,000,000 plus fzrunk and defency wo1.7& To put this part of the revenue picture in the aimplest terms, projections of the population increase subject to fiEfzure charger from 1972 until 1980 are estimated at 1509000 to 1809C009 and construrtion fund n!qtArements at about $1598509000. These estiattes wouLd demand a yield, of $88 ':() $106 per person or about $300 to $375 par living unit The preL;en,... y,,zle is estimated at $75 per person buz de to apartmnt building the living uni- Az is eotimand at an average of $200 leas From he above comparisons and estimates, f_z wpale aproea desf.ibl to :mos e a 50% increase on fixture c'aars, thTh cha-:se is to co7Linu e maf,or source of cental improvement revnue. 11(7, recuumencitztfLaA to izcreeze -L7.c, base charges y 50'4 each and the mf.nimum totzl carse Zoz. a:Ly living =i.1- or non-7:esf_dntial usa to $25C, effec:Lve Jrcly 1 7_972. We wf..1: su,',Dr.Lt a revied scheele for :aisce:Ianeou3 fixturz charges in te near futu:e, ( Con ri) ,iti 400 ( Pp 'I We also propose, as the ui of aprel.i.minay st7Tady Lust comp',V,1!te,,O re- commend chanc! of the muItfpla Ccms.fty .E.A,7,rc1a:3 'co oriati reiztue, Imitu rather J.u..tr, was developed to 7-70:vc.1),(.1 of TAiht h1,14 boen singlo family 17,,,j,6ent-,:d-1 o the new revenue could b ,Illoc:At .d to such ,Aqtr (;11-' tmllh v1w7,11_,L ogram 11441 boc:n acENucte and nuccesful„ rrb! objalc:ion to thc vczent L,t:hod f fLg-t3th urchcq7fe two -fold. Fln;t. n f%actl,e of 113-7 maly units rAr,1 plcItmod ald/cv built i: :Lr and ft docit ac coni:: acri;u um:A- Sc,cond, dr)c.:21 no'z appLy to olaGi family developmnts auc-a com4omilLiumE, town hues, o7: ?lann(..6 Dev,Ilopmunts which usually hcmcl a muca srtctc1:.7 density thEn old or nsw sir1gi fzimf.ly homa To illustrate -ucit-.1e, we hv 1.w three rcent conijm1ou,5 r)nging from 7.35 to 9.79 units pe E:re, an fou: Epzrtments from 38.1 units per acre. Sinff,le family home sub&iwisions, or. the othr ttathl, tend to yield less than the old four units per acre used in the enrlier study, possiblybecause new hones are larger and/or topography limits maximum densities to a greater degree Going back to the first density study (May 15, 1961) and reintAni; som pertinent figures for comparison, we have the forlouing unit flows: 7zIally_qpits -Der ,rtPre IgaiLL'47.,:e , 4 r 6,100 10 7,4C0 LOC 10 .7...:.,20C 104 33 14,70C 240 50 7.2_ OCC 361 70 29, ',0C) 422 :LS On '4ixture Chargc! (Contd) PLc-e 3 - Based on the a'oove, wa uould change the mrathod of f-Lxing density charges to units per 1.c.n:1, nad recomm:ur: followinl rb1 riry ch(Idlu We would use gross acreage ar.cludf,ng puollr,c road rights of wLy or drafmage ditches, etc. LI; , its Per aerf.-! r O5 5-10 _1-20 21-30 31-50 over 51 .Fixture M 0 1-2 2 „ 3.0 „ 0 35 ELECT73 717::: CHARGES This charge, formerly knom ,;,o the "Sei,Krc Sc?.rvcc. Charge" was oricinrAly enacte4 to help high-risk buvinesses or e,evelapments with unusually high con- nectiop charges get established before paymen': of full standard connecdon cha-rges. Examples of such enterpriLBec were launderes, restaurrintE, car -washes and dairy bars. However:, in pnT,C:ice vLLL lim:,orfty of _!LA.InIcorJ th..LE opt or. ii'vbc.AL:n own. 1-1,-1 , 1-yd0 0, use has creatad problems when sales occur and hnc enailed much legal 'Lime as well as BoaE review. Staff recommendation Is to modify the language of the Code to Iimf_t tic use o the Elective Fi7,1ture Charges to non-resideEtial connections only and not tc permit the optilon (including existing options) to be t'ransfer:red 1E:rom the original owner t':o any s ubsequent buyer. 5 of .11 REBATE CaARGTI]S nlpat, th:Lsenco, a rucommonck.tion inae,a in 1967,, We propose that rebat,2, chrse nreas be eNpanded to cover the entire. Diotrict outside of Zhose an!as alrv!ady covered by LID on equalization charge This would establish paynble to the District for any conm!ctf,on mitd, to trunk or rulln s(:!wer financed by Lit6trfxt-wide taxciF:— It woi.ed alEo eklJtablish such rebztes for m.ens where the connecting properL7y her 2ot conibiLted to the cost of local sawetin3, 6 of L1 f.;ATERSEIT, Tana CEARGES. tithAershW trunk charsz have bc!(!n oilin.biloa inv-4idu,aLly by nor( action after a sudy of each drainage area. In 3eneral, costs have pe -,1,.n a, projected ahead and areas o developuent within a ten-year period estimated conHrvate.ly. ?,iowaw17:, both cot s and cirri!nE have been infimq1c4,!d by t171 deflatLon of the dollar arc chnuAls in development petternso 'We have reviewed Lhe approved wuterohed plans and chrges and rcilcoumend the followThs adjmens Ln unit charges. In a namber of crlscs Di3trict corltribut:Ions or .1-riv7,1stlIts are involved and he incray.se will _'L-.2,c:eliate return of fullo to tIIe 3w Con- struction 7und Watershed % Established lio. Cua_121ee. Chare_ CIan., e for chLTA9 Date ........_ 2 100 $520 per acre or home 3 0 92 77 77 r7 : 8 0 150 per unit of use:() ,V00 (Future Cost) -1-72 . 10 25 175 " 77 37 77 11 ( 79 V ) 7-1-72 li 0 175 " 17 77 73 77 ( 71 17 ) 7-1-72 13 100 Rebate Class I $162-50 none 15 50 175 per unit of use to $200 (Dist, Invest) 7-.i,-72 22 100 100 per unit of use to $200 (Dist,Contrib) 7-_-72 23 60 100 " Iv 7 7 *200 (c',:fall) 7-L-72 241\T TO 1005C " 17 77 77 (Disc C'z onri7D) 7.:72 $1 24C 100 100 in v `Jit $153 N 11 ) 7-1-72 24S 98 15C " 17 47 $203 (6ensy ) 7-1-72 27 70 15C ' 11 U $2C0 (ds:. , :n -Jest) 7-1-72 27W 98 1J -D 7 r' A V N• 47 $20C ( 77 " ) 7-1-72 29N LOO 300 ' 17 1 $200 f 1,i k vi ) 7172 aecommend Raason Effective none y „D.= WatIrshed r„::=7rs Charg(.?.,„ (Cont'd) Page 2 WatershA % No. Ci10', Recommend Reason Effective r°7-arre_ for_ftTEE Date 29S 0 $150 per unit of tacJ:! None 33N 0 $150 v? v? ,v qq None 3354 70 ..200 v? : ,, „on( 34N 63 $150 14 N 14 None 34S 100 $150 q9 No 35N 40 $150 35S 25 $150 35W 100 $150 1 90 15.0' M 27 17 2,1 99 Not established - LID 50 VCV, nx.z.vrc, Cc MC 7uzure Cest 7--72 $200 ()it Contrib) 7-1-72 $200 (Dist Contrib) 7-1-72 9 17;RViCE CHAGE OR naAcimmTAL QUALITY CHARGE, typ(2, vintudly manchaory undu7Stron,4 legision and i bsolutry a:andatory for any user that cn b(a clar2sd as inc:stsial. We have previou$ly adopted a special service &large vhich will cover most non-reuidcmtial uoere and whIch will be incorporated under ght.geTieral Q. '(.!ory. We have p:evious:.y discussed with the Board. ,Jf Directors the proor3eo: InT3::c amount of $2,00 por month or $24.0C per year pr home and will assume that charge aF, a beginnfLns point. :he use o -,Z the County tax roll and collection procedures also seems to be agreed as the only 7)ractical method of billin2.,col- lectfns ancf, accounting. We have reviewed the procedures to be used and plan to keep our accounting to a minimum. The first tax roll to he used will he the most dif2icu1t and laborious to process, but from that point internal organization will relesate the bLI:ing to a ::cuz7.1n(a but cri.f.cal record-keepin3 ,job,. A field check of svery area wifa:,n the DIst7ict must br; made and in zoning areas other than avicultral and sf.n3le family every property must have a field check and a record of pertinent das established. Attaced is list of )rocedures to be followed The staff pro9oszl is to appy the service or E Q. cha7:g, (1) f -o all separate parcelsas 7,Lstad on the County tax roll withth the Disif.c: (2) .Lo every Living unit in :he Diatreit in excess of c'ne on each prop__,.ty (3) to -1,ac:i comme.rcial Iea sa or rental unt or luse :1777, excess o one cn each properzy. The'3alance of uses ar,?, ccvered by tie Special ',:se Charge prviously adopted, SEWER SERVICE OR ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL:T7 CC : ?a0CiOUU The following is a lf.st of events which will occur p7:Lor to establishlng fina1. ervice charges after Service Charge or Environmantal Caarge ordinance has been adopted. n:11 d pu Tiltitze tO have Cunty collect t4rvi roll and instructs staff to vepare a written report describing he 'parcel (assessor's parcE1 number), nam. of owner (s) and amount of charge for each parcel within the Dstrict "reiving such services and facilities. la. card miAas an areernent with County Board of Superviscrs to pay County a fee for collect -ion of sr,!rv-Lce charge on tax roll (shoud be done concurrently with #1). Fee wi12_ not exceed 1% of all money collected. 2, Staff contines field cMck and completion of data cares, 2a. Staff meers with wo.nr districts to work out a procedure of obtaining water consumption of special users. 3 Staff writes letter 1.".o County Administrator requesting a determination of feasibility of the District: Lsing the services of the Data Procesving Division of the County 3a, Staff meets with County to discuss procc?duras to be foliowad to obtain a list s-aoviing Esseso:f's parcel numIcer owner,' Lame and address a7,.d amount of se:vfc,a chJP.rge. 4, Staff racaives :.n.7forma:ion frm water districts ad enIers agnl-opriate figures on data cards. Aa. Staff com;utes serv!ce cliaz.ge for special L:sers. 5. Stef:7 receives print oun: fro r2 County coverinq entire District showing 7)a:cal 17...,mber and owners rame and addTecs. 10 of 11 Ss,i7er Service or Envilonmental QualizT Charge Procedir (Cont'ci) Page 2 (1.g.1u2rmln whfivk pfln?Als ,-re served or chtx4ed. 6a. Staff notes amount of E3ervicz chn7.4;i! for each parcel on print out. 7. County takes print Board gives notice owlwr nnd publiohwA Board holdh(ilerinb, estniishrad. 10. List of charges ii filed with Accounting Dre7artment. 10a. Notice g,.ven to County that charges a:2 final. Notic has to be in hands of County by August 1. out and runs final list of parcel, ownc!r- and charge. of service ca zze 1::o every parcal affected (1.1;:::Jue in zAt- ,tyJpv) 2c-lt:e of hearinr„ If thure. are no luejority protests, cha7Ges are 11 of 11 • January 31, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR. uonorable Members of the Board of Directors VIM G A. Horstkottel Seneral Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Time limit for rebate recoveries 1. BACKGROUND - The rebate provisions of this District (formerly Ordinance 25) contain the statement that the installers right to recover rebate fees terminates ten years after the District accepts the rebate installation unless the Board upon recommendation of the Engineer extends the recovery period to a certain date. In the early daits of the rebate ordinance, it was felt that ten years was sufficient in :most .cases to insure recovery. Also many of the early rebate lines were installed by subdividers and it was assumed that they had written the cost of off-site rebate lines into the sale of their homes and that rebate payments were just extra profit. For the seventeen years that the District's rebate procedures have been in operation, a different picture has developed, First, ten years is obviously not long enough to recover rebate fees in most cases, and, second, the majority of rebate installations are not connected with subdivision developments, but are neighborhood or single -owner extensions. In 1963, the extension of time change was rnade3 but staff has not brought individual installation to the Board for action on the assumption that extensions would be granted when and if special action were required. We are reaching a time whea.a considerable number of rebate jobs will reach the 10 year limit. It is our conclusion that individual action in such cases would create un necessary staff 'work and clutter up Board agendas. We believe that under our accounting systew credits can be carried indefinitely or until fully paid so that no installer reed lose such credit. Attached is a letter referring to a rebate line installed in 1960 on which no recovery has been made. 2. RECOMMENDATION - Modify the Code Section 9-111 to eIthnate the last sentence wnidh pertains to the time limit. r- - r Eliminate the reference in Section 9-123 which excepts the District from the 13 year limitation from the word 'except" to the end, Eliminate Section 3-131 entitled "DuTation of insta1lerfi2redi " Approved By t. G. A. •orstkotte, Genera Ehnager-Chie E;agineer WC1):117 T/L C Dalton Administrative Engineer January 31, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR Honorable Ilmbers of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr, - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Consents to Execution of Easement, LID 52-7. Parcels 10 and 14, Danville area. 1. PROBLEM: East Bay Municipal Utility District desires to install underground water service within a portion of our exclusive easements (LID 52-7, Parcels 10 and 14). 2, BACKGROUND:, This Distact acquired a 10 foot in width exlusive easement (LID 52-7, Parcel 10) from Mr. George G. hall, etal, (Mr, Hall's property has' since been sold to Mr. John F. Oliverio) and a 20 foot in width exclusive easement (LID 52-7, Parcel 14) from Mr. Robert Mainhardt. The developer of subdivision 3992 has requested rights over said easements to install water service. Mr. Oliverio and Mr. Mainhardt are willing to grant BMUD a portion of said easements, 032 a non-exclusive basis. EBMDD has requested our approval of said Consents to Execution of Easement. 3. ALTERNATIVE a. Approve said Consents to Execution of Easement b Deny approval 4. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Consents to Execution of Easement. We frequently deal with public utilities agencies inmatters of,this type, for our benefit as well as theirs. Respectfully submitted Recommendation Approved G.A Horstkotte Jr. General Lanager -Chief Engineet J1,13jv Jack L. Best Office Engineer January 26, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. , General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Rahn Court and Mayo Lane, Walnut Creek - D.S.P. 1957 1. PROBLEM: The District staff is prepared to recontact the property owners in D.S.P. 1957 so we may proceed with construction this ppring. Attached is a new bulletin dated January 24, 1972, and a letter giving an option to property owners on reconnecting side sewers where necessary. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Proceed with acquiring right of ways and agreements for D.S.P. 1957 project. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB:m.s Attach. Recommendation approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer \, January 26 1972 MEMORANDUM POR THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General ManagerChief Engineer SUBJECT: Contra Costa County Consolidated Fire District Waed Abatement Charge, in the amount of $30.00, levied against Parcel 17 R-1, LID. 50, Fairview Pump Site - 10 PROBLEM A Weed Abatemant charge has beau levied against this District and appears under delinquent taxes; cost to.;redeem, $30000. We filed a complaint and the Fire District made an tnvestigation, the conclusion being the charge will remain as assessed 2, BACKGROUND A "Notice to Abate" was mailed to this District January 29, 1969, and the "Self Abatement Card" returned to the Fire District allowing an extension of time to April 15, 19690 This notice was not complied with and the Fire DistrictIs contractor completed the abatemerit on June 27 1969 3 RECOMMENDATIONg JLB:ins AEC Pay abatement charge in the amount of $30000. Respectfu14 submitted, Recommendation approved: G. A. Aorstkot Jr., General Nanager-Chief Engineer Jack La Best, Office Engineer January 26, 1972 mEmoRANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MENBERE OF THE BOARD O DIRECTORS VIM A, Horstkotte, Jr„ General MAnager-Chief Engineer Mx. TJ C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1. PRObLEM Overflow, John L 'Adler 1533 Harlan Drive Danville, California 837-8703 2. BACKGROUND: On Saturday, January 1, 1972, the District on call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address nentioned above, Upon arrival, the crew found the r exiAting line plugged 120' upstream from manhole on 114rIan at Conway toward manhole in front of #I548 Harlan. The stoppage consisted of lots of grease and was cleaned wit :I no difficulty. The damage was limited to the wall to wall carpet and pad in bedroom and dressing room and hardwood floors. The District crew cleaaed and disinfected throughout and an overflow device has been installed. 3. ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refuse. claim, A, RECOMMENDATION: The total of this claim comes to $141.37 and it seems to be reaeonable for this type of damage. The claimant is entitled to a settlement, REM me AG Recommendation approved: 41,1' G Herstko=te, General Aanager-Chief Engineer Respectful T submitted, H. Hinksons Superintenclent of Field Operations