HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 12, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on January 12, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: BoneysLeele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by MawJ Rustigian, that the Minutes of the meeting of January 6, 1972, be approved al.ter making the fol- lowing cha;Iges: Under "TI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES", the paragraph changing the Minutes of December 14, 1971, pertaining to "VII. NEW BUSINESS, SOUTH BROADWAY SEWER RELOCATION", in the Minutes of December 2, 1971, shall read as follows: "Mcilbcc ”itchell questioned che possibilicy of recovery of relocation costs, becan8c of relocation under RPOevelopmenL Agency action of the city. Mr. Bohn indtcated he would immsrigatt, and :eport on tii. matter. Staff explained that vhe South Broadway Seuer Rclocatioil was not requested by the City oi Walaui Creek but was T,tquirr.d because the Southern Pacific Company terminotrd the Dist-ricts right •of way license." And under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, GARBAGE SERVICE FOR LAFAYETTE, ORINDA AND MORAGA", the words "newly elected President" shall be deleted from the second paragraph. And under "VIII. PEPORTS, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER", the word "legislature" in the sitcood paragraph shall be deleted and replaced by the word "legislation". Motion changing Minutes of the meeting of January 6, 1972, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None AfiSENT: Members: None Nonu. None. Nono- III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES IV. HEARINGS V. BIDS VI. OLD BUSINESS REPORT BY BROWN AND CALDWELL ON RECLAMATION PLANT ANO ADVANCED TREATMENT TEST FACILITY Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, stated th,- he had invited Dr. David Caldwell and his associates from Brown and Caldwell to report to the Board Members on several aspects of the treatment plant expansion program not covered in the previous report. Mr. Horstkotte introduced Dr. Caldwell. Dr. Caldwell introduced his associates, who were Mr. William Henry, Mr. Michael Flanagan, Dr. Daniel Parker, Mr. Ron Sieger and Mr. David Eisenhauer. Dr. Caldwell then asked Mr. Henry to report on the proposed sludge handling process. Utilizing chdrt diagrams, Mr. Henry explained in detail the plant design including type of equipment, number of furnaces and flow process for the in- cineration of sludge. Throughout Mr. Henry's presentation, questions were posed by staff and Board Members and discussion was held on various -tepocts of the report. Mr. Flanagan then repotted on the instrumentation and controls to operate the new treatment plant, Utilizing chart diagrams, Mr. Flanagan explained .1.0 scope and type controls envisaged and th2 role the computer center would 1,lay in devising an optimum cow,vol sLrai-eu Questions were posed by staff and Board Members and discussion was held, pal-ticuJarly on the alternative of buying or leasing the computer. Dr. Parker, utilizing slides Liad handouts, reported in detail on the operation of the District's advance treatment test facility. Dr. Parker stated the facility was cons:rucLed by District personnel and was of such size that tests were conauted on a full scale. He furthrlr stated that an effort was being made Lo secure federal funding of the project_ Questions were posed by staff and Board Members and discussion was held, pai:ticulrrly on the advantages of using lime •in the treatment procnss. President Allan thanked Dr. Caldwell and his associates fei orl excellent presentation and asked for a five minute recess, after which the Board recon vened. NEW BUSINESS AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT After explanation by Mru Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engince,- and s._aff assurance in response to questions posed by individual Boa -ed Memberq, iL was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the Pro!ddent and Secretary execute an agreement with Whitecliff Homes authorizing the District staff to do the engineering design for Job 2100 in Watershed 29 South. The watershed trunk installation of approximately $266,000,00, will be pro- vided under rebaLe provisions of the District Code at the subdividers expense. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None RESOLUTION NO. 72-4, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ONE YEAR EXTENSION TO CONTRACT ;OR SLUDGE REMOVAL It was uoved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution 72-4 authorizing a one year extension to .7„ contract with Mr. Obert Einevoll for an exclusive franchise foi: removal of sludge be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES° Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2 MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PROCESS Member Gibbs reported that Union Carbide had developed a noo-polluting municipal solid waste disposal process that utilizes oxygen to convert organic wastes into fuel gas. Discussion followed. VIII. REPORTS COMMITTEES Member Boneysteele repovted in detail on the results of the first meeting of the Advisory Committee on solid waste recycling held January 11, 1972. A general discussion by Board Members followed with emphasis on the role and function the committee was to perform. It was agreed that in addition to Membe.- Boneysteele, an additional Board Member, in rotation, would be present at each future meeting and that President Allan would attend the January 25, 1972, meeting. GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER After explanation by Mr. Horstkotto oud discussion with Board Members, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Mamber Boneysteele, that Mr. Horstkotte and Mr. Bohn be authorized air transportation and expenses to Washington, D.C. on January 23, 1972 and return to Palm Springs, California, in time for the California S:tnitary ;Ind Sanitation DistrictzAssociation meeting on January 27, 1972. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT /Ir. Bohn explained that the District was in receipt of correspondence from Navajo Refining Company indicating a conflict on easement over Salton Rivera's high pressure jet fuel pipeline and the District's plans for con- struction of a holding basin and dykc- After discussion by staff and Board Members, it was moved by Member Gibbs, cf-ronded by Member Boneysteele, that Mr. Bohn be authorized to file a suit for Declaritory Judgment in the matter and subsequently initiate negotiations foc an agreeable solution. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Roneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian nd Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Nona At 10:44 o'clock P.M-, by President Allan. rx. ADJOURNMENT :he far°0LiAlg was adjourned to January 20, i9-/2 3 MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING MEETING HELD JANUARY 11, 1972 The Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling met at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, California, on January 11, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Parke L. Boneysteele, acting as Chairman, called the meeting to order. Present at the meeting: Mr. Sam Satre representing Mayor Elwon Lance, City of Martinez Vice Mayor Robert I. Harman, City of Pleasant Hill Councilman John W. Clemson, City of Walnut Creek Director Parke L. Boneysteele, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Mr. E. K. Davis, Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Mr. Fred Fagliano, President, Valley Disposal Service, Inc. Mr. J. W. McKenzie, Manager, Metal Plant, Continental Can Corp. Mr. John J. O'Donnell, Industrial Relations Manager, Glass Containers Corp. Mr. Fred Erickson, Supt. of Services, Antioch Mill, Crown Zellerbach Corp. Mr. John Cashel, Public Relations Manager, Alum. Div., Kaiser Alum. & Chem. Corp. Mr. R. L. Patriquin, Supt. Transportation and General Services, Pittsburg Works, U. S. Steel Corp. Mr. Robert R. Grinstead, Dow Chemical Corp. Mr. Paul Clausen, Director of Camping, Boy Scouts of America Mrs. Kris Hiller, Secretary, ECO -INFO, Inc. Mrs. Robert Nelson Mr. Mark Maloilay *Mr. J. Robertson, Continental Can Corporation *Mr. William Grossi, Health Department, Contra Costa County *Mr. Eitte!it Marriner, City Manager, City of Lafayette *Mr. J,Ack rlorris, International Ingineering Co., Inc. *Not official members of the Advisory Committee Mr. Boneysteele, Director, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District welcomed the members of the Advisory Committee and persons in the audience to the first meeting of the Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling. Members of the committee rose and introduced themselves. Mr. Boneysteele presented, for the benefit of those persons not familiar with the Sanitary District, a brief history of the District's development, the area and population it serves, and the functions it performs, in particular those relating to solid waste disposal. Mr. Boneysteele then explained the background to the formulation of the Advisory Committee and that the District Board particularly desired that members of the committee represent the four major groups most concerned with recycling of solid waste, namely: Local government, the collecting agencies, industrial users of recycled solid waste; and citizens of organizations interested in en- vironmental protection. A. ORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE Mr. Boneysteele asked for thr views of the members of the committee. After discussion, Mrs. Hiller suggested that, as members were newly acquainted, the organization of the committee be continued to a future meeting. There being no dissent, the item was continued. to. B. DETERMINATLON n10 r, REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Boneysteele asked for the views of the members of the committee. After individual members presented their views and the matter discussed, it was agreed that the normal meeting date would be on Tuesdays at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The regu- larity of such meetings was contiuued; however, it was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, January 25, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. C. DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM Mr. Boneysteele stated that he had in his possession pertinent data on solid waste recycling which was available to the members of the committee. Mrs. Illiter reported that the University of California had an excellent biblio- graphy on solid waste management and that she would endeavor to secure a copy for the committee. A bibliography of material on solid waste currently available to the Sanitary District was pre,3cni_d to the members. Members of the committee discussed at length the approach to the problem and its scope. Mr. Grinstead stated information was needed on transportation, the size of markets for recycled solid waste and, in order to evaluate alterna- tive solutions, the committee must know the costs for sanitary landfill. Mr. Cashell stated present technology did not appear to make recycling ec- onomically feasible. Mr. Maloney presented a brief rcporL on local recycling centers currently in operation. Mr. Erickson reported that Co' Zellerbach is currently recycling 200 tons of corrugated paper a day. He ,then explained some of the probems associated with recyclement of paper waste and the importance that the end product be functional as well as being acceptable to the public Mr. Cashell suggested that, as an approach, the committee may wish to explore what other communities are doing in the ficld of solid waste recyclIng and its latest technology. Mr. Clausen repoi-ted on previous activities conducted by Boy Scout organi- zations in the county axed the type of probleffis they had encounteT:cd After further discussion, it was agreed that Mr Maloney and Mrs Hiller would present a report on cul -rent recycling efforts now being performed at the next meeting and that, if time permitted, representatives from industry would present reports. The committee did ioL addEess itself to the mnttcr of determing a tentative progress report schedule and there were nu mattefrom the floor. The meeting adjouracd at 9:50 o'clock PN_ 2 January 20, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: Organization of the committee 1. PROBLEM: In order for the Committee to optimize its effectiveness, it should be organized in the near future, preferably at the Janu- ary 25, 1972, meeting. 2. BACpPOI7AD: Subject item was on the agenda for the meeting of Janu- ary ), 1972. Item was continued because members of the Committee were newly acquainted. 3. P13.GANUATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Minimum requirements are: Chairman who wc,1d be respo-:_3ible for the conduct of meetings and the assignment of tasks to committee sub -groups or individual members; a vice chairman to act in the chairman's absence; and a secretary responsible for pimp parit*on of minutes and administrative tasks. 4. ' 12USqT0Ii: The personal schedule of individuals occupying the positions chairman and vice chairman should permit attendance at all meetings e , well as extra -curricular committee activities. The individual ap- pointed as secretary should be able to attend all meetings and have adequate administration facilities available to support the Committee. 5. RECO1 7:DATION: Members take appropriate action to organize the COM _.L4 at the January 25, 1972, meeting. EICD:ms Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 20, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: Definition and Scope of the problem 1. PROBLEM: Should the Advisory Committee recommend a solid waste recycling program to the District Board and if so, to what extent? 2. BACKGROUND: At the January 11, 1972 meeting, discussion was held on the scope and definition of the problem with no conclusions reached. 3. DISCUSSION: One approach to the problem is to determine the answers to the following questions: a. How much solid waste by category is generated now annually in Contra Costa County and what is projected for 1977? b. How much solid waste by category is recycled now annually in Contra Costa County? c. How much solid waste by category is now annually disposed of by Sanitary landfill by Acme Fill Corporation and what does it cost? d. What is the potential size of the market for paper, aluminum, glass and other metals and their price range? e. Who would operate the recycling program and where would recycling be done? f. How would the recycling program be implemented and public co- operation be attained? g. How can local government help and what laws are necessary? h. How much would the recycling program cost and who will finance it? 4. RECOMMENDATION: The members adopt the approach outlined above. Respectfully submitted, EKD:ms E. K. Davis, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 20, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: Determination of a tentative progress report schedule 1. PROBLEM: How long will it take the Committee to complete its task and report to the District Board? 2. DISCUSSION: Assuming the Committee will meet once a month and that tasks are assigned to Committee Sub -groups, the following schedule appears feasible: January 25 - assignment of tasks February - report of Sub -groups March -- report of Sub -groups April - first draft of Committee report May -- final Committee report 3. RECOMMENDATION: The members adopt the above tentative schedule. EKD : ms Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 19, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: MEMBERS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: Determination of a regular meeting schedule . PROBLEM: Determine a regular meeting schedule for the committee. 2. BACK- D: Membership ,7): fAe committee totals eighteen individuals representing local govern:, t collecting agencies, industry and citiens At L meeting of january 11, 1972, after discussion, the committee agreed that future meetings would be held on Tuesdays at 8:00 o'lock P.M. The regularity of such meetings was not determined. 3. cussip-N: Time available to all committee members is limited, parulzC,7 for members representing local goverament, who in the perfornance of their public responsibilities, nonnally meet two to thre !,rJecthgs a month. In view of this, and :7,71 recognition that othe :yi-mbers may have similar obligations, tile committee should meet once a month. 4. 'OMMENDATION: The members agree that the Advisory Committee will meet regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month, next meeting to be February 29, 1972. EKD:ms Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ays January 19, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Request for payment of $50.00 to Sacramento Northern Railway, for preparation of license, DSP 1642, LID 51, Parcel A, Town of Clyde 1. PROBLEM Sacramento Northern Railway issued this District a license to Install a 12cast iron pipe, which crosses their right of way near the Town of Clyde, for our Local Improvement District No. 51, Parcel A. A fee of $50,00 is required for preparation of this license, 2. RECOMMENDATION; Pay the amount of $50.00 to Sacramento Northern Railway. Recommendation Approved 41,!h -P ,Ga A. Horstkotte, Jr. General hanager-Chief Engineer JI,Bzjv Respectfully submitted, ,/ Jack L Best Office Engineer January 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIM G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Financial Plans and Projections The financial plan dated December, 1971, which was prepared to expand upon and adjust the project report for the Water Reclamation Plant dealt with the net costs to the District until 1980-81. It anticipated borrowing $10,000,000 for the first major expansion (Stage 5A) and 45,000,000 for stage 5B which would have to be in the planning stage before 5A was completed. In delving into the grant program and its complexitities, it appeared that cash flow during construction would be a greater problem than initially forecast. Therefore, a gross expenditure plan has been prepared using the same schedules of expenditures and revenues as before and relating to •estimated construction contract payments under accelerated conditions. The result is shown on the chart dated January, 1972, with the major changes being in the need to borrow greater amounts for short terms to cover the outlay for construction. The end result as related to the WCIF or Sewer Construction Fund, tax rate, or Service charge is not significantly different, Both projections assume a District -wide service charge of $2,00 per month per residential unit, a stabilized tax rate at its present level, and grant participation of 80% by state and federal agencies. Other cost and revenue projections were based on data furnished by Brown and Caldwell and from the historical records of the District, WCD:jv Approved By I a if G(J. horstkotte, Jr. General Manager—Chief Engineer 1. W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer January 17, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA; G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1. PROBLEMOverflow, M. E. Wake 2401 Warren Road Walnut Creek, California 939-9430 2 BACKGROUND On Saturday, January 1, 1972, the District on-call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above, Upon arrival , the crew found the 6 line G-7 plugged 15 from NE. 29 upstream toward existing MH on Warren at Island Court. The stoppage consisted of a 6 rubber test plug that must have been left in the line by the coutractor, The plug was removed with no difficulty. The damage consisted of every throw rugs and a 9x16 rug, the outside floor was painted prior to the flood which caused the paint to peel off. The District crew cleaned and disiafected throughout. 3. ALTERNATIVEPay claim, refuse claim. 4. RECOMMENDATIONg The total amount of this claim comes to $51.90 including the gallon of paint they had to buy to repaint the porch floor. 1 feel they are entitled to a settlement, plus an extra $10.00 for the water that was used Robert H. Hinkson 8uperintendent of Field Operations Approved By: G, /1A. Horstkotte, Jr. Gera Manager -Chief Engineer January 17, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1, PROBLEM Overflow, Lyle S. Di.gness 2401 Warren Road Walnut Creek, California 2 BACKGROUND; On Saturday, January was called to relieve an overflow Upon arrival, the crew found ma 29 upstream toward existing MU The stoppage consisted of 6' been left in the line by the contr no difficulty a The damage consisted of a guitar, carpet sweeper, bedspread, suitcase, books, several shoes and eweaters; also the tile floor throughout the apartment. The 14strict crew cleaned and disin,fected throughout, 3 ALTERNATIVE Pay claim, refuse claim. 935-381.5 1, 1972, the District on-call crew at the address mentioned above, the 6 line G-7 plugged 15from on Warren at Island Court, rubber test plug that must have actor. The plug was removed with 4 RECOMMENDATIONg The total of this claim comes to $391.00 and I feel the claimant is entitled to a settlement. RobertR. Hjnkaon Superintendent of Field Operations v AppIoved by: ollorstkotte, Jr. GeEeral ,Y!anager Chief Engineer January 14, 1972 EEMORANDUM FOR THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA Mr G. A. Horstkotte Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Request am initial $20,000.00 from Sewer Construction funds for Sewer Service Charge Investigation 1. PROBLEM: In order to establish the Sewer -Service charge as required by Ordinances 71 and 72 it will be necessary to do office and field, investi- gation to arrive at t4e individual. charges. 2 BACKGROUND Federal grant programs require that a Sewer Service charge be established. $20,000.00 should cover the cost of this preliminary work. Additional money may be needed to coordinate billing procedures. 3 RECOMMENDATION: Approval JLB:ms Recommendation app rove d Respectfully submitted, G. A. Horstkotte, Jr.,, General Manager -Chief Ansi eer, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer