HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1972 AGENDA BACKUPVCR' L. e - Geraeral R(muegn hellge in claoaliautton )1,)'17 MI. Whppla and TiaLt2w t-;0 angineeT On Janulaxy 7, 1972, VCR:. GenxEe BKooke, Lic,paxtimev gene, will b(a. xotiKin3 And MI. Ii4endlL1 RnApple, Ucenned STaxvyax, wUJ, b(mome e sub -dep2rtmnir: head. ovcin: zhe survyoxs und.,%r thz, Enzinefaril',1g Depaytment. AONGROUND Wklipple, and Nr. (SapezviEing Conutxuvcion InopectoT) aza in. the same. selary7aage klar'r,'_iInge 59) ao Aowoclate EnginflexT (4), all with the ElagInzring 2'.2paTctmaa.c, To a Ximiad eqaent thexw-4mnsibilaies of 'ale. Aow)cite Englmers zxe intekchangezble ond axe 'In wany ways siwIlar to the respnl,bilitins ol Ja.„ Whippl_e and. Mr. Ramsay,: ThelvefoKe It :U7 felt thnt, e clauer iclztionship cen devicpe nt LTNL !o the Engineezing aTtmsnt alI pomonnei at '7.:1Jis range in tbe depavZseTat iva-g(z sam 'Aosaciate aragmewe, The inzeTaia7,-A is tv, cnorckinnta the va7-awa engineox:th. 57.unctions and r(aFsponal=?,azi the dpnif..-:.aanL7,, Appwcponc ca13e33 FTIO Eaov A, AonVALta, 21, 0,14ck L, JPEAce !r 1 December 28, 1971 HEXORANDUM FOR: Honorable Board of Directors VIA SUBJECT G. A. Horstkotte, jr., General Amager -Chief Engineer Agenda Item 1. PROBLEM: Overflow, C. B. Evans 613 Rheem Blvd. Moraga, California 376-5552 2. BACKGROUND On Sunday, November 21, 1971, the District on-call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. . Upon arrival, the crew found the 8 existing line plugged 62' upstream from the existing MH at St. Marys Road and Rheem Blvd. toward MB in front of 1/609 Rheem Blvd. The stoppage consisted of grease and rags and was cleared with no difficulty. The damage was limited to drapes and bedspread to bathroom floor and bedroom floor and wall to wall carpet. The District crew cleaned and disinfected throughout; an overflow device has been installed. 3 ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refu§e claim. 4. RECOMMENDATION; The total of this claim comes to $703.00. It includes cleaners $22.00; cleaning and sanitizing of floors $81.00: plumbing bill $40.00 aud replacement of carpet $560.00. feel this claimant is entitled to a settlement. Recommendation Approved: G. A. rstkotte, Jr. General Yanager-Chief REIFI:jv Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations neer Dccmbr 29, 1971 1,7c0r_-1-- FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA SUBJECT: Request approval to pr, nsign of D.S. '7, 2054 in Lafayr-r; estirnrA Mr. G. A. Horstkotte -,eral Manager -Chief Engineer 1. i 1..- D�S1H, a Lane ofM showt 13 1 al. ' „ - .tts :1',l • (I! and. ' „. _ : civn. 6-; • •7 •,--,,•7• • ', .•rrf: • Lut:, - 7 ..,:znee onj) • a. I, t'ft1, line in r thc. „dation a, C, A, Ho , - - n 740 0.6 00 d 7:Lr.7tall ALL -7 a • sub . t *, :7' 10 January 4, 197 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: .bequest authorization of $48,000. deposit (Flood Control estimation) for installation of 48" trunk sewer, DSP 1997, in San Ramon Creek in Walnut Creek. 1. PROBLEM: In accordance with the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between this District and Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, it has been requested that this District deposit the amount of $48,000. (Flood Control's sewer line) with 1iha Flood Control District no later than January 10, 1972. 2. BACKGROUND: Board approval for project (DSP 1997) was given June 17, 1971. Resolution No. 3096, authorizing execution of Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with said Flood Control District, was adopted November 4, 1971, and $7,000. was authorized to be deposited with the Flood Control District for rights of way, acquisition; see excerpt from Minutes of Board meeting held November 4, 1971. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize deposit of $48,000 be made to the Flood Control District. Recommendation Approved: G. A. liorstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer JLB: j v Respectfully submitted Jack L. Best Office Engineer January 6, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MIZBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Legal requirements for certification to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers that all land rights for D.S.P. 1997, Corps of Engineers Contract 9, San Ramon Creek -Walnut Creek Area, are available, which includes a $250.00 deposit for condemnation 1. PROBLEM: 1. Adoption of a Resolution finding and determining that the public interest and necessity, require the acquisition, construction and completion of certain public improvements and authorizing the filing of Condemnation Proceedings, which includes a $250.00 deposit for purchase of the properties described in Exhibit "B", which will be attached to said Resolution. 2. Authorization for Secretary of the District Board to execute Permit to Construct Sanitary Sewer Improvements, after filing of Condemnation Proceedings and adoption of a Resolution to that effect. Further questions regarding the subject matter should be directed to District's Counsel. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Items 1 and 2. JLB ;ms Recommendation approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer