HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-1973 AGENDA BACKUP;DUN. FOR: •• Sti:OECT: = :TaISLEZI BACKGROUND: 17, RE !„, 0.M1,1ENT,:!ATI 0 JLE ' v f 1.• \ ct: 1; LE2,1Ei\-.:31:;.,.,FLS CF THE E (IA ,..0 0 P I -LI C.TGI(S ", 01' >--(•,' .4) '''', .:- ,,' , , Gene r a1 .!.,:_;. a age all 1_ e f Engin t C: F:- , ,( ,,,.. a CX1t', ; I ct;., -• , (4- - C. it. r.:1 t 1 Cen t al et' Engineer ' ft Jack L. Best Office Engin?..er , 9 Date: AEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT No. Lir 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS, AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT Easements offered for acceptance are as follows: JLB:jv Approved: Grantor es 1-16-11--,-ffa," -Ar• G A 1-forstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Job_ No. Parcel No. VP it frItt, ik2e Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer Area 774 2.11:11CD7,1Y., OR: :HONORABLE 2.214,FERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: SUBJECT : • :12._?2p....3-L,EX0' 14,-4LV e BACKGROUND * JL ft kr,' i•• REco.-y-v-RICIDATION • ---------------- J Recomen.Tlation „vproved:. C. Dalton. Act !n Cnral En Li A t • e 67 fe General ManagAr—Chie: Engineer • „ • - • (7* b elLAt •] 17: r • - • 4 0, • Respect fully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer • VI. OLD BUSINESS 3. February 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Confirming Final Settlement with Engineering Installations, Inc., Local Improve- ment District No. 50 BACKGROUND: Resolution No. 73- , A Resolution Agreeing to Terms of the Proposed Settlement on Local Improvement District No. 50, Schedule A in accordance with Mr. Charles N. Penny, President of Engineering Instal- lations, Inc. letter dated February 6, 1973. This Resolution has been requested by Jerry Laster of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, Special Counsel for the District. Respectfully submitted, v Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Approved: 0•'• All?k Horstkotte, Jr , Ge ral Manager-Chie ngineer VII. NEW BUSINESS 4 February 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR $2,000.00 FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECTS 736 and 859, BUCHANAN FIELD PUMPING STATIONS MODIFICATION STUDY 1. BACKGROUND: The Buchanan Field Airport sewer system was taken over by the Sanitary District in an agreement in 1972. This system contained two lift pumping stations that are near capacity. Presently under con- struction there is a 300 room motel and convention center scheduled to open in April, 1973 which will exceed the capacity of these pumping stations. The stations are rated at 75 gpm with no emergency standby. With this new development, we anticipate the load would increase to 180 gpm. It is obvious that these two stations have to be replaced or rebuilt as soon as possible to avoid flooding. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approval: $1,000.00 for District Sewering Project 736 Airport PS1 and $1,000.00 for District Sewering Project 859 Airport PS2. Respectfully submitted, /J��a,ck. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: • o ee »t�iCHorstko�eo� Jr , ral Manager-Chie ngineer VII. :1*e; BUSINESS 4. MEMORAIDUM FOR. SUBJECT: February 8, 1973 T111E HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE EOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr.. - General Manager -Chief Engineer AUTHORIZATION FOR $2,000.00 FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECTS 736 and 859, BUCHAtiAN FIELD PUMPING STATIONS MODIFIGATIO'N STUDY 1. BACKGROUND: The Buchanan Field Airport sewer system was taken over by the Sanitary District in an agreement in 1972. This system contained two l:i_.ft pi -a p_ng stationa that are near capacity. Presently under con- struction there is a 300 room motel and conventiou center scheduled to open in April, 1973 which will exceed the capacity of these pumping stations. The stations are rated at 75 gpm with no emergency standby. With this new development, we anticipate the load would increase to 180 gpm. It is obvious that these two stations have to be replaced or rebuilt as soon as possible to avoid flooding. 2. RECOMENDATION: Approva': $1,000.00 for District Sewering Project 735 Airport PS1 and $1,000,.00 for District Sewering Project 859 Airport: PS2. Respectfully submitted, 4Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: r . Horstkot e, JrEz ��,e;al liana er-Chief - En ineer g g BUSINESS J + February 8, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS Of THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A, Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization for G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., to file Notice of Completion on D.S.P. 1957, Rahn Court and Second Avenue 1. BACKGROUND: A. P. Pipeline has :completed their work under the contract for D.S.P. 1957 with the exception of restoration of easement parcels 5 and 6 to original condition. 1. RECOMENDATION: File notice of comDletion and accept job. With- hold $500.00 from final payment until restoration is accomplished. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Recommendation approved: Horstkotte, Jr�. eral Manager-Chset Engineer V11. NEW BUSINESS 4. February 15, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR.: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Combination of Study Watershed XXX with Watershed No. 23 1. PROBLEM: A watershed plan including a unit charge has never been adopted for Study Watershed XXX. A new trunk paralleling the old trunk sewer is needed and there are still undeveloped properties within the watershed area which only paid very nominal assessment charges as rural properties in early local improvement districts. The new trunk for watershed XXX lies mostly within Watershed 23. 2. BACKGROUND: Watershed Study area XXX was not previously established under a plan and charge set up because it had been blanketed with old local improvement districts in the early days of the Sanitary District and was considered sewered. Therefore, under the previous policy of not charging old local improvement districts new watershed trunk charges, there was no point in establishing a charge. With the policy change in this matter in 1972 and the densification occurring in Watershed XXX, accumulation of funds for paralleling the old trunk in segments (such as Rahn Court) is now feasible. However, since this area is adjacent to and outfalls through Watershed 23, a new detailed study does not seem necessary. 3. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Expand the boundaries of Watershed 23 to include Watershed Study area XXX. 2. Apply the Watershed 23 watershed trunk charges ($200 per unit) to all new connections after giving credit for local improvement district assessments paid. 3. Include the needed trunk facilities in the Watershed 23 program. Respectfully submitted, ujc--'� W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:ms Attach. Approved: L .: � que C�. o s tvotte, r., e ral Manager -Chief Engineer MUM FOR: T: NEW Ti:ISIN,'�:ss 2. tbruary 6, 1973 HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Hor>tkotte, Jr. -- General Manager -Chien' Engineer Authorization for G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., to file Notice of Completir_n on DSP 2071, South Broadway, Walnut Creek mes engineering Construction Co., Inc., has completed their work der the contract for DSP 2071 with the exception of some finish ving around two manholes which is being held up by the city`s street ztractor. The cost of the unfinished paving is estimated as $200.00 mmm-P.NnATTOM Le notice of completion and accept j ub . Withhold $200. Clo from final 7ment until paving is accomplished. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Ol. fice. Engineer ndation Approved: orstkotte, Jr.( Managger-Chief Engineer February 9 1973If MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Background Information on Proposed New Type Garbage Service for Residential Customers, Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. 1. BACKGROUND: In mid -January a Mr. John Blackburn called my office and discussed with me for a period exceeding two and a half hours his thoughts and feelings concerning curbside garbage service for residential customers of Orinda/Moraga. Mr. Blackburn who works for an investment house in San Francisco, is in his early thirties and a most dedicated individual. He is personally convinced that garbage rates are too high and that by utilizing curbside service they could be significantly re- duced. We discussed the matter at some length with my providing him background information on how financial and operational reports are analyzed and the prob- lems that face the franchisees. At this first meeting Mr. Blackburn indicated that he would be preparing on behalf of the Orinda Association a questionnaire to be mailed to all residential customers either by the District or its franchisee asking individual customers to state their preference on type of service. Attached is a copy of Mr. Blackburn's proposed questionnaire. 2. COMMENTS: In conversation with Mr. Blackburn this date he indicated that the attached questionnaire would be formally presented to the Orinda Association at its meet- ing on Tuesday, February 13, 1973, the proposal of which is to receive a vote of approval from the Association on the type of approach Mr. Blackburn has chosen and to continue to pursue this matter. As Mr. Blackburn will be out of town another individual will make the presentation. In the interim and after discussion with me, Mr. Blackburn will be in contact with management of Orinda/ Moraga Disposal Service in an effort to obtain operational and financial data necessary to justify the rates which he suggests for the new type curb service. Fundamentally, Mr. Blackburn has made an assumption that rates for garbage can be lowered and that cost of operations for franchisees, in particular Orinda/ Moraga, are excessive due to inefficiency and he is dedicated to prove his basic assumption. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis Secretary ecretary f� . J&15 a" G A. Horstkotte Jr� Geral Manager-Chie Engineer February 9, 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of thn Board of Directors VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Background Information on Proposed New Type Garbage Service for Residential Customers, Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. 1. BACKGROUND: In mid -January a Mr. John Blackburn called my office and discussed with me for a period exceeding two and a half hours his thoughts and feelings concerning curbside garbage service for residential customers of Orinda/Moraga. Mr. Blackburn who works for an investment house in San Francisco, is in his early forties and a most dedicated individual. He is personally convinced that garbage rates are too high and that by utilizing curbside service they could be significantly re- duced. We discussed the matter at some length with my providing him background information how financial and operational reports are analyzed and the problems that face the franchisees. At this first meeting Mr. Blackburn indicated that he would be preparing on behalf of the Orinda Association a questionnaire to be mailed to all residential customers either by the District or its franchisee asking individual customers to state their preference on type of service. Attached is a copy of Mr. Blackburn's proposers questionnaire. 2. COMMENTS: In conversation with Mr. Blackburn this date he indicated that the attached questionnaire would be formally presented to the Orinda Association at its meet- ing on Tuesday, February 13, 1973, the proposal of which is to receive a vote of approval from the Association on the type of approach Mr. Blackburn has chosen and to continue to pursue this matter. As Mr. Blackburn will be out of town another individual will make the presentation. In the interim and after discussion with me, Mr. Blackburn will be in contact with management of Orinda/ Moraga Disposal Service in an effort to obtain approval and financial data necessary to justify the rates which he suggests for the new type curb service. Fundamentally, Mr. Blackburn has made an assumption that rates for garbage can be lowered and that cost of operations for franchisees, in particular Orinda/ Moraga, are excessive due to inefficiency and he is dedicated to prove his basic assumption. APPROVED: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis Secretary 1 5 1 c: U a1 f Q •r-1 ra0 r0 CIS CIS . aY OU U cU OD eS 24 y O O C3 F t r • O� -1 .1..1 L1-4 O 6. r-4 U `1J ,p 43 r1 al 33 Q �, A tn. td co C.? 1 � C 7 fj .0 '0 r 9 r-4 4-1 P< 9 C,} r-t 0 O t S+ rl � r0 O p 91, 43 O r 1 a -I O •.•�.��� R 3 O 4 144 ro P. (d m as > 14 U 1 O r4 qS a3 f fl+ A QS 4J ? 41 'd � Cif ra In 4)> 0 (1) E `> ,ra of � a 1 O Q1 Cd 10 to t1] �v U td SIA 41 •r4 P O .13 43 � U 0l. r=+ U r4^� U' d 0 u SfS 41 . co - 4 s; O sad .. 44 � N f: rp 41 ,� aS r4 cOi2 N 43 p td . •. 1 rs0' U °� ; •U fi4 O U Cd p Q. ED ra 41 ccdd m ui ? � •ca r-a itf f: 0 ay >O O ri O O i3 O ° V `' rc3 O p -,a� r�r�i M z3 4t r-t Cd a ► ++ � O � � }.1 � .0 W � O ? 13 O a3 'td Hr1 ? 0 r0 1-4 O U r1 n. k cC 1 •4 O 44 .13 co �' O cn U W .3 %4 O 1-0td s: QS 14 it ' H N a� o r.1 s4 Cd `d CIA u o �� to O co Cd41 rG d m co R} 4-J co U Cd 43 td d3+ •� Cd Cd 'a• O U rt crj .x � O a y rl �. 0` o co co .Y U 10 A aa) wcd U N> b r0' A. rr 0 CA 0 U td U ti f rd 0 � rf] p A Cd •0 60 43 cl 41 -. N A 0) O 0 m 0 13 3 4 14 0 0 0 0 O 2 � ii ca d 41 C11 b w d N U `- G� ,p O O Cd m i 1 i a7 cV o m In n o u co I 14 O ca C07 U U p to ul Q r- co Obi cS cOd Sao 14 •� a 'Ou a P o Q �+ pnr ra to cv ra o A p Q U +1 4.3 !+ �a A. i 1 4 4 � 0 U �4 - 41 co W i i 3 { n P4 e1 _� U p rs� o Cl t5 G LO ,S3 CJ P ci V.O 0 C) N to r— 1 Cd m co r En r- 4 CI? c I 1-4 o Q? � Qi r-i R-c Date: MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT ITEMS: Execute Consent to Dedication No. Job No. 1. 835 y�L./.zz 2. 3. 4. 9. 10. Tract No. Area Remarks M 5 /-7Z Z_�/-"YETTE Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLB:ms Approved: .60 . G. A Horstkotte, Jr., G e al Manager -Chief Engineer