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12-21-1972 AGENDA BACKUP
05. '11QP1111 so- 2U, 7fti":1g 017:? AOARD OY 2JIkECTUnS VIAT G. fAc, .:Acrotkcto,•Cen2rai 6thOECT: fuTf 412,,,00 Me.mbeship V,:aintenance SupivsiTtea6ents AGovc1,vgion Austhvna CakIZDruig 10 8ACk .20UND,o, This kz, thL., dGxthfarn chaptax of Maizaenzacct Supexintendents Asaociation of aomino Ao thz indicateu, this gxoup le mzda up of oupeinteme„en O© oiJLIaTeaa of public woxka mzincanance- Yhe 07ganizati0n pxesents an excellent 4zechnical progTam; aloo cm9ha0322e3 administaticu, pci12owa0el planning, puschzs - log, etc. Most impoxtant,lhopr.og-amm tailoTed the oupe - in'-endenico :?1 1 feel 'il it uould nn mor, toLviscfi,-, and Nyself to pa,,ticipate in thi6 7Oupo DUC axf==:, $120Q0 e7z yeaT20 WXON: AppTcvnl .i.,ecammende.eeion Avpicov. Lorflko-fi-Le, Ganera:J, :„,aLa&aK-Chi iLagineer Uoben h. HInkson 0',1z,i),sx70zt,:001001 of F-Izid UpsKationv Date MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS, AT NO COST TO TEE DISTRICT Easements offered for acceptance are as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. JLB:jv Approved: Grantor f3cs wcb, (L) G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Job No. Parcel No. Area :234 2, 24 Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer VII. NEW BUS. 2. December 15, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA G. A Rorsticotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization for $31.50 membership in Construction Specifications Institute. 1. BACKGROUND: The CSI is the National organization of construction speci fication engineers and architects. The CSI Format has been adopted by the U,S. Corps of Engineers, Navy Bureau of Yards and Dacks,. hundreds of engineering and architectural firms, and a host of state agencies. Its primary activity is furthering the development of good specification practices. Belonging to CSI is the best opportunity to keep current -with changes in the field and to develop clear and more uniform language and formats for construction specifications. Annual dues to CSI are $63 (institute dues $50/year, chapter dues.$13/year). The East Bay Chapter meets once a month. The meetings are veil attended and well organized, and the programs informative. The President of the local chapter is Dick Hale .of East Bay Municipal Utility District. 1 have been his guest at two meetings. The half year dues are $31.50. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, 40' Jack L. Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: ?1 ft, G, ,A, riorstkotte, Jr , General Manager -Chief Engineer J1,31 1 v VII. NW BUS. 3. December 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr, General 11Anager-ChietEngineer SUBJECT: Claim from Mrs, Betty L. Miller in the'Amount of $120,83 1, PROBLEM: Mrs, Betty L Miller 154 Plaza Circle Danville, California 9426 2. BACKGROUND: On Thursday, November 23, 1972, the District on call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address uentioned above. Won arrival, the crew found the 6" existing sewer.line plugged .123 upstream from 14.E. at Plaza Circle and Nueva Court toward MH. at Plaza Circle and Plaza Court, The stoppage consisted of roots and was cleared'with no difficulty, The District crew cleaned and disinfected throughout3. , RECONMENDATION,., The claim comes to 020,83 and it seems to be reasonable for this type of damage. I recommend this claim he paid. TG: eh Recommendation Approved: .#1 Horstkotte, Jr, - General Manager -Chief Engineer 4Leac„?„,r- Granz(atto Maintenance Foreman VII. NEW BUS. 5. December 18, 1972 HEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE EMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIM G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager-Ghief Engineer SUBJECT Authorization for $1,000.00 for the vita View Study 1, BACKGROUND: In order to implement the Board Members' action at the Daceliber 7, 1972, joint meeting with the Mt View Sanitary District, an expenditure of the District funds will be required. Initially' 'we are requesting $1,000.00 th do the preliminary engineeriag work consisting of office and field work. Preliminary studies will be available for the next joint meeting scheduled for February 6 1973 at the District office. 2 RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, , 2 Jack L. Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: (C (PhP-h GfAJI Horstkotte J' Qb.ne/ al ManagerCtef Engineer J12: iv December 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE MEYZERS VIA G. A. Horstkotte, SUBJECT Authorization for VII. NEW BUS. 6. OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer $1,000.00 for the Concord Study 1. BACKGROUND: la order to implement the Board Members' action at the December 14, 1972, joint meeting with the City of Concord, an expenditure of District funds will be required. Initially we are requesting uoop0.00 to do the preliminary engineering work con- sisting of office and field work. 2. RECOMENDATION: Approval Recommendation Approved: horstkotte al Manager—cf n ginee/ Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer VII. NEW BUS. 7, DeceMber 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECI: Approval of Renta143:eismants with the Xerox Company for a Copy Machine 1„ BACKGROUND: The Bruning 2100 copy 'machine was purchased ($6267.92) in August of 1966. In the past six months the repairs required have been excessive and while repair costs are covered by our one year service agreement, the inconvenience, the wasted time,: and the cost for •other means of copying is unaccentable. Increased District needs and continued improvements in copiers have made the Bruning 2100 an ob8olete piece of equipment. As a result of our recent study (copy attached), we feel that the lerox 4000 Copier best answers the District needs in regards to cost, multicopy speed, paper stock aad two sided copy Under the Xerox •Company Rental Plan "C" for the Xerox 4000 Copier, the minimum monthly rental Charge is $225.00 (6,034 copies included in this charge).. Copies in excess of the minimum will cost us 2.9.per copy, On the yearly basis we estimate that our useage will average 7,000 copies a month which win result in aa estimated cost to the District of $309.00- caliy cost of 4-i/26 each. We propose that the copy machthe he restricted,to 20 copies per original. Any jobs requiring wore than that should be run on the Offset Press due to the cost break (2-1/2(;1 per copy based on a run o5 100). Our service agreement runs for a year at $53,00 per month on the BrunLig 2100 copy nazi:line and we have supplies on hand so me propose to keep it for a back-up copier. As mentioned, to the Board at previous meetings we have been testIng - different types and models of copy machines. The estimated total cost of these "trial runs through December 1972 is $1,400.00. 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully „tibmitte(2_,, I/ Jack L. Best /// Office Engineer Becommendatior, Aproved. 'JAR G. Horstkoet'e", Cen r) 1 Manager -CLL. 1 Engineer JLBt v enc. Office Co-lier Study r I I •1 1 1 --r-- - • • • 1T1 LL I._ L.. ; • ; - 1 - , . -1- -$.- 1 1 - ._ i _ , [LI ' I 1 I • Jr - .1_1 1 ....-._. I. • 1 - i I ; riy,---4)... ___......,....-...,_ 2 i ; 1 1 ! 1 ; i I 1 • ,_ 1 ', i ' t• 1 '; .. 1 , t i 1 ; • - 1 , • ” c1 • • - ..11 - — —_c IIIi1 ' - ,1 -1iI11 1- .--.- 41 .,..,.,,, i,, : ..'-•••b,••r:i..;. 1 t , IFLi. - 'II II 11 ,.1 1 , 1; .—p 1 • ii, I d P 1 :i i 1 1 , --__ , ..-_ i.,'irytt, , 1 1— 1 11-11 1 11 1.1 , , ,. _, . 1 ! 1 ; 1 11 , I — -i1:•; li ;i1 1., 1 ' 1 ' f r , I t', ',', , 7 ',,' : i'.:Ifir 7-- .'1 • , - :1!.'±:::::'''H'11: 1':-.: It '1-72:77;'I' Cill :1' - CI: 1: 1. ''''''''' ' ,_ . ' 1 ri.-' (...'' ,•-•.-",—.' , ' ,,," 0 ---•C 1 ;•7 , , ,--... „ 0 Go .;/,_;' 6 7-t 2-2. 11 —0: --------i--r--+------ \i' . ; 4 - ,..... i.i il i , -7 r11. 11 CI - I ,. -1- I c•-.,,, i ;,. 1, .1:1 ; ' ' ' ,_ 1' .--, ''11: '. r:' i-7 .,-,-- 11 -1• ; eit 1 ,, - ,'„,, ti ;,.. 111 Qt --- . "r—.:,. ..,, ", '7,''r '.—,'",,',,' —'). ,11 : . ''-,1.. 6'..:•,•:—•2•. ,i ..,—,,,—,., .. ,'. ...;,,,., ,.,,1,,,, .,,,=:..4,.— 1,, ....--'. —1 —'......,— • .:. '1, —7i' !- T 'I ''-- -''''1' . 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" 1 i 1 1 i 11 1 '''' ' .7 I I-' ! , 1 --r- ' . i '''''''...''''''D---'_ • i '—i- '----1,717:—, 1 .., 1 - - -!-- '•-"-- ---1 :' ' ! 1 1 L i I i . I 1 -4,=-'-'. = '•'-'• ,- ! 1. , 1 . i : - , ;2! • • fr .; •, , ; ' ! i e 1 I i ' 1 1 LL, : - 1 , J____, Li . L1 _i_.1., :_i__i_i_. VII„ NEW BUS. 8. December 6, 1972 HEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA; G. Aa Horstkotte, Jr. - General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to Appoint Jack Paty, Engineering AideA, at $735.00 per month effective January 1, 1973. 1. PROBLEM We need two survey crews (4 men each) to handle our present and projected work load for 1973. 2. BACKGROUND: Jack Paty was hired February 22, 19720 to fill a temporary position of Engineering Aldo,. 10,4,04 per hour ($700„00 per month), as shown on the attached copy of the Eagineering Departmental Organization hart. As indicated by the attached eligibility list established by the Board on April 21, 1972, for Engineering AideI Jack Paty took the examination and passed 9th on the list with a score of 77,9%, We did fill our permanent EngineeringAider,positions from the top two applicants of said eligibility list. As noted in my position paper of April 17, 1972, we proposed to retain Jack Paty in a temporary Engineering Aide:Iposition as long as he was needed.The maximum period for temporary employment is twelve months. At the time the budget was presented, we were unable to predict our survey work load for 1973. It appears at this time that with L.I.D. 54, L.I.D. 55, plans for treatment plant modification and many other projects, we will definitely need two survey crews throughout 1973. Over the past tan months Jack Paty has proven himself as a capable and able employee for the Engineering Pool. We have rotated his assign ment through the Survey, Permanent Record, Design sub -sections, In view of his past performance, his ability to get along well with his fellow workers, and the progress he has made to date, 1 recommend that the Board establish this permanent position for Engineering Aid ... that Jack Paty be appointed to this position effective January 1, 1973. It should be noted that this position was established by the State and approved by the Destrict Board on a three stage basis thus his salary range woad be Range 36 starting with a salary of $735„00. 3, RECOMMENDATION: Approval. - Reviewed Recommendation Approved. G. Aj Horstkotte, _ral Manager—Chief Engineer PT Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer December 64 1972 MENDRANDUK FOR: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. An Horstkotte, jr,,, General Manager—Chief Engineer SUBJECT: 'Authorization to Appoint Jack Paty, Engineering Alde74, at $735,00 per month Effective January 1, 1973. As indicated by the attached position paper, 1 request the Personnel Committee's approval to establish a new position of Engineering AidefI effective January 1, 1973, and to eliminate the temporary position of Engineering Aide:Isthat is presently filled by Jack Paty. This temporary position under the District policy can only'last for a twelve month period and we would have to terminate Jack Paty's employment as of February 22, 1973. olith the Personnel Committee's approval this request will be pre- sented to the entire Board of Directors on December 21, 1972. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed k,k25Z--- Recommendation Approved G(A)) Horstkotte, ural Manager—Chief Engineer JLB:jv 2-7 ..---,57 Jack L. Best Office Engineer