HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DES7RICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVEM3ER 30, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistIlct coved in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, Stta of California, on November 30, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock PM The meeting T SF called to crder by President Allan - IL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSYOT Member Gibbs IL APPROVAL OF MIN-OTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 1972 The Minutes of the meeting of November 2, 1972, were approved as preseteth 2. MEETING OF NOVEMBER 161972 After comment by Member Mitchell and Boneysteele, it was noved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes c the meeting of November 16, 1972, be approved after making the following corrections: Under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, 3. EMPLOYNENT SERVICES OF PATENT COUNSEL", delete the penultimate paragraph and insert the following: 'After further discussion, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that patent counsel be requested to submit a proposal to the District regarding procedures or methods to place into the public domain unique or new processes developed by District re,7earch activities so as to preclude issuance of patents. Carried by 7.hE, following votlil AYES: Members: Gibs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan Lemba::' BpneyE:Te:12 A3SENT Membrs: None' Under VII. NEW BUSINESS, 6. GAR3AGE iRCHISES", dele:e the last para- graph and insert: Neraber Boneysteele cormented on a memor&udum daced November 8, 1972, prepared by staff regarding garbage franchises He then reoo-zted on a letter to the editor which appeared in The Squire, The Lafayette Sun and The Contra Costa Times regarding garbage rates in Palo Alto, CaliforniaScretary Davis was raquested 'co investigate the matter." Motion approving the Minus of the meeting o November 16, 19 co=ected, cqrried by th, following vote: AYES Members Boneyteele, Mitchell, Rustigi-n and Allan NOES: Membrs: None ABSENT Member Gibbs AIDPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS MOTOR VEHICLES as Mr. Horstkotte, Genera_, Manager -Chief Engineer, reported that bids for motor vehicles, opened at 200 o'clock P.M., November 29, 1972, were as follows: Bidder Don Young Ford Sun Valle, Ford Concord Do pecification A Specification B Specification C 3 - /2 ton PU 1 - 2 Dr, Sedan 3,199.99 3,352.88 6,659.91 2 - 1 Ton Dump _ 8,698.99 8,646.38 8,854.63 After discussion and explanation by Mr Horstkotte regazding motor vehicle specifications and funds budgeted for new vehicles and upon tha recommendation of Mr, Horstkotte, it was moved by 'Member Ru,stigian, seconded by M:mber Xitchell, that award of bid for specification A (one 2 -door sedan) be made rhe lowest bidder, Don Young Ford; that award of bid for specification B (3-1/2 ton pickups) be made to the lowest biddzr Concord Dodge; and that award of bid for specifi- cation C 2 - 1 ton dump vehicles) be mad to the lowest bidder, 3n Valley Ford. Carried by the following vote: YES: Boneysteele, Mitchell, auszigian and Allan XCES: Members: one AJSENT Member: Gibbs VI. OLD BUSINESS LOCAL IM?P,OVENENT DISTRICT YO. 50 Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported on the current status of efforts to complete contractual settlement with the District's co -tractor ra- garding comple7Aon of the pumping stations. Discussion followed. 2 Board Members and Mr. Bohn discussed possible legal action by the City of nartinez to preclude the District from imposing interest charges with its as- sessment proceedings far Local Improvement District No, 50. ImposiLion of intarest charges results from the District granting a City z-equest for a vainezy- clay delay in the District's aSsessment proceeding in order to permit Martinez to rezone. It was the consensus of the Board that no definitive action be taken at this time° Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported on the current status of rezoning operations by the City of Martinez indicating that t'.7,e City was on schedule 2 DISCUSSION REGARDIXGCONTRA COSTA COUNT- WATER QUALITY STZIY Mr. Ilorskotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, .noted Board Members had received copies of correspondence from the Cities of Concord, Andoch and Pittsburg regarding their views on the Countys Water Quality Study and its recommendations. He then reported that staff had provided the District's recommendations on the Water Quality Study and then reported on the meeting of Contra Costa Water Agency held on November 21, 1972, and also on a meeting staff held with representatives from the County and Contra Costa County Water District. Discussion followed between Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District° VII° NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS a ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO TEE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Mitchell, that easements from: Grant.or Alastair M. Gardiner Ci3±orgio Dev,a1:3pmen Cor. Soon. Realty Co,, Elizabet:n 3. 3ra7Daru: aicha-rd Xipers, 71x Dalt- CL;LLELi2S job No. LID 54-1 2176 21)8 2223 2223 - 232 Parcel No _ _ D 1 2 1)2 accepted and thalr recordi2g orderez:. 3arrieci by :the follow -Ing qoa: AYS: ABSENT: Y.ambers: 3oneysteele, 2'atcha12, Rus'zigian and Allan YaT.Lber3: )!ember: Gibs 2° CLA-a 07 TiT. G. BOLT"R_ T"..."7 After elanazioa by Hlrs;:koze, General Yar,agar-Chiaf Znglsieer, and staff, .z.ad discussion by Board YeAbel:s regarding t.e c-Lrcumsancas and validi:y of r. Boyles clai71, and L?on :he raco=mendatian of sl7aFf, 1: as 7,xlve('. by • Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the claim of W. G. Boyle, Jr.„ in the amount of $105.00, be denied. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs 3. AUTHORIZATION OF $5,000.00 FOR SOURCE CONTROL PROGRAM Horstkotte, General Nanager-Chief Eng-Ilkeer, explained that, in order to qualify for grant funds, the District was required to establish a viable source control program to control toxic wastes and infiltration and to identify and locate dischargers of toxic waste. Board Members and staff discussed the source control program and its re- lationship to the District's sewer service charge program. After Member Boneysteele queried staff and received a negative reply that Bartle Wells and Associates, financial consultant to the District, were not cognizant of funds being requested for this program, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization of $5,000.00 from Sewer Construction fund for the District's Source Control Program be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs 4. REBATE, JOB 108 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, that staff had previously obligated the District to consider any sewage connection to Job 108 as a rebate installation, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Job 108 be considered a rebate installation and that funds received for connection to Job 108 be available for rebatL. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs 5. STUD 7 SESSION ON GARBAGE RATE INCREASES 1973 Secretary Davis reported on staff progress in preparing an analysis o.17: financial and operational data received from the District franchisees. After cozment by President Allan and discussion by the Board, President Allan and Member Boneysteele agred to mea-.: with staff on December 2, 1972, for the purpose of providing staff with guidance on type of data and format desired for staff's report. 4 Reelognizing that s-t-aff would not be prepared to present its report, the Board Hembers agreed to schedule an additional study session for the meeting of December 7, 1972, it was then moved by Member Xitchell, seconded by Member 3.ustigian, that a public hearing on garbage rate increases for 1973 ba schedule& for the meetinc, of December 21, 1972. Carried by the following vote: AYES Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs After explaining that ills personal schedule would preelude his attendance at the meeting of December 7 Yem":)er 3oneysteele read to Beard Yembers two letters addressed to him concerning garbage rate increases for 1973. Secretary Davis reported on a meeting of the Asocjaion of Bay Area Government's Solid Waste Subcommittee held on November 29, 1972, in Berkeley, CalifoYmia. Copies of the report were made available to the Board Members. Member Boneysteele reported receipt of a complaint that one of the District franchisees was not collecting trash placed in plastic bags. After discussion, Secretary Davis was requested to investigate the matter and report. Mr. George Navone, Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., addressed the Board concerning adverse publicity and complaints received from news media and residents regarding its request for a rate increase. After Secretary Davis and Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported admini- strativeprocedures by staff regarding release of information to the news media, Member Mitchell suggested that adverse comment may have been caused by garbage collectors requesting excessive rate increases, Mr. Richard Johnson, resident of the District, addressed the Board and requested that the public hearing on garbage rate increases be held in Lafayette or Moraga, California. After discussion by Board Members, it was the consensus of the Board that the hearing cn rate increases be held at the District's Offiees beeause of its eentrallzed location to all residents of the District. 0. INFORMATION a COU2SPONDENCE FROM :ONTRA CCSTA COLLEGE Ai-7er explanation by M±. Niles, Superintendent olf Plant Ooerations, resident Allan expressed he Board of Directors' apDreciation to nr. Y!_les e7,e. his staff for participating with Contra Costa Co. ce a train*ng n7:eog.:am related to waste waeer treatment. b. JOB ilTLE FOR .A2:41;IS71AII7E E2,G7.-Ya After discuss -Ion and cemment by Board Members and staff, it was the con- sensus of the Beard that the job title "Administrative Engineer" be changed 3 U in the District's organization, and that the job title "Deputy General Manager -- Chief Engineer" be substituted for Mr. Dalton and that organization charts and position (class) specifications be arnenc'.ed to reflect the change. c. DISCUSSION REGARDING GRANT FUNDING FOR THE DISTRICT'S TATER RECLAMATION ATION PROJECT Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed alternatives available regarding grant funding for the District's Water Re- clamation Project. d. AUTHORIZATION FOR SPECIAL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, presented Board Members with copies of a proposal for special services to be provided by Counsel for the District. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn discussed Mr. Bohn's proposal with emphasis on the scope of special services to be provided and the amount of remuneration to be authorized. After exchange of views, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Counsel for the District be authorized to provide special legal services to the District at a rate of $25.00 per hour plus expenses for a period of three months. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs e. DISCUSSION ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed various aspects of solid waste management as it affects planning by the District and other interested agencies. 7. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. S. MATTEF.S FROM THE FLOOR a. A THCRIZATION TO PURCHASE 4 -DOOR SEDAN President Allan commented that at its meeting of June 20, 1972, and in its deliberations on the budget for 1972-73, the Board agreed to reconsider authorization to purchase a 4 -door sedan. After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, and staff that funds had been previously allocated in the budget for 1972-73 for the purchase of an additional sedan, and after further explanation and discussion regarding vehicle requirements for the District, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization to purchase an additional 4 -door sedan be approved. Carried by the following vote: O AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs b. REPORT ON OPERATION OF MINIATURE (POCKET) COMPUTERS In response to query by Member Boneysteele, staff reported that it had elected to purchase a larger more versatile computer which was functioning well. c. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENT IMPACT STATEMENTS Member Kitchell inquired if the requirement for Environmental Impact Statements was having similar impact upon the District as recently reported for cities and counties. Staff replied in the negative. Member Mitchell commented that other governmental agencies, in order to meet their responsibilities, would have to request environmental impact data from the District. He suggested therefore that the District should consider preparation of basic factual data in order to adequately respond to requests from other governmental entities regarding the impact upon the District on environmental matters. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, responded that, here- tofore, the District has not considered itself as basically a planning agency. He stated that State and Federal grant regulatory requirements stipulate that District treatment plant capacity should not exceed a five-year projection for capacity for the area served. He explained that the present treatment plant expansion program will provide a secondary treatment capacity of 30 million gallons per day by 1976 and would be adequate possibly for additional five --year period. Board Members and staff discussed the impact of this requirement in view of the trend in density population growth for the District and the possible requirement imposed by state regulatory agencies for the District to accommodate and treat the effluent being discharged by the City of Concord and the Mt. View Sanitary District. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager -Chief Engineer, noted that the most critical factor regarding the District's potential treatment plant capacity was the ever growing stringent requirements imposed by air pollution control agencies. He stated current regulations stipulate that the present location of the District's treatment plant facility is in a stressed area for air pollution control. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed the impact that current and projected regulations of regulatory agencies could have upon the District, other governmental entities, and upon the public.. After discussion, staff was requested to explore the development of a factual type of statement concerning the impact of regulatory requirements upon the District's treatment capacity and its relationship to the requirement for environmental impact statements. d. DISTRICT CORRESPONDENCE TO THE CITY OF CONCORD Mr, Horstkoete, General Nanager-ChieZ Engineer, provided. Board Members a coy of District coTerespondence addres3ed to the City Council of Concord requesting an early. informal meeting between Board Members and the City Council to exchan7e views gcTting both entitiestreatment plant facill- les, BOARD ./.E...KBER ATTENDANCE AT THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING, MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1972 Member Boneysteele stated his personal schedule precludes attendance at the meeting .of December 13, 1972. He suggested a Board Member may wish to represent the Board at the meeting. After discussion, Member Mitchell sated he wouldattend the meeting as Board representative. VIII. REPORTS 1. COMMITTEES a. PERSONNEL Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, presented correspondence from the President, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, stating that after discussion and secret ballot, 72 per cent of the employees requested that notification be made to the TJ S. Health, Education and Welfare Department indicating that the District's Employees' Association no longer -le- sired part:Lcipation in the Social Security Program (GASDI). After discussion by Board Members and staff, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the President be authorized to sign a letter addressed to the Health, Education and Welfare Department stating the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District would ao longer contribute to Social Security (OASDI) beginning January 1, 1975. Carried by the following vote AYES Members Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Alin IvOES Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs Staff was reques::ed to notify District Employees of the Board's action. b. A-TISORY CCYYITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING Membe:: Boneysteele, Chairman of ':ha Advisory Committee, presented a report on the meeting of November 22, 1972, 9 CENEW MANAGER -CHIEF 7.7GINEER a. NOTICE OF COMPLETION, DISTRICT ST4ERING PROJECT 2054, CAROT, LANE. LAFAYETTE Mr. Horstkotte requested authorizatf_Da to file Notice of Co7::pletion, District ?roject 2054. After explanation by Mr.Horsr.kot-e, it was moved by Member it -hell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the contractor be granted a 13 day ex- tension of time because of had weather conditions and that the General 1:lanager- Chief Engineer be authorized to file Noce o Completion for Disr±ct Sewarinc, Project 2054, Carol Lane, Lafayezte Carried by the f llawing vote AYES Nernbera Boneysteele, Xitc:1911, NOES: M,.mbt-afs Yon,. ABSENT: .Member; Sibbs usLigian and ,1.1an b. DISRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1937 SECDND AVENGE (RAE:\ ,OURT WALNUT CREEK Mr. Horszkotte repc:ted CcaL the c:o.-::ratt,,T, for D:_srict Se-7ering ProjecL 1957 had requested a 2i -day extension of tine to complete the project because of bad weather conditions. Mr. Horstkotte stated the project was approximately 60 per cent completed. He recommended no action by the Board at this time c AGENDA ITEMS AND STAFF POSITION PAPERS Mr. Horstkotte commented on current staff administrative procedures to apprise the Board of items on the agenda. In response to his suggestion regarding use of special folders for Board Members, it was the consensus of the Board that staff continue with presen administrative procedures :or in- forming the Board including color coding cf agenda itc!ms, but that sLaff -Lafrin from presenting additional documents cn the eve of scheduled meetings, unless such material was of an emergency nature 20 A MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR At the suggestion of Member Rustigian and after discussion by Board Members and staff, staff was requested to change the agenda so as to schedule "Matters from the Floor" to follow the 'Secretary's Report". COUNSEL 7OR THE DISTRICT 3' DISTRICT Mr. Bohn requested Board Members and staff to ap?risa :Hprstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, of pertine7 Dpy have knowledge of. 4, SH,a3TARY Yana. A,70',JRNMENT 11:07 o'clock P.M., President :alan adjourned the -,:-egulaT aej,,:lrned (I) Date: MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: • G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS, AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT Easements offered for acceptance are as follows: No. . Grantor ni A rt 1/4„,ADI) frc. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. JLB:jv Approved: ,• G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Job No. Parcel No. Area (-..S / Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Best Office Engineer 4...; " 1' r 0,4 VII, NEW BUSINESS 2. December 4 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Ite ln PROBLEM: Claim from Mrs, Barbara Van Sickle 11 Dos Pcsos, P. 00 Box 737 Crinda, California 2 BACKGROUND: On Saturday, November 11, 1972, the District on-call crew was called regarding a possible plugged line at the address mentioned above, Upon arrival, the crew found the 6" easement line H-2 a 1 from RI 33 toward NH 31a on lid -12 was clear, The property owners rented some equipment to relieve their line but in doing so rodded into our line and got roots out, On Monday, November 27, 1972, again we got a call at this same address and we then rodded our main line and aot lots of roots. 3„. ALTERNATIVE: Pay claim, refuse claim. 4 RECOMMENDATION This claim comes to $29,54 and i feel it should be paid. Gars 1\77roved: Eorst:Kotte, Jr Gneral ManageT-Chief Respectfully submitted, Antonio Granzotto Maintenance Foreman iEeer