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08-31-1972 AGENDA BACKUP
MTNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 17, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring - brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 17, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. 1. ROLL_CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan ABSENT: Member: Rustigian Member Rustigian arrivi mmediately after Roll Call. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutos of the meeting of August 3, 1972, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL Or EXPENDITURES Non-. TV, IMARINGS - V. BIBS TRUNK SEWER DEFICIENCIES) DISTICLCT SEWERING PROJECT 2209 AND DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2210 Mr, Dalton, AciAnn Cmell.n1 Manager -Chief EngiDee-,:, Teported that bids for Sewer Trunk a:fictaneieo, istit Sewering Project 2209 mid District Severing Project 22 opsn nt 9.60 o'lock P this day, were ;Is. follows: 1. Peter Cole Jensen, Inc. 2. McGuire and 1-kster 3. James EngLaeering Constructi7. A. Martin Bros;, Inc. 5. Dalton Construction IaccilLive Payment 2209 2210 Combined Schedule A Schedule B A & B 4.39% „94 14.0% 14.95% 15.0% 4.99% 4.99% 9,9% 9.9% 14.0% 14-95% 14.95% 15:0% 15.0% A47ter expiatft grling basks of bids, and upon recommendation oi Oalton, it was mod by Member Boneysteele, ,;unded by Member Mitchell, that award of bid for T'K15,2,k Sewar Deficiencies, rAstrict Sewering Project 2209 and District Sawerins Priject 2210, be made t the lowest bidder, Peter Cole Jensen, Inc. CnI-xiad by the following -4otef AYSS: MembTA Loneysteele, Gino, Rustigian and Allan NOES: HembaTc,g 11,1J.,Ae ABSENT: Ham73-zs No VI. OLD BUSINESS DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reported for the benefit of Board Members and interested persons in the audience recent activities and events that had occurred since the Board last considered a draft ordinance on dis- posal sites at its August 3, 1972, meeting. He indicated that, as a result of a meeting between staff and officials of the City of Concord, commitments were made to defer definitive action until the matter could be =u cher reviewed. After comments by Secretary Davis indicating that the draft ordinance had been further revised in order to accommodate ob jectioss previously posed by local governmental entities and Acme Fill Corporation, Mr. George Gordon, representing Acme Fill Corporation, addressed the Board. In his remarks, Mr. Gordon expressed reservations that the Sanitary District had jurisdiction in the matter and suggested that a cooperative approach be adopted between all interested entities. Member Boneysteele reported on a presentation made by Mr. Jack Port, Contra Costa County, on the C,iiaty's draft general plan for solid waste Discussion ' olk. d amongst Board Members and staff with Secretary Davis recommending '`he Board schedule a meeting for August 21, 1972, to consider introduction of the revised draft c T dinance. After further dis- cussion, it was the consensus of the Board that introduction of a draft ordinance be cmnsidernd 3t the September 7, 1972, meetthg with public hearing scheduled for a subscquamt meeting. It was then moved by Membv Mitchell, sct fed by Membo lc ,Irl .eys teele, that Mr. Boh. 9 Counsel for the Dii,strie, fo a .atey communicate t•1j 1 officials of Contra Co to Couny rt,7Aucati, defio tv,a action by the county in whe matter ol disposal sites b47h.falcxed to pr2rialit further nevi i by inter - rated entitie . Carried by the ou,;►'Y cug a� r AYV: Members ° Bo eys teel, 'gAs tigian and Allan NES o Members None A S IEN' : Members None REITR.EM lNT CLAIN OF MR. MELVIN KLEMMICK, FORMER DISTRICT EMPLOYEE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $218.0/I ''after digcurAyloA by Board M mbc 6, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the U IDt-e ct, the ,. rls cc;vitiril to the meeting of Set-,tember 21, 1972. SPECIAL SERVICE CHARGE 1r- Dalton, , _v.Manager--Chi. Engineer, stated staff was prc,ipRJ to aottl:y, ft_o ronth, all property owners within the District who k3 e special t ,.A7 the newer system and, therefore subject to a Specs i Ser :c{p, .:ha r .ft e7 7:c nesting Board r=;,,lidance regarding the ayar i ., �h5 ch c _; T. }i clarga should be c&iculated, discussion fol - 7c R Toys , MeAbnrs,Safi and Mr. Bohn, Count ri for the District. It was the consensus of the Board ghat the manner in which Special Servit:c Charges or c7.n caleted, usIng tax credits, is acceptable, but the matteI. ti,Re referred to ass 7/An, Counsel for the District, for legal re- view and repo repoTji Item Le ba c at Eu d. 7 It was moved ty Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorizatit,, to notify special users of the sewer system be granted, subject to Mr. ohn, Counsel for the District, approving the content of such nozification. Carried by the following vote: AYES; Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Anat. NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None After explanation and request by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager - Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boney ee1e, that authorization in the amount of $2,000.00 from the Sewer Construction fund for administrative purposes arA purchase of statements from appropriate water agencies be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Hembers: None ABSENT: Members: None LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50, 3.SSESSMENT STATUS Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel ,or the District, reviewed and confirmed the basis of assessment for Local Imp:ovement District No. 50 as determined in Fovember, 1970. After discussion and after certain minor revisions were made to the basis of assegoo!ni; 1.)y Board Members, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by McAbe,,. Gibbs, that staff and Special Counsel for th.„-:, Distlrict take appropriate rrninistrattve measures to enAle the Board to adI2 a hearing on 1,c;cal Itiprovemnt istrict No. 50 for the meeting optember 7A, 1972. Carried by the toilcyqllag vote: AYES Members: BoneyaL,ale, Rfiian and Allan Members None AB%:n Members: None VII. NEW BUSICHNS CONSENT ITEMS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO CO' TO THE DISTRICT It - •vd by Mnmber Boneys le, s11ded by Member MitchrfL1, iJhat easements Loma Cnotructioa Co., inc., Job 1995, Parcel:1, 3pnce Investment Co., J& 2l2 arce1 i, California Veterinary Medical Associa- tion, Job 2191, Paics1 1, awl W. E. Wallace, et al, Job 2171, Parcel 1, be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by th7, following vote AYES: Members! Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Ailtmt NOES: Member af None ABSENT: Members: None APPOINTMENT OF LAWRENCE V. MILLER) MAINTENANCE MAN I At the rnqmIsZ of Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, item .was cont.in,J.led p.8rmit review by OK.. Personnel Committee. CLAIM OF GEORGE D. YOter IN THE AMOUNT OF $184.00 AlteL mT1Lqation by Mr. Dalton, Act!.ng Ceneral Manager -Chief Engineer, it was med by 'ember Boneysteele, on1 Ly Member Gibbs, that the claim of George D. Young in the amount of $1C400 be iid, following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Conipromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Boneysteel,, GibbeNiCh11Ruezigan and Allan NOM MalJP.berof bone ABS:Malb2TEg 2on.4.3 3 RESOLUTION MD, 72-45 ___DI$TRICT ANNE4ATION NO. 35 A *ESOLUTION OF AP- , PLYCPOION MR TUE ANNEXATION OF VARIOUS P PERMSTO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (FROM MARTINEZ TO DANVILLE AREA)--- Afte pinitia iy Mr. Dalton, Actin3 Generzl Managr-Chief Engineer, was moved yHembei GIU)bs, sanondzd by Mabiber Rustigian, that ResolutTon Kn. 72-45 b ndnpited Carried by the ifollotng vote: A'YES: Mrf.ml-Jers: Bousybtk.n18, Gibbs, Kitch7.11, Rustigian And AlIcin NOES: Mb el:s: ftne ASERT: Novs DISTRICT YOTICV. ;GARDXN( OVERTLOW WriTICcrq Affc.ar e2tpinnation by Mx. Dalton, Act!mg Menager-Chinf Engiucer, and discussion by Board Members :wtcf± and:H dohn, Counsel for the District, it was the consensus of the Bad thnisift implemert procedures adopting expanend use *f a District ROLili2 ,t,gal-ding overflow rLnviess. AUTMIZATION FO SECRETARY TO ATTEND SPECIAL TSTRICT BOARD SECRETARIAT SEPTIRMBE,2_,....1,21a,,T GOLETA, CALIFORNIA It wan Fflcr4zd by Member Gibbvsecodd by Member RistgiaTol, thnz L'Ilithori- naon for the Secretary to attend e Special District SacicetariRt Seminar Septsmber 8, 9, 1972, in Goleta, California, be lipproved and that authorize,- Zioo for elfpenses and fees for such attendance b approwd Crried by the following vote LYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigiar clnd NOES : Members: None ABS:ENT: Members: None AUTHORIZATION TO CONTINUE EMPLOYMENT OF KATITY_LEUNG AT $234 AN NOVR_AS TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE TO DECEMBER 31_, 11972 After notation that the matt8r had been reviewed by the PersonneT anTi- liaiLL:es, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member BoneyL.teele, that authori.gation to continue the employment of Kathy Lung et $2.94 an hour vs a temporary employee to December 31, 19!29 be Approved. CarTicd by the following vote AYES Members: Boneystele, Gtbbs, Mitchell, Ruf3ttgian and Allan NOES: MeTabecs: None ABSENT: MevbeTs: None APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR WIST2I T SEWERINC PROJECT 210o WATERSHED 29 soufn AND RUDGEAR ROAD Aft capianation by Mr. Dalton, Act4ag General MaAngr-C4i2f Engineer, and discussion by Board Members, staff and Nic Bohn, Counsel folc the District, - it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Hembel Mitchell, Lht plans and specifications and authozizaLion to call for blds for alstrIct Figfertng ftnject 2100, Watershed 29 South and Rudgear Road, ba approved, subject to final financial approval by MT. Bohn, Counsel f*r the District° CaTc. rigid by the followiag vote: AYES Members: Boney9tee1e9 Gibbs, MilAcM119 Ru6tigtan and Anglo NOES: Members: None ABSENT Members: None ACCEPTANCE OF EA3Y,MENTS AT A COST OF $768.03 TO THY JtC AfterexplanatioA Ivy Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and discussion by Boad Members and staff, tt was moved b Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneyeele, that authotization to aciv1; asements from Thomas F. Kerwin, Job 191/, Parcel 1, at cost of S161-00, Dcyli', IL Britton, Job 1957, Parcel 2, at ost of $152.18, Mary J i35/ Parcel 3, at a cost of $249,90, Edwin R. clleadle, Job 11,1).:,/ Phrcel 4, r cost of $147.00, acid Eug.,L, N. Marano, Job 1957, Parce c(it i $8.00, be approved from Sewe ConstructLca 7_,nds and their ret=',arding ordered. Carried by the foliowing vote: AYES:. Members ..oneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None APPROVAL QF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO CALL F(; DISTRICT,Ww,WERING PROJECT 1957 RAM CULL1-1:, WALNUT CREEK It was moved by Member Mitchell, seco,n.li,7:1 E-mber Boneysteele, that plans and spec and authorization f.flr itor bids for District Sewering Projee TL(;5i, Itahn Court, Walnut ,,pproved. carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, 14,L: NOES: Members: None ABSENT: -Aembers: None Rustigian and Allan CONSIDERATION IX PATENT RIGHTS TO PROCASSES DEVELOPED DURIN DniTkICT RE- SEARCH BY BROWN AND CALDWELL After expl,Entima by Mx. aito; Ati:iug General Manage -lc -Chief and Dr. David CalduAl, Bl'own nnd C:2Jdc11, District euginelclog consu:tnnt, thgL Districa: rez2nrch projcZti may hAve resulted in pfoczeses o techaques the may he pr,;,:en'Labl end after dtqcstoa, it w the consenso of the Board that paten Z5 12,(n:uini to th,t, Dititee should in fac L,i; the public domain. At the reciole5: ,31 L DAno.Aa, Ar::ting CnnPral Nanagelc-Ofeer: it was moved by N2mbc7 Gibbo,-elJeconded by 117,-Tnhe.r RuRTAigiso„ authoriza- tion in the amount of $1,000Q00 from the COnCLfUCtiuTa Zo.- the gJ'eposc of obtaining dle e-levices of AtCy Carried by the foilo7ling vo AYES: -k;bers: Boneysteele, CAbbri,ithi1(-1,,i0an and Allan NOES: Nswbers; None ABSENT: i4-bers: one Mr. Bohn, Counsel :ok' the Oist wts (1;y2tn,d to rncommend Patent Counsel for the District. AUTENIZATION FOR iqC,7,Sir.DENT AND SECkhl:Vid TO EXECUTE LETTER OF AGREEMENT WITH TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY RELATING TO RELOCATION OF HOLLY CORPORATION JET FUEL LINE Aftcr nxplanatica 11,y Mr. Dalton, Acting .:47ine.ral Managehtef Engineer, that 1;oRrd nuthority folf staff to negotiate such agreement hid be previously granted, it ,filcas Ly Eember Gibbm, seconded by Membel. Rustigian, that auth- orization for the President and Secretaty Lo iai:;:,1e of agreement with Title InstrfAnem and Trust Company be (cop:1-;„A to final re- view by Mr % -,1Wan, Counsel for th.7. by following vote: AYE Members Boneyle, Gibbs, M11chei1 Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members! None ABSENT: Member: None INFORMATION Correspon&nce txt i4mber of Congress, The 1.;,,orible Haid ()Ogg) A:1-1Pcn, (C12N,; and The Honorable John. Tunney, Und.i-]atzL1 S:01:e7 11,5trd Members. Board Members and stmel crited befly o 2 report regarding vouAler expenditure ticv i4 9L nppeoved ot thn Lugust 3, 1972, and a strff budget salary ie:rxbrt2 The rarsonnel Committee C1tt Iwdbziely !Jrs regarding salary fge the !iscal yeae 1972-73. OTHE:z 11USINEL,S ADDED T SU P1 JTJC2,6r. AGENnA _ _ _ MATTERS FROM "111'' FLOOR After-disetionlola by ‘ki,E.s4-Mclidones 730 o'ellock P.N viten_ Ulice ragelar ti of 8:00 o'clork P.M., it the t4?nsa',1r,,6 of the Bonrd 2:7z InstiWe iao change. BriMewbalcz1 End stab dicugsed the KackllaA RpInch 1LpkieutA1.4 its pocsible Lapact upon the Diotrict =id itspo1iit'or voviding scfmc servi,c,a, VIII. REPORTS COMMI Membc7r Boneyetcale Icepor'cl:ed oa the August g, 1972, mecLins3 ol Advisoly Co-EiAittee on Solid Waste Recycling He indicd MY. L. B. Hertzbg, Eat Bay Municipal Utility DisLI.ttt, had p a r111 report on incinezntor pvocess developed by CadhuctIon M'gificni7Liag 03e1, oration. Mr: Bohn, Comsel for the DistEict, reported briefly on the District's igotitg cit ,E,c for tsar City of Concord. ACTING GENERAL HAMAGYR-CETEY ENGIFVM !)ft(Dn -2:.,T9o'zte on the cueTcent 2tatu8 of L-.hn Cqra Costa County Water Q11,iaitty Stlyc Bon -rd Members, staff and :*csAnsel forthe dtscilssed valElous aspecLs of the stildya•,-,a1 its pot5sib1e impact upon thr_! Seleri-ed Membcre of the BonF'd, Fttrfl Pue, CounzP1 fGf The Nnteict, uere to cr,plo t114. Mr 4.)al_ton Teported qtal hPid sq to ru1si .dant tomake write la proposals before the Ylext iqnetilaF4 o lal2 'BoAed with the selectian to be 2de at thll meeting of Sepeuibei! %J., 1972: A Lrinf dicus sion fo1lof,7cd, Nz, fr.7,1iNP,Ay2 © 1,?1';'itfiC.^.(-, 4211,WOLt, fov ui.6 by tt 036-'11 !li)-y 1131313 1313Y1313 1!©13 to .7;113r.,,,i1(act TE, 1131313:13 11313131 1. 13pC131l1113 IbI i13 1 .. 131313 11131313 111c•1313 I131313 p1113c11313t 13139L1 13.11e. En - AgaLlf.y 1 f“F .9'?20,00000 ;-3-e the13 13111308 Ci13Tfc,rnTrIl 313JH1313. 13491313131311.11313 13113. J©.,:13 13 -; Tap,c2L84, b11.2_1313ly or LOT(5T0, 11 -OR 13132120.13'AYCT, • L 'Aohn 11110111. awn,TYT 133J131: 13t11i0 131313b0 1313 =7 1113T1 1313 Dt1313 331379139131313 2:113 SYItcAry 1311)75, Ui©d 11113313313. cri-_;71stion by )3k319 371337313 313013113 fl13© 311333b91 132109 thati, a - .,,,p21;:. of the prIvIng.Egai:, 1:1313 1313739 tilaod by 2e9b17 113373798y01313371313 by 3.1317)1 (,1nbe, L13o©9 autholi, p,,i7'11(103 ,fosts 3177 131319 33031:r13 .1 $n4,32 fr,c;ita thc Sf Conutction fwd 132 ;Ippk(oveT), r:Eicze131394 113337 4913 113i -470 131313201 11e4);:_7! Bodeystr, Mitch311, Ruimk:iAfLa 1331211 A1131 H0E5 MZeiCICE N.911E: ABS -MT° Memhnf5 None Idonzd McaborP disc'Jossed 311,132J9134v,P. Tilcthe to ,,:a01,-1( 413i77 18134413 13911313133 141,132913333, 714 wao 11721i ccrfiLltnoguz of thn B9371713d LhAt 317139:713131311131313313 1313 131339131313 1;71311 holding 8139103© 03713 21177 riet, thief') when 1313913:11311131379 31339 IBIYL,!wth 13r11933131113y13 o* csaeh 713oa11131313 Thn that zht, rtr7..z311113131113371 bn held o;L 8,=;00 citloek AM75-ii..„ 3 333 0 D 13131°37 413„Poli114 A13131373r13 11973733310 012 1193138133:1 13:3974777113 1 31, 1972 August 23, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: W. Co Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization to hire Lawrence Miller to the position of Maintenance Man I, 37-A 1. PROBLEM: To fill one of the four authorized positions granted by the Budget Committee for Fiscal Year 72-73. 2 BACKGROUND: Received approval from the Personnel Committee of the Board of Directors, copy of request attached. 3 RECOMMENDATION: Approval Respectfully submitted, LALt454 Robert H. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations RUE j v Recommendation Approved: W C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer MEMO: 1-31-72 WATERSHED TRUNK CHARGES COPRECTED COPY OF MEMO UNDER AGENDA VI. OLD BUSINESS 5. Watershed Trunk Charg Watershed trunk charges have been established individually by Board action after a study of each drainage area. In general, costs have been projected ahead and areas of development within a ten-year period estimated conservatively. However, both costs and areas have been influenced by the deflation of the dollar and changes in development patterns. We have reviewed the approved watershed plans and charges and recouilaend the following adjustments in unit charges. In a number of cases District contributions or investments are involved and the increase will accelerate return of funds to the Sewer Con- struction Fund. Watershed % Established Recommend Reason Effective No. Complete 212PS2e Change 121,LII.Rast Date 2 100 $520 per acre or home none 3 0 TI 11 /I IT VI It 8 0 150 per unit of use to $200 (Future CosL) 7-1-72 10 25 175 11 I, 11 IT 11 ( II 17 ) 7-1-72 11 0 175 " it II It I? ( IT ) 7-1-72 13 100 Rebate Class I $162.50 none 15 50 175 per unit of use to $200 (Dist. Invest) 7-1-72 22 100 100 per unit of use to $200 (Dist.Contrib) 7-1-72 23 60 100 " 11 11 11 $200 (outfall) 7-1-72 24N 70 100 " IT II it $150 (Dist Contrib) 7-1-72 24C 100 100 " ft fl if $150 ( II ti ) 7-1-72 24S 98 150 " CI TV II $200 (density ) 7-1-72 27 70 150 " TT TT TT $200 (Dist. Invest) 7-1-72 27W 98 115 " II II IT $200 ( fl " ) 7-1-72 29N 100 100 " 11 11 $200 ( " ) 7-1-72 7 of 11 Watershed Trunk Charges Cont'd) Page 2 Watershed % Established No. 211aRete Chaat____ 29S 33N 33S 34N 34S 35N 35S 35W c -i 0 $150 per unit of use 0 $150 11 pp 111 II 70 $200 11 11 II 11 63 $150 I, 11 u fl 100 $150 11 11 11 ft 40 $150 1? 11 TI If 25 $150 it P1 11 11 100 $150 „ 11 17 90 $150 11 11 u IT M 99 llot established - LID 50 * Changed since Memo of 1-31-72 ** Effective date of changes to be 1-1-73 Recommend Reason Effective Chang. forchane Date $200 * $200 2O0 $200 * $250 * $200 Future Costs 7-1-72 $200 Future Costs 7-1-72 $200 (Dist Contrib) 7-1-72 $200 (Dist Contrib) 7-1-72 $200* (Dist Contrib)* 8 of 11 410 CL: August 25, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE dIEM3-1i,RS OF £}TE 30AaD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C, Dalton, Pctf,ng General Xanager-Chf'af SUBJECT: PROBLEM: fAC(GROUND: JLB:jv Acceptance of Grant of Easement, at. (-.o cost to the District, and execution of Quit Claim Deed on District Sewering Project 894 - Parcel 4 in the Pleasant Hill area. Ovners must move right of way over two feet to the east in order to have enough room for building, This requires that the District a'aaneon a portionof an existing easement and secure a new easement. The new easement has been secured, and is hereby offered for acceptance, at no cost to the District. EN,Ate a:ri Deed are ai.:cept ne,i7 Grant. of Easamen. Respectfully "opee Jack L. Best Office Engineer , ------, Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer August 31, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization for President and Secretary to Execute Consent to Execution of Easement to East Bay Municipal Utility District PROBLEM: The East Bay Municipal District has requested consent to execu- tion of easement over an existing 10 foot Sanitary District easement, BACKGROUND: As shown on E.B.M.U.D.'s map the easement in question lies within the new proposed road for Amber Lane. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Respectfully submitted, /77 49 Jack L. Best Office Engineer JLB:eh Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Acting general Manager -Chief Engineer NEW BUSINESS: Item 4, August 28, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: TRE HONORA3LE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W C Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Easement and Agreement Relating to Real Property with Continental Development Company 1 PROBLEM: Deeloper intends to install a District sewer main under parking lot car ports. Agreement is necessary where permanent structures of this type are constructed over the sewer main. 2. CROUND: Terrain and building location necessitates the sewer main location under the car port structures. The sewer main must be in a public right of way due to service to individual home owners in Subdivision 4301. 3 RECOMMENDATION: Accept easement and authorize execution of the Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Jack L. Bast, // Office Engineer J13;ms OEA Recommendation approved; W. C. Dalton, Acting General Eanager-CAief -3Taginaer g August 25, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA; W. C. Dalton, Acting General Manager-Chf„ef Engineer SUBJECT: PROBLEM BACKGROUN, Authorize President and Secretary to sign agreement between the City of Walnut Creek and the Central Contra Cosa Sani- tary District, Job No. 2184 Provisions of the State Streets and Highway Code require an agreement between municipalities concerning the trans- fer of ownership of utilities. The City of Walnut Creek has begun proceedings for the construction of public improvements in their Local im provement District No. 22, City of Walnut Creek, including a system of sanitary sewers. Said sewer system is to be placed under the ownership and control of the District. The subject agreement would accomplish the transfer of ownership. RECOMMENDATION: Approval and execution of the agreement Respectfully submitted, RecommenaLML A r W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer Jack L Best Office Engineer