HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRIuT '30ARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SPNITARY DISTRICT BELD AUGUST 3, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring - brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 3, 1972. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSENT: Member: Gibbs II. APPROVAL OF MINUTn It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by kiembe-,. Boneystcale, that the Minutes of the meeting of July 27, i972,. be approved after making the following corrections: Under V. BIDS, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2054 CAROL LANE LAFAYETTE', delete the paragraph and insert the following: "Mr. Daltoh, Ac-j_*vig General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported the bids for Distrirli Sewering Project 2054, Carol. Lane, Lafayette, opnncd at 200 o'clock PM„, this day, were as follows: Bidder 1. A. P. PipcJine 2. Peter Cole Jensen, Inc! 3,, Sub -Surface Pipelinf,„ Inc. and Vincent Rodwibues 4. Cleverdon- Co., Ihc. 5. M.G.M. Construction Co. Amount $10,/09 00 11 (00Q0 15,160.00 15,260.00 20,560.00 Upon recommendatthil of Mr. Dalton, it was moved y iviedier Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mti (lien, that award of bid District Sewering Project 2054, Carol Lane, Laf;:yette, be made to the lowest bidder, A. P. Pipeline. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: BoneysLeelc, Mitchell and Allan NOES Members: None ABSLAT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian" And under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, BROWN AND CALDWELL REPORT ON LIME SLUDGE. RECYCLE PROJECT", add the following sentence to the penultimate paragraph: "SIL was directed to estr!111,4h liaison with officials of the City of Concoi:d 1.-garding incinerator use." And under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, DRAFT ORDINANcE, ON DISPOSAL SITES", delete the penultimate sentence and ilv3ort: Ue waste." -nr,Rested That ihe Ordiflance should exclude disposal sites for liquid And under "VII. NEW BUSINESS, AUTHORIZATION FOR BECHTEL CORPORATION TO EMPLOY A SPECIAL CONSULTANT FOR THE WATER RECLAMATION PROJECT", after "Special Consultant" insert: "for one day". And under "VII. NEW BUSINESS, AUTHORIZATION TO EMPLOY DISTRICT BOND COUNSEL REGARDING FINANCING THE DISTRICT'S TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PROGRAM", delete the second sentence and insert the following: "Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed the matter, and it was the consensus of the Board that it may be more appropriate to initially obtain the services of a financial consultant." And under "VIII. REPORTS, ACTING GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER", correct clerical error on page 9 regarding Mr. David Niles. Motion changing Minutes of the meeting of July 27, 1972, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs III, APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES After discussion by Board Members regarding Voucher 14900 with staff being directed to review administrative procedures for inonito-cing telephonic practices, it was moved by Member Rustigian, second3d by Member Boneysteele, that the expenditures, as reviewed by Member Rus;igian of the Expenditure Committee, and Member Boneysteele, and as submitted by the Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1507 to 1530, inclusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numberc 14854 to 15006, inclusive, Payroll Vouchers Numbers 1938 to 2064, inclusive, Local Improvemnnt Disl:Lict 50 Construction Fund Voucher Number 153 and Local Improvement DisLrict 51 CG,Istruction Fund Voucher Numbers 15, 16 and 17. Car.cied by Lhe following vote AYES: Members: Boeysteele, Mitch,,Th Rustigiaa and ALlan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gihbt; IV. HEARINGS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 RESOLUTION NO. 72-43 A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 President Allan reconvened the Hearing. After explanation by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, and as there were no written or oral protests, President Allan closed the Hearing on Local Improvement District No. 51. It was then moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 72-43 be adoped. Car- ried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs 2 VI. OLD BUSINESS DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed for Board Members, staff and persons in the audience, the background and development of the draft ordinance on disposal sites. As he had modified the original draft, Mr. Bohn provided Board Members, staff and interested persons with his new draft of the ordinance and explained the minor modifications he had made. He then recommended that the ordinance be introduced this dai-c with Hearing to be held at a future date, possibly August 17, 1972. Ceorge Cordon, attorney representing Acme IT11 Corporation adthessed the Board and stated thai; he and other attorneys interesr,i1 in the District's draft ordinance had been in conference with Mr. Bohn. Mr. Gordon stated that Acme Fill Corporation was presently regulated by several governmental agencic.; and that, in his opinion, further regulation by the Sanitary District would be redundant. However, recognizing the interest of the Board, he requested that no definitive action be taken at this time in order to permit him to further consult with Counsel for the District. Mr. Gordon requested the Board to con- tinue the matter for a minimum period of thirty days. Mr. David Levy, Counsel for the City of Concold, supported Mr. Gordon's comments and suggested that introduction of aic draft ordinance would be premature, citing the recently enacted legislation requiring a State-wide solid waste management plan and functioning body. Mr. Levy further explained that he was unfamiliar with the intent and purpose of the proposed ordinance and, therefore, suggested a delay in initiating action would be beneficial to all interested parties. Discussion followed, after which it was the consensus of the Board that it would entertain comments from staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, on the proposed ordinance at the meeting of August 17. The Board would then cnnsidn ,Ittroduction of the proposed ordinance at its September 7 meeting with 11,1hlic healing on the matter to be scheduled at a subsequent date. 1912-73 BUDGET Board Members initiated their exawination of the proposed Budget by revicwing in detafl with .the staff the list of equipment requested. After such review and discussion, the list of equipment was revised. ConcerniVr the list of motor vehicles requested, the Board Members expressed approval f with the proviso that purchase of a new sedan motor vehicle will be recon- I so. sidered by Lb-, Board at a future date. In their examination of the Budgcc, Board Members discussed with staff the acquisition of an additional potable storage facility and its instal- lation in the District's corporate yard area. After the Board expressed concern that staff insure that the facility have adequate ventilation, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boaeysteele, that authoriza- tion of $15,000.00 from the Sewer Couqtruction Fund for a storage facility, at the office site, be approved. C2rried by the following vote: AYES: Nhvbers; Boneysteele, Mitchell, RustigiaLl and Allan NOES: Mcmbeys: None ABSENT: Member Gibbs Board Members reviewed budgetary data pertaining to personnel and other categories of accounts, and, after discussion, staff was requested to provide the Board wiih additional explanatory information regarding base salaries. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 72-44, A RESOLUTION SETTING THE 1972-73 RUNNINGEXPENSE TAX RATE AT 55 AND SETTING FORTH THE vuNns REQUIRED FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PRINCIPAL AND 1NTRREST Having rc.,7;c-led in detail tic expenditure requirements for the budget, Board Members ;J-Icla r_lamid data on estimated revenue. Mr. Dalton, Acting General ManageE-rhief Enneer, explained the marine in which data on estimated revenue had ben divc=1 and the various factors considered by staff in formu- lating the Dia;-rict's. financial plan for the proposed trem,LNent plant expansion program. DiscuGsie followed, with staff being requested to implement certain provisions of the District Code regarding special s2ivice charges. Accordingly, notification of the District's intention to instipui.. the Special Service Charge effective January 1, 1973, based on 1972 data, upon industrial, commercial, governmental and non-taxable entities should be accomplished as soon as practical. After Mi Dalton cxplaifled ftn administrative procdures for billing and collecting the Special Se.tvi, Cha..ce, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, ttlaL ReRoluaon No. 72-44 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: iioneystce.le, Mttrhell, Rustigian and A117,4, NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Y,mbot- Gibbs VII, NEW BUSINESS, CLAIM OF MRS. JUNE McINTYRE IN THE AMOUNT OF _09,30 It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Machell, that the claim of Mrs. June McIntyre in the amount of $59.30 be paid, following receipt of Signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AUS: Members Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member Gibbs APPROWJJ OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZTNG CALL FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1926 ACACIA DRIV, ORINDA After explanation by Nr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. BcsL, Office Fngineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustiglan, that Plans aad Specifications and authorizing call for bids for District Sewering Project 1026, Acacia Drive Orinda, be approved Carried by ihe rollowing yore: AYES: Members: Boncysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allati. NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member Gibbs ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT AT A COST OF $119.00, MAYO LANE (RAHN COURT) Afte explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and discussion by Board Members, staff was requested to notify interested residents on Rahn Coutt of the District's InLentions tor sewering the area. it was then moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authori- zation to accept an easement on Mayo Lane (Rahn Court), Walnut Creek, at a ,ost of $119.00 be approved. Carried by Lhe following vote. AYES: Members Boncysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members None ABSENT: Member; Gibbs 4 AUTHORIZATON FOR THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH LESTER M. JOHNSON After elTianation by Mr. Dalton, Acting Genural Manager -Chief },ngirleer, it was moved by Meober Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, thai uthorization for tho. Presidant and Secretary to execute Agreement Relating to Real ProperLy Wit 1 Lester M. Johnson, be approved. Carrid by the following vote AYES: Boneysi_eele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Mpilabers: None AVT: Member: Gibbs INFORMA-00N cni4(ESPONDENCE FROM CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY 1) ENVIRONMENTAL f&GYECTION AGENCY ioard 'e!-=,,mbers noted the correspondence. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA A10110/ATION FOR 1,.NGINEER AND COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT TO INITIATE .knoTlAciONS WITH 'GOLLY CORPORATION A pLato1oa y 4t th counsel for the District, and discussion by Boaru Members, t was mova by Mr.ber BoneysLele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authoriatioyt for Fflgineer and Counsel for the Dibtlict to conclude negotiations with Holly Co;:poration regarding relocation of a jet fuel linc which transits the District holding basin be approved. Carried by the follcm'ing vote AYES Members Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members! Nolte ABSENT: Member: Gibbs AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR TRUNK SEWER DEFICIENCIES After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it vgas waved by Member Mitchell- seconded by Member Rustigian, that authori- 7,aiioa to call for bids for Trunk Sewer Deficiencies be approved. Carried by thc following vote: AYrS: Members; Bol Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOWS: Members: None AlISENT: Melobr. Gibbs AUTHORIZATION FOR ENGINFYR ANI) COTINSil, FOR THE DISTRICT TO EXECUTE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER WITII JAMES ENGINEERING., DISTRICT SEWERING PROD 2071, After explanation by Mr_ DalLop, Acting General Manager Chief Fngincer, and discussion by Board Members icgardiag ponatary aspects of District SE7ering Project 2071, it was moved by Member MiLyhell, s'conded by Member Rustigian, that authorixation for 3agilleer and Counsel for the Distric to execute Contract Change Order with James Engineering for District Sewering Project 2071 be ap- proved. Carried hy the lollmitng vote AYES! Pkambers: Boacysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES; Members: None ABSENT; Member: Gibbs EXECUTIVE SESSION At 1115 o'clock P.M„ President Allan declared an Executive Session to discuss a personrel matter At 1129 o'clock PM., President Allan reconvened the regular ff*eting 5 MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Mr. Dalton, Acting Ccitkal Manager -Chief Engineer, provided Board Members with a copy of a proposed D5strict Notice regarding overflow devices. Item was continued. Board Members and staff diJ;(1,!,,sed bxiefly the Biatkhawk Ranch property. President Allan reported that at the request of State regulatory agencies, telegrams and letters signed by the President had been sent to individual members of Congress explaining the District's -views regarding . Federal grant funds foc coastruction of wastewater projects. VIII, REPORTS COMMITTEES Member Boneysteele rported that next meeting of the Adviqory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling was scheduled to meet August 9, 1972, ACTING GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER None. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Norte. SECRETARY Mr. Davis repo'rtnd Lhat the first meeting of BASSA was scbeduled for August 7, 1972, in Oakland, California- Board Membcrs requested Mr. Davis to attend the meeting IX. ADJOURNMEN At 11:40 o'clock P.M., President Allan adjourned the meeting. 6 August 11, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors SUBJECT: Special Service Charge Pursuant to the Board's directive at the August 3, 1972, Board Meeting to place the Special Service Charge into effect on January 1, 1973, we are proposing to mail the attached letter to all special users. It appears that there will be approximately 1,375 owners of parcels that will be sent said letter before the end of this month. These parcels include contributors of excessive sewage, contributors of unusual wastes and tax-exempt properties. Prior to the billing date of January 1, 1973, it will be necessary for us to obtain the property owner's water bill to be used as the basis of Special Service Charge. The water bill copies will be obtained from the water agency serving the respective properties, and we have been informed that they may charge $1.00 per copy for said bill. It should be noted, however, that the period covered by the Special Service Charge bill will g coincide with the period covered by the water bill as noted by the sample below Period of Water Records and District Period July - October January November - February May March - June September hills based on users water bills shall be computed by totaling the Hundred of Cubic Feet: (HCF) of water consumed over the four months water bills and multiplying it by the Sanitary District charge of 11.22c per HCF ($150A)0 per million gallons) From this resulting figure, we would allow the property owners credit for the taxes they pay the District based on a tax rate of 65Q If the Special Service Charge bill is less than $8.00 for a four-month period, the payment is proposed to be waived by the District. 2 At this point in time, we are unable to give a ball -park figure of the revenue that will be derived from the Special Service charge, but we are attaching a sample of the charges to give the Board an idea of what may be expected, If this meets with the Board's approval, we will proceed with the above refinements to the Special Service Charge. Indications are that further detailed studies will show that a2proximately 503 owners will be mailed bills this coming January. Respectfully, W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer WCL : j v attachment Name of Business Arroyo Car Wash Office Building Cleaner,, Medical Complex Safeway Market Martinez Cannery County Finance Building Elite Laundry Catholic Church P. T & 7, Office Shell Service Station Cinema 5 Simons Comp tons Penneys Col, Sanders Business Complex Rhett-White Ford 7itle Company SAMPLE OF *SPECIAL SERVICE CHARGES Billing Based On iNer g Water 'Bin * Based upon a one year period $ 149.30 121.10 10400 344,00 256.60 32,557.75 585.70 2,546.40 103,00 68,10 39,50 59.10 122,60 72.00 73,90 29.40 53.20 4L40 71,10 $0,65 Tax Rate Credit Special Service Charge Bill $ 13674 $ 12,51 117.13 0 (Less than 81.25 22,75 121,87 222.13 568.75 0 5,086,36 27,471,39 0 585,70 149,50 2,396,90 0 103.00 0 68,10 203.12 0 308.75 0 2,61625 0 22425 0 325.00 0 154,24 0 14222 0 350.35 0 104.84 0 I1%1 ION, 'Aat flw,1r'u(ive rittiintier Jill' .t 11011\ (:f,nn N. 1 ltd Chi DIAN, ! lel. f1.! ; IJ 9 111 CNTRAL CONTRA COST/ SANITARY DISTRICT 1250 5PRIMGBROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.o. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL 9344727 AREA CODE 415 c . l liOlt-N 1 K4) l..1 1`, Ili. , f irfl ra Mali(Lep 7 { *11:f l !` nr!in t. 1 14" 'i k. 11.1 August 8, 1972 TO ALL CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA COUNTY PROPERTY OWNERS WHO HAVE SPECIAL SEWER USES Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has adopted Ordinance No. 86 which provides for special charges for unusual sewer uses. In this manner the Directors of the Sanitary District plan to more equitably distribute the costs of handling and treating sewage among all users in the District. Generally, special users, as defined by the Ordinance, include: (1) sewer uses other than human waste, or; (2) a disproportionate quality or quantity of sewage, or; (3) a more intensive use of local collection facilities arising from increased density, or; (4) properties where an unusual investment of Sanitary District funds are necessary, or; (5) properties regulated by direct order of the Regional Water Quality Board, or; (6) connectors or users who for any reason are not subject to the tax levies of the District and do not make other financial contributions to the expenses of the District. The District Staff is now engaged in a survey of all users who are or may be subject to the special user's charge in accordance with the outline above set forth. A representative of the District may call upon you requesting specific information with regard to your possible inclusion within these special user's classes. Your cooperation would be appreciated in providing him with the infor- mation he requests. After our studies are completed, a more specific notice will be furnished those connectors affected by the new special service charges. Billing for those subject to Ordinance 86 411 begin as of January 1, 1973, and will be based on information accumulated in 1972. Yours very truly, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA,. SANITARY DISTRICT • C. Dalton Administrative Engineer WCD : ms 2042-8-72 August 11, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR TSE HONORABLE MEMBERS OP THE BOARD OF DIRECTO:RS VIA: W. Co Dalton, Actiag Geueral Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT L.I.E0 50 - Assessment Status STATUS The Assessment Diagrams hava been up—dated in accordance with the 1972-73 County Rolls, and the Martinez Zoning Regulations. In the previous preliminary discussions with the Board, there was considerable concern expressed on the manner of distribution of assessment. The Board Minutes indicated that it has been discussed in the past on September 10, 1970, October 15, 1970 and October 19, 1970 Excerpt of the October 19, 1970 Meeting is: "The staff, Mr. Laster and Mr. Hilson, Counsel for Local Improvement District No. 50, discussed at length the basis of assessment for Local Improvement District No. 50 with the. Board Members. "After hearing all of the discussion and having all of their questions answered, the Board Members concluded that the assessments on unusual property provided them with great enlightenment in more competently sitting as a board of equalization on the assessment.' Copies of the Basis of Assessment and sampling of assessments will be presented at the August 17, 1972 3oard Meeting to determine if the Board wishes to further consider this matter. Respectfully submitted, s a Recommendation approved: Jack L. Best. Office 2ngineer W. C Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer August le, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR; TRE HONORABLE MEMBERS -OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS W C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBjECT: Consent items; acceptance of easements, at no cost to the District Easements offered for acceptance are as follows Parcel No Grantor Job Noa No 2Area ..._, la Cornelia Construction Coo, Inca 1995 1 Walnut Creek 2, Space Investment Company 2162 1 Concord 3, California Veterinary Medical Assn 2191 1 Moraga 4 W E Wallace, et al 2171 1 Moraga Respectfully submitted, J-11_3sa A'proveth 1 jack Lo Best „/ Office. Engineer W. Co Dalton Acting General Yanager-Chiel7 Engineer August 8, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: W. Co Dalton, .Acting General Mauager»Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item o PROBLEM,: Overflow, George D Young 55 Brookside Road Orinda, California 2 BACKGROUND: On Sunday, June 25, 1972, the.District on call crew was called to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above, Upon arrival, the crew found the 6 line 9 plugged 85upstream from MR.71 toward MH.71a on Brookside Road. The stoppage consisted of roots and was cleared with no difficulty. There was no damage inside the building. The shower stalls and a sunken tub had been standing in water, The District crew cleaned and disinfected. 3. ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refuse claim, 4, RECOMMENDATION: This claim from Wilson plumbing comes to $184,00 and 1 recommend it be paid. aecomraendation Approved Respectfully submitted, .:r Robert H, Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations by Tony Granzotto W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer TG jv August 10, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: W. C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Temporary Summer Help 1. PROBLEM: The Engineering Department can use all the help that is available to assist them in their 100 and 600 scale mapping system. 2. BACKGROUND: Received approval from the Personnel Committee of the Board of Directors. Attached is a copy of our letter to them. 3. RECOMMENDATION: Approval. JLB:jv Recommendation approved: Respectfully submitted, ;4'4 (; Jack L. Best Office Engineer W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer Attachment August 11 2972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF TLIE BOARD 07 DIRECTORS VIA W. C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Request approval of plans and specifications, and authorization to call for bids for District Sewering ?roject No 2l00, a watershed 29 south line and Rudgears Road PROBLEM: The existing trunk lines in Watershed 29 south have reached ca?acity and we have requests for connection of 450 new homes over the next few years. --BACKGROUND: The developer has agreed with the management of the District to finance the construction of the watershed line (DSP 2100). The Diotrict will let the' contract. Estimated contract cost $148,695.00L RECOMMENDATION: Approval, sub'ect to receipt of agreement and guarantee of payment approved by District Counsel, Respectfully submitted, Jack L Best Office Engineer Va „TLB:sa Recommendation A?proved: C Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer August 10, 1972 MEMORANDUM 70R: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF TRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: SJBJECT: W. C. Dalton, Acuing General Manager -Chief Engineer Payment of $768,08 and Approval of Easements for District Sewering Project 1957 - Parcels 1 thru 5 - Rahn Court PROBLEM We have concluded five agreements, subject to Board approval, with the following persons in the amounts listed for easements on DoS.P. 1957 Parcel 1, Mr and Mrs. Kerwin - 10 Rahn Court Parcel 2, Mr. and Mrs. Britton 20 Rahn Court Parcel 3 Mary J Carlson "' 31 Rahn Court Parcel 4 Mr. and Mrs. Cheadle - 41 Rahn Court Parcel 5 Mr. and Mrs. Moran 42 Mayo Lane . ,f4400oult,, $161.00 152.18 249.90 A 53.00 RECOYIENDATION: Approval, Respectfully submitted ack 49- L, Best Office Engineer JIB : s a Toq. C. Dalton Acting General Yanager-Chief Engineer August 11 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR HONORABLE MEMBERS OF Ait BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA W. L. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Request for approval of plans ad specifications and authorization to call for bids for District Sewering Project 1957 Rahn Court, off Second Avenue, Walnut Creek. Estimated construction cost, including incidentals, $19,965.00 PROBLEM: Deficiency in existing system BACKGROUND: On March 2, 1971, Mr, Dalton presented a letter to the Board explaining that a number of sewer system improvements would have to be made to correct deficiencies in the District, These were reported in the Board minutes on March 4, and April 1, 1971. This project will cover one of the deficiencies mentioned in the letter. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, As requested by the Board at the last Board Meeting, the attached letter was sent to Mr, Hiratfa. Respectfully samitted, J1_,Bsa 2.ec ornmendation Ap:roved'o jack L, Best Office Engineer W, C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer 4 t 1ar11 i tih1, rtrrarxlf-',1►rrlri r' I'r�aT,rrr' r JOHN A. ('tytU`'r fr#r th, 111',(rrt l •1's r , 9.1 (Pd O CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA, ANITARY DISTRICT 1260 SPR1NGE3ROOK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 5266 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596 TEL. 6344727 AREA CODE 416 August 11, 1972 Mr. and Mrs. Hirata 40 Rahn Court Walnut Creek, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hirata: ti. A. 1tt►ItslilitU.11. 6, nem! Watttruer- Chic! hmrairnr t , ! IVO K l)%%VI Sc( ialtJ Re: District Sewering Project No. 1957 Enclosed is the District's plan concerning the proposed District Sewering Project Number 1957, for Rahn Court. We intend to advertize this project in August 1972, if we can complete all of the agreements in time. This District will quit claim to you the existing five (5) feet wide sewer easement situated along your entire southern property line. The existing 6 -inch and 14 --inch sewer line lying within this easement will be abandoned. You have the op tion of having the District remove the existing manhole casting and cone and backfilling with earth material the void caused by this removal or we can backfill the void after the District removes the casting only. Please advise us of your choice in this matter. The existing 10 -inch line lying within the easement on the west property line of the Whitaker property will revert from a trunk line to a main connector line and continue serving the properties of Shirley, Britton, Streuli and Hirata. The only change in this line will be the removal of the existing manhole located within the Whitaker property and lying within the exis ting drainage ditch and the terminus of the 10 -inch line will be at the existing manhole situated on the Desper property. The existing side sewer laterals of Shirley, Britton, Streuli and Hirata will remain as they exist. The District proposes to resurface the entire length and width of Rahn Court after the new 12 -inch sewer line has been installed through the paved area. Please contact W. Best at 934-6727 to indicate your preference on abandoning the manhole on your property. Yours very truly, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT We:132=m" W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer WCD:sa 3LB Enc. - DSP 1957 Plan August 10, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF TRE BOARD OF DIREODO V1A L C Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Letter of agreement from Title Insurance and Trust Co, relating to relocation of Salton Riviera, Inc, (Holly Corp.) 8 5/8 inch O.D. jet fuel line across Walnut Creek and the Treatment Plant property. BACKGROUND: The above mentioned Corporations have an existing easement and high pressure fuel line across the Treatment Plant property. Relocation of the •easement and pipe line are necessary to accomodate the proposed Treatment Plant expansion and the Title Insurance and Trust Co. are also faced with a relocation on the adjacent Kiewit property. District Staff and the Title Company have been working towards a single relocation that would satisfy the two relocation problems. Our relocation work is increased by about 10% to include the necessary Title Co. relocation, but the Title Co. has agreed to assume 20% of the total construction cost ($88,750.00) to v,ompensate for our engineering cost. In addition, the joint relocation removes an additional 600 feet of the jet fuel line from the Treatment Plant property, RECOMMENDATION: Accept agreement to assume 20% of the total construction cost. • Respectfully submitted, Clyde Hopkins Acting Office Engineer CKH:sa kproved. Wf, C, Dalton, Acting:,:eneral Ya -Lager -Chief Engineer