HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TUE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JULY 27, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, onilly 27, 1972, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Secretary Davis explained that there were clerical corrections to the Minutes, a corrected copy of which was available to Board Members. Member Mitchell commented on an item in the Minutes regarding "Domestic Water Supply, Martinez Pump Stations" and the feasibility of including cost of this project in Local Improvement District No. 50. Mr. Jerry Laster, Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, Special Counsel for the District, stated such cost could be included in the total cost for Local Improvement District No. 50 as an Engineer's esti- mate. After discussion by Board Members, staff and Mr. Laster, Member Mitchell suggested approval of the Minutes as presented on this item but that the Board may wish to reconsider the matter at a future date. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the Minutes of the meeting of July 6, 1972, be approved after addition of the fol- lowing sentence. Under "REPORTS, GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER", after the last paragraph, page 9, shall read as follows: "Member Boneysteele expressed concern that an unforeseen cash flow deficit might occur and requested that a current detailed cash flow forecast be pre- pared, using outside assistance if necessary." Motion changing Minutes of the meeting of July 6, 1972, carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS RESOLUTION NO. 72-35 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION AND DIRECTING ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND COMPLETION, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51 President Allan opened the hearing and asked if there were persons in the audience who wished to register protests. There were none. Mr. Jerry Laster of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, Special Counsel for the District, stated that as a quorum of four votes by Members was necessary for de- finitive action by the Board on the matter of assessment, he suggested the Hearing should be continued to the meeting of August 3, 1972. However, as presently con- stituted, the Board could take action on Resolution No. 72-35. After discussion by Board Members and stafi, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 72-35 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian President Allan continued the Hearing on Local Improvement District No. 51 to the meeting of August 3, 1972. "SHOCKED TAXPAYERS IN REVOLT" Marilyn Gray, representing "Shocked Taxpayers In Revolt" (STIR), a volunteer organization concerned with use of the taxpayer's money, made a brief statement regarding the District's 1972-1973 budget. President Allan expressed the apprecia- tion of the Board Members for STIR's interest. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:34 o'clock P.M., President Allan declared an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. Upon reconvening the meeting at 9:03 o'clock P.M., President Allan announced that Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer, was ill, thereby necessitating Board action. RESOLUTION NO. 72-36 A RESOLUTION APPROVING BOARD LEAVE FOR GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, introduced Resolution No. 72-36 placing Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, on sick leave for a period of ninety days. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Reso- lution No. 72-36 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian REs0lAITI22.17g2, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MR. W. C. DALTON ACTING GENERAL MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, introduced Resolution No. 72-37, ap- pointing Mr. W. C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, for a period 2 of ninety days with authority to execute all documents and act in all matters for the District in the same manner and extent as authorized for the General Manager -Chief Engineer. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Reso- lution No. 72-37 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian V. BIDS DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2054, CAROL LANE LAFAYETTE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that bids for District Sewering Project 2054 from A. P. Pipeline in the amount of $10,709.00, from Peter Cole Jensen, Inc., in the amount of $11,600,00, from Sub -Surface Pipeline, Inc., and Vincent Rodrigues in the amount of $15,160.00, from Cleverdon Co., Inc., in the amount of $15,260.00, and from M.G.M. ConstructionOompany in the amount of $20,560.00, be accepted and that award of bid be made to the lowest bidder, A. P. Pipeline. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian VI. OLD BUSINESS BROWN AND CALDWELL REPORT ON LIME SLUDGE RECYCLE PROJECT Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, introduced Dr. David Caldwell and his associate, Dr. Denny Parker, of Brown and Caldwell. Dr. Parker presented a detailed status report on the "Combined Sludge Pro- cessing Project" which has been in operation at the District's Advance Treatment Test Facility and which is partially funded by State and Federal grants. Board Members and staff posed questions and discussed various aspects of Dr. Parker's report. Dr. Parker then presented a detailed report on a proposed Lime Sludge Recycle Project for which partial funding by State and Federal regulatory agencies may be possible. Board Members, staff, Dr. Parker and Dr. Caldwell discussed various aspects of the report and recognized that the cooperation of the City of Concord would be necessary in order to obtain use of that city's incinerator for use in the project, Dr. Caldwell presented a detailed report on a process developed by Boeing Corporation for the handling of sludge. Dr. Caldwell was optimistic regarding the process and indicated that his firm had entered into a joint venture project with Boeing Corporation for Metropolitan Seattle, Washington. He indicated that this process, if proven successful, would be an alternative choice for the District when decision is made to proceed to Stage 5B in the treatment plant expansion pro- gram. Board Members, staff and Dr. Caldwell discussed various aspects of the report with Dr. Caldwell suggesting that it may be advantageous for the District to test the process by transporting a mobile unit which has been constructed from Seattle, Washington, to the District's treatment plant. • DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, explained he was still conducting discussiom with Mr. George Gordon, Attorney, representing Acme Fill Corporation on the proposed 3 DinLict Ordinancehe suggested that the Ordinance should exclude disposal si;.es for liquid waste 7,71,ich was 2graed tc by Member iIitehe1i 1 -nem continued to meeting of August 3 1972. CLAIMOF MRS. CLYDE E. BROWNIN THE AMOUNT OF $697,81 Mr Dalton, Acting (General Monager-Chlet iqlgineer, explained the cirnum stances relating to Mrs. Browns claim. Board M,imbers, staff and Mr, Bota, Counsel for the District, discussed the matter w;th staff indicating its operational pro- cedures for District installation of overflow devices to preclude r.currence of such claims. Mr, Bohn, Counsel to: the District, stl:essed thai- It is the clear responsibility of the homeowner to insure installation of overflow devices and not an obligation of the District. Board Members expressed interest in stoff formulating a positive method of alerting property milers that ovnrflow devices have been installed and should not be removed. After Mr- Dalton indicated Lhis would be done, it was moved by Member Boneystcele, seconded by Member MitcheLl, that the claim of Mrs. Brown in the amount of $697.81 be paid following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote AYES Members Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian RETIREMENT CLAIM OF MR. MELVJAIJ,EMMICKER DISTRICT EMPLOYEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $218.04 Mr, Bohn, Counsel for the District, requested continuance of the item. Item was continued to the meeting of August l7, 1972. VII. NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that case- ments from G. T. Duffy, Job 2129, Parcel 1, The Orinda Community Church, Inc., Job 1/98, Parcel 1, Marthamae Snyder, Job 2188, Parcels 1 and 2, Franklin D. Carson, et ux, Job 2188, Parcels 3 and 4 and Contra Costa County, Buchanan Field, be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allen NOES Members ° None ABSENT Members: Gibbs and Rustigian REQUEST OF MR. THOMAS F. REISER, LAND WEST. REGARDING PAYMENT OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGES Mr, Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, explained that staff had initially opposed the request by Mr. Reiser that he be granted elief from District Ordinance 86 recently adopted by the Board. Dowever, after further inuescigation he thought relief should be granted in ala matter of fixture chacges, Concerning the proviso in Ordinance No. 86 that requires full payment of sever service charges, Mr. Dalton had no recommendation. After discussion by Board Members, staff and Mr. Reiser, and atter disclosure that the District had issued a permit prior to the effecLive date of District Ordinance No. 86 authorizing preliminary connection to the District's mainline sewer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that ihe schedule of fixture charges and payment thereof which was in effect prior to adoption of District Ordinance No. 86, be applicable to the property develop- ment of Mr. Reiser. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Rustigian Mr. Jerome A. Soba, Viking Homes, addressed the Board and explained that he, too, had been issued a District permit prior to the effective date of District Ordinance No. 86 authorizing preliminary connection Lo mainline sewer. Mr. Soba requested similar relief from Ordinance No. 86. After suggestion by Member Mitchell and discussion, President Allan directed staff to apply the Board policy established in the instance of Mr. Reiser. President Allan then declared a ten minute recess. 4gmEsT OF MR. V, FRANK HUBAL REGARDING GARDEN TRIMMING SERVICE IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE Mr, Hubal addressed the Board requesting that it change its policy regarding mandatory garden trimming service for residents of Lafayette who have regul;lr weekly garbage service. Mr. Hubal explained that he had no use for this type of service, that he composted his grass trimmings, and, therefore, objected to having to pay for this type of service. Discussion by Board Members, staff and Mr. Hubal followed with Member Boneysteele reviewing the circumstances that led the Board of Directors to adopt the policy of garden trimming service. However, he indicated that he was willing to re-examine this policy at a future date. Member Mitchell noted that an additional contributory factor was that the City Council of Lafayette had expressed interest in a uniform type of garbage service for residents of Lafayette. President Allan suggested that, since this type of garbage service was newly instituted, the Board not review its policy at this time. It was the consensus of the Board that the matter would be reviewed when the Board met to consider garbage rates for 1973. Staff was directed to return Mr. Hubal's check for garbage service which he had deposited with the Secretary of the District. AUTHORIZATION FOR PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE QUITCLAIMDEED TO JAMES M. CORNETTAND LEO J. PASOUINI ET UX After explanation by Mr, Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, Lt was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authoriza- tion for the President and Secretary to execute Quitclaim Deed to James M. Cornett aid J,co J. Pasquini, et ux, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NUS: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian AUTHORIZATION FOR PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONSENT TO DEDICATION OF PUBLIC ROAD§ CURRAN PROPERTY LAFAYETTE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, staff, and being reviewed by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorizationibr the President and Secretary to execute Consent to Dedication of Public Roads, Curran Property, Lafayette, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian 5 AUTHORIZATION FOR eRESIDENT MD SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONSENT TO OFFER -OF -DEDICATION, 91ETT22gpNSENT TO DEDICATION OF PUiLIC ROADS_ AND SubORDINATION OF EASEMENT RIGHTS TO DAME CONSTRUCTION C04AM After elvlantion by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager Chief Engineer, staff, and being reviewed by Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the Diqtrict, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization for the President and Secretary to execute two Consent to Dedicatiou of Public Roads and Subordination of Easement Rights, March Road, San Rr,mo,i, to Dam A Construction Company, be approved. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES Mcmbers: None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Il_ustigian AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTS FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY TOR THE COMBINED SLUDGE PROCESSING PROJECT After explanation by Mr, Dalton, Acting General Manager-Chie:F Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneystcele, that autaorization for Mr. Dalton, Acting Ceneral Manager -Chief Engineer, to execute Offer and Acceptance Docu- ments from the Environmental Protection Agency for grant funds for the "Combined Sludge Pwcescing Project" be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES t Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian CLAIM OF WTLHELM KLEIN IN THE AMOUNT OF $41.00 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Jtaff, and discussion by Board Members regarding District policy regarding claims, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the claim of Wilhelm Klein in the amount of $41-00 be paid, following receipt of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO KAISER FOUNDATION GROUP MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL Su'RVICv AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1972 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Bnneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization for the President and Secretary to execute Amendment to Kaiser Foundation Group Medical and Hospital Service Agreeinent to be effective October 1, 1972, be approved. Carried by Lhe {following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Rustigian AUTHORIZATION FOR BECHTEL CORPORATION TO EMPLOY A SPECIAL CONSULTANT FOR THE yATERRECLAMATION PROJECT After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization for Bechtel Corporation to employ a Special Consultant on membrane linings for the water reclamation project be approved. Carried by the following vote: • AYES: Members: Bbneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members° None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Rustigian 6 AUTHORIZATION TO EMPLOY DISTRICT BOND COUNSEL REGARDING FINANCING THEI1STRICT'S TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PROGRAM Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer explained that he desires Board authorization to employ the services of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch to explore alternative financial methods available to the District with regard to the treatment plant expansion program. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed the matter with Member Boneysteele suggesting that it may be more appropriate to initially obtain the services of a financial consultant. Mr. Bohn noted that the District's cash flow problem could be eased if State and Federal regulatory agencies were to revise their procedures for admlnistering grant funds. Item was continued to meeting of August 17, 1912. AUTHORIZATION TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1961 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, and Mr. Jack Best, Office Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization for the. Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, to file Notice of Completion, District Sewering Project 1961, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 1972-1973 At the suggestion of Mr. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer, the Board Members and staff discussed initially at length personnel matters as re- lated to the budget for fiscal year 1972-1973. Interest was expressed in the matter of staff augmentation, staff promotions, internal staff relationships and salaries. After discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 72-38, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CLASSIFICATION OF SUPERVISING TREATMENT PLANT CHEMIST EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1972. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian RESOLUTION NO. 72-39 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING WALTER FOX, SUPERVISING TREATMENT PLANT CHEMIST ERNEST W. D'ATRI PLANT OPERATOR JESSIE LEE THOMAS MAINTENANCE LEADMAN, AND MELVIN R. BEARDEN, MAINTENANCE MAN II EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1972 Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian RESOLUTION NO. /2-40, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TWO NEW ENGINEERING AID 311 POSITIONS AND ELIM1NATINC TWO ENGINEERING AID II POSITIONS AND APPOINTING OLIVER INGERSOLL AND DOUGLAS NEUFELD TO POSITION OF ENGINEERING AID III EFFECTIVE JULY 1 1972 Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Gibbs and Rustigian 7 RESOITTTION NO 72-4' A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A 5% INCREASE IN SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES INCLUDING MANAGI&ENT TO BE EFFECTIVi JULY 1 1972 Calried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boileysteelc, Mitchell and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Rustigl.en RESOLUTION NO. 72742.ARESpLUTION_AUTHORIZING STAFF AUGMENTATION OF FOUR MAINTENANCE MAN 1 POSITIONS AND APPOINTMENT OF:0NEMAINTENANCEMAN 1 TO POSITION OF MAINTENANCF MAT1/41 II IN THE ,NAIMENANCEDPART4_NI-TAT AND ONE POSITTON AT THE TREATMENT PLANT, EFFECTIVE JULY 1 1972 Carried by Lhe following vote AYES Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell and Allan NOES! Members: None ABSENT Members: Gibbs and Rustigian Board Members and staff then discussed the fiscal year 1972-1973 budget request for equipment for the Engineeriiig Department. It was the consensus of the Board Lo give tentative approval for one electronic desk computer, cne distance measuring device end L-J,To transits. Due to the lateness of Lhe hour, item was contihued to the Aeeting of August 3 1972. 'NFORMATIuN Board Members noted correspondence from the State Water Resources Control Board and a staff memorandum projecting power demand for the water reclamation plant. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR. President Allan read a letter to Board Members received by him from Mr. William P. Baker, Executive Vice President, Contra CoSta Taxpayers Association. After discussion of the content of the letter which requested Board consideration :n its budget for 1972-1973 for increase of service charges rather than an increase Jn property taxes, President Allan provided guidance to Secretary Davis and requested that he prepare an appropriate response. McAbee Boneysteel-, commented on a hill recently passed by the State Legislatutc on solid waste management He expressed disappointment that the California As- soc;ation of Sanitation Agencies had not been successful in fostering certain re- visions Lo the bill which he considered of importance, He explained that this interesi, in solid waste wanagement was his primary motivation for seeking successful election ;_:o the Board of Directors of CASA at its recent meeting in San Diego, California, VIII. REPORTS COMTTTEES Member Roneysteele reported on the meettng of July 26, 1972, of the Advisory Committee for Solid Waste Recycling lie commented on the participation on the Committee by Mr. Lee Hertzberg of East Bay Municipal Utility District, a newly appointed member, and stated the Committee was considering a recommendation Lo ACTING GENERAL MkNAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER After explanacion by Mr. Dalton, it -las moved by Member Boneystee1e, seconded by Member Mitchell_ that authorization to grant a leave of absence o Mrs. Eileen Heidenreich be appl-oved. CacAed by the following voLe AYES Members: Boneysteek, Mitchell and Allan NOES Members: None ABSENT: Members Gibbs and Rustigian Mr, Dalton suggested the Board Members give consideration to adding to N. David Nile's current job title of "Superintendent of Plant Operations" the title "Rerlamation Plant Project Manager. He explalned that this new job titic would bo more descriptive and facilitate Nr. Nile‘ activities during the constructjon phase of the District's treatment plant expansion program- Aftel brief discussion, Board Members took the matter under consideration. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None. SECRETARY Mr. Davis reported that he had been informed by Nr. George Jacobson that his insurance company had settled claims with Mrs. Bridie Williams and Mr. Forrister. IX ADJOURNMENT At 12:15 A.M., President Allan adjourned the meeting. 9 July 31, 1972 MEMORANDUM FCR The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: Wa C Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item la PROBLEM: Claim of Mrs. June McIntyre, 209 Glorietta Blvd. Oriada Califoraia, for tire alignment damage in the amount of• 09.30. 2. BACKGROUND: Mrs. McIntyre called the Fire Department before us and they replaced the manhole cover. We have never had one come off like this, (with riser rings, yes) We suspect vandalism, 3 RECAMENDATION: The Fire Department confirms the cover being off. The delay in the ear repair was Mrs, McIntyre's neglect. I recommend payment of claim. v Recommendation approved W. C Dalton Acting General Respectfully submitted, R. H. Hinkson Superintendent.of Field Operations Manager -Chief Engineer July 31, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF. TRE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VTAg W C Laiton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Approval of Plans, Specification and Engineers Estimate of $53,475 for 142 1926 - Acacia Drive, Orinda, and Authorization to Advertise and Receive Bids BACKGROUND: November, 1970, $3,500000 was authorized for engineering for a Pump Station to remedy slide damage to an existing 81ine. This project has been delayed until now at the Suggestion .pf District Counsele, RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and specifications, authorize advertising and receive bids for this job, Respectfully submitted, -- Jack L Best Office Engineer JLB:sa Recommendation approved; W. 0— Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer August 1, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: SUBJECT° W, C. Dalton, Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer District Sewering Project 1957, Right of Way Acquisition - Mayo Lane (Rahn Court) PROBLEM: We have concluded an agreement with Mt. and Mrs. Donald Jesper for the acquisition of an easement on their property, we have a signed deed from them and have -agreed to pay thein the'sum of.$119.00. They are currently selling the property and we desire to record the deed from them to keep us from having to renegotiate the easement with the new owners. BACKGROUND: Parallel line to relieve overload situation in existing system. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, Respectfully submitted, JL3'sa WG aecommendation approved: Jack L. Best Office Engineer C. Dalton Acing General Manager -Chief Engineer August 3 1.972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: W C Dalton - Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT Preparation of Treatment Plant Site We request authorization for the Engineer and Attorney to negotiate an agreement with Holly Corporation for the relocation of their eight inch 600 pos.i. jet fuel line at the Treatment Plant, estimated cost $75000, PROBLEM: The Holly (Lark or Navajo) easement severs the Eolding Basin and the Water Reciatation Plant facilities. Before we can start construction of the final stage of the Holding Basin, this line has to be relocated. Holly indicated that if the'line is to be relocated this year, the work would have to be completed by October 1st since additional work that they have planned is within the Walnut Creek channel. BECUMENDATION'g Approval. Respectfully submitted, *44 Jack L. Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: )il W. C Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer August 3 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: W. C. Dalton - Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorizing call for bids for Trunk Sewer Deficiencies. 1. PROBLEM: At the July 6th Board Meeting, $49,025was authorized to correct trunk sewer deficiencies. We would like to complete this work on or before October 15, 1972. 2 RECOMMENDATION: Approval® Respectfully sumbitted, ( ,010 V Jack L. Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: W. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer JL13jv August 3 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: W. C. Dalton - Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Authorization for Engineer and Attorney to execute a contract change order with James Engineering far causes beyond the control of the Contractor on District Job 2071 for the relocation of a 12 -inch diameter sewer on South Broadway Extension, 1. PROBLEM: Bid prices submitted by James Engineering were based on wage scales in effect in November 1971L In June and July various trades (teamsters, operators, etc.) were granted wage increases. The contract was to have been completed before these increases went into effect, also the City has permitted other shallower utilities to go in prior to this sewer installation which will increase the Contractor installation cost. The Contractor has requested that he be compensated for these unanticipated changes in the job. 2. BACKGROUND: A contract was awarded to James Engineering on November 18, 1971 for $12,884.25 for relocation of a 12 inch trunk sewer. The specifications for the job (2071) stated that the earliest date that the Contractor could start work would be January 31, 1972. This date was established by the City of Walnut Creek. Delays due to weather, Southern Pacific Railroad; utilities and the Teamster strike have postponed the start of the relocation work, The tentative date for start of work is after August 8, 1972. 3. ALTERNATIVE: Hold Contractor to original amount bid and not allow any compensation for unanticipated changes and face legal action, or readvertising. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize CCO for unanticipated changes which will cost the Contractor additional money, subject to aporoval of District Counsel. Respectfully submitted, Jack L Best Office Engineer Recommendation Approved: w. C. Dalton Acting General Manager -Chief Engineer JLBjv