HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-27-1972 AGENDA BACKUPhIrNOTP OV A REGULA_ METING OTY THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAIct DISTRICT 741,MD JULY C, 1972 Th R bIstrict Board of Ccntxal Contra Costa Sanitpxy District convened i n Rep,nlar Session at its ,fn.gulnr place of maeining located at 1250 Spring- hvook Roeni, Walnut Creek, County of cnnt-ca Costa?. State of California, on July 6, 1972, pt 300 o'nionk PI: The 7iilacing was called to order by :?).:asi,dent Alina. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteeln, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan ABSMT° Member: Gibbs Member Gibbs arrived at 820 o'clock P,,Mc 11 APPROVAL NJrNUTES After comment by Member Boneysteele and Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, regarding clerical evrors on pages 2 and 5, and comment by Member RunLigian, it was moved by Member Boreysteele,.seconded by Member Rustigian, Lliat Lhe Minutes of the meeting of June 15; 1972; be approved after making Che following correction; Under "MATTERS FROM THEFLOOR; change the last sentence to read: 'Atter discussion by Board Members and staff, and as the contractor wts not willing to negotiate, it was the consensus of the Board that the matter be referred to staff for corrective action and if need be, or if Licessary, the District cost of repairing Mrs. Williamsproperty should be deducted from the contractor's performance bond which is filed with the District." Motion changing Minutes carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Gibbs IIL APPROVAL 01Y EXPENDITURES After comment by Member Rustigian requesting additional explanatory in- Lorwation ou Voucher 14766 and comment by Member Boneysteele requesting staff p-covlde routine additional explanatory InformatIon on vouchers similar to 14816, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Lhc expenditures, as reviewed by Member Rustigian of the Expenditure Committee, and Medber Boneysteele, and as submitted by the Administrative Engineer in the absolIce of the General Manager-Chiet Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 1456 to 1506, in- clusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 14698 to 14853, inclusive, Payroll Vonchcrs Numbers 1810 to 1937, inclusive; Local Improvement District 50 Construction Fund Voucher Number 152 and Local Improvement District 51 Con- struction Fund Voucher Number 14. Staff was directed to provide additional information on Vouthers 14766 and 14314 prior to effecting payment. Carried by the folloe,ing gote_; LCE S: Melabes: BoAeystecle, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Nembers None Xr3SENT: Members None fl9 HEARINGS D°1INQIIT SEWER SERVE CTIARGFS A±Ler inidal explanation by Mt Dalton, Aillainistrative Engineer, and Mr. Ci.niato„ representing Mr. Bohn, CoieseJL fo, the DLstrict, President Allan opened the heazing. 2 -resident Allen asked if there weze any persons in the audience who wished to present a protest. There were noue. hr. Carniato stated a written protest had been leceived from Mrs- Patricia Lapan, owner of property located at 115 SIArene Lene, Walnut Creek, CalifoPlia, County Assessor's Number 178-282-001. Hr. CeAniato stated 'Ars. Lapan 's property was delinquent, including penalties nd interest, in the amount of $97.6.79 for sewer service charges. He explained the property had been repossessed by Mrs Lapan and that delinquency was a re- sult of previous aunership. As the lien was against the property and not oacrship, and in view of the circumstances regarding Mrs. Lapan's protest, Mr. Carniato recommended collection of delinquent sewer service charges for the aforesaid property less penalty and inl:elesi_ charges. After comment by Secretary Davis that the amount of sewer service charges deinquent less penalties and interest was $558.00, and after discussion by ,he Board Members, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that delinquency of sewer service charges against the property of Mrs. Lapan be collected less penalty and interest charges. Carried by the following vote AYES Members: Boaeysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT Nembers: None President Allan closed the hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 72-32, A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTEST AND ADOPTING 7HE REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE Aftee recommendation by Mr. Carniato, representing Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution No. 72-32 be adopted. Carried by the following vote AYES: MembersBoneysteels, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT° Members: None V BIDS FOR PAINTING PORTIONS OF OFFICE BUILDING After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that bids by Mr. James H. Sisco, Walnut Creek, Califoruia, in the amount of $2,219.00 and by Tassell PainiLitig, Inc., Antioch, California, in the amount of $2,440.00, for painting portions of office building, be accepted and that award of bid be made to Mr. James H. Sisco as lowest bidder. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian andillan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2 .IF T ORDYNANCE ON DISPOSAL OLr. BUSINESS Dation introfluces1 esso-ilya Usiselort, atstosAey, representing Acme Fill Coporation. Mr. Gordon addressed the Iir)a-r6 Tr his -.,emerks, Mr. Gordon stated he had cev's-wd the dsaft ordinEince, was lasitlinr with th intent and interest of the Dirtrict, but that the,sa weJse,vsp'sr,s3 aspects of the ord5nance on which he would like clesiification. He reque.steeL flast- th ar defer tosmediate action on the urdinracc ih order is Anis _o confer with W. iohn -]ounsel for the District, .slho woJd be uuavailable until julv hoard Usabers, Mrz Cvsimiato, rsspvesunting Couosel for the District, and Mr. (Stsirdols, discussed unveral of the poiWss rLised by Mr. Gordon concerning the draft sicAnance find its. possible impnct upou disposal sirss alre,sdy in existence within tin Th, at The isteo. WS conrsinued to Che menting of July 27, 1972, in order to lynit staff, Mn Bohn, Counsel fo the Dfatiict, svail M±, Gordon to confer on s,laffs draft ordinance. MT , ,:ma JACOBSON. CONTUACTUR Mr. Jcscobsoll appeared before the Board in .regard to a complaint filed with the District by Mrs. Bsidie Willi&ms, 44 Camino don Miguel, Crinda, California, alleging Mr. Jacobsou had damaged her property. Mr. Jacobson stated that in the event -14rs. Williamsclaim as valid, his insurance company would accept respon- sibilily for settling the claim. Member Mitchell commented that Member Gibbs had investigsted Mrs. Williams' claim. At his suggestion, as Member Gibbs was not presmt to report, it was the consensus of the Board that the item be con- isinued to the meeting of July 27 19/2. Subsequent to the departure of Mr. Jacobson, Member Gibbs arrived at the meeting- Mr, Carniato, representing M/. Bohn, Counsel for the District, re- viewed in detail the facts and circumstances relating to Mrs. Williams' claim as known by the District staff. Board Members, staff and Mr. Carniato discussed liosious aspects of the matter with particular emphasis on Member Gibbs report of investigation and the DisLrict's requirement that all contractors performing work within the District post a $1,000.00 performance bond. After discussing altelmat5.ve methods to resolw the item, it was the consensus of the Board that ihe matter be referre0 to Counsel for the District to inform the parties concerned that the District would take no deanitive action on the complaint at this time. MR. bONh PORMACK COODTA-CORTA TIMES Na. McCormack requested that he Le plcovided with similar information, documents, and staff position papers as received by Board Members and that Osts material should be availalile in advanr2e of scheduled Board Meetings. Discussion by Board Membelcs sta::i1- Mr. Carniato, representing Mr. Bohn, Couasel for the District, and Mr, HeCokmark follnued£n the discussion, some tAiskeesicsi was expressed by Members that the news media may interpret staff recom- mendations as definitive action by the Board and, therefore, their reporting of 03ssrict activities could be inaccurate. After explanc'sion and clarification by Mr- hcCoimack on the Isahner in nhich he proposes to -utilize the material and :,fter commsmt by Mr. Carniato suggestina that legal documents should be excluded, jL, was moved by Member Boreysteele, scconded by Member Rustigian; that staff pro- vide the Contra Costa Ti es, prior to scheduled Board meetings, with similar in- I:olmation and documents as provid&I Board i4embers. Exceptions to this policy are legal documents and those docsmants that should not be made public until the date of the Board meeting. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members Bonnysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members None ABSENT Members None 3 RESOLUTION NO, 72-33 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGESIND MODIFICATIONS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Y0,51, Aft.er eNp3anation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Memba- Mtchell, seconded by Member G.:Lbbs, that Resolution No. 72-33, A Reso- lutioi, of Intention Lc) Make Changes and Modifications, be adopted. Carried by the tollywing vote: AYES Members Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES; Members: None ABSw,NT: Members: None VII. NEW BUSINESS CONSYNT foEMS /WCEeTANCE OF EAS.J6MENTSAT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It wa8 moved by Melaber Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that easements for 3T1ora De Martini, et al, ob 21499 Parcel 1 Mr. Stanley Pedder, et ux, Job 2133, Parcel 1, Neil andliahona Christeneen, Job 2158, Parcel 1, Mr. Ronald E. Towery, Job 2128, Parcel 1, and Mr. Allan J amedstad, job 2128, Parcel 29 be.,iccepted and their-wecording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Member: None ABSENT: Members None tCCFPTANCE OY GRANT DEED FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR 9.747 ACRES ADJACENT TO rTREATMENT PLANT It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Grant Deed from Contra Costa County for 9.747 acres adjacent to the treatment plant site be accepted and its recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None POLUTION NO 7234 A RESOLUTION CHANGING NEXT REGULAR MEETING_FROM JULY 2Q9 1972 TO JULY 27. 1972 It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele9 that Reso- lution No. 72-34 be adopted. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Pi:embers° None ABSTAINING: Member: Gibbs ABSENT: Members: None CLAIM OF MR. J. H GORDON IN THE_AMOUNT_PF .171.27 MI Dalton, Administrative EngirLeer, explained the circumstances surrounding M. Gordon's'claim. A discussion between Board Members and staff followed, after which it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the claim of Mc. J. a, Gordon in the amount of $171,27 be paid following receipt of signed Re- lease in Full Settlement and Compi-omise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Member Boneysteele ABSENT: Members: None 4 CLAIM OF MRS CLYDE E BROWN In absence of additional information regarding the claim, item was continued jx, he meeting of July 27, 1972. SPECIAL REBATE AGREEITENTS,L WATERSHED35 SOUTH AND WATERSUFD 28 WEST After explanat.,_on by iit Dolton; Administrati_ve Engireer, and brief dis- cussion by Board Membeis aJ_td sr.aff, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs-, that Lhe President and Secretary be authorized to execute special rebate agreelaehL, Watershed 35 South, with Leadership Homes and special rebate agreement, Watelshed 27 West, with Falender Homes Corporation. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members; Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members: None ABSENT Members: None 7..milly BY DAME CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR DISTRICT TO SUBORDINATE ITS EASEMENT _ MARCH ROAD SAN RAMON After explanation by Mr. Carniato, representing Mr. Bohn Counsel for the D;strict, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that, subject to final approval by Counsel for the District, authorization be granted for the District to subordinate its easement, March Road, San Ramon. Carried by the folloTing vote AYES Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members; None ABSENT: Members: None DOMESTICWATER SUPPLY„ MARTINEZ PUMILSTATIONS Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, explained that original plans for the Martinez pump stations did not envisage need for a domestic water supply. How- ever, actual operation of the stations indicate that a domestic water supply is Lequired. Mr. Dalton requested authorization of $1,000,.00 to conduct an engineering study of the problem. After brief discussion by Board Members and assurance that cost involved would not be allocated to Local Improvement District No. 50, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization of $1,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for an engineering study be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members; None ABSMT: Members: None RETIREMENT CLAIM OF MR. MELVIN KLEMMICK, FORMER DISTRICJ_EMPLOYEEINTHE_AMOUNT OF $218.04 After brief discussion by Board Members and staff, claim was referred to Counsel for the District for review- Item continued to meeting of July 27, 1972. ERiplajlY D; B, McGLANEPY AND ASSOCIATES _FOR GRANTING OF DISTRICT VARIANCE FOR SUBDIVISION NO: 4346, MORAGA AREA Mi, Dalton, Administrative Engineer, explained the property involved two apartwent type buildings, serviced by a 6 sewer line, the status of which was changed to condominium units. With the possibility of multiple ownership, staff desired the sewer line be raised to mainline standards, namely, an 8" line with 5 two manhoiec .and a rodd!-D3 inlet. With grant of easement, the District would then ccep resprinsibility for the line's maintenance_ Mr. Don McGlamery, re- presenting the owner, addressed the Board. He explained the concept of condomin- iums, emphasizing that the property wou)d still retain single ownership. He indicated that he did not think granting of a variance in this instance would contra- vene the intent of the District's 07inance. Further, over a two-year period, no difficulty had been experienced in the functioning of the current sewer line. He suggested, therefore, incy-eastng the size of the line with additional manholes and rodding inlet as unnecessary, Diocussion between Board Members, staff, MI. Carniato, representing Mr. Bohn, Comsel for the District and Mr. McGlamery followed. Member Boneysteele noe,1 that the change Ni status from apartment units to condominium units would have no impact on number of fixtures or number of people involved. The property rlould still be represented by a single owner. Member Mitchell commented that while ownership of the property may technically reside in a single owner, there would be individual ownership of each condominium unit. It would be beneficial to them if the line was raised to mainline standards. Mr. Carniato noted that mT-ilership of condominium units could take several forms. If it involved multiple owaership, obtainment of easements (-Quid be a problem. After some concern was expressed over maintenance of the current sewer line, and possible District lesponsi- bility, Mr. McGlamery stated the owner has not requested the District to maintain the line. It was then moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that request for variance in the case of D. B. McGlamery and Associates for sub- division 4346, Moraga area, be granted. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Member: Mitchell ABSENT Members None AUTHORIZATIONS FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND SECOND AVENUE SEWER, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT NO. 1957. DISTRICT EXPENSE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian,.that authorization in the amount of $2,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for District Sewering Project Number 1957 be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION_- BECHTqcON7,.,IRAC.T DISTRICT EXPENSE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authcrization in the amount ur $30,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for Treatment Plant Expansion, Bechtel contract be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members, Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None TREATMENT PLANT.EXPANSIOV=_BROWN_AND_CALDWELL CONTRACT DISTRICT EXPENSE. After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization in the amount 6 of $40,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for Treatment Plant Expansion, Brown and Caldwell contract be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Bonnyz;teele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members None ABSENT : Members None AWM SLUDGE POND, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT_207A, DISTRICT EXPENSE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Membel: Boneysteele, that authorization in the amount oF $10000.00 from the Sawer Construction Fund for Alum Sludge Pond, District Sewezing Project 2076 be approved. Carried by he following vote: AYES: Members Boneystecle, Cibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOS: Members: None. ABSENT: Members: None TRUNK SEWER DEFICIENCIES,AUTHORUTION REQUEST FOR_$49,025.00_ ML Dalton, Administtative Eagiheer, explejoed that the authorization requested Initiated a systematic District program to correct trunk line de- ficiencies detected through use of television equipment Membcr Boneysteele expressed a concern regarding the initiation of such sewer deficiencies program while simultaneously financing the District's treat- loent plant expansion program. Mr_ Dalton explained that Lhe eewer deficiencies program was in conson- alqce with StaLe and Federal grant flInd requirements which direct the District io Initi.Ate by Septenber 1, 1972, a source and infiltration control program. de sL,Ited thaL in developing the District's ten year financial plan,he had oliocated $100,00000 each year for sewer deficiencies. Aftei comment by Member Boneysteele that $50,000.00 was the equivalent of $400,000.00 in grant funds, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by i,lomber Boneysteele, that authorization in the amount of $49,025.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for trunk sewer deficiencies be approved. Carried Ivy Lure following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2054 *(CAROT, PNE LAFAYETTE AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE AND RECEIVEIIIDS CAROL LANE, LAFAYETTE After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Mewher Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Plans and Specifications for Di5tLict Sewering Project 2054, Carol Lane, Lafayette, be approved and that authorization to advertise and receive bids be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYESMembers: Boneysteele; Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None BROWN AND CALDWELLREPORT ON LIME L[PERECYCLE PROJECT Item was continued to meeting of July 27, 1972. MATTERS FROM THEFLOOR FINANCIAL STATEMENT After comment by Member Rustigian regarding a personnel matter to be investigated by staff, Member Gibbs requested staff clarification of the District's financial statement. Discussion followed with Secretary Davis being regnested to report on the matter at a future meeting. 7 EAST BAX ADNTCIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT TOUR MembLtr Boneysteele xeported on a two-day tour he had taken of East Bay Municipal Utility District facilities at Pardee Dam, He stated that he had met M Walter F. Anton, Manager, Design and Construction Division of East Bay Municipal D5strIcr, who had recently been assigned responsibility for solid waste management Mr. Anton had expressed an interest in District activiiiec Tr solid waste and planned to attend the next meeting of the Drtct's Advisory Committee on Solid War,te VIII - REPORTS - COMIIITTEES Tha District's Negotiating Coromittee is awaiting response from the City of Concord Member Mitchell, Chaiiman of the Personnel Cou-nrattec, stated the Com - mitten planned to meet with Department Heads to discuss personnel require- ments_ After discussion, it was agreed that this meeting would be held at 7;30 o'clock P.M., on July 11, 1972, at the District Offices. Member Boneystecle noted that Board Members had received a copy of the Minutes of the last meeting of the Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Re- cycling, He stated the Committee would next meet on July TO, 1972. CNFRAJ MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HOLDING BASIN. PHASE II PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS Mr Dalton, Administwative Engineer, reviewed for Board Members the DistYict's Holding Basin Prolect, Phase II. He indicated that the original estimate for the project including Phase I and II amounted to approximately $J50,000.00 which is eligible for grant funds. Phase II cost is estimated nt $263,950.O0- After further explanation by Mr. Dalton, and discussion by Board Members, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian that Plans and Specifications for the Holding Basin, Phase II project be approved and that authorization to call for bids be approved. Carried by the following vote AYES Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members: None ABSENT Members: None Mrn Dalton presented Board Members with a copy of a staff memorandum re)aing to personnel matters He also informed Board Members that rates for employee Blue Cross coverage had been raised. MI-. Dalton acknowledged receipt of a letter from the Municipality of 1-irtiopolitan Seattle, Washington, addressed to Member Rustigian, expressing npplociation for courtesies extended on their recent tour of District faci- iti Les, Mr. Dalton commented also on a contemplated tour of District facili- tins by representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr- Dalton reported on State regulatory agency and District action to seek relief in cash flow problems associated with Federal and State grant fund pi,ograms. He indicated that even if successful in its endeavors, the 8 District would still have to resort:. Lo short term borrowing to finance the District's Treatment Plant Expaeston ProgramMr. Daltor suggested that because ot increased adminisLraave and financial reporting requirements imposed by the grant fund program, additional outside assistance may be requAred. (1‘ COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT ,) IS None. SECRETARY SECRETARY None. IX, ADJOURNMENT At 11:23 o'clock PM resident Allen adjourned the meeting to July 27, 1972. 9 July 6, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: D.S.P. 2054 (Carol Lane, Lafayette) - Advertise and Receive Bids 1. BACKGROUND: January 6, 1972, $13,040.00 was authorized for the relocation of an existing 10" line which the Lutheran Church had built over, and to tie over an overloaded portion of the system from Carol LaAe. (Engineers Estimate Attached) 2. RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and specifications, authorize advertising and receive bids for this job. Respectfully submitted, 444 Jack L. Best, Office Engineer JLBms DLS Recommendation approved: A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Attachment July 25, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA W C Dalton, Administrative Engineer SUBJECT: Mr V Frank liubal regarding garden trimming service, Lafayette 1. PROBLEM: Mr. Hubal states he does not reqpire garden trimming service and therefore objects to making payment for services considered unnecessary. 2. BACKGROUND: This is the second instance Mr. Hubal has written to the District regarding garden trimming service in Lafayette. (See enclosure. B for District initial response) and forwarded his check for garbage service to the District, 3. DISCUSSION Undersigned has been in telephonic communication with Mr, Uubal (July 20th). Mx. Hubal is unwilling to accept the decision of the Board regarding garden trimming service in Lafayette a Undersigned explained to Mr, Hubal the following: as His check in the amount of $885 is deficient for the period he received service (April - June 1972), It amounts to $2.95 per monta, the rate authorized for 1971. The rate authorized for 197 was $3.35 prior to initiating of the new type of service in February for Lafayette which raised the rate to $3.45 per month. b Undersigned has been in contact with management of Lafayette garbage Disposal. Their records indicate that Mr. Hubal ':las requested and utilizes one can regular weekly garbage service. District Ordinance specifies that for residents having regular weekly garbage servi:e2 cost for the additional garden trimming service is mandatory, c. Alternatives explained and availalile to Mr. hul3al: (1) As he has not paid his hill in ele full amount, Lafayette Garbage Disposal after thirty days could discontinue garbage service, (2) Mr. Rubal could cancel his regular weekly garbage service thereby negating the mandatory provision for garden trimming service. He could Lien request special garbage ser- vice from Lafayette Garbage Disposal. (3) Direct appeal t.c the Poard of Directors, 4. COMMENT: Mr. Hubal is deeply sincere in his position. Undersigned refused to forward his check to the Contra Costa Grand Jury without direction of the Board and advice of Counsel for the District. The check is currently in possession of the undersigned. 5. RECOMENDATIONS: 1. On advice of Counsel for the District, return Mr. Huballs check to him or to Lafayette Garbage Disposal Company. 2. Deny Mr. Hub al relief from the garden trimming service if he persists in utilizing regular weekly garbage service. Respectfully submitted, E. K. Davis, Secretary EKD:ms Encl: A B Recommendations approved: W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer • July 11 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item PROBLEM: Claim, I. E. Klein, 909 East Street, Lafayette, Calif. 284-1264 BACKGROUND: On Saturday, June 10, 1972, the District on call crew was called by Don's Sewer Service to check out our main line. Upon arrival the crew found the 6" line I-1 between the existing MH and RI 93 plugged 33' upstream from MH on East and Brook Street. The stoppage consisted of roots and grease was cleared with no difficulty. ALTERNATIVES: Pay claim, refuse claim. RECOMMENDATION: This claim comes to the amount of $41.00 and I recommend it be paid. RHH:ms TG Recommendation approved: a tif-Azz.. Respectfully submitted, • R. H. Hinkson, Superintendent of Field Operations G Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer 1 909 East 5troet Aoartxents C. East otreet Lafayette, Oslifornia 9499 Central. OonUia Oogta Sanitary Diritriet Mr, J.H. gorstootte, 12,0 Springbrook Rod Walnut Creek, Calif. 94596 22?E st tr 1214LIazal subisot: Dear Mr. liorstootte: July 5, 1972 Due to a pluged-up sewer line re had t call Don13 Sewer Serv7:ce on June 10p.1972. After 2 hours of wimking sad going in pent our• connection with the City line, he was unsueces661 and called your office. After about 1 hr. two or your Service Men ceits which'ras very much appreciated vs, and ran their line up, from Brook gtreet. FII. 1,my from the Tx -al -Iola to our connection ther hit sonlething end, after conside0able effort, broke through. When 14. George Beach ianrid the manhole, his firs rnel. that there should be alinore water coming through then Ii:Ft a little trickle. Since our,Apartmarit House is the first ons off Brook Street man hole, and the other Apartvente about 200 t. back, w naturally mould be the ifrir et ones to notice the back-up. Mr. G. Beach assured us that he would put tats on gehedu le for ren52ir. Where the stoT)pae 4:,cured is n very lerge Eucalyptus tree (about 1 et. awny). Could this possibly be the ?roblemt Monday June 12, a large water truck from the Sanitary District washf5d the city line thrcul44 froboo!c of Zast Street nsn hole. Are yell Tplainn,r:, on opening the secti, o .there the stcppage wfte? Should we have s 3rchien aFain, please advise us if we ghculd drill you first. L1161orlad is copy of Dons Sewtir Servioe' twoice no ?„41.57 dated Jur t le 1972 in the ataount o $41.00. We would very much ap-Yraciate if you occuld rein e us for thl.s expease. Thank you for your help, otost3ti clopy 1 is DON'S. SEWER SERVICE 1035 Blackwood Lane LAFAYkTTE, CALIFORNIA 94549 Phone 2844060 Concord Area 689-1068 1[10 TA1812V (o)EM N2 3157 a6e w*,c3ME {� DAY WORK CONTRACT EXTRA 13) " (.1 5' GE,,, 3fl sx p -b-447: ___,Ae.ar— 44-4, w+r.)cd DATE COMPLETED Signature -- WORK ORDERED 0 Na one Ftome TOTAL AMOUNT $ 4 1 i -L1 Total amount due Total Wiling to for above work: or be mailed atter c vmpl a Z! on i;oier ry ackrE wk,c 3e fl,a 3a11f.tactnri cor.oc,tio &► t oa bio ! scnaa+o work. of work tid Wit+•• „tom•. ��:-..�,•,- y. _ �� .. fir' hi• 21 1,72 1 7 4,2 •�1 �14'iti�r�7�1• ,• Ml71�. .ry RV p++iwq+ '^i y�1,,, • i� kj*ACOMNDIrl TO:Honorable ltd of Ditscto i s SUNBLUg linencing of Treatment P " i =' t Expansion You have been advimed of the cash f lou prooiem involved in the con s Tutt iou of the AOW t r ataent plant. We have not been table to fix the exact amount of short tern borrowing, but the latest btate information on accelerated grant payments still requires us to incur 20Z or our full share of the project cost before rept of grant payments. In other words, we will have to have available shout $9,200,000, lass prior payments (about 51, x,000 tc 52000,000), less non -obligated cash on hand (about 52,200,000 to $2,500,000). This would require borrowing prior to ward of contract of up to $10,000,00C on a short term basis. The short tarn may Involve three one-year periods with the possibility that additional borrowing of up to $3,000,000 may be re- quired during the three years. The purpose of this memo is to obtain authorizatim to employ our *Bond Counsel to investigate and reed the legal procedures svailab ie for such financing and to work with Management end Board in obtaining the necessary funds to proceed with the project. W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer t CDskr July 18, 1972 MEMORANDUM TO: W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer FROM: David G. Niles, Superintendent of Plant Operation SUBJECT: Projected Power Demand for Water Reclamation Plant. Stage 5A - 1975 Stage 5B - 1980 Stage 6 - 1990 Stage 7 - 2000 Electric TWA Power Factor .85 Natural Gas 150 lb. Steam Cu.Ft./Hr. Lbs /Hour Demand - Con. Load Average - Peak Average - Peak 8,000 - 15,000 74,000 - 96,000 31,000 - 79,000 12,500 - 25,000 137,000 - 174,000 61,000 - 121,000 20,000 - 38,000 260,000 92,000 - 156,000 27,000 - 46,000 350,000 121,000 - 195,000 This information was presented to Robert Grinstead of Dow Chemical for his use on the Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Recycling. David G. Niles Superintendent of Plant Operation DGN:ms