HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1972 AGENDA BACKUPMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JUNE 15, 1972 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring - brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on June 15, 1972. The meeting was called to order by President Allan. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Allan ABSENT: Member: Rustigian Member Rustigian arrived immediately after roll call. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 2 1972 After comment by Member Mitchell, and explanation by Secretary Davis, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes of the meeting of May 259 1972, be approved after clerical corrections on page 4 and page 6, and making the following correction: Under "VII. NEW BUSINESS, OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA", delete paragraph 19 page 4 and insert the following: "RESOLUTION 72-25, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TREATMENT PLANT SITE After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Resolution 7225 be adopted and that $887800.00 be authorized from Sewer Construction fund for purchase of 9.747 acres of property adjacent to the District's treatment plant. Carried by the following vote: AYES Members Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOESMembers None ABSENT; Members None" Motion changing Minutes carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members None MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1972 After comments by Members Boneysteele, Gibbs and Mitchell, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Minutes of the meeting of June 19 19729 be approved after making the following corrections: Under "VII. NEW_BUSINESS, DISCUSSION_WITH STAFF OF COUNTYHEALTH_DEPART-_, MENT", on page 49 line 59 after the words Mt View Sanitary District and" , delete "the" and insert "Central Contra Costa". On page 4, second paragraph, delete the penultimate sentence and insert the following: "After further cou�ments and expression by the Board Members to cooperate with the Heath Department and the County Board of Supervisors, it was moved by Manlier Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the Sanitary District would fully cooperate with the County Board of Supervisors, the County Health Depart- ment, the Local Agency Formation Commission, the City of Martinez, and the re- sidents of Muir Oaks when the Sanitary District receives .signed petition nfrrom a substantial teajority of those affected in Muir Oaks indicating their desire to be annexed by Central San and with their full realization that, under terms of its existing contract, annexation to Central San also required annexation to the City of Martinez." hI tion changing Minutes carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneys tee1e 9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Menai i e rs o None ABSENT! Members: None III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES Bibe, IV. HANGS LOCA_IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 515 TOWN OF CLYDE President Allan an opened the hearing. Mr. Loren A. Welches, President of the Clyde Civic Improvement Association inc o addressed the Board. Mr. Waiches prefaced his remarks by posing several questions to the Board and staff. Mr, Jack Best, Office Engineer, stated work on the pumping stations is expected to be coepleted by the end of June. He indicated the electrical contractor still must obtain approval from the Electrical Department of the County. Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported that 5,352 lineal feet of new pipe had been installed and 1,111 lineal feet of old pipe had been replaced. Mr. Ho:�:rstkotte further reported that three complaints on work c.„t,pleted had been corrected and that, essentially, all of the Feder .1 grant of $52,500.00 had been expended on the Local Improvement District. Mr Best stated it was anticipated that Special Counsel for the District will have completed legal requirements so that a public hearing on assessment could be held on July 6 1972. In response to query frou Member Mitchell. Mr. Best stated residents affected would have the normal thirty day period to pay the assessment in cash after individual notification by mail. After discussion regarding potential future growth in the Clyde :area and corument by Mr. Welchas that he had received periodic progress reports from staff regarding Local Improvement District 51, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneys teele, that the hearing on Local Improvement District 51, town of Clyde, be closed. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneys teele , Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None SENT: o Memb err 4 None None. Vo IDS VI. OLD BUSINESS DRAFT ORDINANCE ON DISPOSAL SITES Continued to meeting of July 6, 1972 2 DISTRICT EXPANSION TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager -Chief Engineer, reported that the District's treatment plant expansion program for water pollution had received grant certifi- cation from the State regulatory authorities in the amount of $42,800,000.00. Copies of the State grant certification were distributed to Board Members. Mr. Horstkotte explained that grant approval from the Environmental Protection Agency was expected in two to three weeks. Regarding grant certification for the water reclamation facilities ($2,8701000,00)9 Mr. Horstkotte indicated this was contin- gent upon Federal legislation which was pending. He was confident that, upon enactment, grant certification for this phase of the project would be forthcoming. After comment by Mr. Horstkotte regarding disbursement procedures for grant funds, Board Members and staff discussed certain aspects of the water reclamation project, particularly as it affects the District contract with Bechtel Corporation. After discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Bechtel Corporation be authorized to proceed at its normal rate of engineering design, under terms of its contract with the District, in order to meet the plans and specifica- tions deadline of October 19 1972. Carried by the following vote AYES Members: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT Members None CLAIM OF MRS. BERNICE BONDY IN THE AMOUNT OF $142.70 It was moved by Member Boneysteele9 seconded by Member Rustigian9 that the claim of Mrs. Bernice Bondy in the amount of $142.70 be paid following receipt Of signed Release in Full Settlement and Compramise. Carried by the following vote: AYES Members: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members None ABSENT: Members: None VII. NEW BUSINESS CONSENT ITEMS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian9 that easement from Mr. Jack M. Slough, et al, Job 21269 Parcel 39 be accepted and its recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Metbers: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members None ABSENT Members: None OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. MATTERS FROM TRE FLOOR Member Gibbs reported that he had investigated the complaint of Mrs. Bridie H. Williams that her property had been damaged by a contractor bonded by the District. Member Gibbs indicated that surface damage had been done to Mrs. Williams' patio and retaining wall. After discussion by Board Members and staff and as the con- tractor was not willing to negotiate, it was the consensus of the Board that the matter be referred to staff for corrective action with the cost of repairing Mrs. Williams' property being deductadfrom the contractor's performance bond which is filed with the District. 1' 16- COMMITTEES NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE VIII. REPORTS Member Rustigian, Chairman of the District's Negotiating Committee for the City of Concord, reported on an initial meeting held by Committee Members to formalize the District's position. Board Members and staff discussed various aspects of Chairman Rustigian's report and the desirability of engaging a con- sultant to advise the Committee. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. 72-30_, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN KEITH PACKWOOD, LABORATORY TECHNICIAN RESOLUTION NO. 72-31 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING PEDRO M MENDOZA, PERMANENT INTERMITTENT LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Mr. Horstkotte9 General Manager -Chief Engineer and Mr. David Niles, Super- intendent of Plant Operations, explained to the Personnel Committee and Board Members that additional requirements, such as a monitoring and reporting system on infiltration of toxic wastes, have been imposed upon the District by regula- Lory agencies. As a result of the increased workload, staff requested authori- zation to employ, as summer help, an additional Laboratory Technician. In ad- dition, as Mr. J. Keith Packwood's two-year appointment as Laboratory Technician, "Permanent -Intermittent", terminates June 219 1972, staff recommended that Mr. Packwood's position be changed to "regular status", effective June 22, 1972, and that his salary be increased from Range 47D to 47E ($1,057.00) effective July 19 1972. Staff further recommended that Mr, Pedro Mendoza, a temporary employee, he appointed to the position of Laboratory Technician, Permanent -Intermittent, at salary Range 47A ($870.00). The Personnel Committee and Board Members posed several questions and discussed with staff certain aspects of the District's personnel requirements. Member Mitchell, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, noted that the Board would soon have under consideration the District's proposed budget for fiscal year 1972-1973. He,therefore, requested staff to apprise the Committee of personnel requirements in detail by July 14, 1972. The Personnel Committee and Board Members then discussed the relationship of the budget, per- sonnel requirements and organization with the suggestion being made that consid= eration be given to changing the name of the Committee to "Organization and Per- sonnel Committee". After further questions and discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 72-30 and Resolution No. 72-31 be adopted, and that authorization to employ Mr. Thomas Hubbard as a temporary summer employee at a rate of $4.04 per hour be approved. Carried by the following vote AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None The Personnel Committee and Board Members discussed briefly personnel problems caused by growth of the District and the importance of the staff keeping the Personnel Committee fully informed. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING Member Boneysteele, Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Re- cycling, reported on the Committee meeting of June 149 1972. He stated Mr. Leonard Stefanelli, President of Sunset Scavenger Co., San Francisco, addressed the Committee and, with the use of slides, explained in detail refuse operations for the City of San Francisco and the operation of his firm's transferEtation. Member Boneysteele noted the Committee had discussed proposed legislation to require use of a certain percentage of recyclable materials. He suggested that perhaps this could be a matter for consideration by the California Association of Sanitation Agencies. 4 Board Members briefly discussed various aspects of Member Boneysteele's report, after which Member Boneysteele stated he had received a newIork as- signmeat and, as a result of his altered work schedule, it may be necessary for him to request Board Member assistance on the Advisory Committee. Board Members acknowledged the request and agreed to provide assistance as required. After Board Members were advised that the next meeting of theldvisory Com mittee was scheduled for 7:30 o'clock P.M., on June 26, 19724, Member Mitchell gave a brief report on a pyrolysis process designed by Garret GENERALMANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER VISIT Mr. Horstkotte reported that the Council and staff representatives from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle planned a visit to the Bay Area on June 21, 1972. The group will be hosted by Brown and Caldwell. In addition to hearing reports on the State and San Francisco basin plans, a tour of the District's Advanced Treatment Test Facility has been scheduled. Mr. Horstkotte stated Board Members were invited to participate. Staff was requested to pro- vide Board Members with a list of names of the visiting group. AUTHORIZATION FOR PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF CONCORD REGAUNG CONCORD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 54 After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Administrative Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization for the President and Secretary to execute Agreement on City of Concord Assessment District No© 54 be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele9 Gibbs, Mitche 1, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT REBATE CHARGES Mr. Bohn stated his office was in receipt of correspondence requesting pay- ment of $104,782.40 collected in rebate charges by the District (Watershed 27 West, Jobs 387, 389 and 461, Eichler Co. installer). Mr. Bohn indicated the matter was somewhat complicated because it involved several corporate entities. After brief discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization to refund $104,782.40 in rebate charges be approved subject to further approval by Counsel for the District. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None DRAFT ORDINANCE, Mr. Bohn explained in detail the concept and intent of the draft ordinance on disposal sites. BAY AREA SEWAGE SERVICES AGENCY President Allan stated the Contra Costa County Agency Board Selection Com- mittee was scheduled to meet June 19, 1972. A brief discussion by Board Members followed. 5 SECRETARY Secrei-a-zy Davis noted that the California Association of Sanitation AgenciesAnnual Work Conference, Second Session, was scheduled for July 19-22, 1972, at Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California. After brief discussion and indication by Board Members and staff as to who would be in attudance, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization for registration fees, travel and expenses be approved for those persons attending the Conference. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan NOES Members: None ABSENT Members: None EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:24 o'clock P.M., President Allan recessed to executive session to consider personnel matters. At 10:35 o'cloek P.M., President Allan reconvened the regular meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 10:36 o'clock P.M., President Allan adjourned the meeting. 6 July 6, 1972 The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Re: Job No. 2054 Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work in accordance with plans and specifications for District Sewering Project No. 2054. Item alikalltitY.Desai tion Unit Price Total 1 460 8" pipe $ 10.00 $ 4,600.00 2 354 10" pipe 10.00 3,540.00 3 2 Standard Manhole 600.00 l , 200.00 GAH:ms Estimated Construction Cost Contingencies, 5% Incidentals, 30% Total Cost Lutheran Church Contribution Multiple Fixture Account Yours very truly, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer $ 9,340.00 467.00 2,802.00 $12,609.00 3 200.00 $ 9,409.00 June 30, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA: . G. A. horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Agenda Item 1, PROBLEM: Damage Claim - Mr. J. R. Gordon 113 Kendall Road Walnut Creek CA 94595 2. BACKGROUND Mr. Gordon indicates that when patronizing a road- side fruit stand on Olympic Blvd. he scraped the pan off his car on a District manhole. The elevation of the panhole is well above the surround ing ground and very likely could cause the damage Mr. 'Gordon claims. We have, in fact, lowered this structure, 3. ALTERNATIVE: Pay claim, refuse claim. 4. RECOMMENDATION: Pay claim. While the structure in question is off the road and out of the area of normal vehicular passage, it is within parking image of the fruit stand. Recommendation App -37-2,v1:')(1.: . 44' Gen r Respect fully submitted, R- H. Uinkson Superintendent of Field Operations r rstkotte Jr. J. Manager -Chief Engineer MEMORANDUM FOR VIA SUBJECT June 30 1972 The Honorable Members of the Board of Directors G. A. Borstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer Agenda Item 1. , PROBLEM: Trunk sewer deficiencies. Request for $49,025.00 to make corrections. 2. BACKGROUNDg ,Last year we made extensive repairs to 3 truirik lines in the Orinda-Moraga area- We are continuing our survey of these lines throughout the District and are submitting a report.on lines in Rheem, Moraga-Iafayette, Lafayette, Walnut Creek and North 'Walnut Czeek at this time.We arerequesting $49,025.00 to correct some of these deficiencies. Not all of thein. We have continued the survey and have done anothei 16,759 ft, in the same category of pipe size,* detailedreport is not ready yet but condi- tion is about the same as in das report. 30 ALTERNATIVES; Grant request - Disallow request. 4. RECQHMENDATION: Grant request. It is essential that we reduce these trunk line deficiencies. Respectfully submitted, L. R. Hinksan Superintendent of Field Operations Rstommendation Approved ea 0 r'jiii;(1 41'10LiY,: ( Geperall ManagerChiefEnAineer P N*1 GAH j h June 28, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR The honorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA G. A. Elorstkotte, J General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT. Agenda Item PROBLEM: Overflow, Mrs Clyde E. Brown 111 Pulido Road Danville, California 34526 2. BACKGROUND On Sunda*, May 7„.1972, the Districton call crew. was called to relieve an overflow at the address mentioned above. Upon arrival, the crew found the V existing easement line plugged 135 upstream from existing MH at Cameo and Puliao Road toward existing NH on Pulido. The stoppage consisted of grease and was cleared with no difficulty. The water ran throughout the house The District crew cleaned and disinfected throughout - 3. ALTERNATIVES Pay claim, refuse claim. 4 RECOMMENDATION A point of interest regarding this incident is that in 1963 a copy of Ordinance 41 was delivered because of their situation and an overflow device was installed by a former owner but now the device is no longer there and a large piece of concrete is laying on top of the opening causing the water to be restricted to the pipe and consequently causing it to run inside the residence, Wefeel that this damage would not have happened had the device been in place. We think consideration should be given to non-payment of this claim because protection was provided and removed. However, this owner did not remove or even know of the existence of the device. While the Code states that the owner will maintain the device, can he, if he does not know he has one? The Statf looks to the Board for 'guidance on this claim because of the unusual circumstances. aecommendation Approved: Horstkotte,' ral Manager -Chief Engineer RHHjv Robert K. Hinkson Superintendent of Field Operations It G , 7 To ?1TfRA ..1-r14[T,L)L1)..vviu MDA SERV 2537 55[ DRBVLF: comcoRD, CA O5577 Ilelephuns 6$35-@650 Address Job Location Owner IE 196_ WE FURNISH, LAY, SAND, SCRAPE AN FINISH COMPLETE ACCORDING TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Bedrooms --- 1 2 3 4 — Halls 5li62 Selse Spec ia Nark Cedar in closets - OplionaI Ate' LivfrIg room Din. room Fm. R— Eery haH 546 :t 2 SsIeci Special 546 Hardt Bevskd Edge Base 5-16 2 TOTAL ESTIMATE inspection of floors by Contractor or Owner should be done after each pro- cess, otherwise objections of whatever nature are waived. Floors should be filled immediately after sanding or scraping. Moisture will cause floors to swell, cup and even buckle. This condition we have no control over and cannot guarantee against. This estimate is tendered with the understanding that we have the right to cancel same if not accepted within 30 days from date stated above. frinEKEI, S: Re flays met. AV Thlifinutent aoeoun2s sagoeci-, to71/2% interest peT month mall Oa coBectIon costs. Accepted by Date , 198 Mrs. Clyde E Brown 29 Mariposa Court Danville, Calif. 94526 ;46;,-z.e.1 1972 on nott Cent.402, Contim Co.4,-La Sat. 3LP2c.t. C!„ 30x 5466 LL'atiLtuL Czest-, Cc 1 -La. 94%6 Leal!, S,Lit: 5 an e o -Ln hee4.ti„7a2::.e.,,-) on. izrepaFili?../Lac4. c:e cone. ;Liz 4euetz, ,!.,Tcc,cic-inc,u Ln. the hoi.1.4e aye own cc,t 111 ;-u-L,Edo c.,^Le art.:lcLT(14 Lo cy.e.t the terk aut.n.,o,4th, a4 4f-3an, not d:Jeer), rthiLe g...et Laste., on, talLe„ W'c:Jad IttooduwUL La -6;E week, Th.e. c a2eLe4 c.:e a. c4 the, ciLear,eizA Lyei-6e no;i:. carte to /Lei:Love ;the uatez actithz itAe. watefe, 4,,Lood. onA..:11e,a1„,, Shou4 arc an eziFfzutiLe, co -t 1-0 4, ite, CE4E-CL: Fte LL G an. a cilwea.-Lr&-„t„„ 7J1LcuLk, „pm, uefui i g rz E 4; 1 g .,. -; ; 44 . , ..._. • , • __ _...,L,,,,,..n111.4...,....,, , 0 u AL CONTRA COSTA AR Y DISTRICT -E C E V 00 Acacia IV: 1 tefe, 1 Rea d b GenAlgt.413-Frag. WAIL Ennr. asst Distrait CID,,,ipr:a iferror,rr -- LJ 9- LOOTouiz 31 PARADISE LANE PLEASANT HILL CALIF. 94523 PHONE: 939-3061 "if)0 TO: fieS, eo et) /1/ P41112)_0_,k WA, fq A) 4, es 7- c5-(9. /9 ESCRIPTION OF JOB PERFORMED N9 01351 DTE 344 -NE VI 197,Z r‘r -14 )11) ky 14 I fiem/ (5 •111•11••••,_ iiciAiree6477 __TOTM • BOA kthqF DiREcioRs R 14 ARID J:MrrCHPLL, Presideni ARTHUR W. BOWMAN CHARLES J. GIBBS IRVINW C, RorMER • FHANK W.NAL$INGtRr NTRAL CONTRA COS`t A SANITARY DISTRICT mr. H. T. Courage 111 Pulido Road 7alifornia 1250 5PRINGBROOK RO. HAILING ADDRESS: P.O. NQX 42* WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA YCLLOVIST0140. 44741 January 10, 196 CLAUDE M. McNeil, Secroary G. A. HoRsTKOTTE, jR„ District Alanager.Engineer Enclosed is a co c: Ordinance 41 of the Centra Contra C.eta Sanitary DisT,Act. This Ordinance vas passed by the '...-)ard of Directc:a on/ after a .long and caraful cznAeration f f the major problems faced by all ibL rin age: Th. difrulty of keeping all lines tn full r all t iaAbAlity control usv%le or to -„Asot leads to back- up and overflow icUllinbuildir unleblz mom 5-44,;:asol 1.7,!.ividual building protection is used„ „Mcdaeig ccolstruotion prz_7.14,ccie - danger a minimum* but,, t';;der' tsiTe",ttl_r/ economic Ilt:Ltations, no modern can (-J3in1stely. tz%;;04 of this haar:,'. The ez,-:-,,„Lrd :2,74,%tion against such bigalorater damage or many years has been a cL.L::,:z in thci WAAL vutlet line* This 7;'pe ie still the ac .;;,,yx-Y.e protection under ertain condi ltlks iowz., due to ite poor ptil::To41c,,,at timr 'lab the Dlatrict ,,taff developed a substitute waidh ie mo4„. ::itie f 1.841 expensive. This patented der_ce has been re1ea7lol, .;ervice without ally r_metary to the Distriot o„. its stilt. It has been detertf_:,.74 by an inspection of your property' and ite sewe. ice area tha-,:, ,::.J,„niter of baclatiter .to your bui 'g It is, thict.erci..-es nece6sary that you comply wit the provisions C Ordin- :Lrice Ia. We suggest you contact one of' the licensed and bonded6:..)atractors the encloeed list. he can arrange ixistallation under 1)L,",:-,:ct inspec- You have been alerted to this danger so that you mal take prudent and immec-ate action to prevent damage to your property. FIAAMS do so. Dis GAH:ks Encls. Ordinance hi and C 00 District Counsel Inspection Department Nailed I mg ors 0 s r. Manager -Enginee actor List eg sr-rti-FT-e Delivered /- /9 - alF7:1,1 re .(1,1 4 -110AfthW DiRr(101;t3'*,'' ith* wow ) MTTrig I ARTtitiR 1313WMithi CHAIMLEN J. C•irkitt. IRVINC C. li01-.Mik Filii414, \X', !m1l:M(4RP CENTRAL CONTRA COS`iA SANITARY DISTRICT H. T. Courage 111 Pulido Road Danville, California l2 qPRINOOROOK MAILING AODREW P.O. SOX 424 WALNUT CRETK, CALIFORNIA Ne .ONE 44727 Janu,_,-:' 10, 196, CLAUDZ M McPtire, Ffiolev A HolismoiTt, Ostiti(1 Alitmager-1'tip.44Pr 2;losed is a copy of Ordinanoela (:)2 ,,,cntra Costa Sanit,:.,::TD16trit. This Ordinance =s: 17;asstAL Board of Dil--zzrs only after a long al -a': conc.L&=tion of c,ne. of the faced by all pt £ ng Sifficulty of keeping all lines in fun t inability to control t.zeage .or to viSus117,' Li„n[z; line: c,ei.aasiorr.!,:f.,7 leads to back- • up and c ow within ::,-;.znL of fLIdivid:Al building protection is used6nstruct,;41,1 pmetices keep1e danger at a minimums oollection sysf,L.,'J can bo complettq tits, kisittrth . The,:,.-L-y1R.,%7'i baolc-7._:ter don,_,7e for mar . years has been check ve in the building outlet line. irt4.e type is still the only 'n7lotection uzIr cerfAin cone,!!.ons, but,. dt its poc,v .perfoL7,7,a.:,z(,:;',,•„1.111813 .and high coats. the District staff developed a sribrtitute .144',1(1). is more poetive and lava: elr:Densiv,J. This patented du: (ID has beez, ::,31eased for public s(LrVice thout anymonetary ':)enefit to J„;'.!-',aff• n, has been detervid by an inspection of your vipiarty and its sewer service area that danger of backwater damage to yAir b1Lng exists. It L3 therefore, necessary that yca comply with the pt.-isions of Ordin- an 41. We suggest you contact -one of the licensed and bonded contra. ors on the enclosed list. He can arrange installation under District inspec- t!..c:,u You have been alerted to this danger so that you may take prudent and immediate action to prevent damage to your prope:-4,-. .Please do so. G,IA. Ibis ric GAH:ks Encls. 0_einance 41 and C •cc: District Counsel Inspection Department Nailed ors 0 r )ianager-Enginee actor List 17i531er::, Delivered 7() - ;5 gna re Mrs. ClAe E. Brown 29 Mariposa Court Dam ilk, California 94526 "d 797 .')Giri41-ftaiui 4:4 41 a#4. 1 r 5 S o ikjoad i.u. Lox 5:z6b wa-Lata CAeek, Cci. g4_,96 ftitx..: Ton# tit° De_uAt c,t 771Jt 7u,L,Ldo ad ha4 -1,Teen, iwe t.cir. two ,wa-it....6 44:Ace the I-Qwite,teiLizzd o <4.4.4,tt,--ined the. .:E/Lo 7e, daRtacpe. LauL edAyeit ,LAIne the aZea n tftt-L,6c. )4enta2 w alze takng a Lo e day the tu,L.4 4:0 le,eliThateri vacant., and othiet ataLe. Lt. iiat,o4-C-LLe, .40,2„ ahei.d and haue the too,t, one tatthoudt ow autho wouLd aupa t. u"14. rauch ou. tirow<Ld . ti-Laft ca4 e 4:4 on the. iLext 2-1 0 corz.di.ci_e/tca,Lort,,, 1 • , Z 1... g ' • 4 ,1 I I I •+, June 22, 1972 XEMORAYLUM FOR Lonorable Members of the Board of Directors VIA, G, A- iiorstkotte, J::. General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT S.;ecial Rebate Agreement TATS 35 So, 1. PROBLEM! Leadership Homes is developing Subdivision 4302 in Southeast Danville at the intersection of Tassajara and Sycamore Valley Roads, and w111 be required to extend a 30" and 27" offsite trunk sewer for Watershed 35 South about 1900 feet, The offsite:sewer cost will serve a very large upstream watershed and will exceed considerably the total of watershed, fixture and annexation charges for this 75 lot tract, 2, BACKGROUND,: Provision for financial assistance for rebate situations of this magnitude has been established under Ordinance 35 and Code Section 9-122 subject to management review and recommendation and Board approval, This installation clearly falls within the eligible limits of both, 3. ALTERNATES Under Board policy the alternate of refusal would apply only if a LID proceeding were to be used for financing. This is not the case in this development so the alternate would not apply, 4. RECOMDENDATION: The developer and the engineer of this subdivision have cooperated with District management in planning a facility to serve several thousand future sewer users, and it is our recommendation that the provisions of Section 9-122 et seq of the Code be applied and that the agreement therefore be approved for execution by the President and Secretary of the Board, Recommendation Approved Ct. Nsi kotkt G. A as rstkotte, Jr. genera] 'Manager -Chief Engineer Yours very truly W. C Dalton Administrative Engineer June 30, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: IHE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: G. A. Horstkottes Jr, General Manager-ChiefFagineer SUBJECT: Special Rebate Agreement WS 27W PROBLEM: Faieuder Homes Corporation is developing Stbdivision 4202 and 4148 in Yguaelo Valley and will be required to extend an offsite trunk sewer. for Watershed 27 West about 1000 feet, The offsite sewer will permit the District to tie together its trunk system In thearea and equalize :flows in the future. The Faliender subdivisionswill not actually use the trunk they are installing but this construction was a staff condition oftract approval, 2. BACKGROUND: Provision for financial assistance for rebate situations of this magnitude has been established under Ordinance 35 and Code Section 9-122 subject to management review and recommendatton and Board approval. This installation clearly falls within the eligible limits of both. 3. ALTERNATES: Under Board policy the alternate of refusal would apply only if a LID proceeding were to be used for tinancing. This is not the case in this development so the alternate would not apply. 4. RECOMMENDATION: The developer and the engineer of the subdivision have cooperated with District management in planning a facility to serve several thousand future sewer users, and it is our recommenda- tion that the provisions of 'Section 9-122 et seq. of the Code be applied and that the agreement therefore be approved for execution by the President and Secretary.of the Board. WCD:ms Recommendati,on approved •Yqurs very Luiy, W. C. Dalton, Administrative Engineer ,/"N A. Horstkotte, Jr, General Manager -Chief, ngineer June 20, 1972 MEMORANDUM TO: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr°, Genera: Lanag_rhief Enemeer Tan D. G. Niles 3u.::,reri::::,,ea6,ent of Plant Operations S-a:ECT: Martinez Pump Stations The Fairview and Maltby Pum Sta=ions presently do not have water piped into the Stations— In light of the problems with the punp seals and in maintainiag a clean station, it has becone apparent that domestic water should be piped into eaci Station. Faixview Pump Station presentiy has water piped to the inside of the Pump Station property. The Puml Station crew can pipe thewater into the Station and book the seals up. Maltby Purr'? Station'S closest water supply is approximately 1/2 ale from the Pump Station. I requested Jim Buxton., Senior Pump Station Operator, tc look into the feasibility of providing water service to Naltby. I have attached his report to this memo. 1 would request that office engineerfng follow up on -Lie required right of ways and cost of providing this water to Maltby. jL / _ . Niles S.Lneri7.=arde7t of Plant Operations Da:kr June 21, 1972 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Members of the District Board VIA: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr., General Manager -Chief Engineer SUBJECT: Personnel, 1972-1973 After discussions with the Personnel Committee concerning the District salary program for the 1972-1973 Budget, we propose to submit the data in the following three stages as the pertinent information becomes available and is assembled. As usual there is a relatively short tine for the Committee and Members of the Board to review the data, discuss it and make the necessary decisions by the preferred target date of July 20th. 1. Additional Departmental Personnel request for the 1972--1973 Budget. (This information is being furnished the Personnel Committee at this time so that meetings with the Department heads can be arranged at early dates) . 2. Personnel promotions and adjustments recommended to be effective July 1, 1972. (We will try to have these recommendations ready for the Department Head meetings.) 3. Review of salary trends with an appropriate general adjustment, if warranted. (Work on this item is under way but is still somewhat- dependent o newhat-dependent on other agency decisions) . This procedure was used in the District Salary Survey prepared by the State Personnel Board in 1971..Compartive agencies are expected to grant salary increases for the 1972-1973 Fiscal Year in the near future and we will be able to include such information by delaying item 3 until salary trends for next year develop and become more evident. Recommendation Approved: G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager -Chief Engineer Yours very truly, W. C. Dalton Administrative Engineer