HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. General Manager AnnouncementsItem 8.a. C entral C ontra C osta S anitary D istrict A ugust 17, 2017 T O : HO NO R A B L E B O A R D O F D I R E C TO R S F RO M :R O G E R S . B A I L E Y - G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: A NNO UNC E ME NT S - A UG US T 17, 2017 P UBL IC OU T R E ACH 1) B illboar d F eatur ing C ustomer Awar eness C ampaign for HHW F acility to be P laced in M ar tinez in S eptember I n coordination with Mt. View S anitary D istric t, C entral S an will be placing a billboard in Martinez f rom S eptember 5-30, 2017. T he billboard will f eature a customer awarenes s c ampaign f or the Household Hazardous W as te C ollection F acility (HHW ). T he goal is to continue to s upport pollution prevention messages by inc reasing both f irst-time cus tomer use and returning customer use of HHW. I n addition, the billboard f eatures C entral S an’s S enior HHW Technician Matthew T homas, helping to continue to personalize the D istrict with its customers. RIS K M AN A GE M E NT 2) C entr al S an Renews Insur ance C over age for F iscal Year 2017-18 C entral S an's ins urance coverage expired on J une 30. 2017. O n J une 1, 2017 the B oard authorized the G eneral Manager to renew the E xcess G eneral L iability insurance f or a premium not to exceed $390,000 and renew the P roperty insurance f or a premium not to exceed $150,000. T he renewal premium f or E xcess G eneral L iability was $341,889 and the renewal premium f or P roperty insurance was $119,370. T he Workers ' C ompensation insurance was renewed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between C entral S an and the C alif ornia S anitation R isk Management A uthority f or a premium of $411,607. A ll other insurance c overage was renewed f or premium amounts within staf f authority. E M P L OY E E S TO P RE S E NT AT U P C OM ING CONF E REN C E 3) E mployees to P r esent at A ugust 22-24, 2017 California Association of S anitation Age ncie s (C A S A) Confe re nce C A S A has invited C entral S an staf f to pres ent on two panels at their annual conf erence. C entral S an's D irector of E ngineering J ean-Marc P etit will discuss B est O perations and Management P ractices. C ommunication S ervices and I ntergovernmental R elations Manager E mily B arnett will be presenting on best practices related to the development of s uccessf ul P roposition 218 notices f or customers. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 90 of 102 Page 1 of 3 E N E R GY CONS UM P T ION 4) S econd Q uar ter Update on C entr al S an's E ner gy C onsumption C entral S an ac tively manages greenhouse gas (G HG ) emissions in the mos t cost-ef f ective and environmentally responsible manner and optimizes use of energy at its f ac ilities. T he C omprehensive Wastewater Mas ter P lan (C W MP ) currently underway is exploring new energy technologies, including alternative sourc es of energy (e.g., solar; wind; biogas; f ats, oils and greas e (F O G ); green wastes) to f urther optimize the D istrict’s energy utilization and strive towards energy neutrality. C entral S an's energy usage report f or J une 2017 appears on the attached c hart. AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. J une 2017 E nergy Usage August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 91 of 102 Page 2 of 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Mar‐17 Apr‐17 May ‐17 Jun‐17Thousand MMBTUNatural Gas Landfill Gas 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Mar‐17 Apr‐17 May ‐17 Jun‐17Thousand kWhCogen Standby Power PG&E 11,420 5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 23.65 19.89 12.97 14.32 6.35  19.67 22.67  25.98 26.36  14.87  25.29 21.84 26.13 19.35  10.96  18.76 19.06 21.97 19.57 9.98 4.94 4.92 1.73 4.72 3.71 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017Millon kWhYear Aux Boilers WHB Steam Cogen Steam Cogen Electrical Standby Power PG&E 428.8 418.0 418.2 399.8  199.7  104.9 79.6 96.6 90.2  46.2  0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017Thousands of MMBTUYear Natural  Gas Landfill Gas 18.76 19.06 21.97 19.57 9.98 4.94 4.92 1.73 4.72 3.71 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017Millon kWhYear Cogen Standby Power PG&E $348,736 $349,707 $312,572 $339,093 $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 Mar‐17 Apr‐17 May ‐17 Jun‐17 POD Natural Gas Natural Gas Delivery POD Landfill Gas Other Energy Charges POD Demand Charge POD Reserv. & Serv. Charges CSO  Electricity,  $34, 4% CSO Gas,  $453, 57% CSO  Vehicle Bay  Gas, $10,  1% CSO  Vehicle Bay   Electricity,  $302, 38% Moraga,  $9,839, 24% Orinda  Crossroads,  $6,216, 15% Lower Orinda,  $4,740, 11%Martinez,  $3,021, 7% Maltby,  $1,793, 4% Fairview,  $1,770, 4% Concord  Industrial,  $1,223, 3% 12 Other Pump  Stations,  $1,901, 5% San Ramon,  $11,383, 27% POD Reserv. &  Serv. Charges $21,667 7% POD Demand  Charge $52,295 18% POD Electricity   Import$39,184 13% POD Landfill  Gas $28,939 10% POD Natural Gas   Transmission $37,301 12% POD Natural Gas $114,464 39% Misc  (Gas and  Electricity) $2,520 1% HHWCF (Gas and  Electricity)$380% CCCSD June 2017 Energy Usage Treatment Plant Campus Pump Stations CSO Facility 87% of Total $ 12% of Total $0.2% of Total $ TP Energy by Source in kWh  EquivalenceTP Electricity by Source in kWh TP MMBTU of Gas Consumed Monthly Total Energy Cost:$339,093 $308.50 /MG Treated Operating Cost of CCCSD By Month  TP Electricity by Source in kWh TP MMBTU of Gas Consumed 2,080 kWh/MG Treated MT CO2e Anthropogenic GHG  Emissions Renewable Energy  Profile $0.1240 /kWhThis month CCCSD produced and purchased electricity at an average rate of $0.1741 /kWhCompared to (including maintenance) if exclusively from PG&E $0.0079 /lb steamCCCSD produces steam  at an average rate of Natural gas was  purchased at a rate of $4.60 /MMBTU Generation breaks‐even with PG&E at $8.38 /MMBTU August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 92 of 102 Page 3 of 3