HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Consider adopting new BP 029 - Debt Management and Continuing DisclosureIte m 6. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT IO N PA PER M E E T I NG D AT E :A UG US T 17, 2017 S UB J E C T: C O NS I D E R A D O P T I NG NE W B O A R D P O L I C Y NO . B P 029 - DE B T MA N A GE ME NT A ND CONT I N U I N G DI S CL OS URE. A P P R O VA L R E C O MME ND E D B Y A D MI NI S T R AT I O N C O MMI T T E E . S UB M I T T E D B Y: P HI L I P L E I B E R , D I R E C TO R O F F I NA NC E A ND A D MI NI S T R AT I O N I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: A D MI NI S T R AT I O N-F I NA NC E RE V I E WE D B Y:T HE A VA S S A L L O , F I NA NC E MA NA G E R A NN S A S A K I , D E P UT Y G E NE R A L MA NA G E R R oger S . B ailey G eneral Manager I S S UE C entral S an does not currently have a debt policy. W ith a capital spending program that is projected to increase signif ic antly f rom the current level, and a f inancial plan that contemplates the use of debt in the coming decade, the adoption of a debt polic y that addresses the permis s ible uses, types, and parameters of debt is advis ed. B AC K G RO UND D uring 2016, the B oard directed the G eneral Manager to develop a debt policy, and the adoption of a debt policy was inc luded as a F iscal Year (F Y) 2016-17 goal in the current two-year S trategic P lan. A dditionally, C alif ornia S enate B ill No. 1029, approved by the G overnor S eptember 12, 2016, requires that any iss uer of state or loc al government debt shall submit a report on the issuance of any debt to the C alif ornia D ebt and I nvestment A dvisory C ommission (C D I A C ), shall provide certain ongoing reporting related to suc h debt, and shall have adopted a debt policy c oncerning any debt issuance. T he table below ref erences where the f ive elements required by S B 1029 are addressed in the draf t policy. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 31 of 102 Page 1 of 22 S B 1029 Requir ement L ocation in C entr al S an P olicy 1. T he purpos es f or which the debt proceeds may be used. V I I . S TA ND A R D S F O R US E O F D E B T F I NA NC I NG A . Use and Timing of D ebt V I I I . F I NA NC I NG C R I T E R I A 2. T he types of debt that may be issued.X . T YP E S O F D E B T 3. T he relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the issuer ’s capital improvement program or budget, if applicable. I V. I NT E G R AT I O N W I T H O T HE R F I NA NC I A L P O L I C I E S A ND D O C UME NT S 4. P olicy goals related to the issuer ’s planning goals and objectives. I I . P O L I C Y O B J E C T I V E S V I I . S TA ND A R D S F O R US E O F D E B T F I NA NC I NG A . Use and Timing of D ebt 5. T he internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented, or will implement, to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use. I I I . S C O P E O F D E L E G AT I O N A ND A UT HO R I T Y I V. R O L E S A ND R E S P O NS I B I L I T I E S V. E T HI C S A ND C O NF L I C T S O F I NT E R E S T V I I . S TA ND A R D S F O R US E O F D E B T F I NA NC I NG A . O ngoing D ebt A dministration and I nternal C ontrols X I V. MA R K E T R E L AT I O NS HI P S A . C ontinuing D is c losure C entral S an s taf f draf ted the attached debt policy using the f ollowing proc es s: 1. O btained s everal debt policies f rom other agencies and localities that f inancial advisor P F M had assisted in developing which met the requirements of S B 1029; 2. R eviewed and integrated provisions of the various policies to arrive at a comprehensive draf t; 3. A ddres s ed specif ic matters of interes t and concern to C entral S an and obtained f eedback f rom C entral S an staf f ; 4. S plit the draf t into a policy level document containing higher-level polic y related guidance and a more detailed procedures-level document that provides more guidance on s pecif ic issues; 5. O btained f eedback on the draf t f rom P F M and another f inancial advis or, S perry C apital; 6. O btained initial f eedback f rom the A dministration C ommittee on J une 6, 2017, (including specif ying which provisions were required by regulation/statute) and made edits accordingly; 7. O btained additional f eedback f rom the A dministration C ommittee on J une 20, 2017, regarding inclusion of the f ollowing in the draf t polic y. S pecified a debt service coverage target of 2.0x; August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 32 of 102 Page 2 of 22 S pecified a limit of 60% debt for funding the capital program over a ten-year period; and S pecified that the weighted average maturity of bonds should not exceed 100% of the weighted average useful life of the capital assets being financed. 8. O btained additional f eedback f rom the A dministration C ommittee on J uly 11, 2017, where the additions f rom J une 20 were discuss ed and a request was made f or analysis on the impact of additional potential debt limits f or non-pipeline capital projects. 9. O btained additional f eedback f rom the A dministration C ommittee on A ugust 1, 2017. D iscussion was held regarding the impacts of 60% and 80% debt f unding limits f or non-pipeline projects. A 60% f unding limit would have an additional rate impact of between 1.3 to 1.6% per year. A n 80% limit would not appear to have a rate impact, but could be a constraint and af f ect considerations regarding wholesale customer bills. T he A dministration C ommittee elected not to f urther specif y either of these constraints in the draf t policy, and approved moving the draf t policy f orward f or B oard consideration. T he policy als o addresses matters of required disclosures related to debt and appoints the D irector of F inance and A dministration as respons ible f or these disclosures. T his includes required disclosures at the time of is s uance, and continuing dis c losures to the C alif ornia D ebt and I nvestment A dvisory C ommiss ion (C D I A C ), and under the Municipal S ecurities R ulemaking B oard. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT I O NS A lternatives related to a debt policy include: 1. L evel of detail contained in the document, f rom high-level policy to s pecif ic detailed provisions. Various agencies have debt policies that cover this range. 2. T he overall risk stance taken with res pec t to the use and types of debt, f rom conservative to more aggress ive. 3. T he extent to which the document pros c ribes ongoing B oard reporting, transparency, and internal controls related to debt. W ith respect to these considerations, the c urrent proposed debt policy: 1. P rovides a moderate level of specif ic ity, with additional detail contained in a G eneral Manager maintained administrative procedure. T his administrative procedure was provided to the A dminis tration C ommittee f or review and context. 2. I s cons ervative in that it: C ontemplates targeting the highest possible credit ratings consistent with Central San’s debt management objectives; S pecifies a 2.0x debt service coverage target (which is consistent with the Moody’s rating criteria for a Aaa rating); S pecifies that the amount of debt to be issued in a specified ten-year period will be limited (not more than 60% overall), and that rate/tax revenues will need to fund at least the amount spent on pipeline replacement program over a ten-year period. S pecifies that the weighted average maturity of bonds should not exceed 100% of the weighted average useful life of the capital assets being financed, and; 3. S pecif ies B oard approval of each debt transaction, provides transparency regarding the contemplated use of debt in the f inanc ial plan, ongoing reporting regarding debt, and the August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 33 of 102 Page 3 of 22 maintenanc e of internal controls regarding debt administration. F I NANC I AL I M PAC T S T he adoption of a debt policy does not have an immediate f inancial impac t, but the content of the polic y governs any s ubsequent debt issuance. T he issuance of debt would have f inancial impacts related to: the need to pay principal and interest and to collect f unding f or suc h f rom the S ewer S ervice C harge and wholes ale customers; providing f or a debt service coverage f ac tor (specif ied as 2.0x). A debt policy would provide guidance on matters such as the type of debt that can be issued, the allowable term, allowable purposes f or use of debt proceeds, and other administrative matters related to the debt. I mportantly, the policy as draf ted would not require C entral S an to deviate f rom the rate path presented to the B oard in c onnection with the F Y 2017-18 and F Y 2018-19 rate approval. T he B oard may of cours e take other f uture actions that have an ef f ec t on the rates presented in that f inancial plan. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT I O N A t its A ugust 1, 2017 meeting, the A dminis tration C ommittee recommended B oard approval of the draf t policy. RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N A dopt new B oard P olicy No. B P 029 - Debt Management and Conti nui ng Di scl osure. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L T H R E E : B e a F iscally S ound and E ffective Water S ector U tility Strategy 1 - Conduct Long-Range Financial Planning G O A L F I V E : M aintain a R eliable I nfr astr uctur e Strategy 2 - Facilitate Long-term Capital Renewal and Replacement AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. P roposed B P 029 - D ebt Management and C ontinuing D isclosure 2. D ebt Management and C ontinuing D isc los ure P resentation August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 34 of 102 Page 4 of 22 Number: BP 029 Related Admin. Procedure AP 029 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: August 17, 2017 Revised: Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration/Finance BOARD POLICY DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE I. PURPOSE The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends1 as a best management practice that state and local governments adopt comprehensive written debt management policies to improve the quality of decisions, articulate policy goals, provide guidelines for the structure of debt issuance, and demonstrate a commitment to long-term capital financial planning. Additionally, California SB 1029 requires public agency issuers of debt to adopt comprehensive written debt management policies pursuant to the GFOA recommendation, and to provide reports on any issuance prior to and after the debt sale, and on an ongoing basis, to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC).2 The purpose of this Debt Management and Continuing Disclosure Policy (Debt Policy) is to organize and formalize debt issuance and management related policies and procedures for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District). This Debt Policy is applicable to both the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Facilities Financing Authority. This Debt Policy is intended to comply with Government Code Section 8855(i). General Manager maintained procedures amplify and provide additional guidance to staff related to the Debt Policy. The debt policies and procedures of the District are subject to and limited by applicable provisions of State and Federal law.  1 In their publication “Best Practice Debt Management Policy” 2 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1029 August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 35 of 102 Page 5 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 2 of 9 II. POLICY OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the District’s debt and f inancing related activities are the following: • Maintain cost-effective access to the capital markets through prudent fiscal management policies and practices; • Specify parameters related to the prudent use of debt in the context of The District’s rates and financial planning; o Ensure debt proceeds are expenditures for permissible uses as defined in this policy, and in accordance with bond covenants and other applicable requirements; • Minimize debt service commitments through effective planning and cash management; • Ensure the District is compliant with all applicable federal and state securities laws; • Protect the District’s creditworthiness and achieve the highest practical credit ratings; and • Maintain the District’s sound financial position. III. SCOPE AND DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY This Debt Policy will govern the issuance and management of all debt funded through the capital markets, including the selection and management of related financial and advisory services and products, and the investment of bond proceeds. Overall policy direction of this Debt Policy will be provided by the District’s Board of Directors (Board). Responsibility for implementation of the Debt Policy and day-to-day responsibility for structuring, implementing, and m anaging the District’s debt and finance program will lie with the General Manager or their designee (Director of Finance and Administration). The Board’s adoption of the District’s Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), or review of the financial plan, does not, in and of itself, constitute authorization for debt issuance for any capital projects. This Debt Policy requires that the Board specifically authorize each debt financing. While adherence to this Debt Policy is required in applicable circumstances, the Board recognizes that changes in the capital markets, District programs, and other unforeseen circumstances may from time to time produce situations that are not covered by the Debt Policy and will require modifications or exceptions to achieve policy goals. In these cases, management flexibility is appropriate, provided specific authorization from the Board is obtained. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 36 of 102 Page 6 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 3 of 9 IV. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • General Manager and/or Deputy General Manager – Provides oversight of debt program and recommendations on debt to the Board. • Director of Finance and Administration – Has primary responsibility for debt issuance recommendations, financing transaction execution, oversight of bond proceeds expenditures, and ongoing debt management. • Board of Directors – Sets debt policy and approves individual transactions. V. ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Staff and Board involved in the debt management program will not engage in any personal business activities that could conflict with proper and lawful execution of securing capital financing and are to comply with the District’s Conflict of Interest Code. VI. INTEGRATION WITH OTHER FINANCIAL POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS The District is committed to long-term capital and financial planning, maintaining appropriate reserve levels and employing prudent practices in governance, management and budget administration. Policies related to these topics are adopted separately but affect this Debt Policy in the context of the overall long-term financial plan. The Board shall be presented with the results of the long-term financial plan in contemplation of any proposed rate adjustment where the capital budget, financial policies, proposed debt issuances and resulting debt service are presented as elements contributing to the calculation of overall projected customer rates. VII. STANDARDS FOR USE OF DEBT FINANCING In financial planning, the District will evaluate the use of various alternatives including current year funding of capital projects through rates, various forms of debt financing, use of reserves, and inter-fund borrowing. The District will utilize the most advantageous financing alternative balancing the goals of long-term cost minimization, risk exposure, and compliance with generally accepted ratemaking principles. The District’s debt management program will consider debt issuance where public policy, equity, general ratemaking principles, economic efficiency and compliance with long- term financial planning parameters favor financing over cash funding. A. Use and Timing of Debt The District shall integrate its debt issuances with the goals of its Capital Improvement Program by timing the issuance of debt to ensure that projects are available when needed in furtherance of the District’s public purposes and are August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 37 of 102 Page 7 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 4 of 9 consistent with the rate and financial planning parameters specified in the District’s long-term financial plans. The Board shall be presented with a long-term financial plan in each instance Sewer Service Charge rates are to be adjusted. 1. The long-term financial plans will specify an expected debt issuance amount over a decade or more long-term planning horizon. a. The District shall target rate or tax revenue funding of, at a minimum, the value of the collection system replacement program component of the CIP. b. Not more than 60% of the overall CIP shall be financed with debt. 2. All projects in the CIP are eligible to use debt financing, so long as the minimum rate or tax revenues are generated as described in A.1 of this section. This policy does not contemplate the use of debt financing to fund ongoing operating & maintenance expenditures; exceptions beyond a de-minimis amount would require approval of the Board. With respect to debt repayment and amortization, the debt repayment period should be structured so that the weighted average maturity of the debt does not exceed 100% of the expected average useful life of the project being financed. B. Credit Quality All District debt management activities for new debt issuances will be conducted in a manner conducive to receiving the highest credit ratings possible consistent with the District’s debt management objectives. As debt service coverage is a key ratings consideration, the District shall target a debt service coverage level of at least 2.0x or greater for financial planning and ratemaking purposes. C. Ongoing Debt Administration and Internal Controls The District will maintain all debt-related records according to the District’s Retention Policy. The District will maintain internal controls to ensure compliance with the Debt Policy (including use of bond proceeds for purposes specified in the applicable Bond Official Statements and in compliance with this debt policy), all debt covenants and any applicable requirements of Federal and State law, including but not limited to the following: initial bond disclosure, continuing disclosure, tax-exemption, post-issuance compliance, investment of bond proceeds (including, for example, any continuing disclosure obligations under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 15c2-12, and tax covenants, and related federal tax compliance requirements such as arbitrage restrictions and rebate requirements), and annual transparency reporting to CDIAC. These internal controls are further specified in the related Debt Management and Continuing Disclosure (AP 029). August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 38 of 102 Page 8 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 5 of 9 D. Rebate Policy and System The District will develop a system of reporting interest earnings that relates to and complies with Internal Revenue Code requirements relating to rebate, yield limits and arbitrage. The District will accurately account for all interest earnings in debt-related funds to ensure that the District is compliant with all debt covenants and with state and federal laws. The District will invest funds in accordance with the investment parameters set forth in each respective bond indenture, and as permitted by the District’s Statement of Investment Policy (BP 005). VIII. FINANCING CRITERIA When District staff determines the use of debt is appropriate, staff shall provide a report to the Board that describes the intended use of the financing proceeds (funding for new projects or to refund existing bonds), and recommends a specific debt type to include duration, type, interest rate characteristics, call features, credit enhancement or financial derivatives to be used in the transaction. For refunding transactions, a comprehensive report on the debt to be redeemed, the replacement debt, and the benefits of the transaction shall be provided. IX. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF DEBT The District will establish all terms and conditions relating to the issuance of debt, and will control, manage, and invest all debt proceeds. The District will specify to the Board proposed debt terms, coupon structure, debt service structure, redemption features, any use of capitalized interest, and lien structure. X. TYPES OF DEBT The following types of debt are allowable under this Debt Policy, subject to applicable law, and the District’s statutory authority to issue debt: • General obligation bonds • Commercial paper • Bond or grant anticipation notes • Lease revenue bonds, certificates of participation and lease-purchase transactions • Other revenue bonds, including private placement obligations • Tax and revenue anticipation notes • Land-secured financings, such as special tax revenue bonds issued under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, and limited obligation bonds issued under applicable assessment statutes • Refunding Obligations • State Revolving Fund Loans August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 39 of 102 Page 9 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 6 of 9 • Lines of Credit • Letters of Credit • The Board may from time to time find that other forms of debt would be beneficial to further its public purposes and may approve such debt without an amendment of this Debt Policy. XI. CREDIT ENHANCEMENTS The District may consider the use of credit enhancement on a case-by-case basis, evaluating the economic benefit versus cost for each case. Only when a clearly demonstrable savings or other measurable advantages can be shown will enhancement be considered. XII. REFINANCING OUTSTANDING DEBT The District will periodically evaluate outstanding bond issues for refunding opportunities and will bring to the attention of the Board those opportunities that are in the District’s interest. Reports to the Board on potential refunding shall describe anticipated savings and the structure of refunding and refunded debt. XIII. METHODS OF ISSUANCE District bonds may be sold on a competitive or negotiated basis (including private placement). A recommendation regarding the proposed use of either method shall be prepared by staff and provided to the Board prior to or concurrent with the proposed issuance. XIV. MARKET RELATIONSHIPS A. Rating Agencies and Investors The General Manager and designees (Deputy General Manager and Director of Finance and Administration) will be responsible for maintaining the District’s relationships with rating agencies, which will typically include two or more of the nationally recognized statistical rating agencies. B. Board Communication The General Manager will make available to the Board any ratings report or other relevant feedback provided from rating agencies and/or investors regarding the District’s financial strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for addressing any weaknesses. C. Continuing Disclosure The District will remain in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 addressing continuing disclosure obligations. The District will also comply with state August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 40 of 102 Page 10 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 7 of 9 reporting requirements specified in SB 1029, which require initial and ongoing debt reporting requirements for California public agencies. D. Rebate Reporting The use and investment of bond proceeds shall be monitored to ensure compliance with arbitrage restrictions. E. Other Jurisdictions From time to time, the District may issue bonds to fund projects that provide a benefit to other public entities, (e.g. City of Concord). The District will conduct such analyses as deemed necessary to assure adequate cost recovery for such funding and to mitigate risks to the District. The District may participate in a joint powers authority with one or more other eligible entities pursuant to Section 6500 of the California Government Code if deemed advantageous and appropriate and approved by the Board. XV. CONSULTANTS A. Selection of Financing Team Members The General Manager or designee will make recommendations for all financing team members, with the Board providing final approval. Financing team members may include a financial advisor, bond counsel, disclosure counsel (which may be the same firm as bond counsel), and underwriter. Selection of those financing team members shall be in accordance with Professional Service and Consultant provisions of the District’s procurement policies, and consistent with Chapter 2.36 “Purchasing and Materials Policy” of the District Code. In the event of a competitive bond sale, the District’s debt will be offered to the underwriter providing the most cost advantageous proposal to the District. B. Financial Advisor The District may utilize a financial advisor to assist in its debt issuance and debt administration processes as is deemed prudent and necessary by management and in compliance with Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) regulations. C. Bond Counsel District debt will include a written opinion by legal counsel affirming that the District is authorized to issue the proposed debt and that the District has met all constitutional and statutory requirements necessary for issuance and a determination of the proposed debt’s federal income tax status. The approving opinion and other documents relating to the issuance of debt will be prepared by counsel with extensive experience in public finance and tax issues. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 41 of 102 Page 11 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 8 of 9 D. Disclosure Counsel The District may utilize a separate firm to serve as disclosure counsel as it deems necessary. If cost effective, bond counsel may also serve as disclosure counsel. E. Underwriter The District will have the right to select a senior manager for a proposed negotiated sale, as well as co-managers and selling group members, as appropriate. F. Conflict of Interest Disclosure by Financing Team Members All financing team members will be required to provide full and complete disclosure, relative to agreements with other financing team members and outside parties. The extent of disclosure may vary depending on the nature of the transaction. However, in general terms, no agreements will be permitted which could compromise the firm’s ability to provide independent advice that is solely in the District’s interests (to the extent the firm’s role involves a duty to do so) or which could reasonably be perceived as a conflict of interest. XVI. INITIAL AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE A. Disclosure Coordinator and Overall Requirements for Initial and Continuing Disclosure The Director of Finance and Administration (or as designated, the Finance Manager) for the District shall be the disclosure coordinator of the District (Disclosure Coordinator). The Disclosure Coordinator shall perform the following functions: • Ensure that any Official Statement meets appropriate standards and is approved by the Board as required. • Ensure that initial and continuing disclosure obligations undertaken by the District related to each debt issuance are met, including State of California requirements, and MSRB requirements that the District commits to undertake in the Continuing Disclosure Certificate or Agreement over the life of the bonds to investors. o Initial Disclosure requirements include preparation of the Bond Official statement and reports on the issuance to the CDIAC. o Ongoing disclosure requirements include annual reports with the MSRB Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) system and the CDIAC. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 42 of 102 Page 12 of 22 Number: BP 029 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE Page 9 of 9 XVII. EXCEPTIONS In the event there are any deviations or exceptions from the Debt Policy when a certain bond issue is structured, those exceptions will be discussed in the staff reports when the bond issue is agendized for Board consideration. XVIII. POLICY CONSIDERATION This policy shall be reviewed on a bi-annual basis. Any changes must be approved by the Board after review by the Administration Committee, as well as the individual(s) charged with maintaining internal controls. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 43 of 102 Page 13 of 22 DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE POLICY PHIL LEIBER, DIR. FIN & ADMIN. AUGUST 17, 2017 August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 44 of 102 Page 14 of 22 HISTORY •Debt Management policy called for in FY2016-18 Strategic Plan •SB1029 requires CA localities to adopt debt management policy, and requires reporting to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) •Draft policy discussed with Admin Committee June-August 2017, recommended for Board approval on 8/1 August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 45 of 102 Page 15 of 22 PURPOSE •Organize and formalize debt issuance and management related policies •Applies to Central San and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Facilities Financing Authority •Comply with Government Code Section 8855(i). •Separate procedures document amplifies and provides additional guidance to staff related to the Debt Policy. August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 46 of 102 Page 16 of 22 CONTENT III. Scope •All debt issuances IV. Responsibilities •Board-Set policy, approve issuances •GM-Oversight/Recommendations •Director of Finance & Admin: recommendations, execute transactions, ongoing compliance V. Ethics •Not engage in activities that conflict with execution of transactions, comply with Conflict of Interest Code VI. Integration with Financial Plan •Board is presented with financial plan upon any rate adjustment August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 47 of 102 Page 17 of 22 CONTENT VII. Standards for Use of Debt •A. Use and Timing of Debt 1. Financial plan to specify expected debt issuance over 10 or more years. •Target rate or tax revenue funding of at least the value of the collection system replacement program. •Not more than 60% of the overall CIP shall be financed with debt. 2. All projects in the CIP eligible to use debt financing, so long as the minimum rate or tax revenues are generated as described above. •Repayment period: weighted average maturity of the debt < 100% of the expected average useful life of financed project. •B. Credit Quality: •Target highest ratings possible; also specifies 2.0x Debt Service Coverage •C. Debt Administration and Internal Controls •Maintain records & internal controls to ensure compliance with Federal, State laws. •D. Compliance with Arbitrage Rebate requirements August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 48 of 102 Page 18 of 22 CONTENT VIII.-X Financing Criteria, Terms & Types of Debt •Will provide full details of proposed transaction XI. Credit Enhancement •Evaluated on case by case basis XII. Refinancing Opportunities •Brought to Board as available XIII. Methods of Issuance •Competitive or Negotiated August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 49 of 102 Page 19 of 22 CONTENT XIV. Market Relationships •GM and designees will communicate with rating agencies and provide materials to Board. •Will comply with continuing disclosure requirements and rebate requirements. •Debt may be issued on behalf of other agencies with risk assessment and cost recovery XV. Financing Team Members •GM selects, Board approves •Addresses financial advisor, bond counsel/disclosure counsel, underwriter August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 50 of 102 Page 20 of 22 CONTENT XVI. Disclosure Compliance •Director of Finance & Administration responsible for official statement, and ongoing disclosure obligations committed to in the bond indenture, required by State of California XV. Exceptions •Board approval required August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 51 of 102 Page 21 of 22 RECOMMENDATION •Approve BP 029 “DEBT MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUING DISCLOSURE” August 17, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 52 of 102 Page 22 of 22